1. Animation for Beginners : Learn to create third in Adobe After Effects: Welcome to this course. And this course we are going to learn about reading a lowered third inside of Adobe After Effects. After Effects can be weighing complicated software, but we'll break it down into sections. And in this section, we will just understand After Effects little by little. So my name is Sean, I'm going to add an M self.age, freelance motion graphic designer, doing it for more than six years now. I have had worked with many exciting projects and with many exciting clients. Now, it's my chance to help me out with creating this lower third animation inside of After Effects. So in the first step when we creating is, we'll be learning about the basics of Adobe After Effects. And the next thing, you and I, we've been designing this lower third, which is a graphical thing. And then the third thing we'll do is animating graphical train from left to right so that it gets revealed and pairing it out. And then lastly, we will do is this render this project. I'm very confident that after taking this project, you'll be able to create a lower third of your own name from scratch. I can't wait to see you enrolled in situs course. Thanks for watching.
2. Understanding Workspace: So okay, Welcome to this lesson. So when you open or when you launch Adobe After Effects, but just when it comes to your live with this green, sometimes you don't see the screen, but this screen shows you the your recent files which you have done. So for now, we will just simply close this. Ok. And now we can see Adobe After Effects. So here are the tools and here are the panels, which is the project effects control panel composition. This is the footage and layer. And all these are called panels. You can adjust the panels. You're going to just work area by just moving your cursor here in-between any panel. And from here you can click and hold. Click and hold down. Depending on your choice. What I like to do is I go to Windows and then I go, go to Workspace. And from here, I like to click on standard. So this changes the workspace a little bit. My likings. And sometimes it takes a while to load effects, but they will be ready for you. Now what we can do here is we can see that there are tools and panels. And now we are ready to go for the next lesson.
3. Creating Composition: So okay, when I first open After Effects, I was so confused with all the tools and on the payments. But luckily, we don't have US do use all the tools or the panels in a single project. So let's start by learning a few. So I'll just go here and click this tool. And when I just place my mouse on that, you can see it shows the two and the shortcut key, which is three. So okay. And anything in After Effects happens with a composition. So let's create a compulsion. So you can just go to File, click here runs, and just move your cursor on the new and just click on the new project. So this creates a new project. And now let's create a new composition in the project. And position. You can position. And this box appears on the screen. What does this box pascals is composition name. What do you have to name the composition? I would like mine. First, lower, third. Okay. And then when you click on the basics, that will just show you the presets. So I'll choose a different preset and let's see what happens. So it changes the width and the height. But for this course, we'll be clicking here and choosing HDTV 1.9708029. So what is this? This is the weight, which means from here to here, the weight off your video. And height. From here to here. What is the height of your video? Okay? And this is a frame rate. And let's not make it so complicated. And let's leave the resolution to full. Let's leave the time put to 0. And this is important, which is duration. So the first one is ours. And this is minutes, and this is second, and this is milliseconds. So right now it's set to four. So I can set to five. I repeat, this is hours. How many hours of decomposition of video? You want to me, this is minutes, amendments of video, and this is seconds. How many seconds? And finally it's milliseconds. And then it asks us what is the background color? So we can just leave it to default as of now and hit. Okay. So here we created a new composition.
4. How tools work: So all right, after we created our new combinations or composition will be listed on the left-hand side, which is here in the Project panel. So all you need to do to see your composition is just click here and you will see your first competition. So competition is generally a video. Whatever video we will create as NDA composition. From here, you can adjust the brightness of decomposition, how much of it should fit within this panel. If I choose 33, it will just be shorter. If I increase to 50, it will be longer. And if I just kinda of like just let it to fit up to 100 and it will add just searched according to the way it want it to adjust. And now from here, we are ready to go. So what we will do here is we will learn what tools to use. So as we know, this is a selection tool. Let's understand like what does a selection to do? So selection tool can be used to select anything in the project. So if I create a lot of things and I have to just use a simple one or two things. It will just be able to create using a selection tool. Okay, so now let's understand some other tools. This is a hand tool. You can just click here. And from here you can just move your screen. And let's not dive into this too. Let's leave this to be IV. And this tool is important. This is a rectangular tool. So when you just click and hold the click, you'll see a lot of tools. For this project. We will just be using my rectangular tool. So just click on the rectangle tool. So when he just click it, you'll see the fill and the stroke. These are the two things. So what a fillets. Let's understand it by creating a rectangle on the screen. So as to create a rectangle, I'll just move here on this and make sure it is selected. And from here, I'll just move my cursor and click and hold and drag. And now I release my blank. Okay? So this creates a very good Well rectangle. The color inside the boundaries of the rectangle. But here is the stroke. So what does a stroke due? So I'll just go here and click here and type the value 25. Okay? We see something new happening. We see a boundary outside the rectangle. So a boundary outside the rectangle, the stroke. Let's move on to the next lesson.
5. Timeline: Okay, Now understand the timeline. So let's click here and let's draw the rectangle again. This time. From here. I'll just click and hold and from here I'll drag. So I create this rectangle. Okay? So as a create this rectangle, you'll notice that something appears here, which is the shape layer number one. What is this? This is actually a rectangle. Rectangle is nothing but a shape layer. And here is something also created. This is called a timeline. So what is the timeline into indicate the time, which is of your video. Okay. So as we said, the time to five seconds, this is for the 5 second mark. Here is the work area. This is the starting of the work area, and this is the ending of the working. Okay? So in this time, it just shows that what time it is. If I move it to 1 second, we will see what time it at 1 second. If we move to two seconds and it shows a waters in two seconds, look what I had to now. I will just move it here. Okay. So let's check. When I just go to the 0 mark, the rectangle is visible. When I just move ahead. 1 second, it's visible. When I moved to do, it disappears because this is the land of thought. There. It will only be visible or two seconds mark. If I were to increase this. So just go here. And from here to here, the video will be visible. And from here, this rectangle in the video will be gone. So this is timeline.
6. Learn to Create with Tools: Okay, Now we will design the lower third. So as to design, I just wanted to have some dikes which will guide me where I have to drop. So I'll just click here. And from here I'll just click on the title action. So I'll just click here once and you'll see the imaginary lines. These guides appear, which is called Title Action Safe. And this is the center of the screen. This is the left and the sister, right? And these are the lines which will help me draw the lowest term. So I'll just click here the style folded and select the rectangle tool. And from here, I like this line. So from here, I'll draw a low, I'll just click hold and draw from left to right, bottom. And this looks good. I'll just leave it. We understand how we can just create a simple strip which is in the lower term.
7. Designing the text: The next thing what I need to do is create a name on it. So I'll do is, I'll from here choose this is clicker ones. And you will see something happening. This character panel, this appears on the screen. Okay? Sometimes if you do not see it, it's going to Windows and select character, it will come up. But what we can do here is we can just go. And from here, I'll just click and hold and drag it. Aside. This effects and presets. So this shows me what are the things and characters. This is the point. This is the font style. This is the font size. It's an pixels. And we don't need everything, so we will just use these three things here. So I'll click here and I'll select this tool. And from here I'll click and I'll type my name here. Now I do not need to see this line style. Just click here and click here once again to get rid of them. So okay, I created this lower third, I created the name, but what is, I'm not happy about that size. So let's fix up this click here. And from here, I'll just, when I just move my cursor, you will see the cursor changes. So I will just hold my cursor here and increase it. I'll undo it by hitting Control C. Let's read it from here to here. And from here, folding the cursor on this, increasing as per my liking. Okay? And now we notice another problem, which is this name isn't in the center of the shape layer. We'll fix it in the next lesson.
8. Align the Text: So now what I need to do is fix this name. So now I'll be using this tool, which is called the Selection Tool. Selected. What this does is it helps me to select objects. I can select this and I can select the name from here, from here, the shape, from here, the name. Okay? And this is the layer order. So my shape is beneath the name and the name is above the shape. So if I don't know, if this is down, you'll see it like this. If this is you'll see it like this. So we need the strobe to be done, the name to be up. Now what we can do is center this name to this strip. So as to do, we have very good things which is aligned to. So I'll just go to Windows and select on a line. So actually these are new compulsion. And here, so I'll just move, make some room for me. And I'll select both of them. And I'll select this horizontal left alignment. So my text moves on to the left. Now I will do is horizontal center alignment. So my tool, my name is strip has exactly in the middle. If I choose this, my name goes onto the right side. So what do I need here is the middle. So I'll just click here. And this is the vertical alignment and click here once. And let's see what happens. So I can see the strip moved. And when the strip mall by name also moved on the vertical top. Let's click here vertical center. Now my strip and name as in the vertical center. So I'll leave it at that.
9. Choose the Font Style: I can always check if my lower third is aligned. So I'll just click here and tidal action safe. And I want to see if this is here at the same exact place where I have created sometimes effort, it's not. Now what I can do is again, select both of them from here. Remember to select both of them. Click here once. And he couldn't do we keep or Command key on Mac and select this. And from here, you can move both of them to anywhere on the screen. So I'll just use the same place where I created it for the first time and I'll just leave them. And then someone else unselected. So I'll just select it. And this is also selected. So I'll do here is click here once and let's check out the character panel. So again, if you don't see the character, just call it Windows and select the character. And this will pop up. Sometimes you don't see it like this. Well, Windows character. Okay. So click here. I'm happy with the font and pixel, okay? But what, I'm not happy with the font style because it looks okay, but I want it to be a little bit bold. So I'll click here. And from here I'll choose. But look what happens when I select the void. It appears public. When I click here and select metallic, it will become metallic. Flick here again. And choose OK. And now what I will do is I will see this with our different font. And let's see if we can choose any different font so as to choose a different foreign. As I mentioned earlier, this at all, you have to click. And here you will see the sample of how you find will be as creative as you want to be. If just click on bank cartel, it will make the lower third like this. But look what happens. It changes the place of where our Lower Third was created. Okay, remember the past thing, go to Windows, line, select both of them. And now here we just clicked here, horizontal center alignment in vertical center alignment. And just click here. Okay. You can choose any font of your own wish. And if you just choose, this will look like this. And everything is displayed. Select Arial for now. You can also just select this part by just clicking and following a tear. And from here you're going to select the font as well. So I'll just click on ADLS. Gen2 liked. And from here, I'll move it to the next lesson.
10. Parenting Layer: So now what I want to do is I want to make this name, which is text child of the shape layer. What I'll do is right-click here and go to Columns. Select parent. So when you do this, sealing, see a new column here. Sometimes you don't see it, so just click on the web and you'll see it. Okay? So if you notice this as this ring shape and kingship for both, I want to make this a child of the ship. Type. Click here. And when I click and drag, you can see it drags this. And when I just move it here, it makes this gray. And this is where I want to split and release that this made this a child of shape layer 1. So okay, So now I also can just do it in a simpler way. I'll just click here and click here and choose do shape layer number one. So in other words, I'm selecting the child and giving it up back here. So what does this file and go to look the magic, I'll click on the Shape Layer number one. And I will move it. So as I'm moving the shape layer number 1, my name is also more because that is the child of my shape layer number 1. So this will help me animate both of the objects together and I don't have to do it. If I have to just move this name, I'll click here. Make sure you click here always. Whatever layer you're working on, just flip on it. And from here, if I move this, I can see that this strip is not moving because this is not our child, but only the child as well. Okay. So now let's move on to the next lesson.
11. Change Text and Colors: Okay. You can always change the name here. This double clip. You'll notice if it becomes this red. And then in the sport and write your name. And then you'll see the name has been changed. Let's write it a different name. Double-click here once again. This D. Now, if some person is watching this, would be very happy. And also you can just click here, just click on the tool, and then click here. And you can just give a space and later Certainly, Okay. Now we have understood how we can change the text of this. We can also change the color of the lower third. So as to change it, I'll just click here. And then I will just go and affect and go to Generate and go to fail. So what this does, this brings up the Effect Control Panel. And this shows me an effect which is reset about the mask none and all these things. But what is important here is this. So I'll click here and from here, and just move it so that I have some space. So I'll just go and change colors from here. So I have so many colors to choose from. You can choose any color. And click, Okay. Also I can apply this fill effect on the inner layer. Click here. And then I'll just go and go to Effect, Generate. And felt that this is a little bit red color. Click here. And I'll click, click, click and hold and bring it to a white one and hit, Okay.
12. Adding more Text: Now what I would like to do is I would like to create something which tells us what is piston I do. That I'll just go here again on Type tool and from here I'll try whatever I want in time. But job graph. Okay. Now again, let's go back to the process which we learned, disconnect here. First step is located the character panels if it is not available from here, okay? And from here we can reduce the size. From here, we can change the font style. And what the changing the position. I'll choose the stone, which is our selection tool. Click here once. And just from here, bit shift and just move it down. Okay, this looks perfect for me. So what I would do this one to the next lesson, we're animating this.
13. Animating Left to Right: Okay, so as to estimate, we have the booster timeline. So this is a timeline. And these are the layers is this strip. This is personally I do, and this is a photography. So what I can do here now as I can click on a layer and maybe if for a moment I don't want to see it. So I can just click on this button and look what happens. If I click here again. This comes back. Okay? Now, we have to understand that what is animation? So let's say we have to move this in at 1 second month. For now, I will just do this for this photographer. And for 1 second, I want this Christina go with this lower type to appear in the screen from left to right. What I would do is click here on the shape number 1 and it on the keyboard. And some of them. And here I see something which is the stopwatch and this position, Let's make it a little bit bigger. Okay? This position and stopwatch. I'm just using this key which is okay. And now what I can do here is is animators. So I'll move this indicator 1 second, and I'll click the stopwatch. So what I'm telling After Effects is that 1 second mark. I want this lower term to be here. Okay? It will do it for me. Let's see. I mentioned nothing is happening. But after effect is asking me what I have to do at 0. So I have not assigned any value. So if I just go and move to CDO, and from here, I'll just move it. So I'm telling After Effects now at 0, you don't have to be on the screen. At one, you have to appear perfectly under Split. This is moving this from C0, which is outside the screen, and bringing back at 1 second mark.
14. Change Speed of Animation: Okay, so what I need to do is I need to see how this looks. So I'll hit the CDO key on my number p, o. So we have our first lower tide coming from left to lie. And it is interesting. Okay, what else we can do here is add a little bit life to it so that it's not just simple animation coming from left to right. What we can do here is select both of these key frames. If aims are the values for the CEO, it here for 1 second, it's like both of them. Right-click Keyframe Assistant. Easy, Ease. And now I hit so you don't see the difference. It's coming slow and then getting fast and then getting slow. So when I do this, I again, have a little bit fun with my animation. And I like how it comes. What else I can do here? I could split on this graph editor and then click on the position. So here we can see better. So this is the speed starts slowly, was high, go slow. So if I just click here, I'll see this handles. So click and hold the handle and bring it a little bit like this. So what I want, I want fast and then scum slowly. This animation, what I was looking for. Let's move on to the next.
15. Animating Sub Text: Okay, now let's go back and click here so that you see our keyframes and this timeline. So now let's turn the eyeball on and off those photographer. It's clicked here and so this is visible on the screen. So now what I want, as I also wanted to animate. So I'll just I want to know when this should have been on the spring. So let's make it delivered here. And exactly what Cristina, Joe Biden. But here, I'll just take your big E on the keyboard. And now I'll set a stopwatch link here. And then I just go to this small with outside. Just they said here, raised to cursor here. And we'll just change to this icon or finger. And I get hold and drag it outside this. And I hit the pseudo key. Look what happened. Okay, and bad. But I'm not liking here this symbol j, good animation, not smart phone to select both of them. Right? Played him systems. These are hit F9 people. If you do not see your keyframes, select this and hit U on the keyboard. And now I'll preview it with the COP. I like it. What else I can do here is I can just staggered. I'll just click here on this layer. Forward a little bit. So it doesn't go very fast. Slow as I animate. You can also animate it slowly or fast. So these values are five, they are, if they're far, the animation is snow. If they are near animation as fast, Let's check events or near him so far.
16. Fading out Transition: Okay, so now let's animate out this lower term. First or enemy doubt. We would just need some space. I'll just move here under 4 second mark. And then I'm going to select all of these, selecting this, just plugging here. And he didn't then draw, selecting this and selecting them. What I can do is from here I'll drag all of these things are, I can select this and hold Shift and select those three methods for doing one thing, then I will just go for capacity fade. But what is opacity? Opacity is a transparency of layer. I need to be on my keyboard. I hit the T and I see here is for Pasiphae. And this was a stopwatch. So pit here once. So as 3s, three are selected, it creates a keyframe and just what the IP. And then I just move ahead. And I just made this, see you do it by just dragging it up. And now, let's review our Lower Third. Okay, very nice. And it fades away.
17. Rendering the lower third: Okay, the final step is rendering this lower term. What is the rendering? Is making a video out of it and bothersome. So let's see how to do it. But decomposition and just select, Add to Render Queue. And open this manner. Then let's make it a little bit bigger. And this shows me a lot of things. But what I'm interested now, as in the output module and last list, I'll just click on the last lesson. So this gives me more options, which are more complicated. But let me make it simple. I'll click here on the format. And I click on would die. So some users may not see this because this isn't available on if you do not have QuickTime Player installed on your computer. So just install a QuickTime player and this option wouldn't be available for you. So okay, let me install a QuickTime player on my computer. I'm go to like here. And when I am download. And this shows me with them player or Windows one. And this pink here. And I see this website will pay and this Download button click here. And this will ask me where I wanted to download. So I'll just choose to, but for now it's okay, does save it. So this is downloading. We're dying on my computer. Okay, the download has been completed. So what I can do is hit Control J on the keyboard to see the download. And I can simply double-click here. And it will run dot EXE file. And I just need to run it here. We click here. This might take some while depending on your computer. And just welcoming me. And select Next. And from here to here and go down to the except its charms and saying yes. Okay, I want is a custom installation. Typical installation, depending on your choice. And I'll select Next. And this asked me if I wanted to take stop shortcuts. I don't want to click here and uncheck this box. And this will ask me for the destination folder. I'm OK and I'll click on the Install button. So when I click this installing, so again, we'd times 7 installer completed to obtain salmon has been successfully installed on your computer. And I'll finish it. So just click it. And now we have a lot of things. Let's flip here. And the farmer and the video codec, That's click and select Auto jetpack. And from here, let's make it do. And now I'm hitting that this is a quality. So the higher the quality, the larger the file size, the lower the quality, the lower the file size. And I'll just I'll just make kid. All right. And if I'm using any sound, so I'll just change it, but I'm not using any sound, so I'm just kidding. Okay. So now this thing has changed. So this is output location. Where do we want to save your video file? Then click here. Averages. Choose where I want to do it. I'm going to select under and just straight. I know we're right. And just hit Save. So this is just giving After Effects and instruction where to save it. And then I just wanted to do the final saving. For the video. I'll just click this. And now I will wait till this finishes. This blue line finishes going here. And I know it is dead. And now I can go and view my video as I view any other videos on my That's a thank you.
18. Congratulations for Completion !!: Congratulations for finishing this course. It was fun to create this course. And now I'm very excited to see what you create after learning this course. I'm very confident that you'd be creating something which you have created and you'd be proud of yourself. Free to ask any questions if you have, if you skipped any, but feel free to take it again. You can create your own Lower Thirds in your style. Thank you.