1. Course Promo: Hi and welcome to this
course on using AI to create content for
social media in bulk. Now this course is going
to focus on using Chat, GPT and Canva Pro to create short form video
in portrait mode. So that's going to be
stuff like Tiktok, Instagram reels,
and Youtube shorts. Now, you don't need to pay any subscriptions for
anything on this course, because GPT 3.5 is free and you can get Canva for
a free trial for a month. So on screen right now, you'll see some examples of what we're going
to be created. And some of these
are likely familiar. These short form videos are
going to be text based, just like the ones that you
see on screen right now. And in this course,
in under 15 minutes, I'll show you how to
create content like this. In bulks, you have 50
videos ready to go, which is nearly one per
week for the entire year. There will also be
a class project at the end of this course
where you can action everything that you've
learned in the course and share what you've
done with everyone else. So no point in waiting around. Let's jump into the course.
2. How to create content for TikTok, and Instagram using ChatGPT (In Bulk): Hi folks, Welcome to the
first lesson in this course. Now in this lesson, what we're
going to be doing is using chat GPT to generate some of our text based
content for us. Just a quick reminder, and I would have shown you
in the course probe. This is the kind of
content that we're looking at bulk creating really, really quick with chat GPT. I haven't got the sound on, but you've just got
this sort of footage in the background and then this
kind of text coming up here. So this is what we're
going to try and replicate really easily
within chat GPT. So first of all
you need to go to and then you need
to kick on tri chat GPT. Now you don't have
to pay for this, you can use the free version. Or if you want to
pay for GPT four, then by all means go ahead. So let me show you
a few examples of where I've already done this and we'll break
down the prompt and understand what it's doing. When I first triled this, I looked at trying
to get something similar to the results
that we just looked at. These psychology facts,
relationship facts, and all of that. So
here's my prompt. At the top, I'm asking
chat GBT to create me 50 sets of facts in the same style as the below
examples, which is down here. And format them in a table. That table is really important. So I've said in a table
where one column is a topic, one column is part 1.1,
column is part two. And we can see topic part one, part two. It's
done that by here. I said, these should
be psychology facts, crush fact, male girls, relationship facts and more. They'll be formatted as a
topic or a type of fact, which is all this stuff by here, part one and then part two. I say, keep the facts
engage in polarizing over the top and relatable to everyone, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah. And I've also specified a
reading age of grade seven, and then I've given examples. Now this is the important bit when I'm giving my examples. I've mentioned about
having three columns, topic part one and part two. And I'm using these two, my examples, that's more important than the
text that's here. So I'm saying an
example could be deep fact and then bang bang. I just found these kind
of psychology facts online and then I've
got a load of examples. Once I clicked, okay, this is what it gave
me. It gave me a table. I've got deep fact,
sad fact, male girl, girls, male relationship
crush, all that kind of stuff. And then part one
and then part two, and it's given me that table. And that's all we want to get to by the end of this session. Now this was an example just to try and replicate what
I saw on Youtube. I wouldn't actually
need to use this. I've done one which
I would find useful, and it's this one here. So I've said create
me 50 sets of keyboard shortcut tips
for Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Fx, and
Adobe Photoshop in the same style as
the below examples. And then format them in a table where one column
is the shortcut, one column is part
1.1, is part two. Do not repeat these facts, must be based off real
keyboard shortcuts for the software that was important for
me to put in next. I didn't just
wanted to fabricate stuff and try and make fiction. I said that the
reason is to generate a teaching resource for my students so they
must be accurate. And then I went ahead
and gave some examples. So I found some online examples
of Photoshop shortcuts, Illustrator shortcuts,
and after effect I even put command or control
depending on Mac or Windows. And I wasn't sure whether
it would do it accurately. But I've tried all of
these and it gave me shortcut part one and part two, and these are all accurate, which is really, really awesome. So this format
does tend to work. I think if you go over 50, I haven't gone over 50, but possibly it would just repeated stuff even though
we're asking not to, so kind of have a play around. So I'm going to go ahead and do another one for you today. Now when it comes
to the point where you guys are going to be
doing this, don't worry, I will be providing a text
file which is going to have this psychology facts
prompt already in there. And here it is in
this Word document. But I'll upload it
as a text file. Now, I'm in this lesson going to go ahead
and write my own. What I'm going to do is I'm
going to time lapse it as I type it because I don't want to take up too
much of your time. I'm going to go through what I've changed and
what I'm going for. We're going to put
into chat GPT and then we're going to see if it
can give us what we want. Okay, so I've created my prompt, ready to type into chat GPT. I've said give me 25 sets
of tips and tricks for Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After effects in the same style
as the below examples. Format them in a table where
one column is the tip. One column is part
1.1, is part two. Do not repeat any of the tips. These tips will be
used to educate students. They must be accurate. They'll be formatted as this. And one thing I haven't
done is just added this. I'm saying give me one column as a tip, part one and part two. So I just need to make
sure that I go like this, just to tell it
that these titles here are part of this column. So now that we've
got that sorted, we can now go ahead and
copy this into chat GPT. So I'm just going to go
copy and open chat GPT. Let's do a new chat.
Paste this in, and let's click Go. Okay, there you go. So
I've got now all my tips. Now what I would normally
do is I would probably go through and check
if these are accurate. Just from having a
quick look through. I think that they seem to be. So yeah, all this looks good. So with these ones,
there's quite a lot of text on the part
two which is okay. I'll just need to
make sure that I make my text a
little bit smaller. They're not too dissimilar
to these ones earlier. Again, similar amounts
of text there. So that's the first part. I've now got my text based
content ready to go. The next stage is using Canva to bring all this to life and
to bulk create our content. So I'll finish it.
There you guys, go ahead and do the
same and chat GPT. And I'll see you in
the next lesson where we'll generate our content. It.
3. How to create content TikTok and Instagram using Canva: Okay, so here we are in Canva. It's time to create the content. Now what you are going
to need in Canva is a free trial of the Pro version. So you can do this by paying for Pro or you can have
a free trial of it. I'm currently on a
free trial of Pro. I'm going to probably generate my content and then I
don't need to pay for it. I may choose to pay
for it depends. But you can absolutely
do this in the trial. So I'm going to
go ahead and type in either type in here or I'm just going to
click down here. I'll just type in Tick. Just just to get the
same template or actually let's come across
to here and go to templates, that's probably a better
way, social media. And then Tiktok videos. You can use this for Youtube
shorts or Instagram reels. Really, it's kind of
the same thing, son. Just gonna click
Tiktok videos and I'm gonna go ahead and
I'm going to go and say, create a blank Tiktok video. Now if we think back to the
content we were looking at earlier for the
psychology fact one, it just had like a sunset
in the background. So kind of a random piece
of footage for mine. Mine's about like
technology and design, so I'm gonna have
similar related sort of creative video
in the background. You guys go ahead and use
whatever video you want. Now if you come across to
elements and scroll down, you'll find in here
videos, click See All. And now you can search through these to find whatever
video you want. The bonus is some of these
will have a pro icon, and because we're in
a free trial of Pro, we can use any of
the videos we want. Okay, so I've got ahead and I've found a background
that I liked. I typed in animated background. I think I'm going
to use this one. But here what I'm gonna do
is I'm gonna turn it on its side and then just
gonna have it like this. And basically you can choose whatever
background you want. You can have an abstract
one like mine or you can have any sort of
footage that you want. So this is what I'm
gonna have on mine. Just gonna be
something quite basic. Okay. You can go for
anything you want. I just like this one, it's quite simple and it's going
to be easy to read. So next thing we need to do is we need to start adding text. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and
get my text tool, click Add Head In, and
I'm going to type in tip. And I'm going to go
to text effects. I'm going to give
it a background, I'm going to make sure that
the background is black. And then my text
up here is white. And I'm going to
bring this all the way up to the top. Cool. Next thing I'm
going to go and get a text and I'm going to
add another head in. Let's kind of bring
this one down. And what we're going to do is if we go back to our thing here, we want to name these tip
part one and part two because then we're going to link all of these and
it'll be really cool, it'll generate them for us. So we're going to go plant one. And let's go ahead and go to effect and
give this an outline, there we go, and make
the outline white. And I think I'm just going
to go up to 100 like so. Or maybe let's go to 80. Okay, cool. Now you can
change the font if you like. There's loads in here. I think I'm going to go for something just a little
bit more friendly. Maybe. This one
here, no too much. This one here, I
think. So Collective. And I'm going to do the
same with this one. Collective. There we go. So we've got part
one, I'm going to put part one round about there. And what I'm gonna do is I'm
going to take these edges just out of this little
guide line by here. Otherwise, the text, if we
can have kept it like that, the text will just
go down, down, down. So we're going to make
it as wide as we can, but we're not going
to go further than this guide. There we go. And we're going to do
the same this side. Now what we're going to do is we're going to get part one, control D, to duplicate it. And then call this part two. Sorry, part two. There we go. So this is our reel
so far. There we go. Now we want to, I'm gonna
make mine 6 seconds long, so I'm just going to
trim the whole thing to 6 seconds short
sharp content. That's what it's about.
I'm going to get part one. I'm going to go to these three
dots and I'm going to say show timing because I don't want part one to be
on for the full thing. So if it's 6 seconds, let's go 3.5 so that the final reveal is on for a shorter
amount of time, which will be 2.5
And if they miss it, they'll want to
watch a real again, which is again, good
for engagement. Then part two. So let's come
to three dots and let's go, as we got up here to time in, let's go 2.5 just like that. So now if we play this through, we should have part one
coming up and then part two. So let's play. So we've got part one and then they'll
change to part two. Perfect. Now that's
what we want. If we just click off the timing, we can see them both together. Now comes the really,
really cool bit. If we come back into chat GPT, what we want to do
is we want to copy. So click and drag to select, and we want to copy
this whole table. Right click copy. Now come back in and you
want to come down to apps. I've got Bulk Create here,
but if you can't find it, you want to come down and you
want to find Bulk Create. And this is the pro feature. So if we click Bulk Create, it'll say Enter data manually. And I'll go like that. Then
I'm going to right click on this first column and Paste. All of a sudden
we've got our tip. Our part one, part two, all of our texts in the
click done perfect. Next thing we want to link this to this part one to part
one, part two to part two. So I'm going to click Tip, right click, and connect Data. And then just click here. Now these two are linked. It's got those weird
brackets around it. That's why I'm going
to go part one. Right click, connect
data part one, then right click part two, connect data part two. Now if I go ahead
and click Continue, it'll generate everything, okay? But we don't want
to do that yet. What we want to do is now
move part two on top. So when part one disappears, part two will appear instantly
in the same place on top. And now this is the magic bit. We can go ahead and
click continue. One thing to check
before you do that is, does your video from before, does your video have audio? If it does and you
don't want it, then just click
the little audio. Mine didn't, but I
just remembered. Click the video and then mute it if you don't
want the audio, now we're ready to go,
Let's click Continue. And then it's going
to give us 26. So let's go generate. And there you have it folks. We have got all of our content. How mad is that? So let's just play through the whole entire thing
and see a few of them. So Adobe Photoshop tip to select colors from an image dot, use the Eyedropper tool, Adobe After Effects tip to
add markers in the timeline. Select a layer and press Star. Those are a couple
of ones that I gave. So let's go ahead and see some
of the ones that it gave. Photoshop to undo the last
action control Z on Windows, or commands on Mac to trim a layer start point
in after effects. There we go. Yeah,
that's accurate. That would be right. And
you've got all of these. Okay, now that's awesome. One thing I am noticing, which I could change, is this. By here, it goes
right to the edge. And that annoys
me a bit. So what you could do is you
can come back in, because it opened it
up in a new window, come back in, Let's delete that. And with this, I'm just going to highlight all the
text and say 92. No, let's go And no 75. And I'm going to do, I'm going to keep them the same
because they seem to be. Alright. So let's go generate and now we'll generate
them all again. And that's starting to
work a little bit better, so maybe it's still
a little bit wide. So I'd go back in and
kind of change it again, But you can see what
I'm getting at. These are all my
bits of content, 2 minutes worth of all
this six second stuff. So in order to download this, you want to go to share, you'll want to make sure
you go to download. And when you're in
here, make sure it says download pages as
separate files. Then if you don't click that, it's going to be one
merged two minute video. But if you click this,
it'll download them all as separate files. And
there you have it. That is your content created for your social media channels.
So here we have it. I've got my content downloaded. If I scroll through,
you can see they're all different videos and
they are ready to go. Now for social media
channels, Tiktok, Instagram reels, Youtube shorts, whatever video sharing
platform you use. So I hope you
enjoyed, I hope you found those tips
and tricks useful. Now stick around because in the next lesson
there's going to be a class project
where I'm going to challenge you to do
some of this yourself. And I really want you to share all the creations that you do. So stick around and
I'll see you in the next lesson. Cheers.
4. Class Project - Creating your Social Media Content: Well done. You've made it. You've made it to the
end of the course. And we are now at the point
where it's time for you to action the stuff that you've learned in our class project. So this is your opportunity to learn the skills
that you've learned in this course and go and create content for your
social media channels, whether that's Tiktok,
Instagram reels, Youtube shorts, or whatever. Now once you create
your content, what you need to do is
you'll need to post it on your social media
channels and then you can share a link in
the class project so we can all see the content
that we've all created. A couple tips. You may want to play around with the
amount of text on screen. You may want to go for more.
You may want to go for less. You may want to play around with the timing of the text on screen as well and the different backgrounds
that we can use. Just make sure that the
content you create is specific to your niche and to
your social media channels. Be sure to share links, whether that's links to
Tiktok, Youtube shorts, Instagram reels or whatever, so that we can all see
what each other are created and get tips and
ideas off each other. So best of luck
with the project. I'm really excited to
see what you all share, and cheers for tuning in,
and I hope to see you again.