Complete Course on Google My Business : Be Found Online | Matheus Stangherlin | Skillshare

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Complete Course on Google My Business : Be Found Online

teacher avatar Matheus Stangherlin

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Course!


    • 2.

      Understanding Google My Business and Its Advantages


    • 3.

      Creating and Initial Settings for Google My Business


    • 4.

      Verifying the Address of Google My Business


    • 5.

      Understanding SEO to Rank Your Business Profile First


    • 6.

      Optimizing Your Business Profile Information for Greater Visibility


    • 7.

      Posting on Google My Business


    • 8.

      Adding Your Products to Google My Business


    • 9.

      Analyzing the Performance of Your Business


    • 10.

      Google My Business for Restaurants: How to Add Menu and Order Button


    • 11.

      Scheduling with Google My Business


    • 12.

      Boosting Your Business through Customer Interactions


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About This Class

The "Complete Course on Google My Business: Be Found Online" offers an in-depth exploration into leveraging Google My Business (GMB) to enhance your online presence and increase sales. This course is meticulously designed for entrepreneurs and marketing professionals eager to master GMB's capabilities. From creating and verifying your business profile to optimizing it for higher search engine rankings, this course covers everything. You'll learn effective SEO strategies, how to engage customers through posts and product listings, and even specialized tactics for restaurants. Furthermore, we delve into using reviews, Google Ads, and AI automation to boost your business. Join us to transform your GMB profile into a powerful asset for your business.

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1. Welcome to the Course!: Hello everyone. Welcome to the first lesson of our complete course on Google, my Business. First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing our training among the numerous other options available on the platform. If you don't already know me, my name is Matthias. I'm a digital entrepreneur. Have been a teacher for over two years, have worked in the import sector, and am currently also an investor. I also have a Youtube channel about finance, digital businesses investments, and much more. I recommend you check out my channel later as there's a lot of interesting content for you to see. Throughout this course, we will cover everything from the basics to the advanced about Google, my business. We'll learn what Google my Business is, how it works, how to set up and optimize your business profile, local SEO strategies, managing reviews and much more. I assure you that I will be straight to the point during the lessons as both your time and mine are very valuable and we can't afford to waste it during the course. If you have any questions related to Google, my business, or any other topic from the lesson, feel free to send me a message here on the platform and I will be ready to respond to your message. I hope to have you with me until the end of this course and that you can finish it. Mastering the tools and strategies of Google, my Business. So that's it, folks, see you in the next lesson, and thanks. 2. Understanding Google My Business and Its Advantages: Folks, in this lesson, we're going to understand what Google My Business really is and how this tool can effectively boost your company or organization to start Google My Business is a free platform offered by Google that allows businesses and organizations to manage their digital presence on Google, whether it's in Google Search or through Google Maps. With this, you can help your customers easily find information about your business, such as address, opening hours, contact photos of the location, and even reviews of your services from other customers. Moreover, with Google my business, you can publish updates about your business, such as promotions, special events, or changes in services. This means you can keep your customers informed in real time about what's happening in your business. For instance, suppose you have a bar and there's going to be a live music performance over the weekend. You can announce this directly on your Google My Business profile. Google My Business is also a powerful tool for local SEO. If you're not familiar with SEO, it stands for search engine optimization, which is a set of techniques that help to improve the positioning of a website or business profile in search engine results like Google. And I don't know if you're aware, but Google is one of the largest search engines in the world, with billions of searches daily, where about 30% of all these daily searches represent searches about local businesses. This highlights the importance of using Google My business, especially for companies seeking greater visibility in search engines. One of the great differentiators of Google my business is the visibility it provides. By optimizing your profile, your business can appear in Google search results and on Google Maps. Furthermore, when someone searches for products or services related to your business, especially in local searches, they might end up finding your business. Do you want to see a practical example? Imagine you are a wedding photographer. If someone searches on Google wedding photographer near me and you have a well optimized Google my business profile. With a portfolio of your work and good reviews, your chances of being found and hired increase significantly. Besides providing essential information, Google, my business allows you to interact with your customers through reviews, questions and answers. And responding to these interactions not only builds a good relationship with your customers, but also improves the visibility of your profile on Google. Reviews play a fundamental role in your Google My business profile. They not only help other customers make informed decisions, but also affect your ranking on Google. In other words, a profile with many positive reviews tends to be more visible. That's why it's very important to encourage your customers to leave reviews. For example, you can create a card with a QR code and leave it in your establishment That leads directly to your Google my business profile, making it easier for customers to leave their reviews. In fact, during the course, we will have a lesson where I will teach you how to do this step by step by using relevant keywords in your business description and ensuring that all information is up to date and accurate. You improve your chances of appearing in local searches and by keeping your business information updated and complete, and by encouraging your customers to leave reviews, you can improve the ranking of your profile in local searches becoming a crucial tool for physical businesses that depend on local customers, Google My Business also offers interesting insights into how customers are finding and interacting with your profile. You can see how many people called your business directly from your profile, asked for directions on Google Maps, viewed your photos and more. This data is essential for understanding the behavior of your customers and optimizing the digital presence of your business. Another important point is the ease of use of Google, my business, due to its intuitive and user friendly platform. It allows anyone regardless of skill level and technique to manage the digital presence in the search mechanisms of their business. And Mattias, could you give some practical examples of how Google my business works? Sure, I'm here inside the screen of my computer and I'm going to demonstrate a bit for you about how Google my business works. I'm going to search for a dentist in Orlando, United States. Or I could search for a dentist and then I would put the name of a specific city or state. So I'll leave it as Orlando United States. I'll conduct this search and soon below some businesses in the exact location I requested will appear. I searched for dentists in Orlando, Florida, United States, and various dentists appeared for me. If I click on more places, even more businesses will appear. And when I refer to doing that SEO Optimization work, the SEO Optimization work that I'm going to show you throughout this course enables you to be first in search engines, which can be very relevant for your current business model. Even for those who aim to do marketing work for local businesses with the goal of selling this type of service. If we go back here, suppose I want to click on this business. I can click on it and your business model, with the profile already set up on Google, my business will appear exactly like this. This profile is well configured, but there are still some things to set up in it. After all, it has your name, the location is totally correct, Operating hours are also set up. It does not have a website, which is a very important feature for you to insert into your Google My Business profile. If Google, for example, takes two business models, hypothetically speaking, from the same segment, one business that has its site registered on Google my business, and the other that does not have a site, Google my business, will start recommending and ranking first the business model that has a registered site. It also has the appointment feature, in this case, Whatsapp, which allows your customer to make a booking. I will also show how you can do this throughout the course. And then you can click here and you will be redirected directly to Whatsapp here. Below, we also have the option of products where you can add products and services to your Google My Business profile. This profile, for example, does not have any registered products. In addition, we also have questions and answers that this establishment receives peak operating hours. We also have reviews from other customers. If we click here on More Comments, we can view all the reviews in more detail. Going back to the overview, we also lack the issue of publications from this establishment. So we can see that it is an establishment that does not make posts and making publications here on Google. My business is also very important to help the Google algorithm recommend this business model even more. After all, a profile that constantly publishes updates helps the algorithm to understand the exact business model it is recommending. Finally, social networks are also set up here, which is also a very important feature for you to fill in scrolling up here we also have some photos of the establishment photos from other customers and even reviews. Below we have the establishment's website link. We also have the option of Directions, which if I want to open directly in Google Maps to know the exact location of this business, I can select this option if you get many savers in your business. It's also an important feature. After all, Google starts ranking this business model even more. And in the call option, every time I call through this option, in that analytics issue I mentioned, it will show how many people called from here. So that's more or less how a business model appears here configured with Google, my business within Google's search engine. So that's it, folks. In this lesson we understood what Google my business actually is. How it can be a very useful tool for you to attract future new customers. In the next lessons, we'll understand how to create and optimize a Google my Business profile step by step. I hope you like this lesson and thanks. 3. Creating and Initial Settings for Google My Business: Now that you've understood what Google my business actually is, in this lesson, I'll show you how you can create a profile step by step, right here on the computer screen to start the process of creating your profile on Google, my business. Within Google itself, you should search for Google my business. Or you can also enter through the link that I will make available to you within the resources option, where you will be redirected to this exact page, which is the Google My Business page. Within this page is where we will actually initiate the process of creating our profile. And here we have two options. We have the option to either log in or the option to manage. Now, what is the difference between the two? There are many differences. They are quite similar options whether you are going to create a profile on Google, my business, from scratch. If you click on both log in and Manage, now you will be redirected to the same profile creation page. As well as for you who already have a profile on Google, my business, By clicking on both Log in and Manage. Now you will be redirected to the same destination to start the process. Here you can click on both options. I will click on Manage. Now here by clicking on this option, we will be redirected to this page where we will start the process of creating our profile on Google, my Business. So the first thing you should do is decide what the name of your business will be. In other words, what will be the name of your profile that will appear when people search for your business model? Let's say hypothetically speaking, you have a dental clinic. You will enter the name of your dental clinic. As this is only a simulation lesson, I will enter any name. I will enter Google my business course. This will be the name of my hypothetical business model on the left side, exactly where this name will be displayed, which is in this case, the name of this profile. So when people search for this specific name, they will most likely end up at your business. So I will click on the Continue button. To proceed. In this part, you should select what type of business you have. Not necessarily are we going to select the category, which would be the industry or segment? In this part, you will select how your business operates or in other words, the type of your business. And here we have three types of businesses. We have an online retail business, a physical store business where customers can visit the store in person and local services in case your business makes visits to customers. Oh, Matteus, as my business is a physical establishment where customers need to go to it. It's not necessarily a store, let's suppose. Hypothetically speaking, a school can put a physical store as well as a local services. Both options can work. It's very important to put both options together. Oh, Mateus, my business only operates in the online sector. My customers don't necessarily need to go to my physical location. You can select only online, retail, and uncheck the other two options. In my particular case, as I am only doing a simulation with you, I will check all three options here. In the business type, I will click next to Continue. In this part, you should enter your business website and whether to fill it out or not. I can tell you it is a very important feature that helps you rank your business model first in searches. In other words, if we take, hypothetically speaking, two business models in the same segment that have profiles registered here on Google My business. And then one of these business models has a website registered the company's website, and the other business model has no website. If you register this website here on Google my business, you will make your company even more visible. After all, Google, my business works with information. And the more information you provide about your company, the better the platform's algorithm will perform. Ranking your business model first in Google searches. For this very reason, it's very important to enter the URL of your company's website here. Oh, Mateos, I don't have a website. No problem. Throughout this course, I will show you how to create a website, even if it's a basic one step by step. So you can enter the URL here. So in this specific part, I won't enter a website because I don't have one. At the time of recording this lesson, I will click on Skip to Continue, or you can enter your website's URL and click next. Now in this part, you should enter the category of your business. In other words, when we refer to the category, it's basically the niche your company operates in. So let's say you have a restaurant in a specific niche. We'll put Japanese restaurant there. You can enter restaurant and various types of restaurants will appear here. I can enter Japanese restaurant and the category of Japanese restaurant will appear here. Oh mates, I didn't find the specific category for my restaurant. Or you can just enter restaurant or you can search for the specific type of this restaurant. There are various categories ranging from fast food, like a hamburger joint, pizzeria, and so on. I can easily search for pizzeria or hamburger joint and so on. In my particular case, I will enter digital marketing, which in this case would be a digital marketing agency, or I can just enter marketing agency, so to speak. I will fill out this category because we are only doing a simulation. I will click next. Now we have reached a very important part where you will actually enter the address of your establishment. So it is very important to note here that you should enter an address that is true, an address that you have access to. Why? Mattos? When you go through the process of verifying this address, it will be necessary for you to have access to this establishment. So it's very important to enter a true address that you have access to, because during the process of verifying this address, Google will either send you a letter or you will have to make a video confirming that the establishment and location belong to you, among many other ways in which you can verify the address. So regarding this address issue, it's very important to enter the correct address. Another important point regarding the address is that it will be the exact location where customers will find your business. For example, here on the left side, we have a hypothetical business model. Its address will appear exactly below. And when a person clicks on directions, it will automatically open Google Maps directing them to your address. So, it's very important to correctly fill in the address. Oh, Matthias. But my business doesn't necessarily have a physical establishment where my customers need to visit. No problem, you can enter your workplace address here. However, later in this lesson, I will show you how you can hide this address. Especially for those of you who have a business model where you don't necessarily operate in a single fixed location. After all, the address verification process is mandatory. That's why it's important to enter a real address. All right, my address has been filled out. I'll click the next button to continue. Now in this part, some business models will appear. And it will ask you if these business models are yours. If these business models don't belong to you, you can click none of the above and then click the next button to continue. Now we've reached another very important part. Just as adding a website is a very important feature that helps you rank your profile on Google, my business. Adding a phone number to your profile is also very important when you register this number, it's the contact number through which your customers can get in touch with you. And depending on the business model, it's important to enter a phone number. You will select the country code, area code, if applicable, and the phone number. After you fill in this phone number, Google will send you an SMS code for confirmation if this number belongs to you. If it's not a landline phone number, they won't be able to send an SMS. They will make a call to this number in the case of a landline. And after you confirm and enter this phone number, you can click the next button. In my particular case, I will skip this option maths by skipping these options. Can I add them later? Yes, you can. During the business profile set up process, you can add all of these features. Now we've reached a very important part where you will confirm the terms of the Google my Business platform. Here are some important points to highlight when you register your business profile on Google my Business. So when you register your company profile on Google My Business, you enable people and businesses in your local area to discover your business. This can be very relevant, especially for those who have a physical establishment and need to attract future customers. Or even for those who have a digital business model that doesn't necessarily have a fixed physical location. When people search for this type of business, they may end up on your website. Another important point is that when you list your company on Google My business, you can receive reviews of your business. This means that customers can review your services both negatively and positively, and then you can respond to these reviews engaging with your customers. Another important aspect in addition to reviews, which is a form of interaction you can receive, is questions that customers can send to your profile. Later in this lesson, I will show you a feature where you can enable or disable the questions and answers function. Then we will continue this part by checking these two boxes and clicking Continue. Now we've reached a very important part where we will go through the address verification and confirmation process. If you want to learn more about this in detail, you can skip to the next lesson that I will show you how to do this process step by step and in a more detailed and technical way. Because the address verification process varies from person to person, as there are three types of verification. There is the video verification type, in which you will record the facade of your company, the street, and even the establishment inside. And you will send this video to Google in which you will confirm the address. There is the more traditional and well known confirmation type, which is code confirmation, where Google will send you a letter with some codes and you will fill in these codes to confirm the address. Among many other ways in which you can verify and confirm your address. Here on Google a Mateus, is it important to verify the address. Yes folks. It's a completely important as well as mandatory process. Especially for those of you who want to make your business visible here on Google my business, it is necessary that you confirm this address. In other words, if you don't confirm the address, you can register and customize your profile. But this type of profile will not be visible to future customers. In other words, it will be unnecessary. That's why the issue of confirming the address is a completely mandatory process. Oh Mates, should I do this confirmation now? Not necessarily, folks. You can click on the Confirm Later button and then in the next lesson, you can confirm it with me. Or you can also go through the address confirmation process now and then pause this lesson. And after you confirm, you can continue. So I will click on the Confirm Later button. Then Confirm Later again. In this part, you will enter the services your company provides. In other words, what services your company offers. Where I like to refer to this issue of services as a subcategory of your company. So we have already selected the main category, which is the marketing agency. And here, various types of variable services related to your company will appear. This is very important information because it helps Google's algorithm better understand the more specific segment of your company and start ranking this business model first in search engines, not many options appeared in my case. In my particular case, I will manually add these options. I will add marketing analysis, e mail marketing, digital marketing, SEO services, affiliate marketing. And that's it. I can add even more, but these are enough. So I will click on the next button to continue. Now in this part, you must define the operating hours of your company. So we have here from Sunday to Saturday. If you leave this option unchecked, your establishment will automatically appear as closed during these periods. If you enable it, you must define the opening hours so we have the opens at and closes at options. And suppose, hypothetically speaking, my business operates from Monday to Saturday, or from Monday to Friday. I will put from Monday to Friday, and it is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Here on Monday under opens at, I can put the time when my establishment starts its work. We have the option of 24 hours, as well as the ability to set a specific time. I will put from six agoda am. To six, so Mason Pm. With this time filled in, I can manually fill in the same time on the following days to speed up this process instead of having to manually fill in each of the days. Here I'll give you a tip and shortcut. You will copy this time, right click and copy. Or you can press the control C key on your keyboard and on the blank days you simply do control V. In this case, you will right click and then click on Paste, which is the shortcut key. Control V here closed the same process, control C and control V. I will repeat the same process on the following days. And now it looks exactly like this. Homoteus, I open on Monday at six in the morning, but on Tuesday I open at seven in the morning. No problem. Folks, you can come here and switch to seven in the morning. You click here and fill in seven in the morning. Omotus I close on Wednesday at a different time. Hypothetically speaking, at 09:00 at night, no problem. You can come and fill it in. I will leave it as default. In this case, it will close at 6 hours in the evening and it will also open at 6 hours in the morning. And my schedule is already set up. I can click on the next button to continue. And in this part we have reached a part where you have the option to activate questions and answers in your establishment. So Matheus, should I activate it or not? Giving you a preview? Leaving questions activated in your establishment is also a very positive point. That helps rank and grow your business model in searches. Because hypothetically speaking, two business models in the same segment, one of them has the questions option activated and gets a lot of interactions. Another business model in the same segment that does not have the questions option activated does not have many interactions. And because the other business model has many interactions, Google's algorithm sees this as a positive thing. It starts ranking this business model first in Google search. That's why it's very important to activate the questions option here. After all, from time to time, you may end up receiving good questions related to your business because sometimes it will be a holiday during the week and you probably will be working with questions activated. People can go there and ask, will the establishment be open on that specific day? And you can confirm yes or no. This helps a lot for your customers to reach you and also clear up doubts. So I will activate this option, click on the next button to continue, and here we come to an important part where we will fill in a description of our company. And in the description of your company, you will describe what the company or segment actually is, characteristics related to it. And many other things. Another important point when you formulate a good description is to use relevant keywords. But use them subtly so that people don't notice. You won't necessarily make a description like this. Suppose this is the description below. You will put each keyword I will put here, marketing, Google my business. You won't necessarily do it this way. It is very important that you do this subtly. In the lesson where I'll show you how to customize your profile and build a good description, you'll better understand what I'm trying to tell you, but I'll construct a description with you to give you a rough idea. The hypothetical description of my company will be the company offers online courses. Just the words, online courses are already relevant keywords because when people search for online courses, they may end up finding my business. And this is a subtle way to include relevant keywords. You don't necessarily need to put things like online courses, Google my Business, and so on. At the end, you have to incorporate them subtly throughout the entire description. So when you craft your description, you describe aspects of your business and its characteristics. Then you take some synonyms for certain words and replace them with relevant keywords to help with your business SEO. So I'll continue filling in. The company offers online courses focused on digital marketing, which is also another relevant keyword with the focus on Google my Business, which is also another keyword. These courses are designed to teach professionals and businesses how to optimize their business profiles on Google and implement effective online marketing strategies to increase business visibility and attract more customers. This is a description constructed subtly, and this is the kind of description you might use when we customize our profile. We'll build a good description and you'll understand better. But this is roughly how you can develop a description for your business. There is a character limit for the description, which is up to 750 characters. I'm using 330 characters to give you some inspiration for constructing a description. What I would advise is to research related businesses to yours to get an idea of how they describe themselves so you can absorb that information and formulate your description based on your creativity. With my description already formulated, I'll click on the next button to continue. Now we come to another important part where you'll add photos of your business. These are photos that will appear to your customers. And what kind of photos can you use? Below are some examples. For instance, if you're a hair salon, you can take a photo like this example cutting hair. Or if you're a transportation service or someone who provides delivery services, you can also use a photo, like this example. If your establishment is a law office, you can take a photo of your establishment at your office desk. Or you can take a photo of your business's facade and so on. It largely depends on your creativity. These are photos you'll make available to the public for your customers to find you. I'll click on the Skip button. For now, I won't necessarily insert an image at this moment. Now, in this part, we will complete the process of creating our profile on Google, my business. And you might see the following question. Redeem your advertising credit of $500 at no financial cost. It's not exactly without financial cost, folks. This is basically a bonus that Google provides to you for advertising your business. However, they won't provide this entire amount of $500 without you having to do anything. To obtain this $500 credit that you can spend on advertising. You need to have spent or deposited $500 on Google ads. In other words, it's not a sum you receive and can automatically withdraw to your account. That's not how it works. Essentially, you receive this amount as a bonus to spend as advertising credit for promoting your business on Google, my business, or other forms of advertising. To redeem this credit, if you click on the Redeem Your Credit button, it will automatically initiate a campaign creation process for you to advertise your business. When you run an advertising campaign for your business, when someone searches for a business similar to yours, your business is more likely to appear first in search results because it is being sponsored. This can be very helpful, especially if you aim to attract new customers or run location based marketing. We will have a lesson where I'll show you how to create ads with Google ads to promote your Google my business profile and attract even more customers. So the $500 is more or less like this. You need to deposit around $500 which you won't be able to withdraw, but you'll receive an additional 500 as a bonus to spend on advertising for your business. And there you have it. Our Google my business profile has been created. It mentions that your edits will become visible after verification. This means that any changes you make to your profile will go through a human verification process. If the information is deemed accurate, the human verification will approve it. In other words, any changes you make to your profile won't take effect immediately. I'll click on the continued button to conclude the process of creating our business. And there you go, folks. This is our Google my business profile. The Google my business layout is somewhat like this. It works quite straightforwardly. Below you'll find various functions such as editing your profile, reading reviews, where you'll see all the reviews you've received on your profile messages you've received. Adding a photo, your business performance, advertising options, and many other features that will explore throughout the course. There's also a function to verify your address. As it's mentioned below, your business is currently not visible to the public because we haven't completed the verification below. You'll also find some tips on how to optimize your business and rank it higher in search results. How can I access this page regularly? Matias to access this page within Google itself, there are several ways you can do it. You can search for the business name, you registered the profile of your company. Or you can search for my business, and it will show the profile of your business. Click on View Profile and you'll be redirected to this Google my Business page. This is the whole layout. Another way to access this page is by searching for Google My Business. And it will automatically show the option to enter the same Google my business page. Or you can also access the link I provided in the Resources option where you'll be redirected to the Google My Business page, where you can log in and manage your business profile. Within these options, there are some settings will cover in the course. For example, if you go to Edit Profile and scroll down. If hypothetically, as I mentioned, your business doesn't necessarily require customers to visit a physical location. You can click to edit the address and you'll see the option to display a commercial address to customers. You can hide this option and click the Save button. In other words, when people search for your business, they won't necessarily see a physical address and mattes By doing this, do I still need to confirm the address? Yes, You still need to confirm the address in the same way. After all, you need to verify the authenticity of this business model. You can confirm by going through a business verification process. It's more or less how you can create a profile on Google, my business. Throughout the course, we will explore how to further customize this profile and optimize it, making it rank higher in search engines, especially on Google. 4. Verifying the Address of Google My Business: Previous lesson, you learned how to create a profile here on Google, my business. In this lesson, I'm going to show you a very important process throughout the creation and configuration of your profile. It's a very important and mandatory process which is nothing less than address verification. The process for you to verify your business address is a very important step to make your profile visible to other users. In other words, you can create and configure a profile, but if you don't do the address verification, that profile won't appear to other users. That's exactly what I'm going to show you in this lesson. Well, here on the computer screen I have this hypothetical business model that I built the profile with you. So we have here the name of our business, curso, Google, Mao Negotio Digital Marketing. A hypothetical address, opening hours, and so on. And for you to be able to verify this address, it's very important that this address is one you have access to and is a real address that you'll make available here on Google, my business. To do this verification or rather confirmation, you should click here on Verify. We will be redirected to this page where it will ask if your company is part of some of the others already registered in the same segment. If your company is not part of any of them, you can click none of the options and then confirm. Here is the most important part, which is where you will verify your address. As I mentioned to you in the previous lesson, there are three types of verification. And each type of verification varies from person to person. Most likely those of you watching this lesson when you go to verify your address, another type of verification may appear. In my particular case, a video verification of the company appeared here. So in this case, I would have to film the establishment show a bit of the street and send this video to Google confirming that I am part of this address. This video will not be made public to your other customers. It's just a test video to confirm the accuracy of this address, which the Google team, in this case a human team, will analyze, check if this address is valid and confirm the accuracy of this address. This is one of the address verification processes that you can do. Another type of verification that is likely to appear, to those of you watching me, is verification via a letter, where Google will send you a letter with some codes. This letter takes about 15 to 30 days to arrive at your address. And once it arrives, it will come with some codes that you will fill in to confirm your address. For those of you who already receive Google Adsense or are even content creators on Youtube, you'll understand when you receive Google Adsense, it's necessary for you to confirm your address with a code that will arrive at the address you registered, and the process is quite similar. And the third alternative method of address verification that may appear to you is verification via a video call. How does this verification work? Basically, Google will call you in a video call. During this call, you will confirm your address. So you must be at this establishment to confirm it. They usually make this call during business hours. And then you will record a short video in which the Google team that will call you will confirm this address. And you will film both the establishment and a bit of the surrounding street and the front of the establishment so they can verify on Google Maps if that address matches exactly what you're describing. The cool thing about this type of confirmation is that it happens in real time. So if the Google representative sees that it's valid, they won't need to send it to another analysis department. Your address will already be confirmed and the address confirmation process is quick. For example, when you receive the letter, it's also instant, but when you send the video, it takes a few minutes to confirm. So let's hypothetically assume that I'm going to confirm my address here. As I mentioned earlier, it's a very important and mandatory process. If you want to make your business model visible, you can click on the next button here. It's explaining how you should film this video just as I mentioned earlier. So the location needs to be the same as the address you registered. The name of the address. Products and business related equipment should also be present in the video. Let's say you're setting up a restaurant. You should show a bit of the establishment and you can also show the name of the establishment to expedite the confirmation process. Or if you're not necessarily the direct owner of the company, but are providing services to other companies by registering, you need to obtain authorization from that company. Then you need to verify the address in the video, which can be done with a letter, some form of documentation, and various other things. And then you'll record all this information. Click on the next button. Here are some tips on how you can record this video. It suggests creating a script, not rushing, and starting to record the video outdoors. In other words, you'll start by recording the video outside, showing a bit of the street, the front and back, and filming the facade of your establishment. Then you'll enter your establishment showing some things and so on. And then to start recording, you can click on the Start Recording button. And after you send this verification, your address will already be confirmed and your business model will be visible to other customers. 6. Optimizing Your Business Profile Information for Greater Visibility: Guys in the previous class we understood what SEO actually is and some theoretical ways in which you can optimize the SEO of your profile here on Google, my business. In this class, we're going to move onto a practical process where we'll edit our profile and start the SEO optimization work here already on the computer screen we have our profile that we built in the previous classes. I haven't confirmed this address yet, it won't be necessary. After all, I'm not going to make this profile public. In other words, I don't have any goal of showing this profile to other people. It's just a profile in which I want to simulate during the classes as I showed you in the previous classes. And once you enter this page, we'll have many options here that we can use to optimize our profile. Among these options, you can come here to the edit profile option. Let's enter this function here where we can configure the business information of our business. Within this part, it's separated into some categories in which you can configure things like the category about contact location, hours, and much more. And we'll do this configuration together in this class. Here in the about section, we have some information about the company information that you probably already filled out during the creation process of your Google my business profile information, like the name of the company. So if you click here on this button, you can switch the name you filled out during the creation process of your profile. Here you can also switch the category of your business. Should I put a secondary category? Yes, I advise you to put a secondary category here in the information of your company as this helps a lot in terms of SEO to rank your business first. Here we come to the description part which I built together with you in the previous classes and I described how the company offers online courses focused on digital marketing with a focus on Google. My business aimed at teaching professionals and companies to optimize business profiles on Google my business. And implement effective online marketing strategies to increase business visibility and attract even more customers. This was the description I formulated and mates, how do I go about optimizing SEO Here in my description, there are some ways in which you can do this process. There is a process that you do manually, so you can use a tool from Google itself called Google Trends. With this tool, you can see the performance of searches for certain keywords here on Google. For example, if I put Google My Business here and click on Explore, I can analyze the search performance for this particular keyword. And then I can analyze if this type of keyword is relevant for me to insert in the description of my profile. I Google my business here. And here is the metric from yesterday. The search volume for this type of keyword I'll put here for the last 12 months. Then it will show a totally expressive graph. Whether you like it or not, it's a very well searched type of keyword. It even has a rate of 73% reaching a peak here in January of 100% And this, whether you like it or not, is a crucial factor that shows that this keyword is a relevant keyword. I can also do the following. Here, I'll put Google my Business, in which I'll compare which of the two keywords is more searched. Whether it's Google Mi Negocio or Google my Business. Obviously, this metric will be based on the United States. So here we have a comparison. Red is the search for Google me negotio, and blue is the search for Google my business. Apparently, as everything indicates the term Google, my business is much more searched in the United States. If I switch, I can put the world, obviously it will be Google my business. Google my business, in fact, is even more search than Google my business outside the United States. Let's go back here to the metric of the United States, which is the metric that interests us. In addition to these filters where you can switch the location as well as the period, you can also switch by category type, as well as by type of web search. That is Youtube search, New search, Google Shopping, even image search. I particularly advise you to leave it on web search, but if you want to know a specific metric, you can switch here in all categories you don't need to switch, you can leave it as default. So you'll always do these searches for a certain keyword that you aim to insert into your description to further optimize your business SEO. And if you scroll down here, you'll be able to find even more metrics. Metrics like the states that search the most for that particular keyword that I selected, related topics, as well as searches related to that particular topic and so on. In other words, with Google Trends, which is a tool from Google itself, I can analyze the search volume for a particular keyword and understand if it is indeed a relevant keyword for me to include in my description. So you'll take the description that you formulated in the previous class. Suppose hypothetically you crafted your description. You'll take some of these keywords and do some searches here on Google Trends to analyze if they are relevant keywords. After all, it's very important to have relevant keywords that are highly searched to further optimize the SEO of your Google my business profile. Another way that I would like to present to you, which is a very interesting and even easier way for you to build a good description. Because you won't just build a good description, but you'll also do all the SEO work is through artificial intelligence. You can use artificial intelligence like Chat GPT itself, Google Bard, which is quite similar to Chat GPT, and even being at which are quite similar tools. What are these artificial intelligence tools? Mattis, Chat GPT, just like these others I mentioned functions as a chat pot, but it's not a simple chat pot. It's an intelligent chat bot that contains a large database stored in which it can provide answers to any question you ask it. It not only answers the questions you ask it, but it's also capable of performing tasks. So for example, you can ask the chat bot to do a school assignment. Or for example, suppose you're a content creator, you can ask the chat bot to develop a script for a particular video. Obviously, it's good to input as many characteristics as possible about how you want to formulate this video so that it can formulate the best script possible. And not only that, with the help of the chat bot itself, with Google Bard and even Bing Chat, which are slightly similar artificial intelligences, you can develop a good SEO optimized description for your profile here on Google My Business. And so that you can do this process in practice, step by step, you should select which version of the chat you want to use. If you happen to have access to the GPT four version, it's even better for you to make a good description. But if you only have access to the GPT 3.5 that's fine too. Okay, in this class we're going to use GPT four. And I'm going to write the following message to this artificial intelligence chat, GPT, I have a profile on Google, My Business, about a course that teaches about Google, my business, In which I teach how to set up the profile, rank it first on search engines, do marketing, work with Google ads and much more. The name of my registered profile is digital marketing, Google my business course, and I would like you to make a description for me to insert into my Google my business profile. I'm going to send this message to the artificial intelligence as well as I can. Take this same message and send it here to Google Bard. I'm going to put here Google Bard. I'm going to send the same message. To send this message, you press Enter, or you can click here, and it will start to develop a response for you. I'll do the same process here on Google Bard as well, and we'll compare the two responses. There you go, folks. The artificial intelligence, It has already formulated a response down here. It wrote my description. Let's read together. I won't read it in full precisely to avoid the class becoming too lengthy. After all, this class is going to be quite long indeed. But if you want to read it, you can pause the class. So it ended up somewhat like this. Welcome to the Google My Business Course, your ultimate guide to Mastering Google my Business GMB. The comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the skills to create, optimize, and manage your GMB profile effectively, and so on. So it ended up somewhat like this, but with Google Bard, the response wasn't that good. It didn't quite understand what my real objective was. But most likely, if you use Google itself and send a very similar message here to Google Bard, it will probably provide you with a good description. I believe it couldn't formulate a good description because it's a profile for a Google my business course, perhaps it didn't make much sense to it and it ended up formulating a standard description for a course instead of formulating a description that I can insert into my Google my business profile. So we're going to use chat GPT here. After all, it developed an excellent description. And now I'm going to do the following folks, we're going to take that description, that Chat GPT formulated for us. I'm going to copy it and ask the following here. Optimize the SEO of this description for search engines like Google as it is a description. I'm going to insert into my Google my business profile. I'm going to paste the description that he formulated for me. Send this message to chat GPT, and it will do an SEO optimization job using relevant keywords. Without the need for me to manually research step by step. I can very well send it to Che GPT itself, especially Che GPT four I tell you to use because Che GPT four is much more updated, so it can provide current answers and know what the relevant keywords are at the moment you're requesting this message. But if you ask for a prompt for GPT 3.5 it will provide you with outdated responses. After all, it has a knowledge limit at least up to the moment this class is recorded until January 2022. But here in version GPT four, the data is completely updated to the present day. And here it took that same description that it developed for me and reformulated it, inserting some relevant keywords to do a whole SEO optimization job. It was exactly like that. In case you want to read it, you can pause the class below. Here it described which are the key words that it inserted, like digital marketing, local SEO, Google search, and Google Maps. Driving targeted traffic and so on. These are the keywords it inserted. Another really cool thing you can do with chat it, besides developing a description from scratch and asking it to do an SEO optimization job, I'm going to send this same prompt and I'm going to copy here this previous description which I inserted together with you in the previous classes where I'm going to ask it to do an SEO optimization job. I'm going to send this message to Chat GPT and it will start to redo that previous description of mine, but with an SEO job behind it, using good relevant keywords, look at how it turned out folks. The previous description was this size, it turned out exactly like this. It expanded even more. The size of my description followed in the same explanatory mode about the business model, inserted new keywords, further optimizing the SEO of my profile. Let's do a very basic reading Excel in Digital Marketing, with our specialized online courses focusing on Google. My business Optimization designed for professionals and entrepreneurs. Our curriculum teaches you how to enhance your business profile on Google and so on. So it turned out exactly like this. I'm going to take this description in the profile and insert it into my profile here on Google, my business, which by the way, is a very optimized description with the SEO work that I requested. That's it, folks. Our description is already formulated which I developed together with Chat GPT itself. So those are some of the ways you can put together a good description. You can put together a good description manually, where you'll take characteristics related to your business and develop a description manually. After developing this description, you'll do an SEO optimization job where if necessary, you can add some synonyms that are more searched here in Google's own search engine. Or for example, you can send this description that you developed, just like I did. I developed this description together with you in the class and asked Chat GPT to do an SEO optimization job where it expanded my description even further and inserted some relevant keywords. So now my description is already well formulated. I'm going to click on the save button to continue scrolling down here. We also have even more information like the opening date, for example, if you're going to inaugurate this business model and you want to register your profile already, Let's say today is January 30 and you plan to open this business on February 15. Let's say you can put here and which year you intend to inaugurate this business. The month and the day. This here if you're already registering your business, but you haven't inaugurated it yet. In my particular case, I'm not going to fill out this option because it's not necessary for me. Now, we've reached a very important part. This part is relevant for you to further optimize the SEO of your profile, which is to enter contact information for your business. And then you can enter your phone number, which is very important. Then you select the country and the phone number. You can also enter the link to your website. In the upcoming classes, I'll show you how you can create a website, even if it's a basic one to insert it here in your Google My business. You can also add your social media profiles so people can find you. So you can add your Instagram profile, linked in Pintrest, Tiktok, Twitter, Youtube, and even Facebook. This is very important even for you to gain followers on these other networks and ultimately further optimize the platforms. Seo moving on to the location here In this part you can configure your business's location. So if you select this option of the company's location, you can change your business's address. You'll put the street name, neighborhood, city, state, zip code, and so on. Another very important thing you can also adjust in this part. See here this spin issue. If you click on Adjust, you can position this spin correctly, including this spin. It's wrongly placed. It should actually be right at this point exactly in this location. Why should I put the pin correctly? Mates for the following reason, folks. Even if your address is registered there on Google, my business, when people click on directions, they will automatically be redirected to the Pin location you marked. So I'm going to put it exactly in this location, which is the correct location. Sometimes your establishment might be on an avenue that has two lanes, one going and one coming back, and it's a very big avenue, somewhat like this one, let's say. And there's only a U turn ahead, if you mark the pin, your establishment is on this side here, on this side here, about where I marked and you marked the pin in this location. And then the next U turn is only ahead if you mark this location exactly at this point here, which is the incorrect side, The correct side would be here and you marked it exactly in this part. When the person puts in directions on Google Maps to go to your establishment, they will be redirected exactly to the pin location. That's why it's very important to adjust this pinning issue correctly for your establishment. I'm not going to mess with my pin because my pin is already set up. And then you configure this whole process, you click on the Save button. Additionally, here in the coverage area, you will select the coverage area where your establishment provides service. This can be interesting for you if you're a restaurant in a certain city, you can set up that this restaurant serves in other nearby cities. If necessary, then you select which cities. Some hypothetical cities will appear here. And then you can click on the plus button and add this specific city to your coverage area. Scrolling down here in the time question, we have the issue here of operating hours. Here we can already set the operating hours of our establishment, but here you can do an even more configuration. That is, when you click on the Edit button for the operating hours. We have some functions here open with normal hours, open at normal hours. And in this case, I'm not going to show the operating hours to other customers. In case your establishment is closed, you're traveling, let's say you can temporarily put it as closed or under maintenance. You can enable this option. If you have completely closed your establishment and do not intend to reopen, you will click on Permanently Closed, where it will state that your establishment is closed and no longer exists. In this option, I advise you to always leave it open with normal hours where it will show the operating hours of your establishment. Here in special hours, it's a question about holidays. So here for example, on holidays we have a carnival holiday. I have the option here to edit whether I will work or not. And then I can market as closed during that day as well as I can leave it with normal operation or I can change it. This here is an option that is very important for you to follow along over the days. After all over time, there are always holidays. It's important for you to inform this correctly to your customers. It's what I already mentioned to you. The more information you provide to your customers here on Google my business, the more you help them find you in search engines. Another issue here is that we have other operating hours for specific services because sometimes you have a restaurant, but you have a specific time when you open for delivery. You can activate this option here for delivery and determine from which time you are available for delivery and so on and down here. We also have even more other options related to the company itself. These options are not so important Okay guys, but if you want to view, you can click here on Edit, do a preview, and so on. But as I mentioned, they are not very obligatory options, they are quite optional options. They are not necessarily relevant for you to optimize the SEO of your profile Mateos. My establishment doesn't necessarily have a physical location where my customers can access. I operate entirely in the digital realm. Going to Edit Profile, and here in the location option, you can click here on the pencil and hide this commercial address from customers where only the state or even the country will appear as a location. And then the work you will have to do next is to come here in the coverage area and adjust the entire coverage area in which locations you provide your type of service. Let's say after all, by customizing this, you help Google understand what type of audience and what type of region you want to reach. And then after you make these settings in your profile, we also have another interesting configuration. It's for you to add a profile picture, where if you click here on this ad, a photo button, we have here some photos that we can insert. So we can insert a common photo from inside the company, a logo and even a cover photo. I will insert a logo here, in this case, this specific photo. Just to simulate this course, I'm going to click on the Save button. And after you insert your image, it will be right there on your profile. So when people search for your business profile, they will end up finding a profile with an already personalized photo, yet I won't be able to put this image because I didn't verify the address in this account. But it's more or less like this where you can insert a profile picture here on Google, my business, and it would look something like this. I'll put here dentist in Orlando, United States. You will see some dentists here. This here is an establishment where they inserted some images. They inserted an image inside the establishment. If I look in other places, we can also find even other types of images. So you don't necessarily only add a single image, you can add even more other images inside your establishment here on Google, My business. That's it guys. These are some settings that are mandatory for you to further optimize the SEO of your profile. And in the upcoming classes, we will learn even more how to improve the ranking of this profile through other functions that we have here to explore and further configure our profile. 7. Posting on Google My Business: All right folks. In the previous class, we learned how to carry out the SEO optimization process on our Google My Business Profile. One very important thing to highlight regarding the SEO optimization process we did in the previous class is that SEO optimization via profile using keywords is a type of optimization that tends to perform much better in the long term. And in this class, I'm going to show you an SEO optimization process that can greatly assist you in the short term, which is nothing more than the posts here on your Google my business profile. So here on the computer screen, I'm here with this hypothetical business model that I registered and left as permanently closed just for us to simulate in class, the entire configuration process and make a post here on our Google my business profile. You should come here to the option to add update. Entering within this option, there are three types of publications in which you can publish on your profile. When we make a type of post by clicking on Add Update, this here is basically a common type of publication. Meaning you can post images related to the type of service you are providing at your establishment, new types of products you are offering, and much more. It depends a lot on your creativity here in terms of adding the update, it works as a common publication. Very similar to publications you can make on Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks. We also have here the other type of publication, which is the option to add an offer. In this case, this is a type of publication that is intended for you who aim to advertise the offer of a certain product. The cool thing about this type of publication is that you can advertise the promotion of this specific product, put its real value as well as the promotional value. And besides how long this promotion will last, this can be very interesting for you who have some kind of establishment where you sell products to other customers, whether you have a physical store or an e commerce and aim to advertise the promotion of a specific product. You can use this offer adding tool from Google, my business. The last type of publication we have is the publication mode of adding events. What is this type of publication mode for? I'll use here with you a hypothetical example. Let's suppose you have a concert venue and a specific singer will have a concert on the weekend. You can very well use Google, my business, to announce this concert, this specific singer. What would be the advantage of this Matthias? You're not only alerting your customers of a possible event that will occur, but you're also doing an SEO optimization job on your profile. What do you mean? I didn't understand. If, for example, someone searches for a concert by a specific singer who would sing at your concert venue, then they would put the name of the hypothetical singer there. In this case, the concert of such singer near me. Most likely they might end up finding your establishment because you added a type of publication. In this case, an event publication announcing that a concert by this specific singer will take place on a certain day. Then, whether you like it or not, this can be very useful for you who aim to capture customers in the short term with Google, my business. In other words, when you make posts here on your Google My business profile, you warm up the Google platform's algorithm. After all, you are providing information related to your establishment making publication posts. This helps Google understand what business model is registered on its platform, which will further optimize the SEO of your profile. One very interesting thing to note, when you make any type of publication, whether it's a common publication, as well as an offer publication or even an event publication. Do you want to see it in practice? I'm going to simulate a common post, clicking on Add Up Date. Here we have some options, so we can add the description of our publication. The character limit is up to 1,500 You can also add images to your post as well as a button. The button can be very useful for you as you can probably make a call to action within your post. For example, you can advertise a specific product or even a new type of service your company is providing. And then you can add a button like Reserve Order Now, Buy, Learn More Subscribe or Call now. And by adding this type of button, you can perform some action. Do you want to see an example? Let's suppose you have a restaurant and you added a new dish. You can very well announce this type of dish, put images of it as well as a good description here in the button option, you can very well select the option order. Now, when you have the order now option already configured, when the person clicks on this button, they will automatically be redirected to the order system you configured. And you can register food delivery platforms like Food 99 Rapy and much more. As well as you can register your own website where when the person clicks on this button, they will be redirected to the type of service where they can place the order. Another important thing, even before you make your first publication here on your Google my business profile, is to do nothing less than the work of SEO Optimization in the description of all your publications. This indeed helps a lot, especially for you aiming to further improve the SEO of your establishment in the short term. Then you can use artificial intelligences that I mentioned to you in previous classes like Chat, GPT itself, Google Bard, and much more. For example, you can ask the chat to develop a description for you to make a post here on your Google My business profile. After it develops this description, you ask it to do a whole SEO optimization job through relevant keywords. And then to publish this type of update, you just need to fill in all these options. Click the Post button and you're done. Your post has been published here on your profile and Mates, where do these posts stay? They're not as visible here within your profile, but for you to find them. Usually posts always stay here at the end of all the information about your establishment. Usually below the reviews and mattes. Will my clients see these posts? Yes, they will. However, not all clients will see them as frequently as they would on a social network. But why should I post them for the following reason? As you will be providing information related to your business to Google, the platform's algorithm better understands what type of business model is registered on its platform. And as a result, when someone searches every now and then for any of the keywords that are within your posts, whether it's a common post, an offer post, or even an event post, they may end up finding your business being a great way for you to capture potential future customers. So it's more or less like this that you can make posts on your Google My Business profile. I hope you enjoyed this class. See you next time and thanks. 8. Adding Your Products to Google My Business: In this class, I'm going to show you how you can add products to your profile here on Google, My Business. This means that with this function, you'll be able to add the products you offer at your establishment. Want to see an example? Let's suppose you have a hair salon. You can easily add various haircut styles as products, each with a different price. This not only helps you rank your business here on Google's search engine, but also helps your customers know which products you're offering and at what price. All right. Now on the computer screen, I'm here with the business we created in the previous classes and to add businesses here to our Google my business profile. You should come here to the option to edit products. Entering here within this option, you should come here to the option, let's get started. This is where you'll actually insert the product you're offering. Oh mates, what products can I add? It varies greatly from business model to business model. For example, in restaurants, this type of function can be very useful for you if you aim to add a menu. However, instead of adding a menu, a pamphlet, you can very well add each product manually, where you can put the name of the product here, the category of that specific product type, an image, the price. It's optional, but I would say even mandatory to put the price depending on the type of product. After all, it will help your customer know how much each type of product you're offering costs a precise description. Remember regarding both the description and the product name, it's very important for you to also use relevant keywords. And if necessary, you can leave the destination URL for your product. This tool can be very useful for you if you have a business model that would be more or less an online store where customers don't necessarily need to go to a certain location. In this case, you only make online sales. You can very well add the products you're offering. And here in the destination URL, when the person clicks within the product to purchase it, they will end up on your website, thus making the purchase later. This type of function can be very useful in this sense. Or even for you who have a restaurant, you can very well take the link of the product you're offering in relation to delivery services and put this link here in the destination URL option. So that's more or less I mentioned to you to add products. It varies greatly from business model to business model because sometimes you have a company that only providus services, Not necessarily in a fixed establishment, it operates anywhere only providing services. You can also use this function to add a product, where you will add the services you provide. And in the product description, you can provide as much detail as possible so that you can help your customer know what type of service you are providing, what the cost is. Oh Mates, is it important to add products? Yes guys, if we take two similar business models out of these two similar models, one of them has a well optimized profile in which they registered products. Consequently, because of feeding the platform's algorithm this other profile by having registered products, it will be easily found a practical example of how products could help you. Let's suppose you have a building material warehouse and someone needs to buy pipes near their residence. If you add these products to the profile here on your Google My business, this person might end up searching for pipes near me on Google in order to buy this specific product and meet their need. Most likely they might end up on your business profile allowing you to gain a future customer. 9. Analyzing the Performance of Your Business: Now I'm going to show you how you can analyze the metrics of your profile here on Google my Business. Well here already on the computer screen. So that you can analyze the performance metrics of your profile here on Google my business. You should come here to the performance option. By clicking within this option, you will have a complete analysis related to the performance of your profile here on Google my business. Right off the bat, we have the overview metrics right above. You can switch to which specific period you want to track these metrics. I will leave it as default, this profile that I am presenting to you in this class, even though it is permanently closed, it received a total of 256 interactions. What are these types of interactions? Matthias, if we see here in the other options, we can have a performance of what were the interactions that the profile of your company obtained. Going down here below, we also find even more other metrics, such as, for example, how people discovered your company. Here we have a metric of ten people who viewed my company's profile through Google Search on the computer and so on. And on the right side, we will also find another metric, searches that showed your company's profile in search results. In this case, less than 50 homes. But why does this profile have a low interaction metric? Simply because the profile of this business is permanently closed, it ends up taking a shadow ban. Where when people search, whether by keyword similar to this business model or even by the specific business itself, they hardly can end up finding the profile of this business. After all, it is a profile in which it is listed as permanently closed. And it doesn't make much sense for Google to recommend this type of profile to other people precisely because of the metrics of this profile are low. In addition to the overview option, you can analyze the performance of how many calls were made through your Google My business profile. I got a total of zero calls. But for you there may be even more. This type of metric appears to you how many people call to your establishment through the Google my business call function. We also have the messaging function where we can track interaction metrics on our profile. Furthermore, we also have the scheduling function where it will present a metric of how many appointments were made in your company's profile. We also have the directions function, or rather the routes function. This function shows us how many people put this establishment on Google Maps to know what the route to the address is. In the case of the 256 interactions that my profile obtained here in the overview option, apparently everything indicates that these interactions were through routes on Google Maps where people wanted to know exactly what the address is and how to go to the establishment of this profile. And lastly, here in performance, we also have the clicks on the website function where it will show you how many people clicked on your website through your Google My business profile. So it's more or less like this, in which you can analyze the metrics and performance of your profile to know if indeed your profile is performing better. This type of metric analysis can help you a lot, especially for you who have the goal of optimizing your profiles SEO. After all, you can find out if the strategy you are applying is working and performing better. Whether it's the medium to long term SEO strategy which I presented to you in the first lessons of this module. As well as the short term SEO strategy, I refer to posts, interactions, and much more. 10. Google My Business for Restaurants: How to Add Menu and Order Button: Talking a little more about restaurants. If you have a restaurant registered here on Google, my business, we have some functions that can help you a lot among them. One allows you to add a menu which I presented to you in the previous class, where you can come here in the option to edit products. Within this option, you click on the Let's get Started button, where you will be redirected to this page where you will enter the name of your product, the category, the price, a description. It is very important to emphasize that you should put an SEO optimized description, which you can use the assistance of some artificial intelligences that I presented to you in the previous classes. The product link is also an optional question, and the image is a mandatory process. After filling in all this data, you can click here on the published button where you will add the product from your restaurant. This is a type of function that greatly helps your customer understand what type of product you are offering and what the prices. And in this way, if you have a restaurant establishment registered here on Google, my business, you can register your menu, whether it's a pizzeria, a burger joint, a traditional restaurant, and so on. A Mattius. I don't want to add the menu of all my products here within my Google, my business profile. No problem guys, But remember that question I mentioned in the previous class. When you insert the products you are offering, it helps to rank the SEO of your profile. But if you don't want to add the products here in your Google My business profile, want an alternative way to add the menu of your products. You can very well add the link to your business model menu by going here in the option to Edit Profile and here in the Contact tab. Within the Website option, you can very well insert a link to a page containing the menu of your business model. Another very interesting thing that you can insert, which can help you a lot. If you have a restaurant registered here on Google, my business, is the order button. What would this button be? Mattis, this type of button. It usually appears here exactly in this area, next to the phone number or the address itself. Where when the person clicks on this type of button, she will be redirected somewhere, whether to food, even to Whatsapp, where many companies still serve through Whatsapp, a website only for delivery application and much more. And to add this type of order function, you just need to come here in the food delivery option where this screen will open. And here we have an option before we configure the order button, in this case, this option here, the button to accept orders in your profile. It is very important to activate this option so that you can add the Order button, Activating this option. Seeing here below your service providers and where you will actually redirect your potential future customer when they click on the Order button. And then clicking on the Ad Link button, you can add the link where your customer clicks on this button. They will be redirected and you can put the link of your food establishment, the link of your delivery website where you have any type of delivery tool you can also use or even you can put the link of your whatsapp and countless other things. Matthias, how do I put the link of my whatsapp? You will do the following guys. You will type WA ME and you will put the country code, the state code next, and the phone number. I will put here a hypothetical number and ready in the website URL, I put a link where the person clicks automatically. She will be redirected to Whatsapp. Just click on the Order button. I'll click on the Save button to continue. And ready guys, our link has already been added. Here we have some options of services in which we can enable how to disable. We have the option that accepts pick up as well as the option that accepts delivery. I will activate both options. I will click on the Save button. If you want to remove the link, just click on the remove link button. I will click on the Save button to continue. And there you go guys. The order button link is already configured. I don't know if you remember, but during the first classes I mentioned to you that any type of change you make here in your profile, it takes about a few minutes or even a few hours for it to appear in your profile. After all, any kind of change regarding your profile here on Google, my business, it goes through a human verification before it even changes. That's precisely why I won't be able to show you how this button turned out. If I take any kind of establishment as an example, I can exemplify how this button works. I'll put here Pizza Place in Orlando, United States. Here will appear several and several pizzerias for me. In this case, look at this specific pizzeria here. See here the menu option. This company has already put the establishment's website link where very likely they can view the menu as well as place in order. Let's look for another example establishment to take here. Look at this one. It's not so configured like that, it only has the phone number set up. Let's look for other establishments for us to see this example. Look at this other establishment. We have the menu option here, where if the person enters the link, we will be able to view the menu. And here in the By button we can place our order, the Whatsapp link that I configured together with you. It will be exactly in this part. And when you enter this link, you will be redirected to this page. I put a hypothetical number that most likely doesn't even exist. And when entering this link, the person will be automatically redirected to whatsapp. That's why when I mentioned, if you want to add your Whatsapp, where it goes directly to a conversation with you, you should always fill in the URL as WA ME, the country code, the state code, and your phone number. So these are some functions in which you can optimize your restaurant profile here on Google, My business. 11. Scheduling with Google My Business: Now I'm going to show you a feature where you can add a scheduling button to your Google My business profile. So here on the computer screen, adding the scheduling button varies greatly from business model to business model. Most likely, sometimes you work in the restaurant niche where your customers can make table reservations through the scheduling function, you can make this configuration. Or if your company is a service provider, where the person needs to go to your physical establishment, you can very well add the scheduling function, which allows your customers to make an appointment before coming. So here on the computer screen, we have the scheduling option, clicking here. Within this option, you can configure your button. And within this option, you should place the link of a certain website where when the person clicks on the scheduling link, she will be redirected to a certain page so that she can make the appointment. That is, by clicking here on ad link, you can add a link that allows your customers to make an appointment. Suppose you have a website that allows your customers to make appointments. You can very well put the link to your site exactly on the scheduling page. Oh, Mattes, I don't have a website. What should I do? No problem. You can very well put your Whatsapp, where your customers will make the appointment there. How can I put whatsapp? I have already shown you in the previous class. You will always type W, the country code, the state code, and the phone number. I'll put here the random phone number, and my link will be exactly like this. I'll click here on the Save button. And then by clicking on the Save button, when my customers click on the Appointment button, they will automatically be redirected to Whatsapp in a link, something like this. By entering exactly within the link, it will fall exactly within this page, where automatically she will be redirected to Whatsapp on the cell phone. 12. Boosting Your Business through Customer Interactions: So folks, in this class, we're going to talk a bit about the interactions you can get on your profile. Here on Google my business, there are two types of interactions that can occur on your profile. Among them, we have the questions and answers over time. With your profile registered here on Google my business. You may end up receiving questions from some clients in the first lessons where we created and configured a profile here on Google, my business, I showed you an option where you should leave activated which will allow other clients to ask you questions. Oh Mathes, where are the questions? Well, folks here already on the computer screen with that profile that I developed with you in the previous classes, but I haven't gone through the verification process yet. After all, it's not necessary since it's not a profile that I aim to make it public. But we have this option here of questions and answers. Within this option, every type of question you receive at your establishment will appear here. Do you want to see a practical example of how the questions will appear? I'm going to put here Dentists in Orlando, United States. I'm going to take any hypothetical dentist who has the questions and answers tab enabled. So you see here the questions and answers option. This here is a very likely new establishment after all, it has few questions, but they will appear exactly like this and there will be the question text. You can like the comment as well as reply. Matheus, who can answer these questions? Anyone can answer these questions that you receive at your establishment. But adding a note, you should always answer these questions first and never fail to answer these questions that you receive on your profile. After all, the more you interact with your clients, the more you help rank your business first in search engines. And for you to ask a question, just click here on the Ask a Question button. You write what your doubt is and then click on the post button for you to answer, or you click here on the Questions and Answers option. Since I don't have questions and answers on this profile, it's a new profile that is also not public. It will not show any questions, answers. But it will open a screen similar to this one, where all the questions that my establishment received will appear. And then I can come here in the response option and respond to this message. Another very important interaction that you may end up receiving once in a while from your clients is a type of interaction essential for you to rank your business first in searches. It's basically the reviews you receive at your establishment. We have this business model. If we come here in the reviews option, we will find reviews from other clients related to the services provided by this particular company. And here we have several comments as well as many positive reviews in this establishment. Because this establishment has good positive reviews, it helps this profile to rank first in search engines. After all, it is a very well rated profile. As well as having the products tab configured as it has all the information filled in, as well as the products tab configured and so on. Then when this profile receives many positive reviews from clients, Google sees this as a positive thing. After all, you are providing a good service in your business. And as a result of this, Google will start to rank your business model first in search engines. Another thing that reviews also help with is for future clients to understand the quality of the service provided by your business. After all, if there are many reviews, you can get a rough idea if the establishment is providing good service. Having good reviews here on your Google, my business profile is a fundamental characteristic for you to rank your business model first in search engines. But it doesn't just mean having good reviews. You also need to have many reviews. For example, this profile has many reviews as well as positive reviews. As a result, this is completely favorable to the platforms algorithm. But if by chance I come across a similar business model with few reviews, say 34 or five, and a completely positive rating, Even though it is still advantageous for the platform's algorithm as well as beneficial for your business. It is very important for you to gather as many reviews as possible, not just the rating. You always have to strive for a balance between having a good rating and having many reviews. So if I give you an example where we take two similar business models where one of these profiles has many reviews as well as a good rating. Let's suppose, hypothetically speaking, a rating of 4.7 and many positive reviews. And the other profile, which is the very similar business model, it has a completely positive rating, but it has few reviews compared to the first profile. As a result, the algorithm will start to recommend much more, the business profile in which it has many reviews as well as a positive rating. In other words, obtaining positive reviews here for your Google, my business profile is something very important that helps rank your business first. That's why I say it's very important for you to always ask for reviews from your customers. I can present you with some strategies that I use to get positive reviews in my businesses. The first strategy that I probably already mentioned throughout the course. But in this class I will show you how to do it step by step. It's basically putting a QR code in your establishment, where when the person scans it, they will automatically be directed to review your establishment. This can be very useful for you to gather as many reviews as possible. How do I go about this process in practice? How can I create a QR code to put in my establishment? Well, to create a QR code you should go to this website where I will leave the link available for you in the resources option as well as you can search for this website bit li. In this specific case, you will create an account on it and after you create your account, you will be redirected to this panel. Bittle is basically a link shortener, meaning if you have a very long link, you can shorten it. Not only that, but you can also create a QR code here with bit. Just come here to the create new option, then click on QR code. And here we will start the process of building our QR code. In this URL part, you should enter the URL of your establishment. To be able to do this process, you must do the following folks, and within our Google my business, you should come here to the option to request reviews. Entering this option, we will have this link here for evaluation. Where if we copy this link and enter this page automatically, we will be redirected to review our establishment, since this business is permanently closed. A hypothetical business model that I built only for us to simulate in class. Due to it being permanently closed, people cannot leave reviews. But by clicking within that link, the person will be automatically redirected to a page where they can review this particular business. It would appear more or less like this. When you enter the link, it would automatically open the screen where you can review this Google My Business profile. And then you can rate with stars, leave a comment related to the business. And you can also add images or videos. After filling out all the options, it's obviously optional to add a comment or insert a photo or video. You can click on the post option. Then I'll do the following. I'll create a QR code so that whenever I enter this page, I'll be automatically redirected to leave a review here in bit. You should paste the link you got from the option to request reviews. A tip for you. If your profile is already verified and set to public, you should do the following. You will search for the business model you are working with. Suppose it is this business model here and here in reviews, you will click on the comment button and entering this option. See this link here. You will copy this link. Come here to Bit Lie, where you will paste this link. And automatically, we will start building our QR code. I will click on the Design Your Code button. In this case, we will start customizing our QR code here. Below, we have some additional options if you want to create even more QR codes. For example, in the title you can name each title for the variable QR code you will use. I personally won't put any title and click on the Design Your Code button. To continue, we will be redirected to this page where we will actually customize your QR code. So here we have some options where you can switch which style your QR code will be. I will leave all options by default, but we have several functions. Change the QR code format its color, add a logo to your QR code, and much more. Here in select frame, we have the option to select which frame we will use in our QR code, and we have here some common versions that you can use. If you click here and more, even more options will appear, but the plus plan is necessary for you to be able to use them. I will personally use the QR code by default without the frame, even because you can very well build the custom frame through image editing software like Canva, Photoshop, and much more. So I will create my QR clicking on the Create Your Frame button. And there you go, folks. My QR code has already been created. I will test this QR code with you. I am here with my cell phone. I will scan this code. So here it is with my camera. And I will scan this code. The code has been scanned. Let's wait for the start up. And we were redirected exactly to the establishment that I configured together with you. So every time a person scans this QR code, they will automatically be redirected to this page where they can review the type of service you are providing. With this QR code, you can very well place it in your establishment where your customers can scan and leave a review and to capture even more reviews every now and then, ask your customers directly to rate your services. For example, you could say, could you rate my service? Scan the QR code and leave a review of our company. So when the person scans the QR code, they will automatically be redirected to review your establishment. This can be very useful for you to gather even more reviews. After all, having many reviews and a good rating is very important for the platforms algorithm. Another important point is whenever you ask for reviews, use the good moments to ask for these reviews. If you happen to have an establishment and you noticed that you indeed provided good service and solved your customer's problem. At the moment you solve this problem every now and then, you can ask your customer, could you review our services on Google? You can scan the QR code or search for our company by asking a question like this. At a good moment, there are great chances of being reviewed and receiving a good rating. Don't always ask for reviews in negative moments, use the good ones. So that's it folks. These are some ways in which you can interact with your customers, whether through questions and answers as well as through reviews. Both interaction functions are very important to rank your profile first here on search engines. Remember, every time you receive questions at your establishment, try to respond as quickly as possible, as well as when you receive reviews, try to respond to them whether it's a negative or positive review, so that you feed the Google algorithm and start ranking your business first.