Adobe Photoshop CC For Everyone: Design 12 Practical Projects | Masuk Sarker Batista | Skillshare

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Adobe Photoshop CC For Everyone: Design 12 Practical Projects

teacher avatar Masuk Sarker Batista, Bestselling Instructor, 75000+ Students

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Enroll Now


    • 2.

      Get 7-Days Free Trial Of Adobe Photoshop CC


    • 3.

      Section Intro - Create Social Media Post Graphics


    • 4.

      Adjust The Image & Add Text


    • 5.

      Export Photo To Get Final Output


    • 6.

      Section Intro - Create Social Media Channel Art/Cover Photo


    • 7.

      Use Our Template File To Create YouTube Art


    • 8.

      Add Text & Finish The YouTube Channel Art


    • 9.

      Create Other Similar Social Media Cover Photo/Channel Art


    • 10.

      Removing Spot & High-End Skin Softening


    • 11.

      Color Correction Of Your Photos To Look Them Better


    • 12.

      Section Intro - Object Removal In Photoshop


    • 13.

      Use Of Clone Stamp Tool & Patch Tool


    • 14.

      Remove Objects With Healing Brush Tool


    • 15.

      How To Remove Background From Image


    • 16.

      Section Intro - Design A Cool T-shirt With Adobe Photoshop


    • 17.

      Add Artistic Cutout Effect In Image


    • 18.

      Add Text And Customize Them


    • 19.

      Finishing Touch Of This T-shirt Design


    • 20.

      Section Intro - Design A Simple Logo With Photoshop


    • 21.

      Create Project, Add Shapes, Find & Place Icon


    • 22.

      Add Text In Your Logo


    • 23.

      Export Your Logo With Transparent Background


    • 24.

      Section Intro - Create An Attractive YouTube Thumbnail


    • 25.

      Add Image & Text In Your Project


    • 26.

      Export YouTube Thumbnail


    • 27.

      Section Intro - What Is Infographic & Why Does It Matters


    • 28.

      Create An Infographic Document In Photoshop


    • 29.

      Start Designing Infographic


    • 30.

      Add Icons And Put Information In Infographic


    • 31.

      Section Intro - Design A Creative Business Card


    • 32.

      Add Text, Icons And Give The Finishing Touch (Back Part Of Business Card)


    • 33.

      Design The Front Part Of Business Card


    • 34.

      Section Intro - Where To Find Mockup Templates


    • 35.

      Use Of Clipping Masks


    • 36.

      Edit A Simple Product Mockup Template


    • 37.

      Use Of Smart Objects With Product Mockup Template


    • 38.

      Section Intro - Create A GIF


    • 39.

      Create A Project & Place Video In Photoshop


    • 40.

      Add Text In Your GIF


    • 41.

      Save Video As A Looping GIF


    • 42.

      Create An Abstract Shape Wallpaper In Photoshop


    • 43.

      Create a Polyscape Wallpaper From Sketch


    • 44.

      Conclusion + BONUS


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About This Class

This online Adobe Photoshop course will teach you how to use Photoshop to create 12 different PRACTICAL REAL WORLD projects for your brand or business or for your personal use!

  • Do you want to create your own social media graphics, business card, infographic, logo or something but you have no idea that how to use Photoshop or don't know where to begin?
  • Do you want to control over of your branding but don't have enough time to learn the whole Photoshop?
  • Have you already spent a lot of time and energy for Photoshop tutorial but it never cover what you exactly need?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place! 

I am Masuk Sarker Batista & I have been doing professional graphics design for 4+ years and use Adobe Photoshop to grow my business. And I can't wait to show you the practical use of Photoshop tools. With Adobe Photoshop you can create many types of graphic designs that engage and attract your audience. 

This course is designed for everyone, and you will learn Photoshop by doing the practical real-world projects (step-by-step), with no prior experience required.

This is actually fun to learn by actually doing. And after taking this course you will learn how to design total 12 different projects that you will need to run for your business and for other use. Follow along and practice while learning! 

This Adobe Photoshop For Everyone course will show you the necessary tools as you apply them. 

Downloadable project files make it easy to follow along and practice.

Course Projects You'll Learn How to Create:

  1. Social Media Post Graphics
  2. Social Media Channel Art/Cover Photo
  3. Design an Infographic in Photoshop
  4. Design a Product Mockup
  5. Design A Creative Business Card
  6. Edit Photos In Photoshop To Look Them Awesome
  7. Remove Any Objects From Photo
  8. Design A Cool T-shirt 
  9. Design A Simple Logo
  10. An Attractive YouTube Thumbnail
  11. Create An Animated GIF
  12. Create Your Own Amazing Desktop Wallpapers

I will guide you every step of the way and are here to make sure you succeed in your ventures. I hope you are enjoying the course. Please contact me anytime for additional questions/support. I'm always here to help you to achieve your learning goals and looking forward to your success.

Meet Your Teacher

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Masuk Sarker Batista

Bestselling Instructor, 75000+ Students


I am Masuk Sarker Batista from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am the founder of MSB Academy & MSB Digital platform. Online business, Marketing, Programming, Blogging, Video Editing, Gaming, Photography, and Youtube are my subjects of interest. I published many books on Amazon Kindle. From age under 20, I have been earning around $4000 per month online.

Also, I regularly write on the blog for my regular readers & I love to do affiliate marketing. I am also an Online Instructor and serving courses for over 175,000 Students on Udemy & Skillshare. I am a business-minded person & very much addicted to Money. I love Allah, my family, and love people.


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Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Enroll Now: Do you want to quit? Professional looking eye, catchy and highly clickable Graphics in social media are any business projects are for your personal use. If yes, then you are in the right players. Welcome to the Arab 40 show for everyone. And in this course, you will designed to a different real wild, practical projects that you will need to run for your business. Our brand, our for other use. I am machine, circa Batista. I had bean doing professional graphic design for past four years and using everybody shop to grow my business. And I am the instructor off piece scores. I know there are lots of quarters, of course is out there. You may also such on Google or YouTube to learn these education, but that can be so frustrating and deathly I tweet thescore front, you learned by actually doing the scores is a combination off 12 different projects and more to be added in future wood is end every projects from scared. And with this system based in Nigeria's you will land that used off all 40 sharp passions are tools that you will ever need to know in for shop to quit Amazing professional graphics on in this course project infuse social media graphics. Gonna huge cum bill in photography. He did quarters in quarter shop to look, then possum, I wondered, object removed. Animated chief text of Walter and much more. So what are you waiting for? Take these scores now and our every step of the way you say. 2. Get 7-Days Free Trial Of Adobe Photoshop CC: in this course we work with out of the 40 shelf cc for meaning off CC is greatly cloud, and in this time it is the letters for the Shah Pasha. I already opened these out before the Sheriff Cecil Action on my computer, but if you are using air predestination, then it's OK because all of the tools and techniques we're going to teach in the scores are same. But if you don't have 40 shop, then download the seventies free crest $2. The simply open your browser and then type before the show frequent. Then click on the fast link and simply heat on download. Download Rick well. After that, simply install it on your computer and you will get free seven days free crab. I already have installed elevate for social in my computer. That's why I just skip it and from this next lecture usually start grating our projects 3. Section Intro - Create Social Media Post Graphics: this section will create these exact same social media graphics. He specifically will great on inspirational code graphics. To quit this, I just open a photo shop and then to create a new project, simply click on file new and from these new document window Jews custom and that you project name this to my type inspirational court. All right, and in these drop gunmen, who here we see a few different options. N G sentiment are wires extra, but I typically use pig's ears because when we're quitting graphics for where most Webster's have requirements for graphic size in pig cells. Now, I said document with 10 80 pigs l and said Height 10 80 Piegza thes easiest, undersize off instagram image and Jews, Resolution pretended and car mood. I choose as every color a beat and said Begum, contents black, white or any color you want. All right, this time a choose white and to quit in your document. I just hit on quit and you're a C R blank document in the middle, on the left side, bunch of different tools And on the right, a few different window are available. Writer, we learn something about that use off these tools in this project and learn more about in our future projects. Some of these things might be a little bit confusing at if you have any questions that you can let me know. But I will explain everything that we're doing in this whole Gore's in. Our next lecture will add an image on these blank document and also add inspirational court on it. Thank you so much for watching. 4. Adjust The Image & Add Text: We already created a blank document on for sure this time we download a sample emit and from Internet, I choose a sample inspirational court. Now, I opened my browser, and in Google, I tie inspirational court and I heat and, uh, and Goto this binary code website had to see a bunch of different inspirational course are available on the site, for example, the stem we add this got in our social media graphics. If opportunity doesn't know, build a door. All right now we downloaded a sample image for these inspirational court to download example image my web. It weaves at ease. Biggs abed dot com It is a greater say to get HD high quality while to free images This time, massage for door and I heat enter. Here you see a bunch of different. Though related pictures are available from these large stuff such as ALS, we download these simple photo. I just lick on these and heat on free downloads. Truths Resolution 1920 by 12. 80 and hit on numbered. Look, our wallpaper is just Easter downloading are downloading is now complete. And there it is. All right now, in photo shop, I just drag this photo into this blank document and by holding shift, I just drag on this corner to the top to make this bigger and maintain the expectation off this picture. And also by holding shift, I just drag this corner in down to make this bigger. All right now, I just said this image just in these position on Hit on Done and our sample inspirational court waas If opportunity doesn't knock, will adore toe, add this text from the stool bar on, select the text tool and click on this image and said my dick size for the eight and change color from black to white. Now I tad if opportunity Now I just like this text and because the size and set it in 48 to 30. Now I see, like the move to and said it in media. All right, now I click on these textile again and select this text and from these drop down menu I changed. This front is style, and this time I choose thes front, big noodle diddling front To increase the wit off this text, simply click on this character window on how What about your mouths? Just on these icon and drag to the right to increase the weight off your text. All right, now I heat on done to add a new test block, simply a click on these new toolbox again. And like any heart indiscriminate And these two, my Taib Gazza, knock. Now I choose the move tool and sit in media and shoes that textile again and select these text. And from these drop down menu, I see like these Mistral font and decrease the size a little bit and said it in 18 ups. The stakes now seems to a very little I just said it in 24. To change the color off these fixed same place selectees, text block and click on this white color and jewels any gala you want. All right now I hit on done, and finally, I add another textbook to do this. I just click on these text tool and click on this image on time building the door. I just like this text and changed color from green to white and from these drop terminal. I choose this broader farmed and said just in this position and select this text again, Andi said. This deck size in 18. All right, now I click on these character icon and I particularly skillet up on holy gentle e I said it in 150%. All right, now I see leg moved to and said it just in these positions, All right? And on this large panel, Harry, see our background image and tree takes block. Now, if you want to change brightness, contrast you are something off your bag image. Then from the stool burst, simply choose your Bagram there and select image adjustment. If you want to increase or because brightness off this image, then choose brightness contrast. And from these tools like that, you can increase or decrease the brightness and contrast off this image. Now I heat on. Okay. Now, from this lepen l I just right. Click on these back earlier and select pending nuptials. And now I chose gradient overlay. And instantly I see a cool, radiant. Normally, if gold greatly and overly effect is added in our image. If you want to change these questioned effect there, click on the drop down menu and heresy batch of different prisoners. You can choose any ingredient PCs. You want this time I choose these precepts and sit a paucity in Carty. All right, now hit on. Okay. Now from the LePen in ice Jews, if opportunity take block. And now I decrease the opacity off this death lock. To do this, I just click on this icon and using this lighter, I just decrease double off a paucity. I just did it in 50. And yes, we are done. Look how easily we quit are also inspirational code graphics in for shop. In our next lecture, you see how to export this image and appropriate in online. Thank you so much for watching. 5. Export Photo To Get Final Output: there are multiple ways to export and save image in for shop. But now I show you the easiest way to save it in computer and share online toe export this image and say Virginia debt stop. Simply click on file our select save s by default file types Selected as a PSD, it is a fortress of file. If you save this file in this format, then you can come back and able to eat this five letter in for shop. But if you save these in jeopardy or PNG format, then you can get these on for shop letter to save the fight as a team, it on these drop been manu heresy, a bunch of different options to share these for the online as Jews geopark format. And now I just simply hit on safe. And in these Jipping options here, you see, we can increase or decrease star quality off this image. I recommend you always Jews high our maximum least in my jewels makes you mom and using these lighter, I choose large file. If you decrease this Bellew here, you see our five size 69.7 kilobyte and for these smaller fei says your image. Maybe it'll be visited. That's where I recommend you. Toe said this lighter on large file and here we see our larger find size 800 194 kilobytes . And after that heat on, okay. And yes, we're done there days you can export these photo in another way. Oh, no. We created this document as a height Tentative pigs l and we also turned into pigs. L and you know, it exploded the mess and he received the exact M s dimension. If you want to export these image on different dimension than simply hit on file export and jewels, say for web and then from these drop domino choose format jeh, pick or Benji, I choose jetpack and quiet. The I choose maximum. And then from this image size, I just changed that. I mentioned off beat. I chose wheat. 500 pigs, ill and height. Also, 500 pigs out. And now I heat on safe and I never get to the deck. Stop and little say on And here it is. This is the image off 500 by 500 big deal damage shots. All right. In this way we get is the export our image. Thank you so much for watching 6. Section Intro - Create Social Media Channel Art/Cover Photo: Hello. My idea is to Durex. Welcome to this new section off this course in the section of the scores, Willen have to create social media cover art. It is very important, as in brand and online interpret your for whatever reason. You have you to Facebook and teacher. It's important to have social media Channel art. Are you missing card photo? That looks professional. I think it is important to have an general that matches on your EQ You up to date on all of your profits and in the section bouillon. Hard to create YouTube channel at from Sketch and also Ilan. How toe add exact same cover photo or you miss a channeler in other social media profiles. All right, see you in the next lecture. 7. Use Our Template File To Create YouTube Art: Welcome to this little section on equating YouTube and other social Media Channel art. And in the section we're going to be learning how to quit part fictional art that fits cover photos for your different social media channels. For example, here we see our YOUTUBE channel. Actually, this is my YouTube channel, and we're going to be learning how to create exact this artwork using a template on the resource that section. You get this file each of general, our template simply opened this up. Here you can see the other a few different areas that are important to understand what they are far. So this main block off area that dark gray is hard. You put your text or logo on it that because it showed up in your channel, art writer and people will see when they are looking it on Next up are on their tablet. If people extend of you, you can see it increase or decrease in size, so there is a little bit wiggle room on the left and right side. But you have to say this image lot more larger because when people are searching for your channel on their TV's than the whole image is going to appear. That's where as image we choose. 25 60 by 14. 40 pigs l image. So it is kind of tricky to figure out exactly how you want to lay out your photos and everything on the left panel off this template. Here, you can see a couple of layers. One is the overly off the text and logo safe areas. And another one is the background is just way. All right. So you have to put at work in between these two layers. And then when you say, make sure that you town this let off dust it for these will you part in our next body were going to quit our own YouTube channel? Art, Thank you so much for watching. 8. Add Text & Finish The YouTube Channel Art: So at first we need to find any match that looks good for our channel. I already downloaded a sample photo and save it indexed up. So said this image on these document Simply Dragon. Drop it here. Are you just simply weekly on file? Blessed, linked. And from these dick stop juice, you preferred water park. And then by holding shift Jack on this corner to make this bigger. All right, now, I just simply stated in this position and heat on done now from this lepen l I just simply drag piece simple image in town for visible these lines. All right, now, from this toolbar, I choose thes rectangular Marco tool. And from this Lepine l I just simply hit on quick in, you'll awaken. And then I just draw erecting girl like these. And then I juice, color black and hit on. Okay? And now I simply choose pain back a tool and click on these rectangular selection. All right. Now I select again rectangle a market tool and draw on other rectangle like these. And after that, I changed color from black to white. Select this pain back a tool and draw this rectangle in white and I place control de to dislike this election. Now I choose text tool and click on these black working girl. And after that I changed color from that white said foreign size 60 and now a tad MLB production. Now I see like the smoke tools and set it just in this position on a league east textile again on select this text block and a quick A size and set it in 48 peace demise changed is formed, and I choose thes American Captain formed now from this character window I just is club these farmed holy Gentilly and also is kill up these foreign, particularly a little bit. All right, now I heat on dumb and after that I see like these textile again and click on this icon and click on here. And this time I type we believe in quality Bob, Before that, I change this color from white to black and our type we believe in quality. Now I select thes textbook on degrees the size and set it in 24 and I see like the smoke cool and city chair And now from this Lepine and I just had this one. All right, But here, you see, this line is going up and down in the middle. This is a part off this project files that you job and can use. This is the center off this fight. So this will help you for determining that center off this document. If you want to remove this one, then simply click on appeal show. And until these guys all right, to export this image, simply click on file. I say this and Jews format jeh pick our Benji these they might choose jetpack and choose your destination folder. And this time I choose take stop. And as a final him I die He took channel art and now I hit on sake on I choose quality maximum And finally I click on OK, Andi charities. Now you could go your YouTube channel and after the ceasefire. And if you look amazing Thank you so much for watching 9. Create Other Similar Social Media Cover Photo/Channel Art: Now we have our YouTube channel art. Let's see how we can. Is the Rickard this channeler for our other different social media profiles, for example, to take over Google Glass Cover Art Facebook page Cover photo extra. I think it is very important to have all off your social media profiles look the same and feel the same so that when people go from one of your channels to another, it is just a more fluid experience. And so I said it stood toe use the same cover art in all of your social media channels, but in different social media platforms. Isn't that cover? Our sizes are different. There's why I recommend you to Jake this article. Here you get all tax off. Popular social media, immense size damage. Jones and the SAGES are always changing. And also these block article writer continously ab did it with the correct size for the social media guidelines. All right, now, if you want to quit to take off her, then here you see Easterner size off to their cover for two east to thousands by 1000 speaks toe. Great. These I just simply open these four shop and I go to file new and I tap my file name to either cover. And I said with 3000 exists and said height, 1000 pigs s all right now a heat on grit. And after that, I just simply bragged these YouTube general art right here and now holding shift. I just re says it and make this bigger. Now I said it in media and heat on. Done. Now I just simply exported. That's why I just go to fi se vis on. I said five PNG aren't You can choose Jeff Beck the estimate. Use jet back. And finally I dive to Jakarta. And now I just simply hit on, say, and in typical options, I choose image quality and maximum and I hit on. Okay, on. There it is. Now you just simply go to you to do a profile and apple elite in the same way You can easily quit you Good. Blast! Cover our Facebook based covering man and salon From now, hopefully you will able to create all of your social media Colorado easily using for the shop. Thank you so much for watching 10. Removing Spot & High-End Skin Softening: Hello, my their history in this video. I'm going to show you how to remove this part. And do this. Kids, often in our portrait are any type of image in photo shop, so we don't any for the dealers is static. I already opened image in photo shop to remove these type of black spot from the's skin. Simply click and hold on this icon and select the sport healing brush tool and said You brush eyes 80 or anything you want. Then simply click and drag on the spot. Then for the shop automatically removed. This black spot from this is skin makes sense, right? All right, are black. Export is now remote. And now this time, we add, is in soft effect off this portrait image. To do this at for us from this lepen l I just right. Click on this and see, like, duplicate layer and I type my learned name, background copy and heat on. Okay. And now I just simply plays control ill. Or if you are using mag than press comment, I now from these drop in Minot simply choose the light. I know it looks acquired part. Trust me, it will look better. And now go to filter other and select high pass and said Hello 24 heat on. Okay. And then again go to filter blur and select Goshen Block. And now said the red is blue in between three and four. This demise stated in four point open exists and heat on. Okay, our skin is is But now. But the problem is that the skin is spitting, is being applied to all over the image and nobody gonna like this type off bloody emails. Now we just fix this now from the left panel, select background copier and then praise alter our If you are easing back then prayers, option key and then see like this mask icon. And these will quit a negative mask off these image and then from the left panel, see, like the brush brash tool and make sure that foreground color select is white and then select flow in between 50 or 100. This time I choose 100 and sit my breast size in tree and it pigs l. And now I just simply brushed ease over these skin and make sure that you don't paint over these areas. that are supposed to be sharp like eyes. All right. And yes, we are done. This is our previous image. And this is the final lab. Look how easily we just removed its part from our skin and add High end is consulting. In fact, in our image. Thank you so much for watching. 11. Color Correction Of Your Photos To Look Them Better: Hello. My name is to dance being this video. I'm going to show you how to do Carol. Correct off your any photo to look them better so we don't any for the daily lives it started. I captured these photos using my camera a few days ago. And this is the raw camera files Toe open Any of these in photo shop? I just right. Click on these, open to it and select out of it for the shop. Once it is open here, we see in camera window, we can add just temperature tent, expose our contrast extra using this later. Got it right. Now, if you want to eat this photo in Photoshopped than simply hit on open image now toe adjust brightness and exposer. Then click on this adjustment icon and select brightness Gone trust and these damn it at some brightness and increase the value of contrast. All right, now I click on these adjustment taken again and select exposer. Now I decrease The expos are a little bit at some offset pillow to get cinematic Look off this photo and decreased gamma correction a little bit. And in these drop down menu here we see building precepts are available. All right. Now, I go to that adjustment that if you don't see these adjustment that then click on this window and Jake these adjustment. And now I click on this little icon, which is called Color Luca Adjustment layer and instantly, heresy color. Luca Juan Layer is just read it. And these adjustment layer is going to apply underneath off this layer. And I see, like, really lewd fine. And in these drop down menu here you see a bunch of different options and these them as jewels. Aquatic 5 to 18 Fantastic, right. Different type off effects are available. You can choose any of them. And again from this Lapin and I click on these at just man and select gaps. If we want to play around with these brightness, contrast highlights and shadow, then using this graph, you can do this. Now I just drag to the top and D Christie's toe, add more, expose our and increase the brightness a little bit. All right, I recommend you to play around with face to make your image better on these time. My truth, color balance. And here you see, you can adjust your calla using the's difference light as now at some imagined, uh, and some loose effect on my image. Also, you can control shadows and also highlights off your picture. All right, now I go to the adjustment layer gain and select 40 filter and heresy. We can easily add different type off water filter in our photo and in these drop termino here you see different type off optionals. There's still a blue look. Justin want Lee? I simply add Jewish filter in my photo layer. Select green. Also, you can customize your for the filter color using these kala picker these days. I just skip it. That's why are just right. Click on these fort of winter one layer and select till it clear. Also, you can change any particle A color article photo by changing Hello Off you answers. Rashaan, simply click on this adjustment icon. Select you and situation. And this time from these drop terminal I choose Rex. And now I changed available situation. Look on the our red color is affected, right? Also, some building besets are available. Who can use any of these to get instant effect in your photo? All right, So this is the basic use off color adjustment. I highly recommend you to play around with this to collect correct, awful photo to look them better. Thank you so much for watching. 12. Section Intro - Object Removal In Photoshop: in the section Willen Hard to Rio any unwanted objects around the photo easy at before the shop. So let's imagine that maybe you have taken a picture that you want to use in your business or any other social media sites. But there is something in photograph that doesn't belong. There are you would like to for it to be there, so you have taken a great picture. But there is a part in the sky, but you don't want that Bart to be. There are something off that measure so far. You should offer some exclusive tools for removing objects and making it look like it was never there to begin with. And this is a lot off fun, and in the section we will learn how to do that easily, using out of it for the shop. See you in the next lecture. 13. Use Of Clone Stamp Tool & Patch Tool: Now let's go ahead and take a look how we will remove these billions instead off or shop. I downloaded this photo before from pigs obey dot com Had you get unlimited right to free images for absolutely free this time we want to use this image as a block post image or something like that. And we don't want these bellows because they don't go with our branding. But we really like this overly match. So let's figure out how we can actually good read off these balance and make these just It is gay background Now from the left side, I just click and hold on this icon and choose Close System Tool and Harry see different types of brushes are available. I usually go this off brush when I'm doing any type of thes e stampings are floating or anything like that sometimes to extend Russia's work really good. If you do it, chuck on its better and they can actually want good. You have to mask the background that you are using. So if something is buried, texture are patterned. Then you might want to Is that if it is very hard, you might use a hard brush. You have to experiment with these individual images. But I typically you saw brush and I said, size in 50. And after that, by pressing control and plus I just doomed this image. Or if you're using Mac than simply place comment and plus all right, now let's see how this clone is them two lakhs. Now I place alter from my keyboard or, if you're using Magdalene simply players option key. And I just leak on this middle of the vellum. All right? Now, I simply brush it here and look, there's a plus and they're striking that what I am quitting. So if you go to the bottom, it cross that and you can see where the target is and why did draw that in? So I could actually add a clone object in our existing image. But this is not our primary goal. Our goal is hard to remove any specific object from our image. So for now, I just under these. So what we want to do is we need to color in these gay and indeed and color over that image and off course. We need to make sure that we be something they're similar. This is guy. Because if we get over herto they're very light. For example, if I choose the's white color of the sky and then Brass City look, it is not going to look right Mex us, huh? Because you have very light and isco is dark right here. So you have to try to get close in kind off color. Now let's see how to do that. Now I holding Alder are if you're using Mag then press comment And now I just simply click on this is a color and after that I just simply brash eat over here, all right? And after that from the left Wilbur I choose thesis patch tool and then I just simply select these Belen like these. And after that I just simply moved here to replace the selection with this this guy And yes , we are done. And look how easily use the enclosed capital and patch tool. We easily remove our object in the same way. Using this technique, you will ableto remove these two other balance from this picture. Thank you so much for watching 14. Remove Objects With Healing Brush Tool: the objects from image we would use hitting brash tool to do this from the left. I just like on these icon and select healing brush tool and said, My brush size in 50. Now I just doom these image a little bit more to see these better. All right, Actually, these hearing bash tool works similar to that loan snap tool. Expect it is going toe. Try calculate the area around the image as we're being gallery Julia. Sample color over the image, and it is just going to try in bells and on the image and make it blend in. So let's see how that works. So same as before, I'm going to go far away from this particular balloon. Who are? These colors are pretty similar to what we're going to go after now. I place alter all if you are using Magnin place option key and choose any fuel preferred color. I just live. Click it on these position now. I just brush it over here like these heresy. It is just magically disappear. It is just sampling that, and because thes bills are similar, there's why it just cause in color out away in the same way to remove this balloon. I just press altar and truth this color by left. Click it and crash it over here and there. See, in this way, using the's healing brush tool we can is the remote objects from our image. Betty's right. Thank you so much for watching. 15. How To Remove Background From Image: before we begin working, their fasting that we want to do is open a photo. Now, this can be a photo you took off. You sell, or you can follow them with the image that I have provided in Dari Sosa Sexual toe open This app simply hit on open and juice. You preferred photo and heat on open. Now, if you want to remove these background, then process is very simple. From the left side. Click and hold on this icon and select quick selection tools. And this time I see like this boy. And now I June these documents a little bid by pressing control. Plus all you can jump your document using this June tool. All right, now I see, like, these quick selection tool and now holding the a button off the most, I just drag it like these, and the stool creates out what I want to select. And here we see, unfortunately, we see the extent extra portion. Tofik this click on this minus quick selection toe, hold the live battle demos and drag on this extra portion and fixed ease. Now, I joined these document a little bit more. Andi, fix it and a kick on this plastic on again and fix the selection. Now I just select these jump tool click on my nurse and click on my document. Did you out books to face the selection. I see. Like this quick selection tool. Choose minus and fix it. All right. And now from these large Pennell, I just it on l a mask icon. Look, are bigger is just removed. This looks already really good. Now, before export these photo, I just select crop tool and you mark my document a little bit and grab pitch like this way and heat on. Done now to export. These simply hit on file save s. And from these drop termino, choose PNG on destination full. I see like deck stop and heat on safe and impinge option I choose Compression is molest low interferon on and heat on. Okay, How about exporting Is don't complete And charities. We sexually removed our background and we add a transparent background on it. And in this way you can easily remove your background and used this type of photo anywhere you want by simply replacing with another that ground. Thank you so much for watching 16. Section Intro - Design A Cool T-shirt With Adobe Photoshop: in the section I show you how to create this T shirt design. At first we add image and add artistic Qatar defect in our image. Then we add some text and customize them. And finally I brush on these. Hopefully, you learn something new in these two short descend section and using these techniques and use your creativity, you will able to descend much multi shots like these so we don't any for the daily. Let's start it. At first we quit a blank document to do this. Click on file Truth New and I said with 4500 pigs ill and said Hi 5400 gigs L and Choose Translation, Cree 100 Callum. Would I choose RGB and said, My background color Black Now a heat on quipped are blank document discredit. In our next lecture, I import a new image in this blank to comment and at artistic cattle different on it 17. Add Artistic Cutout Effect In Image: indexed up. I already added a sample condiments. Now I drag this in campus by holding shift. I just joined this image a little bit and said it in middle. After that, I just heat on. Okay, Now I add cattle defect in this image to do this from the Lepine and I just writing all these humans there and select restaurants there. After that, I click Filter and Jews in his gallery to see the full image on the screen. Simply right. Click on this and Jews 1000 tree How it is now make sure that your artistic for ladies open . Then Jews got out and had to see three different sliders. By changing Miller off thes crease letters. You can make your cat out. Fact more Strimple are complex now I am so despite with this result for these, I just hit on. Okay. All right. In our next lecture, we add different type off text in these emits 18. Add Text And Customize Them: before adding guest on this image. I just really my black background from this cat image. To do this, click and hold on this quick selection tool and select Magic one tool. And after that leak on this black canvas and president elect heresy Onley our cat images left on these. All right now I place control D two d selectee selection toe adding text from the left. Alba, I just select thes text a con and then I click on this campus said my side in 72 pick there and change my color from black to white. Now I type gaps are my favorite people. I just changed Ellen Man's in left now my dad guess Ah, my Now I heat on okay. And at the end of the next year and die forever it Andi he took again and create another text alert and type people. Now I change. These scares are my the's decks size and font. To do this, I just see like this layer I just make this white deepika and after that I see like everything and increase the size of this text after that from these drop down menu, I choose my fund. This time I choose impacted two point off, aren't and said it in this position. And now I just changed thes text color to do this, select this textbook and click on this color icon and from these Calais Picca I just choose this color and to make these a little bit whiter. And now I hit on Okay, I just choose peace, middle work and again on these color picker icon And this time I make this middle world a little bit darker. All right, now I hit on Okay. Now from the Lebanon, I just choose thes threat text And after selecting this work from the drop down menu, I just choose tease Miss trolley style and make this world a little bit bigger. And Jay's Michaela from why to yellow. And after that I said it just in this position and I said, My fast x layer right here And finally I just choose thes people takes layer and said the sticks in 110 pigs ill And after that from the Texas Day, I choose impact that two point off want And I said it here and from the color picker I just said this phone color like the 1st 1 All right. Now, I add a textbook in this place to do this. I just open my brother and such. Forget now from the Wikipedia. I just copy these fast lane and in photo shop, I choose the text take on. And in Texas, I just based it and I just select everything and change my size. Dean. 24. Pig's ear Now I just wanted it and true smoke toe and said it in thes position. And after that, I just changed my Fonte stale and changed my font color. Also from the Galactica Asia stool. Sta that great? All right. I just changed all their position and say it did. Yeah. You know, next lecture. I will give a finishing touch off these T shirt designs. Thank you so much for watching 19. Finishing Touch Of This T-shirt Design: in the final step off this to share these any I just use a brush tool. But before these from the AARP inner I create a new layer of these background to do this. I just select these bag on there and click on Create a new layer icon. And after that, from the leftover, I choose brush and I click on these Air Icon and from thes Garrick on I choose TP brushes. After that, I choose thesis one and said the bra size in 2000 exam and I just changed the color. I just said, uh, dark gray and finally I just heat on. Okay, now I click it. Yeah, and click on this position. All right. And we had done Hopefully you learn something new in this to share design section and using these techniques and using your creativity, it was able to descend much more T shirts like this 20. Section Intro - Design A Simple Logo With Photoshop: If you ever he started a brand or company, then you have probably thought, Oh, I need a cool ago, right? But you might have not been a great designer, are Maybe you don't have money. Don't worry about that. Because in the section I will show you have to quit your own logo easily using out of before the shop Here I have just a group of some giant business companies logos and had We see all of these are text based. Most of these companies have either text based level are a text based with a little icon. And in the section I'm going to show you how to quit a simple back, professional looking logo with text chef and icons that we can find for free online. From our next lecture, we start grating our logo. 21. Create Project, Add Shapes, Find & Place Icon: in this section of this course, I'm going to show you how to quit this exact level using out of before the shop so we don't any further delay lurks iStar that now I just opened out of before the shop to create a new project. I just simply hit on new. And now I tied my file name, sample, logo and shoes with I said the 2000 exists and said Height. I said 2000 pigtails also now I Jews Resolution 300 said, My bag gun white. And now I finally hit on pre it. All right now I draw a circle on the's blank document. To do this, simply click and hold on this icon and select Ellipse stool. And after that holding shift, drag your mouse right here. All right now, Toe said, the circle in middle from this lepen L. Struse Phillips on holding shift Select bag down there. After that, laying on this little icon and select Allen to Can Pass and Dan click gain truthfully gentle center and select particle centers on. Make sure that your stroke is set in zero pigs. L are you just like on this is took icon and choose no color to fill the circle with different. Kara, simply click on these silicon and jewels any color you want. Now I click on the scallop Icka and said, a great gala and heat on. Okay, now toe de select the selection. Simply press control D Now, for example, if we want to increase or decrease the size of the circle, then easily. You can do this from the LePen. L select the circle layer and then place control Tito, Activate that transform, Mort. And after that, holding shaped, dragged to the top or down to make it bigger are the smaller All right. Now I just under this And now this time I find that I come from Internet, who it is free to use and place it on this position to find icon my most. For it works it is. I can find a dot com now Assad for bus. And this time I download this icon and here we see available dimensions to download these icon. If you download it a low resolution icon span who? A new place it on your project. You. I gone maybe excellent it That's why I recommend you to download as busy format off icon as busy is objectified. That's why it will never pigs let it are, Donald. It is now complete. Now I just simply drag my as beautifying right here and after that, to maintain the expect ratio by holding shift eyes just dragged down and he okay. And from this lepen l I choose my bus layer and select the smoke tool and said it here. Now, I just right click on this layer and feel like blending options and a car overlay and change my color from with Dwight. All right, now, in our next lecture will add a text and give a finishing touch off this logo. Thank you so much for watching. 22. Add Text In Your Logo: Please don't I add a text under this icon to do these ideas like these textile and click on these events on this time I type whilst travel. Now I move it air using the smoke tour and select this text tool and select this whole textbook. And using these drop down menu, I just simply choose brush script as two deformed and using these character panel, I just increased East Texas a little bit and using them upto, I just simply stated in media our light and yes, we are done in our next lecture. I'm going to show you how to export this logo with transferring their ground. 23. Export Your Logo With Transparent Background: Hello, my dear students, being this well, I'm going to show you how to export our logo. We transparent background. If I normally saved this project as a J P G R PNG format, then you may see these logo with white bag down that we have done in other projects by distance. We need transparent background, right to do this from this letter panel. Simply until this I bought rum background layer and after that hit on file save s and that you find them and Jews format e n g. And now I heat on sake on her It is logo we dress, but in Baghdad owned. But here you see our level resolution is 2000 by 2000 Pigs Els if you want to increase or decrease thes local size and after that you want to export it than simply hit on file export to say for web and then from these drop terminal juice, PNG And from this image size simply tack you with and height. Suppose if you want to export this image with 500 by 500 pig's ears than simply put it here and heat on, Say I choose my destination for the deck stop. And I tried my file Name. Example. Logo 500. And now I heat on, say, and yes, we are done. Her it is 500 by 500. Big, zesty mess. And this is our 2000 by 2000. Pigs, This image. All right, so in this way we can easily export our logo with transparent back down with a resolution. Thank you so much for watching. 24. Section Intro - Create An Attractive YouTube Thumbnail: people are searching videos all their long, literally millions of millions of people are searching and watching video every day. So it is very important to reason you you took them now which is very much a crack tip and applicable toe. You you do, Johnny. So these democratic you took Tufnell about top 10 high protein fruits But before creating a project in 40 shop at fast we have to know what is the extender size off it to camel right now in Google, I just simply type e to Tamil Easterner size. And here we see east undersize off you too. Cameron is 12 80 by 7 20 Now I just open a 40 shop heat on new and in. Finally, I died You to come now and said Resolution well, a day by 7 20 All right now, I said Resolution Cree handed Kalamata al G B and said, My background color white. And finally I just heat on quipped, And in our next lecture we will find the perfect image for our e to Tom there and a text in our project. Thank you so much for watching 25. Add Image & Text In Your Project: our video is about to obtain high protein fruits. And this time I search for food related photo and exists. It is a great to have said to get unlimited reality free photos this time moustache Far Foot's and they receive a bunch of different wrestles. And all of these are fruits. Will it it this time I download these simple photo. I just leak on these and from these drop Berman Oh, I choose my resolution. The original what? 5184 by 2456 big sellers. And now I heat on download. Look, this photo is stain MB and it is just the start downloading. So once it is completed, simply open this up and then dragged these photo in your project. All right, now I heat on. Okay, Toe freed These photo in this project, I just use thes jump, tool and see like, these Jew moat and click on these. All right, now from this LePen in, I'd choose thes food, image layer, and then press control t to activate that cross from Mort and then holding shift. I just scale it up to make this bigger all right, now, I just said it in this position and hit on okay to June. These documents simply place, control, pass are if you're using Magda in place Common class. Are you just Jews thes jumble and click on this plus icon on. And after that leak on this document, now I air text in this image to do this, I just simply click on these text tool and click on this image on these time from these drop termino I said my text size 30. And now I died stopped in high protein foods and I see like, this decks and said Alan meant to the left all right, and using the move tool, I just stated just in this position now about these texts Seems to me very boring to make our text. You stand out, I just use a little tricks. Now, from the stool bar, I choose reckon collect tool as quit erecting girl and great directing girl right here and now I just duplicate this layer by right click on these and select duplicate layer. And now I heat on. Okay. Now, using this move tool, I just move it to the top and from this Lepine l I just moved the stickler and set it in top, all right. And now, using these motor, I just said my text just in this position and select this text tool and select this whole text block. And from these drop down menu, I choose these athletic front. And now I just simply hit on, okay? And now from the slap L I truth rectangle one and press control de to activate the transfer moat and holding achieved eyes as break to the right like these and increased these rectangular height a little bit. All right. And from this lepen l I choose the rectangular one Coppelia. And using these motile, I just moved to the top a little bit. And in the same way, I placed control t to activate that transfer, mort, and increase the height off this rectangle. A little big. All right. And now I heat on done, and this time I chased thesis rectangle color at these text color. Now, to change this rectangle teller, I just rightly condition rectangle one and Syriac blending options on I select color overlay. And using the scallop Icka, I choose thes red color. All right. And now I hit on. Okay. Now I choose the text tool and select this portion of the text and changed his color from black to white. And then I see like these pushing off this text and using the scallop Icka I choose thes red color. All right. And finally toe add a little bit relief act in these two rectangle from this lateral. I just right Click on this and select blending options on Jake these big deal and in Boss and I increase the size of these on heat on. Okay, on in the same way. I see. Like this, working with the one copy right click on the select Blending options on Jake this clip and in boss. All right. And yes, we are done. And in our next lecture, you learn how to export and save our image in computer. Thank you so much for watching 26. Export YouTube Thumbnail: and finally we export our image and these processes pretty simple. Simply hit on five Dantley on Savers on low skilled destination for that Easter my shoes deck stop! And from these problem a new here you see different types or formats for you to come there to spin t on tepic format. This time I choose thes Jeff back and hit on safe. I always recommend you to Jules image quality a maximum. If you select law or media, then your emails, maybe little bit pixel a debt. There's always jewels, maximum quality and then hit on. Okay. And yes, we are done. Here it is. So in this way, using these techniques and use you creativity you can is liquid a wacky terminal for your YouTube video. Thank you so much for watching 27. Section Intro - What Is Infographic & Why Does It Matters: what is infographics and info graphics? You this desert, sometimes separated by text to represent information our data, often with the aim off delegating our informing and rt i Koreans. Why do infographics matter? Because infographics are an effective way to etiquette are informed an audience. They can be used to make complex data easier to understand and digest. If we create high quality, professional looking in photograph people master like these and they feel free to share on social media are anywhere on the Internet by adding our logo RFC in for in our infographics , we were able to drive more traffic and get more Angus man in our life, said our brand. Actually, it will boost our visibility. Infographics are converts really, really well, let's see some statistics. There is a 70% weight off understanding for text only levels and a 95 apart from right off understanding. For text and picture based levels, people follow instruction. Org. More times better with text and illustration parses those falling text on the instruction people. Rico, 80% off what they see and do 20% off what this sweet and bring person off what the hair 65% off. People are busily honors. It only takes 150 millisecond for a symbol to be proceed and another 100 minutes again toe touch a meaning off it. Actually, images are great. Teacher and infographics are awesome to share ideas and it is a weight media to get pure set in shop. 28. Create An Infographic Document In Photoshop: in this section of this course, I'm going to show you how to create infographics from a sketch using other before shop bad . Before creating infographic, we need to answer some basic questions. And these questions are What is this infographic going to be displayed and who is going to be viewing it? Because it is really matters to think about what Williams is going to reviewing this, how they're going to use it. This info graphics against your business, our brand and where they're going to be beauty. Are they going to be or obsessed our social media? Is it going to be downloadable that they can download to save their computer? Is it going to be image RPG from our? It is going to be something that they can print out and hang up in their home and office. After answering all of these questions, you will get a good idea that what kind of dimensions you want to go weak. I think you know, for his book posts had a certain set of dimension that you can boast much. The speaker supposed being just is a great for Infographic because they l o for long images , so you have to find out that. Why are you going to be posting you, Infographic? By doing research, I found that the most common ratio infographic is one by tree are 1 to 4 ratio. So that means for 500 big sales. Long image, it will be 1500 are 2000 pigs is long. However, toe simplicity shake. We're going to make a little shorter one on. We are just going to make our infographic 500 figures by 1000 pigs just long. And this is a 1 to 2 ratio. But it will just keep it simple for this course. Now does go ahead and select files, Neil. And this time I get may finally infographic and the stem I sit with 500 pigs is and sit Height 1000 exiles choose resolution Cree handed caramel Adi B and truth background color white. And now I heat on quit. All right, are blank. Document is just created, as you can see that it is just a nice longer, which is not as 500 by 2000. Pictures. I just tried to show you that the basics in this course not create a full infographic Now I see like these gentle and click on this blast making fed icon and click on this to do my document. So at first I just have this document for it started sending our infographic. I like to use great with this chart of things because it helps to make sure that things that Easter uniforms and have a go team lady So let's go ahead and turn on our great I just click on view show and click on greed. But as you can see these good looks effort because it is using damage on that we are not using Soto fix this simply hit on it it preference and select got and slice. Now from these groups section using these drop terminal I choose exists And here you see these grapes for every gauge subdivision for Let's Said it in 50 and said Subdivision fight . And now these big Gatland's is 50 exists and is maligns is staying pig cells. So we got 10 2030 40 50 10 2030 40 50 So there's nice and even is it to use and easy to work with And now I heat on. Okay, now I set up a ruler for these document. Now I'm setting up a ruler on these documents. Rulers are the great for a learning things Here. You see, our ruler is already visible. Taub, visible ruler on your Photoshopped project simply hit on view and J crew loves. We measured this document in pigs us toe sitting up the stroller simply double click on the stroller. And then James Drew letting it from into stoop exists. And now heat on. Okay. And here we see on the top, the skin. Our document is 0 to 500 exists. And it is 1000 pigs Islam that we can also see in this ruler. All right, I set up this ruler because I can click here and make this little element marker and make sure that things are in center even if the groups are off. So here we just sitting a bar document and in our next lecture, Oil east are descending our infographic 29. Start Designing Infographic: And in this lecture we will start designing our infographics Now from the Lepine in layers forming these document. And in this fast blow we add some color blocks. And then in these two blocks, we add a big cattle off our infographic. Then reboot is step one. And these infographics is going to be a Easter Infographic. Teaching someone how to do something in order to Esteban is the to Easter Pre is 24 and so on. And in this space we put some information that he stepped do and again we put some information right here. You step t used to four and east. If I and in this is best, maybe we put our soybean for and now just go ahead and break this off in a box. So that will be a one block three blocks, four blocks and five blocks and these will be five card logs and those five color blocks will correspond to five steps. Now I June this document a little bit more and from this Lebanon, I create a new earlier and double click on this layer wanted and renamed ease on. This time I die colored blocks and then I take on this little icon and see, like waiting with a marquee tool And I create a rectangle and said my foreground color dark green and click on idiot feel And from the strap terminal make sure that you choose for run color and hit on Okay, Then again I draw a new rectangle and Jane my foreground color and fit it in blue And I feel it with these blue color on in the same way I said this colored in orange on heat Okay ? And feel this with orange makes us huh? And finally we grow our fit wrecking guy. And this time I feel this color with yellow. All right, now toe dislike the selection Press control de Or if you're using mag than simply press common d. But I don't like these that or be colored blocks to make a cigar, simply choose directing Lamarque O'Toole and create a big rectangle. And after the selection raised, elect Awesome. Now I press control de to de select this now from these lepen and I just right click on these color blocks there on a great duplicate layer and this to my dad Cala blocks footer and the heat on. Okay, now I just read ends thes. And then we get to the movoto and I ju mark my document a little bit more and easing the moped tool, I just simply I said, this car blocks in bottom, all right? And now we get an ice layout, but we can do many different things now I just removed is great. Now, from this LePen l toe our love these bag under simply double click on this and said any name you want this time I die, bag down and heat on, okay? And I pick on this white color and changed my bag on color and said it in black and click on these for gun color. Aun said it in like a black All right. And now click on this icon and select William Tool and make sure that you see, like, these riddled, radiant and now, in the middle of this document left, Click on it and holding these left lake same day drag to the right on instantly. It gives me a cool, little colored background and really, it looks awesome. Now, if you want to hide these grid lines than simply best control age are. If you're using man dancing, prepares comment is too busy. Will this again with again control our comment age? All right, and these time add title on this position To do this, I just click on the text tool and click on the document and change my color from black to white and heat on Okay, said Element in center and said, My phone says in 16. And now I that infographic title and I see like these text law and from these drop down menu, I use a front, which is called American Captain and using the move tool I said it in media and increased the font size a little bit more. All right now is in the move tool. I moved to the top a little bit and I see let the textile again and this time I add a little sap. It'll under these and I said, takes us in 10. And now I died. The little sub editor and I said they access in a big Zia and using the move tool, I sit it in media Fantastic. On in our next exit will add icons and put information in this infographic. See you in the next lecture 30. Add Icons And Put Information In Infographic: on in this letter, I'm going to show you how to a port information and icons in teeth in photography. So we don't any for the dealers started at first, I've visible days, read and guides. And after that from this layer panel, Great and Yulia. And then click and hold on this icon and choose elliptical, marquee tool and holding shift. Simply read a new circa all right. And after that said you forgot color using this kala Picca choose thes green color. And now I heat on. Okay, Now go to it. It feel, and from the drop down menu, make sure that you choose for one color, and then he on. Okay, now I click on a lattice tan and see leg drop shadow. But before this, I just hide thestreet and guides. All right, now I see leg at Larry, Stan and jewels drop shadow. And he had increased our distance off the shadow and changed the angle of the shadow. All right. And now I heat on okay. And again, I peaceable these greed legs and holding shift. I just draw a another circa, and I click on it it feel and hit on. Okay, and using the move tool. I just said it here on Antley and hold on this icon and select rectangular marquee tool. And this time I draw a rectangle like these, And after that, I click on it, it feel and heat on. Okay? And now I just simply had my great And to dislike this one, simply press control d awesome. And here we see a cool treat effect on the because off adding shadows. And this time I had a text on it to do this. Filic this text tool click on this position. And this time I, dag, is that one. But before this, I said my phone color in white. Now I in greed the size a little bit more and using the moped tool, I simply said it in media. Now, from this letter Pennell, I select is text layer on holding control Sylar. Clear one and simply group them by simply press control. T o r. If you're using bag, then place comin g. And now from this lepen l I just copied these Group one. And now I visible my guidelines to do these. Go, Toby, You show and Jews gaps. And after that holding shift I just dragged down on. I do the same thing for more creed. Dimes on holding shaved. I just drag it down on Duke to get the letter gain on holding shift. I just said it here on now I change these text. Dodo these I just expand these group one copy and see, like the stakes layer and change it and type is step two on in the same way. I just the sticks and type is step three used to four and dad is to fight. All right, now, to change these border Tele simply goto the group one copy earlier and feel like this letter one act like on this little icon. A Jew scholar Overly and using the scallop Icka I choose thes blue color and heat on. Okay. And again, Far Group One Copy to I used their one go to color over there and using these collapse vicar, I choose thes orange color. I do the same for these other two borders. Makes sense, huh? Very easy. But for the last one, I just simply change my text. Gala aun said it in black. Now let's put some taste on the's Banke space to do this, I just simply click on the textile and click on this document and said, Color white and the excess I said it in a big cells and this time I died. This is some dext. This is some text now. I just copy, eat and breath in dust and basically tear and said Ellen meant in media now using the Moto , I said, adjusting these position and said, Phone size six big There's And now I just duplicate this layer and holding shift. I just said it just in this position and to play get it again on holding achieved I said it . Yeah, and I do the same thing for is the four and is 25 Awesome. Now from these Lebanon Ijaz Group, these text blocks I just simply drag and drop it in Group One and said The 2nd 1 in Group One Copy said, That's hard one in Group One, copy to and for the Port One. I put it in Group one, Copy Cree. And for the last one, I put this text block in Group One copy for All right and now forties Infographic reference . I put my Web it just right here. Now I see like, these text tools. And this time I tied My wife said you are l www dot on an unthinking dot arc. And using the moped tool, I said in media And this time I changed Theis Conte Stan and choose thes aromatics display font and I hit on. Okay, Now, if you want to make your infographics more interesting than you may put little icon on the circle. So that is how you can make a best infographic using for a show. Hopefully, that gives you a sound basic idea. Now you just simply exported in pain. TJ epic r P deformity and shall it anywhere you want. Thank you so much for watching. 31. Section Intro - Design A Creative Business Card: business cards are easy to distribute and create new opportunities for your brand, our businesses. So it is necessary to create a business card that is quitted and represent your mission. And in this section of the scores, I'm going to show you how to create this exact same business card using out of the for the shop. So without any further delay, alerts is static. But before that, I had to mention one thing in this section of this course in the resource of section, you will get these being a scar template file. And for these particular business card, we used this People's new farmed and we use this color combination to create our business card. Now, at first I just opened this business card template on in this template. In their section here we see a fola who it is called lead and guide. And under this folder, two layers are inevitable. Rounded edges and normal ages. If you take this eyeball, you see the sound edges already for one to quit your business card with normal edges, then check this eyeball icon. All right, But for this time, I just simply hide both of these layers Now I add a background on these document toe dough , this leak, and hold on this icon Jews rectangle tool and left. Click on it and then type you with 1125 pig's ear and said Hi. 675 pigs up, and now I heat on. Okay, Now, I never get to the move tool and simply said this Rick Tangail right here. Now I goto the resources Fulda and simply dragged these calorie mints right here. Andi simply place it here and hit on. Okay, Now, from this letter panel, I just double click on district tingle one taste and rename it and tied background. All right, now I double click on this color on using the scallop Icka. I choose this cream color, and now I heat on. Okay. Now at the better on this background to do this wrong. This letter Pennell. I just write. It condemns bag lonelier and select blending options. And I see let back on overlay and from the drop down menu I used the last one and said it's girl in 50. And from these drop criminal, I choose linear bad and make sure that You said capacity in 100. Now I hit on. Okay, Now I draw these shape on these position to do this. At first, using the Moto, I moved this color image and said it, Yeah, Jews days bento and make sure that you see, like ship. And after that, I just simply draw my first ship, and I click and drag on this corner to make this little bit Covey. All right, so change this color, simply double click on it on using these Kala Picca, choose this color. And now a hit on. Okay, on these de my great A ship like this one to do these, I click it. Yeah, click on this position and carve it a little bit more and then simply close it. Now I don't liken it. And using the scallop Icka, I'll choose thesis color and hit on. Okay. And now from this level, I just dragged the shape one in top. On this day, I create the ship to do these. I just like it. Yeah, and God is a little bit more. And then close it and r I double click on this ship tree and using the color picker. I choose thes gala, and he'd on okay, on from this lepen in our to ship tree and drag it under ship to And finally we create a shape just like this one. So do these. I just like it. Yeah, they care and make it a little bit, Garvey. And after the I just close it. And now from this letter panel, I just double click on shape for and using this color picker I Truth is black color. And from this letter panel are to share four and Alan it under the ship tree. All right. And now I select these four shape and move it and great a group off this ship to do this, I just simply press control g all Revere is in mag, then plays. Come on, G. Now I just really in this for the name and type ships. All right, now, this time at better and great and openly off this far ship toe do this. I just cmpc lack ship one and right click on it and select banning nuptials. And then I check this better overlay and choose thes better and skeleton. 50 said obviously 100 on blending moon. I chose linear bar and now I check these radiant over there and through these William Tisdale on. Now I double click on it and said This color in white Andi said Capacity zero Ah, now I hit on Okay, Aun said Engel in zero. And from these drop terminal, I chose blending more linear dark at Aun said Capacity in 30 and then press OK, now I also add drop shadow off the ship. To do this again, go to the blending options. Jake this drop shadow and said Distance in two and serves as in seven and make sure that you answer this used to a light and I said Angle in 24 Aun said. Capacity in 50 and now I heat on. Okay on now. This time I add this exact same effect in the shape so shaky and Shea for toe do these holding alternately on this FX and drag it in shape, toe and in the same way, holding altar and regular in shape, tree and share four are if you're using mag, then press option key. Instant off this all turkey, All right on in our next little oil at text and icons and give the finishing touch off this business card 32. Add Text, Icons And Give The Finishing Touch (Back Part Of Business Card): this time I put some information and some icons in this card, but before this from this little panel, I just hide this color image. And I chose the stakes tool and click on this document on Teesta my type my name mashriq shirker and said My phone size started big cells. But before this I have to see like this text and said it Entirety exists and using the mobile, I just simply said it here I liked. Now I click again. These takes tool And if they my type my profit Shawn online instructor and said my farm size E in 14 big zehs. And from these drop terminal, I choose bookie state off these bills New formed and I said right here Now from this lepen l I just like these toe text layer and now is in the motor pool. I moved to the right a little bit more all right, and is to my port location, phone and we reckon just in this position to do this, I just simply it Lee can hold on this icon and choose custom shape tool. Now from the drop terminal I selectees icon as a location icon and the holding shift. I just draw this icon right here. And after that from this LePen in I said these shape name as the location. All right, Now, to change these, I can cover I just impeachable click on it. And using these collapse Vika, I choose this black tele all right. And now to add telephone icon and they gain I click on this drop down menu and choose thes telephone icon and then holding shaved Ijaz, draw this icon and I simply double click on it. And using this color Picca Jews thes blacker and name it as a form and is in the moto I just stated here, and I just simply activate that sounds from Mort to say this icon size like thes location icon And now I heat on. Okay, all right. And finally we add the with icon to do this, I just simply choose custom shape, tool and see like this, or bake on and holding shift. I just right. All right. Now from this lepen in I name it as where and I will click on it and said color in black and using the Moto I said these were back on just in this position, and I choose thes phone check and set it in middle. Now I click on this little icon and select piece line tool because now I draw two lines, stooling them together. But before these, I said my foregone color in black and said it stroke in five exists and then holding shift . I just draw a line and holding chief a draw. The another line, all right. And I said, Within creep exists on our east are typing is to get their phone number and address. I just see in places like this takes tool and click on this document and type is spread this. Now I see, like this whole text off and said foreign size in 10 pig cells. Actually, Candace character icon and the Krista Lattice best and using the Moto I said it here and from these Rob Domino I choose the regularly still off this want, and this time I type my phone number just simply typed are and the one on. By selecting the state blah, I just increased their Linus pissing on using the mu cool. I simply said it here, and finally I put my email address and oil. That dress all right now is in the moto. I just simply a set it in thes polish on now, toe organized, despise I at first select the text blocks and plays controlled Ito Group them together. And I said is full name as a text on I see. Like this ship and icons and P s control D and name as icons here who just organised our fires. Now we can easily expand any of these and eating them. And yes, we are done. Look, how is it Will create the backpack off our business card. And in our next lecture lan, how to create the fun part off this business guide See in the next lecture. 33. Design The Front Part Of Business Card: We just designed the back part off our business card. But before Easter, descending the fun part, I just simply save this file and they died. Business got back and heat on safe. All right. Now, from this letter Pennell, I choose thes text, and I can folder and heat on Deal it now I see, like ships and press control d to activate that transform, Mort. Now I just simply right click on the and select flip holy Jindal and then holding shaved, hijacking shaved I just simply drag it to the left. And now I heat on. Okay, now I expand these shape folder on double click on these efforts A gone. And from the brilliant overlay, I just changed the NGA. All right, now I heat on, okay? And for the ship to I just simply choose drop shadow and changed the drop shadow and girl, once you are satisfied with that heat on okay? And in the same way, I simply click on these ship tree FX icon and go to the ruptured Oh, and changed the anger on in the same way for shape. For I go in the drop. Shadow up Sean and Jane's the angle of it. All right. And now this time I place a level on the s position to do this. I just simply drag my company logo right here on holding shaved. I just resize it and stated just in the split. Sean on. After that, I just right click a need. Select blending options. Go to the color overlay. And then using the scallop Icka, I choose the's great cholera and I heat on. Okay, Now, from this left side, I choose thes textile on type my company and the production. And from these drop down menu, I choose the Baba's new formed and said form size 24 pig cells. And then using the moped tool, I say to just in this position and James these phone color and it is gray color. And under these, I pulled the slogan off our company on this time I type we believe in quality and then say it form says in nine exists Aun said Justin thes position now from this lepen l I choose these two text block and logo and using the moto, I just simply said it in middle. And yes, we are done. We just successfully disease our fun part off our business card. Now I simply click on savers and that my file lady business got formed. And now I hit on sake. And this is our fun part. And this is the back part. Awesome, right? And now you just simply exported INGE Epic are pain deformity are any format you want, then printed and use it. So in this way we can easily create much more amazing business card using our before shop. Thank you so much for watching. 34. Section Intro - Where To Find Mockup Templates: product mocha, basically an image that simulate a real world product. This can be anything from book of our stew. Softer box SS, even things such as bottle scans extra. It works really great for both physical and digital products. Now let's take a look. Some example. Off the rack mocha in Google. I simply Sarge for Barack Madoff's and heat on these image debt. Here you can see a different things like bottles, cans, supplements and you get a good sense of idea that how useful these things can be and these definitely hits with branding. And here we see their branding across multiple products. And that's great for Brazil, alleging that what you brand might look like on some other products and also they great for digital products just because it gives really nice to feel it. Now let's see how you get this type of mark ups. One of my favorite lifts. It is smoke a while dot Co, and in these prima cough section here we see a bunch of different categories. Let's jewels, paper and books, and all of these mark ups are absolutely free. Let's say you descend your business card now by downloading these markup template. You can simply replace your business card with this one. A bunch of different high end mock ups are available on the site. On my another favorite have said is BST cover start gone. It is the greater set for 40 shop. More cops. Can you get bunch of different high quality more cops, but you have to pay 1.35 dollop Arman to get the Pemex is off this, perhaps act. Simply download any of this monk up and replace it with your design and the cellblock post . I found this article on Internet. They just provide 100 based free PSD mock ups. 100 high end markups are available on these Block Post. Download any of them and replace it with you graphics. This is a beautiful business card, Vaca Loca MoCA. And even here we see shopping back. Markup is also available in these articles. Actually, by searching on the web, you will get lost off resources where you get both free and paid piers DeMarcus and the word way to highlight our brand. Our businesses, in this way 35. Use Of Clipping Masks: So before you start editing our fast Barack mock up, I want to show you the one thing who it is. The use off sleeping mask. And for these devastation, I just create a new project on from this lepen. L I just double click on this background layer and create a similar name. It we are zero and heat on. Okay, To make this background transparent, I just simply entities now from the left side click and holdings I can't and see, like electrical market tool and the holding shift. I just draw a sarka to fill the cycle with color. At first, I create new earlier and then goto idiot feel. And from these robber minnow, I chose for one color and hit on. Okay. Now, to dislike the selection, I just simply press control d r e for losing Magnin prayers. Common d Now I open a is concert in far shop. To do this, I just hit on file open. And from this Dexter, I just simply open my enemy profile. Iskan Sure. Now from the lepen else league and hold this layer. And how about about on until one project and simply drop it here and using the mobile isolated in my preferred position. And after that, now I create a clipping mask. So basically what's going to happen is any information off this layer below. Off our image is going toe clip that information now. I just rightly condition is consort image layer and select sleeping mask. Now, if we want toe repositioning this image, then from the LePen l choose your image layer and using the motor pool, set it in. You prefer ATP, Alicia on. If you want to move this port image and sarka, then simply select both off this layer and using the mobile moving and where you want. So this is basically that use off clipping mask. Thank you so much for watching. 36. Edit A Simple Product Mockup Template: Oh, my dear restaurants in this video, I'm going to show you hard to edit a simple mocha and use it off our own. This day my already downloaded a simple ibid markup. Now I just simply double click on this PSD file. So once it is open in the left panel, heresy to different layers One is this I pet with the image on another one is just a screen . And in this video, I'm going to show you how to replace Thesis screen with our image toe. Do this. At first, I just simply open my image file. And after that left, click it on and hold on this layer and drag it in this document. And I said, these lead one top off this leak to eat it layer and off course. Make sure that this layer is in the iPad mini group and it is a Buddha liquid it layer. Because as you remember before, we want our clipping my subject toe below our actual image. And there's what we have going on here now, using the mobile, I said it just in this position and simply Rackley, connect and select create a clipping mask. Yeah, buries the right. You can do this with any of this product markups that you saw earlier within the template resources. But this doesn't look right to feed this image. On this I police screen, make sure that you learn one is selected, and then goto idiot brown's from and select distort and move it into the top left corner like these. So once you are satisfied with that, simply hit on, okay? And yes, we are done. As you can see, it has dropped that image into that debt. So now it looks like someone is being that iPad and I could go ahead and say about this image and apple eat on my oil said Are anyone else? So this is a simple product markup that we used just by using a clipping mask and prospective picnic. Thank you so much for watching 37. Use Of Smart Objects With Product Mockup Template: in this video, I'm going to show you how to use the smart objects with the rock markup template. These stem I downloaded a business, that markup template from Internet. Now I just simply open this up and in these their section here receive a bunch of different layers. This is bag down there. This is the fun part off this card layer. And this is the back parlour. And he received the shadow using this must layer. Now, if you want to replace this cut with your business car, then process is very simple. And in this layer section heresy, foreign design hair and your bag isn't hair these two different layers. Now you just simply double click on these foreign descent hair. To replace this card with your business card, simply goto file and click on place link. Now you just simply select you form part off your business cat. I just like this and hit on place now holding shift simply resize it and then hit on. Okay? After they're simply closed this window. Now they ask save changes to the other For short documentary are one psd before closing, then simply hit on years. Look, are fun part off. This business card is just replaced. And now from this Lebanon simply double click. Your bag isn't here on in the same way, simply goto file Jules place laying and juice you'll bagged is an awful business card and then holding shift. Simply fill out this card and then heat on. Okay, After they're simply close, it hit years for, say, changes. And yes, we are done. Look. How is it using its much objects? We replace our business card in this markup them bled and in the same way from now hopefully it will able to eat it anymore. Captain played and I would use it for your own. Thank you so much for watching. 38. Section Intro - Create A GIF: Hello, my dear students, welcome to this new section in this section. I'm going to show you how to quit An amazing an image if using for sure from this catch. It is a great way to make eye catching graphics that you can post it in your website. Our social media are you can at Rusty's in email to make it more interesting and dynamic. Actually, they convert better rather than just still images From our next lecture I'm going to show you how to play his video in 40 shop. And after that we learn how to add text in pidio and finally we export it as a Jiff. I see you in the next lecture. 39. Create A Project & Place Video In Photoshop: to create an animated GIF. At first we have to create a project in for the shop to do this. I just imp lately on file Neil and tied my filing sample JF. And after that I choose height 500 Big Cell and said with 500 pig's ear. All right now I chose resolution, pretended Kalamata actual RGB and said, Bag and contents color white. And now I hit on quit. All right now I place a video on these document to do this. I just download a sample video to download example video. My most robotic orb said it speeds up. It is a greater sit for reality free images and while to free periods now from the drop down menu are choose videos and tied baby tables. And now I click on the start button and here we see a bunch of different videos are available. All of these are busy. Doubles related. Right to download any of these juice you referred Video and truth. Your dimension. Here I choose the Max Resolution 1920 by identity and a heat on download. Look, our video file is just downloading. So once it is complex, simply open this up. And after that, simply drag ID on your document. All right. Now, my heat on done now to play this video as just physical, a timeline window to go there. Simply hit on window and Jake Jamling on See liquid blue them lane. And here it is. Look, our video is just playing right here to reset this video to cover these whole document, I just simply selective video from their panel and press control T. Or if you are using Magan, press comment e to activate that trans from Mort. And after that, I just holding shift click on this corner and drag it to make this bigger and also maintain the expect ratio. All right, Once it was satisfied with that. Simply hit on done. And if I moved the Stanley indicator heresy. Our video is just playing right here also here. You see, our video is 56 seconds long, but we quit edge if I which is around 4 to 6 seconds long Now, if you want to play these, we do from just in this position, then set your 10 indicator. And after that, click on this in point and drag to the right and say the chair and using the our time than indicator said you preferred and position and then select these and point and point and simply drag it to the left like these. All right now I just simply hit on this play button on. There it is. Now, if you want to play this video over and over, Retain then simply click on this little get icon and check this look playback and then simply hit on play. Got it right and I choose to resolution 50%. Our defense is around five seconds long, which is pretty good, says that means devices will be a good size if you acquit Egypt Daddy, stay in seconds are more than that. Then Fyssas is going to be very big and a lot off ourselves. Don't alot these big fight size. And of course, it depends on how big the reservation and the size of their competition is now. 500 by 500 Pig's ears, which is pretty good on in our next lecture, will show you how to a text on eat. Thank you so much for watching 40. Add Text In Your GIF: on in this video. I'm going to show you how to a text on these video. So there's good iStar debt now from this left, I click on these textile and click on the video clip and I change color and said it in blue and increase my Texas and said it in it in. And now he died Eat baby doubles every day, all right? And now I see, like, thes whole decks on increase this as a little bit and said it in 24 using these motile I said it here and after selecting these days, I change my phone to stay, and this time a select American kept informed, and after that I just leaked and hold on this icon and choose rectangular tool. And I said color white and simply draw erecting guy like these. And after that, I just said this working girl under these text layer All right, now it use the move tool and said these text in media All right now, from this large pennant, I choose thes wrecking er and decrease the opacity. I just simply said it in 50. And by select on these text block and selecting on the stool. I just use these beds devil's text. And Jane, this gala from blue to red. All right, now I heat on. Okay, Now I June the stem that a little bit more and let's very sleep now. Awesome, Right. Also, you can change the text and rectangle position from these dimly. I just feel like both off these and said it right here. They're splitting sleep now. Awesome. Right In our next video, I'm going to show you how to export this video clip as a G five. Thank you so much for watching. 41. Save Video As A Looping GIF: So now we have our video and we have added our test. The next thing is we have to do is save it as a G file. To do this simply hit on file export and select safe or where and on this new Indo every see few different options under the spacers received different type off. Chief options are available diff. 1 28 DF 128 Gift card to a day of 64 d Tired and No de Tyr. All right. They started to Sister for and won 28 detail on No determines the amount of colors that we exported in thes Chief Less Juice Chief Tartu did target. If I said it in Toronto than here, we see some distorted here. If I said it in 1 28 then here we can see. Now it can look more normal, but heresy to other different options, retarded and no detail, and the third means a small blended. If I chose no did heart, it looks little bit more harsh this time. Actual 64 deterred it, and this looks perfect to me and these do says is exterminated. 8.65 2nd megabyte and here to see our M s eyes 500 by 500 pig's ears. You can also change your emphasize from here. If you want to see the preview off this chief, then simply hit on play. Or if you want to see the preview on the browser, then simply hit on this preview button on her. It is on our decides is eight MB if you want to. Dick is the chief size than simply Jews. Steve Tattoo to deter Dead are no detail. I just choose Chief Tartu nor deter. And our size is now 2.962 mega. Right? All right. But this time I chose 64 d tire. Now, if you want to play this defile over and over again, automatically, then from this looping up Sean from these drop down Jews forever and after they're simply hit on safe. And now I chose my destination for lead index stop and sit my filing and simply hit on sake . And yes, we are done. And her it is awesome. Right? So in this way, using for sure, we can easily equate our own. Jeff, Thank you so much for watching 42. Create An Abstract Shape Wallpaper In Photoshop: Hello worsening guys being this video, I'm going to show you have to quit an amazing abstract rape while Papa are using Elevate 40 shops cc so without any further delay. Let's Stata So fasting fast two Great are indexed of wallpaper. At first we have to quit a blank document in 40 show. Our Dexter resolution is 1920 by identity. That's why at first I quit a document in 40 shop in this resolution from 40 Show, I just implicitly on file Click New and from New Command. I said it from inch two pigs ill and said, I would 1920 said, My height, Dane 80. And here they said, Resolution, Cree handed color mood RGB. And I said Callum owed in eight Beat and said, My bag, Gun contents white. Now I just completely on. Great. All right. Once this document, it's open. Make sure debt this bag on that is unlocked and then double click on these And after that leak on radiant overlay and make sure that blending more, he said it it in normal. And I changed this a positive from 100 to 80. Now click on these Grady in color and then make sure that you see, like these have brilliant once you, this black and white Grady and selected click on the's white color and change this location from 102 feet D to make sure that it is now in middle. Now click on the's Black color and Chris Alter from you keyboard and simply dragged here. All right, now click on these white color. And then now I change this color from white to these democratically tap a color court B seven, B seven and B seven. Now a heat on. Okay, After selecting these like gray, I just completely on. Okay. And now make sure that you is tell is selected as linear. And Jake these Ellen with layer. And now I change this angle from 92 0 And from the scale I set it from 100 to 150%. Now heat on. Okay. Now you should have background color to look like this color. This time a different type off shape off triangle in this blank document toe. Do this click on the ship toe and select polygon tool. And then from will, make sure that you said color as a black and from is Doc, make sure that you select no Kala and from the side I dad tree because I add different type shape off drinker. Now, just simply great, a new layer and then just simply click and drag and make sure that you put a shift from Milky Boat. If you want to transform thes wetting girl, then simply press control T toe. Activate that transform option. Now you can rotate these and breath shift and drag it up or down to rece ice and maintain the expect ratio off. He strangled. I just say to chair and rooted these a little bit and now I heat on Okay, in the same way let's square different type of Frankel and said them in different position . Now I create try anger and said it right here. Now I place control t toe transform it a little bit. All right now I said it your and finally I heat down Looks great. Another one I just laid on these polygon tool and great Yana, But gringa breath control t and movies here all right with great another one and click on the selectable And I said it in this position. Click on this public until again. And this time I great a little Try anger, press control Tito, activate that transform mode And I said it right here. And finally I create it Another try, anger and these things I move it to right here. Awesome. Now from the left panel, click on you last grated polygon and received and select all of them And then right, legal these and plea my ship. You just march all of these chefs in one now pressing control T you can rotate these and also you can resize all of the shapes in one. All right now I click on their zero toe activate the ruler in 40 shop press control are after activating the Skoula. Now I click on the ruler and said this line in media and from belived I click on the ruler and in the same way I said it in middle. Now I click on these polygon ship and I said it in center. Now I press control t toe activate this Branson tool and I wrote it is a little bit all right now, I added. Imagine, said the chefs Lee on these polygon from you later section and then click file. And then they bless Link. And from Dexter, I choose my preferred well repair. And I select this tiger head. And now I pay a shift and resist these and said it right here and now I heat on. Okay. And now, right, legalese and select. We're clipping mask, And now you just move and said this image in new Prefect position. Now I click on this polygon there, Prius control T. And I just make this big guy and set it in Mida. And finally, I just right click on this polygon and click blending option. And then I select drop shadow. And now I increased a positive from 35 to 100 and James angle from 90 to 1 80 and ingredients size from 5 to 10. And now I heat on. Okay. Their feet in this way we can is liquid different. Type off at stack wallpaper in photo shop 43. Create a Polyscape Wallpaper From Sketch: Hello. In these video, I show you how to quit and aquatic people that convert apart using photo shop CC. So what is believed on wallpaper is in photo, the other few polygons. We just blot out the whole photo. But the parts inside the shape outlines are fully visible. It is real easy. So without any further delay, Lear's is direct crossed off in 40 shop and then click on file New and from new documentary Indo I just simply tied with 1920 height attack 10 ity on resolution 300 Picture and Callum would I select RGB color and I choose a beat and bagged on day juice white. And now I simply quick on quit now I place a sample wallpaper in this white campus. To do this idea, simply click on file Blake Place link on drone dollars. I select the sample. What apart? By placing shift, I just resist this welter part like these. All right now I hit on okay after that, Great and Mueller and click and hold the shape and select polygon tool and click on these fill color and then on Kala Picca and fit it in white and is still eyes, Jews, Noga and size I just simply to six for this We have see excites in Poland now in the background Simply press shift and frag it All right now I just simply click on the selectable and I move it yet now I simply based control t to activate the transform. And now I voted this a little bit. All right, now a heat on down If you want to copy this polygon than truth Selective press Balta shaved and sleep peacefully gone and move it. All right. You want to copy these again? Simply prayers All the shift again and click and moving this polygon. Now I just We saved the second and Todd Illegal. I just feel like this one. Press control d And now I received these Andi said Yeah, and finally I hit on down for the 3rd 1 I just feel like this one and Chris Congruity again and I re save it like bees and I move it. And now finally, I just hit on these decay calm. Fantastic to change history polygon position. I'd have simply choose these past one a shift and still in the second and 3rd 1 and through the collector on, Fitted in middle. All right. Now just restaurants off these three putting on there. Just right. Click on these and filet restaurants left in the same way I feel act restaurants. Well, for the 2nd 1 and for the hard one. Now, choose this quick selection tool and size a select 300 pixel. And from that panel, I choose my fast polygon on I select it. All right now, Jews thes beg on there. Right Click on these on select will be a copy. We do the same thing for our two other polygons. Click on the second political there and cilic these league this back under again, right? Click on this and select again There'll be a copy and finally click on the start earlier. And Jews Tatar, Dwan and click on these bags on their from their sexual and right click on these. And Blake, let me a copy. Now double click on these fast polygon layers. Once this lad is still open. Justice Philip Asti from 102 0 on then from Istok selects size eight and make sure that you see the color white. All right. Now I heat on. Okay, now, right. Click on these and select Copy that instead. And right on the second bullet earlier and then based letters die. And again, rightly on these type illegal there actually a terrorist act. All right, now, from Lapiner, click on these Beckham there after deadly filter from blood, I just simply click on Goshen, laugh and said this radius in fight Big Zen. And now I heat on. Okay, once you do that right, leak on these and feel like blending options Now, from the sitting, I just changed these Ben Moon from Marty Play to over there and down these capacity from 52 . 15. Now I changed a pillar of distance from 52. Wow. And, Jane, the size wrong. 82 0 All right. And finally I just hate on. Okay, So in this way, using 40 shop weakened is the quick police kept back out 44. Conclusion + BONUS: Thank you so much for taking this class on Escutia. If you really like this one than the it positively hell review means a lot to me and check out my other courses on the Scotia. If you are not a premium member on institution, but want to take one of my goals, then just send me a message. I will give you a free access off. My remember far free so far now black and white.