Adobe Illustrator : Vector Illustration fundamental | Widhi Muttaqien | Skillshare

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Adobe Illustrator : Vector Illustration fundamental

teacher avatar Widhi Muttaqien, CG expert & entrepreneur

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Conventions & disclaimer


    • 3.

      Adobe Illustrator UI (2019 update)


    • 4.

      Raster vs Vector


    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.



    • 8.

      Working with colors


    • 9.

      Primitive shapes


    • 10.

      Advanced primitive shapes


    • 11.

      Duplicating objects


    • 12.

      Anatomy of vector graphics


    • 13.

      Custom shapes


    • 14.

      Pen tool


    • 15.

      Advanced pen tool


    • 16.

      Pen tool exercise


    • 17.

      Joining and cutting shapes


    • 18.

      Rounding corners


    • 19.

      Project: S letter logo


    • 20.

      Project: Batman symbol


    • 21.



    • 22.

      Advanced transformation


    • 23.



    • 24.

      Depth sorting and layer


    • 25.

      Grouping and hierarchy


    • 26.

      Align and distribute


    • 27.

      Snap, Grid and Smartguide


    • 28.

      Pixel grid


    • 29.

      Project: Circular pattern logo


    • 30.

      Compound path


    • 31.

      Project: Rocket icon


    • 32.



    • 33.

      Clipping mask


    • 34.

      Project: Car silhouette


    • 35.

      Shape-builder and Shaper tool


    • 36.

      Live paint


    • 37.

      Project: 3D screw ring


    • 38.

      Project: Dog house


    • 39.

      Project: Clown fish


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About This Class

Learn the advance skills you need to create any type of vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator CC. Learn the core concepts and the secret techniques along with total of 14 hands-on projects covering almost every type of vector illustrations you can think of.

This course is divided into two class: Fundamental and Advance.

Never use Adobe Illustrator before? No worries! You can start from this class which is the fundamental class designed for complete beginners. Seasoned adobe Illustrator users can still benefit from this course as it packs with a lot of tips and tricks along the way. This course will prepare you for the upcoming advance level course : "Adobe Illustrator : Advance Vector Illustration".

You might be asking, why vector art? Vector art or vector illustration is the foundation of almost every applied graphic design. The skills you learn from this course will be super useful when you need to: create icons, design logos, create book or album covers, children book illustrations, comics, game artworks, mobile app UI (user interface), 2D puppet animation, etc.

Meet Your Teacher

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Widhi Muttaqien

CG expert & entrepreneur


Widhi is an entrepreneur in creative industry. He has master degree in information technology and business management from Bina Nusantara University. Beside doing business he is also a lecturer in computer graphic related disciplines in President University Indonesia and Lasalle College International.

In his more than 20 years of experience in the CG industry he finished hundreds of projects with clients from all over the globe. He has been producing thousands of CG images and animations. His deep passion with computer graphic leads him to dive into 3D visualization, animation, game development, video and motion graphic.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: assalum aleikum. My name is William Attack in I am an entrepreneur and also on academy lecturer in computer graphics Disciplines I've been teaching computer graphics since the year 2000 and also found so far are creative based companies. This course will teach you everything you need to know on how to create different types off a vector. Artworks step by step from the simplest one to the most advanced and complex a vector illustration. There are actually two courses in the score. Serious. The course you are watching now is the first course which is designed for beginners. So if you never used Adobe illustrator before and you need to master a vector illustration skill as fast as possible, then this course is for you. After you finish this course, you can take your skill even further by joining the second course which is intended for intermediate to advanced level users. There are a lot of things that you will learn any scores. We will start from the fundamentals. We will discuss about the difference between Vector and Raster graphic then learned the basics on how to work with Adobe Illustrator Sort s how to navigate working with selection and transforming objects. Next, we move on to ship creation from creating simple, primitive shapes, toe creating custom shapes. Using the pen tool will discuss how to arrange shapes using the sorting, a lineman snapping in other related topics. Then we will discuss on how to combine shapes using component path, that fine daughter clipping mosque, life means and other related matters. There are many hands on projects in this course. Some off them are creating a treaty like screwing a doghouse, a clownfish illustration, etcetera. I believe this course will be beneficial to any graphic artists. Is if you need the skill to create a vector illustration effectively and efficiently, then this course is for you. So doing now half unlearning wa Sallam alaykum. 2. Conventions & disclaimer: welcome to the course before moving on. There are several things that I need to mention into my clear 1st 1st about the structure off the course. I have carefully crafted the curriculum so that everything is placed sequentially. Each lessons you take in one left for will become the foundation off the lessons on the next left of us. Therefore, it is important that you take the course in order, step by step, not jumping around. If you take the course by jumping around lessons, most likely you will get confused in some point because I usually will not repeat lessons, which already explained in the previous videos. The second thing I need to mention is that you need to practice for each video. Please try out the lessons yourself. At least ones. The course is not disobey theories. Most off the lessons are practical skills. So again, you need to practice a lot. If you really want this online course toe benefit, you suffer a convention for discourse. I'll be using PC computer, so every shortcut I mentioned in the video will be for PC users. For Mac users, mostly, you simply need to change the control keyboard shortcut Toe command keyboard shortcut. OK, next is the document template. Adobe Illustrator has a lot of presets for documents you can use RGB or C M Y K. You can you speak source are centimeters or even points for measurements, not to mention sizes. Basically, to make things less confused down the road and so that we have the same setting to start with in this course are the using Android 10 80 p precept, but said the orientation to landscape for both of you who couldn't find this preset just used these values Each time you open a new file set the documents with toe 1920 pixels said the Hato than 80 pixels said the color mode toe RGB and the measurement units, toe big source and lastly, Forester effects said it to screen or 72 pp. I if in the future video lessons. I set up certain values such as blue values or brush with values, but they appear Ian's. That you have in your file is a bit different from mine. It's a big chance that you set up the documents differently, so please check your look human values first. If this ever happened to you. Throughout the course, I'll be displaying a lot of images. Some off. These images are not made by me. I am using them merely as source off inspiration and as reference for all of us to study, because I think they are great artworks. Okay, if I can find the owner's name off the image, I will try to add credits for him or her on pop off the Image. Otherwise, I will display the image as s. If I don't specifically stated that the image is made by me or has my watermark on it, it means those images belong to it. Respectful owners or artists. I do not claim those images are made by me. Okay, let's move on to our first video lesson. 3. Adobe Illustrator UI (2019 update): in this lesson video. We're going to discuss a little bit about the U I or the user interface in Adobe Illustrator. I am using Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 which is the latest version when I recorded this video . Now, if you have been using Adobe Illustrator since before 2018 and keep updating the software until 2019 you may not see this You I lay out because adobe illustrator usually memorized user preferences from the previous installation. But if you just start purchasing and installing Adobe Illustrator after 2018 you may get this You I lay out to make things easy for all of us. Later down the road Let's make our you I uniform for now. Essentially, there are two things that I want to cover in this lesson. Force is the property spaniel in here, which is equivalent to the control bar we usually have up here in the previous versions off Adobe Illustrator and second is the toolbar which is this panel in here. Okay, If you used Adobe Illustrator Prior Toe CC 2019 you may already accustomed to use a panel up here called the Control bar since version CC 2018. Adobe prefer to use this property Spano and made the control bar hidden by default to bring in back the control bar. You can go to the window menu up here. Noticed there is a control option in here. Click on it and the control bar is now visible again Up here. If you are new to illustrator, you might be wondering, What is this control bar do? Well, this control bar function is pretty much similar to the property. Spend all you see in here at the right side. Essentially, both off them will display parameters based on what tool you activate or what object you select. So, for example, if we have the selection tool active, we have these options up here, and this options at the right side, which essentially related to the selection tool. No notice if we activate the tax tool, which is this toe that has a T letter on it. Both the control bar in the property spinal now display parameters related to tax, such as which phone you want to use or paragraph lineman etcetera. If we create an object, for example, let's pick this rectangle tool and then click dreck like these, the properties panel and the control bar will display the parameters belong to this object . You can have both the control bar and a property spendable turned on. But because their functions are similar, most often you will only need one off them. If you want to hide the property, spend all you can. Grab this upper part and drag it like this. Click this X button to close it. To show the property spinal again. You can go to the window menu, then click on Properties option in here to dock the spendable back to its previous location . We can drag you to the right until you see the blue highlight like this. Then release the mouse. We can arrange the panels in this group by simply click and dragging it. Okay. In this course, we will mostly use the control bar up here and rarely used to property. Spend all so most off the time the property spendable will be turned off. Okay, since version CC 2019 Adobe Illustrator support custom toolbar. We can see we know half this button. Don't hear if you click on it, you will see the Eddie Toolbar piano, where you can wreck and drop tools to customize the toolbar. For example, we can wreck this Magic one tool and then release it on top off the selection tool. So now the selection tool will have an alternate toe, which is a magic one tool off course. You really don't want to do this. But at least you understand by now that since Sisi 2019 version, you can freely customize the tools in the tool bar. We don't any constrain to remove the magic one tool from the toolbar. You can simply direct like this and then release it on top off the Magic one to location. Now, for some people like myself, we just want to display all off the tools in a default place and don't want to bother dragging these tools around one by one. For this scenario, Adobe illustrator actually provides to default presets basic and advanced. What you see in here is actually the basic precept there is why some off the tools are hidden toe access, the advance precept. We can click in here again and then choose advanced. Now we can see all off the tools in the tool bar in their left out locations. You need to be aware, though, even if you are in the advanced precept, for example, you may mistakenly direct the selection tool like this or any other tools back to the Eddie Toolbar panel. In this condition, you are left with a custom toolbar layout, but it is saved as the advanced precept Notice if it just basic and then go back to the advance precept. The previous custom tool Burger, which doesn't have any selection tool, is back to reset the preset back to its default state. You need to click on the edit uber option button again, then pressed. Reset in here. Now we have the advance poobah layout back to its default. Another thing you need to be aware off is clicking the same preset twice. Why? Because if we do that, the two bar will be closed. For example, in here, the advance precept is already active. Notice. If we click again on the advanced option, Adobe Illustrator will actually close the toolbar. If this is ever happened to you, don't panic. Just go to the window menu, then two bars and then to advanced in here. The toolbar should be visible again. Okay, The next features I want to cover are these buttons at the bottom. These buttons will turn on or off, suffer or features in the toolbar. We will discuss what these buttons are for when the time come. For now, just make sure that all of them are all turned on. The last thing we are going toe cover is creating multiple tool bars. If you open the Eddie Tuber window option again and then choose new toolbar in here, you are actually creating a new toolbar. But first you need to give it a name. For example, we d and then click. OK, now you may find this feature helpful. For example, if you want to group certain tools in the Stober and some other tools in the stool bar because we can customize each off these tubers independently, for example, we can select this really toolbar. Click on this button to open the every toolbar window and just drag some tools into the toolbar area. You can reposition the stool bar anywhere you like, and if you close it, you can reopen it again by going to the window menu two bars and noticed that we have the new weedy toolbar in here. We can click on it to make it appear again for our course. We're not going to use multiple tool bars, so I need to remove these custom with the to barter. To do that, we can open the manage to bars window, but either going to the option menu in here or by going to the window menu to bars and then manage tool bars just really to barter and then hit this fresh button in here, then click. OK, okay, guys. So to summarize what we need to do for the upcoming lesson Videos force, we need to display the control bar by going to the window menu and then choose control in here if it is not already shown. Next, we need to click on the Edit toolbar window to advance precept and hit Reset in here just to be safe 4. Raster vs Vector: in computer graphic world, There are two types off graphic. Raster and vector. First, let's talk about raster. Rasta Graphic are images made off numerous small squares. When you see images like these, for example, it looks nice and smooth, but notice when we zoom in, we start to see the reality that this image is actually made off these small squares. These small squares are called pixels. The world picture is actually came from the abbreviation off picture element. Each of the pixel has only one color. Apply to it Because raster images are made off big sauce. They are a solution dependent. But I mean by that is that if someone say's that this image has 100 by 600 pick sauce resolution, for example, it means that it has 100 columns and 600 rose off total pixels. High resolution images will have finer detail because more color information can be contained by that image. But the file size will be bigger. Basically, the higher the resolution, the bigger the fire size elevator. Graphics are images made off points, curves connecting those points and color feels inside the area formed by those curves. These Boyens and curves and color feels are stored as mathematical values, not as pixel. Great data like pastor images do so as the result. And generally speaking, the vector images are smaller in fire size than the raster image version. The vector graphics are also Resolution Independent notice. When we zoom in tow, as far as we can go, we won't see any pixels. We can precise or scale of vector graphics to any size we want. We thought the risk off losing any graphical information working in Vector also give us more flexibility because we can always go back and change things around. For example, when we draw a circle like this in Illustrator, we can always liked it and tweak the shape or re color it as we like. The ship is still alive and irritable. This is something that you cannot do in pure raster images. You might be wondering by now why not? We just used Vector for all off our graphics. Dion Sorry's not all images. Best represented by vector graphics complex images like photographs due to the nature off. It is best represented in raster images. Also because Fecteau graphics are basically a bunch off mathematical values. They need to be calculated and rendered in real time to be displayed on the screen. Generally speaking, complex vector images will require more computing power than the raster counterpart, because there are advantages and its advantages off using both off these graphic types and that you cannot force one graphic type toe handle every type off images. Therefore, there are two type of graphic software in this world. Raster based category on vector based category. Adobe, for example, provide as we two different Softwares for graphic. Adobe Photo Shop is designed to help us working with raster images, and Adobe Illustrator is designed for a vector graphics, although in voter show we do have sound vector tools. As an illustrator, we have some raster FX as well, but they are not as complete as when we are using what they are designed for Now, Adobe is not the only company making design or graphic Softwares for us. Our images There are others offer, such as gimp, trita, Corio, pain shop, affinity, photo, etcetera for a vector. Graphics you can find escape CorelDraw, affinity, designer etcetera. I use illustrator in a photo shop, mainly because they are the most common design software in the world, and I've been using them since island computer graphic back in the college. That's about almost 20 years now. So to recap, what we've discussed in this video in term off resolution raster is dependent and factor is independent. In term, off the fire size factor is the winner s generally smaller size than the raster. In term of flexibility or creditability. Vector graphics is better than raster for displaying photos or nature of images. Roster is better than factors, and lastly, for computer processing generally, vector need more processing power than raster. 5. Navigation: in this video, we're going to call for the essential stuff when walking in Illustrator and that is navigation. But before that, let's create a new fire force, so we have something to work with. Creating a new file is very straightforward, and if you use other Sofaer before these will be an easy task to create a new file, we can click on the files menu and then choose new. This true brings up the new Document Dialog window for our course. We're going to use Android 10 80 people, he said as we mentioned in the earlier video. To select this preset quickly, you can go to mobile, few all presets and then Jews. Andrew it then 80 p change the orientation to landscape. Now everything should be self explanatory in here. This is the with. This is the hate. You speak sauce for measurement. This is for setting up self area for printing purpose. The last thing I want to point out is the color mode. For illustration, I usually stick with RGB and later if I need to print, I can always convert. It does seem like a okay, quickly it and we know half a new blank document to walk with to navigate the document, we can use the hand tool to open around. You can also use the zoom toe, though zoom in or by pressing the alky while in is, um, tool to zoom out. This is good and all. But if you have to go back and forth to the handle and a zoom to that will be very time consuming. Another method is by using the keyboard shortcut space bar. So let's say I am in the selection tool, and my mouse cursor is in this position to paint the canvas around. Simply click and hold the space bar button and then click and drag around. We can see the hand to a cursor shows up, and we can pin around the canvas now to zoom in or pressing space. Bar also pressed the control key. Notice the course or change to zoom in, and when you click, he will zoom into the canvas. You can also click director, zoom in directly toe a certain region. Okay, now, to zoom out, this will be a bit tricky. You need to press space, bar control, key and all key altogether. Now notice the cursor changed to zoom outside. And now when you click, you just zoomed out off the canvas. Okay, you might be thinking that this keyboard shortcut iss a lot of work. Well, I have two answers for this complaint. The first answer. Yes, it is difficult at first, but once you get the hang off it, it will improve your workflow significantly. The second answer this method off navigation not only applicable to illustrator, but also for the show An enemy also known as flash before. So if this keyboard shortcut already become your muscle memory, it will speed up your workflow on those other adobes applications. Also another way off. Navigating in illustrator is by using your mouse scroll We are although I don't use this method in my workflow. But it is something that you may like it and prefer using it so open particularly you can scroll up and down with your mouse like so open horizontally you can scroll while pressing the control key. And lastly, to zoom in and out, you can scroll also, but while pressing the out button the last thing we're going toe coffer in this video is the pre few mode. But if all the pre few mode off our document is set either on CPU, RGB opri few depending on your system capabilities, CPU or GPU, pre few is just the underlying techniques to display High Fidelity pre few in Adobe Illustrator whether it use our CPU, which is our main process, or or is it using our GPU, which is the graphic card both at the use of left looks exactly the same. Now I have mindset the CPU, because when I recorded this video, the screen recordings offer running in the background. Somehow it is faster to use the preview on CPO in my system and doing screen. According If you have fast graphic art supported by Adobe Illustrator, you might want to use deep. You preview instead. Okay, we're not here to discuss CPU forces deep you, actually, as they look the same at the end. What I really want to discuss now is the outline mode. To access it, we can go to a few and Tuesday's outline or by pressing control. Why, as a keyboard shortcut noticed by doing these all of the shapes that we have in our document, we looks like thin black lines. You might be asking why in the world we want to if you are broke, human like these, well, this view sometime or should I say, a lot of times very helpful to select invisible shapes or shapes which are located way back behind other objects. We will use this mode later in future videos when we need to handle invisible shapes like creeping shapes or shapes that has no color values, both in feel and stroke. It may not make sense now, but it will in time, inshallah, to get back to ordinary CPU or GPU preview mode, you can always go back to a few and click brief you on CPU or GPU, depending on your system or use the shortcut control. Why again? This is to toggle back and forth between the two pre few moods. 6. Selection: first, let's create so far, rectangles in the canvas. Okay. The silicon object simply used the stool called selection tool or a fee for short cut and then click on one off this rectangle noticed the one that are selected are highlighted by this boning box. If you select another one, the pre fears will be de selected and the new one will be active. Are selected. If you wish to select everything, you can go to select menu and choose select all, or we can use shortcut control. A. Now every object and Canopus are selected. For now on. You might notice that I am using a Windows machine. So every shortcut I explain in this course is based on Windows. If you're using Mac machine When I mentioned control key, it usually means the command key in make Most make user already understand it. So I just assume you already know about this. Okay, toe answer. Like everything in a scene, you can go to select menu again and click these dislike button in here or you shortcut shift control. A. Another method that I use mostly is by clicking on empty space in canvas. This will answer like or dislike everything. Also, when creating rectangle like these we actually create for points. 123 and four now in illustrator points are called anchor points. From now on, when I say coins are anchor points, they are literally the same thing in other Softwares. Mostly three D software's points are called vertex, or overemphasis in plural form. Well, they are basically points. Okay, When we use the selection tool, we always select the entire object, not specific points. If you want to select only the points, we can use this tool called Direct Selection Tool or a for short cut notice. Now we can select points rather than the whole object. You can, however, select the entire object by just selecting one off its anchor point by using to direct selection tool while pressing the R key. So make sure you are in direct selection tool press and hold out key and click in here, for example. To pick this anchor point, notice all of the anchor points, which is equal to the whole object. Get selected. This is useful to select objects in complex scene, but in outline pre few mode, we will discuss and use the stool later when learning how to edit and customize curves. For now, let's discuss other selection tool in illustrator to select multiple objects. You can do this in several ways. First, by click and drag on the canvas like this. When we released our mouths, every object within the selection bounding box will be selected. Another way to select multiple objects is bias, like one and we're holding shift. You can click on other object to select or de select them from the selection group. When we click toe on already selected object, that object will become un selected again. So it's kind of a total effect if you need to select objects in a very tight or tricky space. We can also use this tool called lasso tool or queue for shortcut. Let's say we want to select this rectangles in here, but using conventional Click and Rick Method using selection tool, we will result selecting other rectangles that we don't want now twos, lasso tool and just click and hold and grow like this notice. We can easily select this rectangle something to be aware, though lasso tool. It's a direct selection tool. It means it actually selecting the points, not the whole object. Now, this last photo is very, very important, especially when you're growing becomes complex and you need to select parts off it. The courting about last sort or is that it has dedicated add selection and subject selection. Key modifier. Okay, that's a mouthful. What I mean by that is like this. Let's say in law so mode, I select this point now. I want to add more points to the selection. Simply crash. Schiff. Notice how the cursor changed toe having a plus sign, then click Drag around this points. Now they are selected. If you want to take out certain points from the selection, simply hold out and wreck around again. Notice they will be taken out from the selection. Another little tool we can use to select multiple objects is the magic one tool, romantic, one tool. Low us to select objects by characteristic. So because all of these rectangles have the same characteristic in term, off color notice. When I click one off them, you see the magic one tool. Everything is selected. You can set what kind of characteristic you like to use by double clicking on the tool. This will brings up the Magic one panel like this if you knew to Illustrator for now, maybe all of these parameters are still not make sense, but we'll get there eventually. Inshallah, the next method we're going to discuss in term off selecting multiple objects is in the select menu up here. Notice. We can select identical objects automatically based on certain preferences, in the same category or in object category. Again, all of these terms may not make sense at the moment. The last one is selects similar button up here in control bar. It works exactly like the select same menu, but it just faster as you don't need additional click to access it. For these two works properly, you need to click on these small triangle in here, a small triangle like this usually called carrot. So again, click on the carrot and choose what type off similarity you want to activate. For example, I just feel color next time I saw, like an object and then hit this button. Illustrator will so like other objects that have similar feel color with one I select before 7. Transformation: transformation is a general term that exists on every computer graphics software for anything to do it. Position, rotation and scale often object. In this video. We're going toe. Discuss the basic skill. Ongoing transformation. Later in the next chapter, we're going to discuss more in that techniques about transformation. Okay, let's create a polygon first by click and hold rectangle tool and select polygon tool. Okay, now, after we create a polygon like this and go to selection tool notice, we have this bounding box. If you don't see this bounding box, it may have turn off accidentally, so you have to go to a few menu and turn on the bounding box by clicking these show or hide bounding boxes button. Or you can always use shortcut shift control. Be this boning books help us to do basic transformation stuff. To move the object around, simply move your mouths inside the bounding box and click hold and drag to scale the object . To make it smaller or bigger, we can grab one off the square handles and rectum, and two wrote that the object we can move our mouths. Cars are near one off the square handle, but not touching them. Notice the cursor changes indicating they are in rotation mode. Now simply click and hold and drag around to rotate it. Okay, after learning the basic off handling transformation, we're going to move on to transforming objects with more position. Let's say we want to move the object to the left straight horizontally. How we can do that. Well, we can use Shefki money fire while moving the object. But pressing the shift key has to be done after clicking and holding with your mouse. Not before. If you press shift before the mosque Lee, it will become Togo selection mode, as we mentioned earlier in selection Video Lesson. So click and hold with your mouth and then hold shift key on the keyboard and noticed when you move around, it will be constrained. Toe 30. Call horizontal or diagonal direction. Okay, If we hold sheer force and then click, it will dislike the object, not moving it to any direction again. This is something you have to be aware off when doing scale we can use to key modifier, which are a shift and out the shift key. We make the scaling uniform and the alky will make the sender off the object as the center off the scaling process. Okay, so if I pick this age and scale, notice how the scaling is not uniform both the X and Y access, so the object may stretch or squash a lot of time. You don't want this to happen to our objects now by pressing shift without releasing the mounts. Nor does the scaling always retained the objects with and hate ratio. Okay, and then pressing out. You make the objects scale at the center, as opposed to using its other age as the center off scale. You don't need to press all off this together. It really depends on your need. You can use Schiff and altogether, or just Schiff or just out alone. OK, next. When doing rotation, you can also use shift key modifier to make the orientation. Snapped a 45 degree in cream in. So move your mouse near the age and click drag and were holding the mouse button. Press the shift key and notice it will snap toe 30 co horizontal or diagonal. Let's say we want to move objects to the left or right in certain America value we can do this by double clicking on the selection tool in here Or just press enter button. We can see the move panel pop up and here we can input values for transformation. First click in this brief you button in here to see what will happen by default. The move panel will use previous values in these input fields. So if the less movement we made its 100 big source to the left, then we open the move panel. Then the previous 100 pixels to the left values will show up in here. Okay, Now there are two methods to raise first with offset co ordinates which are these two input fields. This horizontal control the X coordinate positive values mean to the right negative values mean to the left toe easily change value. We can click in here and just crawl with the mouse wheel or using up and down arrow in a T board author tickle value will affect the Y coordinate negative value will make it go up and positive value. We make it go down. The second method are the concept we learn in school called vector. Basically, we specify the angle off, Very object will move and how far from the origin it will move one off. The most common task when designing symmetrical object is to flip or mirror them. To do that, we can select an object that we want to mirror and then go to object. Transform, reflect or you can simply right click transform reflect. This will open the reflect dialog box. Click the pre few button first so we can see what will happen after the operation. In here we can set in which direction the reflect will happen Horizontal, vertical or we can set by custom angle if we want Oh, click OK to confirm. You can also click up in here so that the result off this reflect transformation will be a new object. Copy it from the original object. 8. Working with colors: in this video, we're going to talk about color in Adobe Illustrator Color can be applied toe feel area or to stroke. If you look at these two boxes in here, these boxers are colored boxes. The top left box is the Koran color set for Phil and the right bottom box is color set for stroke. OK, you might be wondering by now what is the difference between feel and stroke? To explain these, I will just give an example. I'll create a circle, then double click on the left box and change it to green. As we can see, the inner area are also known as the feel change to green. When I double click on the stroke color box and change it to read, for example, I noticed this line or curve that's around the circle. Change to read these red curves that's around the circle is called stroke. Later, we will discuss more in depth about vector elements. For now, we just need to know that we can set color for a field are set color for stroke. There are so many colors and color variations in the world, but we can divide colors into two main categories. First a speak. Men are in colors. Second is like colors. Although they behave very different from one another. They are both can be. Breakdown toe its primary colors. By combining primary colors, we can have any color that we want. Let's talk about big men colors. First. Big men colors are colors produced by mixing in or pains. These is the colors we see on printed materials, such as magazine, newspaper or anything that is coming out from the printer. Long ago, we used to think that the primary colors for pigment colors are red, blue and yellow. But this is not correct, as we cannot create every colors from these three colors. Scientists have found out that the primary color for Pickman color are cyan, magenta, yellow and finally black, also known as C a M y que color. The K later is actually for black. With these primary pigment colors, you can create any colors. One. If you on a color printer, you should already be familiar with same wacky color. Next is the light colors. Light colors are colors produced by light source, such as RPC monitor, laptop screen, smartphone screen, etcetera. There are three main colors for light red, green and blue, also known as RGB color model. Any light colors you see on the screen can be produced by mixing these three primary colors . If all of the colors red, green and blue are all light up, you will see white color as the result. If they are all turn off, you will see black color. So basically black color in room off light color model are off or no lights at all. Okay, now we know that light colors in reality use RGB color model. The problem with our TV is that as a user to pick color that we like using RGB sliders is very hard. There is why a new type of light color model is introduced, called HSB, or HSV, Stand for Hugh separation and value. Sometimes they were. Value is city place with brightness in address affair. Basically, they are essentially the same. Using HSB color model. We can pick color way easier than using RGB. Let's see how this work double click on this field color box notice. In here we have HSB and energy be both off. These are actually light color models. HSB is just a derivative off RGB. Then we have seem like a car model at the right side. Noticed by default this radio tech books in here is selected. That is why this strip shows you basically you is the color wheel. If I click on us in here, this strip will show the separation value. Chateau Russian value controls how colorful the color is. If set to zero, the color will be grayscale. Next we click on the B B, controlled the brightness off the color. Or, in other words, it controls How much light is being projected from the color. Okay, now, if you select are for right in here or green or blue, it is very hard, Toby, colors that you like off the shelf. You need to slide this round and just tryingto find your way out it just time consuming. My tips for choosing color is always used. The default set up, which is using you active on the strip. We can select the base color that we like in the street and then adjust the situation by directives from left, right and adjust the brightness by moving this point up and down. This is the color we pick, and the bottom one shows the previous color. Click the OK button to set the color as the cornfield color. There are two small buttons near the color boxes. The small button will make color set to default, which is white for Phil color and black for stroke color. The shortcut for the fourth color is D on. The upper right will swap colors between field and stroke color. The shortcut for this action is Schiff X. If you're working with complex images where you need to memorize a lot of colors, you might want to use a special panel called swatches. To start a color on a swatches panel. You can do one of the followings first method. You can select a color in here, for example, this color. Okay, then just drag this out. So this watch in here, your stretcher will create a new swatch, and at the color we dragged into it. The second method off adding color to Swatch is by clicking this small button down here called New Swatch, or by going to the option I can on a Swatch panel in here and click New Swatch. They are both basically the same thing. Notice When we click news watch, the active color will be presented in this box. You can still adjust the color as you like. You can name the color in this text field if you click. Okay, A new swatch will be added in here. Below. Here we can see folder Aikens, This is just a way off grouping colors inside your swatches. You can create a new group by clicking on this button. Name the group and then we can Rex watch color to this group at the current version off Adobe Illustrator, You can only add color to group. You cannot at Patton nor Grady into Swatches group. I know we haven't discussed Britain or grading right now. Just so you know the limitation off sort. Just group up front. There is an examples off pattern and Grady in in here noticed If I try to direct this toe group, it won't let me do that. I am not sure why it will be. Make this decision. Perhaps this restriction will be lifted in the future release. I have no idea. In large scale project where you have multiple people working together, you might need to share your swatch with other D member. You can do this by clicking on this library, Aiken and just these safe swatches button up here. This will let you see if the swatches as an external file to load any external swatches. You can click this button down here. Other library. I won't do that now, as it is pretty straightforward, so I'm sure you'll get the idea. To pick color from existing shapes is very easy. You can just select the shape and the field color and also the stroke color off. That ship will be automatically displayed in the color boxers, but sometimes you cannot do that. For example, if you want to pick color from an image or from a group object, the color boxes cannot better mind the feel and stroke color, as the object is not pure single vector shape to be color that works on every situation. Adobe Illustrator provide us with this tool called eyedropper. You can also use I for keyboard shortcut. If you double click the eyedropper tool, you can specify off what type of characteristic the eyedropper tool will pick up from the object that we select. You can pick up a lot of things, even including tax properties, most off the times I lift the setting to it's default. One thing that I found very useful when working with the eyedropper tool is the shift modifier shortcut. If you press and hold Schiff and click on shapes, object or images using the eyedropper tool, it will sample the color on that point and at the color to the active color. What I mean by active color is any off these boxes that is on top. So, for example, I want to sample a color for my stroke. I need toe klik this box first, so now it is active. Shown by the stroke color box is on top off the field color box. Now when I use eyedropper tool with the shift button pressed, it will sample the color and change the stroke color. But if the field color boxes active doing shift plus eyedropper tool will sample color for feel color instead 9. Primitive shapes: If you click and hold this button, you will see. So for alternative for a primitive shep tools, first is the rectangle tool. We can create rectangle with the rectangle tool, but before we do anything, let us first make sure that the feelings stroke color is set to default, which is black and white. To do that quickly, simply click the small button or use the keyboard shortcut. D. Okay, now with rectangle toe, you can create rectangle simply by click and drag in the art board rounded rectangle tool. It's used to create rounded corner rectangle. Today. Simply select the tool by clicking on the button and click drag in a few parts. Now, while we still hold the mouse. We're not releasing it yet. We can press and hold the up arrow on the keyboard to make the corner more around it and press the down arrow to make the corner sharper. Now in previous Adobe Illustrator, this is the only way to do around that corner. Now in Adobe Illustrator CC, these tools kind of redundant Why? Because now shapes created by either off, these tools can be edited on the fly to change their corner you see the small dots near each corner, you can simply use these to change the corner radius so even you create an ordinary rectangle. You can always change it around the corner later. If you want to create a perfect square, meaning the with and hate are present value. You can use the shift button while holding, dragging the tool. Okay. Another useful keyboard shortcut is to use out key while dragging. This will make the first Mouse Creek that you make considered as the center off the rectangle. When creating, directing, go holding shift and altogether, we'll make the rectangle a perfect square and also make the center off it at the position off your original. Mostly so you can use the combination off shift and altogether, depending on your needs. The next primitive shape we're going to cover is the lips tool. With this, you can create a lips, oId shapes and also perfect sear car to create a perfect circle. We can use the shift key as before, so click and drag then, without releasing the mouse press and hope she If, as we can see, the ship should be a perfect circle. You can also use the out key to make it center at the position off your first mouse click. Okay, now we're going to move on to polygon Tool. This tool will create a shape with a certain amount offside in uniform length to add more site. We can press the up arrow and to reduce the site number, we use the down arrow. We can use shift key modifier so straight and the orientation off the polygon for this tool , the alky has no effect as it is defaulted To use the mouse, click as the sender off the shape. The startle lets you create stars. You can use up and down a row to control the amount off spikes on the star shapes, just like in polygon. The shift key well straight on the orientation off the starship and the out has no effect. Next is the flare tool, which can be used to create lens flare effect. Personally, I almost never used this tool in the real work scenario. But if you want to use it, this is how you use the flare tool. First click and drag to control the position and the size off the big flare next click and drag again to define the position off the small flare. Okay, Another method to create primitive shapes is to use the click release method. In this way, we can specify certain value by typing them. So let's say I want to create a square off one hundreds by 100 pixels. First we click on erecting a tool and simply click and release notice. We get this type in field for with and hate clicking here in type 100. Then press that key on the keyboard and type 100. Now, if you want Togo back toe previous field, you can press shift and tab. Press enter, and now we have a square off 100 by 100 picks us. We can do this also for the other primitive tools. Okay, now, using this method as we notice, we'll make the location where we click as the left top corner off the object, not the center. If we want to make the location off the mouse, click as the center off the object. You can press and hold all key first, then click and release notice after we type in a value and press enter or hit. Okay. The object is centered in a mouse click location. I like to end this video with a little tip, which helped me a lot when positioning newly created object on the fly. Now this technique can be used for every primitive shapes, but I found this super helpful when I need to create an position, Circle shapes. So let's try this with a circle Goto, Ellipse tool or El for short Cut and create an Ellipse without releasing the mouse button press and hold chief to make the lips become a perfect circle now, while doing these press and hold space bar. Also, by doing this, we can move around the circle to any position that we like, released the space bar, and we can continue our circle creation again. 10. Advanced primitive shapes: when we create ellipsis. This control points exists as this object still considered as primitive object. When you do direct selection and make some editing on this object, however, the object will become ordinary shape and you will lose the access on his control. More about this later. First, let's discuss this one. These control node let you trim the circle so we can create Pechman like shape very fast. You might be thinking, Oh, I can create a pie chart with this tour. My answer is no. You don't want to create pie chart with these because Illustrator already have dedicated tool for that in here called Biograph Tool. But because our courses specific about illustration, we're not going to discuss graph creation. If we create rectangle around the rectangle, we have these small nodes to control the rounding off the corner. That's pretty much what we can do for primitive frank tangle. After creating a polygon, we have sufferer primitive control nodes. First, it's this one. If you click and wreck it, the number offsides off this polygon changes. If you drink all the way to this point, we have a triangle. And if we direct all the way to disposition. It will have 10 sides and less one if this one which will around the corners like this. Having primitive control notes is fun. But most off the time we create primitive shapes only to get the base object, and then later on, we need to alter or tweak them further. If we, for example, added this anchor point using direct selection tool and move it like this, this object become ordinary shape. No more primitive control nodes. Now the question is, what if we want to confirm the object into ordinary shape without altering its shape? For example, noticed the circle shape I have here toe conferred primitive shape, toe ordinary shape. We can go toe object menu shape, expand shape By doing that, noticed the circle now treated as ordinary shape but at the course off losing the primitive control notes that we have before after the object become ordinary shape. Because we take the anchor points, there is no way we can turn it back to primitive ship again, but if we haven't done any modification to it, we can turn it back to primitive shape by going toe object menu shape. Comfort the shape. Now our circle is back to its primitive form, and we have all of the control notes as before. 11. Duplicating objects: to duplicate objects in Illustrator, we can use traditional controversy to copy objects to memory or clipboard and control V to paste the objects from the memory onto the canvas. So, for example, we can select this rectangle and press control. See then control V notice, a new rectangle created based on one we select before. Besides using keyboard shortcuts, you can also use the edit menu and use copy in here and based in here. Okay, now you might notice that the new rectangle that we paste before appear in the center off our few. This is the default behavior off besting object into the scene. In lot of cases, we will want to pace the new object in the same location as the original object. To do that, we can use shortcut control shift V to paste it in place. Or you can go to edit menu and click this based in place button up here. When you copy in pace to the same location, you may not see something different, but when we click and drag this object, we can see that we actually have two objects stacking on top of each other. Basically, the new object will be placed exactly on top off the original one. You can use control. She fee to pace object on another layer at exact position off the original object. I know we haven't discussed about layer yet. I just want to explain that there are two other pacing operation that work best on Lee on a corn earlier. First is control F for pasting exactly on pop off the court an object and second there is controlled Be that will place object at the back or behind the Koran object Again. These two short cards work best for working on the same layer. If you want to pace on other layer, just use based in place method using shortcut control. She affi you will understand more about this layer concept in later lesson about layer. Besides using traditional control C and Control V, we can use our key to copy object while moving it. So to show you what I mean, make sure we are in selection tool. Now if we select this rectangle and press out notice, we have the special clone cursor like these. And then when we moved this rectangle and release, we have a new clone rectangle. Another useful shortcut for duplicating East control. D If you forget the shortcut, you can goto object, transform transform again. You will see the shortcut in here. Okay, The shortcut can be used to repeat action that we've done before. So, for example, if I move this object to the right a bit and then hit control de again and again notice the object will move, continuing the movement that we've made before. Now we're going to apply these to cloning objects so like this rectangle and press out for cloning and click drag to clone and move to the right side. After that press control d notice a new object will be created using the same behavior that we have before. And if we press control de again and again like this, we have an array off objects like these In later video, we're going to use this control de method with rotate tool to create circular pattern. Right now, just remember that we can use control. The shortcut to repeat any transformational action on object are duplicated objects 12. Anatomy of vector graphics: starting from this video section will be looking at the rector graphics. More in depth Vector graphics can be divided into sufferer components. First are the anchor points. Basically, they are points. We can connect one anchor point to another anchor point with line or curve. The line or curve, which connecting the anchor points are defined or controlled by handles. How these handles are called Basie handles You might be wondering why this handles are called like that. Well, busier is actually the name off the mathematic scientists who invented the algorithm. OK, now all of these anchor points and curves in term off their display characteristics are called stroke strokes have many display properties. We can set house off, render be strokes, for example. We can set how thick the stroke will be rendered. We can set the collar and a transparency left for we can even set it to display fancy effects such as cartographic brush like this scatter brush or at brush. They look complicated, but under the who, they are still simply stroke, which is a display properties off anchor points and curves. So we can still easily reshape it like this, for example, and a brush effect, we will follow automatically. Okay, Now, if these strokes create closed curve, meaning to start and the ending off it are joined together, we can have feel feels are areas that may contain display properties like color or Grady in or pattern etcetera. The unique thing about Illustrator is that when we create director shapes, they are virtually auto closed, meaning that if we have stroke like these, it can be filled with color like this in Illustrator, because illustrator create virtual additional line from the starting anchor point to this ending and car poin. If you come from other vector graphic implications, you may already know that this is not the common behavior. So to sum up, we can divide vector graphics into two type of components. Feel and stroke. Basically stroke our lines or curves and feels are areas or agents. Knowing the concept off strokes and feels is essential, since colors and tools and effects in illustrator are divided into these two big groups. Those who works with strokes and those who works with feels anchor points can be divided into several types. First is the corner type corner type doesn't have any handles does making it sharp and makes girls connected to them becomes straight lines. The next type off anchor points is busy, a type it has handles that we can use to control the curvature. Busy anchor points like this. We always look smooth because the handles orientation are symmetrical, meaning that if we move one handle, the other handle will follow in terms off the orientation. The third type of anchor point is busy corner. Busy corner points are basically anchor points who have handles, but the handles are not symmetrical. So if we move this handle around, the other will not follow. That is why basically, corner anchor points can have a sharp look like this. The last type is the smooth type. The smooth type is anchor points which are not displaying any handles, but they look smooth using automatic smoothing algorithm. In Adobe Illustrator, this kind of smooth anchor points only happens when we use a specialized tools such as curvature tool, which we're going to discuss in the next video. Inshallah so again, to recap. Corner and corporations don't have any handles, and they look sharp. Smooth Anchor points don't have handles also, but they look smooth automatically. Busy anchor points have handles, and they look smooth due to the handles are always symmetrical unless one is busy corner points, which has handles. But because the handles can be oriented independently, the points can have sharp corner. 13. Custom shapes: the first we're going to discuss when creating custom shape is the pencil tool to use the fancy little we can click, hold and drag around and the ship will be generated based on your reading movement. So to show you what I mean force, click and hold shape or tool. You will see this fancy little in here can also use end for shortcut and then simply click and wreck around like this. Okay, to access the pencil, it'll option. We can double click on the tool notice in here. We can control the fidelity. If we set this to smooth, Illustrator will try its best to smooth out the path after we draw it. If we said this to accurate illustrator will draw the path as it is without adding any smoothing process after we draw the path. Usually I just leave this at the center like this as I find this middle value suitable for most off my drawing past different people might have different setting suitable for them. For example, if you have a tremor hand, you might want to have higher value. Next option is the feel new pencil stroke. If you turn this on and let's say we just read feel color. I notice when I draw like this, not only it creates stroke, but it also create feel area like these. The keep selected option in here, if on will make the path that we create before becomes selected. Why this is important. Well, this option has something to do with this option. Don't here, which is edit selected paths. So if this Eastern on after we draw a path we can fix that path we have just created by drawing again on top are near the previous path. So if I draw like thes notice, this is still selected. Therefore, we can readjust it. For example, drawing like this and like this. As we can see, the ship we have before can be edited by redrawing certain abortion off it. Now I know it's a bit hard to draw like this, since most off us are used to draw it pen or pencil not used to draw using the mouse. That is why it is recommended to you spend tablets such as working tablet when drawing with the band xylitol. The other options in a pencil tool are self explanatory and also we're going to use it later. So let's just move on to the next tool, which is the curvature tool. The next custom ship tool is the curvature tool. If you are using Adobe Illustrator first an older than Adobe Illustrator CC, you might not find the stool in here. Okay, so basically, the curvature toe iss usedto create curves without touching any handles, just as we discussed before. The anchor points in a curvature tool are all smooth point type. All of the curls are interpolated automatically based on the position off the anchor points . To create a smooth anchor point, you can click and click like this. However curvature tool. Also support corner points to create a corner anchor points. You can press out and click, for example, that speak curvature tool and clicking here and then clicking here and orders when we want to click on another point, we can see the preview off how the curve we look like if you click and click again like this, you eventually get out. Also moved. Curves like this now noticed when I hold out while clicking, we get corner anchor points, which makes threat lines. If we have multiple anchor points like these. Using curvature tool, we can combine a serious off smooth points with corner points toe create more complex custom shape. For example, we can create cloud shape by up, click in here and click and out click again, then click again and just follow the Pathan like So now we have this cloud shape. We can edit shapes with a carpenter's tool using it, we can add anchor points, move around the anchor points and comfort points from smooth points toe corner points, for example. Let's create a heart shape. So clicking here, then in here, then out. Click in here, clicking here and clicking here Notice we have small anchor points in here which in our case, should be corner Poin conferred it Simply hold the alky and click on top off their point notice it doesn't create a new point. Instead, it conferred existing, corner. Now, if you want to get back to smooth point again, you simply hold out again and click on it again. Okay, let me get back to corner again with all clicking here, okay? Our hardship is not that perfect. It looks awful. Actually, we can move These anchor points around by clicking and dragging them until we can find the best spot for them. Okay, now we still have been looking heart shape. Why? Well, because we can see that this curve it's not bulky enough. We need to add more smooth points in this area. So that's at one. By moving our curvature tool on top off this curve until you see this plus sign. Now you can click to add one, or you can also click and move it like this. Okay, let's do some adjustment until we have the perfect shape. It is not symmetrical at the moment. We're going to call for symmetrical shapes later in other videos in shallow. Okay, the last thing we going toe coffer in curvature Tool is removing points. What if, for example, we accidentally add anchor point in here, which we don't want or don't need? You can use the curvature tool selected and then hit the delete button. Now that anchor point are gone. Since illustrator Fashion CC, we can make corner type anchor points to become round by spicing it into to anchor points. This method is known as filet. In other CD application to do this is very simple. Simply using the direct selection tool and select an anchor point How the anchor point needs to be corner type are busy corner type. This will not work on smooth or Busia type. OK, notice we have the circle in here. If you'd write thesis, we have round corner by splitting the original anchor in tow to anchor points and the best part off this technique which is not available in other software that I know off the process is life, meaning we can always go back in here and change the rounds off it by dragging the circle handle back and forth like peace. Very cool. 14. Pen tool: we can say that the pencil is the core total of vector anything. It is not wrong to say that if you do not know how to use the pento correctly, then you know nothing about the vector editing. Okay, so it is that important. Now the pento can be found not only in illustrator, but also in for a shop in flash or now called Adobe. Any made in after effects, even software outside adobe, such as in three DS max in CorelDraw, etcetera. Although the names may be different, but the core concept and a shortcut key mostly are the same. Okay, let's click on the mental. You can use P for short cut and then click and click and click like this on the canvas. As we can see, we are creating a serious of corner points. Now notice. When we do click drag like this, the anchor points that are being generated are busy and airplanes. We can click and wreck again and again, and we can see the resulting path are smooth, not sharp as before. To finish up a shape creation with the pen tool, you can click the escape key or the enter key. OK, no. Let's use the alky modifier when creating a shape. First click in here, then click and drag in here. Now don't release the mouse yet. Hope the out key in a keyboard and record gain notice. We just made the base you handle non symmetrical. The position off our dragging defined the position off these handles to give you more clear . A few off what is going on when creating shapes with mental. Let's take a look at this image. If we have shaped like this basically to create it, we can click release in here. Next we have a base here type point. To do this, we must first click in this anchor point position first and then hold, then drag release at this position where the handles are. Okay. Now, the trickiest part is the busy corner poin as we need to add all key modifier into the mix , start, click and hold in his position and drag so that the handle off the other side is at that position. Then, without releasing the mouse, hold the alky and then move your mouth so that it's located on top off the second handle position. Then they list the mouse, then you can release the out key. It is a bit daunting for beginners, but trust me. If you do these afloat times, you'll get the hang off it eventually and again. This skill will not benefit you Onley when walking in Adobe Illustrator, but also in other computer graphics software I mentioned before. Let's do some exercise using the pen tool. First, we're going to create a heart shape again. Click release in here, then move to the left off it and up a bit. And then in here, click drag and make about 50 degrees angle like so, then moved down on click release again. Next, click drag in this position. Try to make it almost symmetrical with the left one. Now, if you are still not said this fight, we can always use the direct selection tool to move. The anchor point only handles until you get the shape that you like. If you are still very far from the ideal hardship with this method, please try and try again until you can get the feel of it and have a better understanding off how mental actually works. 15. Advanced pen tool: when we click and hold depend, too, we can see that it actually has suffer ovarian. We have at Anchor Point to the lead anchor Point Total and the Less one anchor point toe are also known as Conferred Anchor Point Tour. Okay, quick explanation about all of these tools. First, the ad and Car Point tour, as the name implies it. ISS used to add anchor points, move the mouse cursor over a curve and click in there and Walla. We have a new anchor point in there. Okay, The Delete anchor point works in contrast with the ad anchor point Tool Notice where we hover over an anchor Boyne and click in there. The anchor point will be gone. Click in here again, for example, and that anchor point will be gone. Also, the last one is the Anchor point tool, also known as Conferred Anchor Point Tool. This tool is used to comfort anchor points from corner, busy and busy a corner to use it. If you click release on an anchor point, that anchor point become corner. Basically, it will lose its handles. Okay, now, if I click and direct like this, handles are coming out from it, making the anchor points Busia type Notice if we go to direct selection tool by pressing a for short cut and move, this handles around the over symmetrical in term, off its orientation. To make the handles non symmetrical, we can use the conferred anchor point tool again and director handle. Make sure you are dragging the handle, not the anchor point. OK, notice when we direct the handle with the Anchor point tool, we have basically a corner type point like this, which basically an anchor point who has known symmetrical handles. If we want tohave anchor point that has handled only on one side, simply moved to handle with direct selection tool or the comfort anchor point tool and just drag the handle back to its anchor point position. It will snap back and turn off this handle, So now we have a point with only one handle. To get both handles back again, you can click drag again with comfort anchor point toe, just like the prettiest step. Another good use off the Anchor point tool is to reshape curves. We already know how the anchor point will works on anchor points, but beside that We can also use it on curves notice. When we hover over this curve, we have the special cursor active. If we drag this, we can reshape the curve directly without having to touch these toe handles. When doing the is curve manipulation with the anchor point tool, pressing shift will make the handle parallel to each other and perpendicular to the Ankara's position. Anti. Now you might be wondering, Do I have to go back and forth to these tools when modifying shapes? Well, the answer is no. It will be time consuming to go back and forth to these tools to edit a shape. The main pain to actually has all off these features, which are adding removing and comforting points available through keyboard modifier key. OK, so use the mental now and draw these random shapes. Press enter or escape key. Oku Noto, activate the head anchor point functionality rather than we go all the way. So this stool I can in here than go back while in the mental we can actually hover on any off the curve on a selected path and notice we have this place sign on the ban coarser, and if we click it. It will add an anchor point on that position. Okay, so that is how we can add anchor points without having to go to the toolbar and clicking the add anchor point tool. Next, removing anchor point. To do that, we can simply over the mental on existing and car poin notice. We have this minus sign on the coarser. When we click that anchor point, we have just removed it. Next, we can also convert Boyens with a pen tool to change the pen tool to comfort anchor point toe. Temporarily, we can press the out key. I noticed the pento is active, where the cursor changed to comfort and car point tool. And as we suspect that while in this mode when we click release on an anchor point that point will become corner point, Clicking and ragging on an anchor point will make it a busy. A type and click and ragging toe handle will make it a busy corner type. As you can see simply using the pen tool. We can access all of these tools in here, which are adding, removing and converting and car point tool 16. Pen tool exercise: After learning the basic off mental and a bunch off advanced techniques, we're going to do more exercises in here. I provide an illustrator file, which contain an image where you can trace on top off it. To do the exercise, you can download the file in the download section off this lesson. After you opened the file, make sure you are in wash it one layer and the exercise one guide layer is locked. Okay, In this exercise, we need to create several paths following the science colored line we have in here. Okay, In the first exercise, we're going to create a serious off corner anchor points. But as you can see, they are all form straight lines, either horizontal or vertical lines, so that Zuma Little used the pen to make sure the field color is said to none. And the stroke color is said to black, said the with toe five speak source so we can see it better. Click release in here, but I hear and then click in here and just keep pressing Schiff and clicking on the corner area. Holding the shift button will force the newly created anchor point to be constrained vertically or horizontally from the previous anchor point. When you reach the age off the screen, simply hold space bar and direct a few to the left, and then you can continue growing the path in. The second exercise will be creating. Path consists off base here points click and wreck from this anchor point position. Move the mouse until it is on top off the handle release. The next anchor point is the same. Click Dragon here release. When you are on top off this handle, just keep doing this until the end. From this example, you will have clear understanding that clicking and dragging the panto will control the anchor point and handle position. And not the actual curve that will be created in this exercise will be creating single handle anchor points using the simple click again method that's begin. Click in here. Click dragging here. Make sure the shift button is pressed, so the line went perfectly horizontal position to handle, So it is located on top off the reference guide. Release the mouse. Now we have this busier type right now. We need to remove this handle. To do that, simply move your mouth and click on this anchor Boyne. This will remove the right or the next handle. Now press and hold Schiff again, clicking here, then here and just repeat the process. The last one. We're going to create a serious off, busy corner type, so let's click in here. Quick drink until the handle. Reach its guide now without releasing the mouse button press and hold the out button and drag so the mouse cursor is on top off this handle guide. Then release the mouse. Now just clicking here. Press and hold Schiff clicking here and just repeat the process until finish. Okay, if you successfully create all of the exercises, it's time to move on to another complex shape. Let's create an eagle head silhouette. Let's first click release in here to create a corner point, Then click dreck like this and while dragging and holding the mouse, hold out key and move it like so. Release the mouse, then the out key. Next, click in here, clicking here, also next to a serious click and released to form the bottom feathers. Okay, no click. Drink like this. Press out, place the handle in here and just repeat the process until you have the path closed toe. It's starting point. There you have it. An eagle had silhouette again, as I mentioned before. The pen tool is the core off vector editing, so getting familiar with the stool is your top priority before moving on to other lectures . If you are not able to create the eagle head shape correctly, please try and try again, and after you have succeed, you may continue to the next lesson. 17. Joining and cutting shapes: if we have back like this and let's say we want to connect these two endpoints, this one and this one to do these, we may have several scenarios. First, we can connect these two by making a line or second, we want to join these two anchor points into one point. Let's discuss joining first to join these two anchor points first, like this anchor point and hold shift. Then click on this anchor point. So now they are both selected. We can see if they are selected by its solid color, while the ones who are not selected have hollow feel like this. Okay, next Goto object menu, then path, then choose average, just both in here. Now, as we can see, the two anchor points now joined together and become one and car poin. Usually, when I do this, I prefer shortcut because going all the way to the menu is not that convenient. We can use control out Jay to join Path basically in Adobe illustrator term, this kind of joining is called average, not join okay to connect to endpoints, which is basically creating line between the two, we can use several methods. First, it's by selecting the to anchor points just like before, and then goto object Menu bath and join. Now, as we can see, we have new line connecting these two points. We can also use keyboard shortcut control J to do this. Okay. Another faster method is by clicking on this button up here in the control panel, but you should already select the to anchor points. Otherwise, this will not work if you only have one in car boy in selected, as we can see in here, these button become disabled. Another way of connecting to anchor points is by using the pen tool. You might be asking why we should use the pen tool because, when growing complex shape most off the time used the pen tool. And while the pendulous active it's more convenient to use it to connect anchor points so you don't need to select the end anchor points one by one first. So how we can do this? It is very simple. We can go to the mental and click in here and then click in here. That's it. Notice illustrator automatically snap into those anchor points and connect them like so if we have an anchor point and we want to cut it, meaning we want to separate it from one point into two points. We can use the cut command in control panel to do this first like an anchor point and then click this cut button up here. Now it looks like nothing has happened, but notice as I drag this anchor point, we actually have two points in one place. The next thing we're going to discuss is raising or removing car off our point. There are a lot off methods to do this. First you see the simple delete key button on the keyboard. If you so like an anchor point and press delete button, we have something like this. Basically, the anchor point will be gone and the resulting path become an open path. Okay, now what if we want to delete curve or line on Lee not anchor points where we can click and wrecked like this to select only the curve. Right now, the curve in here is actually selected. Then you can hit the delete button. Now the curve is like before are gone. This method is the same as before. As it creates open path like this. What if you don't want to create open pet like this? Can we do that? Yes, we can. To do this, we can select an anchor point and click this button up here called Remove Selected anchor points. As we can see, the anchor point is gone, But the overall shape is still in tech, meaning illustrator automatically connected neighboring anchor points so the ship doesn't become an open path. In this section, we're going to talk about three different tools, but false toe almost identical goal. So they are grouped together in this panel. They are eraser tool, scarcer toe and knife tool. The rest turtle, as the name implies, will erase anything it touches as we can see in here. If you want to control the brush shape off the eraser tool, we can double click on the Racer Tool. And in here we can specify the angle, the roundness and the size off the brush. I rarely touch these options in here except the size off the brush. Even so, there is a faster way to control the size off the eraser brush without having to go to this dialogue. We know, So let's cancel this one out. Okay. Now, to make the brush bigger, you can click on the coursing Brecher Key. They are on the right side off the letter. P key on the keyboard presses afloat times to set it bigger and bigger and used the opening Brecher key to make it smaller like this. Okay, now what if we want to constrain the eraser to erase only certain objects? How can we do that? Well, we can do that by for selecting the paths or shapes with selection tool. And now, when we use the eraser tool to erase Onley, the paths which are currently so like that will be raised and other non selected path will not get affected by it. Next is the skits of though this tool will cut a path in any anchor point or curve position that you like. So to see it in action, click and hold eraser tool and choose scarcer toe. Then move the mouse cursor until it is on top off a path like this, and then click on it. The path will be cut on their position, noticed If we go to selection tool and select, this one is already an independent path something you must remember when using the scarcer tool is that it only works if you click on a path. If you try to click on empty area like these, you get an error message. The last time we were going to discuss in this video is the knife tool. Now these two is not men for open Path, rather for closed path, also known as shapes. To give you a good idea of how this works, let's say we have a circle with blue color feel in here, and we have an open path that we create. You seen the banshee a tool to use the knife tool. You must click and drag the tool notice when we click drag on open path. It doesn't do anything. But when we do this on the circle, which is currently a shape or across the path, we can cut this ship half like this. This, like the Eurasia tool, we can constrain the effect to certain shapes by selecting them first. So if nothing is selected, the knife tool will cut all of the shapes on its path. While if we select a shape or several ships first, it will be constrained toe affect those shapes on Lee 18. Rounding corners: in this video, we're going to talk about the life corner feature in Adobe Illustrator. For me, Life Corner is one off. The best feature exists in Adobe Illustrator. We just a huge time safer when working with Victor Path in Adobe Illustrator. We have used Life Corner before several times, but we only just scratched the surface. In this video. We're going to discuss more in depth on different features off Life Corner. So what is Life Corner? If we go to direct selection tool and choose a corner anchor point or so for a corner anchor points, you will see the small circles near each off the anchor point. The small circles are called alive Corner region. If I click and drag that region, it will supplies the anchor point into two separate anchor points and turned the corner into a perfect rounded corner. After you around the corner. Once you can always go back and change the radius anytime you want it. Always there. You can even drag this until you have the original corner or anchor point back to control the behavior off the life corner. We can use it for our methods. The first method is by using the modifier keys for us. That's like so Ferral, anchor points and regular corner. We get like this. We're holding the mouse. Pressing up and down a row in a keyboard will change the corner type. There are three types available. They are the conflicts around, which is the default concave, or a first round and less. One is threat or so called charm for type. After you release the mouse, you can still change their type by holding the out key and click on the corner of Egypt. Sometimes we need to control the radios off the corner precisely or by using measurement value. We can do that. You see the second method, which is using the corner Spinal and Order Control panel to access the corner panel. We can double click on the corner region. As we can see in here, we can control the corner type radius and a rounding behavior. We can also use the input field up here in control panel to change the radius and click on this corner stakes button up here, toe open the corner panel. The last thing we're going to discuss is to control multiple corner you see in the corner panel if we use the widget control. After selecting suffer anchor point, we can easily change multiple corner radius. But if we double click toe one off them and change something in a corner panel notice on Lee that corner changing and not the other one toe. Have multiple corners. Follow our input at once. You need to select their widgets first. To do that, click in here so that this region is highlighted. President holds Schiff and then click in here. Now the two widgets are selected. Double clicking on one of them will open the corner panel like before. But now changing the value will alter both corner uniformly. 19. Project: S letter logo: in this exercise, we're going to use what if run before by creating a simple as a letter logo on a bet man like logo. Now, in the process, we're going to learn several new things. They are offsetting path making ships symmetrical and a bit off snapping method. Okay, to create the S letter logo, let's start with a panto and make sure the field color is said to know color. To do that, we can click this box so it is in front, and then click this no color box down here to make the field color empty. Then click on the stroke color box and just black or any color you like By setting these color boxes like this. When we create a path with the Penta later, it will not be filled with any feel color, and only is throw color exists. The less Jack is to make sure the smart guide is not active. To do that, simply go to a few menu and make sure that this option is off. Now we're going to talk about these smart guides later in an exception off the course for now, just turn it off so it will not get in the way. OK, now click and release in here and then move the mouse to the left. Like this. Notice the line is not straight horizontally. Now press and hold Schiff No does. When we hold shift button, the line, which we're going to create, will always snap toe 45 degrees angle from the previous and car poin. So in this way we can easily at anchor point in here and create perfect core is on the line . Let's at more points by clicking on this locations. Keep pressing the shift button so the lines are all straight like these. At the end, we can hold the control button and click on empty space like this toe. Finish the path drawing Okay. Now, while still in a pen tool pressing control, we'll get you the direct selection tool where the direct selection is active. Click and drag. To select these to anchor points, notice both off these anchor points. Round corner control is visible. Clicking and dragging one off. These were around the other. Since they are both selected and the beauty off these, they both will stop rounding when the supplies result. Points has max each other out. Basically, they will not offer lap each other, which is a good thing. Next, we need to do the same thing with these anchor points. Don't here, select them and then make them round to the max. Okay, Next, we need to make a thicker. We can adjust the stroke with, but we will come for all about stroke and its effect. Later in this video, we're going to use a special path function called Offset. To do that, make sure our object is selected, go to object menu and then goto path and then Tuesday's offset path function in here. A window will pop out. Now you always want to turn on this pre few button so we can see what will happen to the shape. After the offset is applied, Click inside this tax filled offset value and just use your mouth scroll up and down to change the value. You can also use the up and down arrow keys on a keyboard to do this. But I find Mouse Crow well to be more convenient after you. Like what you see, you can click the OK button to apply the offset to our shape. Okay, now, on orders, we have two shapes now instead, off one. The one in the middle is the original one. This is good if you want to back up your original ship for future use, but for now, let's just delete it. You can press fee, then click and then press delete button. This is one way to do it. Are while in the pen Thel. Hold control and all key click in this object. As we can see, all of the anchor points are selected. Then we can deliver it by pressing the delete button in the keyboard. We can adjust these anchor points so the logo have more compact Look, don't forget to press shift while doing this to make the movement straight horizontally, and that's it. We have a nasty letter logo. 20. Project: Batman symbol: next, we're going to create a Batman like logo in here. We're going to learn to make symmetrical drawing and also learning to those simple snapping . Okay, start with the pen tool. Just like before, Mack. Sure. The field color is said to empty and use black color for a stroke. Click drag in here and press shift so the handle will be perfect. Horizontal. Then click in here, then in here. Then in here. Click dragon here and after. We have approximately good curve press and hold out and try to move toe around this position. Then click Dragon here, press out again and keep doing this pattern until we have tail in the center. There are no new techniques with use in here. They are all the same things we've discussed before. If you still have problem with this, then I suggest you do more practices until you can master it. Because in the coming lessons, all of this will not be discussed anymore. And I will assume you already familiar with this technique. Okay, we have half off the Bettmann logo finished. Now it is time to make the other half. We're going to duplicate and flip it, so we have a perfect symmetrical shape. But before we can do that, we want to make sure that these anchor points at the top is in line with this one. To do that, we can use different methods. But for now, we're going to use copying and pasting co ordinates. So So, like, this anchor points with the direct selection tool and copies X coordinate value. Select this anchor point down here and in pace the value and then press enter. Now, both off, these anchor points are aligned vertically. Next, let's copy the shape. We can use different copy methods, as we mentioned earlier. For now, we're going to use the out key and drag these to the left like this to create duplicate. Now we need to make this ship flip. To do that while it is selected, you goto object. May new transform and juice reflect in here. Window will pop out like this Another faster way to access reflect, we know is to rightly and to transform, reflect. It is the same thing only faster as we don't need to go all the way up here to access it. Okay, Now make sure the vertical axis is selected and then click the OK button. Now our ship is reflected. Next. We need to grab the anchor point in here and snap it with this anchor point at the right side. To do that, we need to make sure the snap. The point is active. Force Goto Few menu and cities option snapped a point. Make sure it is on okay, now use the selection toe and over until we reach the age of it. We need to see the course or changed to something like this, indicating we're on an anchor point. Then click and hold it and then move it to the age off the right shape until we see the course or change color toe white like thes, indicating that our most cursor is indeed on top, often anchor point. Then we can release it. If you find a snapping behavior is too weak, you can always adjust the threshold by going toe the edit menu preferences and go to selection and anchor display and increased its value. Okay, after both off these curves, line up press control J. Before we finish up, let's take a look. A different approach, creating the Batman logo. You seen the curvature tool as we mentioned before. Curvature tool is a tool we can use to create path without having to worry about Basie handle. So start with the curfew, chortle, active and just like before, make sure the field color is empty and half a black color for the stroke. Start by clicking in here. Press out and click in here. I'll click in here and out. Click in here. Also, click in here Now press out and clicking here, Click out, Click and so on until we reach the age off the tail to adjust the anchor points and the curvature. Just drag around these points until we have what we are looking for. Now let's say we want to make these kerf a bit like that. We can click and wreck from the curve. A new smooth anchor point is created, and we can adjust it like this. If you don't like it, you can always press the delete button while the anchor point is selected to remove it, Pressing the delete button in a curvature tool. We make the anchor poor in deleted, but the path will still be in tech next we want to create the left side for this case. Let's leave out the tail, not line with the top head. Okay? We're going to join them later with different approach. Unlike before. We're not going to copy it first, but rightly transform Andre Flight and discreet copy in here. Now snap these toe here. Okay. Their exploration tool. So, like both and control J now for the bottom ones, select both anchor points and control out J, which is basically average joint tool that you can find in the object menu Breath average as we discussed in our previous video. So there you have it. Another Bettmann logo. But this time we use different tools to achieve it. By understanding the pen tool in the carpenter toe, we can speed up our growing process. Usually I used a pen tool as to their fault. But when it comes to creating path where I need to create smooth curves, I rely on the curvature toe. To do that, we see more examples later on. When is the best time to use the pen tool and when to use the curvature tool 21. Sketching: in this lesson, we're going to explore how we can create sketches with two tools. They are pain brush, tool and block brush tool. Now, what I mean about sketches are drawings that we create just too rough out initial ideas, and usually we do leave them. Later, After the artwork is finished, you might be wondering, Why am I calling it skating tools? Are they only good for sketching? The first answer? It is because I used them mainly for sketching purpose. The second answer is no. They are not only good for sketching, and you can use it for a finish line artwork. It really depends on how you work, how steady your hand is, whether you want to be able to change it later and whether you own a pressure sensitive defies, such as welcomes tablet. Let's just discuss this more in depth so you understand what I mean. First is the pain brush tool. The paintbrush toe works similar toe pencil toe in lot of ways. First, both tools used the same click and drag as you can see. It behaves just like the pencil to the second similarity with a pencil to is that it also creates stroke, not feel so when I select one off this path with the direct selection tool. As you can see, they are just stroke rendered with a bit off thickness. So what is the main difference between paintbrush and a pencil tool? The difference is that when we use the brush toe, we can apply brush definition directly when growing freely. To explain what I mean. It's open brushes, spanner and choose this brush definition and then start drawing with a brush tool. As you can see, we are creating stroke with brush definition directly. Okay, now the question is, can we apply this brush definition two strokes that we have created with the pencil to? Yes, we can, but only after we create them and not while drawing it. That's clear a simple stroke with the pencil tool and start growing after that. Just this brush definition, and now we have something like this to be on us. I think the stool is redundant, and it's adding unnecessary complication to the software right now when we to span still tool. If you're not, let me choose these other brushes, and only this basic feature applied to it On the other hand, when we just the brush tool, we cannot use the basic brush definition. It always like other brush definition for me again. I think this is redundant and just strange. I think adobe should remove the pencil toe and replace it with just a paint brush tool but able to select basic brush definition. Orefice first removed a brush tool because the only difference within brush and pen Soto is actually an option in a periods panel called New Art has basic appear Ian's. If this option istan off, noticed that drawing with Pan Soto is the same as throwing with a brush tool. Let's double click on the tools I can so see what else the stool can offer. Notice. We have Fidelity Option. Like the pencil toe. The explanation is the same as the pencil toe. Higher value means smoother result, with less anchor points created. Lower value means Illustrator will be more faithful to your hand gesture when growing other option are self explanatory. I feel a new brush stroke means that it will add feel color area when drawing stroke keeps wreck that mean it will always select the path after being drone. Why This is important because the setting after it and that is edit psychopaths when this both turn on administrator. Always assume that you want to edit your stroke again after it was created. So let's say I dro this stroke and then click Direct again caused the old stroke. Noticed it will not create new strokes. Rather edit and refine the previous one. I usually turn off both off this option when doing sketching. Unlike Pain Brush Tool, the block brush toe will actually create Feels not stroke to show you what I mean. Select block brush tool by clicking and holding the paint brush tool and choose block brush tool from the drop down lists and just drove a random curve like this just for example. Now go to direct selection tool and select the path and zoom in notice. We don't have a single stroke at the center, as with the paint brush tool. Rather, an area off fears double click on a tool I can and see. What option do they still have the first option up here? We'll make the fields that we created becomes selected by default. The second option if turn on will make the blob brush. Only March feels with selected feels otherwise by default blow brush merch every feels that it crosses and make them as one object. This fidelity setting is the same as other fidelity setting, so I'm not going to explain it again. The next section off the option is where things get more interesting. Using these values already is click and dragon. Here we can adjust the brush, tip or shape that will be produced by the blow brush tool. Okay, Now what are these fixed option in this column? This will lead us to our next discussion. And that is using pressure sensitive device when we set these size to 10 point, for example, and from fix toe pressure and variation all the way up to 10 point. Also notice when I drove with my welcome tablet with a slight stroke, It will create these thin lines almost one point thickness. But when I pressed heart, it will create ticker lines. Almost 20 point taken us. So using this option, you can have more nature looking strokes or feels to be exact because it read and mimics our hand pressure to the size value again I must mention unit pressure sensitive, defy, such as welcome for this to work. There are other cheaper brains, like handphone or we on or other brand that I may not know off. I only have welcome tablets and have never used brains other than welcome. So I cannot give any comment or if you but which brand is the best? Okay, now the question is, can we utilized? The pressure sensitive defies when using the paintbrush tour, because when we double click on the icon, it doesn't display any option to control the behavior. The answer is yes. We can do that in paintbrush toe. It is not too specific, but rather of this attached to the barrage definitions that thing. To make use of it, simply select the brush definition you like to use and double click on it. Notice we have the same set up as the blood brush. Change the size toe five pressure and five also, and we click the OK button and start drawing something. Noticed the natural hand paint that looks on these strokes as we enabled the pressure option turned on. Okay, Now, after knowing these two tools and what it can do. What is the practical? Use it for them. Well, you can use them in any way you like with your own creativity. But for me, I only use paint brush tool for skating and rarely, or almost never use blob brush tool. Why First blow brush tends to be heavy on the processing power that it often likes my computer and I have a very first computer with a very large ram. Using blood brush for simple growing is okay, but once it starts getting complicated, you have a risk off crashing your computer. Secondly, I use paint brush tool with carry graphic brush definition and pressure. Option only for sketching, not the final artwork. Why? The answer is because you cannot modify do with after it's been created. Basically, it is good that you can vary the weight with your work on tablet, but it is not good as after that. The stroke that was created will stay like that forever. You cannot change it now. This may be happens in the current version off my adobe illustrator, and that adobe will have integrate the stool with the with the tool later on. But for now, for me It's only good for sketching, not for final artwork, but a bit off spoiler. Here. Ben Brust can be still useful for final artwork when used with other types off brush definition, such as pattern or at brush. We're going to call for all of these in later videos, inshallah. 22. Advanced transformation: besides using boning boxes to transform objects, there are other tools which is specifically help us to transform objects. In this video, we're going to discuss three additional tools. They are rotate it'll skeletal and free transform tool. First is the rotate. Oh, as the name implies, it is used for rotating objects. Select an object, then go to rotate tool and just click and drag to rotate the object. If you want more precision on how much degree one we can double click on the Rotate Tool Aiken or press enter, just like the move panel we used before. We can control the rotation by in putting numerical values, which in our case here, our anger value into Greece. You might be wondering, is that all these rotator can do? The answer is no. There are so far other things we can do with the rotate tool. The main benefit off the stool is that we can specify where the pivot point off the rotation, so it doesn't have to be in the center off the object. For example, we want this object to rotate, using this co ordinate in here. To do that, after selecting the object which we want to rotate. Click the rotate. Oh, then click on that position. Noticed this small light blue point are in there now just drag your mouse on the screen. It doesn't have to touch the object. If you want to do it again. A different position. Just repeat the process. Click in here, for example. Drag again. Like so. Okay. Now what if we want to rotate object using other objects? CenterPoint, for example, we want this object to rotate, but using this other object at the bottom as the center off the rotation before we can do that, that is one thing you need to do first goto few and make sure the smart guide is active. We mentioned about Smart Guy before will cover a smart guy more in depth at later video. Inshallah, For now, just know that smart guide will help us snap toe objects. Okay, Now select the objects like rotate tool, then move in over our mouths on top off the bottom object on the OVC door center. Then click in here by doing this. The pivot point off this object are now in the center off this object. After that, we start rotating the object one off. The coolest thing you can do it wrote. A tool is to create circular pattern. Is can be done using the out modifier key to duplicate custom pivot point type in angle of value and control DE to repeat the transformation. Wow, that's a lot of things in one process. Okay, first, create object to be clone, then the object that will be the center click to select the object. My shirt. This is the one that is being selected. Then click on the rotate Tool now before clicking here to set the pivot point. Make sure you click and hold out key first, then click at the center off the object instead of floated manually. We actually have this option opens up. That's everyone seven off these things, cloned evenly in Circle or Feitian. Now let's make illustrator do the math for us. Type in 360 divided by seven and click the copy button in here. Not the okay button. Now we have to off them. Press controlled these a four times, and as we can see, they are all evenly spaced now. The scale tool. We can find it in here it works just like the rotate. In term off concept, we can specify custom bitter point for the center off the scale by clicking anywhere. Then do the scaling. We can also double click on the icon toe access. The numerical input fields uniform in here means that the scaling will happen uniformly horizontal and vertical so you object will retain its proportion, the second option available if we want to stretch our squash, the object that are also option down here whether we want to scale the corner. This option is important if we have rounded corners. The option in here is where we determine whether scaling will affect stroke size or not. And the two options down here will determine whether scaling, affect, object only or pattern on Lee or both. So, basically, if you don't have any pattern in the object, these options are turned off by default. We're going to discuss patterns in later videos. Inshallah, okay. The next time information told we're going toe coffer east, the free throws from Tool using these tools is almost using the default bonding box in selection tool. But with suffer all additional option floating in, hear clicking this button will make the scaling always proportion. If we click again, the option will be turned off. Now, when we scale, we can get known proportioned. Result this option for me. It's one off those redundant things in Adobe Illustrator because you can just for a shift to do proportional scaling one feature that might be useful when working with the 3000 tool is the sharing feature. Basically, you can grab this middle handle and just drag it sideway. As you can see, it will share the object freely. Now, if you want to share object with more precision, there is a dedicated tool for a sharing which located at the scaling tool drop down. Listen here, but mostly the concept and workflow are the same, so I will leave this for you to explore yourself. The less two options are about distorting objects, so we're going to cover this in the next video. Inshallah, 23. Distortion: a lot of time. We need to restart objects so they feed toe their surrounding, such as placing oclock on a prospective fall at Indy calls, tow cars, body or spaceship or a simple as making text title bulge on the center to emphasize it. In Adobe Illustrator, we have a range off tools devoted for distorting objects. The 1st 2 is perspective distort. You can find this tool as a mode for the freedom swarm tool. So to do that for select the object you want to distort, then activate the free thrown from tool notice. We have discussed these two buttons up here. Now select this one in this mode when we grab a corner handle and drank it like so Illustrator will reshape the object so it's fit inside the bounding box. You can see when I move this part, the other corresponding part also move. If you don't want this to happen, we can use the next method, which is free. Distort. Just click this button here and now we're in free distort mode. In this mode, each corner handle can be moved freely from other corner handle. One thing that is bugging me when walking on free distort transform in Adobe Illustrator is that the handle? Keep resetting before I finish distorting the object. Other software, such as for a shop when any Met Sisi doesn't have this strange behavior to show you what I mean. I will open any minute and let's say I want to distort these. Start growing. Go to three times onto an active it distort notice. When I drag the handle they always intact in where the originals are. They won't reset itself to rectangle shape in Photoshopped the three times from Distort we have just like in adobe animate in Adobe Illustrator. However the control handles, they keep resetting itself to rectangular shape, which is very annoying. A lot of users have requested this feature for years now, but still no sign from Adobe whether they will fix this feature. There is a walk around for these, although require us to take more step that is to use make with top object, basically top object envelope well, distort on object with other objects on top of it. Let's say we have this ship in here and we wanted to distort so they fit into the shape first, make sure the envelope object is on top. To do that, simply right, click and just bring toe front. We will call for more in depth about arrangement and layer on later videos. Inshallah, not so like both off the objects. Then goto, object menu and flop distort make with top object. Now we can see the object we have before become distorted by being constrained inside the envelope. Object on top of it. Okay, I mentioned before that we can use make with off object as the work around for free distort . Let me show how it is done. First, let's say we have this wall drawing in here and we want to put attacks at. Decide to do this. Create a shape Using the pen tool. The ship will represent the final packs bounding box that follows the perspective off the drawing. Next, create attacks by clicking in this tax tool, then click in here type anything, for example. Example. Next Kobe this shape and move it on top off the tax. I'll make both off these toe have only stroke color and no feels so I can see it better. Now Click this one and make it on top off the other. Object by right click and just arrange. Bring toe front. Now when you select both object and apply, make with top object and float, something would happen. Illustrator like to assume that the shape is always straight. Therefore, produce strange result on very tilt envelope ship To overcome these, let me undo this first before you apply the envelope. Try to rotate the envelope shaped first so that the corners off it almost straight. Then select both off the object and make n float with Make me top object. We know half attacks distorted in the correct way. Now rotate it back and place it on top off our target area. Another method off distorting objects is by using warp. The big difference off whop with other distortion techniques we discussed before is that it is based on preset and parameters, not something that we can do freely. Let's just look at the stacks selected and goto, object and float, distort, make with warp. As we can see, we are provided with a bunch off pre set up here on the perimeters to adjust it. I will not go into detail on explaining each off the preset I'm sure you can explore this option yourself. Something to think. Notice that once you click the OK button and the envelope is created, you can actually go and pick all of these points with the direct selection tool and tweak them even more to get more custom shape. When this is done sometime, you want to go back to the original warp shape to go back to the original warp shape. We can do that by going toe the same steps as before, Object Menu and Philip and distort Now notice instead of make with warp, it says in here, reset with warp, and when you click, it will reset the warp to the original war precept and setting we have before. The next distortion method is by using mash and flow. To create mash envelope, simply pick an object and goto object and flop and distort tools make with mesh we know will appear to define how much columns and rows you want tohave in the mash. I'll set this toe one for all of them. When you click the OK button, it seems nothing happened, but notice when you use the direct selection tool and click on one off these corners, we can actually adjust it or tweak it, and the ship will affecting the object inside it. If you have one by one measure set up like these, you need to position the handle so it is located at 1/3 off the overall length off the curve. So this handle, for example, should be around here. If not, the distortion along this age or curve will not be proportional. 24. Depth sorting and layer: in almost every graphic application, there is a common concept called depth sorting, sometime also known as stacking order. Basically, the sorting is a concept off letter mining or sorting objects from the front to the back. You can think off it like a bunch off cards scattered on a table. You can see clearly the cards in front, and we hardly see the cards in the back because they are being blocked by other cards. In Adobe Illustrator, we can control the abs sorting in suffer a ways for this example. Let's first create this red rectangle and then blues your call and the less one we're going to create an orange star. Okay, now notice. When I move this star object on a rectangle or on the circle, the star always stay on top off them. This basically tell us that every new object created in Adobe Illustrator will always be placed at the front off everything quote unquote on that corn layer. We're going to discuss about layer after this because we create the circle after the wreck Tango, the circle will be on top of direct angle. Okay, now, what if we want them to switch places. For example, we want the wreck Tango Toby in front, off everything. Well, we can select it. Object may new arrange Bring the front. You can also access these via right click arrange Bring toe front. If we want to move it to the back, we can do the same thing, but now choose send to back. We can also move. Object in the devil, sorting one level at a time by using Bring forward and send backward. If we click this rectangle right click, arrange and bring forward it will move up one level in the depth sorting. So it is now on top off the circle. Another way of to control Deb Sorting is through keyboard shortcut. As you can see in here, these are the shortcut combinations To move forward or backward, we use control key and open or closing Brecker to bring to frahn or sento back, use control its chief and then the bracket keys. I think this is very clear just by looking at the sort that info Now we're going to move on two layers. Open the layer panel. If you don't see something like this layer panel, you can go to window. Yeah, I always have my layer panel available at the right side off the screen. Now notice. When I click this triangle I can at the site of the layer One name in here. It will be expanded and showing all of the objects Currently we have in this layer noticed that this stack represents taking off our objects in here. With this, we can control which one on top and which one on the bottom. Let's say I want to move the circle toe on top off everything. Simply click. Drag this up. And now, as we can see, it is now at the front. Off the other objects, let's create another layer by clicking this button down here. And now that this layer is active, create a green rectangle in it. Okay, Now we actually have two layers. One that holds these three objects and another layer that holds this green rectangle. If we just like the green rectangle and put it on top of the others and then right click arrange sent to back. Nothing happens. It won't go to the back off these three objects. Why? Because again, they are in different layer. So several things we can conclude here. First layer is like a group off staking order or rip sorting. Second, you can use bring to frahn and send to back or forward and backwards Onley in one layer. You can never send on object. Jump to another layer this way. So again, arrange comment in here are constrained by its current layer. However, what you can go for this is to move the layer stacking order by click and ragged so it is below the layer where these three objects contained. So now this green rectangle placed in the back off the other shapes. OK, I think the concept shall be very clear now. We use layers to manage objects in term, off their depth in the composition, and the best way to do this is to name your layers with more meaningful names. Now. To do this, we can simply double click on the name off the layer. This will let us change the layers name to a new one. Now, besides managing the sorting, another good use off the Layer panel is to select, object and coping. Appear Ian's first about selecting objects begins the like object in a document by clicking the small colored square notice. When we click this, the object gets elected, and when I click this, another one gets like that. If we click the square beside the layers name, this will make all of the objects on that corn layer gets like that. Tocopilla periods. We can use the small circles in here by Click and drag the circle to any other object in layer panel and release it. Notice that these objects color change. According to these objects, appear Ian's Something to take. Note that appearance in Adobe Illustrator. It's not dis about color, but lot more than that, and we're going to call for these in later videos. Toby on us. I really used this appear Ian Feature in layers panels because when your artwork gets complicated, you have hundreds off these objects layer staking on top of each other in here, and with these small time nails, you'll get dizzy right away, trying to find the object you are looking for. Okay, now we're going to discuss about sub layer. When we go to the bottom off the Layers panel, we will see these create new sub layer button. If we click this. We know half a new layer but located inside this parent layer well, this layer is active. When we create a new objects, they will be placed inside this new sub layer. Let's create several objects again with different colors. Sub layer has the same characteristics as layer. For example, it will constrain depth sorting arrangement inside it. If I just this stop object and send it to back, it can only go as far as the sub layer containment, one of the most important setting when working with layer is to layer scholar. To access it, we can double click on a layer toe open layer Options panel notice. In here, we can also rename the layer and we can change the color of it in here, for example, to this dark green color. Now changing the color off a layer will not affect your final artwork, but it will change how Adobe illustrator display anchor points when we are working in the Rx elation mode. In my experience, we need to change the layer Scholar When Adobe Illustrator decide to give a new earlier with a bright color like yellow in most off our big round, it's white or the layer has dark color or the background color has dark color. Also, in these scenarios, you might need to change the layer scholar. 25. Grouping and hierarchy: Now we're going to discuss about Group two. Group objects can seem please like them and go toe Object group. We can also use control G for keyboard shortcut. When objects are group, they will treat it like one object. So when we click the select one off this object, the other objects belonging to that group will be selected. Also, we can move, rotate or scale them as if they are one object in term. Off the layer panel group can be considered a special sub layer because when we create a group, we actually create a special sub layer. As we can see in this layer panel, the UN group object. We can simply go toe object on group or hit the shift control G buttons on a keyboard. Although you can select object belonging to a group directly from the layer panel like these, I really discourage you from doing that. Why? Because when your artwork gets complicated, it is very hard to find object with these small time nails. Even if you go to lay your spinal option in here and just panel option and make the Tom nails bigger like this, what you end up doing is actually making the layer panel even dollar. Just imagine if you have hundreds off objects and you need to scroll all the way like this . So find object you're looking for. Why are these damn nails? This is not the best way to work with the Nobel. A straighter. So is there a better solution to work with group objects? Yes, there is, and it is called isolation mode. If you ever need to select and control objects belonging to a group, we can use a feature called Isolation Mode. Now this feature works not only for group, but it also works for a single object. So, for example, if I need to select this object, which is spark off a group, you can simply double click on it. Notice up here something has changed. We now see this strip off breadcrumbs, indicating that we are inside a group which is inside a layer. When we are in this isolation mode, we cannot select other objects outside this group, so it's like being inside a folder, and we can only access files in that folder to go back outside. From this isolation mode, we can do several things first, we can double click again on empty area off the canvas. How does the breadcrumbs up here are gone? Okay, now let me get back in. We can also click in this layer button in here, and this will level up the isolation mode to layer Leffall. So basically, we can only select and walk with player one object and at the other layer. And finally, you can click this back aero button to go out from isolation mode. Another way to end their isolation mode is by selecting an object and then right click and choose. I saw it in here and tow accident. You can also right click and choose exit isolation mode. The courting about isolation mode is that we can go in and out objects hierarchy, even if they are multilevel deep. What I mean by that if you have grouped objects, which is inside another group objects, you can double click and publicly again to go inside that object. And as I mentioned before, we can also I sold it single object from dress off the objects. So, for example, I can never click on this group. Object. Now we are inside this group of Jake. And then if I double click again on this object, we are inside this object. Notice the bread comes off here indicate that we are inside on object, which is a path and the path it's actually inside a group which is inside a layer. Using this method, we can focus on editing this path without any distraction from other objects again to go back from isolation mode. A faster way to do it is by double clicking on empty space like this. I use isolation mode a lot when using Adobe Illustrator and prefer this workflow instead off manually selecting sub layers in layer panel because you get to see the objects directly in real scale and in relation with other objects in canvas. 26. Align and distribute: when we have multiple objects like these, sometimes we need to align them in a certain way. In this file, we have suffer of random objects. The line function is pretty straightforward. Clicking this will align all of the objects to the laugh. This will align the objects to the center horizontally, this one to align to the right. I think you'll get the idea. No, this area is for distribution, which we're going to discuss later. One important option that I think we need to discuss is this one This option. Better mind on what difference that the objects will be aligned. Toe First Option is aligned to selection these option. When selected Adobe Illustrator will align objects based on the bounding box off the selected objects. Let's say we select these objects. We can see this bounding box Now. This selection boning box later will become the reference area for the line process. If we select this line vertical center, they will be placed at the center off the selection Bounding box. Another option is a line toe art board. What are bought means in illustrator term is thes canvas box. So when this option is on clicking on the Align Center like these will place the object at the center. Off the canvas. The less option is key. Object out. Risky object concept is interesting. Basically, key object is the master off a selection to define a T object. When we select multiple objects like these, we can click again on one off. The objects that object now become the key object. No, this is done without holding the shift button because if we hold the shift button, it will de select it. Okay, so again, just click on one off the selective objects without pressing any money for her key noticed the object that we click become highlighted with thicker lines. Now, when we hit horizontal Alliance Center like these, all of the objects will be aligned to risky object like So you think your object is very useful when we want to move an object and align it toe another object, For example. I have a circle like these and create another small Sirica like this. Now I want to place this small circle inside this big circle, but I don't want to move the big circle. Let's just say that the big circle is already part off a complex composition. To do this, we can select the circle for a shift and select this one. Also know Oakley again on a big circle to set it as the key object. Now, if we click the center of vertical and horizontal, a small circle moved to the center off the big circle. Next, we're going to discuss about this tribute, this three. But we're position objects by spreading them evenly in space. For example, we have this random vertical lines like this. Select all of them and click these horizontally City would send that we can see now they are spread evenly like this. 27. Snap, Grid and Smartguide: snapping an illustrator can be done in many ways the simplest method off snapping, this point snapping turn on points, snapping, weaken goto few, and make sure this snapped. A point option is. Turn on for this example. Make sure the smart guide and snapped a great option Eastern off first. Also, turn off big, so great snapping by clicking on this button up here, we'll discuss about picture great snapping in later videos. Inshallah, to move and snap this line, for example, toe this line. Move the mouse to this age and then drag, and when you hover over this age, noticed the mouse cursor change in tow. White color. These white color car czar indicates that snapping is happening and that the anchor points will snap into another anchor point. We can do this also with this rectangular shape. Let's say we want to move. Snap these to this point. Simply move the mouse over the desire Anchor Point. Click and recto the target point. Find a white anchor point and then release. It's very simple. Many people have problem when trying to select the corner because the bounding books show up and making selecting the corner becomes killing. So to show you what I mean, I select this rectangle and noticed this corner cannot be picked up as it's changed to scale control point. There are two ways to offer. Come. These first method is just like we have discussed before is that you don't select the object first. So click on empty area to dislike everything and move the mouse over it and click dreck, right way to drag it and snap it to other point. The second method is to hide the bounding box that has the transformation control. To do that, we can go toe few high bounding box. Now when we select objects, they don't have any boning box, so the scale control will not show up in this state. We can easily drag selected object point to snap the other point. Usually, I just used the first method and rarely turn off bounding box to the snapping. Some people may argue that we may need to turn off the bounding box when the composition gets complicated and it becomes harder and harder to choose object using the first method off snapping. But in my experience, using good layer management can avoid you from that situation. So you see in the first method is always enough for me. The next position told we're going to learn is great to use the greed and a great snapping . You can goto the few menu and click this show great button here in all sorts on on these, snapped a great option with these option. Turn on. We can all move objects or create or edit lines, and they will aligned toe great easily. Great is very useful if we are working on Regent Pattern or design your own phone, for example. Smart guide, as the name implies, is a snapping system provided by Adobe Illustrator that's supposed to guide or help us when positioning objects intelligently, meaning it will give you a lot of feedback on different scenarios off snapping as we work with our objects to turn on the smart guide, you can go too few and too smart guide in here, or we can use the shortcut control you for toggling it on or off to control what kind off it back you want to get from Smart guide. You can go to edit menu preferences and smart guides as we can see in here. There are several categories we can use. Smart Guide for a Lyman Guides object, highlighting transform tools and so on. You can turn on and off these options as you see fit. You can also set the color and the angles linemen and snapping tolerance value. Let's just turn everything on for now and click the OK button notice. Now, when I move around the mouse and when we pick and move an object, we'll get a bunch off on screen feedbacks like these in my experience, Smart Guide helps a lot when we are working with suffer or few objects in the art board, for example, when you need to design logos or icons or other types off simple shape graphics you might want with an on smart guide all the time. But when your composition gets more complex, like when creating complex illustration and you have hundreds off objects in your canvas, using smart guide quickly becomes an offer kill. In my workflow, I usually set the preference toe only Ankara path labels, that's all. And usually I let Smart Guide active most of the time when I don't need it, I just press the shortcut control you, and when I need it again, press control you again to activate it. There is another interesting technique that not many people know it exists in Adobe Illustrator and that it's using the control button to snap the point or point towpath easily. For example, I have this rectangle and the line. Let's say I want to align this rector and go toe this line, but not just a simple alignment. I want to align based on this anchor point on the rectangle. I wanted to snap along this path for these. Make sure the smart Guidice active. You don't necessarily turn on the snap two point feature for this to work. If you have so many objects in your art board, you might want to turn off the alignment feature in Smart Guide. To do that, you can goto added references or just press control K and go to Smart Guy and uncheck this option. Next month's like everything in Hover the mouse until we see the world anchor, click and drag, and when we are near the target path press and hold the control button. As you can see these, let us snap along the path off this line 28. Pixel grid: where new Open or job? Illustrator, you will see this option up here. Active. This is the picture. Great snap option by default. Loeb Illustrator set is too active when we use pixel based size document preset because we've been using the android 10 80 p document preset, which used to speak sauce as its measurement units. I notice when I create a new document and Jews from the print category choose a four in here because the units you see in here is set to points, not big sauce. When we create the document, the pics are great. Snapping option Eastern Off by default, you might be wondering what is the big deal with Pixar snapping Now this issue is very important as a lot of people consider picture great snapping in Adobe Illustrator as a problem rather than a feature. This is due to the lack off understanding off what? Why and how do you speak so great snapping after this video lesson, you should be familiar with it and afford future problems that may arise from this feature . First what he speaks so agreed base So great is a small grid in a size off big sauce to see The pics are great. You can go to a few menu and turn on picks up If you now we can see the pig so great in light gray color. I hope you can see this in the video, but at least you should see these pixel greats in your own monitor. You might be asking big sauce. I thought Vectors are free from pixels. Pixels are raster stuff, not vector. Yes, that is true. But there are times when we want to steptoe pixels, such as when creating picture at work or designing you I for small devices or creating icons, etcetera. I want to give an example of how this big source snapping can be a problem to most people. In this example, I have a line and a box if I try to align this box with points snapping so that the anchor point at this corner Snapple this anchor point in this line notice. No matter how hard I try to snap it, when we zoom in, we can tell that it won't snap correctly or precisely if you ever experience problems like these when snapping your objects such as your object just inept toe places you don't one The Aligned Toe picks a great feature could be the culprit. By turning this off, I can now snap objects point to point precisely again. Another way to avoid Pixar snapping problem is to use it from the beginning and when creating objects and editing them and never turning it off. All the newly created objects anchor points will be snapped, a picture greats from the beginning, so snapping them will be easy as they are already used to picture grids. The problems that happen to a lot of people is because they open all the fire that is not using picture great snapping and open it on Adobe Illustrator version, which used picture snapping by default. If you are using older version off, Adobe Illustrator Peso Snapping is located in rather hard to find place, and that is in terms from Penhall in the options menu. Since Adobe illustrator Assisi Fashion 2017 it is not located in here anymore, but now it is located on the top right area, making it more obvious maybe to avoid people from getting problems from it. There are options available for Pixar snapping. We can access it by clicking on a character in here. As we can see, these options are in plain English. You should understand them right away. In my experience, I never need toe touch and tweak the settings in here. If I am working with pixel sensitive documents are, just turn it on, if not, just turn it off completely. 29. Project: Circular pattern logo: in this project, we're going toe create circle or pattern logo like this logo off a company called PP. We're not going to create an exact copy off this logo. Just creating something similar. We're going toe kaffir curvature tool reflect. Join smart guide, rotate copy tool periods, panel and flattened transparency. Let's create a new file. I just defies profile underweight 10 80 p just as before. And change the orientation to landscape. Don't forget to turn on smart guy, but turn off picture. Great option at the top, right. Make sure the feel is set to none. And a stroke is set to black. Okay, now let's jump the curvature tool. Next click in here, then in here, then in here like so to finish this drawing, hold control key and click on empty area. We know half, half off the ship created next. We need to create a mirror copy off this path. Not just mirror, but using this anchor point as the mirror plane position. To do this easily, we can select the path, then go to reflector. Now, this is important. Hold out and click on this point Just vertical and click up in here As we can see, we now have mirror identical object. Although the shape looks like one piece off object, they are not. We need to join them together, so they become one object. To do that, select both off the object and hit control Jay to join them together. You can also go to object menu path, join or right click and join By doing that, illustrator will intelligently march Jason Anchor points and march the two objects into on object. As you can see when I select this anchor point, this is already become One Inc Instead, off to next, we want to copy and rotate the shape 19 times, so we'll have a total of 20 shapes like this. Tocopilla rotate the shape we can use the rotator tool, but first we need an object as the reference guide for the rotation Ascender. Select the Lips store. Move our cursor up here until we see the world anchor. Click and drag an hold out key and Schiff, move the circle to the bottom off the ship. Now select the shape and then go to rotate Tool. Amusing are for short cut and hover over the circle until you see the world center, hold out and then click. We want to have a total of 20 off this shape, so type 360 divided by 20 hit Copy Kreskin Prodi's A for our times until we have a photo off 20 shapes. As you can see, they will be evenly distributed. Next, we want to change the color toe green and make it semi transparent. First, make sure the path is selected. Click in this field color box and pick green color. No click on the stroke color and change it to no color. Open the appearance panel and said the opacity toe 80% Then change the blending mode to difference. As we can see. Now we have this cool looking piece off circular pattern artwork. Last thing I want to discuss is threatened. Transparency feature in Adobe Illustrator. What if, for example, we want to color each off this area with custom color. Let's say the client one. This color Toby yellow, for example. Right now we cannot do that. Since all of these colors are basically blended semi transparent color, they actually only use one color. We move these, for example, it will re color all of these automatically to make all of these reagents become independent and then the color becomes solid, independent color. Also first, like all of them, open Pathfinder panel and just this one, which is divide. This will make a group and divide the shapes to multiple radiance based on their color. But notice when I go inside the group and move this one, they are still say, my transparent shapes but stacking on top off each other. Okay, now, to fix this, let's go outside first. So, like the group object Goto object menu and justice flattened transparency just used to defaults and click OK after finished calculating. Now we have this group, and if we go inside it and move one off the shape notice we have independent shapes that we can call her to any color we like. In later, videos will discuss on how to tackle this kind off task using life pain. But for now, as you can see, the flatland, transparency is a great tool to extract visual shapes out of complex off a lepine transparent objects 30. Compound path: component path in Adobe Illustrator is a way to create complex shapes that has holes inside it like doughnut shape or other hollow type shapes. In this example, I have this dark green rectangle, and on top of it, I have suffer a light green circles. Now select all of them on goto object May new compound path make another faster way to do this ace right click and just this make component path command. You can also use control eight for the shortcut. As you can see now, the ship become hollow or has holes inside it, which was the circle shapes we have before. Please take note that these are not white colored shapes on top off green ship, but an actual holes. If I drag this on top off this blue shape, we can see the blue ship through these circular holes after we have a component shape. What if we want to modify it further? We can do this in several ways, But the best way to do this, in my opinion, is to isolate the object and as we discussed before, so I sold it object. We can simply double click on it. You can see up here. We are now inside a compound path, which is inside layer one in this mode. Now we cannot select other objects outside this compound. Shape begins like these year course now by clicking on the age off it and we can move, rotate like we normally work. Now watch closely when I move the circle outside the rectangle perimeter. We have solid area again. And if we cooperated, circle Toby inside this big circle like this, we will have solid area again. So by understanding this behavior, we can create some unique artworks that consists off hollow and solid spaces. If you are finished, we can access the isolation mode by double clicking on an empty area like this. And now we're back in a normal editing mood as before. If we need to break the component path and make the shapes become independent shapes again , we can do this by selecting the compound pat first and right, click and choose release Compound Path Command down here. We can do this from the object menu, but I think this is much faster way off doing it. As we can see now, they are back to ordinary rectangle and sickle shapes as before. In some rare cases, when you create component path, the inner shapes refused to create holes. If this ever happened to you, you can select the component path and go toe at three wood panel and change this non zero winding feel rule to use even odd feel rule, and that should fix the issue. 31. Project: Rocket icon: in this project lesson. We're going to create rocket silhouette like this one, using the stuff we've learned so far, plus a bit off new stuff and that is creating guide. So let's jump into it. Guides our future lines that help our snap and line objects in or canvas. They will not be feasible when we publish or print our documents. We can also hide or a showdown easily as we need them to create a guide. First we need to turn on the rulers. You can find these in a few menu, but I'll just your shortcut control are for now to show the rulers you can also right click on the campus and click this show Rulers, In here This is much faster than having to go all the way to a few menu. If I drag from the top ruler like this notice Ah, horizontal guide is created for our project. We need vertical guide, not horizontal guide. So we need to drag it from this vertical ruler and left. Select the horizontal one and press delete. Now this guide, he is still alive, meaning that we can select it and move it like this. Having his behavior for guide is not ideal, as we might accidentally move it in the process off creating our artwork. We can lock the guide tow, avoid it from being moved. To do that, simply right. Click on the art board and two o'clock guides you can do. It is also from the few menu, but it is more convenient to just access it from the right click menu. I will hide the rulers again. We're pressing control are so we have more space for the can. First few to create the main rocket body. We will use the curvature tour to make the anchor points that we create. Snap to the guide we need to turn on Smart Guy Press control you. If the smart guy is not currently on, we're not using any picks off snapping. Now, As you can see up here, move the mouse on a guide and clicking here. Then click in here. Click in here, press up and clicking here to make it a corner type anchor point hold Chef, then clicking here on the Guide for the Fire or the birth. Clicking here at the guide all Schiff and out clicking here. Click in here out. Click in here and just follow the pattern until we are back at the guy for the thin out click in Here I'll click. I'll click again. Click and close the path. Adjust the shape as you see fit by dragging the points or reading or removing them when adjusting ship with curvature tool. You might want to turn off the smart guide as it getting in the way too much. Okay, I think it looks good now. Next we want to copy. Reflect these shapes to the laugh we're going to is the reflector will now and with the help of custom pivot Point to make the process faster for sleek and hold the rotate tool and pick this respectable in here. Hold out and click on this anchor, which basically tell illustrator that we want the mirror plane or the respectable to be placed in this location. Click copy To create a duplicate set both off this body shape and press control Jay to join them together. Let's at circles for the rockets window used. The ellipse stole turn on smart guide. First, move the mouse so it is on top off the guide, click drag and were holding the mouse button press and hold out and shift together. This way, we have a perfect circle at the centre. Off the guide, move this up and down. To adjust the vertical position, we can use the arrow keys on a keyboard to duties. Next, we want to copy the circle to the bottom off it, hold out and drag these and pressure while dragging to make it move vertically. Now select the rocket body, and the two circles, rightly in twos, make compound path. I also like everything, changed this throw color to know color and feel color to black. And now we have something like this. A rocket silhouette logo. 32. Pathfinder: Petfinder in Adobe Illustrator is basically a nickname for bullion operation which you can perform on shapes toe open the Pathfinder panel. You can goto window Petfinder. I already have mine place in here. Okay. Using Petfinder panel, you can perform basic Boolean operation such as union substructure in an intersection. But not only basic Boolean operation, but finder also provide more advanced or special operation such as divide dream That's ultra Let's discuss the basic operation first which are located at the top area in ship moored section. In this document, I have a blue rectangle like these and an orange circle. See it on top off direct angle like these. If I select both off the shapes and select unite these shapes before now become one united ship like this I under this again. Now if I click minus fraud, we have something like this. Basically, this is the subsection Boolean operation in which the object at the back is sub strict up by the object in front off it. Okay, I undo this again. The next operation is intersect. This operation we retain offer living areas from both off the original ships and there s one which is exclude. It's like the in first version off intersect. It removes the overlapping areas and retain the rest. Next, less discussed, more specialized spread final operation which are located at the bottom part. Okay, so 1st 1 is divide this operation were supplies the original shapes into multiple shapes based on the offer lapping lines. The result is grouped by default. Notice this group tax up here. Breast control she f g toe on group it and notice how these are actually multiple pieces now. OK, now let's look at Dream and March. They're both men. Purpose is to remove any offer lapping areas. The difference within three Min March, though Dream will not unite shapes, which has the same color and march will unite shapes with the same color. In the set up, I add another orange colored rectangle like these noticed. If I select all of these and hit dream all of the offer lapping areas are gone, I'll under this first. Now, if I click this March button, it will do the same with Dream, which is removing offer lapping areas. But in addition to that, it will also unite shapes with the same color. The crop operation works like the Intersect operation up here. The only difference is that it will retain part off the front object as known car ship. Basically, it doesn't have any stroke or feel color. Okay, Next s outline outline is like the dream operation, but it works in stroke play for so it will produce bunch off individual lines or curves that doesn't have any feel color. The less one minus back is identical with minors from up here, only the one that's obstructing east the back object, not the front one. I really don't understand why Adobe put this down here and up up here. Well, anyway, that's Pathfinder in Adobe Illustrator. 33. Clipping mask: clipping mask is a way to constrain shapes visibility inside another shape to give you a clear understanding about clipping mosque. In here, I have several shapes like these. Now I create a circle on top, all of them. The circle will act as the clipping shapes for the under shapes, so it must be on top off the others. So again, I need to repeat these. You need to place the shape that will clip the other shapes on top. Okay, now we need to select all of them to create the clipping mask. We either go to object clipping mosque. Make are. We can also right click and just make clipping mosque. Are we? Can your shortcut control seven now noticed by applying clipping mask off the ships visibility below the clip ship that we have before now constrained by the circle shapes. OK, now that we have a clipping mask shape, how can we edit them? We can added them in several ways. We can use the Layers panel to help selecting the object, or we can use the isolation mode to get inside the clipping mask. Let's discuss the layer method first. If you open layer panel notice we have this clipping group player. If he expand more, we can see all of the shapes that make up the clipping group. The lips or our circle is placed on top and has this underlying indicating that the ship is the clipping shape. After the creeping mosque is created, you can actually move the sleeping shape up or down as long as it's still inside the clipping group, and it always act has the clipping shape. Now, if we need to select the Blue Triangle, for example, we can click this area, and now the blue triangle is selected. We cannot move, rotate or scale it as we please. Another method, which I preferably use, is by using isolation mode, toe access it We can double click on the clipping mosque object. And now, as we can see up here, it says we are inside a clipping group, which is inside layer one. In this mode, we can easily select all off the shapes. Now you might be wondering, Can we select and added the circle shapes? We cannot see it anywhere in here. The satirical ship is actually there, but it doesn't have an official properties no fear color, no stroke color notice. When I do selection like these, we can select it. The easiest way to find and select the clipping shape is by using the outline mode, which expressing the control, Why shortcut? We already discussed preview mode in very early video, so we're not going to discuss this again in this video. In outline mode, we can see and easily select the circle clipping shape. Okay, now what if we want to give the cleaving shape? Ah, feel color? Can we do that? The answer is yes, we can. For example, I'll color the circle with purple color like this. Wanting to give in mind is that the clipping mask shape, although has color like this will always rendered at the back off other ship, regardless off its position in the Layers panel. If somehow we need to release the clipping mask group back to ordinary shapes. First, we need to go back from isolation mode and select this clip group and goto object clipping mosque release, or you can also right click and choose release clipping mosque in here. Another way to create clipping mask is to use the draw inside. Feature in Adobe Illustrator. In here I have a nab struck shape that looks like a mango fruit and I want to pain inside this layer. First we need to select it. And down here you will find a button called Grow Inside. Click on it. Now notice we have the stream marks around the shape indicating we are now in draw inside mode. Now, this is important. You need to un select the shape first. Otherwise, when we select color, it will affect the shape. Also, just click away on empty area, toe the select it. Now we can use any tour in here. I will use the block brush tool, change the stroke color to yellow and just start making abstract drawing like this Notice when we released the brush, the resulting growing, we go inside the green shape. You can also create a circle, for example fit the color toe feel. I notice every circle that I create goes inside that green ship. Also, after we are finished, we can click this normal drawing mode button or simply double click on an empty space. Okay, now, when we need to select the object, we cannot select this green area illustrator treated as it Waas Hollow area. Somehow I don't understand why it will be making it like this, but anyway, to select it, you need to click on the brush drawing or the circles inside it that we have created before . Now look up here, it says. Clipping group. This means the object is indeed a clipping mask group. We can. I saw it selection and whatever we need to do, go back outside and if you need to release it, we can right click and choose release clipping mask, as we discussed earlier, the biggest different off using the ordinary clipping mask method forces the draw inside method is that the draw inside method? We retain the clip ship color, so that is why we can still see this green color. You see, the ordinary clipping mosque method will make the clip shape completely infeasible as it has no color whatsoever. Both infield or stroke properties 34. Project: Car silhouette: in this video, we're going to create a simple Carcillo weight like this image, using mainly part finder and a little bit off half editing. Okay, First, let's create a rectangle. This will be the base off our cars body while this object is selected. Used to parental toe Add anchor point in here and in here. Then let's adjust it so it looks something like this. Next, create another rectangle on top off the 1st 1 This new rectangle will be the windows. Adjust them until you like the proportion. Okay, Next we create a circle. This will be the whole for the tire. For tyre itself. We need to copy the circle by pressing control, see, and then control half toe, paste it in place and in front off the original object. Right now, we have two identical circles on exact location. Scale this one down while doing this suppression. Hold the shift key so that the proportion is maintained. And also the alky together so that it uses the center off the object as the reference point . Do this again. So we have something like this. Okay, Now let's position a circle and adjusted. So it looks good. Then select the trees here cause and then press out in most adobe software, pressing out and move. An object will copy it So again, while pressing out moved the circles to the right like this Notice. These circles are no duplicated now without releasing the mouse press and hold the shift key When dragging object, the shift key will constrain the movement toe for tickle or horizontal or diagonal. Whichever courses to our movement, place them around here. If we need slight adjustment, we cannot it using the aero case in a keyboard. Okay, next, we're going to combine the window and the body using the Unite operation. To do that's like both the body and a window ship and go toe Pathfinder and to unite. As you can see, the shapes are made of sharp corners, which is not what we want. Go to direct selection tool and pick this anchor point notice. We have the circle not in here, as we discussed before. The Circle notes function is to control corner radius off that anchor point notice. If we click and drag like this, it will smooth out the corner by spitting one anchor point into to anchor points. How does corner Radius If we direct this all the way up, the to anchor points will merge into one just like before. I'll under this first. Okay, now we need to smooth out these corners and this corners again. Just use the same technique and adjust them until you find what you like. Now that's focused on the windows frame to create the frame. Create a line first from this point to this point. Now you can add your own custom shape on this line, but I will leave it just a straight line like this for now. Next, we need to create a curve that fall of this line. The easiest way to do this is by using the path offset function. To do that first, make sure the shape is selected. Then goto object path offset path and we have this window open before we make any changes. Make sure the preview button is active so we can see the effect on the offset operation Life on our object. Now click on the offset value in here and scroll the mouse up and down as we can see the offset Common will create a new shape based on the original object, by growing or shrinking the original shapes perimeter I use minus failure in here. So the new shape is inside the original one. After you're finish, you can click the OK button. Okay, now we can see the frame. Has uniformed taken us from the front to the back? What I want tohave is the frame at back. She'll be thicker than one at the front. So in order to do that, we can simply scale this to the left and maybe a justice kill handle at the left. Also, until we see what we like Next we need to trim slice the speak ship with the line we have in here. We can do that by using to divide operation in the Pathfinder panel, select both off the shapes and click this divide button. The result will be a group object on group it, using the on group shortcut which is shift control, G or we can go toe object on group after we on group, it begins like the bottom part and then bleed. Next we want to create the tire socket. You can do that easily by selecting the body shape and brush if and select the big circle on another big circle. And then we can go to Petfinder and to sub strict. Now we have an almost finished car silhouette. The less part off our processes to combine all of the shape in the one B compound ship to do that. So, like all of them and press control eight. To create compound path, flip the stroke color and off your color. So now we have black feel color and no stroke color. Now our car zero, it is done. 35. Shape-builder and Shaper tool: the ship. Wilder Tool in a Job illustrator is used to unite and substrate awful. Epping shapes dislike the Petfinder tour, but using different approach to show you how it works in this document. Have several offer lapping shapes also like the shape wilder tool in here, and we need to select all of these object first. In order for this to work without going to the selection tool, simply hold control. Now the Ship Wilder tool temporarily become a selection. We can click direct like these to select all of them. Okay, the united shapes simply click and drag like this. You can even do freeform stroke like this to combine all of them. Let me under the several times to sub strict or to remove on area. We can use the all key when performing the ship Wilder tool. So press out and notice the bottom part off the mouse cursor or change to minus sign without the alky. It has this plus sign by holding out. If you click on an area, that area will be removed. If you hold out and make a freeform stroke like this, every area where your mouse cursor past will be removed ship. Wilder toe is a great tool for combining shapes. A function is a bit three London with the Pathfinder tour as you can achieve the same result with both tools, but I find using the ship. Wilder is more suitable when you try to block out ideas and try different approach as you can divine which part off the shape Toby March Or remove in more flexible way wanting to take note, though. If you have a lot of shapes, offer lapping on each other and you need to combine them with ship Wilder Tool. Your computer might get leg the main target off share. Porto is actually not PC or Mac users. It was designed for tablet users First in mind, the basic premise off the stool is that users can create primitive shapes and then combine them. It's simple gestures to show you what I mean. Let us just the shape or tool, which is located in here and then try to create a circle shape notice. As we release Adobe Illustrator, we'll try to correct the shape into a circle. No, let's try to create a rectangle shape again, just like before. Adobe Illustrator, intelligently recreate the shape and form a perfect rectangle. Next, let's throw a triangle. From these examples, we can see that the share Porto is a great tour to create basic shapes from gestures. But not only that. It can also used to combine or remove areas just like the Ship Wilder tool. The combined is two shapes. For example, we need to remove this line in here. You see the rest yester To do that, simply create these exact gesture or scribbled yester on top off the line. And now, because the line is erased, the shape and the shape they are both get connected. If we need to remove this area, for example, we need to remove this line in here by using the rest jester just like before, and just do that on lines or curves that you need to remove. Okay, now the resulting object from the shaper tool is a special object called Shepherd Group. Because it is a group you can double click to go inside it and make changes on the shapes. As you can see, these shapes are still alive. You can move, scale, rotate, just like the original shapes. Double click on empty space to go back outside Being a special type off object, you cannot treat this like normal shape, meaning that not all illustrator feature works for this kind off group object unless we expand it to become normal shape. To do that, we can go to object, expand and hit the okay button. Now the objects become ordinary group object where we cannon group it and do other operations on those objects. 36. Live paint: life pain is probably the most important feature in factor everything after the pen tool. Since it was introduced, this feature has greatly improved the work for off any vector drawing creation. Significantly. You know how powerful this tool is after watching this lesson? Inshallah. So what is life pain? In essence, life pain lets you feel areas which are enclosed by multiple path painlessly. It also lets you select intersecting lines as ineffectual lines making cleaning our vector , drawing a breeze to show how life Ben works. Just look at this example here. First, let me draw these diagonal lines like this, and then more lines crossing the other way. Okay. Before life pain. If you want to color this area with green color, for example, you need to recreate a close to path with the pen tool or cut all of these lines and rejoin them so they form a close to path, which is a very tedious process. Imagine a complex illustration where you have hundreds off areas like these need to be filled with colors. With life pain. This task become very easy and fast. Okay, So to use life pain, you need to confront these lines to become life pain group first. To do that, select all of them. Okay. Again, You need to make sure they are all selected. Otherwise this will not work. Okay, No press K or goto Shipbuilder tool. Hold it. And it will reveal the life pain back to how this life pain back. A tool mainly used for adding feel colors. But it also used to confirm multiple shapes to life Spain object Although, as we can see in here, we have no color feel or this a transparent feel It doesn't really matter as this will still work Now click anywhere inside one off these shapes that we select before If you click outside warning window usually pop out So just be sure to click inside a closed area . Okay, After you click notice up here you will see life pain tax indicating that the object already become a life pain group. When we over with the pain back a tool we can see these areas are highlighted If we select a color in the field color box that's a green color, for example, and then click in this area. You will see the color fill up the area with these lines? Asked the borders. We can pick another colors and just feel in dress off the areas. I just used the color from the swatches to speed up the process. As we can see until now, life pain is a very powerful tool to create complex factor driving fast. But there is more to life pain and just the color feeling Tool Life Pain has two distinctive tools for handling different tasks. First is the pain bucket, which we're currently used. The second tool is the selection tool, which we can find under the pain back. It'll in here, or we can also your shortcut, shift our toe. Access it. Okay, we'll discuss the stool more in death later. Let's go back and finish the life pain back. A tool features force When coloring on artwork, It is very common that we need to select or pick color from other area and then apply that to the current area that we're walking in. When you sing the pain backer, we can easily switch them properly toe color picker mode by pressing and holding the out key. Notice how the mouse cursor changed to a color picker tool in this mode. When we click on another area, we extract the color information off that shape, released the alky and click in this area, for example, and now this color is replicated in this area. The grating about pain backup in color picker mode is that not only it is able to extract color information from Vector, but also from Russia images that were imported into our document. We will discuss this later when we do projects in later video, such as the polygonal style artwork. One other thing about picking color is that we can take a transparent or no color in a field color box and feel areas with that. This will make the area fully transparent. This is a good technique to hide. Certain areas are creating holes. Okay, now let's double click on the tool I can in a toolbar, double clicking the Aiken to like this. We'll bring up the option panel for the tool, noticed that the pain back it actually can work for both feel and strokes. So if you turn this on and just over on the life Pain group, not only the feel area will be highlighted, but also the strokes, and if you click on that stroke, the active stroke color will be applied to that stroke. Okay, let's go back to the option panel. This color swatch option is used to show or hide the small color boxes when we hover around Life Pain group. The highlight option controls whether we want to show or hide the highlight color when we hover over the artwork, the color and the way it controls how highlights are displayed most off the time I use life pain toe had colors, so feel areas and really for throw colors. Therefore, I usually turn off this option. Okay, now let's discuss the second tool, which is the life pain selection tool. We can select the tool in here or your shift l for a short cut, as I mentioned before. Before we do anything, let's double click the icon first to refill the options for the store. The highlights option in here basically works the same way as the pain back a tool. What we want to focus on are these options up here. If you want to select both fields and strokes, then you should turn on both off these. But I usually never need to select feel areas as Spain back out already. Take care off the coloring for them. So I turn off the select feels option here, then click the OK button notice. As I hover around, we see red highlight color showing up on Lee on strokes and not on Phil areas. Okay, and also like this line. I hope you guys can see it in a recording video as to his very softer. Even in my monitor, the lines that are selected has these dot patterns to it, and you might notice that the selection on Lee goes to this end. It doesn't select the entire line as we created it before life pain makes intersecting lines become individual lines, which weakens like them. Okay, now hit the delete button. We can do this to the other lines. If you want to select multiple lines, we can click direct like this. Also, pressing shift will keep adding the new selected lines while maintain the previous ones selected after all of the excessive line selected hit the delete button again to remove it 37. Project: 3D screw ring: in this lesson, we're going to create a three D screw like this. One off course illustrator is not a treaty application like blender or two DS max. We are not creating real treaty. Only the illusion off three D To create something like this, you can actually use a special effect called three D extrude, which is located in effect menu three d extrude and therefore but the main purpose off this project lesson It's not creating three D effect. That is not our purpose here. The main purpose is to learn how to draw objects using the life pain feature. Okay, so the life pain feature is the one we want to practice in this project. Lesson First off, let's change the field, Tono color and a stroke to black. Then we create a polygon like this. Next, a seer call. We need to put the circle So it is at the center, off the polygon. We can do this in several ways, but let us your smart guide. For now, we need the smart guy to be active. And also the smart guide alignment Feature Toby active as well. You can press control Kato, open the preference of spinal too. Smart guide in here and turn on a lineman guides option. Remember to turn off picks are snapping up here as we don't need it right now and just moved the circle to the center. Off the polygon. You will see the world center as it snapped to the center off the polygon. Next we want to distort the shape so it looks like placed on the ground in three D space. To do this, select all of them. Use the free transform tool scale this a bit. Maybe at the mid off skew like this, you can also rotate is as we like. Okay, now let's select all of them and copy it to copy while moving the object. We can press and hold the out button on. Drink this down like this. Place the clone towboat this position so it can still see hollow area inside the circle hole. Next, we need to breach these shapes using the line tool. Go to the line tool and hover over this point. Make sure you see the words Ankara showing that we are snapping toe anchor point. Click drag to this point before you release. Make sure it stays Anchor also released a mouse. Now we have bridge this corner. Just do the same thing with the other corners. Now that they are all connected, we can move on to the life pain process, select all of them and press K for life pain back it'll and click anywhere inside the ship group. Now they are all converted to Life Pain group. Next, we need to remove all of these lines. So press shift. L who activate the life pain selection tour and click drag to select this one. Impressed, lit. And do this with the other lines. Make sure you don't arrest the wrong lines. Okay, Now let's put color on this drawing our pick light orange color and feel this stop area, then darker color in here. Next, even darker color for this area and again pick even darker color and color This region and this one in the center. It looks good, but I don't actually like the stroke. I want to remove the stroke. To do that, simply select the whole object and giusto color in stroke color option in here. Now we have a finished drawing 38. Project: Dog house: in this product less sensation. We're going to create a doghouse like this image. We're going to use Afful techniques with learn before mainly life pain and some distortion techniques basically all of the things we've done from the previous project, but with more complex shapes. The first thing that we need to do is to select none for feel color and black for the stroke color. Then create directing like these for the main shape off the dog house. And then let's create a smaller rectangle for the roof brought That is a bit like. So before we move on, make sure you have smart guide active, and the preference option is set to alignment and anchor. I don't want to repeat that lesson in this video, so please check back the lesson about Smart Guide. If you forget how to use it for the door, let's create a circle in here. Next, we need to create a line for the door border, create a vertical line like these and move the so it's located at the centre off the circle . Now it's like all of them and convert it to life pain for a shift L and so like all of these lines at the left side of the vertical line and hit the lid. Dude is also with the other unnecessary lines. Until you have something like this. I think the circle off the door is too high. So I used to direct selection tool to select the anchor points and just move it down while pressing Schiff so they snap vertically. If what you have already looks good, you don't need to do this step. Next, we need to clone and mirror of this life pain. So we have symmetrical shape, select the object and rightly transform, reflect and just copy move it So they align perfectly at the left side of the original shape. We can also do this with reflect tool and all key as we did before. I just want to show you a different approach to reflect off the object. Okay, Now they are both life pain group, but they are still a different object to combine them so they belong to one object. We need to select them both and click this march life pain because the object we want to march is another life pain group. Usually, Adobe Illustrator will give this warning, which basically Adobe illustrator will fix some gaps for us, This is a good thing. So I just click continue. And now we have one piece off life pain group. She if l and select all of these center lines and hit the delete key to remove them next. Let's make a duplicate for this object just to play safe. We want to make this shape so it looks like a three D object, Meaning we need to add perspective. Distortion to it. To do that, make sure this object is selected. Goto three Transform tool into perspective Start Make this side smaller like so Now go back to three times from and scale this down a bit horizontally then skewed is particularly a bit like So Okay, now duplicate these to the laugh to duplicate used the out keyboard shortcut. After this video, I assume you understand how to copy objects using keyboard shortcuts, so I don't need to keep repeating the same lessons again and again. Okay, Now, about this one a bit smaller by scaling it down and forget to use the shift button next, we need to have this roof extruded a bit to the front side. We can do this by going toe isolation mode. So, like these two lines off the roof and move them to the right like this, create a line in here to correct the bottom part off the roof. Okay, Now go outside and start bridging the two objects with line tools or pen tool. When doing these, you might want to turn off alignment Option in Smart guide as it will confuse you and snaps You're growing into undesirable locations. We can go toe added preference, Smart guy, but mostly I use control K shortcut and too smart guide in here. And then we can turn off the lineman guide option in here. Now we can start bridging the two shapes with the line tool. Something we need to keep in mind is that when we hover on the anchor points to create the line, try to find a word anchor. Before you create a line, this will ensure that we actually create the line from anchor toe anchor position. Okay, The last thing we need to create east the door taken us. I saw that this object. So like these three objects that make up the door and duplicate them to this area. Okay, now, this technique is to be tricky. But once you know how to do it, it will help you a lot. Long way. First, select these three objects. Now we want to snap the anchor point at the bottom toe. This path right now, we cannot do that because the anchor point in here is blocked by the scale control in a bounding box. So any to turn off the bounding box first, go to a few height bounding box. I usually just use control a shift. Be shortcut To achieve this now, we can easily move our mouths until we see the world anchor then dragged to this path. And this is important without releasing the mouse button. Press control notice it will snap towpath, release it and we know have perfectly lined door thickness to clean up the strokes, we need to combine these shapes into one life pain group object, so select all of them and march Klay continue. Just like before she if our and select all of the lines that we don't need and lead them. Be careful not to delete the lines that we actually need to collar the dog house. We can use the life pain, bucket, toe and just just the color that you like. Okay. I think it looks good. Now. The less additional step is I want to remove the strokes. You don't have to do this if you like to have the stroke lines. This make sure the objects is selected and just no color in his throw color box. And we have a finished artwork. 39. Project: Clown fish: in this video, we're going to use the life pain again. But for growing organic type illustration, we're going to create a clown face illustration like this image we're going to start from sketching, then refining the line artworks with some smoothing techniques. Then, with the life pain feature, we clean up and color the halting in this layer. We're going to do some sketching with a brush tool. If you have welcome tablet, this might be a good chance to use it. I have a welcome tablet, but for this video lesson, abusing only my mouse to show you that you can achieve good results even without using pen tablet while walking with Adobe Illustrator, let's choose the brush tool in here. Make sure the field color is off and stroke, Calorie said to black. Start blocking the main ship off the fish. This is the mouth. It should be smiling. The clown fish has a lot of fins. If you remember Finding Nemo movie, or if you do image shorts in Google for clown fish, you can get an idea of how it looks like. Basically, it has toe fence at the top and two things at the bottom, then one in each side, left and right for the mouth will make it thicker and red. So it's looking like a real human clown, and we'll add black sunglasses. Okay, I think this sketch is good enough. Next, we need to recover all of these strokes toe a brighter color so it won't distract us when creating the final line. Artwork renamed the Layer to sketch. Create a new layer. Unlock the brief your sketch layer just to be safe. The first tour we want to use is the Pento assume mentioned before it is the most important tool in vector editing. Create a path for a body like this using the pen tool. After you reach the end, press control and click to finish one curve creation. You can actually press enter, but usually my left hand is near the left side off the keyboard. So pressing. Enter take longer to perform, then distressing the control button. You might notice that the curve is not perfectly smooth. We can smooth this out by controlling the handles at the anchor points, but at this stage I want to introduce you to a tool called the Smooth Tour, which we can use to smooth out curves goto, scheper, tool press and hold. You will find a smooth tool in here. We need tohave the Curtis record. First, we can use the control shortcut to temporarily switch to selection tool and select the path . We've discussed this in a selection video lesson before. Then, after we have, it's like the guest click and drag on the area. You want it to smooth out. Next. We need to create the fins. I will speak the video so you don't get bored waiting. Okay, Then we'll use, um both a tool again to smoke them out. Next we drove the color border. The clown fish basically has arranged color with white stripes. Same process. We can smoke them out with smooth fool. Next the mouth again. So mote it out with a smooth tool for the sunglasses. The best tool for this will be the curvature tour. Select the tool press out as this point will be a corner. Click in here, Out clicking here. Clear out, like in here, then clicking here to close the shape. As you can see For this kind off shape, it is easier to use the curvature tool after we have all of the lines that we need. The next step is to clean up the lines with the life pain selection tour to the red first. Like all of them, press K and click anywhere inside the drawing to confirm it to life pain group Object shift L to Goto Life pain, chelation tour. And so, like all of the unnecessary lines and hit lead, I will speed up the video as this process are basically the same. Okay, after all off the excessive lines are clean up press k again and pick orange color and click on these reagents Now pick writer color from the original orange color and both this color on the thins. Okay, From now on, it is basically the same process. You can add more color until you have something like this. How you remove the stroke color, just like in previous videos. After this project, I'm hoping you start to get the concept or the idea of how to create graphic from sketch cleanup and color them fast. I know we still have flat color at work now. No shading and no funky line artwork. What we'll get there eventually. Inshallah, just wanting to keep in mind is that you need to take the lessons step by step in order. Remember to practice, and I'll see you in the next station. Inshallah.