500+ American Slang | English Language Vocabulary | For Your English | Skillshare

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500+ American Slang | English Language Vocabulary

teacher avatar For Your English, English Made Easy

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to American Slang!


    • 2.

      How course is organized


    • 3.

      Live classes


    • 4.



    • 5.

      A Slang Review


    • 6.

      Slang B Part 1


    • 7.

      Slang B Part 2


    • 8.

      Slang B Part 3


    • 9.



    • 10.

      Slang C Part 1


    • 11.

      Slang C Part 2


    • 12.



    • 13.

      NEW More C Slang


    • 14.

      D Slang


    • 15.

      D Review


    • 16.

      E Slang


    • 17.

      E REVIEW


    • 18.

      Slang F Part 1


    • 19.

      Slang F Part 2


    • 20.

      F Review


    • 21.

      G Slang Part 1


    • 22.

      G Slang Part 2


    • 23.

      G review


    • 24.

      Slang H Part 1


    • 25.

      Slang H Part 2


    • 26.

      H review


    • 27.

      Slang I


    • 28.

      I review


    • 29.

      Slang J


    • 30.

      J Review


    • 31.

      Slang K


    • 32.

      K review


    • 33.

      Slang L


    • 34.

      L review


    • 35.

      Slang M


    • 36.

      M review


    • 37.

      Slang N


    • 38.

      N Review


    • 39.

      Slang o


    • 40.

      O Rev (checked)


    • 41.

      Slang P Part 1


    • 42.

      Slang P Part 2


    • 43.

      P Review


    • 44.

      Slang Q


    • 45.

      Q Review


    • 46.

      Slang R


    • 47.

      R Review


    • 48.

      Slang S Part 1


    • 49.

      Slang S Part 2


    • 50.

      Slang S Part 3


    • 51.

      Slang S Part 4


    • 52.

      S Review 1


    • 53.

      S Review 2


    • 54.

      Slang T


    • 55.

      T Review


    • 56.

      Slang U


    • 57.

      U Review


    • 58.

      Slang V


    • 59.

      V Review


    • 60.

      Slang W


    • 61.

      W Review


    • 62.

      Slang X


    • 63.

      X Review


    • 64.

      Slang Y


    • 65.

      Y Review


    • 66.

      Slang Z


    • 67.

      Z Review


    • 68.

      Dating Slang Part 1


    • 69.

      Dating slang Part 2


    • 70.

      Food slang


    • 71.

      Gym slang


    • 72.



    • 73.

      Movie slang 1


    • 74.

      New slang (2019)


    • 75.

      Work slang


    • 76.

      School Slang | Part 1


    • 77.

      Slang not to use?


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About This Class

American slang to sound fluent, confident and comfortable with the spoken English language

If you have any vocabulary questions or suggestions,

tell me and I will do my best to incorporate them into future videos!

Meet Your Teacher

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For Your English

English Made Easy



I'm Kallan from For Your English 

and I'm here to help you get fluent in English!


Improve your English grammar, speaking and conversation, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, business English, American slang, idioms, phrasal verbs +  any other English language skills you need!


Talk to you soon and message me with any English questions!


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1. Welcome to American Slang!: you are going to be rocking it in English with the freshest American slang. What slang words like rocking it and fresh rocking. It means doing a great job performing well. Fresh means new and awesome. Your teachers didn't teach you sling because you have to learn it outside of the classroom from native speakers like me, I'm callin, and each week we also go live to add new sling. Answer your questions and look at how native speakers are changing the language every day By creating new slang. You already learned to slang words in just one minute, so if you're ready toe rocket even more with the freshest English, I'll see you in the course. 2. How course is organized: this course is organized in two parts. First, a complete list of the vocab in this course from A to Z, defining the specific words that you need after that, vocab topics like work, travel, food and whatever situations you want me to discuss. If any vocab is missing, send me a message and I will try to add it as soon as possible. 3. Live classes: once a week. There is a live lecture for this course where I answer your questions at new vocabulary and help you with other questions you have. If you don't attend alive, don't worry. I add all those videos to the course so you can watch them whenever you want. And if you have any live topic ideas, send me a message so I can turn them into videos as soon as possible. 4. A: the 50 the 50 is the police. The cops. This comes from an older TV show, Hawaii 50 the 50 stands for the 50th state. Because Hawaii was the last territory to become a state the 50th state of the United States 50 is appropriate. You can use it whenever talking about the police. It's not rude. Hey, what's what's happening down the street? I see the 50 really? I don't know why the 50 would be in this neighborhood if you don't leave the store right now I'm calling the 50 all right, all right. I'm gon There's no need to call the 50 The most important thing to remember for this sling The 50 is we need the definite article of ah, otherwise it's just two random numbers and it won't make any sense. Run! It's 50 It's what arm? Sorry, I meant the 50 run its of the 50 Oh okay. Oh shit! The 50 adore Kable to be adore Kable If someone or something is adore Kable, you're saying it's both cute, cuddly and kind of geeky or dorky? A geek is someone who wears classes and looks smart. Very studious. Yeoman, that new girl is so adorable. She looks cute and really smart. All right, I don't know about you, but she definitely looks like a geek. For example, I think the creators of the show Big Bang Theory are really trying to make adore Kable characters. Yeah, the really, really smart, very studios. But at the same time, they're also kinda cute and adorable. Not just adorable. There adore Kable. Ah, you look so adore Kable when you're trying to study like that. What? I'm not adore Kable. I'm just adorable afterparty. You know what a party is? It's a gathering, a social gathering that's often quite large. Where people drink, they socialize you talk knows you could do a lot of stuff at a party. Basically you have a good time. The after party is similar, although more intimate, smaller and it happens after the party and it usually happens at a different location. So you leave the party to go to the after party. Not everyone from the party goes to the after party because remember, the after party is usually more intimate. You probably know more people even though there's fewer people, it's more exclusive and less populated. Ill dude. After this party combs down, let's go toe marks after party. It's supposed to be really chill. It's just down the street. It will be a nice way to relax before we go home. You guys should definitely go, but I can't stay for the after party. I have to goto work really early tomorrow morning. You know, this party kind of sucks. What do you want to do? Let's ditch. I'm sure somebody's thrown a good after party a game. Your a game. What is your A game? Your A game is when you perform at your very best at your fullest potential, we often say to bring your a game, to tell someone to perform well. So when learning English, giving a presentation or just playing a game on your phone, bring your a game. Also if you don't perform well, if you don't do a good job, you can say that you brought your B, C, D or F game. You're probably more likely to say C or D game just because thes are failing grades, so it has more of a deeper meaning there. But really, you can use any letter except a to mean that someone did not do their best. Remember the basketball games tonight? So bring your a game. Don't worry. You know I always bring my a game. Hey, girl, why were you so nervous during the presentation? I don't know. I just I just didn't bring my a game. Ah, it's alright. You'll do better next time. You're watching this video, so I know that you already brought your a game to learn English faster and easier. I I eat it. It's just a very informal way of saying All right, so we don't pronounce the l instead of saying All right, you get I It sounds really just like you're saying. I I eat so really? Hold that. Why sound ICT. Hey, what time are we leaving? Tomorrow? Um, how about three ICT? The Sounds good. Hey, man, you don't look too. I eat. No, I'm not feeling too. I either. An all nighter to pull an all nighter. An all nighter is when you stay up all night. You don't sleep because you're doing something that isn't sleeping. When you do this, we say to pull an all nighter. In this expression, we don't really get a t sound. When we just say the noun night by itself we get a strong, very crisp t sound. But here, when we add the er if we get more of a d sound an all nighter, all nighter to pull an all nighter so much softer. Many people pull an all nighter if they need to study for a test, prepare a presentation or just get something done. Or maybe you just want to play video games all night and decide to pull an all nighter. All right, so when you going to start the project, I don't worry about it. I'm just gonna pull an all nighter and do it the night before. And that sounds exhausting, man, but good luck. You all right? You look really tired, man. You don't look, I Ah, no, I don't feel too I it either. I pulled an all nighter last night. I feel really, really tired. I need some coffee. Am Really pulling an all nighter is not a good idea. You've got to grow up and be more responsible. An ankle biter, an ankle biter, an ankle biter. is a little kit less commonly used. But from a famous TV show. We can also say a rugrat. So an ankle biter or rugrat the's just mean little kids. Hey, how you doing, bro? How are you in the ankle biters? I mean, the kids have been great, but it's been a really busy summer. Are you thinking of having any of your own little ankle biters in the future? Not at the moment, No, but I mean, there's always the possibility of having a few rugrats in the future. Antsy to feel ansi to be ansi notice here that we don't really pronounce the T. It's just antsy and see an see. But stress is at the beginning and see if you're feeling antsy. It means you're anxious. You're excited. You can't sit still. You can't wait. It could be for positive reasons. Maybe you're expecting something good, and you just can't wait any longer. You can't sit still, but it can also be for negative reasons. Maybe you're anticipating something kind of bad, and because of that, it makes you anxious a bit antsy. This lang comes from the insect and aunt because ants are always moving they're always doing things and never sitting still. Why can't you sit down and focus today? What's up, man? I'm so antsy because my new computers arriving today. Oh shit, that's awesome. I'm so ansi for the game to start. Who do you think's gonna win? I have no idea, but I'm also super anxious. I just wish it would start already. There's another expression to have ants in your pants. This is not very common, and it's mostly used for kids, kids who cannot sit still. Kids who are very anxious is pretty playful, and that's why we don't really use it with adults. Unless if you're trying to joke around, be kind of funny. To have ants in your pants also means you just can't sit still. You see that little ankle biter over there that little do just can't sit still. He's got some ants in his pants, ape shit to be apes shit and to go, meaning to become deep shit. To go ape shit means to become crazy, unpredictable, wild. It's generally not good to go ape shit toe lose your cool to go kind of crazy because it means you're literally going crazy like an ape. You know those big dude? My mom went Abe shit after she found my stash of weed. Oh, really? My parents just found my marijuana to and they went ape shit. Absolutely crazy. After they scored the second goal, my friend went crazy, started jumping up and down and then went on to the field. Really? What happened? Well, the security guards went ape shit, and they tackled him because it's super illegal to be an ass, an ass hat, an asshole or an ass wipe ass. An ass hat, an asshole or an ass. Wipe the's own mean the exact same thing. And they're insults. We use them to offend people, especially if we're angry and they're all a bit vulgar. So be careful with who you use them. So what do they mean? It means you're a jerk. Means you're mean. You're rude. So if you're an ass, an asshole, an ass hat or an ass wipe means someone's trying to show you that they're upset with you. They're angry, and they don't think that you are behaving properly. Your new friend is an asshole, man. He treats everyone like garbage. Don't say that. You just don't know him yet. He's a cool dude. Hey, ass, hit the lights. Green drive! Go! A girl stopped being an ass wipe and treat people with respect. I'm being an ass wipe. Who are you politicians are Ass is They don't care about anybody. Yeah, politicians and assholes are basically synonyms. Attention, whore! Attention, whore! An attention whore is someone who craves desires, needs attention, needs people toe, look at them and pay attention. An attention whore, therefore, is really annoying because they will do anything to get people's eyes on them. The party was fun, but Mark was really acting like an attention whore. Yeah, he'll do anything to make people laugh and look at him. Especially when he gets drunk. Yeah, like I said, Attention, whore! Do you see what that guy's wearing over there? What an attention whore. He's only doing it till people look at him. I don't know. It's kind of interesting and fashionable. I think you're just jealous cause you can't pull it off. You can't wear anything like that. Awesome sauce. Awesome sauce. What does it mean? It means super awesome. Really cool. Excellent. Although there's a noun in this expression, we use it as an adjective. How was your weekend? Ah, it was awesome. Sauce went to a great restaurant, worked out, and I finished all my work for tomorrow. Ahead of time. Like I said, it was awesome. Sauce. Did you get the new video game? Yeah, and it is awesome sauce. This expression can also be used as an exclamation just to show surprise. Astonishment. You know, we won the lottery. Awesome sauce. A wall to be AWOL. A wall is actually a military expression, and it stands for absent without official leave. What does that mean? It just means that someone is missing. They're not present, but they don't have permission for their absence. So while the person is gone missing, they shouldn't be. Dude, we have to give the presentation in five minutes. And Lisa is not here shed. Is she still AWOL? Damn it. I don't know what we're gonna do if she doesn't show up. Hey, I didn't see you at the party last night. Why were you a wall? I was just tired. I went to bed early. The review video is next. You better not be a wall 5. A Slang Review: all right. You made it to the first review. So let's get to work. Do the review. I don't think it's going to take you that long, but have fun doing it. And remember, if any of the words are too difficult, make some flash cards right. Some examples say them out loud. All that stuff that makes learning and memorizing new words much, much, much, much, much easier. Good luck. You look so when you wear your glasses, you look so adorable. When you wear your glasses, I'm going to go. If you don't shut up, I'm going to go ape shit. If you don't shut up, the store is open. The store is open 24 7 I can see the down the street talking to someone. I can see the 50 down the street talking to someone. That dog is wearing that sweater. That dog is adore Kable wearing that sweater. Lisa's too drunk to go to the Lee says, too drunk to go to the after party. I did terrible today, definitely did not bring. I did terrible today, definitely did not bring my A game after this. Are you guys going to go to the or going straight back home after this. Are you guys going to go to the after party or going straight back home to see? You know I'm going to be for the beginning of the meeting, but I'll be there before I need to present to say, You know, I'm going to be a wall for the beginning of the meeting, but I'll be there before I need to present Someone broke into our house. Call the Someone broke into our house. Call the 50 let's study now so we don't have to tomorrow. Let's study now so we don't have to pull an all nighter tomorrow. Don't go to the park during the day. There's too many moms with their Don't go to the park during the day. There's too many moms with their ankle biters doing good. I'm too to sit still. I'm to Ansi to sit still. When he found out that she was lying, he went When he found out that she was lying, he went ape shit. I haven't studied at all for the test Tomorrow it's time to I haven't studied at all for the test. Tomorrow it's time to pull an all nighter. How maney do you plan on having with your wife? How many ankle biters do you plan on having with your wife? Stop acting like an and listen to what I have to say. Stop acting like an ass hat and listen to what I have to say. I loved the movie yesterday. It was I loved the movie. Yesterday. It was awesome. Sauce. Listen to this song. Man is listen to this song. Man is awesome. Sauce be nice to her. Don't be such a be nice to her. Don't be such an ass. Wipe em. Where's Mark? He's again. I am. Where's Mark? He's AWOL again. Call me if you want to come with. Call me if you want to come with ICT. Call me any time I'm available. Call me anytime I'm available. 24 7 Calm down, man. There's no need to be so calm down, man. There's no need to be so antsy. That was the A's. Sure you did a good job. If you need to review again, do that or review the actual videos and again make your examples right them and say them out loud. If you need to make some flash cards 6. Slang B Part 1: yo, it's time for some. Be slaying a baby bump a baby bump to have a baby bump? Uh huh. This is what a pregnant woman gets as her stomach gets larger and larger or as we start to see a bump due to being pregnant As she gets closer to her due date, the due date is the day that a woman is supposed to give birth. Wow, look at that baby bump. How many months are you? All five months. Thinks you can also use this to joke around with your pals or your buddies. Because if your friend is starting to gain some weight, you can refer to their larger stomach as their baby bump and mark White. The baby bump you got there. Ha ha ha. Shut up. I'm going to start going to the gym. A badass bad ass ary to be a badass bad ass ary. Uh huh. Uh huh. A badass is Someone who doesn't care, does what they want, how they want when they want. That's a badass. There also a bit tough and uncompromising because you need those characteristics. If you're going to do what ever you want because of that they might be a little intimidating at the same time, Do this guy is such a bad ass. He does whatever he wants and listens to no one. I don't know if that's what a badass says to me. Sounds a bit like an asshole for something to be badass. Not for someone means for something to be really cool. Awesome. This game is so bad ass. It is going to be game of the year, for sure. I mean, it's good, but it's not bad ass. I don't know. There's nothing special about it. This is the most badass song of the year. It's absolute fire. Agreed. It is pure fire. Amazing Bay Boo, baby. Your bay. Your boo! Your baby. Uh huh, Uh huh. You're bay your boot, Your baby. These are mean your boyfriend or girlfriend. They're kind of cute terms that we use instead of just boyfriend or girlfriend. Baby is more intimate, and it's used between the two people in the relationship. Bay and boo have been introduced through Afro Caribbean culture. These are words that started much more urban much more exclusively only in the black community, and have started to become much more wide spread throughout the United States. And what do they mean again? Simply boyfriend or girlfriend? They're used for both genders, and they just sound cuter. If you use baby, remember you on Lee. Call your own boyfriend or girlfriend, baby. You don't call other people's boyfriends or girlfriends, Baby, that would be weird. Manual Bay is crazy. What's going on with her? I don't know. Maybe I need to find a new bay. Go was your boot. Oh, she's at home tonight. I'll see my baby later. Of course, there's another use for boo, which is just boo a sound you make when you try to scare someone to bail, to bail out on someone, to bail, to bail out on someone. Uh huh, uh huh. To bail. It means to quickly leave to leave abruptly, almost to escape a place because you don't want to be there anymore. If you go to a party and its debt, it's really quiet. You might want to bail. You leave. It's so dead you probably don't want to say goodbye to anyone. So you just get up and go, however, with a slightly different meaning to bail out on someone or something means not to attend, not to go somewhere that you were expected to go. So maybe you had told someone you would go there and you had RSVP'd. You said you would be there, but you bail out on the event or you bail out on whoever. How was your meeting with Mark yesterday? He bailed out on me. He built out on me and he bailed out on the meeting. Who knows? Maybe market bailed out on purpose. Or maybe it was on accident. Either way, he did not attend, and he was supposed to do not have the balls to not have the balls to do something, to not have the balls to not have the balls to do something. This laying is mostly used in the negative or in questions by itself. To not have the balls or to tell someone that they don't have the balls means they wouldn't dare to do it. They don't have the courage, their cowardly. It's in the negative because we're saying they don't have the courage. They don't have the determination or the willingness to do it. So if someone doesn't have the balls to do something, they're afraid to do it. I'm gonna tell the professor exactly how I feel about his grading rubric. I don't care what he says. Yeah, right. You don't have the balls to talk to the professor like that. Who here has the balls to challenge authority? I've got the balls to do it. Balls your balls. Uh huh. Uh huh. I'm not talking about a ball. You bounce or place boards with here. This is used only for men. Your balls are well, your testicles, your private parts, those two sexual organs that cause you Ah, lot of pain if you get hit down there. How? How? What happened, dude? Ah, he threw the basketball and it hit me in my balls. You know, you should stretch before doing your exercises. Otherwise you might hurt your balls. Now, that's nonsense. Don't worry. I've never hurt. My balls were working out before to go bananas to be bananas, to go, bananas to be bananas? Uh huh. Uh huh. To go bananas means to go crazy ape shit. The appropriate way of saying to go ape shit. And if something is bananas, it's crazy. It's ludicrous. Insane. So things and people can both be and to go, meaning become bananas. That game was bananas. They scored so many goals for hate. And when they scored the last goal, the crowd just went bananas. B a n e. It's bananas that the government can treat their citizens like this. I disagree. I think it's bananas that citizens think they can do whatever they want without repercussion. Baller ball in a baller ball in Uh huh. If someone is a baller, they are really successful. Have lots of swag and probably style. Typically, this is someone who came from nothing, had nothing in the past and then really made themselves into someone very successful. You know, like that Drake Song Rappers are often times ballers. The origin comes from people in the past who became very successful playing basketball. Oftentimes they came from very poor, impoverished backgrounds, and they became very successful basketball players. If you think someone is a baller, you are saying they are very cool dope, fresh, successful, probably have lots of swag and style, too. Man Kanye is such a baller, a new line of clothes and a new album. In one year. If we describe something as balling were saying, it's really cool. Dope Fresh. You've got to play this new game. It is a ball in. Are you serious? This is the least balling game. I've played its socks and if someone is balling were saying they're just really cool their dope the fresh also. Yeah, Connie is doing so much. I think people are just jealous of him because he's balling so hard in sling we often don't pronounce the g especially words that end in i n g. It more sounds like in Bollen styling. We'll see more as we go toe bang to bang means to have sex. Uh huh. A much more vulgar expression toe fuck or less vulgar to screw. When's the first time you ever banged someone? I'm not going to tell you that. That's personal information. They go. You wanna bang? No. To be banging to be banging? Uh huh. Uh huh. If a guy or girl is banging, they are attractive. Fine, Hot. You see that girl on the dance floor? She is banging What girl? I was too busy checking out the guy she's with. He's banging Damn girl. You look banging in that dress that thinks not too shabby yourself of the basis. First base, second base, third base, home run the basis to get to first base, second base, third base or home run. Uh huh. We use the basis from the sport baseball to talk about our romantic and sexual encounters with people. Specifically what we did with, um to get to first base means to kiss someone. How was your date last night? Pretty good. I got the first base. All right, my man. So you guys kissed? Good job to get to second base with someone means to kiss and maybe touch each other. We call this to feel someone up When you kind of move your hands over parts of their body on second base, you might touch a woman's breasts, but nothing below the belt yet keeping it more so up here, maybe touching the other person's. But some people call this heavy petting, But let's call it making out to make out with someone. We went to see a movie, but we didn't actually watch it. We just made out the entire time. The hams. You got the second base after the first date. Pretty good to get to third base. Third base is similar to second base, except now you are going below the belt. You are touching each other's private, your sexual reproductive organs. Deqin Vagina Third base can include Orel sex, but it does not include actual sex. Instead, we save that for, Ah, home run that is, to run all of the basis or to hit Ah, home run again. That's sex. Or you can also say to go all the way or to go all the way with someone. Usually we use this basis terminology. When you just started seeing someone, if it's your first date or what, you just started a relationship, and then after you make it to home base, it kind of goes away. Your friends usually want to know what you did, how far you got, and that's when we talk about the basis to be basic for someone or something to be basic. Uh huh, uh huh. If someone's basic their ordinary, boring, dull, no personality, nothing interesting for something to be basic means. It's also born blah bland. If your basic you're the opposite of exciting or interesting you know how to date go, it was all right, but the dude was super basic. Hey, you want to see that new movie tonight? Now that movie looks really basic. Let's do something else. Should I buy this shirt now? It looks really basic. You need something flashier. Do do do do. 7. Slang B Part 2: that shit crazy to be batshit Crazy to go. That should crazy. Uh huh. You already know what it means to be crazy or insane. Take that one step further, Even more crazy, More insane! And we've gone batshit crazy. We've gone ape shit! If you're batshit crazy, you are super insane! You are super crazy! The new professor is so weird. Why does he act like that? And he's not just crazy. He's batshit crazy. We can also use batshit crazy to describe events and things. Last night was batshit crazy. What happened? I don't remember anything from last night but you're right. It was off the wall to be beat to be beat Uh huh Uh huh. To be beat means to be really tired, exhausted, zonked out to be kaput when you are beat You've had a long day Your super exhausted You're done, you're finished I'm sure that sometimes studying English makes you feel beat But I'm done playing basketball today is too hot. I am beat I'm going to bed You guys I'm just beat from work All right Talk to you later Get some rest to beat someone to be beaten to beat someone to be beaten or to be beat by someone else. Uh huh. To beat someone means to defeat someone toe win against them. So if you lose, you are beaten. Did you hear Manchester United beat Barcelona? What? I was positive that man. You would be beaten by Barcelona, Not the other way around. You sure you want to challenge me? You know I'm gonna beat you. Yeah, right. You're just scared of getting beat by me to beat your meat to beat your meat? Uh huh. Uh huh. To beat your meat is supposed to be a humorous, funny, sarcastic way. Although it's quite vulgar. Inappropriate off saying to masturbate or to jerk off. We only uses for men because your meat is your Penis. Yo, dude, what is your brother doing in his room? With the music so loud? He's probably beating his meat, man. Beer, me, beer. Me. Uh huh. Beer me is a command, and it means give me a beer. The person you are veering giving the beer to can change So we can say beer, me, beer, him beer, her beer, them Give someone a beer we don't uses when ordering a beer at a bar we uses with friends when wrap parties or at home. Did you just get to the party? Hey, Mark, Beer. This guy, you'll bear you in the kitchen. Yeah. What's up? Can you beer me? Sure. This expression is most commonly used when talking about beer, but we can use it for pretty much anything that we want someone to give to us. Yo, give me a juice. Deuce me folder me. Give me that folder. When we're not talking about a beverage, though, it sounds pretty humorous. It's supposed to be sarcastic. Ah, biggie. No biggie. A biggie? No biggie. Uh huh. Uh huh. If something is a biggie, it means it's a big deal. It's important. It's an issue. But most commonly, overwhelmingly, we use it in the negative to me that something is not important. Not an issue, not a big deal. Or don't worry about it. So remember, most often in the negative and in questions. Hey, is it a biggie if I borrow your TV for the game? No, no biggie. Just bring it back tomorrow. Oh, shit, man. I spoke with one all over your floor. Ah ah, No biggie, man. I can clean that up right now. Thanks for lending me the five bucks. No biggie. Don't worry about it a bit A bit. Uh huh. A bit of something means a small amount of something a little a small portion. It can be for physical things that you can hold and see in real life. Or it could be for concepts such as time you might hear expressions, like just a bit. A little bit or a tiny bit. All of these convene for real physical things over concepts such as time, you know. Do you want to eat some of this? I'm full. Uh, sure. I have just a little bit. Hey, when are you coming over? I'll be there in a little bit. Are you curious about where he went? No, not a bit. Are you thirsty? A tiny bit. I can wait to bitch at someone to be a bitch to bitch at someone to be a bitch. Uh huh. To bitch at someone about something is to complain to gossip angrily or toe wine. You bitch! To release your anger through speech by rambling going on and on your irritated and you want to express your irritation. You usually bitch to friends about something because you want to express your frustration to someone who will. Listen, this is te vent. To release your anger through speech, however, is not fun to listen to someone who's always bitching. So don't bitch too much because people can Onley put up with so much of that. And if you're always bitching, people will say you're kind of bitchy. Someone who's bitchy is kind of in a bad mood. I tried calling my boyfriend, but he's being really bitchy right now. Oh, what? Why is that? I don't know. He's just in a bad mood and being a bit of ah, as hat you're Dude, are you free to talk later? I just want a bitch about work to you for a little bit. Yeah, man, try calling me after 10. Ah, bitch. A whiney bitch. Now there's quite a few ways to use bitch. So let's take a look. The first is an insult most commonly used against women. If you're calling a woman a bitch, you're basically calling her an asshole. But it's also more gender specific because technically a bitch is a female dog. So that's what you're actually calling her more? So you're saying that they're kind of worthless If it's used against a man, it's slightly different. You're kind of trying to belittle them, say that they're not a man. In fact, they're a woman. It's more so to humiliate, to question his manliness and masculinity will also hear more so for men to be called a whiney bitch. Yo, that girl over there is a bitch. She refused to go on a date with me. Whoa, whoa. Cool it, man. You shouldn't be calling girls bitches like that. They give me your lunch money. A little bitch. Don't call me a bitch, Brown. It hurts my feelings. However, bitch can sometimes really only when used among women be used as a term of endearment, mostly in greetings. It can still be an insult, definitely. But it's also used in greetings between women. There's my bitch. How you doing, girl? Not bad, bitch. Let's go get some food again. That's really only for women, not for men. And finally bitch can be used as an exclamation to show surprise, astonishment, even despair. Dude, my parents won't let me go to the concert because I failed the test. Bitch already bought your ticket, man. Bitch. Bish? Uh huh. Uh huh. Bish with a sound and not the church Sound is used positively for greetings like before among women, but now for both genders. Yo, what's up, my Bish? Not much, man. What's up with you? You'll probably see this written more on the Internet. So if you're looking at a Mim and U C B I S h bish, that's what it means. Resting bitch. Face resting, bitch. Face toe. Have resting, bitch face. Uh huh. Resting bitch face is to describe a person usually used for women. And that's why it's seen as a bit sexist whose natural expression, when they're not laughing or talking to people, looks kind of bitch. She looks a bit angry or unpleasant. That girl, Lisa in our class has a really bad resting bitch face. I know sometimes I want to talk to her, but she always looks really upset and angry when she's sitting at her desk. Remember, this is mostly used when describing a woman's face, and if you do use it and the person hears it, it will probably offend them because it is a bit insulting to be bitchin, Bitchin for something to be bitchin. Uh huh. Uh huh. Especially used for events. If an event is bitchin, it means it was awesome. But remember, if someone is bitching, it means they're complaining. Last night was so bitchin. I've never had such a fun time, you know, I'm glad. At least you had fun. I was on the phone all night bitching with my axe, homey. The game last night was bitchin for sure. It was incredible to be blah to B Block. Uh huh. If a person is block or feeling blam, they're saying that they don't feel great, but they also don't feel bad. They're just kind of in the middle. Just uninterested, disengaged. Not great, but not bad. Hey, you want to get some drinks tonight? I don't know. I'm just feeling kind of Bligh right now. Something wrong? No, it was just a long day at work and just feeling a bit Bligh. You know, a thing can also be blocked, but here it means that it was dull. Boring, maybe not great, but also not good. Talking more about the quality. How was the movie? Last night was just blah blah as a to be blase, to feel blase. Uh huh. If you're feeling blase, you're feeling uninterested. A bit bored, not caring about anything. It's not depressed, but you're also not happy or excited. Like blam is just kind of in the middle. You want to do something this weekend? Ah, maybe Call me later. I'm just feeling kind of blase. Well, let me know, cause I'll make other plans. Otherwise said Sorry. Sorry for feeling blase. I'll call you back. Blase like block can also mean that something is kind of dull or boring. Not great, but also not. Not bad. What you think of the party? I mean, it just kind of blase. We didn't really do anything and it could be used for people to for the same meaning. Would you think of the new girl? Pretty cool, huh? I don't know, man. She's pretty blase. Toe blow it toe, blow it to blow a chance. Uh huh. If you blow it, it means you ruined it. You missed an opportunity, dude. You messed up. You know Main. How's your job interview go yesterday? Oh, shit. I blew it. They asked me what I was doing while I was unemployed and I had no response. That girl you met last night did you get her number? Oh, no, I forgot. I guess I blew it. A blowjob. A blowjob? Uh huh. Uh huh. The proper terms for this are cunnilingus or fill a show. But the slang is to give someone a blowjob or to get a blowjob from someone. This is when a person puts their mouth on a man's genitalia, his Penis, his cock. It's a sexual act. Yo. So how'd your first date go? Did you get a blowjob? Ha ha. Fuck you, man. I'm not telling you anything. Why are guys so obsessed with getting blowjobs? I don't know. All they think about his sex to be blue to fuel blue to be blue To feel blue toe have the blues Uh huh. If you're blue or feeling blue or if you have flu blues, you're feeling a bit sad depressed. That's because blue is the color that we associate with depression. So if you're feeling unhappy and you're also feeling blue couldn't focus on my work today cause Lisa and I broke up. I'm just really feeling blue. I'm sorry, man. you feel better whenever I am blue, I just try to listen to really happy, upbeat music. That's a good idea. And another thing that I do when I have the blue says I just try to spend more time with my friends. Abad Abad tohave Abad beach bod and a dad bod. Uh huh. You're bad is just your body. But here specifically, we're talking about how your body looks. So you might talk about how someone has a good, bad or a bad bod if they look physically attractive or not, depending on their physique. A dad bod is the type of physique that this kind of the general shape of the body and weight that a lot of fathers have as they get older means pudgy, more weight. And in summer, everyone is trying to get a beach bod. That means to look your best so that you can wear your bikini or your swimming suit. We've got two months until summer, time to get your beach bods ready. Oh, this is going to be tough. Getting a Beachbody is so difficult. I don't worry about it. At least you're not gonna have a dad bod. Yeah, But think about all those people on the beach with their hot bods, boobs, boobs? Uh huh. There are many slang terms that you're going to see in this course for breasts, but this one is the most common and probably the most appropriate. Most acceptable is really not inappropriate. But if you're talking to people you don't know, you might want to still say press. 8. Slang B Part 3: you ready? Be slaying part two. Ticket a boob job to get a boob job. This means to get breast augmentation surgery. What's that mean for ah, woman? For a woman to go under the knife, that means to have plastic surgery done to increase the large ness. The the size of her breasts. The boobs that models really attractive. What's her name? I don't remember. I just remembered that she has fake boobs. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Probably a boob job. No, I'm just kidding. I don't know. A boob to be a boob. If you're being a boob, it means you're acting kind of stupid. Foolish, A silly person. Maybe even someone you don't like. It can be rude is not a very serious insult. And it's more often used in a more playful, humorous kind of way. Have you met his friend Mark before? He's kind of strange. Yeah, I kept talking to him at the party, but he was just acting like a boob. So I gave up and talk to someone else. You know, Stop acting like a boob and be serious. You think I'm being a boob? man screw you to be book smart to be book smart to be book smart means that you are academically intelligent. You are intelligent and know about things that are happening, but in a more formal academic situation or regarding information from books but outside of school in the real world, we don't know if you have that intelligence street smarts. Who's your favorite character from that new TV show? Definitely Lisa, because you're so book smart and nice. I wish I had more book smarts. Yeah, you're not the smartest, but you've definitely got some street smarts. A boomerang child, a booing child, a boomerang child is a child who moves out. They stopped living with her parents, but later in life, especially after graduation. After university start living with their parents again is kind of like a boomerang for that thing that you throw and it comes back. Most often, people do this because of economic difficulty. They need to earn money. So they moved back in. They live with their parents again so that they can earn that money before moving out back into the real world. My son just moved out, but it wouldn't be surprised if he moved back in. I want to move out of here ASAP. But I don't want to be a boomerang child. Don't worry about it. If your parents can help you, what does it matter? Booze, booze, Booze is alcohol and we can't count it. So it's uncountable. So we never say, Ah, booze is always just booze. Unlike a drink, the party is in one hour. Do we have enough booze for everybody? Not sure. We might want to run and get some more alcohol for everybody. What's your favorite type of booze? Probably alcohol, No foul called probably beer. Bujji To be Bujji. For a person to be, Bujji means toe act like they belong to a higher social class act. Stuck up like they're better or to do things that seem better can also include toe. Act arrogant often. If something is Bujji, it is upscale. Nice. Maybe too nice for some people. Are you gonna buy that new bag? It's so Bujji. What? I'm acting boozy. Just cause I like nicer things. You need to stop acting so boozy and treat them with respect. I'm sorry if you thought I was acting Bujji. I don't mean any disrespect? Boys, Your boys. This sling is Onley related to men. That's because when we say your boys, it's a playful, very informal way of talking about your junk, your testicles. Oh, what happened, man? Oh, the ball hit my boys. Boy, your boy or boys? Very different meaning than the last one. Now we're talking about male friends or your boys often. If someone is your boy, they're closer than an average friend. This person isn't just a friendly are your boy? Hey, do you know Mark? Of course I know Mark is my boy. What you gonna do tonight? I don't know. I'm gonna call my boy and see what he's up to. One important note. You don't want to use a greeting like boy with people you don't know. So never go up to a stranger and say, Hey, boy, especially if it's a black person because of the history of slavery and how this term has been used in the past to mean great disrespect. Boy problems toe have boy problems. If you're having boy problems or boy trouble, it means you're having trouble with your boyfriend or a male that you are seeing you're not getting along. You're arguing anything like that. Hey, what's up with you? You look blue as no home, just having some boy problems. And when I hope it works out to be a bro to be a bro, bro has two popular uses. The first is used to mean friend and is commonly used in greetings. Hey, bro, Which up to? Not much, bro. What are you up to? You will also hear variants of this word. Like bah and brother of the second use of bro is more negative. And it's used to refer to a dumb, inarticulate, girl obsessed, heavy drinking guy who often parties This is a bro and is more often used as an insult to describe that type of person. This is to be a bro. She's going out with that guy with He's a total bro. Why is that? He just works out drinks and talks about girls all day. Abreu, A brewski. Abreu, a brewski. Both of these just mean beer. I'm gonna order a drink. Do you want one? Yeah, Bruce sounds great. Do we have any brewskis for the party? No, I'm gonna run to the store and get some cold ones. Quick brown to drink. Brown, brown to drink Brown Here. We're talking about brown liquor like rum, whiskey, brandy. What do you like to drink when you go out? Usually I drink brown. What kind of brown rum? A buck, a buck, a buck, a buck literally a buck is a male deer. You know, that animal with the antlers was little horns sticking out of its head. You find it in a forest. However, as slaying in the United States, it means a dollar. How maney bucks did you spend on that new TV? I don't know. 100 bucks use bucks after a specific quantity. It sounds strange to say some bucks, many bucks, stuff like that. Instead, say one buck, Two bucks, three bucks Bs or bullshit B s bullshit. If something is bullshit, it is untrue. Nonsense. Idiotic bullshit is quite vulgar and can be offensive. So instead you can use crap or you can abbreviate bullshit into B s. Why isn't your brother here? He said he had a doctor's appointment. What total bullshit, Dude, The president said that he made the decision because of illegal immigration. Really? That sounds like crap. am calling to tell you I can't come with you today. I'm too busy. Really? That's B s. We can also say to bullshit as a verb toe bullshit means to talk about nothing, just to chat, Say stupid stuff. You Are you serious? But what you just said? No, I was just bullshitting with you. A bum, a bum. A bomb is literally a homeless person. Someone you might see in the street sleeping there or asking for money. But we also use this term informally to refer to a lazy person. Very lazy, very unmotivated. Hey, the weather is great today. Let's go for a bike ride. Now I'm just gonna watch TV today. Oh, come on. Do you do such a bomb? Let's go out. Whatever happened to your friend Mark O Mark? The dude's a bomb. He moved back in with his parents to bum around to bum around to bum around means toe walk around without any real purpose to lazily or idly wander about. You're not doing anything specific. You're probably just bored or looking for something to do. In the meantime, you know, it's a holiday tomorrow. Do you want to do something maybe I'm thinking of going to the mall. Do you want to bum around there to bum something off of someone to bum something off of someone? This means to ask someone for something. It's not really borrowing. Because if you bum something off of someone does maybe the idea that you're not going to give it back. So you don't always want to bum things off of people you know, because it can become irritating. You're always taking their stuff just like a bomb on the street asking for money. It gets annoying if you get asked too much. I do. Can I bum five bucks offer you again? I just lent you money yesterday. All right, What's up, ladies? Do you mind if I bum a cigarette show? No biggie. Buns. Buttons Your buns. That's your butt. Like a buns on a hamburger. You've got two of them is whether is freezing. Oh, I know. My buns are freezing off right now. How that workout was tough, right? My buns are sore. Buns is a really nice way to appropriately talk about your but more vulgar would be ass. You can also say rump or rear if you want to be really polite. I'm sorry to embarrass you, but everyone behind you can see your rear. Oh, no, I'm sorry. Was I flashing everybody? My rump burn. I'll burn to burn someone. A burn is an insult. The idea is that the insult is so mean hurts so much that it literally burns. It's usually said after someone has been insulted or made fun off. In this way, it's done to show that you think the insult was really good. Your mama is so fat that people write her toe work. Who burn is you didn't know that is a your mama joke. It's just a very simple joke where you make fun of someone's mom to say Burn can be very obnoxious and rude. It's most often said by younger kids, especially kids gaming online. Oh, I killed you knew you gotta learn how to play video games, O Byrne to be buzzed to be buzzed toe. Have a buzz if you're buzzed. You are slightly intoxicated. You're tipsy, a little drunk. You're not drunk yet, but you can start to feel the alcohol. You can start to feel the effects. If you're buzzed, it's on. Lee related to alcohol, No other drugs. And we almost finished all the beer. How do you feel? Not bad. Just a little buzzed. Me too. So let's go to the party quick before we lose our buzz Your men, you can't drive home. You're drunk. I'm not drunk. I just have a little buzz A buzz kill to kill someone's buzz A buzz kill to kill someone's buzz. A buzzkill is something that causes the fund toe end. A person can also be a buzzkill. Meaning they do something to put the fund to an end. They ruin the fun so something or someone can kill your buzz. They can put the fund to an end. They can ruin a good mood. The weekend was so fun until Mark got kicked out of the club. That was a total buzzkill. Oh, yeah, For me it was his arguing with the bouncer that killed my buzz. Hey, turn down the music. What? It's not even loud. Don't be a buzz kill by Felisha by Felisha. This is a way of saying goodbye. But you only use it when the person you're saying goodbye to you don't like. You don't care about you want Nothing to do with this goodbye is offensive to the person who's leaving because you're basically saying that nobody cares that they are leaving. All right. Was great talking to you guys. I'll see you later. All right. Bye. Felicia. Damn. What's wrong with you? Don't be so salty. 9. SLANG B REVIEW: I hope you're ready to review it is be review if you need to watch the B videos one more time before we do the review. Don't worry if you make miss. Don't worry. If you make some mistakes, that's going to happen. Let's get started. He's awesome. A total He's awesome. A total badass Sorry toe on you like this, But I just got an important call. Sorry to bail on you like this, but I just got an important call. You don't have the to say that to your boss. You don't have the balls to say that to your boss. I'm walking weird because I hurt my I'm walking weird because I hurt my balls, she announced she was pregnant. After her became visible, she announced she was pregnant after her baby bump became visible. Let's do something fun this weekend. I really want to go. Let's do something fun this weekend. I really want to go bananas. That girl has so much swag. She's a total. That girl has so much swag. She's a total baller. Kanye's new track is Kanye's New track is bang in. We never see you anymore, what you and your been up to. We never see you anymore. What you and your baby and up to. That's what you're wearing to school today. It's not terrible, but it's pretty. Can't you wear something more exciting? That's what you're wearing to school today. It's not terrible, but it's pretty basic. Can't you wear something more exciting? Be careful around that guy. If he's not on his medication, he can go. Be careful around that guy. If he's not on his medication, he can go batshit crazy. Listen, dude, we have to share the same room so no until you're back at your own place. Listen, dude, we have to share the same room, so no beating your meat until you're back at your own place. Wow. I'm really after such a long day at work. Time for bed. Wow. I'm really beat after such a long day at work. Time for bed. I heard you got by the worst team in the division. I heard you got beat by the worst team in the division. Mark, when you're done in there, can you I could use a cold one mark when you're done in there. Can you beer me? I could use a cold one. You don't even like her. You just invited her over to you don't even like her. You just invited her over toe bang. Oh, I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. Oh! Oh, I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. Oh, no biggie. Do you want to try some? Sure, but just do you want to try some? Sure, but just a bit. Don't talk to Mark right now. He's acting really in rude. Don't talk to Mark right now. He's acting really bitchy and rude. Sorry to seem like a but take your feet off the table. Sorry to seem like a bitch, but take your feet off the table. Hey, you! What? Something. Hey, what's up, my Bish? Someone said I have a bad What do you think? You look normal to me. Someone said I have a bad resting bitch face. What do you think? You look normal to me. So kissing is base. Making out is base. Sex is, um almost everything. Except sex is base. So kissing is first base. Making out is second base. Sex is ah, home run. Almost everything except sex is third base. Last night was great. I had a time Last night was great. I had a bitchin time. Are you going to the event today? No, I'm just feeling a bit alright. Call me when you're not feeling. So are you going to the event today? No, I'm just feeling a bit block. Alright. Call me when you're not feeling so blase. I really that interview better look, next time I guess I really blew that interview. Better luck next time, I guess. Has your girlfriend never gone down there by your boys? You mean like give me a Has your girlfriend never gone down there by your boys? You mean like give me a blowjob? Tang, That girl has a really nice saying. That girl has a really nice bod. You should wear a sports bra or your are going to move around a lot. You should wear a sports bra or your boobs are going to move around a lot. Do you think these are her real boobs now? She had a boob job. Do you think these are her real boobs now? She had a boob job. Can I A couple bucks from you just to get something to eat? Can I bum a couple bucks from you just to get something to eat. Quit acting silly. You're such a quit acting silly. You're such a boob. My son does really well at school. He's very. My son does really well at school. He's very book smart. Our son is moving back home next month. Oh, he's one of those. Our son is moving back home next month. Oh, he's one of those boomerang Children Before we go to the party. We need to buy some before we go to the party. We need to buy some booze. Are you wearing a Rolex man? That's so Are you wearing a Rolex man? That's so Bujji. If you're going to play rugby, you need to get a cup to protect your. If you're going to play rugby, you need to get a cup to protect your boys. What's wrong, Lisa? Nothing. Just having some. What's wrong, Lisa? Nothing. Just having some boy problems. What's wrong? I'm just feeling what's wrong? I'm just feeling blue. Look how fast I can drink this beer. Wow, man, you're such a look. How fast I can drink this beer. Wow, man, you're such a bro. Let's go to the bar and order a couple, huh? Let's go to the bar and order a couple brews, huh? What do you want to drink? A beer? Now I prefer to drink. What do you want to drink? A beer. Now? I prefer to drink the brown. Go away. You're really me with all these questions. Go away. You're really bugging me with all these questions? The teacher accused me of cheating. Did you know that's the teacher accused me of cheating? Did you know that's Bs? I'm bored. I don't know what to do though. You want to downtown or something? I'm bored. I don't know what to do, though. You want toe bum around downtown or something? She must do a lot of squads because she has great. She must do a lot of squads because she has great buns. Quit acting like a and get a job. Quit acting like a bomb and get a job. You're really not good at basketball. Maybe you should plan the younger kids team. Oh, you're really not good at basketball. Maybe you should plan the younger kids team. Oh, you feel drunk yet? No, Just you feel drunk yet? No, just buzzed. I didn't know Mark was your friend. Yeah, Mark, He's my I didn't know Mark was your friend. Yeah. Mark, He's my boy. Hey, you can't smoke in here. Oh, come on. Don't be a hey, you can't smoke in here. Oh, come on. Don't be a buzz kill. I know it's our apartment, but you're not going to throw a party while I'm away this weekend. All right, I gotta go. I'll see when I get back. Whatever by. I know it's our apartment, but you're not going to throw a party while I'm away this weekend. All right, I gotta go. I'll see when I get back. Whatever by Felisha. All right. Did you have any trouble? Was it easier or harder if it was harder to a little more review? Make some more examples. If it was easier, go to the next video. 10. Slang C Part 1: it's a clean see slaying to chat someone up. To chat someone up. To chat someone up means to hit on someone to flirt with someone. Basically, it's when you talk to someone and you're trying to show them that you're attracted to them . It can be difficult to chat someone up. And because of that, many times we fail. You saved my spot. I'm gonna go try and chat up that girl at the bar. All right, man, good luck. You know, I hate and they're so hard to chat these guys up, Ryan, And everybody's a dweeb cheesy to be cheesy. If something is cheesy, it's sentimental that is, causing a lot of happy or sad emotions. Very emotional. However, If something's cheesy, it often means that the emotion isn't really or authentic. So there's often a lack of trust or suspicion about cheesy things. My boyfriend wrote this really cheesy poem where he tells me that I'm the most important person in the world that does sound really cheesy. Do you believe it? I hate those cheesy pickup lines, you know, like, did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Yeah, those are the worst. Anyone who says that just wants to bang. Cheesy can also mean lame, stupid, dumb. At conferences, people always have the cheesiest questions out. Totally. Everybody wants to look smart, but everyone sounds so stupid with their questions. A chick, a chick. Ah, chick is just a girl, a lady, a woman. This is a very common expression. Probably used quite a bit more by men. There are some women who find this term offensive because you're literally calling them a little chicken a chick. But overwhelmingly, people don't find it offensive. Interestingly, this word might have come from the Spanish word chica chicka chick. Who was that chick you were talking to yesterday? Oh, that check. She's in my chemistry class. Listen up, chick. You better cool it. Whoa. Who do you think you are, chica? I started talking to this chick at the party yesterday, and she was really cool to chill. To be chill to chill. To be chill to chill is to relax, to take it easy. If you're taking it easy, it means you're not doing very much chilling is what you do after work or when you just don't want to do very much. The weekends are a great time to chill. Take it easy to relax. You can chill by yourself, or you can chill with someone. Your men. What are you doing? I'm just chilling at home. What about you saying you want to come over and show with me? Yeah, I'll be over in 10 minutes. To be chill to be Chill is used for both people and places, and for both, it means that they are relaxed. So an easy going person doesn't demand a lot carefree. And if a place is chill, it means it's very comfortable and relaxing. Your friend Marcus. Super Chill. Does anything make him upset? I don't think so. He's the chilis dude I know. And for a place, remember, it means it's comfortable relaxing, inviting. You know this place is too crowded. Let's go find a job. Are all right? I know a great place downtown where we can just chill and relax. Remember, is to be chill, not chilled or Chile. Both of those mean cold. A chill pill. A chill pill to take a chill pill. To take a chill pill means to relax. Most often, you tell someone else to take a chill pill. You're telling someone else, toe. Relax. Take it easy, Faulk. Man, why isn't she texting me back? Dude, calm down. Take a chill pill. It's been 10 minutes. Excuse me. Can you move? Some of us have places to go today. Excuse me. You need to take a chill pill. Relax. A C note. A C note. A C note is a $100 bill. The sea comes from the Latin word Centam for 100. So, of course, a C note then would mean a $100 bill. Amen. How much money do you have on you? I've got a C note. Shit. Really? You've got 100 bucks canned to can someone to be canned to can someone means to fire someone to terminate their work contract and cause them to be unemployed. This is a much more informal way of saying to be fired, You know, Why weren't you at work today? You didn't know I got canned. Oh, shit. You got canned? Good luck. Finding a new job to clap back to clap back a clap back to clap back is to return an insult to return fire, to retort, to make a comeback. Basically, if you're insulted, to clap back is to insult the other person. There's a good chance that you're going to hear this expression, but it's still mostly used by the black community, so it might sound strange to come out of your or my mouth, She told me. My shoes were ugly, so I clapped back and I told her her entire outfit was ugly. When someone insults, you gotta clap back. Yeah, you always need to have a good comeback. Ready to clown. Clowning to clown Clowning to be clowning means to be joking around, fooling around, telling jokes, not being serious. You probably know what a clown is. That character, wearing lots of makeup, doing funny stuff, juggling. But in slaying to be a clown means to be a person not to be taken seriously. So it's kind of an insult. You are the joke, boy, you're never serious while you always clowning. Wow, I didn't realize it bothered you that much. I don't like that guy. He's a clown who, if he hears you say that you are a dead man to cock block to cock, block to cock block someone is to hurt lower or totally end their chances of having sex with someone. The slang term cock means Penis, and that's what you are blocking from reaching the other person. But in slaying, it just means to prevent someone's chances of having sex. We're going to head back to my place. And then her friend told her that she was ready to leave. What a cock block. I was chatting up this girl at the bar, but then my friend cock blocked me. It was terrible. A cold one, a cold one. A cold one is a beer. We can say a cold one or cold ones. We call a beer a cold one because you usually put the beer in the fridge. So it's cold. Hey, thanks for inviting me over. Do you have any cold ones? Yeah, the beers in the fridge. Can you get one for me to What's your favorite thing to drink after a long day at work? Oh, for me. I go home, make a pizza, and then I have a cold one to lose your cool to lose your cool, to lose your cool means to get upset, to get angry, to become agitated and unhinged similar to going ape shit or going bananas, but not a severe and not as vulgar, actually, not vulgar at all. I can't wait for Lisa any longer, man. I'm losing my cool. Oh, just relax, man. Take a chill pill. You ever lose your cool and go off on someone a couple times, but I really try not to the cold shoulder the cold shoulder to give the cold shoulder to someone to give someone the cold shoulder means to ignore them. Most often we give someone the cold shoulder because we're upset or angry at, Um, it's not nice to get the cold shoulder, but sometimes it happens. I don't get it. Why don't you guys talking? I don't know. I did something to upset her. Now she's given me the cold shoulder. 11. Slang C Part 2: comfort zone, your comfort zone to leave your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is when you feel comfortable with situations and places where you feel comfortable. The moments when you feel and act like yourself and when you feel at ease to leave your comfort zone is to do things that make you feel uncomfortable. This is most often when we do new things, going new places or meeting new people. Why did you act so weird with the client? I was out of my comfort zone. I've never tried to make a sale before. You want to come with us to the dance class? No, I will definitely be able to my comfort zone a comeback a come back to give a comeback. Ah, come back is to clap back to return an insult to someone. Ah, come back is when you given insult to someone because they insulted you. Kind of like defending yourself. I don't know what I would do if someone embarrassed me in front of my crew, right. I would have to think of a comeback on the spot or be really embarrassed. It's hard to think of a good comeback in the middle of an argument. Usually I can't think of one until hours later. A cop, a cop, a cop is a police officer. Cop is extremely common. May be the most common expression to refer to the police. A cop for one, police officer. Cops for the police, There's an outdated expression that you might see, but we don't use anymore. That's copper. I heard your dad's a cop is a true yeah. Why do you ask to cop a feel to cop a feel on someone or to cop a feel on a part of someone's body? The cop a feel means to try and stealthily secretly touch someone, probably on their but for their press. However, to cop a feel means to do it always without permission. You shouldn't try to cop a feel on someone because you will get in trouble. Why's everyone shouting at that guy? Oh, should he try to cop a feel in that girl's butt and they are upset. A cop out a cup out a cop out is an excuse and usually a pretty poor excuse. The do tried to cop out and say he couldn't help with the project because he had girl problems. One really that such a terrible cop out to be corny, to be corny, if something is corny is very similar to being cheesy again. That's because it's something that's overly too dramatic or sentimental but lacking not having the authenticity seeming unauthentic or disingenuous. Also, like cheesy, Corny can be used just to mean stupid, lame or silly. I hate those corny romance movies, you know, the ones with the fairy tale endings there. So corny that stuff never happens, right? Exactly. And the guys always say the corniest stuff to get the girl cotton mouth to have cotton mouth Cotton mouth is when your tongue feels really dry, especially after smoking marijuana. You can also get cottonmouths that really dry feeling from other things, but mostly we associate it with smoking weed. You like smoking weed? Yeah, but I hate getting cotton mouth, so I always have a bottle of water. Are you feeling good? But I got cotton mills. Let's go get a beer to be a couch potato. A couch potato to be a couch potato. A couch potato is someone who does nothing except sit on their couch and watch TV or play video games. It can also be used more generally to describe someone who's just lazy, very lazy, Damn. And we should do something productive this weekend instead of sitting at home and being couch potatoes. I know, right, but it's so easy to be a couch potato because of so much good TV. A cougar, a cougar to be a cougar, a cougar is an older woman that is attracted to younger men. There's a much less, I would say, never used expression from men who do this, called a Mansour. But usually if a man is attracted to much younger women, we call him a pervert or a perv or a creep, you know? Where's your friend? I thought he was here with you. Oh yeah, he's at the end of the bar talking to that cougar, to cram for something to cram for, something to cram for a test. If you're cramming for something, especially a test or exam, it means you are studying intensively for a very short amount of time. You are trying to learn as much as possible, but really within the shortest amount of time possible cramming isn't good because it's one very exhausting and two, you'll forget everything in a very short amount of time. Hey, what are your plans tonight? I'm gonna be up all night. I have to pull an all nighter and cram for this test tomorrow. You gotta grow up. Cramming for tests is a bad idea. Good luck to crash, to crash, to crash and to crash an event. First meaning to crash intransitive with no object. Refers to those moments when you just lose instantly all of your energy, often unexpectedly and unwanted. Lee. It can be because you ate too much food. You didn't get enough sleep. But for whatever reason, you crash. If this happens because of food, we can call this of food coma. Um and I way too much pizza. I'm going to crash. I can feel it. Do I can tell by your eyes you are gonna have a serious food coma? Hey, why don't you call me after work last night? I'm sorry. I crashed the second I got home. I was so tired. A creep a creep to creep on, someone to creep someone out. Ah, creep is someone who causes you discomfort. They make you feel uneasy. Just based on the way they act their behavior. You feel uneasy and nervous around them. You also don't trust them because of that behavior. After gym class, I caught Mark looking at my breasts. What? Really? Dude is such a creep. We also have to creep on someone To creep on. Someone is to look at their online profiles to look at their social media to get information about them. But they don't know you're doing it. In fact, they probably don't even know who you are. You What are you doing on Facebook? I'm creeping on that new girl. I'm trying to find out where she lives. Do That's weird. And finally, we have the verb to creep someone out to creep someone out means toe fighting someone to grow someone out to make them feel disgusted. If she finds out that you're creeping on her, she's gonna feel creeped out. Crew, your crew, your crew is your close group of friends that you hang out with that you spend a lot of time with. Usually, the people in your crew are better than just regular friends because you don't let just anybody become part of your crew. Was your crew dude, I don't know. I think they went to a party downtown. I don't have a big crew, but everyone that isn't my crew is really close. It's better to have a tight crew than an unreliable crew. Come, come. Comb is a slang word that means semen or dunk. The stuff that you know shoots out of the guy's Penis when having sex old. I really don't want to get a cheap hotel for this vacation. Why's that? I guarantee that all of the sheets will be covered in cum. Ah, dude. 12. SLANG C REVIEW: Alright. It's time for what is the time for? It's time to review the seas. Are you ready? Remember, if you have some trouble, try watching the videos again. If it's pretty easy, move onto the next group of number. If it's pretty easy, move onto the next set. All right. Hey, look, Someone left the wallet on the bus. Wojo, there's five. This dude must be rich. Hey, look, Someone left the wallet on the buzz. Wojo, there's five c notes. This dude must be rich. Why didn't Lisa say hi to you when we saw her? Now she's giving me the because I did something to make her angry. Why didn't Lisa say hi to you when we saw her? Now she's giving me the cold shoulder because I did something to make her angry. Hey, go inside. The weather's great stop being a Hey, go inside. The weather's great Stop being a couch potato. I heard you would a colleague at the work party last night. Be careful. You work with these people I can date. Whoever I want is not against the law. I heard you were chatting up a colleague at the work party last night. Be careful. You work with these people I can date. Whoever I want is not against the law. That is cute. Maybe I'll try chatting her up. Yeah, she is. Good luck, man. Don't strike out. That chick is cute. Maybe I'll try chatting her up. Yeah, she is Good. Look, man, don't strike out. The girls complained after some guy tried to on one of them. Yeah, that's sick. Guy should keep their hands to themselves. The girls complained after some guy tried toe cop A feel on one of them. Yeah, that's sick. Guy should keep their hands to themselves. What are you doing home? Shouldn't you be at work? I got I knew the boss never liked me. What are you doing home? Shouldn't you be at work? I got canned. I knew the boss never liked me. Hurry up! Get ready! We don't have all day. There's no rush. Take it. Hurry up! Get ready! We don't have all day. There's no rush. Take a chill pill. I'm going to talk to that girl over there. And you? You're going to stay here. Why is that? Because if you come with me, you will do something stupid. And you will. I'm going to talk to that girl over there. And you, you're going to stay here. Why is that? Because if you come with me, you will do something stupid and you will cock block me. Can you be serious for five minutes? Stop around. Whoa! Are you saying that I'm a No? I'm just saying you're acting foolish right now, so chill. Can you be serious for five minutes? Stop clowning around. Whoa! Are you saying that I'm a clown? No, I'm just saying you're acting foolish right now, So chill. Do you want to get a drink after work today? Yeah. I'd love to get a Do you want to get a drink after work today? Yeah. I'd love to get a cold one. What are you doing on the computer? And I'm the new colleague. I think I've seen them before. That's where just talked to him and stop on him. What are you doing on the computer? I'm creeping on. The new colleague. I think I've seen them before. That's where just talk to him and stop creeping on him. So fucking pissed ho. There's no need to take a chill pill So fucking pissed ho. There's no need toe. Lose your cool Take a chill pill. I can't stand romance novels there, so I know they're extremely corny. I can't stand romance novels there so cheesy. I know they're extremely corny. You should wash your hair. It looks like a dead animals on your head. At least I have hair. Whoa! What? Uh, you should wash your hair. It looks like a dead animals on your head. At least I have hair. Whoa, What a clap back. I hate these dinner meetings. I'm so out of my Yeah, I feel uncomfortable too. I hate these dinner meetings. I'm so out of my comfort zone. Yeah, I feel uncomfortable to Did you prepare for the presentation? No. I'm gonna be up all night before it. Did you prepare for the presentation? No. I'm gonna be up all night cramming for it. Why are you so afraid of sleeping at an Airbnb? Because those people don't clean their houses the better. Probably covered in other guys. Oh, man, don't be so gross. Why are you so afraid of sleeping at an Airbnb? Because those people don't clean their houses the better. Probably covered in other guys. Come. Oh, man, Don't be so gross. Help! He stole my purse. Someone find a then arrest him. Help! He stole my purse. Someone find a cop in Arrest him. You better be coming to the art show tonight. Oh, I can't wait. But I think I might have to help my mom with something. Oh, come on. That's such a You better be coming to the art show tonight. Oh, I can't wait. But I think I might have to help my mom with something. Oh, come on. That's such a cop out girl. You must be tired. Why is that? Because you've been running around my head all day. Wow, That is so girl. You must be tired. Why is that? Because you've been running around my head all day. Wow, that is so corny. Bring some water for the runs we don't get when we finish, bring some water for the run so we don't get cotton mouth when we finish. Where do you want to go and get a drink? Let's go somewhere. You know, pretty relaxed and quiet. Where do you want to go and get a drink? Let's go somewhere chill, you know, pretty relaxed and quiet. Are you going to let her insult you like that? What else can I do? I can't think of a good. Are you going to let her insult you like that? What else can I do? I can't think of a good comeback. Were you invited to the party? No. But no one will notice if I kit. Were you invited to the party? No. But no one will notice if I crash it. You came by yourself. I thought you were going to come with you. No, I haven't talked to any of them today. I don't know where they are. You came by yourself. I thought you were going to come with your crew. No, I haven't talked to any of them today. I don't know where they are. Where's Mark? Oh, he's on a date with some older woman he met. Oh, you mean like a Where's Mark? Oh, he's on a date with some older woman he met. Oh, you mean like a cougar? 13. NEW More C Slang: Hey, how are you doing? I got some new slang here. We're going to do some extra sees. In the near future, I will be also adding some bees. DEAs F Sgi's a lot of other stuff. A charley horse to get a charley horse. A Charley horse is an informal way to talk about a muscle spasm is when in your muscles get real tight and it causes you to just feel a lot of pain so we can call that a charley horse . Oh, my leg is cramping up. I got a charley horse. Just relax and then the Charlie horse will go away chummy to be chummy with someone to look chummy. To be chummy with someone is just to be friendly with someone to be acting nice. So if you and a friend are looking chummy, it means you. You look like your friends. You look like you're enjoying each other's company. I saw you and Lisa at the park yesterday, looking pretty chummy. Yeah, we were arguing a little bit before, but we're getting along really well. Now. What's cooking? What's cooking is a really good, informal expression of just asking. How are you? What's new. What have you been doing? It's very similar to what's up. So if someone asks you what's cooking, they're asking What's up? What are you doing? What have you been doing recently? How are you? What's new? Hey, what's cooking? Not much. Just have school. What about you? Cool beans. If something is cool beans, it's just cool. It's dope fresh, rad, sick, radical. All those ways to say cool. We can also use cool beans by itself as an exclamation to show Good surprise. I just found this 300 year old penny. It must be worth a lot of money. Cool beans. That's good luck, because and cousin in slaying your cause or your cousin. If you call someone your cause or cousin, it doesn't mean the person you are related to your family here. It just means a good friend your cause or your cousin. It's a close friend, someone you know well, someone you trust and can depend on. So it basically means dude, friend or homie Hey, what's up? Because not much was cooking with you a crush toe have a crush on someone to be crushing on someone, your crush or if you have a crush on someone. It's a person that you're attracted to. You would like to date that person. You think they're attractive. Usually a crush is not very serious, although you can have a crush turned into a riel relationship. We call it a crush because oftentimes your crush does not return those feelings, and so they crush you. In this sense, to crush someone means to make someone feel very sad, very depressed. I'm crushing really hard on that new girl. She's cute to crank it, to crank the volume. If someone tells you to crank it, talking about music, sound something like that, they're telling you to make it louder, to turn it up, to turn up the volume. Almost always, though, to crank it means not just turn it up a little bit. It means a lot. Crank it up, really make it louder. I like driving by myself because I can crank up the music and really have a good time. That's the new sees. Let me know if you got any questions, and I will see you later 14. D Slang: all right. D slang a dad joke. A dad joke. A dad joke is a joke that is unbearably cheesy and corny. Super stupid, often very predictable. Dad jokes are very often just very obvious puns or plays on words to make the punch line. The punch line of a joke is the part of a joke that's supposed to make you laugh. And often a dad joke doesn't make you laugh. It makes you groan. Hey, Dad. Yeah? Can we take this next exit so we can get something to eat? I'm hungry. Oh, hi. Hungry? I'm Dad. Ah, dank. If something is dank, it is cool. Fresh dope. Something dank is something that you think is really nice. Really cool. Your new shirt is really dank. Where'd you get it? Some online store. I don't remember. I'm glad to hear that. You think it's dank, though, to be on a date, to be on a date, versus to be dating someone first to date, someone to date someone, or to be dating someone means to be in a relationship to have a partner. You are romantic partners. You spend time together often probably frequently. However, to go on a date with someone is to go somewhere a specific time with someone as their date . So people who are dating people who are in relationships probably go on many dates together . Date is just a romantic outing. Going somewhere with your date or romantic partner. How was your date yesterday? Oh, is a lot of fun. We did a lot of cool stuff. Oh, cool. So you guys are dating now? No, man. Slowdown was just our first date. We're not dating. We're not in a relationship yet. A deadbeat to be a deadbeat. A deadbeat is a very lazy person. A bum, a person who accomplishes very little because they're very lethargic, lazy. If someone is a deadbeat, you probably don't want to hang out with them because they're very bad influence on you. Hey, so why did you kick out your roommate? The dude was a deadbeat. He got fired from his job and he couldn't pay the rent. Wow. I hope you find a new roommate and we'll hopefully they're not a deadbeat. To deck someone. Pau to deck someone to deck someone is toe punch someone really hard toe, pummel them. Although pummel is more like getting a lot of punches. And to deck someone is just to give one really good punch. Did you watch the fight last night? Know what happened? It was over in seconds. The guy got decked and he hit the ground. He was out. Would you fight someone or would you try to run away? I'd probably run away. I don't want to get decked in the face. Dibs. Dibs to call dibs on something. If you call dibs on something, it means that you get to use it first. And if you can't share it than it's yours, you get all of it. How much pizza has left? Just one slice. Dibs. It's mine when we get to the hotel. You guys, I get dibs on the bathroom. All shit. All right, but hurry up. Because we all need to use it to be a dick, to be a dick, to be dick ish. If you're a dick, you're an asshole. To be a dick is not as strong as asshole, but it's very close. And remember, if you're an asshole or a dick, you're mean. You're rude, Your nasty It's not too good to be a dick Hey, man, you made her upset while you being such a dick. I'm being a dick. I didn't say anything. Jimmy is cool, But have you seen him talk to his parents? He's such a dick when he talks to him. A dick. A dick. Now we're talking about our biology for ah, a male male Biology. Your dick is just another slang term for your Penis or cock. Did I tell you what happened on the bus this morning? Some homeless guy pulled out his dick and just started peeing everywhere. It was gross, dicey to be dicey. If a situation is dicey, it means it's risky and unpredictable. Or we can also say shady. You want to skip work today? No, man, that sounds dicey. If the boss finds out we are in trouble. Someone is selling this piano with colored keys. It sounds kind of dicey. I don't know if I believe it. Should I go? No, man, don't go. That sounds really dicey. Really shady A dinosaur to be a dinosaur. If someone is a dinosaur, they're completely out of. If someone is a dinosaur, they're completely out of date out of fashion. Stuck in the past or just old. My dad is such a dinosaur. Why is that? The only music he listens to is from the 19 eighties, and it's terrible. Yeah, my brother is a dinosaur. He dresses like it's still the early two thousands. Someone's digits, digits, your digits to get someone's digits. Your digits are your telephone number. And if you're making new friends, or if you're hitting on someone or flirting with someone, you are trying to get their digits. You want their telephone number or their contact information? Look at Mark chatting up that girl at the bar. Yeah, I know. Do you think he's going to get her digits? Amen. It was awesome meeting you. We have to meet later. Can I get your digits? Yeah, sure. Let me write it down for you. Dirty to be dirty toe. Have a dirty mind for a person to be dirty, not talking what actual physical dirt, but instead about their mind and how they speak and think it means that they are constantly talking about or thinking about sex or making jokes about sex. It's dirty because other people don't want to hear it. It makes them feel dirty and uncomfortable. Do you like spending time with your family on Thanksgiving? It's all right, But I have one uncle who's always telling really dirty jokes, and it makes us all feel uncomfortable for something to be dirty means that it's inappropriate often because it's related to sex. Want to hear a joke not of its dirty uncle Mark to ditch, to ditch, to ditch with no object means to bail, to leave unexpectedly without notice or warning. Oh, man, we went to the wrong class. What should we do, man? Let's ditch. Let's get out of here. However, to ditch someone means to unexpectedly bail on someone to leave someone without telling them that you're going to leave. Hey, can you come over tonight? I don't think so. I have to watch my brother. Can't you just ditch him? Know if I ditch my brother, my parents will find out and get really upset. How was your date last night? It was terrible. We didn't have anything to talk about. And she said she was going to use the bathroom. But she ditched me and left a doo hickey a doo hickey. A doo hickey is a thing often something like a tech gadget Elektronik device. We can also call these gizmos and gadgets Anyways, it's something like that or another tool, but you can't remember the name. So you say it's a do hickey. We can also call this Ah, whatchamacallit again. We used these terms for types of devices or gadgets, but we can't remember the name Lisa. What's that Do Hickey that he bought? He's talking about an iPhone. Sony is releasing this new do hickey that makes it feel like you're in the game. You mean virtual reality. A doo sh to be a doo sh to be a douche bag? A douchebag is someone who acts like a jerk, an asshole. It's less vulgar than either, but still a little vulgar. A doo sh can also just be someone who you think is annoying. Bothersome irritates you. I can't stand Mark. He's such a douche. I don't think markets that bad. Don't call him a doo Sh! That's mean. Get out of my way. I am Hang gri and I need food, Tim, and stop acting like a duchin. Relax, dorky to be a dork, to be dorky. Traditionally, a dork is someone who is pretty smart, but also geeky and nerdy. Did you watch the new episode of Star Track? No, Because I'm not a dork. My plan for chemistry is toe. Have my partner be someone who's really dorky. Oh, that's a good strategy. If you get a dorky partner, they'll know all of the answers to be down to Earth, to be down to Earth. If someone is down to Earth, they're genuine riel, honest and authentic. It's good to be down to Earth. She's a really cool girl. She's super attractive, smart and down to Earth. Yeah, Being down to Earth is a great quality toe have down there to get hit down there for something toe happen down there. When a man or woman is talking about their body and mentions down there, they're talking about their private parts genitalia, testicles, vagina Penis, that stuff. Why is John in so much pain? Oh, someone just kicked him down there, you know. Oh, ouch. Why did she leave the party early? How she jumped in the pool and the bottom of her bathing, who fell off so everyone could see what was down there. Oh, that's embarrassing. Duck face. Duck face to do duck face. Duck face is also called kissy face because it kind of looks like the face you make when you give someone a kiss. Basically, this is just something that mostly women do when taking a photo when they're posing. Why do girls do duck face and all of their photos? I don't know. I guess just because it's popular to do duck face. Dude, dude, for females, you can say do debt for younger people like Children. Little dude, Dude means friend or homie Dude can be used for men or women. Although you might hear some people not that frequently say do debt for girls. If you're talking about Children, you can also say little Dude. Hey, dude, how are you? I'm great, man. What's the plan for today? We're going to go pick up my little brother. All right? That little dude I can't wait to see him to go Dutch to go Dutch to go Dutch means to pay half of the bill. When you go out to eat and your date or the people you're with, pay the other half. That is, you go 50 50. You split the bill with the person you're eating or drinking With this way, nobody has to spend too much money. This is very common in the US, and it's all right to ask the other person before you pay if they want to go Dutch. I went on a date last night, but the girl didn't seem interested in going Dutch. Our dams. He spent a lot of money on the first date. I always asked the girl if she wants to go. Dutch dweeb. A dweeb. A dweeb is a dorky or nerdy person, and it's used in the mostly joking and effectual way, meaning that is not usually meant to be offensive or root. Your boyfriend is such a dweeb. Why does he send you all of these corny tax? Look at that dweeb over there. I can't believe he's wearing those suspenders, right? But look at what you're one. You look like a dweeb to dynamite to be dynamite or just dynamite. If something is dynamite, it's awesome. Dope, Fresh, cool. Rad dynamite isn't as popular as it used to be, so you're probably better off saying cool dope or fresh. It can also be used as an interjection to show excitement or surprise. That new jacket is dynamite girl. Thanks. I'm glad it's worth the money. Hey, I won free tickets to go to the concert or really dynamite. 15. D Review: Hey, thanks for stopping by. Let's review some of the DEA's. All right. I want to hear a joke. No, not if it's one of your jokes about sex. I want to hear a joke. No, not if it's one of your dirty jokes about sex. Did you see marks? No car. It's dope. Yeah, it's super. Did you see marks? No car. It's dope. Yeah, it's super dank. Let's take a selfie. All right, We should smile on. Let's take a selfie. All right? We should smile or do duck face. You're kind of acting like a right now. Can't you be nice? You're kind of acting like a douchebag right now. Can't you be nice? I got on the PlayStation. That's not fair. You called on it last time. I got dibs on the PlayStation. That's not fair. You called dibs on it last time. Do these glasses make me look? Do these glasses make me look dorky? And my head if I do nothing on the weekend? No, not at all. The weekend is designed for you to be lazy. Am I a deadbeat? If I do nothing on the weekend? No, not at all. The weekend is designed for you to be lazy. They started arguing, so he the other guy, right in the head and he went unconscious. They started arguing, So he decked the other guy right in the head and he went unconscious. I hate changing my clothes at the gym because I don't want other dudes to see my by accident. I hate changing my clothes at the gym because I don't want other dudes to see my dick by accident. I got a raise at work. Awesome. That's I got a raise at work. Awesome. That's dynamite. I wouldn't go in that neighborhood at night. It's really I wouldn't go in that neighborhood at night. It's really dicey. Even though she's super famous, she's still very even though she's super famous, she's still very down to earth. Do you think you're ready to start again? Maybe I'm at least ready to go on A but I'm not sure about a relationship. Do you think you're ready to start dating again? Maybe I'm at least ready to go on a date, but I'm not sure about our relationship. It was great talking to you. Why don't you give me your and we can plan something to do this weekend. It was great talking to you. Why don't you give me your digits and we can plan something to do this weekend? Hey, I got a Something happened at home, and my mom needs me. Hey, I got a ditch. Something happened at home, and my mom needs me. What's that you're wearing? Is that some type of smartwatch? What's that do Hickey you're wearing? Is that some type of smartwatch? Did you know that the sun is just an average sized star? No. And I don't care. You're such a did. You know that the sun is just an average sized star? No, and I don't care. You're such a dweeb. I don't mean to sound like a but your shirt is really ugly. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but your shirt is really ugly. Dude, I hate running in short shorts because I feel like you can see everything moving. Dude, I hate running in short shorts because I feel like you can see everything moving down there . I love hanging out with my debt, but he tells so many stupid. I love hanging out with my debt but he tells so many stupid dad jokes. Amen. What's up? Not much. How are you? Amen. What's up? Not much. Dude, how are you? Are you the type of girl who prefers guys to pay for the whole meal? Or are you all right? Going? Are you the type of girl who prefers guys to pay for the whole meal? Or are you all right? Going Dutch? I found this great song from the early nineties. Wow, It was such a who still listens to that junk. I found this great song from the early nineties. Wow. It was such a dinosaur who still listens to that junk. So how did you do? Did you get most of them right then, of course. Continue to the next video. If you had some trouble, maybe rewatch some of the older videos. Either way, great job. Keep it up. 16. E Slang: it's time for the ease. East Lang Earmuffs. Earmuffs? No, you'll probably hear this as a command just being earmuffs or put on your earmuffs. This is when an adult will tell a child to cover their ears so they can't hear either bad language or some type of story that the adult is talking about. It looks like they're putting on the winter clothing accessory, though. Earmuffs. What were you and your husband arguing about last night? I'll tell you, Just one second. Lisa, put on your earmuffs. Okay? We were talking about getting a divorce. Okay, Lisa, take off your earmuffs to eat someone out to eat someone out. This is what it's called when a person performs Orel sex on a woman on Lee. A woman. So, have you guys had sex yet? No. No sex. I mean, I've eaten her out and other stuff, but that's it. Edibles, edibles and edible. No, an edible is something that you digest you eat that has marijuana weed in it. The most common types of edibles are cookies and brownies. Really, though it's the THC in the herb, the weed that gets you high. But we still normally talk about putting. We'd putting the marijuana into the edible meant Why isn't this edible? Getting me high edibles take longer to get you high than we'd just wait. Edibles is a general term for all foods or things that you digest put in your body that have marijuana in it. But if we want to talk about a specific thing, then we will use pot as the adjective before the thing you're going to digest. For example, a pot brownie, a pot cookie pot butter pot is another word for marijuana. Hey, how are we going to get high just by eating some sandwiches on putting pot butter on it? Don't worry to be out of your element, to be out of your element. To be out of your element means to be out of your comfort zone, uncomfortable to be out of place, to be where you don't belong. Not in the situation where you normally find yourself. Because of all of that, you feel uncomfortable and you don't act naturally. Why did you play so bad yesterday? I usually don't play against people who are better than me. I just felt out of my element because of it. Are you coming with us to the after work party? No, I feel out of my element that those types of parties go without me. Epic to be epic If something is epic, it is really impressive. Cool, Great. How is the game you went to last night? Oh, it was epic. I'm really glad you decided to come on this trip. Me to It was epic. I've never had so much fun. Extra to be extra to be extra means for a person to do more than is necessary. So it's like to be over the top to be more than someone can handle more than you can bear. And for many people, that's why it's unpleasant. If someone is extra, it's unbearable. He's trying to be extra in order to impress all of his colleagues. Yeah, but all he's doing is irritating everybody. You know, there's nothing wrong with being extra, but to some people it looks like you're trying to show off your right. I think some people act extra to compensate for their faults, to eyeball something, to eyeball something toe eyeball. Something means to measure something by guessing, estimating it's not exact, and you're not using precise measurement. If you have a new recipe, you probably don't want toe eyeball the ingredients because you have no idea what changing the quantity can dio. But if you've made this recipe a lot in the past, you're probably safe eyeballing the ingredients. Hey, I noticed you don't have a measuring cup for the flour. How much should I use? Don't worry about it. Just eyeball it. It doesn't matter if you put in too much or too little. You usually Aibel uncountable things. Uncountable ingredients milk, flour, sugar, not accountable ingredients or objects unless if you're going to chop them into little pieces. I finished chopping the onion. How much do we need for the omelet? Just eyeball it. I have no idea. I don't think it matters. Maybe a handful. 17. E REVIEW: All right, so we're going to review some of the letter e. Are you ready? But let's get started. Why are you acting like that? So over the top. It's not like you. You're really just acting. Why are you acting like that? So over the top. It's not like you. You're really just acting extra. You got any weed to smoke? No, but I have some we can eat. You got any weed to smoke? No, but I have some edibles we can eat. Did you hear what the rapper DJ Cal? It said no. What? He said he likes getting blowjobs from his wife, but he won't, he said. It's not something a man will do for his woman. Did you hear what the rapper deejay Calad said? No. What? He said he likes getting blowjobs from his wife, but he won't eat her out. He said. It's not something a man will do for his woman. Do you think this is enough cheese for the omelets? I'm busy One second, actually. Just Do you think this is enough cheese for the omelets? I'm busy One second, actually. Just eyeball it. Did you see Lisa dancing last night? Yeah, her dance moves were Did you see Lisa dancing last night? Yeah. Her dance moves were epic. Lisa, I need to talk to you about something, but not one of your daughters here. It's all right. Sara. Lisa, I need to talk to you about something, but not well. Your daughter's here. It's all right, Sara. Earmuffs. You were really quiet at dinner tonight. I was I was. I'm not used to talking with clients outside of work. It feels strange. You were really quiet at dinner tonight. I was I was out of my element. I'm not used to talking with clients outside of work. It feels strange. 18. Slang F Part 1: Hey, are you ready for some F slaying? All right, let's get started. Fab. To be fab or to be fabulous Fab is short for fabulous, and this one is much more common among teenagers, especially teenage girls. If something is fab or fabulous is great, it's awesome. We went to the mall and I found this Fab hoody are you always find the most fab things at the mall. Face, Poem Face poem Face Poem is mostly used in informal, written English like tax or message boards. It expresses exasperation, confusion, frustration. All of this in a not so serious way, literally to face Poem is to take the poem and put it against your face. It expresses the frustration and disappointment. I sent him my address before he left, but he still took an uber to the wrong place. Face palm. I studied a lot for the test, but I still did really bad face poem again. Mostly used this in written English. Ah, fail Ah failed to fail. Epic Fail Ah, fail is when someone tries to do something and they fail. They don't succeed often a disastrous failure. So if it's a really, really bad fail we say Epic fail. People will often try to say this to just to insult you if you don't do something well, did you try to see him jump over all of the backpacks? Yeah, except he tripped on the 1st 1 epic fail. All right, watch me make this three pointer. We missed fail fam fam, Your family is the people who are closest to you in your life. Your best friends here fam does not really mean family is just your closest friends. Hey, Fam do have class today. Yeah, Fam. Just a couple classes. The family got to decide what we're going to do this weekend. All right, Well, the weather is gonna be nice. So maybe we can go to the beach Fanboy fangirl To be a fan boy, to be a fan girl, a Fanboy or a fan girl is someone who is a really big fan really likes or supports something or someone. If the thing they like sell something, they also always buy that product, and they're probably going to trash talk. Talk badly about the competitors. Some people are proud to be a fan boy or fan girl, while other times it's used as an insult to mean that someone likes something too much who makes better cell phones, Apple or Samsung while I'm kind of an apple Fanboy. So of course, Apple makes the best phones. They make the best everything. Apple Fanboys are crazy. They spend all of their money on stuff that's no different than other products, but more expensive. But all Fanboys are like that completely. My girlfriend is an apple fangirl, and she buys all of their stuff for apology. Ah, for apology to give a full apology. Ah, faux apology is a fake. In sincere apology. You don't mean what you are saying. It's not always obvious when someone is giving a full apology compared to a sincere apology . So pay attention. Did you see what happened? The teacher made him apologize for his bad behavior. Yeah, but it was a full apology. He didn't mean anything that he said f bomb an F bomb to drop an f bomb. F bomb is the appropriate way to refer to the swear word. Fuck. It's a bomb because when you say it, it explodes. It could make people angry, upset. It can be very, very insulting or offensive depending on who you're talking to. I was in a meeting and the boss just started going off. He started yelling at Mark. Ah, what happened? He just started dropping F bombs. Usually we use F bomb to refer to a story to relate what happened and use f bomb to refer to fuck without being offensive. Do your parents care? If you swear they get really upset If I drop in f bomb to be fine. Fine to be fine. If someone is fine, they are attractive. Hot, sexy. Don't confuse this with the other usage of fine, which just means to be okay. Good. Did you see the new student today? He is fine. I know, right? Is super attractive. How are you feeling today? Um I'm fine. Not great. Finna to finna do something. So you guys are finna learned some English, right thin. That means going to or intending to do something. It's a very urban term, so it might not sound natural coming out of your mouth, But you will definitely hear it if you listen to any English music or watch any movies from the U. S. Finna actually comes from the Southern expression fixing to do something. So if you're in the South, definitely use fixing. But if you're in the north, don't use it. And to be fixing to do something means the exact same as finna To be going to do something to plan to do something. Hey, boo. What you finna do today, Dawson? I ain't finna do nothing on a Sunday A Mark Finn. A study for the test after lunch. Oh, maybe. But Affinity Lunch first to be fire to be fire to be on fire If something is fire to be fire, it's super dope. Awesome! Did you listen to the new song? I did? It is fire. It's awesome. How was your vacation? Oh, it was Fire was straight up Dope. Another good use to be on fire means to have temporary Good luck is to be very successful. But just for a short, temporary period we went to the casino and we were on fire. We want $500. The opposite of being on fire is to be cold or to go cold. Meaning to become cold. So after you want all of the money What happened? Ah, we went cold. We lost everything. We lost all our money flaky to be flaky, to flake out on someone. If a person is flaky, they are unreliable, untrustworthy, maybe even a bit lazy and careless. Why are you friends with Mark? That guy is so flakey I wouldn't trust him with anything. I'm not worried. I've known Mark for a long time. He's not as flaky as you think. We can also say to flake out on someone to flake out on something or on someone means to not do something that you said you would do to not go or attend something that you said you would attend. Basically to be unreliable You don't show up, You don't arrive. You are m I a missing in action even though you should be present. So did Mark meet you to go see the movie? No. He flaked out on me. I couldn't find him anywhere on Fleek to be on Fleek. If something is on Fleek, it's on point. Really good fresh Awesome! Wow! This coffee is on Fleek. You're right. It's really good. Where do you think it comes from? This vacation is going to be on Fleek. Let's go to the airport to flex on someone to flex, To flex on someone to flex is to show off, to brag, to boast, to not be humble and toe. Want to show other people what you have. Look at Mark. He drove his new car to school just to flex on us, and now the police are pulling him over for speeding. Yeah, that's what he gets for trying to flex on us. Hey, guys, there's no problem. I'm not trying to flex, but I'll pay for dinner tonight. Since I got that new job to flirt with someone, to flirt with someone, to be a flirt, to be flirty, to be flirtatious, to flirt with someone is to hit on someone to chat someone up, you know, to talk to someone that you're attracted to in a special way to show them that you're attracted and hopefully to get the same response from them. However, someone who acts like this generally and talks to most people that way might be called a flirt. Many times, a guy will call a girl of flirt because they think that she's flirting with them, but she's not actually attracted to them. In reality, she's probably just being nice if you feel like flirting. If you feel flirty, you can also say that you are feeling flirtatious. Flor Tae cious flirtatious. After one more beer, I'm going to flirt with her. Good luck, man. I hope she's feeling flirty. Yeah, as long she's just not afloat and leads me on, I might have a chance to flunk, to flunk, toe, flunk out to flunk something. If you flunk something almost always a test or exam, it means you failed. You did not pass, did not succeed. Hey, what did you get on the final exam? To be honest, dude, I flunked. I have to take the exam again because I failed to flunk out. Has a slightly different meaning to flunk out means to drop out of school, to stop attending school completely, to not to graduate. Where did you go to university? I was attending Yale, but I flunked out. It was just too challenging. It wasn't for me. Foam. Oh, for Moe Foe Moe means fear of missing out. It's more common to see this written than it is to actually say it in spoken English. Former was when you feel anxious about missing an opportunity. It's the fear of missing something, not having the chance to do it and what the consequences are Because of that, I don't really want to go to the party, but I know I might meet some cool people formal. Dude, just do it. You're going to meet some really cool people you ever experience foam? Oh, yeah. There was a school field trip that was really boring, but mean. The professor became good friends, and now I've got a good reference for work. Food, coma. Ah, food, coma. Ah, food. Coma is when you eat way too much food and it basically makes you fall asleep. Or it feels like you're in a coma. But you look tired. What happened? Food coma. Dude, I ate way too much. It's time to take a nap. What food do you love to binge? Eat the most pizza without a doubt. But I love it so much that I can't stop eating it, and it puts me in a food coma. Food. Ah, fool to be acting like a fool. Full is short for full. But when it's used as a greeting, it actually means friend homey. Hey, what's up food. Not much, homie. You want to do something, but toe act like a fool means to be acting stupid. Silly, you know. Calm down, man. If you keep acting a fool, you're going to get us in trouble. All right? All right, I'll chill. 19. Slang F Part 2: mic check. 1212 f part two for real, for real. To be for real. The first use of for Riel is used to make a question. And here it means, Really? Are you serious for rial? I don't know what happened, but we just lost our biggest client. Mr. Mark, are you for real? What did you do? I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be arriving an hour late. Oh, man, are you for real? The other use of Foreal is used mostly as a filler When you're not really trying to say something or something, you say when you're trying to think of the right word. All right. I'll call you later. Yeah, for real. Do you want to hang out today? Yeah, for Riel. What? We see a movie. Ah, Fox To be a fox to be foxy thistles used for women. And if you're describing a woman as a fox or foxy, you're saying that she's very attractive. She's fine. Hot as hell. All right, So what's the plan for when we get to the party? Well, we're going to pick up some foxes and then we're going to the after party. Did you see what she's wearing tonight, man, That's killer. Oh, I know. She looks like an absolute fox. Your freak flag toe Let your freak flag fly A freak if you let your freak flag fly If you let your freak flake fly It means you're crazy You do whatever you want You're kind of unpredictable and also very outgoing And you're not afraid to show people how you feel or how you want to express yourself. Mark is really letting his freak flag fly today. How is that? He's wearing a skirt and makeup. Yeah, that do doesn't care at all what people think about him. Another expression is to be freaky or to be ah, freak. Here it has the same idea of being crazy or unpredictable. But we're mostly talking about it related to sex. Because if you are a freak, I mean, you do freaky weird stuff or you're not afraid to do new things in the bed when you're having sex. Do you know Lisa? Yeah. Why? Mark said that she is Ah, freak. You know that girl you were talking to? I heard that she is freaky. She's into some weird stuff, man. Ah, Freebie. Ah, freebie. Ah, freebie is simply something that you get for free. It can be anything just as long as you don't pay for it. Someone gives it to you. Oftentimes, a freebie might be something, something smaller that's included with a larger purchase. Since your today's first customer, I'll give you this small travel size bottle of wine for free. Do I have to pay for it? No, it's a freebie. It's included. Hey, where did you buy your new helmet? I went toe a bike expo, and they were just giving away Aton of freebies. And I got the helmet. Frick Frick in a Frick Frick in a. Before we start talking about all these words that come from fuck, let's start with the more appropriate Fricke. Not all people like to swear or to use strong language swear words like fuck as that type of stuff. More vulgar to people who don't swear have words like Frick, Fricke means the same as fuck, but it's rated G. Anyone can say it. Kids to adults. It's appropriate. First of all, Fricke and Fricke in a just be used as interjections, basically as swear words just to throw in to a sentence here were expressing anger, astonishment, surprise, emotion all Frick. I dropped my food on the ground all frickin a man that sucks. And finally, frickin can be used as an adverb to mean really or very the same as fuckin. But here it's still appropriate. That movie last night was frickin good. Oh, for sure. It's a frickin best movie I've seen all year. The sunset tonight is frickin beautiful has the most frickin beautiful thing I've seen in my whole life. The friend zone, The friend zone to be friends owned The friend zone is when you're attracted to another person. But they only like you as a friend. So you are put in the friend zone, an area where you cannot enter the relationship area. You are forever stuck as a friend. So to be friends owned means to be put in this special area. You could then say that you are in the friend zone, a place most people don't want to be. I really like Lisa, but I don't know if she likes me too, or just as a friend. I've seen you to hang out. I don't think she likes you, man. You've been friend zoned Yemen. Lisa put me in the friend zone last night. Or what happened? I tried to kiss her and she said, No, we're just friends. Friends with benefits, to be friends with benefits. A friend with benefits is someone you hang out with, probably not as much as a regular friend and with this friend. This friend with benefits. You also have sex or other special stuff again. It's usually not a real friendship. It's mostly someone you communicate with casually and then hook up. You have sex from time to time. I saw you hanging out with Mark. Are you guys in a relationship? No. Is just friends with benefits. Nothing serious to fuck. To fuck. To fuck is to have sex is just a more vulgar way of saying it. How'd your date with Mark go? Oh, it was shit. He just wanted to fuck. He's such a bro. Now, we can also use this as an insult. Fuck someone is an expression of contempt to show displeasure. How much you don't like someone to tell someone off Meaning to tell them to go away? Hey, you're an idiot for saying those things about me. I don't care. Fuck you. And to make this insult even stronger, you can tell someone to go fuck themselves. You really stupid, You know that? Oh, yeah. Go fuck yourself. Fuck face. That's really strong language. So be careful. Ah, fuck boy to be Ah, fuck boy. Fuck. Boy has a few different meanings. But the most general, most important one to know is that it's a guy who's a bit obnoxious, conceded arrogant, but especially focused on having sex also. Ah, fuck. Boy probably doesn't treat women with much respect because he's just focused on sex more so Ah, fuck. Boy is very deceptive. He's not honest about what he's looking for. He wants sex, but he's probably going toe lie toe, lead a woman on and then basically waste her time until she finds out the truth. Lisa, you ready to start dating again? I'm not sure. I mean, it just seems like it's just a bunch of fuck boys. Yeah, I met this guy online. He texted me saying, Hit me up. If you want to hang out later, do you think I should text him? No, he sounds just like a fuck boy. Don't waste your time. Ah, fuck, buddy to be Ah, fuck, buddy. Fuck buddy is not a real buddy, not a rial friend is just someone who you have sex with. You meet up. You have sex. That's it. No friendship. You think you're going to start dating, Mark now we're just fuck buddies. We don't even hang out. We're not even friends with benefits. To fuck someone over. To fuck someone over. To fuck someone over means to take advantage of someone toe abuse, someone to cheat, someone to trick them sometimes for short will just say to fuck somewhat. The boss really fucked us over with this deadline, right? Why would he fuck us like this? It's impossible. Hey, man, I heard you told the teacher that all those ideas were yours. I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to fuck you over like that. I was. I didn't know what to say. To be fucked up, to be fucked up to be fucked up has 44 main uses. The all important. So pay attention first for someone to be fucked up. Meaning high on drugs wasted. Piss drunk. Here. If you're fucked up, you've just taken too many drugs you are fucked up. Where did you go last night? I couldn't find you after the party. Shit. I can't remember that I was too fucked up. Second, we can describe a person again, but this time, if you are fucked up, it means you were beaten up, gotten into a fight and physically hurt very badly. Well, Mark, don't try to fight that guy. He's huge. He's gonna fuck you up, Away. He's tiny. There's no way he can fuck me up. What happened to Mark last night? Oh, do got fucked up in a fight. Third, for a thing to be fucked up means that it's crazy. Unbelievable. It can also mean weird or bazaar. Someone stole my purse at the conference. Someone stole your purse at a conference that is fucked up. I couldn't watch that movie. It was too weird, too creepy. Yeah, I agree completely. That film was fucked up force for a person to be fucked up in the head. If someone is fucked up in the head or just a fucked up person, there's something wrong with them. They don't function properly. You should watch out. Be careful around people who are fucked up in the head. I was walking home late at night yesterday, and this homeless guy started following me. He was obviously pretty fucked up in the head, so I gave him two bucks, so he'd leave me alone. Ah, fuck Face to be Ah, fuck face. Ah, fuck face is a much stronger way of calling someone a jerk, An asshole. A dick. Hey, you lied to me about the money you owed me. Fuck face. You calling me a fuck face? I lied to you cause I knew you would get angry like this Fuckin for something to be fuckin here like frickin fuckin is used to mean really or very it works as an adverb and is put before an adjective. Wow, Your internet is fucking fast. Yeah, this new router is fucking good. Ah, this Chinese restaurant tastes like fuckin shit. Yeah, let's go across the street to the other Chinese restaurant. It's fucking good. Fuckin a fucking a fucking A like frickin a is used as an interjection. And it means what the fuck or die FAQ? So this is the vulgar way of saying frickin or frickin a again. They're used for a surprise astonishment, confusion, emotions like that. Fucking Amen. Why's that cop following us? No idea. Maybe he's going to turn here, though. Haley's I know you want to meet a water your plans while you left, but I forgot fuckin a mark down, motherfucker. Ma fucker. To be a mother fucker to be a ma fucker. Mother fucker. Pretty much means the same as fuck face, but maybe it's not as intense or strong. It also means when used as an insult, asshole Jerk dick, But much, much stronger. Hey, listen up, motherfucker. I don't like you. Oh, yeah? Go fuck yourself. I don't care, however, only when using ma fucker, it can be used as a greeting with friends. Remember, though, now we don't want to hear the are sounds, ma fucker. My fucker. Hey, what's up, my fucker? Not march. What's up with you men? Don't fuck. Don't fuck the fuck means What? What the fuck we use it for Bewilderment, confusion, Surprise. Yoga. Lisa is going out with your ex bay The fuck are you serious? Hey, someone changed the Netflix password. Really? The FAQ That can't be right. What is right is writing some examples and saying them out loud. So get to work, do your exercises and memorizes vocabulary so much easier 20. F Review: F Review. Let's do it. Let's review Let's go! Mark is as hell. I don't think he's going to show up. Let's go. Mark is flaky as hell. I don't think he's going to show up. I don't know what just happened. I don't know what the fuck just happened. The dating app are just filled with people looking for a waste of time. The dating app are just filled with people looking for fuck buddies. A waste of time. Hey, what's up? How you doing? Hey, what's up, Fam? How you doing that stupid? That's fucking stupid! You lost my car keys, are you? You lost my car keys. Are you for real? Did you really just drop the in front of your grandma? Did you really just drop the F bomb in front of your grandma? I was late for work because I was in a My car's all right. Though. I was late for work because I was in a fender bender. My cars All right, though. That girl is really attractive. She's That girl is really attractive. She's fine. What's up? Not much Fan, How about you? What's up? Food? Not much. Fan, How about you watch me make this three pointer. Oh, damn. You really missed What? Watch me make this three pointer. Oh, damn. You really missed what? Ah, fail. You eat something before we leave. You gonna eat something before we leave? You just made three baskets in a row. You are on. You just made three baskets in a row. You are on fire. You look in that dress just amazing. You look fab in that dress. Just amazing. Don't try and send me just because you got some money in your pocket. Don't try and flex on me just because you got some money in your pocket. Come with us to the party. Otherwise you're going to suffer from come with us to the party. Otherwise you're going to suffer from foam. Oh, if you don't ask ELISA out soon, she's going to new If you don't ask ELISA out soon, she's going to friend zone you. I'm not going to give him a real apology, but maybe a I'm not going to give him a real apology, but maybe a full apology. That girl is fine. What? That girl is fine. What a fox toe. Worry about what other people think? Just let your fly. Don't worry about what other people think. Just let your freak flag fly. Did you? The test. I heard you didn't do very well. Did you flunk the test? I heard you didn't do very well. After two more drinks, I'll try with any girl after two more drinks, I'll try flirting with any girl I drink way too much. And now I am. I drink way too much and now I am fucked up. What the? Why did you hit me so hard? What the fuck? Why did you hit me so hard? These clubs are filled with the worst types of guys. Like just all these clubs are filled with the worst types of guys. Like just all fuck boys. You stop seeing that girl because she wanted just Isn't that what most guys want? You stop seeing that girl because she wanted just friends with benefits. Isn't that what most guys want? You've only been on two dates and you're already You've only been on two dates and you're already fucking Hey, full nice jacket. It's Hey, full nice jacket. It's on Fleek. If you come over to our kiosk later, we have a bunch of to give you. If you come over to our kiosk later, we have a bunch of freebies to give you. You promised you would give me a ride to the concert. Don't like that. You promised you would give me a ride to the concert. Don't fuck me over like that. I'm gonna fall asleep any time now. I ate way too much and I'm going to be in a I'm gonna fall asleep any time now. I ate way too much and I'm going to be in a food coma. Did you see that person fall in the puddle? So embarrassing. Hashtag Did you see that person fall in the puddle? So embarrassing. Hashtag face poem Hate that guy. He's such a I hate that guy. He's such a fuck face. Hey, what's up? Not much fan Hey, what's up, my fucker? Not much, Fam, You are such an apple. Why do you buy all their shit? You are such an apple Fanboy. Why do you buy all their shit? 21. G Slang Part 1: What's up, G? It's time for G slang. A G two b A. G uh, first G can just be short for a gangster or also pounced. Gangsta. Remember, insulin? You often have the choice to pronounce the er er er or to pronounce it. Ah, here. It's gangster or gangsta gangster, Gangsta. Ah, or her. And with our first usage, a gangster is just someone who is part of a gang. Does gang related activities, which is mostly stuff related to illegal drugs or maybe crime. And so here the meaning is literal. If someone is part of a gang, they do that kind of illegal activity. But when someone acts like a gangster, the more common use were saying that they're really cool their dope there balling bad ass. Hey, food. The way you talk to that guy was gangsta as hell. You think so? I mean, yeah, I guess I really didn't care. I just I said what I felt so And I don't want you hanging out with those people on the corner. There are Gangsters. No, they're not. You're just saying that because of how they dress and other times you can use gangster as a greeting away to greet your friends. Hey, what's up, gangster? Not much, man was up with you. A gadget. A gadget? No, A gadget is an electronic device, a tech device, some mechanical thing like a phone, a computer or a TV. We can also call it a gizmo. And you don't remember the name of a thing, a gadget or gizmo. Remember that. We can call it a doo hickey or a whatchamacallit will review these later. Did you see that new gadget that Sony released yesterday? It can play PlayStation and Xbox games. No, I didn't hear about it, but is really cool. I love learning about gizmos like that off your game to be off your game toe. Have no game? No. If you're off your game, you're not performing well. You're not doing a good job. Especially not as well as you usually do. So to be on your game means to be performing well. To be off your game means to be performing poorly. Ah, that meeting was tough. I wasn't on my game because I barely got any sleep last night. Yeah, you looked like you were off your game. Make sure to get some sleep tonight because you have to be on your game tomorrow. And to have no game means that you're terrible at something all the time. You're always bad at it. Look at that guy trying to play basketball. He's terrible, right? He's got no game. It's embarrassing. Gaidar, Gaidar Gaidar is the idea that someone is able to tell just by looking at someone if they're gay or straight, homosexual or heterosexual, it's a play on words off Lord radar. Usually, if someone thinks that someone else is gay, they will say that they're Gaidar is going off. This expression is quite offensive, so I wouldn't use it. Did you meet the new guy today? And my Gaidar was really going off. What your gate are? Are you like 13 years old? Grow up, man. Teoh, Get it to get something to get it. No, to get something means to understand something to comprehend it. Do you get it? Do you get what I'm saying? Do you get this new slang term? Do you understand it? I don't understand what the teacher just said. Did you get it at? Well, at least I think I got it. No, I'm not sure. Excuse me. I'm sorry. I don't get what you're trying to say. What's not to get? I deserve a Christmas bonus. Aggies, er, Aggies er or an old geezer. Aggies. Er is an old person. They can actually be very old, like a senior citizen. Or it can just be someone that you think is older, older than you. And maybe you also just trying to insult them. That's because Geyser can be offensive. It's rude. So if you don't want to be route, call someone a senior citizen or just old or older person. Look at that geezer crossing the street. He's so old a geyser, huh? Show some respect, Dad. You like an old geezer? You're calling me a Kieser. I'm not that old geek to be a geek, to be geeky. No. Uh huh. A geek is someone who acts like a nerd, dorky someone more intellectual, smarter, but probably not as a muscular or not very sporty. So if your geeky, you're probably more interested in academic kind of stuff rather than being physically active, I feel like such a geek. All I have time to do is read these books and I never go outside. Oh, well, if you want to get good grades, you have to be a bit nerdy girl. A girl? No. Uh huh. Ago is literally just Ah, young lady who is not yet a teenager. However, we often uses to talk about any woman, no matter what their ages. However, especially when talking to people who are older than you or in more formal situations. It can be a little disrespectful, maybe even for some, a little offensive, because obviously, like I said, a girl is a much younger person. And these are ladies or women most likely that you're talking to, but it's extremely common to refer to women as girls. But do know that some people don't like it. And it's an even more common greeting among women. I met this girl at the conference yesterday. We're gonna meet for a coffee before we both leave. And if you're in a relationship with a woman, you can call her your girl. I just started seeing this new girl. She's really cool. What's your girl's name? All her name's Lisa 22. G Slang Part 2: gizmo. A gizmo. A gizmo is a gadget. These words are interchangeable. Use whichever one you like more, but know that they're both very popular. Do you remember what a gadget was? It's an electronic device, a tech device that does something like a computer, a phone, a TV. And if you don't remember the name of the thing, remember, we can call it a doo hickey or a whatchamacallit. There's this new gizmo I really want to buy. What kind of gadget is it? Oh, it's a smartwatch that monitors your health. Really cool. A glitch, a glitch for there to be a glitch. A glitch is an error or malfunction, a hiccup in something that normally works well but is not think of it as an irregularity. Most often we find glitches and Elektronik things, gadgets and gizmos or computer stuff. When you experience a glitch using these things, it means that something is not working properly. A glitch can have little to no impact on what you're doing. It's just barely noticeable, and other times it can have a huge impact. Did you notice that there's a glitch in the game on the second level? Know what's the glitch. I never noticed it before. I'm gonna have to call you back. My computer is glitch ing. For some reason, the program isn't working. Don't goat the goat. No. Huh? Goat most often spelt in capital letters means greatest of all time. If someone is the goat, you are saying that they are the best. You can be the goat for anything music, art, politics, any profession or anything that someone does the best. Who's the greatest rapper of all time? I mean, Jay Z has to be the goat, right? Whose? A graphic designer that you like. In my opinion, Paula share Is the goat goofing off to goof off? To be a goof to be goofy? Uh huh. To goof off means toe idol to not be serious toe waste time to procrastinate, to play around, Not be serious. Hey, you guys over there. Stop goofing off. Get back toe work What? We weren't goofing off. We were just taking a break. To be a goof means to be a person who plays around a lot. A person who is not very serious Someone who tells jokes and tries to be funny. Mark has the best jokes I love his physical comedy to. I know he's such a goof. To be goofy means pretty much the same as to be a goof. But toe look goofy means toe look strange, abnormal. Weird. What do you think of my drawing? I don't know. Something about the horse isn't right. It looks goofy. Grass. Grass. No. Grass is marijuana weed, Herb. You smoke it and you get high or you put it in something like an edible and you get high that way. Do you smoke grass? Of course I smoke weed. What is that smell? All you must smell the grass I just bought. It is dank. Grub, grub. Grub is food. Anything you eat, you buy grew up. You eat grub. And we also say to get some grub meaning to get something to eat. Mark the meetings in 30 minutes. You want to go get some grub quick? Yeah. Let's go get a bite. I'm starving. Hey, you got a Negro? But your place. Check the fridge. I haven't gone grocery shopping, but there might be some food in their grungy to be grungy. If something is grungy, it's dirty, filthy, grimy, and probably has a little bit of a smell to it. Also a bad smell. When's the last time you washed your socks? Your feet smoke, grimy as hell. No, it's not the socks. My shoes are just really grungy. We're thinking of fixing up the basement so we can play darts and pool and do other stuff down there. Sounds like quite a project. Your basement is really grungy. Good luck. And you've probably also heard of grunge. Grunge is a type of music, a type of rock alternative rock music, most popular in the early nineties. A guesstimate to estimate a guesstimate, a guestimation. Uh huh. To guesstimate means to guess. And it's just a silly way of combining guests and estimate. How much water do you think a leaky faucet wastes every year? I really have no idea. Don't ask me all. Come on, just guessed. Emate! All right, Mike estimation is 3000 gallons wasted. Oh, great guesstimate. You're exactly right toe Have the guts to not have the guts to have or not have the guts to do something. This expression is most often used in the negative, and if you don't have the guts to do something It means you don't have the courage to do it . Your to scared. So if you do have the guts to do it, you have the courage. You're willing to do it. I'm going to tell Mark right now that this relationship is over. You don't have the gods. Yeah, right. You don't think I have the guts to tell him that? Just watch me to get with someone to get with someone, uh, to get with. Someone simply means to have sex with someone. How was your Las Vegas vacation? It was crazy I got with this European girl. Oh, damn. How'd you get with a European girl? I don't know. We met in the casino. And one thing led to another to go all the way to go all the way with someone. No. Huh? Again, this expression means to have sex with someone. This is more related to running. All of the basis when we were talking about the baseball analogies to having sex or hooking up with someone making out and that stuff to go all the way means to run all of the basis. You left pretty early with that guy. Did you have a good night. Yeah, it was a good night. We went back to my place and we went all the way. Girl crush toe, Have a girl crush on someone. Also, to have a guy crush on someone, a girl or guy Crush is something that you feel for someone of the same sex A man for a man , A woman for a woman is when you're attracted to this person, but not in a serious way. You don't actually have any emotions and again is trying to see that you're kind of attracted to that person. But that is not serious. You don't have any real emotions for that person. It's in a friendly way, platonic and not in any way sexual. Lisa, I've got such a girl crush on that actress. I know. She's so cute. Mark is the man. All of the guys love him right on. I mean, he's articulate and really just a all around American guy. Oh, sounds like you've got quite a guy crush on Mark girl problems toe have girl problems also toe have boy problems. If you're having boy or girl problems, it means you're having some difficulty with the person you're in a relationship with things aren't going to smooth your experiencing a rough patch. Or simply you're just having trouble in your relationship. Are you free to talk later? Yeah. Why? Uh, nothing big. Just having some girl problems with Lisa. Sure. Call me later. In fact, I'm having some boy problems with Mark. Let's talk about it. 23. G review: All right, let's review the G's some good slaying here. So let's see how well you know it. Hey, how are you, Lisa? Hate girl? How are you, Lisa? You like a math class? You are. So you like a math class. You are so geeky. You don't have to say that toe our client. You don't have the guts to say that to our client. I don't think he's straight. My is going off. I don't think he's straight. My gay dar is going off. What's up? Not much, player. What's up, G? Not much, player, do you? The home work? It's really complicated. Do you get the homework? It's really complicated. It's crazy that someday will be like that super old dude across the street. It's crazy that someday will be geezers like that super old dude across the street. What's that you're playing with? What's that gizmo you're playing with? Did you that guy at the party? No, we made out, but no sex. Did you get with that guy at the party? No, we made out, but no sex. I need your advice. I'm having some right now. I need your advice. I'm having some girl problems right now. You think Kanye is the well? Why do you think he's so good? You think Kanye is the goat? Well, why do you think he's so good? I'm starving. Let's go get some to eat. I'm starving. Let's go get some grub to eat. Hey, stop! This is serious. Hey, stop goofing off. This is serious. Apple just released this new that creates a hologram. Sounds cool, Right? Apple just released this new gadget that creates a hologram. Sounds cool, right. You need to wash your clothes. They smell. Really? You need to wash your clothes. They smell really grungy. If you're going to play with us, you need to be. If you're not, will lose. If you're going to play with us, you need to be on your game. If you're not, will lose. How much is in this jar? If I had to, I would say around 30 to 40 pieces. How much is in this jar? If I had to estimate, I would say around 30 to 40 pieces. You really try to rush your relationships. You don't have to with someone on the first date. You really try to rush your relationships. You don't have to go all the way with someone on the first date. A great way to relax is smoke some, then go to the park. A great way to relax is smoke some grass and go to the park. My boyfriend has such a on address. Alba. I don't blame him. My boyfriend has such a guy crush on address. Alba. I don't blame him. When you play this game on the second level, there's a It's nice because it gives you extra ammo. When you play this game on the second level, there's a glitch. It's nice because it gives you extra ammo. 24. Slang H Part 1: Hey, how you doing? Are you ready? Because we got some. Each is toe look at. So let's get started, Harry, for a situation to be Harry, if a situation is Harry is ambiguous, uncertain, risky or cause you to feel nervous or uncertain to feel a bit in danger, why didn't you want to fly to Lebanon? It's a really hairy situation with the Civil War in Syria, so I just decided not to go. Why aren't market Lisa talking? It's a hairy situation, man. Their relationship is on the rocks to get your hair done to get your hair did to get your hair done or to get your hair did to get your hair done or did doesn't matter which one you choose. They mean the exact same thing, and it means to get your hair styled, cut, trimmed, colored whatever you can do to your hair to make it look better, basically, to get a haircut. What do you doing tonight? I'm going to get my hair did. It's long overdue. How often do you get your hair done? Probably about once a month to be, ah, handful to be a handful for someone or something to be a handful toe handle, someone or something means to deal with something or someone to be able to manage something or someone. But if something or someone is difficult to manage, then they are a handful. Children are often a handful because they have so much energy and they they don't really listen to you. And ah, thing is often a handful of It's complicated. Difficult. I could really use some help with the kids this weekend. There being a handful, they haven't been listening to me at all this morning. Sure, I'll be over in 30 minutes to give you a hand to hang a left toe. Hang right to hang a left to hang a right here. Toe hang means to turn. And that's all. This expression means to turn left to turn right toe, hang a left toe. Hang. All right. If you ask someone for directions, there's a good chance that they'll tell you to hang a left or toe. Hang right. But you can also say to turn left to turn right or to make ah left or to make. All right. Hi, I'm sorry. Excuse me. Which way is the stadium? Oh, just go straight until the second stop light, and then hang a right angry to be hang gree. To be hang gree is to be hungry and angry. Really? You're getting angry or upset because you're so hungry. You're getting irritated because you want to put food in that belly. You're not super angry. You just irritated. You're a bit bothered. So it's not pleasant to be with someone when they're hang gree. Damn it, Mark, stop being such a little bitch. Why are you being so pissy? I'm sorry. It's just I'm so hang angry right now. And you know, I get upset when I'm hungry. I understand. I'm always hang gree at work in the mornings. If I don't eat breakfast to hang out, to hang out to hang out somewhere means to spend time somewhere. Person's house, a cafe park wherever. What do you want to do today? I don't know, but we have to study. So let's hang out by the library and to hang out with someone means to spend time with someone. You want to do something on Thursday? Yeah. Let's hang out. Watch some TV, eat some pizza. What are you doing tonight? I'm gonna be hanging out with John. I don't know what we're going to do, but we're gonna hang out for a bit. Packing heat to be packing heat to be packing Heat means to be carrying a weapon toe. Have a weapon. Most often we are referring to a gun, but it could be something else. Like a knife or any other weapon that can cause serious bodily damage. Serious bodily. Do you see that guy over there? Yeah. Why? The dude is packing heat. I can see the gun under his shirt. Shit. Let's get out of here. Helicopter Parent. Ah, Helicopter parent. Ah, helicopter parent is apparent that watches their Children too closely. They need to give their Children some space. They are over protective and especially nowadays, helicopter parents use technology, abs, hidden cameras, anything tow. Watch their Children more closely and invade their privacy. I'm glad. I'm really glad that we grew up before all of this new technology. Why's that? My parents would definitely be helicopter parents. Hella hella. Hello means very. It's originally a California piece of slang, but nowadays it's used almost everywhere. And yeah, it's pretty common man. You are hella stupid for lying to your boss. The pizza is hella good. Herb. Herb, Herb is marijuana Kush. Mary Jane Weed. Dope is very important that you just say erba no s herbs. Well, that stuff like spices stuff you used to add flavor to your food. And in American English, we don't pronounce the H in Britain. They say herb in the U. S. Herb hate. Do you smoke, Herb? Oh, definitely. When I have time to relax, Hiccup. A hiccup for there to be. Ah, Hiccup. Ah, Hiccup is a small or minor problem. A setback or delay literally a hiccup. Is that noise you sometimes make like but for slaying? A hiccup is a problem, but not a serious problem. A minor problem. Why did it take so long to convert the file? There was a hiccup with the software, but I fixed it. Nothing serious. You should renew your passport ASAP. If you don't, there's probably gonna be a hiccup. And then you won't be able to go on the trip. Hip hip first to be hip. If something is hip, it's cool. It's in fashion. It's stylish. Everyone is wearing blue. This year, it's the hippest color. To be hip to something means to know about something to be in the know, to know what's going on to be informed. Why is everyone angry? And Mark? Oh, you're not hip toe. What happened? No, man, put me in the loop. Tell me what happened. 25. Slang H Part 2: hipster. Ah, hipster! Ah, hipster is someone who was really only superficially interested in something. They don't really care about it. They only care about that thing while it's trendy, while it's cool. And then they move on to the next fat, the next cool thing. Well, this word does have a few slightly different meanings. It's always generally a negative term if someone calls you. Ah, hipster! You look so hipster with those big glasses. I don't care if I look Hipster, These glasses are cool. You only just started listening to that band. I've been listening to them for about 10 years now. Wow, you are such a hipster! Nobody cares to hit on someone to hit on someone. To hit on someone means to flirt with someone to make sexual advances. To show someone that you are attracted to them. You do this by approaching someone, starting with some small talk and then try to show them that you're also physically attracted, not just as a friend. If they don't return the interest, then you just give up and you go away. Are you good at flirting with guys now? I'm shit at hitting on. Dude, I never know what to say. Hope Ah, Hope Ah ho is an offensive term Used to describe a woman who you think is very sexually active. Slutty has too much sex or dresses provocatively, Sexually. Again. It's very offensive, so you probably don't want to say it. My ex girlfriend broke up with me and she immediately started going out with a new guy. What? Ah ho! Don't call her. Ah ho, man, That's so mean. You're just jealous. Holy cow! Holy cow! Holy cow is just another way to say Wow! To show surprise! Many people use holy cow because they don't want to use stronger language like FARC Shit! Damn! Or Jesus Christ or God, I am people who don't say Jesus Christ or goddamn are probably more religious. Look outside! The sunset is amazing. Holy cow! You're right. Did you see last quarter's reports? The sales went through the roof. Holy cow! Look at that! Increase the hood! The hood! Ah, hoodlum! Ah, hood rat! The hood is a general term used to describe a neighborhood a part of the city that has high levels off crime and high levels of poverty. It's generally very negative and people might be offended if you describe their neighborhood as the hood. It's also very offensive to describe someone from that neighborhood as a hoodlum or hood rat. Thes two terms when describing someone also mean that they are probably criminal. They commit criminal activities. So while you will likely hear these words, I wouldn't use them because they're very insulting and inaccurate. Which neighborhood are you from? In Chicago? I was raised in Cabrini Green. Oh wow, you're from the hood. Do you know any hoodlums from their shit? Man, that's a stereotype. Don't say that. And nowadays, it's also fairly common for people just to say hood meaning neighborhood hooked to be hooked on something to be hooked on doing something. If you're hooked on something, you are addicted. You can't stop doing it. You can't get enough. You want more of it or you want to do more of it. Oftentimes, this could be drugs if it's serious, or you can also get hooked on TV shows, video games, good food. Did you stay home the whole day? Yeah, I am so hooked on this new Netflix show. It's incredible, Mark, Long time no see. How is your brother. He's not doing too good. He's been hooked on drugs. Ah, hook up. Hook up. Ah, hookup can mean two very different things to pay attention first. Ah, hook up is a person who can get you something. They're your supply. Most often. This is something illegal. If you're not 21 years old, maybe you have a beer or alcohol hookup. Or since marijuana is still illegal through most of the U. S, you might need a we'd hook up or just a drug hookup. In general, the thing that your hook up gets you is usually used before the word as the adjective A. We'd hook up a booze, hook up anything hook up. You know, I just moved here. Do you have a good We'd hook up. Yeah, I'll give you his number after the party. The second meaning of Ah, hook up or to hook up with someone here, it means to have sex with someone or, ah, sexual encounter. This isn't having sex in a relationship. This is more like N s. A sex meaning no strings attached, just random sex. I'm looking for a boyfriend, but I don't want someone who's just looking for N s A sax. Yeah, that happened to Lisa last weekend. She met this guy, but he was just a fuck boy. Hooker. Ah, hooker Hooker is a prostitute. A lady of the night. If we just say Ah, hooker or a prostitute or an escort. We're talking about a woman. If you want to talk about a man, we will say a male escort. A male prostitute Whose that politician who resigned for having sex with prostitutes I don't remember. But so many of them are probably doing it horny to be horny to be Ah, horn dog. To be horny means to be sexually aroused toe. Want to have sex? If you are constantly horny, Horny all the time. You are a horn dog. Let's go out tonight. Maybe I can find someone to hook up with. Damn. You are a horn dog. All you try to do is have sex. Are you in Lisa? A couple now? No, She just calls me when she's horny. Hot to be or toe look hot. If someone is hot, they're sexy. They're attractive there, foxy and probably have a nice bod. Let's go to the beach. I think we'll find some hot girls. I don't know. Let's go to the beach next week. I still have to work on my beach bod hot pants. I don't know. I'm laughing. Hot pants Hot fans are short, very short shorts. In fact, we can also call them short shorts, though generally we use short shorts for guys because it looked kind of awkward and hot pants for girls. The girl in the hot pants over there has a great bod. Definitely. I just don't want my daughter wearing hot pants when she's older. Hot mess to be, Ah, hot mess toe look like a hot mess. If you're a hot mess, it means your life or your physical appearance is chaotic, messy, disorganized, out of control. Generally to be Ah, hot mess is talking about your lifestyle. To look like a hot mess means talking about your physical appearance, your clothes, your hair, your face Mark, What are you doing? You look like a hot mess and you smell like alcohol. You can't come to work like that. I'm so sorry. Just my life is a hot mess right now. Please don't fire me humongous to be humongous, to be humongous. Oh, to be humongous means to be a huge, gigantic Jain. Enormous, big, really big Look at that. Yet it's humongous. There's no way I can eat this sandwich by myself is humongous. Oh, Hugh among gifts. Humongous. Oh, humongous human. Go, Hondo! Ah Hund Oh ah, Honda Oh is ah 100. It can just be referring to the number 100. Or it can be referring to a scene. Oh, a $100 bill. This party is bomp in. There must be like Ah hund Oh, people here. How much money do you need to borrow? The most I can lend you is ah ha Ondo toe hurl toe hurl to hurl is to throw up toe vomit even more informally to upchuck. This is when you feel sick and your lunch comes blood out of your mouth. You don't look too good. How do you feel? I feel terrible. I think I'm gonna hurl hyped, to be hyped, to be hyped up For there to be hype for a person or thing to be hyped means there's lots of attention, lots of publicity around it or them. The concert we're going to has great reviews is really hyped. Yeah, has lots of good publicity. I'm so hyped to see the movie tonight. I know it's gonna be great. So for a thing to be hyped means it has lots of publicity For a person to be hyped means you're excited hyper to be hyper. If someone is hyper, they have lots of energy. Probably too much energy. They are bouncing off the walls, basically the opposite of being chill or relaxed. What's the hardest thing about baby sitting little kids? They are too damn hyper. They never stopped running around. It is exhausting. All right, that's it for the h is you know what to do next. Watch the review video. I'll see you there. All right, bite. 26. H review: All right. I hope you're ready. We're going to review some of the H is all right. All right. I am So to go to the party. You're right. I'm also really excited. I am so hyped to go to the party. You're right. I'm also really excited. How often do you get your hair? How often do you get your hair done? How much money do you have in your wallet? About How much money do you have in your wallet? About 100 0 you need to take a shower. You look like a You need to take a shower. You look like a hot mess. I don't feel too good. I think I'm going to I don't feel too good. I think I'm going to hurl. Okay. After the stop light a left. Okay. After the stop light, hang a left. That speech was good. They did an excellent job. That speech was hella good. They did an excellent job. Let me know if you're free later too. Let's do something. Let me know if you're free later to hang out. Let's do something. Don't talk to that guy. I think he's in a gang. So he's probably don't talk to that guy. I think he's in a gang, so he's probably packing heat. You are being too right now. Relax. You are being too hyper right now. Relax. Those girls on the corner aren't just being nice to you. They're working. I think there was on the corner. Aren't just being nice to you. They're working. I think they're hookers. Do you have any? We can smoke. Do you have any herb? We can smoke. It's distracting going to the park because all these girls are wearing there. It's distracting going to the park because all these girls are wearing their hot pants. There's a slight, but with the program, give me five minutes to fix it. There's a slight hiccup with the program. Give me five minutes to fix it. You're such a always talking about this music that you listen to before it was cool. You're such a hipster, always talking about this music that you listen to before it was cool. Doesn't matter. No matter how drunk I am, it's still super hard to girls at the bar. Doesn't matter. No matter how drunk I am, it's still super hard to hit on girls at the bar. That guy you met last night after I left, did you? No, we didn't have sex. That guy you met last night after I left did you hook up? No, we didn't have sex. Do you have a weed? I really want to smoke some, but I don't know anybody. Do you have a wheat hook up? I really want to smoke some, but I don't know anybody. Having kids is a lot more of a than I thought it would be. Having kids is a lot more of a handful than I thought it would be. Which neighborhood do you live in? Oh, my, The West Side. Which neighborhood do you live in? Oh, my hood. The West Side. I'm sorry. I'm just so right now. I need something to eat to calm down. I'm sorry. I'm just So hang Gree right now. I need something to eat to calm down. Whoa! Look over there. What is that? Whoa! Look over their holy cow. What is that? I am so on this new game. It's amazing. I can't stop. I am so hooked on this new game. It's amazing. I can't stop. Your parents need to relax. You're right. They are the definition of they never leave me alone. Your parents need to relax. You're right. They are the definition of helicopter parents. They never leave me alone. Oh, you are looking in that dress. Oh, you are looking hot in that dress, are you? Toe? What's going on downtown? Know what's going on downtown? Are you hip to what's going on downtown? Know what's going on downtown? That boat is right. It's huge. That boat is humongous, right? It's huge. I'm not going to go there at three in the morning. That sounds like a situation. I'm not going to go there at three in the morning. That sounds like a Harry situation. Keep it in your pants, man. You're acting like, Oh, keep it in your pants, man. You're acting like a horn dog. You think she's attractive. She looks like you're just jealous because she's out of your league. You think she's attractive? She looks like Ah ho, You're just jealous because she's out of your league 27. Slang I: Hey, it's I time, All right? Ice, ice toe Wear ice. We're not talking about frozen water. We're talking about Drewry. Really? Really, really nice. Jewelry, diamonds, but not a single diamond. We're talking about necklaces, bracelets, watches, whatever down brown, Check out that new ice You weren't around your neck. I've been saving up. You like how it looks Iced two ice Someone to be iced If you I Someone you kill someone, you murder them Gangs tryto gangs tried to ice members from other gangs. And if you play first person shooters, I'm sure you've been iced many a time. If you join a gang and you carry a gun, you're going to get iced. Look out! He's comin. He's gonna ice you. Oh, too late. He got iced icky, icky to be icky. If something is icky, it is gross Disgusting And the sound we make Sometimes when we see something icky is IQ Touch the frog. I dare you No way! It's to a key Look, even I'll do it. Look Ah ek i d your i d your i d is your identification card? That's what it's short for. Ah, little card you put in your wallet or your post that has your name, where you're from, all of that good stuff, and it shows your age. This isn't for traveling abroad in the US your I d is just for travel and identification within the country. Most often you need it just when you're trying to buy stuff that you need to be a certain age to buy alcohol, cigarettes, going to bars and clubs, or when you're questioned by the police. For all of these situations, you will probably be asked, I d or can I see your i D I D. Please off. I forgot my wallet at home so you can't come in, then ignore a nous. To be an ignorant nous. To be in ignorant nous means to be an ignorant asshole. Those other two words were combining here ignorant asshole or a nous. However, in spoken English, ignorance is not a strong that is offensive as calling someone an asshole. And remember, if you're calling someone an asshole, that just means that they are a dick. A jerk. The president is such an ignorant nous. You're too polite. He's a fucking piece of shit ill to be ill. If something is ill. It's fresh dope. Cool. Just use it for things, though, because if a person is ill, it means they're sick. They don't feel good. Listen to the end of the track. It's the illest part. We're ho, You are so right That chorus was ill in to be in to be in means to be fashionable. We can use it for music, hairstyles, fashion, whatever. If something is in its cool for people usually high school aged kids, you might hear about the in crowd. The in crowd is the cool group of kids at that school. That jacket is fresh. That style is so in right now. I know, right? Maybe I'll get in the in crowd if I keep wearing clothes like this, inbred to be an inbred thistles, an insult used as an interjection. So we just throw it into a sentence by itself to insult someone. Literally. An inbred is someone who was raised by two parents who are very, very closely related, basically family, and when that happens, usually the child will have defects, the deformity, other bad things. But for the insult, it just means stupid idiot. Did he really make another mistake that inbred. Who are you calling an inbred as the first mistake he made this year? Chill. Take a chill pill inside. Joke inside. Joke an inside joke. An inside joke is a joke That's Onley funny for a specific group of people. That's because it's a specific thing that happened and you had to have Ben their toe, understand what happened and why it was funny. It really depends on the context of that specific situation. If you try telling an inside joke to someone who wasn't there or isn't a very close or good friend, they won't understand it. And it probably won't be funny. We were playing basketball, and then Mark just started yelling Fire! Fire! We had to stop. We were laughing non stop for 30 minutes. Wait, I don't I don't get it. Why was it funny? Fire. What? All you had to be there. We were watching this movie right before we played basketball and the guy kept yelling, Fire! Fire! You had to be there. You have to see the movie. I still don't get it. Intel in tow, tow. Have intel on. Something in tow is a shortening off the word intelligence, which by itself means information. Originally, this was just used by the military to talk about military or political information. Nowadays, however, it's used by everybody, and it just means information or news. What's the intel on Marc and Lisa? Are they still going out? Give me the in tow. When are you arriving? You got intel on what we're going to do today. Interweb. The interweb interweb is a sarcastic way to refer to the Internet. It's often used when parodying or making fun of an unskilled or a kind of amateur user of the Internet. Someone who is not tech savvy does not know how to use the Internet. Very well. Maybe your mom, your dad or grandma or Grandpa. I hate explaining the Internet to my parents. It's like first you go on the interweb, you start the Google and then you ask Mr Google a question. Okay. It is what it is. It is what it is. This'll expression is used to mean a fuck it or whatever. Basically meaning nothing that we can do about it. Oh, well, this expression is a bit self explanatory, and what it expresses is helplessness. The fact that there is nothing you can do or say to solve or fix a situation and that you just have to accept it. Fuck, We just missed our flight. Yeah, it is what it is. It is what it is. Is that all you can say? Well, what else can we do? Our tickets are non refundable, Dammit. I guess you're right. It is what it is. Is Old Izel Izel Izzo is a Suffolk's that replaces the second half of a word. This was much more common a few years ago, and you probably won't hear it in spoken English, and I don't recommend you use it. But if you like American music, especially rap and hip hop, there's a good chance you're going to hear it, especially in songs by Snoop Dog. There's no harm playing around with this Suffolk's and spoken English. It's maybe a bit fun, but is really a relic of the past. For example, I'm the real deal for sure bitch becomes I'm the result dizzle for shizzle dizzle see 28. I review: All right, let's review the eyes. Let's do it. Okay. Can you give me any on the meeting? Can you give me any intel on the meeting? No, don't go. That way. The other team will see you end. You No, don't go that way. The other team will see you and ice you anyways. I don't care. Anyways. It is what it is. I don't care. Sorry. Hold on. I need to see your if you want to enter. Sorry. Hold on. I need to see your I d. If you want to enter, could you make such a stupid mistake? You could you make such a stupid mistake, you ignoramus. Yeah, Don't touch that. It's Yeah! Don't touch that. It's icky. You! You're so idiotic! You inbred! You're so idiotic! Nice, Drewry. That must have cost you a pretty penny. Nice, Drewry. That ice must have cost you a pretty penny. They have so many. But I don't understand any of them. They have so many inside jokes. But I don't understand any of them. You're wearing those shoes? Uh, definitely not anymore. You're wearing those shoes. Those are definitely not in anymore. This track is so I love it. This track is so ill. I love it. My parents barely know how to use the just Facebook. My parents barely know how to use the interweb, just Facebook. 29. Slang J: Hey, it's time to learn some slang. And I think we're at the letter J. All right. To Jack. Something to Jack. Something from someone to jack. Something means to steal something to steal, something from someone else to take without asking. When you get on the bus, remember, put your wallet in your front pocket or else someone's gonna jacket from you to do Jack all to do Jack all to Jack around to do Jack shit. To do Jack all means to do nothing. It could mean you're doing nothing at home. Just being very lazy. Or it could mean that you're not taking something seriously. Maybe, for example, you're doing Jack all to solve a problem. You're not taking it serious. The vulgar form of this expression is to do Jack shit. I try to wake up early to be productive, but I start watching YouTube videos and I end up doing Jack shit. Well, what can you do to fix it? I'm not going to do Jack shit because I don't really care to jack up the price to jack up the price To jack up the price of something means to dramatically drastically increase the price during the summer months, they might jack up the price of oil. Pharmaceutical companies try to jack up the prices of drugs. What else can you think of if you want a new winter coat by it in August? Otherwise, if you wait, they're going to jack up the price. Oh, you got the first addition. You should jack up the price and resell it. Jailbait to be jailbait. Jailbait as a term that's used to describe mostly women, younger women under the legal age of consent. Under that is the legal age of having sex. Bait is what we use when you go fishing or doing other types of hunting toe attract and lure the animals. So this expression is literally saying that the underage girls, based on how they dress and their physical appearance, are luring, attracting men to have sex with them. But they're underage. So they're jailbait, their bait for men to go to jail. Another expression is toe fall for the bait toe fall for a trap. So you could say here, don't fall for the bait. Whatever happened to Mark? I haven't seen him in a long time. Oh, he hooked up with this girl, but she was jailbait. Mark's gonna be behind bars for a while. A jam, a jam, a jam is a song, but not just any song. It's a song that makes you want to move and dance. If you're in a band, you jam. To Jam is just to play music, but not a specific song to try to create a song. The most common expression with this slang is this is my jam is what you say when you hear a song that you really like. I am. This is my jam. Turn it up. Oh, you're right. I love this jam To be in a jam to be in a jam. If you're in a gym, you're in a difficult situation. You're in trouble is probably more common, though, to say that you're in a bit of a jam to get out of trouble. We say to get out of a jam. You look bothered. What's up? I forgot to talk to the professor about my paper during her office hours. I'm in a bit of a jam because she won't accept it anymore. A jerk to be a jerk, a jerk is a polite way of describing someone who is an asshole. A dick, a mean, rude person. Hey, joke, don't eat all the pizza. A jerk off. To be a jerk off a jerkoff is a jerk, but this is slightly stronger. It's more insulting to call someone a jerkoff. Hey, you really acting like a jerk off. Bug out A year to jerk off, to jerk, off to jerk off. Used on Lee for men means to masturbate to touch yourself. Have you ever been caught jerking off by your parents know Because you always got to be really careful not to get caught on Lee. One job to only have one job. You say this to someone who only has one responsibility, one thing to take care off. Most commonly, this expression is used in the past. After someone was not able to take responsibility to do what they were supposed to, I sent you to the grocery store to buy eggs. You had one job and you didn't do it. Oh, shit, that's right. I bought everything except the eggs. A jock to be a jock, a jock is a guy high school or college aged that is very athletic and usually not very smart a jock compared to other people who might also be athletic and play sports is also usually a bit rude and mean, especially to people who are considered geeky or nerdy or dweebs. A more insulting term for jock is meathead. If someone is a meathead, they're just meat and muscles, no brain at all. I hate gym class because the jocks are always picking on us. You're right. Let's go to the chess club. There's no meatheads over there of the john of a John The John, always with the article of Ah, John is the bathroom. We can also call it of the loo. Where's the john? I really have to go. Oh, I think I saw the bathrooms there. Your John Hancock, your John Hancock. Your John Hancock is your signature, where you write your name on documents and other official papers. It's called your John Hancock. Because for America's Declaration of Independence, the biggest signature was that of Mr John Hancock. All right, Before I sell you this car, I just need your John Hancock right here. A joint, a joint. A joint is a marijuana cigarette. It's some weed that you roll up in paper and you smoke it, and the paper that you roll it in is usually white. Ah, fat joint, often rolled in cigar type paper is called a blunt. You got any ganja, any weed to smoke? Ah, let's see. I got this joint. Weaken smoke ver joints. It's a joint to be in the joint. It's a joint, always with the definite article. VA is jail or prison. If you're in the joint, you're locked away. You're behind bars. What do you think happened to that guy who robbed the bank? He's probably in the joint, already jonesing to be jonesing for something. If you're jonesing, it means you really want something. You're craving something. It's so hot today. I'm really jonesing for a soda junk junk. When we talk about your junk, especially for a guy, it's the stuff down there. It's your private parts. Your wiener and your boys thes pants are too tight, the really smoosh in my junk junk in the trunk to have junk in the trunk. However, now, when we talk about junk in the trunk, we're talking about your cab boose or your butt. If you have junk in the trunk. It means you have a big But what's that song with a guy sings about butts. Oh, it's that one, right? I like big butts, the one about junk in the trunk junkie to be a junkie, A junkie is someone who is helplessly very addicted to drugs because of the severe addiction. Their life is ruined and they're now a junkie and dependent on drugs. Don't take the late night train. There's so many junkies on their Someone's gonna rob you Well, whoa, So that's the Jays. It's time to review seeing a bit Well, whoa. 30. J Review: Now we're going to continue with the review. We got the Jays. You can do it. All right. Turn this song up. It's my turn. This song up. It's my jam. Don't talk to that girl. You know she's You'll get in trouble. Don't talk to that girl. You know she's jailbait. You'll get in trouble. I need to use the Do you know where it is? I need to use the John. Do you know where it is before we go to the concert? Do you want to smoke up before we go to the concert? Do you want to smoke a joint? Shit, I'm in a I need to figure this problem out. Shit, I'm in a jam. I need to figure this problem out, but are always making fun of the geeks. The jacks are always making fun of the geeks. I'm too lazy today. I really just feel like doing I'm too lazy today. I really just feel like doing Jack all don't go that way by the bridge will try to mug you . Don't go that way. The junkies by the bridge will try to mug you. Whoa! Gas is expensive. Today. They really the price. Whoa. Gas is expensive today. They really jacked up the price. Don't go in his room. You know, he's probably don't go in his room, You know, he's probably jerking off. Was my wallet to someone when I was in the train? Was my wallet. Did someone jacket when I was in the train? You forgot to pick up your brother. You on, Lee, had you forgot to pick up your brother. You only had one job. Damn, That girl's got a nice body. She's got a lot of to Damn, That girl's got a nice body. She's got a lot of junk in the trunk to to finalize this sale. We just need to put your right here at the bottom to finalize this sale. We just need to put your John Hancock right here at the bottom. Go to hell. You're such a go to hell. You're such a jerk. My homie got in trouble and now he's my homie got in trouble. And now he's in the joint. It's so hot out. I'm really for a cold beer. It's so hot out. I'm really jonesing for a cold beer. Thes swim trunks are too tight, man. They're hurting my the's. Swim trunks are too tight, man. They're hurting my junk. 31. Slang K: Welcome back. It's time, right? Yeah. It's time for the case. Lang A k uh K okay is ah 1000 k is the Greek letter meaning 1000 kilos. Here in modern day English, We use it just to mean 1000 1 k 10-K 50 k 100 k 100,000 50,000 10,000 1000. How much money do you earn each year? Oh, I think just the average, like 45 k How much did you spend on that TV? Too much. About three k kaput. To be or to go kaput. If something is kaput, it's done. It's broken, it's exhausted and it cannot be used anymore. But if you're talking about the battery of something, it means the battery is dead. It's drained. You need to recharge. Why didn't you drive to work today? My car went kaput. I'm gonna have to buy a new one. However, for a person to be kaput means that they are really tired. Exhausted? Dead. How many miles did you run today? About 15. I feel co put. I'm going to take a nap, kicks, kicks, kicks our shoes and it's always plural. We don't talk about one kick. It's always a pair of kicks. If you want to talk about just one, say shoe Tenney or sneaker Lisa. You shoes are falling apart. You need some new kicks just for kicks, to do something just for kicks. To do something just for kicks means to do something just for fun. It can also mean to do something just because kind of impulsively for no reason. Why did you saw that? He raised her at the teacher? I don't know. I did it just for kicks. Let's film a video in slow motion. Why? I don't know. Just for kicks, it will be fun, right? Kick back to kick back, to kick back and relax. To kick back means to relax. To take it easy and to kick back and relax means the exact same thing. Because of the weather, schools canceled. What should we do? Let's just kick back and watch some TV. Ah, kickback. Ah, kickback. To give or receive a kickback. A kickback is a bribe, an illegal gift or payment to someone so that they do something for you, especially for people who work in politics. When you take the driver's test, give the instructor 20 bucks. Then you won't fail a promise. Are you telling me to give the instructor a kickback? No way. Sub Killah, Killah or Killer? You can hear this with the ER killer or just the A sound Kila. Either way, it's just a greeting that we use with friends. Hey, what's up, killer? Not much full. What's up with you? To be killer to be killer toe look killer. If something is killer, it's really cool. Great, Awesome. It can also be used to describe how great something looks if used to describe a person you're describing their temporary appearance, their outfit that day, their hair. But in general, we don't say that someone is always looking killer, although some people might. If you want to describe someone's general attractiveness, we can say that they're a knockout. Hot or fine, this pizza is killer Best pizza in the entire city. Whoa! I mean, you usually look pretty hot, but you look killer in that suit. Kick the bucket to kick the bucket. They kick the bucket is a very informal way of saying to die toe pass away. Because this is quite informal. You don't want to say this. For example, if you're at a funeral or if someone you know, just lost a loved one, this is more so for deaths that happened further in the past. And for people you don't know if you are talking to someone you know. Or if you're at a funeral or something more intimate is much more polite to say that that person passed away or they moved on. Heard your grandma passed away. I'm so sorry. Winded Michael Jackson. Kick the bucket. That was a few years ago, Right? To knock something to knock something or someone to knock someone or to knock Something means to insult, to criticize them. That painting is really ugly. While you knocking that painting, you can't make anything better. She really didn't give a good presentation. Yeah, but there's no need to knock her. She tried her best to be knocked up to knock someone up. To be knocked up. To knock someone up means to make someone pregnant for them to become preggers. So if you're knocked up, you are now pregnant. Did you see Lisa? She gained so much weight. Well, yeah, that's because she got knocked up. She's been pregnant for a while. Knockers, knockers, Knockers is a dirty in polite way to say breasts. Other insulting terms are Hooters melons, titties And who Who's I'm not saying I was looking, but that grew at the beach. Had huge knockers to be a knockout, a knockout to be a knockout. If someone is a knockout, they are stunningly attractive, gorgeous, beautiful, hot and fine. What you're actually saying is that they're so attractive that they basically knock you out . You go unconscious because of their good looks. Did you see this girl I matched with on Tender? She's a knockout. Yeah, she's definitely out of your league. Kush, Kush? Ah, Kush coma to be in a cush coma. Kush is We'd Anja, Mary Jane, Herb grass. You smoke Kush Or like all we'd you can also put it in edibles If you smoke too much weed. Too much kush, you enter what we call a cush coma. Ah, Kush coma is when you smoked too much weed and it feels like you are asleep. So asleep that it's like a coma were unconscious. You got any Kush Aiken by? I smoked way too much last night. I was in a cush coma, and I can't remember anything that happened. All right, that's the case. Go watch the review video. Move onto the next letter. If you need to review or if you have any questions, message me and re watch some of the videos, all right? 32. K review: Okay, We got the case. Let's do it. Do you want to smoke some? Do you want to smoke some cush? If you've never tried eating it before, then don't get If you've never tried eating it before, then don't knock it In Mexico, a policeman will accept a If you're in trouble and have the money in Mexico, a policeman will accept a kickback. If you're in trouble and have the money. When I save up one, I'll fly to see you. When I save up one k, I'll fly to see you. Damn! I love your new. Do you wear them for running? Or are they just for casual wear? Damn! I love your new kicks. Do you wear them for running? Or are they just for casual wear? That woman has huge. That woman has huge knockers. Why did I make fun of him? I don't know. Just for why Did I make fun of him? I don't know. Just for kicks. No, I don't feel like going out tonight. I'm just going to No, I don't feel like going out tonight. I'm just going to kick back. I didn't know he When did he die? I didn't know he kicked the bucket. When did he die? I need to buy a new phone before this one is completely. I need to buy a new phone before this one is completely kaput. Did you hear about Lisa Market? She's preggers. Did you hear about Lisa? Market knocked her up. She's preggers. Your girlfriend is absolutely stunning. Your girlfriend is a knockout. Absolutely stunning. This gem is It's fire. This gem is killer. It's fire! 33. Slang L: Let's continue knocking out the slang. We're making some good progress. Let's do the els and then we'll review. All right, ladies, man, to be a ladies man. A lady's man is someone who spends a lot of time flirting, chatting up, trying to hook up with ladies. It's a little bit different than being, ah, player or a womanizer, because here there's a little idea that a ladies man is nicer and more honest with the ladies. You are such a ladies man. How do you do it? Well, I'm just honest. I tell them exactly what I think and what I want. Lame to be lame. If something is lame, it's stupid dome dull on. Interesting. Want to hear a joke? No, because your jokes are super lame. They suck if a person is lame there. Un interesting. Boring. I'm sorry. I can't go to the picnic this weekend. I'm gonna have to work extra. What? You never do anything, man. U So lame. Lead someone on to lead someone on to lead someone on means toe. Act like you're flirting with someone, toe Act like you're interested in them. But not really either, because there's a relationship that you're more interested in And this is your backup plan or just because you like the attention. I don't know. Do you think this guy's interested in me? I don't think so. He's just leading you on. That's why you guys haven't hung out at all out of your league. For someone to be out of your league first in relation to competition. If someone is out of your league, it means they're much better than you. They perform better. They play better. They're just better. Their league is way up here. They're level those standard in you way down here, okay? I mean, you're doing a good job this game, but this guy is out of your league. He's out performing you. I'll cover him. You cover that guy now when talking about someone that you're attracted to, to be out of your league means they're just better than you, either because of their attractiveness There too hot to find. Or maybe because of their success, they're much more successful than you. One of us should go and try to those people. One of us should go talk to that girl at the bar. No way, man. She's out of our league. Look at how hot she is. Lighten up to lighten up the light note means to relax. Not be so serious. Calm down. We say this when someone's acting too serious. Or maybe if they're upset Lighten up. It's a command. Meaning chill. I fucked up the project. God dammit! Whoa! Lighten up, man is not a big deal lit to be lit. First of all, if you're lit because of alcohol, it means you're drunk. A bit tipsy. You are boozed up. I can't close my eyes. I am too lit because it looks like the room is spinning. Now, if something is lit, it means awesome. Dope. Fresh! Look at this painting. It is a lit. You're right. The brush technique is awesome. To give lip to give someone lip to give someone lip means to talk back To be rude, in polite, to not show respect. Especially when talking to someone in a position of authority. Someone like your parents. Dad, Shut up! I don't care. Hey, don't talk to me like that. Don't give me that lip like like like is a filler word. It has no real meaning. We just use it when you need to fill the pauses in your speech. It's extremely overused, so really, really try not to use it in the slaying meaning, and there are much better filler words that you can use. For example. Well, you see what I mean is what I'm trying to say is, and there's some other ones. Just try not to use, like, literally, literally another word you really don't want to use in its laying sense, literally. The literal meaning off literal is something that actually happened or exists. It's the opposite of figuratively, but but in slaying English literally is just used to add emphasis to stress something I like literally just got here. You literally just got here. I literally arrived about five minutes ago. I literally can't believe that we literally arrived at the same time. Don't use thes Lo Lowe's low lows. These both mean laugh out loud in written English. They are just a way to express laughter that you think something is funny in spoken English . It's more of an ironical use. We use it mostly in spoken English to express that we don't think something is funny, So he drove his car right through the fence. It was hilarious. Yeah. Low. Great story. Long time, no see. Long time no see. You use this greeting. Longtime. No. See, when you see someone that you haven't seen for a long time, or at least what seems like a long time. Hey, Mark, is that you? Wow. Long time no see. How are you? Yeah, long time no see. How are you? I'm good. Get lost. Get lost. This command is used to tell someone to go away. Get out of my face. Bug off. Can I borrow your PlayStation? Please? Please, please, please, Please get lost. No way. Love handles to have love handles. Love handles. Well, those are the areas of your lower stomach and back. We have some extra fat. Some extra flab hanging off men and women. Both have these end. When we refer to them, we're usually talking about a little bit of extra fat. Not so much. These jeans fit nicely, but damn there so tight. They really make my love handles stick out. Yeah. And to be honest, you've also got quite a muffin top going on too low. Key to be low key. First for a person to be low key means to be quiet, relaxed, chill reserved for a thing to be low key means that it's not very noticeable. Probably cause is kind of basic and not ostentatious. I'm a very low key kind of person. I don't want any drama I don't want. I don't want tohave to raise my voice. I just want to relax, Okay? We have to find my car in the parking lot. The problem is, it's a very low key white color car. It looks like most of these cars for an event to be low key or to keep an event, Loki means to keep it on the down low to keep it under wraps, meaning to keep it basically private. Okay, team, keep this deal low key. If our competitors find out about it, we are in trouble. Zip your lips. Keep it low. Key luck out to luck. Out with something toe luck out with something means to get lucky toe. Have a good luck. Wow. So we left late during rush hour to catch our plane, but we lucked out because there was no traffic. Talk about luck. All right, Well, that's it for the Els. That's it for the Elles Revue after this and continue on to the end of the alphabet, all right? 34. L review: we got the Els. Let's get to business and do the review so we can move on with the other slang. This match sucks. I didn't think it would be so this match sucks. I didn't think it would be so the thing We're not driving cells. Look at that traffic. We really the thing. We're not driving cells. Look at that traffic. We really lucked out. Hey, Mark, I haven't seen you in ages. Hey, Mark, I haven't seen you in ages. Long time no see. I wouldn't let my child give me like hoses to her. I wouldn't let my child give me lip like hers is to her. Come over tonight. You can invite a few people, but keep it. Come over tonight. You can invite a few people, but keep it low key. Good luck talking to that guy, but I think he's to be honest. Good luck talking to that guy. But I think he's out of your league, to be honest. Don't worry about it. It's not serious. Just try toe. Don't worry about it. It's not serious. Just try toe, lighten up. How do you talkto women like that? You're such a how do you talkto women like that? You're such a ladies man. This party is awesome. So not to mention I'm pretty from all these beers. This party is awesome. So lit. Not to mention I'm pretty lit from all these beers. I don't think she really likes you. She's just on. I don't think she really likes you. She's just leading you on. I know, right? It's so stupid. I like I should say what I know, right? It's, like, so stupid. I literally, like Should say what? Ha! Good joke, man. Huh? Ha! Good joke, man. Her lows. Don't talk to me. If you've got an attitude, you better don't talk to me. If you've got an attitude, you better get lost. You Comptel. I haven't worked out for a while because I've got these. You can tell I haven't worked out for a while because I've got these love handles under my arms and by my stomach 35. Slang M: This is our 13th letter. So we're halfway done here. Let's get started, man. Man Man is a versatile word in English. Let's start with the first use, which is as a greeting primarily used between men. But it is more gender, but it is more gender neutral nowadays. So you see some women using it as well. Hey, man, what's up? Not much, man. How are you? The next way that man is used is as an interjection. T show surprise. Astonishment that you're upset or happy You got the promotion. Awesome, man. You got fired all, man. That sucks the man, though. Man, when we talk about the man, we use the definite article. Vah vah man. Because it's a very specific entity. When we talk about the man, it's not exactly a specific person. It's a group. This idea off a group that's in charge or in authority The police, the government, maybe even your boss. The people who run things control things there. The man The man is always trying to oppress people. We need to change things. Yeah, man, I agree, man Cave a man cave a man cave is a space or a room somewhere in your house or possibly in your garage. And it's used for those stereotypical manly activities watching sports, drinking beer, farting a lot. I don't know whatever guys do. A man cave is a place for men to relax without the interruption, especially of women. And if you have younger Children, you should come over. Tonight I finished the man cave. It's perfect for watching the game. All right, I'll pick up some beers and I'll meet you at your place. Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane is marijuana weed, grass, dope, Whatever you want to call it. You want to smoke some Mary Jane? No, I'm busy tonight. Let's smoke some weed next week. Mind blown toe. Have your mind blown for your mind to be blown. If your mind is blown, you can't believe what you're hearing. Your astonished something so extraordinary. Something so amazing is basically causing your mind toe blow up. My mind was blown when I found out how much more money my boss makes than me Monday morning quarterback to be a Monday morning quarterback. The original meaning here is for someone who watches American football games on Sundays and then the next day at work to talk about what the team could have done better, as if he was the quarterback for the team after the match already happened. Nowadays, you can use this expression just to describe things after they happen and what you would have done better or differently. More so if someone is a Monday morning quarterback, they over analyse things. Don't worry about what you said during the meeting. You're acting like a Monday morning quarterback. It doesn't matter to make waves to make waves. To make waves means to make an impression. To be noticed. To make waves, I think, is generally positive. But some people think it can be a little negative. First, the positive expression is just to get noticed, especially if you want the attention to get noticed by someone you're attracted to. Your boss anyone. However, there's also the idea for some people that it means to get noticed in a bad way to cause some chaos to cause maybe some confusion or toe upset people. What a great presentation. You definitely made some waves with the CEO. You're gonna be getting a promotion. Listen up. We hired you for this job specifically do your job. As you're told, we don't want you making any waves, man. Crush to have a man crush or to have a guy crush on someone. Now, we already went over a girl crush. So you probably know that a man crush or a guy crush is a platonic, a friendly attraction to someone because you admire them. For some reason, you're either always talking about Mark or hanging out with Mark. You have a serious man crush on that dude to the max To do something to the max. To do something to the max means to do something to the extreme with as much effort and energy as possible. We studied to the max today, eight hours straight with no break. Good job, meathead. To be a meathead. A meathead is a more insulting way to call someone a Jack ah, person who Onley exercises, has big muscles and probably wants to have sex with lots of girls, but is incredibly incredibly stupid at Daniel's. Stupid. You should stop going to the gym once in a while and go to the library. Your meathead Mellon, your melon. Your melon won't That's your head. We could also call it your noggin. If you're going to ride your bike, put on your helmet. Protect that melon, melons, melons When we talk about melons, always plural melons were talking about women's breasts. The boobs most often. If you use melons, they are large breasts. That girl's melons cannot be rials. She definitely had a boob job. Melo to be mellow. If someone is mellow, they are calm, relaxed. Chill. If a thing or event is mellow, it's also calm, relaxed and chill. A command you can use to tell someone to relax like to take a chill pill is mellow out. Calm down. The weather today is perfect. It's so mellow and relaxed. Let's go to the pool. Listen, man, mellow out. It's not such a big deal, M I A. To B m I A. To be m I. A means to be missing in action Pretty much the same meaning as to be a wall. You are gone. You are missing without permission. Sir. Mark is missing again. He's m I A. What should we do? Mumbo jumbo for something to be mumbo jumbo? If something is mumbo jumbo, it's gibberish. Nonsense does not make any sense oftentimes something is mumbo jumbo on purpose to confuse someone to deceive someone. I can't read these instructions. It's just mumbo jumbo politicians, always speaking mumbo jumbo. We kind of terms on purpose. Munchies to have the munchies. The munchies is something you get after smoking weed. You have a craving for food, you get a little hungry and you want a snack. Usually not a full meal, something lighter like chips, something sweet, a snack, something to munch on. That wheat was really good, but now I've got a serious case of the munchies. You got any cookies? M. V P to be the M V P M V P stands for Most valuable Player, and it comes from sports, where for a certain match or for the entire season, the league will choose the most valuable player, the best player. And nowadays we can use this just to describe someone who did a really good job. If you're the M. V. P at work, you're doing good at work. If you're the M V P for whatever, you're either doing the best or just doing a really good job. Yo dude, you are the M v P. For suggesting that we turn our homework in next week instead of this week. Good job. All right, That's the EMS. We are now more than halfway finished here. Keep going. Review. Have some fun with it. And remember, make your examples, all right? 36. M review: It's m time. Some more review. Sit back. Relax and good luck. Politicians are so arrogant. I'm so sick of trying to tell us what to do. Politicians are so arrogant. I'm so sick of the man trying to tell us what to do. Do you have any snacks? Because I've got the Do you have any snacks? Because I've got the munchies. I have no idea what you're talking about. It sounds like But to me, I have no idea what you're talking about. It sounds like mumbo jumbo to me. I've got a huge on a dress. Alba! I've got a huge man crush on a dress. Alba, is that true? Damn you, Blue! Is that true? Damn! You blew my mind. I didn't do anything. It was all you! You deserve the credit. Your the I didn't do anything. It was all you. You deserve the credit. You're the M V P. If you're free later, let's smoke some in. Relax if you're free later. Let's smoke some Mary Jane and relax. Wow. Check out that girls. Wow! Check out that girl's melons. If you want to get ahead at this company, you're going to need to to get noticed. If you want to get ahead at this company, you're going to need to make some waves to get noticed. You are dumb as a bag of Brexit. You you are dumb as a bag of bricks, you meathead hate to be a but you shouldn't have talked to the client like that. Let's think about what we could have done instead. Hate to be a Monday morning quarterback. But you shouldn't have talked to the client like that. Let's think about what we could have done. Instead, Where's Mark? Is he again? Where is he? Where's Mark? Is he M I a. Again? Where is he? Lets just have night at home. Nothing crazy. Let's just have a mellow night at home. Nothing crazy. You won't win. If you play leisurely, you have to play to them. You won't win. If you play leisurely, you have to play to the max 37. Slang N: All right, so we're more than halfway done. We got the ends here, so let's get started. The n word. The n word thing n word has a very long and difficult history in the United States. If you listen to American music, watch American TV or live in the U. S. There's a very good chance that you're going to hear this word. However, I really don't suggest. And don't think that you should use it, especially if you're not black according to the common American designation of what it means to be black. To give you a better understanding of this word, I'm going to show you a quick clip off. Tana has he clothes. He coats clip of Tallahassee coats, explaining how all words don't belong. Toe everyone. Words don't have meaning without context. Um, my wife refers to me as honey that's accepted and okay between us. If we were walking down the street together and a strange woman referred to me as honey, that would be acceptable. The understanding is I have some sort of relationship with my wife. Hopefully, I have no relationship with this strange woman. When I was young and I used to go see my family in Philadelphia When my dad was from, They will all call him Billy. His name is William Paul Coates. No one in Baltimore called him Billy. And had I referred to my father as Billy, that probably would have been a problem. That's because the relationship between myself and my dad is not the same as the relationship between my dad and his mother and his sisters, who grew up with way. Understand that, Um It's the same thing with words within the African American community in any community. My wife with her girlfriend who used the word bitch. I do not join it. I don't do that. I don't do that. Perhaps more importantly, I don't have a desire to do it. You understand? You know, a while ago Dan Savage was gonna have this show that he was going to call. Hey, faggot, I'm not gonna go faggot dance, have I'm just not That's not my relationship with the LGBT community. And I understand. And I'm okay with that. I don't have a desire to, you know, yell out the word you know, Friday. I just don't have that. Um, the question one must ask if that's accepted and normal for groups of people. We understand that it's normal, actually, for groups to use words that are derogatory in ironic fashion. Why is there so much hand wringing when black people do it? Um, black people are basically, you know, however you feel about it, they're not outside of the normal rules and laws for humanity had a, you know, a good friend who used to have this cabin in upstate New York, which he referred to as the white trash cat. He was white. I would never refer to that cabin. I would never tell him I'm coming to your white trash cab. I just wouldn't do that. I mean, I think you understand why I wouldn't do it. The question one must ask is why so many white people have difficulty extending things that a basic law of how human beings interact to black people. And I think I know what um when you're white in this country, you taught that everything belongs to you. Do you think you have a right to everything? Get right to go with you? I mean your condition this way. It's not because you you know your hair is a texture of your skin is like It's the fact that the laws in the culture tell you this right to go where you want to go, do what you want to do be, however, And people just gotta accommodate themselves to you. So he comes this word that you know you feel like you invented. And that's why I will tell you how to use a word that you meant it. You know what? Why can't I use it? Everyone else gets to use it. You know what? That's racism, that I don't get to use it racist against me. You know, I have to inconvenience myself and I hear this song and I can't sing along How come I can't sing along? You know, I mean and I think, you know, for white people I think the experience of being a hip hop fan and not being able to use the word *** is actually very, very insightful. It will give you just a little peek into the world of what it means to be black, Theo, because to be black is to walk through the world and watch people doing things that you cannot do, but you can join in and do you know? So I think there's actually a lot to be learned from refraining your number. Your number to get someone's number. Your number is your telephone number. It's your digits. Hey, what's your number? I'll call you tomorrow to plan a study time a number one a number two to go number one to go number two or to take a number one to take a number two to go, number one means to p a more vulgar expression to take a piss. To go number two means to poop a more vulgar expression to take a shit worse, A bathroom. I got to go number one I know, right? I'm looking to because I really have to take a number too nasty to be nasty. The general meaning non slaying meaning of nasty is disgusting. Gross. But when we're talking about people related to sex, their sexual preferences, if you're nasty, it means you like doing all kinds of stuff in the sack in bed. You like to experiment and do weird stuff. Maybe because you're nasty. You could also say that you're kinky. You slept with that guy over there. How wasn't? The dude was nasty. You want to do some weird shit? Nasty woman. A nasty woman. Nasty women. This term became very popular right before Donald Trump was elected president during a presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump called Clinton a nasty woman an insult, and now it has been co opted. It has been appropriated into a term of empowerment for women. You see this on protest signs, and you see it all over the Internet. Basically. Now it means a strong independent woman. Trump called Hillary Clinton a nasty woman as an insult, But now it's almost a term of empowerment, neat, neat or Nieto. If something is neat or nido, it's just interesting is not really interesting, but it's not un interesting as an interjection. You can also just respond by saying Nieto like Cool. Look at this book cover. It's neat, isn't it? Yeah, I mean needle right. But that one over there is really interesting Netflix and chill to Netflix and chill to Netflix and chill, which is mostly an expression used by people who are using online dating abs, means to meet up often for the first time and just watch some Netflix, some TV shows and relax. But really, the main idea here is that you're going to meet and probably just have sex. So to Netflix and chill just means toe have sex. Hey, grow. You want to do something later? I'm sure. What do you think? Netflix and chill. Now fuck off. Never regions your nether regions be your nether regions. Well, this is another way of saying or private parts. It can be for men or women and is a bit more playful, but not so dirty. Yo, dude, you need a belt because I can see you're another regions. You gotta pull that stuff up and s a for something to be n s a no strings attached. If something especially a relationship is an essay, it means no strings attached. Meaning it's just for sex. There's no romantic or psychological connection. It's a purely physical relationship. The strings here is the emotional connection. Are you looking for a long term relationship? No, just something An essay not safe for work to be not safe for work. We never say N s f w. We always say the full expression not safe for work. This is used as a warning on the Internet to tell people, Hey, if you're at work or at another public space, this content is inappropriate, usually because of pornography or because of language swear words. Lisa sent me this email with a funny joke, but I'm not going to open it because in the subject line, it says not safe for work to be not safe for life, for something to be not safe for life, like not safe for work here. When we speak it, we will say the full expression not safe for life. If something is not safe for life, it means that it has some very disturbing content, probably images or video that can really disturb you. Stuff related to violence and death I accidentally opened is not safe for life image, and it's stuck in my brain. I was horrible. Nuke food to nuke something to nuke some food to nuke some food means to put some food in the microwave toe, warm it up to make it hot again. Is there any pizza left I'm gonna go check together is Do you want me to nuke it? A nut to be a nut to be a something nut. First, simply to be a nut. Here, it can mean that you're insane. You are a wacko. You're crazy. Another expression for this is to be a nut job. However, we can also use a nut just to mean someone who's kind of goofy. Funny. The people at the insane asylum are totally nuts. There. Nut jobs. That was a really good joke. It was really nutty. Now, to be a something nut means to know a lot about something or to be really obsessed with something. This is similar to being a something buff. My friend is a total World War two nut. He knows everything about it. Oh, my sister. She's an ancient history buff. She knows everything about ancient Greece. All right, there you go. For now. Do you exercise is say them out loud, right them and then watch the review video. All right, 38. N Review: and now we've got some ends. Let's see how you do here, Okay? I wouldn't open that email at work. It says right there in the headline. I wouldn't open that email at work, it says, Not safe for work right there in the headline. Hey, it was great meeting you. Can I get your Hey, it was great meeting you. Can I get your number? That dude is crazy. Such a That dude is crazy. Such a nut. I never click links that say I don't want to see that kind of stuff. I never click links that say not safe for life. I don't want to see that kind of stuff. The port is said in place of the actual word, because it's very harmful. The N word is said in place of the actual word, because it's very harmful. Oh, that's interesting. Oh, that's interesting. Nieto. Are you looking for a relationship or just something? Are you looking for a relationship or just something? An essay. You can use my bathroom if it's for a but please use someone else's. If it's for our, you can use my bathroom if it's for a number one, but please use someone else's if it's for a number two. She didn't return my call after I asked her if she wanted to. I think I pissed her off. She didn't return my call after I asked her if she wanted to Netflix and chill. I think I pissed her off. She seemed to like a normal girl. But in bed she was She seemed to like a normal girl. But in bed she was nasty. You better wear a cup when playing rugby. If you don't want to hurt your you better wear a cup when playing rugby. If you don't want to hurt your nether regions, I'm going to the leftovers from yesterday. Are you hungry? I'm going to nuke the leftovers from yesterday. Are you hungry? 39. Slang o: test test letter O, let's do it. Oh, face, Oh, face the O face is the face that you make while you're having sex. This is according to the movie office space, because when you're having sex, you're going Oh, something, Something like that. Some people also refer to it as your own face because it's your orgasm face. Oh, standing for orgasm. How is sex with that guy? It was a little off putting a little weird because he had a very strange oh face O C d two b o C D o C. D is obsessive compulsive disorder. This is a serious disorder in some people where they have very obsessive compulsive habits in slaying, however, it just means to be a little demanding, a bit controlling. My boss always wants me to double check the expense reports. He is so o. C. D. I can't stand it off the hook to be off the hook to be off the chain. If an event is off the hook or if it's off the chain, it's crazy. Amazing, insanely good. It's hitting the fan. The championship game tomorrow is going to be off the hook. It's definitely gonna be the best game of the year. Go off on someone to go off on someone. To go off on someone means to attack someone verbally to criticize them severely and especially in a very angry way. We usually go off on someone after they did something wrong or something that's unacceptable. Market came home late last night, and so our mom went off on him. She wouldn't stop yelling an O G to be an o. G. O. G stands for original gangster. And basically, like any gangster type person, they have swag style and probably street credit, meaning people respect them. You don't want to mess with someone who is an O G. Don't talk to that guy like that. He looks like an O G. He can fuck you up old school to be old school. If something is old, School is from the past. It's retro, and oftentimes people like old school stuff because it's nostalgic and reminds him of the past. Or they just like to stuff from that era. Wow, look, a VHS tape. This is old school, the type of rap I really like his old school rap. It's the best one hit wonder to be a one hit wonder. A one hit wonder is a specific musician or a musical group that was only able to produce one successful song. We can also say that other people in other careers were also one hit wonders if they likewise were only able to produce one successful, very popular thing. What's that one hit wonder band from the 19 eighties? The one the eighties are full of one hit wonders, one up to one up someone toe one up Someone means to do something better than someone else , usually with the idea of making the other person look bad to embarrass them by doing better . I bought this girl a bouquet of flowers, so this other guy one up to me and bought her two bouquets of flowers like What the fuck? We lowered our prices by 10%. So our competitors is trying to one up us by lowering their prices by 15% onion booty to have an onion booty. This is not very common, and I think it actually sounds kind of gross. But for some people and onion booty is a girl's, but her booty that's so nice it causes you to cry like what an onion makes you do when you're cooking. Check out that girl's onion booty. Her what? Her onion booty. It's so nice it makes me cry. Open relationship toe have or to be in an open relationship. An open relationship is where you have one main partner, your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife. But you also have several other sexual partners with these other partners. The relationship is not very serious. Is more focused on the physical, the sex. How are things with that girl you're seeing? Not bad, but she wants an open relationship. I don't think that's something I'm interested in owned to be or to get owned by someone. If you get owned by someone, it means that they dominated you. They destroyed you, outperformed you end because of that. Embarrassed you. Most often This is used when playing video games or among teenagers when making fun of people. Ha killed you again. You got owned. Oh, sick burn. You really made fun of him, man. You got owned. All right, so that's it for the those time to review So you don't get owned when trying to speak English. All right, 40. O Rev (checked): All right, We've got the O's. Let's review, of course, message me If you have any questions when you finish, I can only date one person at a time. So I'm not interested in I can only date one person at a time, so I'm not interested in an open relationship. You are too obsessed with this stuff. Maybe you're You are too obsessed with this stuff. Maybe you're O C D. What's the name of that Who had that nineties dance hit? What's the name of that one hit Wonder who had that nineties dance hit? If you don't shut up, I'm going to on you. If you don't shut up, I'm going to go off on you. The rat music today is great, but lots of people prefer the stuff. The rat music today is great, but lots of people prefer the old school stuff. No, she didn't punish me. She actually let me. No, she didn't punish me. She actually let me off the hook. Wow, that girl hasn't. It puts a tear to my eye. Wow, That girl has an onion booty. It puts a tear to my eye. Some people say that when you sneeze It's what you're looks like during sex. Some people say that when you sneeze it's what your O face looks like during sex. Damn! He kicked your butt. You got Damn! He kicked your butt! You got owned. Do you purposefully try toe me in front of my family? Do you purposefully try to one up me in front of my family? 41. Slang P Part 1: all right. We've got quite a few p slang words today, so buckle up. Get ready. It's time to start. Pad your pad. Your pad simply is your home wherever you live. I'm too tired. You guys, I need to go back to my pad and get some sleep. Party pooper. To be a party pooper. Party pooper is someone who ruins the fun for everyone else. Mostly because they're done. They don't want to party anymore. Also, it could just mean that they're kind of boring and don't want to do what everyone else wants to do. We can also say that this person is a wet blanket. I'm really sorry to be a party pooper, but I need everyone to leave. I'm going to bed, so get out and go somewhere else. Party animal to be a party animal. A party animal is the opposite of a party pooper or wet blanket. A party animal never wants to stop partying. A party animal is someone who is crazy, loves to party, never wants to stop. Look at him. Drink. God damn, he has a party animal. Pause Your paws. Your paws are your hands. But most often we use pause when someone is touching something or someone that they shouldn't be. So a common expression to use is get your paws off me if someone's touching you or get your paws off of something if you don't want someone to touch something this junk. I touched me at the bar, so I told him to get his fucking paws off me. Or I would kick his ass, take a pass to take a pass on something to take a pass on. Something means to not take a turn to say no, thanks. Do you want to take a hit off this blunt? No, I'll take a pass, man. I'm good. Thanks. Do you want to carpool toe work this week? No. I'll take a pass. I'm just too busy to coordinate something like that. P e p e p e Class P e is short for physical education, and it's a very common way to say gym class. You know the class where you exercise you run and shit like that. What class do you have right after lunch? Oh, shit. I've got P for foot fat to be fat to be fat Ph 80 not F a t means to be cool. Dope. Sick Fat is not as common as it used to be, but you still hear it from time to time. Those shoes off fat. Where did you get them? Pick up line. A pickup line. A pickup line is the first thing you say to a girl or guy. If you're trying to hit on them, if you're floating, usually a pickup line is rehearsed. You've planned it and it's probably really cheesy or corny enough so that they usually fail and repel Push away people. Hey, girl, you must be tired. Oh, yeah? Why is that? Because you've been running around my head all day to pick up someone to pick up someone first. If you pick up a friend or someone you know, it means you're giving them all right to give someone a lift, meaning to pick them up in your car. But for the slang, if you're picking someone up, it means you're trying to meet someone to find someone you're attracted to and bring them back to your place mainly to have sex or didn't mark ago how he picked up this girl at the bar and he brought her back to his place. Pig out to pig out. To pick out is to eat a lot of food and very quickly and very messily. We can also say to scarf down food, a haze low down. There's no need to pig out. It looks gross a pig to be a pig. Two very different meanings here. So pay attention. If someone is a pig, it can mean that they're very messy, disorganized, super disorganized and messy. You are such a pig. Wash your dishes, however, to be very insulting when referring to a police officer. That's when we use a pig. This is very offensive. So if you want to make a cop angry, then this is the term you can use. So be careful. Look at that guy. He just got pulled over by the cops. I know, right? It's the end of the month. Those pigs are only pulling people over because they need the tax money pimp to be a pimp. A pimp is someone who controls where and when a prostitute works, and usually it's a very tough person who abuses the people who work for him. But pimp is also a slaying way to greet someone usually used between men. The guy on the corner must be a pimp. Look at how he's talking to those girls. A What's up, pimp? How you doing, man? Piss to take a piss to piss thistles. A more vulgar, inappropriate way of just saying to P o Damn, Where's the bathroom? I gotta piss. Pissed drunk to be piss drunk. If you are pissed drunk, you are really Trunk. You are drunk off your ass. Oh, man, I can't even stand up. I am pissed drunk the fifth to plead the fifth. To plead the fifth means you won't say anything. Especially you won't say anything that can incriminate or be used against you. This comes from the Bill of Rights. The Fifth Amendment to the American Constitution. So what happened between you and that girl last night? Shit. I'm not saying anything, man. I'm pleading the fifth peanuts toe Earn peanuts to be peanuts. If you earn peanuts, it means you earn very, very little money. And if an amount of money is peanuts, it just means that it's a very small amount of money. I need a new job. I'm barely earning peanuts. It's very difficult to live off this income 42. Slang P Part 2: pissed to be pissed off at someone to be pissed at someone. If you're pissed at someone you really angry you're really upset with, um I'm so pissed off at you right now, man. Bug off plastered to be plastered. If you're plastered, you are pissed drunk. You're drunk off your ass. Shit faced. Oh, God. I've never been this drunk before. I am plastered playing to be playing to be playing around if you're playing. You're joking. You're having fun. You're not being serious. Are you serious? Did that really happen? No, man. I'm just playing around. Play? Yeah, to be a player. Okay, First, you can use this as a greeting, mostly between men. And here it just means friend, homey. Dude. Hey, what's up, player? Not much men. Next, a player is just someone who wants toe have sexual relationships with lots of girls. Not a serious relationship. He's just interested in the sex. So for this reason, guys might think that is cool to be a player, But for girls, often times, it's something just stupid. That guy is such a player. Look how easily he talks to those girls. Pocket, pool to play pocket, Pool pool is that game. You play often times at a bar with the pool stick and the the balls, and you hit them into the holes. Now, when we say to play pocket pool, it's a joking way to talk about masturbation. Your dick is basically the pool stick and the balls Well, that's That's your boys. What is your brother doing so long in the bathroom? Shit, I don't know. Probably masturbating on point for something to be on point. If something is on point, it looks good. It tastes good. It's just good. It's great. It's awesome. Tam. This pasta is on point. Let's go to the beach. This weather is on point. It's a beautiful day. Pot pot pot is a very, very common way of saying we'd marijuana, herb, the grass, the ganja, whatever. Hold those words we've talked about. You know, you want to hang out and smoke some pot for shower. Preggers to be preggers. If a woman is preggers, it's just a cuter way of saying pregnant. Would you like a glass of wine with your dinner? No, thank you. I'm I'm pregnant on preggers. Pregame a pregame to pre game to pre game is to start drinking, usually at a friend's house before you go out, like going out to the club or a bar or to the main party. A pregame is a PRI party, or basically to pre game is to pre drink toe. Have some drinks before you go to a bar or to the main party. We're having a pregame at my place tonight. If you want to come A before we go to the club, let's pregame at my place so we can save some money on drinks. Primi Ah, Primi a preemie is a prematurely born baby, a baby that was born before the expected or due date. Primi can be used nicely with good intentions, but it can also be used a bit insultingly so I would avoid using this term tow. Avoid insulting anyone. All your baby is so small. I know he's a pre me, but he's healthy now. Private parts, your private parts, your private parts Well, that's your genitalia, your dick, your balls, your vagina. That good stuff and private parts is a much better, much culturally more appropriate way of saying those things. I have to remind my toddler to get dressed in the morning because he doesn't care about showing his private parts of the projects the projects. The projects usually refers to poor neighborhoods usually related to low income housing or public housing. And oftentimes the idea is that there's more violence and crime in the projects. My family's trying to save up money to move out of the projects and find a nicer neighborhood. Pull something off to pull something off first to pull something off when talking about your hair style of your appearance means to be ableto wear something or do something and look good doing it, that is to pull something off. You should definitely buy that shirt. I don't think so. It's too bright. I can't pull that off second to pull something off when talking about an objective or a goal means to accomplish it to achieve it. Were you able to pull off the sale? Yeah, it was really easy. I pulled it off. No problem. Pumped to be pumped to be pumped up. If you're pumped up about something, you're excited. If you're pumped up about something, you're excited. Your energized You're ready to go. Are you pumped for this? trip. You bet. I'm pumped up about this trip. Pussy A pussy to be a pussy. A few meanings here, very different. So let's take a look if someone is ah Posey there a scaredy cat there. Really scared, timid and nervous. It's an insult to call someone. Ah, pussy. Jump in the water. Do it already, you goddamn pussy! Second pussy is a very common slang term for vagina. It's a little bit more vulgar, but it's still very common. If you want something that's more appropriate, you can say if a J J or just vagina. Also, when a man uses pussy, it's usually referring to sex. That girl I hooked up with last night had a really nice pussy. Oh, cool man. Thanks for sharing. Put someone on to something toe. Put someone on to something. If you put someone on to something, you introduce them to something. Usually the idea is that they really like the thing that you put them onto. How did you find out about this show? It's really good. I know, right? My brother put me on to it. He's been watching it for years, pone donned to be pone to beep owned is the same as being owned by someone. It means to be dominated. Destroyed, beat. Damn! He plays really well. Yeah, Heap owned us all right, So a lot of peas take your time and then get to the review. Let me know if you have any questions, OK? 43. P Review: You're doing great. We are really getting through all of this. Lang, If you have any questions after the review, you know who to contact. I can't drink anymore. I'm I can't drink anymore. I'm plastered. Your baby is so small. Do you mind my asking? If she's up? Your baby is so small. Do you mind my asking if she's a pre me? Oh, come on, Don't go home yet. Don't be a Oh, come on. Don't go home yet. Don't be a party pooper. I love your Did it take a long time to decorate? I love your pad. Did it take a long time to decorate? Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up, pimp? My first class today is my first class. Today is P E. That design is I love it. That design is fat. I love it. Don't use a blind. When you're flirting, you're gonna fail. Don't use a pick up line When you're flirting, you're gonna fail. Do you want to at my house before the party? Do you want a pregame at my house before the party? I'm not being serious. I'm just I'm not being serious. I'm just playing around. Oh, you got by that other player. Oh, you got poem by that other player? You never stopped partying. You are such a You never stopped partying. You are such a party animal. You need to clean up. Ur such up. You need to clean up. You are such a pig. Damn, You're good at getting those girls and numbers. Damn! You're good at getting those girls and numbers Player. Where's the bathroom? I need to take up Was the bathroom. I need to take a piss. Don't touch me. Take your off me. Don't touch me! Take your paws off me. I'm not saying anything. I'm I'm not saying anything. I'm pleading the fifth. I didn't think you could do it. How did you off? I didn't think you could do it. How did you pull it off? I'm really trying not to be angry, but I'm so I'm really trying not to be angry, But I'm so pissed off. Stop being scared. You're such a stop being scared. You're such a pussy on. No, thanks. I think I'm going toe. Take a on those things. I think I'm going toe. Take a pass. Learning about sex and school is weird. because you have to talk about with your teacher. Learning about sex and school is weird because you have to talk about private parts with your teacher. You were last night. Damn you drink a lot? You were pissed drunk last night. Damn, you drank a lot. Did you have any luck? Trento. But guy last night Did you have any luck trying to pick up a guy last night? What took you so long in the John? Were you playing? What took you so long in the John? Were you playing pocket pool? His arguments are so good there on his arguments are so good. There on point. Want to smoke some? I want to smoke some pot. I'm sorry. I've got such an appetite. Ever since I became I was I I've got such an appetite ever since I became preggers. How do you know about this? Director? Who? To him. How do you know about this director who put you onto him? I need a better job because I'm barely earning. I need a better job because I'm barely earning peanuts. She grew up poor in the but she managed to leave. She grew up poor in the projects, but she managed to leave. I'm super for the match tomorrow. I'm super pumped up for the match. Tomorrow. After a workout, I make a ton of food and after a workout I make a ton of food and pig out. 44. Slang Q: Hey, welcome back. We don't have too many cues, so let's do these quickly. Okay? Queef. Ah, queef to queef. A grief also called a Vaart or Fanny fart. If you live in the UK is basically like a fart. But it comes out of the vagina. Although it doesn't have the smell that are far, it has. We were on this date and then it got really quiet and chic weaved. It was weird. A queen, a queen. Two meanings here. The 1st 1 is for the gay community to be a queen. The general understanding for most straight people is to be a flamboyant, feminine, very obviously gay person. More so there's the idea that a queen, when talking about a gay person is also kind of irritating and annoying. If you're a straight person, you don't want to use this term because it's very offensive. I don't like gay people. I don't like flamboyant people. And I especially don't like queens. You sound pretty homophobic. Do you even know any gay people like the n word and nasty women? However, this word has been co opted and actually used and turned into more of a word of empowerment for some gay people. The second use of Queen were 1st 2 women here. The idea being that a queen is a strong independent woman. A queen? What kind of girl are you looking for? A queen. You know a girl who knows what she wants and does what she wants. Yas Queen Yas queen Oh no. This is used mostly by women and is used to show approval or to congratulate someone. Also just to express general positivity. Very similar expression is you. Go, girl. Hey girl, I got accepted to the program. Yas queen Good job Queen Bee to be a queen bee. Some people view a queen bee as a good thing where other people view it as a bad thing. The idea is that a queen bee can either be very selfish and rude and in polite. But for other people, a queen bee is someone a woman who's very independent, strong and empowered. You have to have the personality of a queen bee. If you want to be a female CEO, your girlfriend is such a queen Bee! She's a bitch. Quickie quickie toe. Have a quickie. A quickie is a quick fuck is to have intercourse, but very quickly. We're talking like 123 minutes, max in a heterosexual relationship, meaning man and woman. Ah, quickie is probably the guy's idea, and it's really just for the guys. Pleasure. Can we have a quickie before we go to the party? All right, so not a lot. Here. Go through it again. Let me know if you have any questions. Do the review. I'll catch you later. 45. Q Review: We've got a few cues here, so let's take a look and do the review. You need to treat your girlfriend like a You need to treat your girlfriend like a queen. I'm so happy for you. Yes, Queen. I'm so happy for you. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to have. Ah, but she wasn't interested. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to have a quickie, but she wasn't interested. Some people don't like her personality because she's very direct forward. You know, like a Some people don't like her personality because she's very direct forward, you know, like a queen bee. She was stretching before we were going to run. And then she she was stretching before we were going to run and then she queef two 46. Slang R: It's our time. Let's go ratchet for someone or something to be Ratchet. To say that someone or something is Ratchet is a bit of an insult for a person. The idea is a mean, kind of rude in polite but especially ghetto person, someone who come from a bad neighborhood as bad manners, and the idea is usually probably that they're black. This is very insulting, so I wouldn't use it. For a thing to be ratchet usually means that it's in really bad condition. Bad shape, pretty much kaput. Did you see that homeless guy on the bench? Men, he looked Ratchet. You need a new car, dude. It looks ratchet as fuck timeto upgrade rack, UH, rack toe. Have a nice rack. Iraq won't. That's a woman's Bless her boobs and especially usually we talk about a nice rack, which means big boobs or melons. Look at the picture of this girl. She's got a really nice rack rack. It's a racket to cause a racket. When we talk about a racket, we're either talking about a lot of noise, loud noise or an argument, a dispute that's causing some chaos. It's messy. Most often someone will be asking for a racket to stop. Stop the racket or they'll just be asking about it like what's happening? What's with the racket? What's all this racket? I made a mistake of buying my son a drum kit, and now the neighbors are always calling me asking what the racket is. Hey, what do you guys arguing about? Stop the racket. Make it rain to make it rain. Basically, to make it rain is when you go to a strip club, you take out a big wad of a bunch of money and you so it in the air and it comes down like rain. But also you can make it rain Sometimes if you just kind of spend a lot of money kind of flexing on people showing off. Mark went to the strip club and he made it rain. The girls were in love with him. I'll pay for dinner. You guys don't worry. Oh, shit. Look who's making it rain rain Check to take a rain Check on something. To take a rain check on something is to decline an invitation, but in a polite way because you're saying that you might accept sometime in the future, although in my opinion it sounds like you probably won't. This is a good way to politely decline a request. I asked that girl if she wanted to hang out, but she said she would take a rain check. Oof! That sounds harsh, man. I don't think she's interested. Rando Mirando Brando's Mirando is a random person. Someone you don't know Who is that guy? I don't know. Some Rando. This whole place is filled with Randall's. Who are these people? Raspberry. A raspberry to give a raspberry a raspberry is when you put your lips on someone's cheeks, maybe even their belly. Any part off the body and you blew air, and it kind of makes this farting sound. It's kind of funny. It tickles. Usually your older relatives, your grandparent's. Maybe answer. Uncles will do this to the much younger relatives, their nieces, their grandchildren. If you do this to an older person and you're not in a relationship, it's pretty weird. Don't do it. My daughter loves it when her grandpa gives her a raspberry raise to catch some rays. To get some rays to catch some rays just means to get some sun to tan or to spend some time outside in the sun. A bunch of us are going to the beach tomorrow. You want to come? Yeah, I really would like to get some rays. It's been a while, really? On deal to be the rial deal. If someone or something is the real deal, it's authentic, genuine, real for a thing. If it's the real deal, it could mean that it's really nice, great. And also just not a knockoff, not a fake version. Your friend. Can he really fix my car? Yeah, he's the real deal. He can do it. No problem. Oh, nice shirt. That's the real deal. Man who act to wreck someone to get wrecked, to get wrecked is the same as getting owned ORP owned. It's when someone outperforms you really, really outperforms you so much that you're embarrassed. It's also just an interjection that some people say toe embarrass you even more just by saying wrecked or direct you. You're stupid and ugly. Oh damn. You wrecked him. Ring someone to ring someone to give someone a ring to ring someone up. To do any of these to ring someone just means to call someone to call him on the telephone . Hey, Comey, later. All right, I'll ring you after work riot to be a riot for a thing or a person to be a riot. If something is a riot, it's really funny. It's hilarious. If a person is a riot, they are the person that causes the laughter, probably by telling jokes or just their behavior. The birthday party was over. I it we had a really good time. Oh, that's because Lisa was there. She's such a riot. She's so funny. Rip Rip Ripp stands for rest in peace, and it's used mostly for gaming. And when telling a joke mostly by teens, rip is pretty much the same as Racked owned poem. You use it when you embarrass someone and you want to rub it in their face. Really tell them that they were embarrassed. You died again, Rip. Oh, you got burned, man. Rip rip off a rip off to rip someone off. First. To rip off someone can mean two things. One. It can mean to steal someone's idea, and to pass it to claim it as your own Second, it can mean to give someone a bad deal to take their money more money than they should have spent or to give them a fake item, a rip off or a knockoff. Mark ripped off my idea, and now he's trying to sell it to another company. That's terrible. It's my idea. I got ripped off. I bought these Nikes, but they're fake off your rocker for someone to be off their rocker. If you're off your rocker, you're insane. Your mental, your crazy in the head. Don't listen to my great grandpa. He's off his rocker. Nothing, he says makes any sense. Rocket science for something to be rocket science. Usually this is used in the negative to say that something is not that complicated because rocket science, the study of jet propulsion and rockets is actually very complicated. But most other things are not. So. If something is not rocket science, it's simple. It's not that complicated. What? Tell me again I didn't understand. How do I get to the highway? Listen, it's not rocket science. Just take a left on the rocks for a deal or relationship to be on the rocks. If something is on the rocks, it's close to failing kind of chaotic close to falling apart. My parents marriage is on the rocks. I think they might get a divorce. The deal between the two countries is on the rocks. Who knows if it will get approved? Rough patch. A rough patch to go through a rough patch. If you're going through a rough patch, you're experiencing a difficult moment. You're having trouble, but it should be temporary, so the luck will not be permanent hanging there. What's wrong? I'm going through a rough patch at work. I lost a few clients and I was late today. Hopefully things get better. Rubbish for something to be rubbish. If something is rubbish, it's nonsense. B s bullshit. Bullcrap! I heard Lisa is seeing a new girl now. That's rubbish, man. I don't believe it. The runs to have the runs have the runs means to have diarrhea. More vulgar expression, half the shits. You have to poop often and it's more liquidy and you can't really control it. Hi, sir, I'm not going to be able to come into work today because I've got a serious case of the runs that is the ours. There's the review. Also make your example. Say them out loud. If you have any questions, send me a message 47. R Review: It's our time. So lets look at the ours. Do the review. Good luck. You said your friend could help me get a visa like are they? You said your friend could help me get a visa like, are they the real deal? I can't go out tonight. I'm going to be stuck in the bathroom because I've got the I can't go out tonight. I'm going to be stuck in the bathroom because I've got the runs You had sex with that girl , Tam. She looks I'd be careful. You had sex with that girl, Tam. She looks Ratchet. I'd be careful. I got I spent way too much money on it. But I had no choice. I got ripped off. I spent way too much money on it, but I had no choice. My grandma's off. Nothing she says makes sense. My grandma's off her rocker. Nothing she says makes sense. You got killed again. You got killed again, Rip. Yeah, things are tough right now. We're going through Ah, yeah, Things are tough right now. We're going through a rough patch. My grandpa always tries to give my niece. My grandpa always tries to give my niece a raspberry. The weather is great today. Wanted at the beach. The weather is great today. Want to catch some rays at the beach? Wow! Look at the on that woman. Wow! Look at the rack on that woman. I went to the club and made it by buying everyone drinks. I went to the club and made it rain by buying everyone drinks. You are too funny. Europe. You are too funny. Europe Riot. Oh, he do you with that joke? Oh, he wrecked you with that joke. Shut up down there and stop the shut up down there and stop the racket. All you have to do is pile the dirt. It's not. All you have to do is pile the dirt. It's not rocket science. I don't know if we're going to stay together. Our relationship is I don't know if we're going to stay together. Our relationship is on the rocks. I can't talk right now, but you up after work if you're free. I can't talk right now, but I'll ring you up after work if you're free. Who told you that? That's I don't believe it. Who told you that? That's rubbish. I don't believe it. Who was that you brought home last night? Did you even know her name? Who is the Rando that you brought home last night? Did you even know her name? 48. Slang S Part 1: All right. We got to the SS. The or a lot. A lot. A lot. A lot of s is So we're gonna have to parts. And then the review. Let's get started. Some good. Sling the sack, the sack to hit the sack. Here. The sack is your bed, Wherever you sleep. You want to do something tonight? Now I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna hit the sack. Second, your sack. Your sack won't. That's your balls, your boys, Because it's kind of like a sack, I guess. Why's Mark on the ground? Oh, he got kicked in the sack. Salty. To be salty, to be salty means to be upset to be bitter or angry about something. Often your salty because you were made fun of or embarrassed. Why are you acting so salty? You alright? No, I'm upset about what you said before Savage to be savage. If something is savage, it can refer to something like an insult. That was ruthless, Really good. And if a person is savage, they are also ruthless. I will attack you there. Vicious. Did you hear what she called him? That insult was savage. Yeah, that's because she's a savage and more recently. If something is savage, it can also just mean that it's really cool. Dope fire. Wicked. This book is savage. I can see why it's so popular. Score to score with someone to score with someone means to have sex with someone to screw to fuck What happened last night? Did you score? Yeah, and I spent the night at his place scruff tohave scruff to be scruffy. It's in between having no facial hair and a full beard is kind of the in between, and it's scruffy kind of rough after you shave pretty much the same day at about five o'clock. When you start to get some of your facial hair back, we call that your five oclock shadow. Then you get scruff and then you get a full beard. If you're a teen and you can't really get any facial hair or is very patchy or just a couple hairs, we call that peach fuzz toe have peach fuzz. Hey, are you trying to grow a full beard? I see that you've got some scruff. Ah, maybe, but it doesn't grow in very well, but it's a lot better than that peach for us. I had when I was 16. To see someone, to see someone, to be seeing someone first to see someone means to know what they're trying to do to understand them, to know what their intentions are. You don't think I know what you're doing back there, But I see you. But more commonly to be seeing someone means to be dating someone to be in a relationship. So are you guys seeing each other yet or is it still just friends with benefits? Serious case of something tohave A serious case of something this means to really have something. If you have a serious case of the munchies, you really have the munchies. If you have a serious case of the stomach flu, your stomach is really, really bugging you. Where's Mark? Oh, he's got a serious case off the shits. He's in the bathroom, sexed to sext. Sexting. To sex is to send the text messages or to share photos that show nudity. Basically, I guess it can be like having sex, but over your phone or just exchanging pornographic material, usually of yourself or of someone you know, you know, you shouldn't be sexting. Someone's gonna find those images and blackmail. You selfie a selfie to take a selfie. A selfie is a photo you take of yourself or of yourself. And ah, group of people. A Guys, come here. It's time to take a selfie scum to be scum. If someone is scum, they aren't despicable. They're terrible, probably dishonest and untrustworthy. They are the scum of the earth. Don't talk to that guy and definitely don't believe anything he says he scum shabby to not be too shabby. This'd almost always in the negative. And it means that something is not that bad. Pretty good, decent. Do you like my drawing? Yeah, not too shabby. Shade. To throw shade at someone to throw shade at someone means to be kind of rude or disrespectful towards someone, maybe even being bitchy towards them or trash talking them. You can throw shade at someone by just giving them a mean kind of disapproving kind of look , Or it can be verbal by insulting them or being very critical criticizing them. You pissed off a lot of people last night. You didn't say anything, but it was obvious by your expression that you were throwing shade shades, shades Well those are sunglasses. The glasses you wear that are tinted so that your eyes don't get bothered by the bright, bright sun. We're going to be spending the day outside, so bring your shades. 49. Slang S Part 2: tough shit. Tough shit for something to be tough. Shit. Tough shit is something you say to mean deal with it. Whatever, or I don't care. You really made me angry when you started throwing shade at my friends. Yeah, Tough shit. Chew the shit to chew the shit, or more politely but less commonly to chew the cut. To chew the shit just means to make small talk, to talk about nothing important. The weather. How are you? Good. Okay. How is your family re union? It was all right, but all we did was chew the shit. Didn't really talk about anything. Serious shit to hit the fan for shit to hit the fan. If shit hits the fan, things are going crazy. It's chaos. A mess insane. It seemed like they were going to shake hands and apologize. But then Mark punched him. Square in the jaw and shit hit the fan. There was a huge fight. The shits, the shits toe have the shits. The shits is a more vulgar way of saying toe have the runs when you have diarrhea, the that kind of liquid poop and you can't control win. You have to do it. All right. I'm gonna be in the bathroom for a while. I've seriously got the shit, So I'm sorry. Shitfaced to be shitfaced. If you are shitfaced, you're drunk off your ass. Plastered. Inebriated. What happened this weekend? I was too shitfaced to remember anything shits and giggles to do something for shits and giggles. If you do something for shits and giggles, you do something or act a certain way to get laughs, to be funny or for no reason whatsoever just because. Why did you say that? I really don't know. Just for shits and giggles. Shit. Post a ship post to shit. Post to shit. Post means to go on the Internet. Facebook, Instagram, something like that. And post comments, right things just to bother people just to piss them off. People who shit posts are usually trolls. Ignore his comments. He's just shit. Posting is just trying to bother you. The shitter, the shitter. That's just a vulgar way. Kind of inappropriate way of saying the John of Alu the bathroom. Give me five minutes. I just got to run to the shitter. Okay? Shook to be shook to be shook means to be startled really surprised. Taken off guard. Goddamn. I was really shook by what happened today. Who knew that was going to happen? Shoot some hoops to shoot some hoops. To shoot some hoops means to play basketball to play some ball for soccer, we can say to kick the ball around. And for American football, we can say to throw the ball around. Hey, let's shoot some hoops, Namen. Let's kick the ball around. Or maybe let's just throw the ball around, shoot your shot to shoot your shot. To shoot your shot means to take a chance to take a risk to do something, no matter whether you fail or succeed. If you want to be happy with your life, you got to shoot your schattman. Do it makes you happy short with someone to be short with someone to be short with, someone means to be acting rude in polite. Not nice. I'm sorry I was being short with you before I was just really hang gree shotgun. To ride shotgun to ride shotgun means to ride in the front passenger seat of a vehicle. If you don't get shotgun, you might have to sit in the back and If you have to sit in the middle seat in the back, we call that bitch to sit. Bitch! If you want the front passenger seat, you yell Shotgun! Shotgun! Oh, shit. I don't want to sit in bitch, not bitch. Show up to show up. When we talk about doing a good job to perform Well, we can say that you showed up to show up means to do a good job to perform at your best. Tonight's match is going to be a tough one. So each one of you has to show up. Do your best. Shut eye shut, eye to get some shut eye shut. I asleep. So to get some shut eye means to go to bed. Good night, guys. I got to get some shut. I have to work really early tomorrow. Side boob side boob side boob is when a woman wears something so that you can see them. The sides of her boobs under that bikini she's wearing is hot. Look at all that side boob silent treatment to give someone the silent treatment to give someone the silent treatment means to punish them by ignoring them to punish someone by not talking to them. My wife is angry at me. So she's giving me the silent treatment. I don't know why. Skank to be a skank. Skink is an offensive insulting term. Used to describe a woman that you think is loose, has sex with lots of men is ah, whole. Your girlfriend is a skank. I heard she slept with some random dude, I Let's take a break here, do some reviews, a lot of vocabulary and then move on to the next part. 50. Slang S Part 3: to skip, to skip work, to skip class. To skip work or to skip class means to not attend, but without permission. So if you get caught, if someone finds out you're in trouble. If you skip class one more time, they're going to suspend you. So stop doing it. To sleep with someone to sleep with someone to sleep with someone just means to have sex with someone to screw. I heard you slept with your friend's girlfriend Dude, that's low, slippery slope, a slippery slope to go down a slippery slope. A slippery slope is an activity that can cause you to do bad things or can lead you to even worse behavior. For example, some people think that smoking cigarettes is a slippery slope to smoking marijuana, and marijuana is a slippery slope to doing even harder drugs like heroin. I don't want my son working at a bar. It's a slippery slope to becoming an alcoholic slut. To be a slut Slut is similar to skank, used as an insult. To describe a woman that you think is loose has sex with lots of people. I don't want you to be friends with her. She's a slut smack, talk smack, Talk to talk smack to smack. Talk smack Talk can be serious or playful. Basically, though, it's used to psychologically get in someone's head, especially in a competition to make someone under perform. So you say insults. You harass someone verbally so that they don't perform there. Not at their best. They don't show up In order to beat this team. We really have to talk some smack. Let's get in their heads. Smash to smash to smash is toe have sex to screw to fuck toe bang So tired My roommate brought this girl over and they were smashing all night. Snail mail. Snail mail to send something by snail mail. Nowadays, most people use text messages and email in order to exchange messages. However, if you want to send an actual physical letter by the post office you do this by sending snail mail A re a letter. I sent you a letter. Did you get it? No, it didn't check my email yet. No, not an email. It was snail mail. Ah, solid. A solid to do a solid to do someone a solid to do someone a solid means to do them a favor to do something nice for someone. Hey, can you do me a solid? Sure. What is it? Can you tell the boss I'm going to be a little late? I'm having car trouble. Get some sun to get some sun. To get some sun means to catch some rays to go outside and at least do something in the sun or go tanning. It's supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow. You want to get some sun specs? Your specs? Your specs. That's these glasses. Specks Stands for an old fashioned word that we don't use anymore. Spectacles. Hey, nice specs. They look good on you. Spew to spew. Dispute is to vomit. Upchuck toe hurl. That fish I ate is not agreeing with my stomach. I'm gonna spew. Split to split. The split is to bail to leave quickly and abruptly. Maybe without even saying goodbye. I'm pretty bored here. I mean, are you ready to split? Because is, just isn't fun. Split the bill to split the bill to split the bill. If it's two people means to go Dutch 50 50. If there's more than two people to split the bill means to pay equal amounts before we order. Is everyone all right? Splitting the bill, paying equally to sport something to sports, something to be sporting something to sports? Something means to be wearing something. So I'm sporting this shirt and these classes, and it can be accessories like watches and wrist bands, jewelry and other things. You look great today. That purse, your sporting is really nice. Spunk to have spunk. If you have spunk, you have a positive kind of attitude. You seem enthusiastic and eager, motivated. We actually didn't hire him because of his qualifications. He just had a lot of spunk. And we like that starter Pack a starter pack thistles mostly used for online Mihm's those images with some text. A starter pack is an image that shows a collection of images that are supposed to be the typical stereotypical things that describe something. So if you're talking about a grammar, it might show a cane those sunglasses that old people wear, maybe gray hair. That's a starter pack. It's the essential things you need basically to be a grandmother. Look at this MIM. It's an American starter pack or really, what's in it? Ah, beer belly, an American flag and a gun stash a stash to stash something. A stash is a collection of things, but it's kind of private. Other people usually don't know where your Stashes or that you have a stash of something. Maybe you have a stash of marijuana. Maybe you have a stash of pornographic stuff or just a stash of things you don't want people to find. I got in so much trouble because my mom found my stash of weed. 51. Slang S Part 4: Steve Easy to be sties e If something is sti easy, it's cool. Dope Fash sick. Look at that tricked out car. Damn, that is easy stoked to be stoked for or about something. If you're stoked for something, you're really excited, Exhilarated, thrilled I am so stoked for the competition tomorrow I'm not going to be able to sleep stoned to be stoned To be a stoner To be stoned out of your mind If you are stoned You're high You smoked some weed And you're feeling a little in the clouds If you're a stoner, you're always high You smoke a lot of weed And if you're stoned out of your mind You smoked too much weed You're really high Dude, we are such stoners All we do is wake and bake We need to stop getting stoned So much street cred toe Have street creds with someone If you have street cred people respect you people in your neighborhood the people on the streets The worst thing about moving to a new neighborhood is that you have zero street creds. Nobody knows who you are And if you're authentic the real deal Street smarts toe have street smarts. If you have street smarts, it means you know how things work in real life. You're not gullible. You don't believe bullshit and people can't take advantage of you. I'm worried about my son. He's all book smarts, but no street smarts. That's why all of the other kids make fun of him straight to be straight. Two different meanings here. So let's start first by talking about sexuality. If someone is straight, they are heterosexual, meaning a man attracted to a woman and a woman attracted to a man. But the slaying here to be straight just means for someone to be all right. OK. Do you know this guy? Yeah. He's my friend, Mark. He's straight to strike out to strike out with someone. If you strike out at something, it means you failed. And if you strike out with someone, it means you failed at building a relationship or you failed at trying to have sex with, um How did your date go yesterday? Oh, I struck out man. In fact, she left early to stunt to stunt stunting. Two stunt is to flex on someone toefl us meaning to show off. He bought that car just to stunt. And now he crashed. It is done is kaput to suck for something to suck, to suck at, something to be sucky. If you suck at something, you're bad at it. You have no skill. We can also say that your sucky at it If a piece of news or information is sucky, it can also mean that is kind of depressing or sad. I would play hockey with you guys, but I'm really sucky. Did you hear the sucky news about what happened to his dad? That's so sad to suck it up to suck it up, Suck it up. Usually used as a command means deal with it. Stop complaining. Oh, man, I fucked up. I messed everything. Yo, suck it up, Sugar tits, sugar tits. Sugar tits is just a very insulting way to address a woman. Very insulting. Hey, Sugar tits, Can we get some service over here? Swag toe. Have swag swagger. If someone has swag or swagger, they have style and confidence. So to do something with swag means to do something confidently and with style. If you want to get her attention, you have to start walking and talking with more swag. Finally, if you go to an expo or a trade show and people give some free stuff away, we also call that swayed. Here, it means stuff we get for free. Look at all the cool suede This company gave me a Frisbee, a pen, a note pad, swamp ass toe have swamp ass swamp ass is when you're but is really sweaty, so sweaty that your underwear is wet and maybe even so bad that your pants are wet from all the sweat. There could also be some odor, but that depends on the person. I should not have worn jeans today. It's too fucking hot. And now I've got this bad swamp ass. Don't sweat it to not sweat it to not sweat something. This expression is always in the negative, and it means don't worry about it. Whatever. Ah, man. I'm so sorry I broke your favorite cup. That's all right. Don't sweat it Sweet for something to be sweet If something is sweet not talking about taste It's cool. Don't Fresh sick fire! Rad! Look at this new TV I got. Isn't it nice? Damn, That's a sweet TV. All right, That's all of the S is There's a review video, of course. Your exercises and that stuff. If you've got any questions, of course. Send me a message. I'll talk to you soon. See you in the next video. 52. S Review 1: okay. There's a lot of s is so take your time, Review the s videos and of course, message me. If you have any questions, stop complaining and deal with it. Stop complaining. Suck it up and deal with it. Wow. Don't be so mean to him. You're Wow. Don't be so mean to him, Your savage. I know you're book smart, but do you have any? I know you're book smart, but do you have any street smarts? I'm done here. Are you ready to I'm done here. Are you ready to split? I know you're new here, but you need to shave tomorrow. We don't allow. It's unprofessional. I know you're new here, but you need to shave tomorrow. We don't allow scruff. It's unprofessional. You're trying to be secret about your actions. But I you You're trying to be secret about your actions. But I see you. I've got of the blues. I'm just feeling so sad. I've got a serious case of the blues. I'm just feeling so sad. I told my teenager not unless she wants to be really embarrassed when that stuff is revealed in the future. I told my teenager not to sext unless she wants to be really embarrassed when that stuff is revealed in the future. Oh, that's a idea. I love it. Oh, that's a sweet idea. I love it. That guy is never believe what he says. That guy is scum. Never believe what he says. I don't feel too good. I think I'm going to I don't feel too good. I think I'm going to spew. Don't worry if you out with someone. There's so many more people in the world. Don't worry if you strike out with someone, there's so many more people in the world. The sun's too bright. Let me put my done The sun's too bright Let me put my shades on Oh, I'm going to be in the bathroom for a bit Feels like I've got the Oh, I'm going to be in the bathroom for a bit Feels like I've got the shits. Let me change into something cooler these suit pants are giving me. Let me change into something cooler. These suit pants are giving me swamp ass man. The fight started and then the so crazy man the fight started and then the shit hit the fan so crazy the European foreign exchange student is a dictionary and a Speedo swimsuit. The European Foreign Exchange student Starter Pack is a dictionary and a Speedo swimsuit. I'm sorry if I said anything embarrassing at the party. I was. I'm sorry if I said anything embarrassing at the party. I was shitfaced. I didn't really think about it. I just did it for I didn't really think about it. I just did it for shits and giggles. Don't. You might hurt someone's feelings online. Don't shit. Post. You might hurt someone's feelings online. Where is the I got to take a number two. Where is the shitter? I got to take a number two. I'm so by what happened this weekend. It was insane. I'm so shook by what happened this weekend. It was insane. If you want to be happy in life, you gotta or live with regrets. If you want to be happy in life, you gotta shoot your shot or live with regrets. Are you all right? The check. Are you all right? Splitting the check? I'm really sorry I had to be with you before, but you wouldn't stop goofing off. I'm really sorry. I had to be short with you before, but you wouldn't stop goofing off. You can ride in back. I'm going to ride. You can ride in back. I'm going to ride shotgun. That's all right that it ripped. I could buy a new folder. Don't that That's all right That it ripped. I could buy a new folder. Don't sweat it. You better quit like that. No one likes a show off. You better quit stunting like that. No one likes a show off. Hey, that's pretty cool not to. Hey, that's pretty cool. Not too shabby. So did you with Lisa last night. So did you score with Lisa last night? We really need you tonight if we want to win. We really need you to show up tonight If we want to win. I'm too tired. I'm going to get some. I'm too tired. I'm going to get some shut eye. It's hot when girls wear tops that show some. It's hot when girls wear tops that show some side boob. He's giving me the because he's mad at me. He's giving me the silent treatment because he's mad at me. 53. S Review 2: Oh, I'm sorry. Almost walked into you. Don't worry about it. You're Oh, I'm sorry. Almost walked into you. Oh, don't worry about it. You're straight. You like that girl? She's us. She's been with a lot of guys. You like that girl? She's a skank. She's been with a lot of guys. Listen to their new album. It's I love it. Listen to their new album. It's sti Z. I love it. You're not going to class. Wait, So why are you You're not going to class? Wait, So why are you skipping I with that guy a couple years ago? He's nasty. I slept with that guy a couple years ago. He's nasty. I don't know. Doing cocaine Sounds like to getting addicted to drugs. I don't know. Doing cocaine sounds like a slippery slope to getting addicted to drugs. That guy on their team is so annoying because he always to. That guy on their team is so annoying because he always smack talks you. Your daughter is really small, but she's got so much can personality. Your daughter is really small, but she's got so much spunk and personality, we are so to see you tonight can't wait. We are so stoked to see you tonight. Can't wait. I sent you some the other day. You should be receiving it soon. I sent you some snail mail the other day. You should be receiving it soon. Can you do me a and lend me five bucks? Can you do me a solid and lend me five bucks? It's a beautiful day. Let's get some. It's a beautiful day. Let's get some sun. Why are you so what did I do to upset you? Why are you so salty? What did I do to upset you before you leave? Let's take a in. Post it on Instagram before you leave. Let's take a selfie and post it on Instagram I like your How bad is your vision? I like your specs. How bad is your vision? I have to go to work early tomorrow. So I'm going to hit. I have to go to work early tomorrow. So I'm going to hit the sack. He acts like he has a lot of but nobody takes him serious or respects him. He acts like he has a lot of street cred, but nobody takes him serious or respects him after school. I like to the practice before a big game after school. I like to shoot some hoops to practice before a big game. It's really crowded, but the yellow sweater. So you should see me easily. It's really crowded, but I'm sporting a yellow sweater, so you should see me easily. I really don't care about your excuse. That's I really don't care about your excuse. That's tough. Shit. Where's your weed? Where do you hide it? Where's your weed stash? Where do you hide it? Yeah, that's unfortunate that some the news to receive. Yeah, that's unfortunate that some sucky news to receive you are such a You are always Maybe you smoke too much. You are such a stoner. You are always stoned. Maybe you smoke too much. Hey, can a guy get some service around here? Hey, sugar tits. Can a guy get some service around here? We went to the convention and got a lot of cool like this mug. We went to the convention and got a lot of cool swag like this mug. I told my roommate his girlfriend at her place because it was too loud. I couldn't sleep. I told my roommate to smash his girlfriend at her place because it was too loud. I couldn't sleep 54. Slang T: so we made it to the tease. We are getting close to finishing some good slaying here. Let's keep rolling. Let's keep going. Tacky to be tacky If something is tacky, it can be corny or cheesy, overly sentimental and doesn't seem authentic. This movie is so tacky. Nobody talks like this in real life, but also when describing a thing as being tacky, like clothes or stuff. Furniture in your house. The color tacky means that it looks cheap, not fashionable. Your room is really tacky. You got to change the color. This is ugly. Take someone on to take someone on. To take someone on means to challenge someone to face them. To take on something means to take a responsibility or to accept a challenge. You are too busy to take on any new challenges at work. Slowdown. All talk, no walk to be all talk and no walk or to be all talk opposite Lee to talk the talk and walk the walk. If someone is all talk and no walk, it means they don't take action. They speak about these things, but they're not actually willing to take action to do what they say. The opposite is to talk the talk and walk the walk. Someone who actually does what they say they do what they preach. I never believe what a politician says. They're all talk, but no walk thingamajig, a thingamajig, a thingamajig is a doo hickey a whatchamacallit, usually something that you can't remember the name of. And you're just like, What is that? It's the thingamajig. Hey, can you give me that out? The thingamajig thing that measures you mean the tape measure threads threads. Fred's means close. We never say a thread, because that is a single piece of thread. But threads, always plural, means close the stuff you wear. I need to buy some summer threads. It's too hot to wear these jeans tight for something to be tight to be tight with someone first. If something is tight, is cool Dope fresh, Wicked. I love your new jacket, dude. Tight threads. Second, to be tight with someone where that means to have a really close relationship, a close bond. Good connection. Are you tight with your family? No, I'm actually tighter with my friends that I am with my family, a tool for a person to be a tool. If someone is a tool, they have no backbone. They don't stand up for themselves or they do or think whatever people tell them to do or think you're such a tool, you only do what your girlfriend tells you to grow a pair. Man, your tool, your tool. Talking about guys your tool won't That's your dick. Jumpiness Don't go out with Mark. All that dude cares about is his tool trash to be trash to trash, a place to trash something first. If a thing is trash, it's a piece of garbage. It's shit, either because of the quality or the state. The condition that is currently in I don't think you want to buy this used car is It's obvious that the engine is trash. For a person to be trash means that they have no class. They don't have manners, and they're probably dirty or something like that. A strong insult is to call a white person white trash. This is quite offensive, but it's a person who probably lives in a trailer park, doesn't have a lot of money, is messy, probably doesn't have good manners. That's white trash don't use Ah hick is a similar term, which is still offensive, but not as much. Next to trash a place means to mess of place up, to make it very messy. Disorganized? Whoa, They didn't clean up at all after the event. This place is trashed. Fourth, to trash something here, it means to throw something away to put something in the garbage. What should I do with the extra food from lunch trash it Put it in the garbage trashed for a person to be trashed. If a person has trashed, they're really drunk, plastered, shitfaced, Pissed drunk. I don't think I'm gonna be able to go toe work this morning. It's five o'clock. I haven't slept and I am still trashed. Tramp stamp A tramp stamp toe. Have a tramp stamp. If you have a tramp stamp, it's a tattoo on your lower back. Usually girls have these, and tramp is a bit offensive. Tramp is a not so strong way to say ho or slut, But still someone who gets around has sex a lot. So when we call this tattoo a tramp stamp, it can be a little offensive. You don't want to go out with a girl that's got a tramp stamp. Who knows where she's been. Trash talk to trash talk someone trash talking is the same as smack talking. There. Used to throw people off their game to get into people's heads so they underperformed. Don't play well or don't do something as well as they normally do. He's the best player here, not because he actually plays well, but because he really knows how to trash talk. The opponents try hard to be a try. Hard A try hard is someone who puts in a lot of effort toe appear like someone that they're not. Really. We also call this type of person opposer someone who poses or pretends to be something they're not. You are not a gangster due to from the suburbs. Stop being a try hard and acknowledge who you are. A turn off, a turn on a turn off for something to turn you off a turn on for something to turn you on. A turn off is something that makes you unattractive to someone. It's something you really don't like. Something you do like is a turn on again. This is talking about people you like or don't like things they do or don't do that you like or don't like that make you attracted to them or not? It can be how someone talks things. They do their appearance. She's really cute, but she doesn't read any books. That's a really big turn off for me. Yeah, but did you see how she dresses? Not that really turns me on, turned to be turned or turned up. If an activity or event is turned, it's off the hook. It's crazy in a good, lively way. This party is turned party of the year for sure. Now if a person is turned or turned up there drunk, really drunk, piss drunk, fucked up. It's Friday. Are you ready to get turned up? Let's go by the alcohol. Twerk to Twerk to Twerk on someone. Twerking What? That's basically when you bend over and you shake your butt, shake your money maker. You gyrate your hips. She said she could dance, but all she knows how to do is to Twerk twerp to be a twerp. A torp is a younger kid that's really annoying a pest we don't usually call older people a twerp unless if you have a younger brother or younger sibling. It's really just for kids. Get out of my room, torpor. I'm telling Mom. All right, that's the tease. Of course we got the review video coming up. If you need to review, do that and do your exercises to all right. 55. T Review: Okay, so we made it to the tease. Let's do the review. I'm sorry, but you need a bigger But if you think you can I'm sorry, but you need a bigger But if you think you can Twerk, you are such a Do you ever think for yourself? You are such a tool. Do you ever think for yourself? What's that that we need for measuring the wall? Uh, what's that thingamajig that we need for measuring the wall? Stop being such a act like yourself. Stop being such a try. Hard act like yourself. I love your new. Where did you go shopping. I love your new threats. Where did you go shopping? Oh, that movie was I loved it. Oh, that movie was tight. I loved it. I'm no good at. So I just focused on playing well, I'm no good at trash talking, so I just focused on playing. Well, shut up, twerp. Can't you just leave me alone? Someone help her to the bathroom. She's really And I think she's going to throw up someone help her to the bathroom. She's really trashed. And I think she's going to throw up. Uh, the style isn't for me, it's too flashy in, uh, the style isn't for me. It's too flashy and tacky. You need to stop thinking with your and start thinking with your head. You need to stop thinking with your tool and start thinking with your head. You are such Do you know how to wear clean clothes and clean up after yourself? You are such trash. Do you know how to wear clean clothes and clean up after yourself? I don't believe anything he says he's and no walk. I don't believe anything, he says. He's all talk and no walk. Did you see that? She had a on her back? Did you see that? She had a tramp stamp on her back. I accept your challenge. I'll on. I accept your challenge. I'll take you on. No, it's a for me when someone I'm attracted to listens to bad music. But it's a when they know how to play some instrument. No, it's a turn off for me when someone I'm attracted to listens to bad music. But it's a turn on when they know how to play some instrument. This party is. Or maybe it just seems like that because I am really this party is turned, or maybe it just seems like that because I am really turned 56. Slang U: we made it to the use. Are you ready? Ugly stick to get hit by the ugly stick. If you get hit or touched by the ugly stick, it means you're ugly, not attractive. This is an insult. The reason that she uses so many filters it's because she's been hit by the ugly stick. Umpteen, umpteen umpteen means a lot. It's a huge number is not specific. It just means, ah lot for the orginal version. For numbers like 1st 2nd we can say the umpteenth time or the umpteenth something where you go in this weekend. Are you serious? I've already told you umpteen times. Okay, for the umpteenth time to my grandparent's house, Uncle to say, Uncle, there's a game where when you wrestle someone or when you play with someone, especially with kids or if you have siblings, where you play uncle to see how far you can go, how much pain you can endure handle before yelling. Uncle, the person who wants you to lose the person, probably causing the pain or discomfort, is saying se uncle. I bet I can make you say uncle in 30 seconds. Okay, lets go off Uncle Underdog to be the underdog when talking about a competition. The underdog is Thebe player or team that is likely or expected to lose the opposite. The team that is expected to win that is the favorite. Who are you cheering for? Oh, the underdog. Of course. I never cheer for the favorite under rated to be under rated. If something is underrated, it's not appreciated, a bit overlooked and doesn't get the attention that it deserves its high quality. But people don't realize it. Her new album is so underrated in 10 years it's gonna be a classic unibrow to have a unibrow. Ah, you know, foul is when someone has very thick eyebrows so thick that it looks like they connect right here. A very famous person who had a universal was the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. You gonna shave your unibrow? Not I like the look up chuck to upchuck Upchuck! That's to vomit to throw up toe hurl to spew. No one can drink that much milk. Stop, Stop! You're going to upchuck! Upskirt and up skirt or an upskirt photo. This is something that populate. See the people who chase celebrities and take photos or just perverts sick people do They try to take photos up women's clothes? That's an upskirt. Did you hear the new? Someone got arrested at the mall for trying to take upskirt photos up tight to be up tight . If someone is up tight, they're not relaxed. The very stiff and serious. Not a lot of fun. Your boyfriend is really up tight. Tell him to relax up to something, to be up to something, to be up to anything. If you're up to something or if you're upto anything, it means you're doing something or you're going to be doing something. You have plans. If you want to ask someone, if they're going to be doing something or if they're doing something now you can ask. Are you up to anything? Are you up to something? Hey, are you up to anything this weekend? I'm not up to anything yet, but let me know if you have any ideas up yours, Up yours. Up yours is a less vulgar although still a bit offensive way of basically saying fuck you or go fuck yourself. You're driving like an idiot. Oh, yeah. Up yours. That is the use. Make your own sentences. Practice, practice, practice. I'll see you in the next video. 57. U Review: It's the you review. Let's do it. All right. Whatever, jerk yours. Whatever jerk up yours. I think they have a good chance of winning. Even though they're the I think they have a good chance of winning even though they're the underdogs. Are you anything this weekend? Are you upto anything this weekend? Okay, twerp. But I can make you say if we wrestle. Okay, twerp. But I can make you say, Uncle, if we wrestle, you're acting. So just relax and be yourself. You're acting so up tight. Just relax and be yourself. I love her art. I don't know why, but it's really I love her art. I don't know why, but it's really underrated. I don't think you should shave your It's very unique. I don't think you should shave your unibrow. It's very unique. Your dog is cute, but also really, really ugly. Like someone hit it hard with the Your dog is cute, but also really, really ugly. Like someone hit it hard with the ugly stick. I'm always suspicious of people taking pictures too close to me. I feel like they're trying to get in photo from wearing a dress. I'm always suspicious of people taking pictures too close to me. I feel like they're trying to get an upskirt photo from wearing a dress. Okay, for the time, I don't care. Okay. For the umpteenth time, I don't care. Oh, the chicken is rotten. I'm going toe. Oh, the chicken is rotten! I'm going toe upchuck! 58. Slang V: We are getting very close to the end. Here we got the V's. Let's go learn some sling, Vagit of of adjudge Badge batch. Let's just short for vagina. You might also here. Va Jay Jay woke it tries. Put some clothes on. Nobody wants to see your badge. Vanilla to be vanilla first if you're ah, gamer, a person who likes to play video games. A vanilla version of a game means the original version before the expansions or extra features. Are you still playing the vanilla version? They just came out with the new expansion. But more commonly, if a person is vanilla, their dull, boring, blah blah as a And if a person is vanilla in bed, meaning sexually, it means they don't like to experiment. They don't want to try new things. She was attractive but very vanilla in bed. Your friend is super vanilla and only does vanilla shit. Is there anything interesting about him? Veg out to veg out to be a vegetable? If you're vegging out your relaxing, you doing nothing? If you do this constantly, we can say that you're a vegetable. Don't call me today. I'm just going to be vegging out on the couch watching TV. You are such a vegetable. All you do is watch TV on weekends. Event to event to someone about something to vent is to express your frustration, usually by ranting. Talking a lot. We vent to people you might vent to your friends or anyone who will listen to you. Hey, can I call you later? Just event about work. I've got a lot of stuff I want to tell you about vibes to be vibing, vibes to have a vibe. If two people are vibing, it can just mean they have a special connection. They hit it off. It could also mean that there's a romantic relationship starting, but in general it kind of means just to be on the same wavelength, to think alike or to have similar interests. You like this song to We are definitely vibing vibes. Usually good vibes or bad vibes means good energy and bad energy. If someone has bad vibes, it means you have not getting good signals. They don't seem like someone you like me with. A very negative. I'm not sure we should hang out anymore. I'm getting some bad vibes. Maybe we should take a break and toe have a vibe. Means that a place or a person has kind of a specific characteristic. It gives you a certain feeling I don't like this place. It has Ah, bad vibe. The I p to be V I p The I p means very important person someone who gets special access. Usually we talk about things that are V I P v i p seeding V I p access V I p lounging stuff like that. Sorry. You can't sit here. This is V I P only This is the V i p table vomit to vomit, to vomit. That's to throw up toe upchuck spew. You look sick or you're gonna be all right. I don't know. I think I'm gonna vomit. That is the V's. Of course. Make your examples to really, really, really remember you got it 59. V Review: V. Let's do something tomorrow. Today I just want to out. Let's do something tomorrow. Today I just want to veg out. He's a nice guy, but really and a bit boring. He's a nice guy, but really vanilla and a bit boring. Sir, you can't park here. This is parking only. Sir. You can't park here. This is V I P Parking on Lee. I'm sorry. I know I'm right now, but it's nice to have someone Listen, I'm sorry. I know inventing right now, but it's nice to have someone listen. Male politicians act like they own women's male politicians act like they own women's. Vagit is I would if I had to eat a worm. I would vomit if I had to eat a worm. The date was great. We were really and had a lot in common. The date was great. We were really vibing and had a lot in common. 60. Slang W: all right, we got a good amount of W's here, so get ready. Buckle up. Let's do it. Whack for someone or something to be whack a wacko. A whack job. If a piece of news is whack, it's crazy. Unbelievable. That's whack. Did you hear that she didn't go to her wedding. If someone is whack their crazy mental due to your whack, that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. And to say that someone is really crazy seriously mental, a nutjob Allouni. We can say that they're a wacko or a whack job. Additionally, if you call someone a wacko or a whack job, it can just be an insult to mean Stupid idiot Who's the whack job? Who parked in my parking spot off the wall for something or someone to be off the wall. If something like an event is off the wall, it's crazy. Off the hook off the chain, the school reunion was off the wall. It was unbelievable. If someone is off the wall, it means they're kind of crazy. Unpretty, indictable. Be careful with that girl. She's off the wall, wasted to be wasted. If you're wasted, your drunk shitfaced fucked up piss drunk. Please don't get too wasted tonight. We have to go to my mom's house tomorrow. Remember wet blanket to be a wet blanket. If someone is a wet blanket, there a buzz kill a party pooper. Someone who ruins the fun or doesn't seem to enjoy having fun And because of that might cause it to end. Now we can't go to your place to finish the party. Don't be a wet blanket. Wheels heaven. I set to have a pair of wheels. Your wheels. That's your ride, your vehicle, your car, your lift. We can also say your whip damn nice pair of wheels that must have cost you a fortune. Whip your whip. Ah, whip, That's your vehicle. It's your car, your wheels, your lift. Where's your whip? Didn't you say you were going to give us a ride home? Ah, Wiz, to be a ways to be a whiz kid, if you're a wiz at something or at doing something, it means you're really good at it. Watch this guy. He's a whiz at public speaking. You might learn something. Now, if you're a whiz kid, it means that you do something extremely well at a young age or you're achieving success at something at a very young age. You are such a whisk It How did you start your own company at 16 years of age? To Wiz to Wiz? To take a whiz now to take aways means to P to piss, to take a leak. Wait, wait, wait up, guys. One minute. I just need to take aways Whoop someone's but to whip someone's but toe work someone's ass toe whip someone's but is to really beat someone to defeat them handily We could say that you pone tha mu owned thumb. If you want to make this expression more vulgar, you can say toe whoop someone's ass. Damn, you got your ass worked by that kid You need to practice. Won't be to make some would be to make some whoopee means to make love, to have sex. What? He is a much more joking way of saying this. It's not serious. So you came back home pretty late last night. Did you make some Would be wicked for something to be wicked? If something is wicked, it's dope. Fresh fire, Sick. Tam, You did a great job. That design is wicket. Wimpy to be wimpy to be a wind if someone is a wimp or if they're wimpy there a coward. They're scared. They're scared. He cats. You're too scared to go in the haunted house when you're such a wimp, wind down to wind down to be winding down. If an event or a night is winding down, it means is getting close to finishing. And because of that, it's becoming more relaxed, less exciting, less crazy. The party's winding down. So do you want to leave and maybe get something to eat? Wingman To be someone's wingmen to be a wingman? If you are someone's wingman, your responsibility is to help your friend pick up someone to meet someone at a bar party or other event and get their number. Flirt or maybe take them home. Hey, that guy's pretty cute. Do you think you can be my wingman? Sure, I'm an excellent wing man. I'll make you seem really cool. Woke to be woke. If someone is woke, their conscious and aware of social problems and issues, understand that people have different perspectives and have different histories, different stories and backgrounds that they come from and different life experiences, basically, is to be aware of current affairs and how they impact people differently. None of these news anchors our woke. Listen to them talk about this story. They have no idea what's happening or why it happened. Woot, Woot Woot isn't as popular as it used to be, and it's still as it was in the past, really only used by online gamers. It's used to show excitement or to congratulate. All right, we got their flag. Won't wrap something up To wrap something up. To wrap something up means to finish to come to an end to close. Hey, we need to wrap up this interview because we only have five minutes left under wraps to keep something under wraps. To keep something under wraps means to keep it private to keep it as secret as possible. I have to tell you something, but you gotta promise me that you'll keep it under wraps. Nobody can know about it. All right. That is the W's. You know what you've gotta do? Make your exercises, say them out loud, right them and put them online. All right, 61. W Review: you need to stop acting so and be more confident You need to stop acting so wimpy and be more confident. The conference was I learned a lot and met some great people. The conference was wicked. I learned a lot and met some great people were running out of time. Can you? We're running out of time. Can you wrap it up? I knew you would want to leave the party early. You're such a I knew you would want to leave the party early. You're such a wet blanket. Your If you think I'm going to give you 50 bucks, your whack if you think I'm going to give you 50 bucks, where did you park? The Where did you park the whip? Don't tell anyone, Okay? Try to keep it. Don't tell anyone, okay? Try to keep it under wraps. Give me one minute. Just goingto take a Give me one minute. Just goingto take a whiz. We did it. Good job. We did it, Woot. Good job. You can't go out on a first date and expect to make some. It's too soon. You can't go out on a first date and expect to make some would be It's too soon. Last night was totally crazy. Last night was off the wall. Totally crazy. Oh, nice. I heard you bought some new, but I didn't think it would be a homer. Oh, nice. I heard you bought some new wheels, but I didn't think it would be a homer. Seems like the party is so I'm going to turn off the music. Seems like the party is winding down, so I'm going to turn off the music. You are at this game. How did you get so good? You are always at this game. How did you get so good? You gotta be. If you want to understand how society works, you gotta be woke. If you want to understand how society works you're never going to beat me. Every time I play I your butt, you're never going to beat me. Every time I play, I whoop your butt. I can barely stand up. I'm too. I can barely stand up. I'm too wasted. Let's go to the bar and I'll be your to help you pick up some chicks. Let's go to the bar and I'll be your wingman to help you pick up some chicks 62. Slang X: all right, literally. Just a couple ex is just too. So let's take a look x x x to be x x x Also pronounced triple X. If something is x x x, it's pornographic is probably a photo or a video clip related to something pornographic. It's pornography. Sex. Whoa! We're not gonna watch this movie. How did you find it? This is rated X X x x o x o x o x o. Reserved almost exclusively for writing excess meaning kisses owes meaning hugs. We put this by your signature, and it means hugs and kisses. It's just a cute way of saying goodbye. This is usually used with close family members, and if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, but be careful, you can put a lot of different formulas of your x o x o r x x o. But try not to write x x x, because remember, that means pornographic. So that was it. Just a couple. So let's move on to the next video, huh? 63. X Review: not a lot of ex is here, so let's do it. I'm sorry. You're too young to rent movies. I'm sorry. You're too young to rent thes xxx movies with much love with much love xo, XO. 64. Slang Y: so we got the wise. Now we are almost finished with the alphabet. Let's take a look. Gas Yas is a way to say yes, but with excitement or to show congratulations or approval. We saw this when we looked at Yas Queen. Are you ready to go on vacation? Yas YOLO, YOLO This isn't very popular at all anymore, but it was very popular So there's a good chance that you'll hear it or see it. YOLO means you Onley live once so people would say it to mean Take a risk Live on the edge , Do something crazy Should we go skydiving? Yeah, YOLO Young Buck to be a young buck Ah, young Buck That's Ah young person a young in but is mostly used for guys because a buck is a male deer Look at that. A lot of young bucks trying out for the football team today Yuppie to be ah yuppie Ah, yuppie. That's a very wealthy young person used more insultingly to describe someone who is not modest about the way they spend their money. Also, a yuppie is probably a person that's a bit out of touch. Doesn't know how normal people live I hate going to San Francisco because it's just filled with yuppies working at Facebook and Google. All right, so that's it for the wise. Let's keep going. We got disease. You can do it. We're almost there. 65. Y Review: It's why time. So let's do the Y review. That's great news, Yaz. That's great news. You need to do it. When will you have the chance again? Remember? You need to do it. When will you have the chance again? Remember, YOLO? We're looking for some to join the men's hockey team. We're looking for some young bucks to join the men's hockey team. All the I want to move to the West Coast. All the yuppies want to move to the West Coast. 66. Slang Z: All right. So to finish the alphabet, we have three z slang words. So let's see what we got. Zinger. A zinger to say a zinger. A singer is a witty comment, Usually funny or making fun of someone. Oh, that was a good zinger. You really burned him zonked, to be zonked, to be zonked out first. If you're zonked, it means you're really tired. Super exhausted after running 15 miles. I am totally zonked. I'm going to lay down for a little bit. Second, to be zonked out means to be sound asleep, not just asleep in deep sleep. It would be difficult for someone toe wake you up if you're zonked out how he zonked out, How did he fall asleep standing up the zone To be in the zone To be in the zone means to be really focused on something and not easily distracted because you're in the zone. You really concentrated because of that, you're probably going to perform well, better than average. I need to get in the zone for a competition by listening to music before I compete. If I'm not in the zone, I really don't do that good of a job. All right, so that's it. We finish the alphabet. Good job 67. Z Review: This is it. This is disease. So let's finish the alphabet. Good luck. Damn, It was a long day today. I'm really Damn, it was a long day. Today I'm really zonked. Before I go for a run, I tried to get in the by focusing on my breathing, ignoring everything around me and turning on my music. Before I go for a run, I tried to get in the zone by focusing on my breathing, ignoring everything around me and turning on my music. That was a good you really made fun of him. That was a good zinger. You really made fun of him. 68. Dating Slang Part 1: So today is part one of dating Sling, some good slang that we can use in person and some other sling more so for online to start , we have back burner in dating. If someone is on the back burner, it means you have a slight interest in them romantically, but nothing serious at the moment. Usually that's because that person is not your first choice. They are they the reserve option if something better doesn't happen, or if you're ever feeling bored, sad or lonely and needs someone to hang out with. If you have a back burner type of thing, they probably like you more than you like them, and you would prefer to find a better partner. Brent Crude me breadcrumb ing is a new term, but the action it refers to isn't new at all. If you breadcrumb someone, what you're doing is giving them a minimal amount of your effort and attention so that they don't stop talking to you completely. Why would you breadcrumb So why would you breadcrumb someone because you're not that interested in them, so you might have that person on the back burner and be breadcrumb ing them so they are available. If you ever decide to spend time with them, they are your emergency backup plan. The traditional term for this is to lead someone on, which is to make someone think that they have a chance with you. A chance for a relationship, but you're not interested. The only way you would start a relationship is if nothing better appeared. Catfishing. If you use online dating APS, be careful that you're not cat fished. If you're trying to catfish someone, it means you're using someone else's photos and pretending to be that person. So you're not talking to the person you think you're talking to. It's like if someone uses a picture of Beyonce and claims to be her and then you meet the girl and obviously it's not beyonc. Something less common is hat fishing is toe wear hats in your Dave dating profile pictures to hide the fact that you are bald or going bald. So hat fishing and catfishing cuffing season. I like the name of this one cuffing season is used to refer to the cold winter months when nobody wants to go outside to do anything because the weather sucks. So right before its winter. You find a partner and you cuff them literally, meaning toe lack them up. Basically, you're in a relationship, but often it's on Lee for convenience until spring arrives, when the weather improves. For many people, it's uncuff ing season timeto end the relationship and start being single again next. Deep like a deep like is when you match with someone and then look at their social media accounts. Uh, so you check if they have instagram, Facebook and stuff like that to learn more about them, see what they're like. If you are a risk taker, you might look at some old photos of them and like them, liking these old photos is a deep like because you had to go deep into the past to find them. I don't recommend it because it's kind of creepy, which is what this is traditionally called creeping on someone or being a creep. When online to creep on someone is to stock and investigate someone's social media accounts in a creepy or secret way the other person wouldn't like. Fling. Ah, fling is a short lived romance, a relationship that doesn't last long. Ah, fling can be a one night stand, meaning just sex and nothing more, or just a very quick attempt at building a relationship before deciding toe end. A fling is not very serious and probably isn't longer than a week or so. So when you break up, it's nothing to cry about. It's to have a fling with someone. 69. Dating slang Part 2: Are you ready? Because I'm ready. This is dating Sling Part two. So don't miss part one if you didn't want, you get but let's go flirting. When you flirt with someone, you are trying to talk to someone in a way that indicates that you are attracted to them. Flirting is a difficult skill to acquire for numerous reasons. First of all, it's obvious when you are flirting or romantically interested in a person, so it causes us to feel nervous and anxious further. Most often, you don't know if the person you're flirting with this single interested or even find too attractive until you start talking to them. Notice it's to flirt with someone, but you must try if you're single and eventually you find a person of flirts back, so start simple and be relaxed. I recommend you Onley flirt with someone if you're able to talk to them like you would with a friend, because if they're not interested, you can still have a nice chat or just get lost here. Get lost means go away. This reduces anxiety and improves. Your communications goes regardless what happens between the two of you, So flirting is an action. But to be a flirt means you are a person that flirts as part of your personality. So even if you are in a relationship, you flirt with people. Most often, people call someone a flirt as an insult because they were attracted to the person and thought them to be single until they realized they were taken to be taken means to be in a relationship. Next. I r L. We sometimes pronounce this in the abbreviated form I R L, which means in real life and with the prevalence of online dating. Ah, lot of relationships nowadays don't even make it far enough for the people involved to meet I r O. I prefer saying, in real life, if you play video games or have pen pals, a pen pal is someone you only communicate with by writing letters. You might never meet in real life, but your relationship is still rial. Okay, uh, next side chick inside guy. Not everyone is faithful in a relationship, meaning that people cheat in relationships. To cheat on someone is to have affairs with other people and without permission of your partner. When you cheat when you're unfaithful, the slang term for the person you are cheating with is your side chick or side the guy and weaken. Describe your relationship as having something on the side, because the thing on the side is not your main relationship. That's why we say it's on the side. It's also why we call them your side chick or your side guy as well. If you just have a casual relationship that isn't serious, we can call that something on the side. In this case, just meaning and not so serious relationship slide into D. M's to slide into someone's Diem's is to private message Someone D m just stands for direct messages, which is what your inbox is called for. Several social media APS. When someone tries to slide into another person's diem's, it's merely saying that they're contacting them. However, the larger idea is that very people confident use it to mean that they will private message someone and that they expect very positive results. Next swipe left or swipe right? Or a swipe left swipe right because of the popularity of dating apps like tinder, where you swipe a picture to the left or to the right for either ignoring a person or attempting contact. You can say these two terms to show interest in people in a very informal way. For example, if you see someone at a bar and your friend asks you what you swipe left or right, you can say you'd swipe left if you don't find them appealing or that you swipe right if you do find them appealing. Alright, Submarining submarining is my favorite new slang term because it perfectly describes a tendency many people have when dating. The first part of submarining is very similar to the slang term ghosting to ghost someone is to disappear from their life without warning. But submarining has a second step where you reappear and offer no explanation as to why you vanished previously. So if you submarine someone, you probably lost interest in them because you thought you found something better. But for some reason, you later decide you want to talk to them and you magically reappear like a submarine coming out of the water. It's great thirsty. If you're thirsty, you're basically horny as hell. If you don't know what horny is, it means aroused. We're really trying to have some type of sexual relations with a person or any person that talks to you. So if someone is thirsty, they are really trying to find someone who is down for that to beat down for something means to be interested in doing something we can also say to be game who often see this written as thirsty A f or spoken as thirsty as fuck to describe someone as really thirsty. And if you're Thursday s book, you're probably pretty desperate. 70. Food slang: our main topic now. Six new slang words related to food. Let's start with number one to grab a bite or to get a bite. This just means in a much more informal way to go out to eat. But the idea is also maybe to do it more quickly, so especially for lunch. But you can also do it for dinner or breakfast. So to grab a bite just means to leave your house to go out to eat, toe a restaurant, cafe, maybe even get bar food anyplace. So if I'm hungry, you're hungry. I'll say I don't feel like cooking. Let's just go and grab a bite. Okay? Yeah, lets go. Grab a But where? Where should we grab a bite? So just to go out, Teoh, eat somewhere Toe pig out. Not to pig Out is not the same as one will look at later. Toe wolf down. To pick out is to eat super, super messy, basically to eat like a picks. You make a mess, and there's also the idea of eating fast. So if you pick out, there's kind of two very similar meetings. The most important, if you are picking out or two. To pig out is to eat in a very messy way to make a mess and probably just to eat in kind of a disgusting fashion. To number two, that kind of the second meaning there is to eat very fast. So to pick out Messi and fast eating do you pick up? Sometimes you just want to pick out right, especially it's good to snack on something Now when we're talking about food. Ah, snack is just a small thing you eat usually in between meals so that you're not super hungry. So if I'm really hungry and it's only 10 in the morning, you know I'm not gonna have lunch a 10 and it's too late for breakfast so I might get a snack. So just something small said I'm not super hungry. The verb there is to snack on something so I can snack on cereal. I can snack on a granola bar. I can snack on whatever whatever is what to use that gun. Ah ah, new slang term that is not related. This related to this at all. Not related to food is a snack to be a snack. If you say that someone is a snack. It means you think they're really attractive. That's completely different. Our next one toe wolf down. If you wolf something down means you eat it really quickly. You start and it's gone. Now this is different than to pig out, because if you pick out, it's really messy is kind of disgusting. Maybe toe wolf something down just just means to eat it really fast. So pig Out means fast, but especially gross. Kind of messy toe wolf down. Just one meaning t quickly. That's it, then. We have to be yucky if something is yucky, especially of food, is grows is disgusting. Not tasty book. But if something is yummy, our last slang word is delicious is really good, tasty, made, even impeccable. Awesome. So it's review quickly to grab or to get a bite with me. It's just to go somewhere. To eat is to go out. But there's maybe the idea it doesn't have to be. That is a quick bite to get a quick bite, meaning to go somewhere quickly to eat. To pick out is to eat fast, but especially in a very messy way to snack on something is toe have a snack. It was just to eat a little something in between meals. Or maybe like late at night. Us, you're not. You're not starving to wolf something down or toe toe wolf down something we can also say just means to eat fast, but not with the idea of creating a big mess or eating in a very messy way. To be yucky just means gross or disgusting. And to be yummy just means really good, delicious and tasty. All right, that's it. 71. Gym slang: got some really good gym and fitness slaying toe looked at to look at number one. To be Jack to be Jack, we can also say to be ripped. It just means to be in really good shape and probably with some nice muscles. So usually, if you just do aerobics and cardio like running, swimming, walking that kind of stuff, you will get in good shape. But you don't get muscles from doing those types of exercises. If you want to be jacked, you had toe. You have tow weight lift. You have to do resistance training basically to build muscle. And if you do aerobic or or balance or other types of exercise, you're not going to get Jack. Jack is specifically really talking about big muscles. So if you are Jack, you got really big muscles and it looks good. Ah, when we talk, our next one is gains. Gains is also more so used when talking about building muscle s so we could say big gains. It just means big improvement in your exercise, especially big, noticeable, noticeable improvements. And again, it's really saying that you're seeing bigger muscles so we could be bigger muscles or doing a better job, like like running. So if you see gains and running, you might be able to use it that way to mean you're running better, faster and longer distances. But really gains is again related to gaining muscle. That's why we say gains to gain muscle or to put on muscle. So it's it's probably really used just for men. I think that ah ha mentioned that it's probably not good for women but to get gains. Actually, no. I think if you're working out in generals, a man or a woman, you probably want to add some muscle or maybe even some definition, so those are gains not to be swole. This is a good one. Swole is used is being used in some very new ways recently. But let's focus on the much more common use here. To be Swope, Gin just means to be jacked or toe look jacked, but especially but especially especially right after working out. So we had jacked gains and now swole uh, so if you are swole, it means you look big and muscular, but it's it's often more temporary, temporary, right after working out, because all I just did like 10 sets or how many reps on Now I feel swole or you look swollen. Means your muscles are tourney and ripped and they're looking bigger. That's swole. You can also just do that. Do this. Won't means he looks big. I do save these live videos, and that is something I just started, uh, called the daily English class. So I will tell you more about that later After working out now a gym rat. That gym rat is someone who spends someone who spends all their time at the gym, loves to talk about the gym that is a gym gym wrecked. So gym rat, someone who is always at the gym always exercising and probably talks too much about the gym is probably not fun to talk to them because that's all they want to talk about. And roid rage are last owner. We got two more Roid Rage is is basically it can literally it's about someone who take steroids, uh, and gets angry because of it. But it's also used to describe someone who works out a lot, and it gets angry or looks angry. It's her younger cousin, a gym rat. I believe it, man. Ah, so it's a roid rage. We say toe have roid rage most of the time, and it's really used for extremely big guys or anyone, maybe a gym rat who's just kind of angry. And you could say there that because they're angry is roid rage. It is really an insult. And then finally ah, cardio bunny basically the opposite of everything that we've been talking about this someone, someone who just does cardio and aerobics. But no, no, no resistance training, no weight lifting, training for weight lifting. Remember, resistance training, weightlifting. Same thing. Just means pumping iron. We can also say no pumping iron Eso You know, a cardio bunny just runs, maybe swims, maybe walks to some yoga, Maybe some tight cheese stuff like that, but no real resistance training, so they never get swole. They never get jacked. So there you go and look quick. Review. Jacked is very big muscles to find Big dude Big big woman to who knows? Gains means putting on weight, maybe putting on weight, but especially maybe muscle getting big gains at the gym. Swole media look big, especially like right after you might feel swollen But it could be a permanent characteristic to a gym rat spending too much time at the gym. Roid rage, an angry person, kind of a negative way to to characterize someone who looks upset. And they're also they also look like someone who spends a lot of time at the gym and a cardio bunny. Someone who doesn't do that. That weight lifting kind of stuff, just focus is probably very thin or skinny, maybe even scrawny, and that's how we would characterize it. 72. Interjections: Here we go. So what are interjections? We can also call them exclamations. Exclamatory sentences, some people say, But interjections were going to use and they're just basically expression. Very short expressions that we use toe add more emotion, more personality toe what we're saying to intensify or to stress what we're saying. We don't have to worry about grammar. We just take this interjection or exclamation and just force it into whatever. We're six where they're very, very simple to use, and they're often followed by an exclamation mark or an exclamation point. As an example, I can say, Oh, that is surprising to hear, or I can just say what, So that has a lot more personality. It kind of makes your language more colorful, and it also just really stresses and emphasizes the amount of shock. Excitement were surprised that you're feeling so I can say that surprising or I can say what, and that is one of the informal exclamations interjections that we're going toe look at so when to use them, you can use them for positive situations, negative situations and neutral, meaning you don't really care. Any uses a little bit different there, so for positive situations. We are showing relief. Ah, maybe for an accomplishment. Success. Enthusiasm in surprise. Some examples. You betcha. You betcha is a really good one. You bet you It's actually just coming from you bet. Which can mean just Yes. Usually that's what it means. Yes, for sure Guaranteed. So you bet you can use that in pretty much any situation. But you bet, Sha You betcha. What you're really saying is you bet you were pushing it all together. You betcha. It's just say yes. All right? Definitely 100%. You betcha. You coming to the party? You bet. You. Why not? We can also say a little more vocal here. Damn straight. So this is very positive. Again, we're showing enthusiasm. Uh, excitement. Happiness, maybe, Or for an accomplishment. Damn straight. Did you finish your homework assignment? Damn straight. I did. Usually it just means, like, yes and more damn straight. We can also a damn right, but because we're saying damn it, Slightly inappropriate. So you don't want to say it in front of Children? Just say it with your friends people, you know really well, then we have Yes. I mean, I think you know that, Yes, but we can also make it a little bit slanging by changing the e to end a to get yas yas. This is very common nowadays, So just that yes, a ton of people now it is are also saying yes, yes, Diaz Diaz and then find the last one who that's not even slaying. I don't It's pretty coming. Who? Pretty common. It's an interjection, especially for showing happiness. Exciting. Good. Maybe a good surprise. Something like that. That's the good. That's the good interjections. Now let's look at negative when something bad happens. If you want to express disgust, disappointment, boredom, disdained, meaning kind of like hate disliking someone or something and mockery when you make fun of something, maybe satire, or is a joker to humiliate someone? So for these for negative interjections and exclamations, we have FARC, Okay, so get ready. Because we are. We're introducing some swear words now. So the biggest one, the one we use the most, and we have three variations, three variations, three different ways to use it and more. These are just some of the three most popular. First we can say fuck. It just means No, that's what you're really saying is no, you're showing disappointment. Could be anger, disdain. This this fuck is used for for everything. All right, First we have Fuck, then we haven't even stronger one, which is usually for severe disappointment or frustration. Fuck meat. So if you say fuck me and it's always me, you're always being reflexive. You're referring to yourself. You're saying, God damn it, you're saying shit or just know. But times 10 it's much, much more in time. So fuck me, and then finally just motherfucker, mother. And then you can say just like that getting the are at the end mother fucker. That's usually a little more serious when we pronounce the R at the end. And that's usually targeted at someone else when we pronounce every letter there. But you say motherfucker, So you kind of get more a vocal sounds there. And the ars kind of disappearing motherfucker that's more playful. It could be sarcastic, but it can also be seriously, why don't you work you motherfuckin phone or something like that? So those are some of the best old and we have for fuck's sake, for fuck's sake. So that's a really good one to for fuck's sake. I don't even know if I could type that here, for fuck's sake. Or just fuck sick. Now, you always need before, for fuck's sake. Same thing, really. All of these folk ones are almost exactly same. Except just fuck could be, like, mild disappointment or frustration. But then fuck me. It's always much more intense. Then we just have man. Oh, man, Man, man is a really good one is very, very popular. Getting vulgar again. We have no shit. This is usually when talking to someone just to say that something obvious like, yeah, I mean, that's pretty clear, right? Yeah, No shit. Where someone says you're five minutes late, the boss is gonna be angry and then said, Yeah, no shit. And if you want to make even more intense, have you heard of Sherlock and Holmes? Those detectives what we can say? No shit, Sherlock, that's an insult. That's pretty insulting to say that. And then finally, just Shit, Shit. We can also say should shit was kind of rising intonation to show that some things goods that could be positive or negative, like ah, shit bat, but shit good. Ah, what does that We have your neutral situations. Neutral interjections. These air more like filler words like the, uh um Those are the most typical filler words asking for confirmation to verify something. And to signify that you need silence to tell someone to be quiet. A good one for? For asking for silence Me, please. Please means like hold on, give me a second. Give me space. Please. Please, Please. Please. You could say please one second or just please. That's a really good one. It's kind of neutrals not in polite, but yeah. Please, please. One second, I would say please. One second. Displayed, please, by itself is kind of like saying shut up. And then we could say, asking for confirmation. Because am I right? All right. We kind of push it together. So we're saying am I right? And it becomes in my right, I'm right. So it gets very, very mushy. But just asking for confirmation to verify. And then to show that you are changing to a new topic or kind of as a filler word to show that you're done speaking, we can say any who, anyhow, anyways, and that's what I decided to, uh, anyhoo anyhow anyways, uh, gotta go. So if you've got any questions about these, let me know they're super good, But those were our slaying informal interjections for today. 73. Movie slang 1: We are going to look at four really good slang terms related to film, some of my favorite ones and the really good ones. If you want to chat about film, so let's start with a B movie. Ah, B movie is, ah, movie that is made, but it doesn't have a lot of money or investment. Often times being movies are also related to horror movies, so scary movies like Thrashers or movies with zombies or ghosts and that kind of stuff. But a B movie in Journal just means low budget. Not a lot of money. We can say a low production and in a B movie, because they have less investment, less money, you often get less famous actors and actresses. So these are called be actors and be actresses. And these actors, we can also say, are on the B list so they're not super famous. They're kind of famous, but they're not as famous as a list actors or a list celebrities. So an A list actor, a list actress means super famous actors and actresses the most famous in Hollywood or in Bollywood or Nollywood wherever you are. So if you're super famous, super popular. We can see your on the A list if you're kind of famous, kind of popular, your A B list actor and you make B list or just be movies. So again, again, B movies are often kind of related to horror and Thrasher kind of movies, otherwise, is more just an independent film. Okay, then we have a cult movie, a cult movie. Also called a cult classic, are movies that did not do very well. They did not reach a lot of success when they were first released, but later it just for some reason became very popular. Think of Rocky, Rocky Horror Picture Show or any movie things. See if you can give me an example. Any movie that did not do very well initially, usually because it's a very low budget possibly be movie, but then becomes very famous, very successful later. That's a cult classic or a cult movie, so they're still not super famous later, but they have a very devoted, very enthusiastic audience that still watches the film. And then we have ah, flick Flick is just another name for a movie or film, the only in the exact same thing flick is just more informal. So a flick eyes just a movie. We can say I'm going to see a flick. Do you want to see that new flick? Do you want to see that movie? We also have a chick flick. A chick flick is a specific type of movie that's for women. It's usually our next term here. A romcom, Uh, so a chick flick is usually a movie that's kind of designed for the female audience because it's romantic or a romantic comedy, which is what a romcom is. This. This is a very popular type of movie, genre or category, which is just It has romance and comedy, and when you combine those two words together, we get romcom. Romantic comedy becomes romcom. What? Tell me or message me what you think or not what you think. Tell me what your favorite type of movie is. We have a romcom. This is just a romantic comedy, and together we combine those words and get run Come and this is usually a chick flick means a type of flick designed for women in a flick. It's just a movie with a cult movie or a cult classic. Those are just movies that aren't super popular with everyone. They're not mainstream, but they have, Ah, very small, devoted, very enthusiastic audience, and often these movies were not successful initially, but they become much more successful later. And then we have. Those types of movies are often be movies, and a B movie just means lower budget. Not not a very famous or Hollywood production with B List actors and actresses versus what is an A list actor? Which one super famous, super popular actor or actress all right? 74. New slang (2019): new slang that is today's topic. New slang for 2019 Not necessarily slaying that you should use but slaying that you will hear and need to understand, because a lot of this ling is really used by by teenagers even younger than that. So if you're older, it sounds maybe a bit strange to hear you say it. So let's look at some of this new slang. Starting with, by far the most popular new term eat you eat is just used to show excitement so sometimes is really not a real world word. It just kind of like, yeah, all right, eat So basically means let's do it. Another Maurin formal way of saying that is I'm game to be game for something means that you want to do it. You will participate. So, uh, let's go. Yeah, eat, eat, Especially online People playing video games, you hear you eat a lot. You eat on older term that's still used a little bit. Is elite. It's usually spelt l 33 t. That's really exclusively just for video games. But let's move on to our next one, which is a great one lit. Now, if something is lit something or even like an event like a party means It's really cool. Awesome. So this party's lit means this party is great. I love it. It's a great party. But if a person is let is completely, completely different. If you are lit, look, you've been drinking too much. You are drunk. Ah, more vulgar expression is shitfaced. So if you are lit really drunk, Uh, in the UK, they say pissed. So if you are in the UK in the United Kingdom, if you hear someone say that they are pissed, it means they're drunk in that context in the U. S. Pissed on Lee means angry and upset. So really be careful with that, because in the US, pissed is Onley upset. But we do have another expression to be piss drunk, and that means to be really drunk. But pissed by itself in the U. S. I mean angry, upset. So careful, then we have a new one, which is very common now, especially online with images and means sick. If a person is thick and use their ah, a little heavier, especially their hips like their waste, it means they're just thicker. They've got more meat on their bones. They way a little bit more so, especially for women or even guys describing big butts, big hips, ah, booty, A big caboose. Those are always to talk about your butt. So if you're thick or if you see someone type thick, usually T h I C c. It just means big, but usually big, but big thighs, big waste. So Oh, that girl is thick, you know, talking maybe about an instagram person or something like that Damn thick. So is usually talking about someone you're attracted to, its usually positive. So if you say someone is thick, it's generally said in a positive way, saying that you like that type of body. You like that type of physical physique. You think they look good and then we have a snack. Snack is our next one. I like this one because think about it. A snack in English is something you eat in between meals. So let's say you eat breakfast and then you have lunch. So maybe you get hungry in the middle. So you have a little snack. Maybe you have a banana or, um, a candy bar that's a snack and what we're saying. Well, you snack and sling to describe a person that you think is really cute, really attractive. They're so cute that they're kind of like a snack, their tasty. So you're really saying that they look delicious? Oh, you look like a snack. You know something like that or what? A snack. So this one's new with the thing with new slang is you don't know if it's going toe to become very popular or if it's going to die, you know, by the end of the year. But snack is one that I've been hearing. I see it on the Internet a lot, and I've seen it used a few times in real life. So it is pretty popular in 2019. So far on the next one we have is really for Internet slang. It's a F, and usually it's used at the very end after a description, and it means what it really means is like very or intensely or strongly. But it's a little a little vulgar because it means as fuck. And so in spoken English, we say as fuck all of the time. It's very common toe add intensity so I could say like I'm drunk as fuck or I'm lit as fuck , but ah, for Internet slang or texting, sending messages very informal. We just say I'm drunk A f you just type a f and that makes it also a little bit more appropriate cause I'm not seeing the swear word. Fuck. So it is very common online because I always cute cute A f or this movie was good A f. But really, what we're saying is as fuck so in spoken English, you will say as fuck in texts, writing very informal. Just write a f and now staying with the online slang Let's move to social media specifically. And now we're going to be talking about left on red. This is like, this is especially talking about someone that you're attracted to. So if I'm attracted to a girl and maybe I met her on tinder or I got her number and I texted her and I can see that she read my message or maybe she just doesn't respond, that is to be left on red, because on most cell phones it will tell you if the person saw your message like on WhatsApp they used to show you the little checks, or if you're just texting normally it will say like red by at a specific time. So if someone reads your message but doesn't respond, that is to be left on red. It's not good, because then you're waiting. You assume the person doesn't like you or something like that. So to be left on red is really used just when talking about someone you're attracted to. But it could be friends, too. May be your friend. You can see your friend read your message or your you know, your brother read your message but didn't respond. You can jokingly said, Yo, why did you leave me on red or why did you leave me left on red? But I would say it's more common when talking what people you're attracted to who don't respond to your text messages. So not fun. Next one I really like is Gucci. So Gucci, like the clothing brand, right? The little luxury clothing brand we say Woods, Gucci. It just means what's good, like, how are you? What's happening? It's very I like it. I just like the sound of it with Gucci. It just means. How are you? What's new was coochie, Uh, because I'm Gucci. But I think the most common expression with this is just what's Gucci? I really like it. I hear a lot of people using it. Pretty popular in 2019. Thirsty. Remember, before we're talking about a snack, A snack is someone you think is really attractive. They make you hungry now? Thirsty. Really similar. If you're Thursday, you really need some water or you need something right? You got to take a drink. I'm thirsty. That was pretty good. Now, if you're thirsty, talking about, like physical attractiveness or maybe being like, sexually aroused, like wanting to make out or have sex, that is to be thirsty. If someone says when you thirsty, it means you're only thinking about sex here. Horny you sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex That's to be thirsty. So is usually Mawr oven insult. It could be a polite way to kind of joke around with friends. It won't be too rude, but if someone says you're thirsty, it means you're only thinking about sex so good or bad, it really depends on the context. Ah, like I was reading something on the Internet on Reddit. And it was describing this guy who was on Lee talking about girls and the top comments that man, this dude is thirsty. And he was right. The dude was really thirsty in our last one is to be ghosted like a ghost. A spirit. This is very similar to be left on red. Very, very similar. So I'll give you an example. Ah, You meet someone on a dating app like tinder. You message them, but they never respond and they never respond to you again. So you don't know this person in real life. This is for anyone that you know online only on a computer on your phone, something like that to be ghosted is someone just never responds to any of your messages. Actually, ghosted can mean that they maybe you were. You message each other a few times, but then they just completely disappear. That's better. To be ghosted means that you either talk to someone a little bit or you just send them a message that they never respond to. But either way, they stop message. You messaging you completely. They just completely disappear. You never hear from them again. They completely disappear from your life, the rule with using to ghost someone That's if you do it to someone, or to be ghosted by someone. The rule is that you don't know the person in real life. It's on Lee, a person that you know online on your phone on your computer because they go stew and they disappear completely. You might be able to do this talking about like a relationship. So if someone goes to you in a relationship, it means they don't tell you that they're ending the relationship that they're breaking up with you. They just disappear so we can use it with a real relationship in real life. So maybe I have a girlfriend and I'm like, Why? Why don't you answer your phone? Where are you? So she she broke up with me. She ended the relationship, but she didn't tell me, but she's not. She's not picking up by texture. She doesn't answer, so it's like she must have ghosted me. She didn't even tell me that the relationship is over. She just goes to me so normally it's used talking. What online? Or it could be a relationship where someone ends it without even telling the other person. So that is some of the most popular slang that I have been seeing in 2019. If you have any new sling questions for me or any questions about these, let me know and we can add those to the next video. Okay, I'll see you later. 75. Work slang: as I just told you, I've got some slang terms for you. All of them are related to work, but only some of them are actually used at work, while others are a bit too informal for a business setting. Let's take a look. Yeah, Bust your buns. If you are busting your buns, you are working hard. You are putting in ah, lot of effort. So bust your buns means to work hard. It's an appropriate expression for any environment. If too, If you want to express that you are putting in a high level of effort just a bit casual. If you want to make it inappropriate, not good to use with your boss. Change buns, toe ass. Because what are your buns? Your buns is your but but those are appropriate words. The vulgar terms we can use is ass. So bust your buns, bust your butt or bust your ass. You choose Get the ax or 2nd 1 Have you ever been fired from a job is not great to be fired , but it happens. Usually a person is fired because they did something really bad or if it's just a lacklustre performance of bad economy of failing business. You're much more likely to get laid off or let go. But a different expression we use for all of these is to get the axe. If you get the ax, it means you were fired. So because own we froze here? No. Oh, or oh, you know God. Okay, we froze. We might have to start again. We might have to start. All right, We froze. I think we're gonna have to restart the little lecture. All right, So you guys, we froze. So So we're going, We're going to start again, and I think I'm going to go a little slower. So we had a bust. Your buns. What was the 1st 1? Oh, you're just about to explain to get the axe. All right, What's up? Tens? And good thing you just joined the live Froze. So let's let's try again. This is why I like Instagram. The Instagram live never never freezes. Okay, let's start again. I hope you're ready. Round two. Let me just pause this again. But a bing but a boom. Here we go. But a power. Alright, so I've got some slings. I've got some slang terms for you. all of them are related to work, but only some of them are actually used at work, while others are a bit to inform for a business setting. So let's take a closer look. Bust your buns. So if you are busting your bugs you are working hard. You are putting in a lot of effort, so buster buns means toe work hard. It's an appropriate expression for any environment. If you want to express that you are working or that you are putting in a high level of effort just a bit casual. If you want to make it inappropriate, not good to use with your boss. Change buns, toe ass Because what are your buns? Your buns is your but but those are appropriate words. The vulgar term. We can use his ass. So bust your buns, bust your butt or bust your ass. You choose the next one, get the ax. Have you been fired from a job is not great, but it happens. Usually a person is fired because they did something really bad. If it's just a lacklustre performance of bad economy or a failing business, you're more likely to be labeled laid off or let go. But a different expression we can use for all of these is to get the axe. If you get the ax, it means you were fired so because you did something bad. But if you but it could also mean laid off or let go. So if you get the ax for one reason or another, you are no longer employed for the moment. Next one office spouse. If you spend long hours at the office, you're going to make some good friends. Some of these friendships might become quite intimate, and for some people, their relationship nearly turns into something romantic with someone you are kind of attracted to. The thing is, outside of work, you are already in a relationship, maybe even married. So you have a real spouse, the person you're married to, and then you have your office spouse as well. Typically, though, when we talk about an office spouse, it's a person at work who you communicate with most and share a lot of personal information with but not an affair. It's more of a joking term and finally do work. This one's great but too informal for most office settings do work is an exclamation. Just means do it work hard and keep going to make it even Maurin formal. We can say, do work, son for a guy and do work girl for a woman. But like a lot of expressions do work. Son can be used for both genders. Uh, it's super super informal work environment, if at all. So do work, son. Make sure you don't get the ax by continuing toe. Bust your butt studying English And be careful with that office spouse so your real spouse doesn't have to worry about what's happening when you're at work. 76. School Slang | Part 1: you know what day it is today? It is slang day, so time for some new slang, and today's topic is school and education. So let's get to it to get to something means to do something. So let's do some education topic slaves. A cheat sheet. A cheat sheet is originally understood to be a piece of paper that the student uses to help them during a test, but without the permission of their teacher. That's why it's called a cheat sheet, because to cheat means to do something unfairly. And sheet is an informal term for a piece of paper. We cheat on something like we cheat on a test and we typically say a sheet of something like a sheet of paper. But nowadays, cheat sheets are allowed by many teachers, depending on the test. It's very common for students. Toe asked this question before a test or quiz. Can we use a cheat sheet and the teacher will say yes or no. For example, if you're a beginner English learner, you might ask if you can use a cheat sheet that has verb conjugation on it when writing an essay. If you're in math class, maybe you ask if you can use a cheat sheet that has formulas on it. And finally, if something can be explained on a single page of paper, many people will call it a cheat sheet. All it means in this case is that it contains a lot of information on a single page. Criminals Crib notes can sometimes have the same meaning as CiCi. But generally criminals aren't much shorter, like a very basic outline of something, and that is detailed as a cheat sheet as well. Criminals are often that written on paper. Some people right crib notes on their hand, on a desk or other surfaces so that can remain hidden. If you go online and search for Sarah Palin Crib Notes speech, he will find a famous American example of the most typical type of crib notes written on someone's hand diploma mill. A diploma mill is a place of education. In fact, it could be anyplace that educates people. However, when you call a place a diploma mill, it means that there is no focus on the quality of education. Instead, the only purpose is to get more students to graduate, received their diplomas in orderto earn money by replacing them with new ones. So why is it called diploma mill? Because a mill is a type of factory that produces a lot of something very quickly. There's no focus on producing high quality items, but instead Onley focusing on producing ah lot of items of mediocre quality. So it's an insult to call in Educational Institute a diploma mill because it means they don't care about providing a good education. Onley Getting new students toe Take all of their money. This is especially true in the US, where education costs rise astronomically every year, and it could be difficult to know which schools are worth the money and which ones are just diploma mills. Doofus Doofus comes from 19 sixties students link in the U. S. And is used to mean that someone is stupid or dumb. Today, Doofus is not a very strong insult and could be used jokingly in a fun way with friends and people you know well, like if your friend is acting silly and funny, you can call him a doofus, and it is not rude. You're more so saying that you find them silly, but in a very simple kind of way. However, if you don't know someone well and you call them a doofus, it will be much more insulting. And you probably don't want to use it that way on Lee. Use doofus to mean silly if you're with friends. Similar terms to doofus are nit wit and dolt. However, these never have the idea of being funny or silly if your network your dumb, dull and stupid if you're adult here, adult here. Also dumb, dull and stupid, they don't have any other meetings. And of these three, doofus is still the most common than nit wit. Adult is quite uncommon to hear and spoken English. So right some examples with these words to help you remember and let me know if you've heard any other education sling, that's not in this section. 77. Slang not to use?: our topic today. We are looking at some slaying, and if you should use it, if you should not use that, some people say no. Other people say yes, which is kind of a really big question. Yes, it is totally insane. It's a big question with Sling, because here's the thing was leg sling is often used only by specific groups or specific parts of the population. So some people don't like certain slang words. Some sling but kind of belongs or is really only used by certain parts of a population. So I only use slang that I'm comfortable with, and that kind of is appropriate to my lifestyle. So some sling I don't use some sling. I do. And there are some slang words that, in general, the population says this length sucks. You know, some slang is only for teenagers. Some slang is used by older adults, so let's look at some of these slang words. Starting with ox ox is short for awkward ox. So if I say Oh, that's ox, this sounds like I can already tell that this sounds like teenager slang. It's not something I would use because it is just too young for me, and it doesn't sound natural when I see it. So if someone says, Oh, that's Ox, they're saying that's awkward So there's really this one's not hard to understand. I mean, should you stop. It's just it sounds like teenage slang. Who cares, right? You don't have to stop using it, but if you're older, you probably don't want to use it. So, ox, I would just say awkward. That is awkward. Let's go to the next one, which is extra. You hear extra? Quite a bit. Um, I might use it. Talk, use. I want. Okay, So, talking in slang, remember, slings is not a word sling or we can say slaying words, but never slayings. Slaying is an uncountable now slink Ah, slang is important. Informal English. You don't have to use it, but you definitely need to understand it. So that's why, even even if you don't plan on using slang or even phrase all verbs that we often discuss in idioms, you need to understand them. If you want to be fluent, you don't have to use them. You can use regular vocabulary because, but you definitely have to understand so extra just me is kind of like a like over over the top, too much like it's like over the It's like kind of pretending or trying to appear. Um, we're trying to appear or acting too enthusiastic or what's what's the right way to describe it? But it's like too much. It's basically too much, um, to appear. Are acting too enthusiastic or or relative? Yeah, let me give you some examples. Like with clothes. Oh, that he dresses so extra means trying to wear like the best designer clothes. It's over the top. It's too much. It's like he's Onley wearing that Adidas or that Nike because he thinks it's popular because he thinks it's because he thinks it's cool. So basically, let's say this extra is is kind of trying toe act cool by doing too much of something. Ah, that's one way to think about it. So we could say this movie is extra, you know, it just has too much of something. Usually it's too much of something the opposite. I don't know if it's in this list. It's not is basic. The opposite of extra is basic. If someone is basic, they're just ordinary and boring So it's kind of an insult if someone says your basic. So we have some one on one hand who is extra? Yeah, extra just means too much. So it means like they're always over the top. Maybe they're just too excited. Um, they try too hard. Or maybe something is just has too much of something. On the other hand, we have someone or something that is basic. They're just boring, dull, uninteresting. So, you know, maybe just me wearing this is kind of basic, you know? It's, I would say, is kind of minimalist. It is plain. But to someone else, it might say, You need patterns, you need design, Your shirt is basic and I say, Man, I don't know about you So should you use that? I might have used it a couple times more jokingly, but this one is very popular, basic and extra fake news. This one gets this kind of thing, but it just means anything. Anything that you think, uh, is fake or exaggerated or just untrue. Fake news and you use usually use it as an exclamation, so we usually, like shouted like Donald Trump, Lexus, a fake news, fake news fake news. So if you ever hear something that you don't think is true, you can say fake news. This one you actually hear quite a bit in formal situations to because it is used to talk about the news. Ah, lots of Donald Trump uses it. Politicians use it. Journalists use it. Although a lot of people use it. Ironically, Meaning not being serious. More the joke. Something like that. Now we have goat. So G o a T g o a t. Exactly, uh, embarrassed herself by acting so extra awesome example. In good definition of, ah, fake news to be shaken Something not true how we have goat, which means greatest of all time. And usually we use this just by itself. And we say, like someone is of a goat or just goat so you could say like, um Kendrick Lamar goat. So you usually see it online. You can't say it verbally, but usually when you're talking about just say the greatest of all time. Exactly. Greatest of all time squad goals are also just goals. This is a few different meanings. One it could just mean, like how you want your your friend group to be like, kind of how you want your circle of friends to be thinking of. You know, who would be some awesome friends toe have and what would be things that we do exactly. Extras added eso That is not normal. So that's one way squad goals can also just mean, like fun, fun time. So especially as a caption on Instagram or Twitter and you put hashtag squad goals. And you have, like a picture of you guys doing fun stuff. Yes, you can use it that way. And also squad goals can just mean like cool, awesome, MJ MJ is goat of hoops. Yeah, you might say Just go. Some people also say Look haute, especially when you're talking. He's the goat, but when you're typing, it doesn't really matter cause it's very informal. So squad goals. I have never used this. I think women use this more, Um so just from how I see it used on social media But you can say like squad goals and then , like a photo of really cool people hanging out just it can also just mean cool and then finally turned turn, just turn commune a few things first for a person. For a person, it means, like drunk, really mess that it could be other drugs, too, but mostly just alcohol if your turn your super drunk. But it can also be a for like an event, especially for in the event. Let's just keep it at four. At event it means like, um, crazy, chaotic. So if an event is turned, issues crazy off the wall and then finally yas, this is super popular now is really just yes, put more emphatic. It just means like awesome. It's like yes plus excitement. Yas, I don't use this too much. This kind of belongs more to like other groups that I don't really identify with. I hear it a ton. I do use it quite a bit, but I don't really use it so much when I'm actually out talking with friends. So yas you hear it, Tony? Also here, other versions like Yas Yes, Queen you also you can also you basically use yas and then plus anything like yes, a B. She a great example. Yes, it's just yes, but with a lot more emphasis and excitement. This is originally the recent that I don't really use it because originally comes from more like the black and gay communities in the US That's where the word originated and where you hear a lot more people using it. So it kind of becomes a question of cultural appropriation and just not, oh, term that I grew up with. So I don't use it a ton. Um, so career goals squad goes good, good, good definitions there. So that's yeah, So you said, if you want to no big deal, it's super super popular. So a quick review ox just means awkward, really. Just for younger people, especially teenagers and younger extra just means like too much and basic means. Maybe not enough fake news is anything you don't think is true. Goat or the goat is what you the person you think is the greatest of all time squad goals could just mean cool, or like how How you think you or your group of friends should be turned. You mean awesome crazy? Or if you're feeling turn, you'd kind of drunk, and then you us is like yes, with just a ton of excitement. So that was our topic