3ds Max + Vray + Photoshop : Day & Night Photorealistic marketing images | Jamie Cardoso | Skillshare

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3ds Max + Vray + Photoshop : Day & Night Photorealistic marketing images

teacher avatar Jamie Cardoso, Viztechsupport services

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      House outside postproduction


    • 2.

      3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0001


    • 3.

      3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0002


    • 4.

      3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0003


    • 5.

      3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0004


    • 6.

      House outside Night 3ds max 1


    • 7.

      House outside Night 3ds max 2


    • 8.

      House Outside night postproduction 1


    • 9.

      House Outside night postproduction 2


    • 10.

      House Outside night postproduction 3


    • 11.

      House Outside night postproduction 4


    • 12.

      3ds max Vray vray frame buffer settings


    • 13.

      Forest pack & vraylight select


    • 14.

      Project manager jamie cardoso


    • 15.

      TurboSplines with 3ds max


    • 16.

      Mirza Link Manager with 3ds max


    • 17.

      Spline Cleaner with 3ds Max


    • 18.

      Proxy Textures with 3ds Max


    • 19.

      Automodeller with 3ds max


    • 20.

      Overnight Batch Render with 3ds max


    • 21.

      QProxies with 3ds max


    • 22.

      Verge3d with 3ds max L


    • 23.

      Q Proxies with 3ds Max part 2


    • 24.

      SubSpline for 3ds Max


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About This Class

This unique in-depth step-by-step course takes users through the Amazing intricacies of Lighting, Shading, Texturing, Rendering, and the PostProduction of Photorealistic Day & Night scenes; while using 3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop (similar post-production techniques can also be used in After Effects) .

My methodologies are widely implemented by Award Winning Visualization companies and famous Film Studios World Wide.

Who this course is for:

  • Designers
  • Architects
  • 3d Artists
  • 3D Visualizers
  • Anyone interested in Mastering their Shading, Texturing, Lighting, Rendering, Post-Production Skills, Etc

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Jamie Cardoso

Viztechsupport services

Level: Intermediate

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1. House outside postproduction: Hi there. Welcome to the post production part of the here and there. After having rendered and saved all the pre render elements on the Syria shot, we're just gonna come into photo shop and bringing all the pre render elements. So you just go too far. Scripts and choose Load falls into stack in the load layers dialogue. See, just go to browns. Select first Virender Element that there scrawled on hold on the shift key. Select. The last one said entire cell files are selected. This used click OK, said he all loaded up in a load layers dialogue. Okay, so this just start loading up automatically. So now the older pre rendered elements have been loaded up. Begin to turn off the visibility of all the other under elements and organize them apart from the RGB. Hold on the old key and select on the I icon Then if the RGB to the bottom of the pond changes based color Teoh red just by right clicking on it. So we're gonna organize all this floating free render elements. You click the 1st 1 school up, hold on the shift key and select a loss one that click on the group, but no. So all the layers layers now inside the Speaker Group. If you don't have the latest version of photo shop, simply select the entire set off layers and drag him inside a group folder. Let's rename that group is rendered elements next week in there for any group. Henry Una Cooley Adjustments. The reason why I'm using the equal in front off the name each Fuller is because later on, after you had that many adjustment layers and group, you'll be easy to pick and choose from the document off the right. Click on it, click on Adjustments Button and choose the curves adjustment layer to starting a little bit of control. So the overall image so normally just are two points 1st 1 on top there that ever that represents the brighter areas of the image on the Syria here present darker areas of an image. So I'm just going to start tweaking the stone like so you already made huge difference just borrowing artery of queen trough there. So that scene that begin is here. We're going to create a new folder you're gonna call the light select. So this is the Fulda where the light selection will goes. So we're just gonna go inside a folded group and select the viewer son render element just this one. So this is the view a sunlight slight just going to move into that lights like full of, though just to organize things the lights liked. Render element works best with screen blending mode, just like most fewer under elements that you would use its intensity. Funny semester produces about 50%. You can see how much of a difference that makes. It's amazing, and we can also change the color of the lights. Just why Harding Another just one value that the levels delinked the adjustment layer to the light. Select element. Simply hold on the control key clipper to change the color of the lights. Simple. Go to the RGB, choose the red color and has changed the color of the sunlight. But for the purpose of this you tool, we know doing it. This girl is funny. That is so the next thing that we're gonna do used to link the glass or the skies. Normally, in real photos you'll see the sky color being reflected on a glass that either they slightly believe this year or not so much that you almost none. So we're gonna us like the gloves before we slate. We're just gonna make sure that all these multi multi my elements that talk when he comes to selection you want to multi matter in the Vero y Color Hellman's to be on top. It's easy to select. Select a Multi Met under school six. We're gonna open the channels Tabler hold on jokey and select new channels. The blue represents the glass. Here's while the selection is on. You gonna create a new folder group? Are the mosque on it by clicking on this button. So whatever changes you make inside that group will be restricted to that mosque. So let's rename that group is Class one for any of the first thing that we're gonna do. Now it's the art. The photo filter, just one lawyer on only for the glass. Just go to cooling filter. So it's a nice color there. So in this Serie looks, a cave on their era not so much so that we can do. Click on that Morse thumbnail there, Select brush to or click on the B button from your keyboard. The mask works with the black and white colors Can switch opportunity, color with the X key on a keyboard. The black color takes away pixels and the white color does the opposite. You can control the capacity of your brush with that and the softness and only good. No hardness. It also is very right soft. You can control the size off the brush. Here, hold your Keyport. In this particular case, we're just gonna click on the X button to change the color to black here. So I'm gonna brush arise from the blue pixels with a brush tool while the mosque thumbnail selected every stroke with a brush is actually seen in a mosque Some now Also, we want to Ardmore reflection into this area here as opposed to their So what we're gonna do, begin it. Hold on the control key and select from the glass to glass Selection is now enable to go into the selection to hold on to old ke se there minus there. So we d select in the areas that you didn't want to be slighted so suddenly. That and we're gonna artist sub folder there and create a new layer mask while the selection was less renamed this new sub folder as reflection. So for that sub folder, we're gonna find the rule render element. So we're going to select in a move that under element close to the other group folders. So you don't have to constantly have to school up in there, too. They're gonna hold on Old Key to copy it. So unit, copy it there. Insight. The rule reflection works best with a normal blending mode so that you can control the amount of reflections in the glass of the apostate values. He just makes it a lot more interesting to look at it really next begun to even the partners off the ear of the facade. You can bring that brightness slightly done. So we're going to select the era that first going all the way up to foreign the selection for the army first. Hey, you! So there's still a multi element Underscore. 10. We opened the channels terror begin. Hold on the control key and it's like the Blue Channel there, while the selection turned up the layer visibility. See, that selection is not affecting this other part here. So we can a click on a versatile hold on the ships. Key said a plus, we can begin adding to extend the selection and close it. It's one of the selection is still on. He's gonna come down here creating your folder and are the mosque again? That mask just gonna fact that for side area. So we're gonna name it facade. So for the facade, because we'll bring up the color because it's a bit washed out. We again to aren't the diffuse feel to render element again. We're gonna move this front elements closer to the other group folders to copy the run to Element. We're gonna hold on the old key and move it inside a facade group folder. Make it visible to defuse filter works best with a normal planning mount less reduce You busted. This Render elements slightly to help Linda Layer more seamlessly to make their way more or less flat. We going to use a rich to render element the reached that render elements need to be very subtle when harder to the building, the building needs to look pristine but more realistic with these extra T tells. Let's start by selecting does still render elements reach building in the streaks, one that we learned Old Key and copy there to reach the 100. Elements work best with a multiplier blending mode, and we go into our delay a mosque on both of them. Turn off that one. We're gonna start with this one here. The streaks to make it more subtle, Megan, or produce your pastie fun years Wildly Mosque is selected, enabled the breast tool and reduce its size slightly. It's mascot that line there slightly with the brush that's tweak and mask out the rich there on other years of the building, using some of the techniques mentioned earlier. It's an extra continues that reached building that we want to get rid of that line there. Let's use the same techniques as before. Again. We gonna reduce capacity slightly again. We doing the same thing, going there with a brush. You can see the before and after this. Clearly a lot more detail there less reduce your past of the layer slightly, and also we can aren't levels adjustment layer there. The adjustment layer was purposely placed into the rich. The elements so it doesn't affect them, went weak in the contrast with the levels. Let's suggested few useful to lay a bit further, and the levels let's make reached a bit more prominent on the age of that facade with DeLay , a mask and the brush tool. Next thing that we're gonna do is too hard. Some more reflections under the roof there. So we're going to start by enabling the multi my element with a roof color selection on hoping the channels tab, hold down the control key and select the Red Channel. From now back on the latest tab, turn off the visibility of the multi might layer. Create a new crew while the selection is still on, create group mosque by clicking on its button and rename it metal. Next began to selecting cooperative role reflection him the speculum element into the metal group. We've just created slack bull flares. Hold on all key and move them down to copy. Make sure they're inside the metal group to control their effectivity. We're going to a tease. Your past even ease has mentioned earlier rule. Render elements work best with a normal blending mount. Okay, you are to be a speculative e speculative were express with screen blending mount is he can see that this makes such a difference before and after speculative e. This makes him Bremer realistic in those areas. Stairs well. Also, we can make the roof slightly darker to confirm the selection to the roof. Here is only we're going to subtract the selection by holding down the old key, enjoying with a rectangular marquee tool. Stoneleigh those areas there. We can also use the lawsuit toe. Subtract specific selected areas. Let's start by hard into hue and saturation adjustment layer to de saturate the selected areas. Next begins Ardabil rich ter on wooden areas, but very subtle. I think that unity, it's like the woods. It's like the element first going to the channels. Hold on the control key, and it's like the green channels Cranium group with a mosque and rename It would just gonna get a facade folder There in copy does, too. Hold on to old key new digital Woods folder that we're going to create new mosques. Disable their on too late, fixable. Lately, Amoss, including you wonder just by clicking on the button that we're gonna start. But this one first in reach building. It's like the mosque thumbnail there enable the brush tool by clicking on this button or by pressing be on a keyboard. Switch to mascot. It's a blank and begin masking away those pixels just by adding one reached that element. It made their area of the building more solid and realistic. But obviously we have to be very subtle these things because you want building to look pristine. So the next from the element we going to enable he's rich, the streaks again. Let's like the layer mosque and brush away and one to the areas. So you just masking out the areas. That way, we don't want the streaks to be are prominent. It is very, very subtle that here they look slowly, flat. So, you know, art some rich dirt on the area to so you gonna are the rich turd to this facade is well, because this building is existent. We don't need to be so careful where l subtly needs to be. Can you start to reach down in there? So, for the streaks, we want that to be slightly prominent. You can see on the eve of them rich building from of It s so much we just made it so, so realistic. His results to begin brush are areas that we don't want because of the sun hitting the building. Some of the Woodman's yours is lost slightly. We can get the wood there, bring in the diffuse filter. - So next again to enhance the plant. That hero. While the plans look quite good at first class, they could look even better if we aren't rendering elements such a speculum. So what, we're gonna to I just dislike the front There. It's in the multi mart under school eight. Open the channels time, hold down the control key and select the right channel. Correct you folder in a group mosque, then rename it plant. So next began to slip the speculator under Element and corporate into the group folder. Choose the screen blending mode, as you can see, just by ardent a speculator under Element. It made a plant more interesting in realistic and making out a little bit of hue and saturation used to people realistic. See the facade and road there. I just want Harding and look at the shadows are effective underneath the car. We can apply similar techniques to other parts of the scene to make it even more realistic . The final results should look something similar to this final image here. So I just organized a bit further and I broke down. Some of the elements there have used exactly the same same techniques as before, deciding related few things in there. This was the final results. So it's just to finalize this. What we gonna do use to other be of chromatic aberration. So to do so, we're just gonna select on call of the document there, right click duplicates like so And we're gonna clicking that layer there. Flatten. The reason why have you clicked on that particular layer to flatten is because you wouldn't be able to have the option to flatten it. If you have selected on anything but a liar. No one Cruyff groups don't have the option to be flatten. Who knows? This is done. We're just gonna zoom in it 100% there, open the channels tab and selecting the right channel on the N able to move to just nudge it up. Click on the Green channel no jet down on a blue channel, Najib to the left and click back on the RGB No, we've got the chrome ask operation there. So we unity is to right, click on the layer, choose to duplicate the lair and set the destination to the main document there. So that's your chromatic operation. So we made sure that chromatic aberration is on top of all the main visible layers. So we're gonna remain that like it s chromatic aberration. May be wondering why is, you know, on top of the multi matter, because these groups here that little empty there's nothing in there. So now you're gonna blend it. So let's sees a darker color blending mode. Let's would use you passed the value slightly in just about state. There Zimmer taught the chromatic aberration effect often make surrender look more realistic. As you can see, the next thing is going to save the air. Potiphar. Former, make sure that we de select the layers on the offer channels because you want to flatten the image that's too far too far. Four months after news for high resolution prints. So make sure that that option size enabled the discard layers and save a copy in the star. We can save this. Yes, theism. So we saved the best e. This is a reason why the group fallers were named with unequal before and after each name is your right. Click on a document to select a layer will be able to easily see in select specific layers inside outside each group folder. This concludes our post reduction tutorial. Hope you found it useful, unable to use some of these techniques in your data type projects. 2. 3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0001: Hi there. I'm Jamie. Welcome to monitor Total On Hard to turn any three d exterior scene into a photo realistic render throughout. This tutorial will focus on lighting, shading, textural and rendering realistically the shadows. Three D assets model Details on the camera composition are some of the main contributing factors in making an X year under look more realistic. It's also worth mentioning that in any daylight, render to sun outside and your oral environment should always be brighter than any interior or objects in the shadow. So without further, there were just going to start by, you know, creating the first camera. We're just going to cameras there. Physical camera. It's just tract created. We're gonna go into to modify panel there and and take the targeted A camera without target will ally it move freely without being constrained by its target. Also, let's scare to the customer stabbing cheese, a unit set of option. For now, let's choose the meters metric system. Display after and switch between millimeters and meters, depending on the values I need to type in. If the values any type, you not too small, I choose millimeters, otherwise are normally just use the meters display unit Old destroyed two to make the camera at the eye level because there's a little bit more realistic to ensure the cameras at the right level. I'll create a tape object and say it's limped. About 1.64 meters. 1.64 meters is the average height of most people's eyes. Select the ground and isolated. A quick way to select the same set of objects in the scene is to Cray. Selection sets simply type in the name of your selections that and click enter to save it in future. If you want the same selection set of objects, you can simply choose it from the pre saved selection sense. After tweaking with a camera position, he going to open the render set up and change Orender are put size to make the framing of the scene more appealing. Let's change the world to 3500 pixels and the height to 1750 pixels and lock it as a starting point after fiddling with the camera slightly. This is the position you're we ended up with next weekend to open the render, set up dialogue and reduced the output size for test vendors also began to load up the viewer renderers by opening the common tire scrolling down under the assigned Render. Click on the production toggle and choose a viewer render from the list So he's gonna go through some of its basic settings in a V Ray tab under the image sample of Parameters. Choose the bucket type and only choose the bucket toilet because it allows me to see the buckets being rendered in a frame buffer, who's Click toys? And that two full Tuggle in order to bring up all the experts, have things into the image filter there. Our default, he said to the array. Lanxess filter out normally gets killed. Two area. That's just a standard, obviously can choose any of the other filters that in here. We're just gonna leave it as it is for the time being. Go to the G I in under G I the primary engine. You're gonna change it to your audience map and the secondary one like cash again, we're just gonna click twice to bring up the expert mount, which will give you all these extra settings in enable the ambient occlusion theorem in seclusion is key in art. In collecting shadows, objects even in the shadows are directly let because without the connecting shadows the runners my look slightly flat. So our default radius is set 200 millimeters, which is your 2000.1 again Because the units is two meters in here. You can actually change it just as a display. They so in here, set off radius being 100 millimeters, you can go through 300 millimeters. So these are the instances when I actually need to change the units display from meters two millimeters. Because in here, obviously I need to type in some really small values. The radiance smoke by default, he said, to to really high, it's gonna change to, uh, meet her. I'm going to lo again because returns and test renders you two like cash because this is an exterior scene. I don't think we'll need anything above a father and subdivisions there on the like catch. So we leave it as 1000 you know, maybe begin to get into 800 to start. Would so and everything else in the UK as a starting point before we create the sunlight, you're gonna make sure that all four viewpoints on display because then you'll be able to just see how the light is being created. So you go into the lights panels there. Click on the photo. Metarie, Choose the V Way under the Vero Object type. Choose the Vero, son. Bring it in. I should be prompted with this theory. Sundar along just click. Yes, right click to exit the creation. In the end, you just stop moving the sun up. But the thing that we're gonna do open the door under set up there and we're gonna lock the camera vehicles here, let the camera commune and lock it. This means that even if that view port is enable or that one, this is the one that was always going to be rendered at all times. So you can just do a quick test for under there. The white colored seem a bit too overexposed. Director Fei, this began to open the view right tab and school down to the color mapping promises. Our default. The color mapping type is set to Reinhard. We're gonna change. That's an exponential. The exponential color mapping balances The highlighted here is more evenly than the other color mapping types. As you can see, the viewer exposure control was also added in the environment Exposure control rule out with explosion mode being set for too graphic and the shutter speed set to 400 to open the environment dialogue simply press eight from your keyboard, enabled us a pixel mapping and do another test run. Now, as you can see, the highlight of the areas are a bit more even now. Next begin to just the shadows to complement a building and make the foreground more interesting. We're just gonna restrict the selection two lights The reason why we restrict in the selection two lights cause you don't have any geometry by mistake. So you gonna change it. And also to lower the view is sunlight still another test run? As you can see, there are a lot more shadows defining the building. So, no, we want some shadows in the foreground. Having shadows in a foreground will contribute a great deal in making the overall render look more realistic. We can start by positioning objects in a way that that shadows will be cast onto the roads . We just fought in some trees there in the foreground. Some of the streets are set not to be visible to the camera. To enable there, simply click on the objects right click under properties. He just said it not to be visible to the camera. Stolen it a test run. The shadows are looking so much better now, and they're improving the overall composition. In contrast, the foreground is a little bit busy, innit? Shadows, and they can actually see shadows on the roof in the area. There a lot of detail that even though this is an external seen in, one can see a lot of details of a compliment entire scene. The next step is to start adding more details in three D assets. Such a strays, houses, leaves, cause and lamb pose to make the Wirral seen more believable and realistic. These three D assets can be modelled from existing drawings or from websites such as Ever motion or three D sky 3. 3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0002: two great curbs companies often use plug in, such as, well, clone from high to website. It allows you to create very quickly and easily things that will take a little bit of time to correct. Like, for instance, if you want to that particular curb there I select the ground and hoping to modifier enabled vegetable polly and click on the edge selection. Then you can create a shake from the selection you're into linear Select the shape. We can easily just go into the modify and news and modifying called sweep. So you wonder that curbs of this particular shape you just increase its values Would rail clone? The entire process would have been much quicker because roll call will actually allow you to just for display, such as this look right, the curb and the textures and everything else automatically also for for trees and letter leaves on on the ground you can easily created with forest back the forest back also allows you to create patches of cross tree and many types of the environment assets. So the next thing that we're gonna do, you just gonna arts, um, curbs there in some cars, so no you're going to stop with the first material. The glass opened the material editor, you know, cool listeners year old glove click. Understand the Tuggle open to the rollout and select the V Roma's hero usedto assign it to the glass. First thing that we're gonna do is to de select the fractional reflections. He select the highlight close sinners because before he was just lock. But you know that have a better control, is gonna unlock it. And then, in a reflection, we're just gonna click on its color swatch. So the brighter the color, the more reflectivity and have to control the reflections. Even better, he consumed majors. Click on the background there so that background double click on it. So now you see the last super activity. The less you'll see either. So that's so you control the reflectivity off off any steer a surface. So there even think lost have a little bit of reflection, but not too much. And most close objects have a little bit of sheen decreasing. The highlight crossing this values will increase the sheen or vice versa. For the moment, the glasses opaque a reflection. Glossing is always thing used to be at one get. There's no diffused reflection with most class and tools that's control its capacity going again to the refraction group here, to the prices here, the more the more transparent glass obey as you can see, darker the color, the more opaque the price of the color, the more transparent glasses. Also, we know glasses more often than not. They don't have too much refraction. So we're gonna reduce its refraction toe 1.1, even 1.2. And we can actually Ardabil fall off to the reflection by clicking on its struggle in choosing the fall of procedural map from the stand and voila so in a full of fear, just gonna go to something like 25. So it's not completely black. If he was completely blank, depending on the camera angle, thank glass wouldn't have any reflectivity. Also, we can change the color off the glass, choose maybe greenish type Now with Christ the first material. Let's do a quick test friend, you know, now we have the class. As you can see from the preview, the sky color is reflecting on the glory in the cell. Most glass object should behave on that particular class. They're not so much, but that can be rectified later. We can also do some region renders, as opposed to waiting for the entire render to finish. Next thing that we're going to do, we're going to start putting some objects inside and in a full grown as well. You've just ordered curtains in furniture. Left curtains are one of the most important object You should art next glass vendor. And the furniture, of course. Make sure the furniture is close enough to the window in order to be visible from most camera angles. So what we're gonna do next is the open the render set up dialogue scroll down in the Mac subdivisions that were going to change it to something like four. Anything above four, depending on our complex. That xeneize you made your start taking a little bit of time to render. We're just going to reduce that to fool with Max of divisions and we're gonna go into the G . I tabler change the subsidies of, like, cash to 600 because we doing test renders we don't need a rendering settings to be too high s story in test runner. So as you can see now the window looks a lot more interesting with the curtains and the furniture. That next material that we're gonna try it now is a metallic roof. Then you see that it's like the roof. Then the meticulous detail us going to call this metal roof click when these thunder total there, choose the V ray material shaded again. It's gonna take the fractional highlight closeness Just clear. Run with the reflectivity. Slyly so that will quick, they're preview. And that metallic rooftop is to be like they're going to make it talk more surfaces in real life have a beautiful fall off that transcends from a dark toe a lighter shade. So what we can dio is double quick when the diffuse total there and use the full off. It's the darkest part is his blank. That is gonna be slightly the lighter there. So we have ah, full off between that Colin that cover. So that makes you a little bit more realistic. Just like most surfaces in the world scroll down to the B on TF farm, it says, and choose the old Shaner from the list. The Ward shader makes surfaces look a bit more metallic. Let's say the highlight glossing has finally to about a 0.70 free and the closing this there instead of being totally linear like class. You're gonna change it to your point, Nancy. From less stable region test render. 4. 3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0003: the next material that we're gonna be working on. It's the wood material that So those pages there they're gonna be, would. It's like that would miss fuel there and a sign it for new material. And it's there. Let's name it. Would again click. Understand that Tuggle and choose the very material shader from the list. Double quicken it a few struggle and big map to pick the wood texture. Cool wood planks clean 00 21 under school one. Underscore l dot jp So this is the would sanction were using Click on show Standard mapping Deport. We can use the VW map there. Simply picked the VW map from the modifying list. You can choose the mapping time to box mode. You can choose Alignment the X y or Zed. That's Jayna effectivity to about 89 and the highlight class in this toolbar 0.52 and the reflection closeness to a Bart's your 0.82 to make the surfaces of it more realistic. What we're gonna do, because that particular would material supposed to be right, you degrees that so you runs horizontal is a person vertically. Most officers absorb and reflect light on evenly. To emulate this, we can't are they grayscale version of the diffuse texture on the reflection Tuggle and other tools. Let's double click on the reflect total there. Choose the bit map. It's been getting the texture so has already in the tool that was created called Close See one unless 40 to 90 degrees is well, just like the previous one. And this is what the mystery looks like. Let me just show you how that material was created to start with in order to create the grayscale texture on. Did the following first click on the adjustment layer button and choose the hue and saturation from the pop up menu. The Christie here in such a restaurant body all the way to minus 200 hard, cool this particular material. I'd call that existing name followed by under school, close one, then savour. Then on top of that, obviously, because you want some more contrast there you'll go. Incorrect leather. One cook on the adjustment layer, cool levels and slowly trying to crate many variations of the same. So you just pull that well there with the levels, you know, cool air se C J p. I would call this material glass number two often create many variations of the same texture to see what works best. And then for the bump I'll try Teoh hard as much contrast is possible. And in savers on J peg, Unless I went about two great every single variation of the same texture. So what you see here is just one of those variations. So back in a reflect toggle soldiers copy there into highlighting glossy nous. Obviously, in highlighting glass owners said of using the exact same one have a variation of the same call Glossy number two. So this tickle one slightly brighter. He doesn't have his much contrast. And you can actually see the changes taking place with every single material to you heart for the next one that we're gonna days for the reflection classiness. Thank you. Copy that For this particular material, the reflectivity seems a bit too linear. So we're gonna try and defuse it just by changing the texture to begin to reflection glass sinners. And then we're gonna change that to a different map. So we're going to take a glossy one against the reflections a bit more diffused and disperse now, and that was based on this particular texture that we've used. So the less contrast, the more dispersed and defuse the reflection will be. And for the bomb, can you school open the maps role are primitive that let's change the value to about five. Obviously, strongly through test runs, you'll be able to know the exact value to use that. So as you can see, we've just ordered some cars that I just to make the scene a little bit busier. Model that circle there just the road, a road sign from leaves. That tree leaves Hirshson being their small trees and so two trees in the vegetation. Our process, their proxies because they're very tense and very heavy in size, which can slow down your renders and a navigation in a view port. The correct boxes. It's very, very easy. So let's suppose that this is the object that you want to turn into a proxy. There are obviously scripts to make this process a lot easier. We feel to do in Max. Just right. Click on your object drop down menu. He go to theory. Machin Export here, this folder here, he'll set the location of where your viewer match will be saved into making change there. If you wish our default. Vero will name the proxy according to its original name, and then aren't of your own. MASH has a file extension before exports from the proxy. All this click on the function to automatically create the proxies and then click OK in the process created. It's mostly that's your object there, see if you click twice and you get to the modifier, then that every single object they convert a proxy. The first name will be proxy underscore and in the name. So that's the folder world. We have chosen the viewer match to be saved into. So from the display group, you got four types of display. You've got the show whole mash point pretty from the file faces privy from fall and bounding box. To this, I create a proxy. When copying proxies always make sure that their instances as opposed to copies when you cooperate, instances you conceal scale them up and down. It's the same thing you would have done would lights as well the kinesis lighting and scale them up and down. Same process, really, as you can see more check Such a strange lampposts and cars were added to make the scene more interesting to look at and more realistic. After creating all materials and textures in a scene, you're going to starting the runner elements first opened the render elements tabun, Orender set up first round element of you Gonna art is the viewer multi match element. The multi my element. It's a lot more are correct for selections than the viewer white color. The multi My element works with R G and B colors mainly by default. The material idea is no enabled. So that means the ray is looking at the object i ds so for you to get the object, I d just click on one Jake, right click. What's object properties This Yogi I d there. However, many of the very proxies the materials become multi subject like this. Every time you touch objects to become all too subject like this to France and step material no material. If you touch them, they become multi selecting the tools. So what've you approx is the same happens. So before you convert an object into a view a proxy you first need Teoh attach them until I d. Numbers allows users to label the more dyspeptic materials. So you go inside that particular object fair and changes like so so that must feel of the material. One. This one would be material to that one will be a material three, and so this technique is only used for multi subject materials. Any objects without a multiple object material can be used as object ideas instant. 5. 3 House outside Edited no background music watermark Main 0004: for this particular element to read the material I tease. This particular function has to be enabled, so this will know the that materiality is that one. But to would be this one number three with me, that one in soldiers or for the only disadvantage of using material ID's is the fact that the numbers are restricted to 15. So anything beyond 15 you love to get object ideas and said that means you have to be quite creative in order to ensure that covered all 15 material in the seam to create subtle discrepancies on a building, you going to hide a render element called Rich Starts? Two star began to other very extra text element. First click on texture tuggle and choose reached her from the standard material browser. Once the reached her is selected in your striking, drop it here and these other promises that you can choose presets like building. So this is what you have streaks, things like that. So once run, did you end up in multiple effects is rendered elements you can later overlay in post. I still had a test render to see how the rich ter element is looking. If you want to learn more about this plug in simply Google rich that in their website he confronted Terrell's and the plug in to download. I've also written 80 to roll on how teas as a run for element for post production. So we're gonna take out the region that before it's gonna the are the elements that me, my needs for post the fuse feel to its Why important now the tea noise there home hopeful you take you take somebody like women's club elimination Relighting your light Select Yeah , If you're last flanked, close the highlights Fraction rules never used of you. Right to fuse feel today reflection relighting Reflection Fields will tell you that he just see overblown zero renders thanks and bleached out anything that has the reflection feel toe refraction filter. It was like toe fraction Simple, right? Simple. You don't need self elimination because they're in our self elimination there Speculum Why you color, You're tough. He's gonna go through some of them that I am for the very light. Select is gonna be very important. See, clicking the viewer light. Select they What then? You Arthuis Fury. Sunlight imposed in be able to control the intensity of the sun with this friend relevant For this reason, you should never have the lights too intense in the scene. First opened a common tab and increasing outputs. Nice to about 3.5 1000 pixels by 17. 50 The very frame buffer. It was gonna enable the raw image falls of this particular function here. Lozzi too. Just in case the thunder crashes, He will save the last bucket that was rendered here. You enabled the separate run the channels for all these elements. All these elements of you've got here will be saved enabled the receivable rendering, which is connected to the Veeru image farm. If for some reason he crashes or you want to stop here to continue next day because you have other things to do with the computer evil saver and continue can regime your runners just gonna go Minimum solutions? One the mushroom. We're gonna set it to say six in the G I tap you're gonna get to media was great. This been an exterior scene? You don't need that such things to be too hard in the ambient occlusion. We want subdivisions to be around 24 and reduce him into seclusion. Value to about 0.7 in black cat shit visions. Let's increase. It's about 1000 again. This being Alexey around, read on either setting. Three T I. What is the crime in a roux image? Fall? This name has exterior hours that's also named the Render channels that saved the fall type of stiff tip. Far Four months are the best for high resolution renders we can set up. Set it 16 big color, no compression and three under TP eyes so all channels will be saved in that folder to improve the render quality. Let's increase in noise threshold toe about 0.3 It's a bit counterintuitive, but lower values increase the quality and higher values do the opposite. Also, let's lock the bucket size to about 43 pixels, and that's to, uh, reaching render, so it's gonna add some render elements. The object I d. They 17. So we're gonna make that 17 will be coming up as well as the other test run is in here. We're just gonna uncheck those because this is ah, test run. Once you're happy with your test renders simply enable the Vero raw image file function and the separate channels option in a car. Entire changed areata. Render his view in Click Brenda the founder Run issue. Look, something similar to this. I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial. The next tutorial will take you through the amazing process of transforming this render into an amazing one in post production. I can't wait to show you how. 6. House outside Night 3ds max 1: Hello there. I'm Jamie. Welcome to another session of this text for services. This course is a follow up or foot too realistic lighting with three DS max and V Ray, where the lights and the materials ever ready being set up, I will quickly take you through the amazing process of turning a day life scene into a night one to follow this course you need to open for us. Makes file under the name off house Outside Night under school J. Under school start, let's start part elite in the Vero sunlight next open to run to set up dialogue. As you can see, the runner up with side is already low, so from this point onwards will simply start with Test Rennes. Before we start. Let's quickly check some of the view race settings. Most of the settings that draft as it should be for test renders for the purpose of these test runners were going to deactivate render elements first light that we're going to create is a dome light to do so. We going to do great panel and lights under Fatah Metric type. Choose V right from the list in the Vero object type click on the view a like button and go to the top U port. Plain lines are best to be created in a top you pulled simply click and drag to created. To turn this light into a dome, type simply opened the modified panel and changed a plane typed with dumb. The dome light will be used to emulate to defuse shadows often seen at night. Before we go any further, let's open the photo reference in four years. Max to be used his guide to quickly change the results were aiming for. To bring up the fatal reference, simply click on the rendering tear. In choosing view, humans file option from the list in a photo reference folder. He can see many of the photos found on Pinterest. In the end, the client shares. This one is a photo reference. This photo reference encapsulates everything intend to create the blue turns from the dome light affecting in directly areas in the yellowish artificial eyes. Contrast in nobly. The next step is to match the scenes dumb like color with a fatal reference. To do so, simply click on a dome like color swatch to open the color selector dialogue enabled assemble, screen, color and pick the blue turns from the fatal reference. Next, we wanted to a quick test runner to see how the dome light and the blue tones are affecting the scene. We can clearly see how the Dom LA is affecting the same. The next step is to quickly counseled, render and make further tweaks. The overall render is looking closer to the face of reference. However, it's not quite there yet. One quick way of matching colors. History sure, white colors of a similar tone to the photo reference to do so again to increase the multiplier value of the dome light to about 80 into another quick test render the dome light. In fact, in the overall scene is now similar to the fate of reference has stopped the render and make further tweaks. Next on there, the options role. Are we going to make a dom like invisible to the camera, not to effect a speculum and reflections? Dome lights are not complimentary to reflections and speculum. The next step is to start hiding artificial lights in the scene before we start creating artificial lights. Let's take a quick look at the photo reference. As you can see, they're artificial lights against the plants and objects, which is making the photo reference. Very apparently, we'll try to emulate the same. In fact, in three DS Max has previously done, let's create a plane V rate light under lights. Click on the view a like button, followed by clicking and dragging it on the top view ports created. Make sure the light of rectangular and not to obey. Renamed the light is very light under school square. As mentioned earlier, it's good practice to name the lights accordingly. The next step is to align the new life along the plants to do it properly. We're going to select few plants for the light, followed by isolating them. Selecting moved the line closer to plants in rotated slightly upwards. This way, the light will wash the plants and the walls simultaneously. Next weekend's opened the modified panel and scaled on the light to fit the height of the plant. Also, let's reduce the multiply it about 20 make it invisible to the camera and not to affect the reflections. In addition, let's make the light color slightly yellow. Like the photo reference the falling step is a nice elect. The scene en Croix. Instances of the same life across the scene. Instances can also be scaled without affecting other objects in the scene by simply using the scale from the tool part. Once all the lights have been created, do another quick test. Render also referred to the final three years Maxine House outside night underscore J Underscore Final to see where the lights will position the run is cries really improving? However, the sky seems to be too broad for night scene. The next step is to tweak the exposure, control and low the past sky image in environment map. Let's start by clicking on the rendering tab and opening the environment dialogue To make the overall seen a bit darker. Increases shutters. Speech about 400 in the isil to about 120 to load up the sky. Imagine environment map. Open the material at it so fast 7. House outside Night 3ds max 2: create a new motive. A slow by dragging and dropping it also rename it as sky color in the environment than effects. Dialogue. Clear the currently rests chrome app and click on its struggle in the material. Bronze it on a log. Expand the maps rollout in choose the texture. Sceviour Scars under school 0199 To find this big map simply Google CD textures City textures dot com is one of the biggest action resources around the world. Simply type in the pit map you're looking for and choose a bit mapping question once the bit map is loaded to editor simply Dragon dropping into the new material editor juicer. Instance. The bed map. So future changes will affect both the material editor and environment map. In a co ordinates, parameters increase EU tiling to about 3.0 v tailing to about 1.3, and if he offset to about 0.63 double click on its thumb Now to preview the changes next begin to make the big absolutely brighter with a color correction Procedural map. Click on the bit map Tuggle and choose the color correction from the browser Dialogue. Choose to keep old. My purse sub map next began to increase in saturation to about 70.1. Also scrawled onto the upper roll out. An increase RGB levels about 50. To brighten up the big Pap, the falling staff is to start adding light inside their houses and along the streets. Let's start by restricting the selection. Two lights on Lee. This way, we will not select any objects by accident. Great. Another light is previously done and change the type to disk. Also change the radius value. Jobar, Jordan and 81 millimeters. Next place the first disc light on the first floor off the main building. Make sure the law is over the two chairs and table next to the window. It's common practice to place artificial lights. Next to win this cloned delight by holding down the shift key and moving it to the right, choose the instance option and OK to close the dialog box, clone another light and move it inside the house next door. Enable the view poor edge faces for better preview off the optics in the scene. Clone another light next to it. Next clone is serious. Of instance, Lights next to the trees under the lamppost next to the cars and along the street scale some of the lives next to the camera. The next step is to change the light color to yellowish. Let's use the photo reference as guide to match the yellow lights. Also decrease the multiplier to about 7.0. Make sure the lights invisible to the camera and not affecting the reflections. Let's do another quick test run for a more accurate assessment of how the lights are behaving in this scene. Begin to art. Many v relight slight elements. We'll be using the same script previously seen in a daylight version of this scene. First, let's up in the runner set up dialogue, Open Runway Elements tab and switch on the elements. Active Function. His previously done Click on the button on the script Auto of You Realize select in the dialog. Choose the all lies in the scene option and click on great elements button below. Never choose these options correct as one element as this will our allies in the scene into one billion light, select element view. Rely. Select element works best when an element is created for each light individually not as a group. As you can see, each viral isolate element is being created individually automatically. They still had a quick test render while the runners taking place you can quickly check out each runner element is looking. There. You can see one of you a lot. Select elements. All these elements will be boosted up in post that spring up the photo reference To compare against the latest render turn on and off the display colors and SRG Beast, right, Let's check again how some of the render elements are affecting the scene before sending the final render in a commentary increased of under upward size to about 3500 by 1750 in a very tab. Enable Devere Oval image for dysfunction is very useful to automatically save the renders. If the computer crashes, you can say the role far Sayers, Xar or Deep Excel also enabled the resume mobile rendering option. This option allows unfinished renders to be continued. Lay Serena day or days after the render was manually stopped or crashed. Vero will start rendering exactly from where the last bucket was saved. However, 300 calculation will be computed fully following that enabled a separate render channels option and set the file name as house outside. In choose a file type is stiff. Difference are one of the best file formats for high resolution renders. Click on a set up Tuggle and set the image diapers. 16 Big color with no compression in 300 DP I next up on the G I tap in the radiance map parameters changed a current preset to medium and keep the remaining settings. This preset should be sufficient for external scenes. Under and through ambient occlusion increases subdivisions to about 24. The value of 24 will smooth out. Any potential knows artifacts in a like cash increases subservience to about 1000. Again this fan, you should be okay for most external scenes. Next open the viewer tab is cool down to the bucket. Human simple settings increase the max of vision values to about six and the no special to about 0.3 No special parameters are a big country interpretive. As lower values increase, the quality almost double. Check the render settings before sending the family winners. The final wonder should look similar to this one before closing down the Maxwell All this up in the main rendering photo shop to save to render look similar to what we sing in three near smacks. Sometimes they're gonna display my look different outside three years, Max, In which case simply re saved a renders in max with a gamma set to 2.2 This concludes our night rendering Cause we're treating it smacks invigorate The falling cause will take you through the amazing process of turning this render into this one in post production. I can't wait to show you how. 8. House Outside night postproduction 1: Hello there. I'm Jamie. Welcomed another certain of ist explosives in this final session will go through the amazing process of turning a rule render into stunning final image. So the first thing would be going to Dio used to load up to pre rendered Father invaded the show. To do so, begin to start by clicking on the fault there. Choose the scripts option from the list and no, the falls into stank in a load Layers dialogue. Taken a brownstone in the Renders folder. It's like the first rounder element. Then scroll down. Hold on the ships key and select the last for under element to select entire set of runners . Impress Okay, the entire century. Load off. Click OK to load them up. All the pre rendered falls should start loading up automatically in a stack. Now that all the pre vendor fells are loaded in the stack, we're going to first isolate the main RGB render element. By extending the dialogue to the left, you'll be able to quickly read which front elements is which. This is your GP run development to isolate the layer said Behold on old key and take on the Eiken so he's you. Would you be later? The next thing that we're gonna to is to select it and move it to the bottom. You're off the pole like so because this is one of the moon layers were going to color coded by simply right click on the lawyer in choosing the road color from the list. The next is to start breaking down the rember elements into separate groups, so it's great. The first group he is gonna click are on the group icon there for the first group. We're going to rename this group as equal multi map equal. You're guarding equal before and after the name because it would be easier to right. Click on the document and select a specific lawyer inside a group. You'll make better sense at a later stage. This group will be used to move all the multi mart layers on the view rewire color. Select the first element there, scroll down, hold on the shift key and select the last multi met there. Also selected moved the wire color layer. The next group that we guns create is the Lancelot Group. This is a group where old of you realize, like elements will be moved into best school Equal life. Select equal. Select the fares. Life's like layer scroll down, hold the shift key and sleep The last one movil the selected layers into the new Life Select group The next solar that we're going to create is just a full the core render elements. Let's name the new folder as equal Render element equal. This is the folder where all the remaining render elements will be moved into apart from the main RGB runner. Next to that, we're going to create a new folder. You're gonna call it adjustments. So this is where we're gonna Ardell the adjustment layer than someone. So the light selects should always be under the adjustments and only that the growth should be on top. The reason why multi Mac Group should always be on top of all the other layers is because it's easy to select. We're just gonna move that outside. So the first thing that we're gonna dio is had curse to digest mint group click and you just might lions. But it's like the caves from the list create the first point there. One on top, another one bottom there to stop here. Here are the bright parts of the image this Siri here, where you see the craft at a darker years of the image. Just how the view of controls like. So before we tweak any further with image that spring in the same photo reference years before, as mentioned earlier for two references, a. Quite useful to provide a sense of direction to make the image more dramatic. Let's start by replacing the sky with a more striking back from an image to replace the sky . We're going to start by creating a group called Background, getting it to run their elements there. It's like the offer element, as you can see, hold on the control key here to the channels Tab and click on the on TV, concede a selection there and go like the background group. Their mother selection is still on click on the most button to correct Group Mosque, so they that's just invert their controls that to go back while the selection steel on, click on a selector and choose inverse selection. So what's Black is what's not going to be seen, and what's why it is where the background is gonna go next step is to find some really striking background images, simply Google CD textures As mentioned earlier, CQ textures dot com is one of the best websites in the world to find Seem the stakes shares skies HD Orion Song s previously done Simply type in the materials that were looking for We could obviously turn a daylight sky into a night One But soldiers best teaser sky that matches the time of the day We're trying to achieve the one that we're gonna take Is this one here? This is a very striking sky court dusky blue dog. From here you can just choose any particular size. Here we can go to 8 4000 or 5000 pixels. You just click then and you will be downloaded. So it's you don't know that the sky oy you simply bring in This will be Unity is just to select the year the layer there duplicated and then she used a destination Tuesday in Title Document School in Title one. The skies actually there scoots the render elements there and de select the holes outside layer that seem that begin to tell you just moves the sky accordingly. So this is just a starting point. Let's say this document has house outside. Night got pierced E 9. House Outside night postproduction 2: so many amazing things of ah, using a group united Teoh to place the skies that he can move the sky in any direction You're lying and it's still gonna be contained within the master of you just created there . And be careful not to select the mosque Every time you want to meet the sky, Just select the lay itself and rename Esco. Also, that's are the knife in before and after the word background. So for the full is outside, we used to equal but any sub folders for subgroups. We just use a nice and, for instance, if you to go they see adjustments. We know because that has unequal in front. There is a group there, and this is a subgroup. This is a lions on. It's just easy to select their if you and it's like the sky just right click in the sky selected. It just makes it a lot easier to select layers by right. Clicking on the document itself to the next step is to start putting the viewer lights liked elements to the 1st 1 that we're gonna be working with Tom like viewer like select. So you gonna slapped in new to dawn light all the way down would be relight select elements . The screen blending mode works best. As you can say, it makes a huge difference with a before and after just by clicking on the icon there. Hey, must've game changer. So the next step, he said, trying matched colors here, one of the quickest ways to match colors used to pay close attention to the white tones of the photo reference. The next step is the heir to the adjustments group, and he saturate your rule image with the hue and saturation adjustment layer to make the image more Paley against art. A bit fog in the background before we create the fog began to use. His entire friendly element is the basis for the mosque. Select the layer. First, get the channels, hold on the control key, click on the RGB color there, get the latest half while the selection still on the screen, you lawyer and the inverse the selection. Unless odd, solid color se. You can pick this color here to start with, and the main reason why we have chosen the color feel adjustment, like just because it sees its control. The color there. Let's reduce capacity of the fog and use the background image for the color feel. So just use the eyedropper tool to pick the background color. Celestri Jeez, further to fall capacitive about 30%. As you can see, just by adding a bit of fog, it made the holy much a lot more appealing. The next step is to start adding jobs if you realize like elements to make the rule in which even more appealing this life, making no difference to the scene. So we just start deleting just by turning the layer on and off. You can see the difference each light is making to the scene for the viewer. Lights liked Element. Let's use the screen blending mode. A cynical heels against are the levels adjustment layer on top to make the levels to affect on lee the layer below the going to clip it against it simply hold on to your key. When you see the clipping sign, simply click on it to clip it. Dis levels adjustment layer is only affecting the layer below. Now, the first light Is that what we're gonna do? Just a boost the color slightly So you just moved that out. A point slide to the left in the mid point. The last is old. We can also either color. So that is just to boost up the the light itself. So the next thing that we're gonna do is art color to it. You gonna use another levels adjustment layer, and we're just gonna call it colors. It's very useful to name the adjustment layers according to their functionality, as opposed to having every single adjustment layer lanes levels. So in here, we're just gonna choose the red color. First said the red, the use of ever yellow. If it's yellow there, he can actually see how each color is affecting the same hurdler mosque. We can use the letter. Most of brush are the areas that we don't need. You know, when it comes to mosques, the masks thumbnail needs to be selected. First, the white color back Ron brings the pixels to the front, and the black color crushes them away. So obviously you don't want to be more skin away at 100% with use your positive tents, that means you gradually brushing away areas that you don't need only to search between the black and white back on colors. Simply click on the expert on the keyboard. You can see them switching first, increased the levels off the viewer lot. Select element, and then you can brush away the tears that you don't require. You can see the light also affecting the air. There are fractions there, so we're gonna do the same with the next lights. Gonna, it's lettuce light square. One. Choose the blending mode screen. The next thing that unity is to copy the other two adjustment layers. Hold onto control key in clip on both adjustment layers and with all ski. Just cooperate them. The copies has before used the clip in mosques. The clip off adjustment for years to the viewer lot. Select below, as you can say Oh, for adjustment layers only affecting the viewer. Last select element also are the most Claire. By clicking on this button, enable the brush tool Click munis button by pressing B O on your keyboard 10. House Outside night postproduction 3: also reduced the brush capacity to about 10. This way you can quietly mosque way that here is that you don't need without going to drastically and you can repeat the same process with every single viewer. Larger liked element. After using the same techniques with every single viewer lot select element in a scene. This is what the final result look like. The falling step is to start breaking down a scene into separate groups. We're gonna start by selecting the car to do so. We're going to start by opening to multi might group and selecting the multi Matt Element with a car mask s previously done. Get the channels time, Hold on the control key and click on the Red Channel. Well, the selection is on. Go back to the latest tab. Scroll down Ankara in a group most groups created for objects in the scene should always be under the adjustments in the Lock Select group. They're obviously exceptions when you might need to move them on top of the line Select group when objects become too right because of the very light, select while the selection stay alone, trying a group mask by clicking on its button Scroll up in turn off the multi mount layer. This name, this new group s call The next step is to bring this Carter life by adding cure under elements such as reflections, spectacular and so on. Let's start by hoping the Render Elements Group select the speculator element. Hold on okay and moved to lay it down to the car group to copy it. The speculator under works best with a screen blending mount. As mentioned earlier, these copied elements are only affecting the car because of the group mask. The next under element that we can a copy is the very real reflection place. The new view, Errol. Reflection under the speculum is just the order in which most shades are built, sir, The very base you've got the diffuse filter and then you've got the reflections, the speculator and so on. The rule Reflections work best with a normal blending mode also reduce you possibly slightly, you know, to make it a bit more appealing. That's duplicate the speculative element to make it a bit more parents just by holding on the old key and moving it. That's also copy and new to the Euro your affection element. The reflection element works best with the screen blending mode. You know, those are the little bit off levels and talk. Currently, the Taylors look a bit to talk. It's correctives. Be going to use the previous daylight run for element less. Use their political A suitable to draw, copy and paste the area into our document simply drawing close each area When you see a small circle to earth. Other selections simply hold on the shift key and continue Troy. Other areas. Once you finish selecting the relevant here is simply copy. We're going to fall and selecting, copy and then paste there, duplicate and choose. Our document is a destination to pace the layer entire document. You can see the tail lights there selected, moved to daylight and rename it. Also, as are the levels adjustment layer and clicking against the tail lights last week, with the level slightly because it'll be Ardan Glow to the tail lights is best with you moving into their Justin's group. Incorrect new group rename as tail light. Duplicate the tail light layer and converted into a smart object right click on the duplicated layer and choose to convert to small object. Smart objects allows you to scale down a layer without affecting the original quality. Also, he allows you to edit any filters. Apply it's one layer. Let's apply to go Schindler and set the Radius. About 11 also changed a blending mode to screen to make it a bit more glowy. The next step is to our derby of color to the overall image. Let's start with a bit of contrast. First, it's like the curves adjustment layer and tweak with its points. He also adding the color balance jasmine riot art. Some warms to damage. Let's start by increasing the rates, the greens and the yellow slightly There. As you can see, the overall image is becoming more and more appealing to look it. Also, you're gonna earthy selective color adjustment layer, so we're gonna tweak with the blue tones of the scene. We can also reduce your oral saturation slightly. The blue turn seem a bit saturated. Still, let's pick the blue tones and de saturate them of your further. The next step used to start working in a wood material of the building. Let's start by enabling the selection of the green Multi. My element for the wood. Great new group name. It's word in great new group Mosque. The next step is to selected. Move all the reached out render elements closer to the group's there. We currently working with copy and move the reached up building streaks layer into the wood folder, reached her elements. Work best with a multiplier blending mode. Would you? Supposedly slightly to make it less apparent? The next step is to start brushing away parts of the rich tart layer that are not very complimentary to the image. Hard to lay a mask and enabled a brush tool. Reduced the brush capacity and start brushing away than desired areas of the rich dirt. Let's go back to the color feel adjustment layer in changed a four color slightly. Let's tweet. The reached up there a bit further. The next step is to start hiding some warm colors to the glass areas has previously done. Let's select the multi Mac color for the glass ears. Turn after multi mat layer, correct new group, name it close and are the group mosque 11. House Outside night postproduction 4: ascribed a levels adjustment layer inside a glass group increased the brightness by moving the slider a bit to the left. Use the brush tool to mask away areas there bit too bright to make the glass. Here's a bit warmer in more appealing after photo fields adjustment lawyer an increased density to about 24. Select the levels adjustment layer and tweak it further back on the fertile fields. Adjustment layer Klepper against the levels Adjustment layer. Increase the density about 81%. To make the colors of it warmer, use some of the techniques covered earlier to make the glass yrs of it. More appealing to order have sparked a light inside the houses. You're going to bring in some glare effects. Simply open the fall under the name of glare. Layers Stop PST the drawing and dropped the star copy layer into the main PST document selected. Move it inside the window off the house next door, closed the glad document and convert the star layer into a smart object. While the move to was still selected. Hold on all key and copy a few of the glare layers across the windows to select layers and a document simply right. Click on it to randomize the glare. Simply use a transform tool to flip and rotate the layers. He can also press control and t for your keyboard. To enable the transform tool. Use some of the techniques covered earlier to brighten up the loan post and are glad in light. - After all, tweaks and adjustments, the final image should look something similar to this phone. The final stage is harder chromatic aberration. To do so right, click on the edge of the document, then choose to duplicate, select any flat layer right click and choose to flatten image. The next step is to increase the documents due to about 100% by typing it in go to the channels tab, Select right channel, unable to move to energy up once it's like the Green General Next and magic down ones. Select the Blue Channel energy to the last once selected RGB channel. To kill back to the normal colors and check out the chromatic aberration is affected. Image. This is an artifact, often senior real photos, but makes Freedia runners a bit more realistic. Duplicate the chromatic aberration layer and Tuesday lane pierced the as a destination document named a new lawyer has chromatic aberration. Let's use a dark in color blending mode to blend it in the image. We can also reduce your passivity to about 30%. To make the chromatic aberration less apparent. Zoom in to see a huge difference is making to the image the next step. Used to safer document is a tiff. Fall click on the file tab in Chooses Savers Option. Choose a tiff farm, former from the Lest and checked the layers and the other channels to flatten the image. Tiff. Far four months are the best for Mars for high resolution prints and if ruptures dialogue makes you to discard layers and safe copy is checked. He also saved the follows A J pack if intend to email. Finally, you can save the PST files for any future changes in a document. Diskant close our post production cools off the exterior Nazi. I hope you've enjoyed it as much 12. 3ds max Vray vray frame buffer settings: Hello, I'm Jeremy. Welcome to another session of this text for services. In this session, I'll be taking through some of the key parameters of eerie frame buffer. So without further ado, let's open the runner. Set up and frame, buffer up in the view Reiter and expand the Vero frame Buffer ruler parameters and click on shoulders view and frame Buffer button. Let's go through some of its key parameters. This first button is a show crushing control. When you click it, it will display all the crushing controls available for editing. Renders Interactive Lee. First, he had exposure control settings, which can click to enable to expand the setting. Simply click on the air a button in exposure settings. You have the explosions slider to me from left to right. You also have the highlight burn, in contrast, then you have the White palace with a temperature slider. If you want to control specific correction controls, simply click on enable back then you have the other correction controls, such as hue and saturation color balance, which is similar to photo shop. It is also the background with background. If you enable it, you need to load up the Vero image fall similar to these ones here to say about your image . Farm types We need to enable the Vero raw Image file function and click on its toll. Once inside a dialogue, begin type in the name and enable the other options, such as X R and so on. If you need to after rendering interview in which fall type would have been saved and you could load it in the background image to control it, you can use as a background or foreground. Same thing, Applies said Hello, T corrections. If you wanted to controlled any T parameters, you'd need to load up the Kelut file type. We also have the all seeing eye. Oh, and I see see image control types his mentioned earlier. We can use all these functions to control the runners in a frame buffer. We can also use pre saved viewer Image Falls is the main render in a frame buffer by clicking on a load image. But vera image phone types content all the necessary data to manipulate the role. Render accurately or call control settings displayed here on the right are linked to some of these buttons here, as you hover over in click this button there will automatically unable to control displayed on the right. So you gotta at yourself color correction there. Same thing. Color balance. Same thing. Levels him. So every time you click there that would be unable to trace away. He's the colors, the levels, a curve, same exposure control. If you got any of it. Explosions, that's things there. Hell you t Didn't we have the street? But here, in order for the viewer frame buffer to save a Serie of your renders, you need to set it up first. To set a click on a settings. Tuggle in Chooses SRI Settings in a Render History Settings dialog under History Directory , he can set the location by clicking on his pro struggle. In choosing the location, you can also set the maximum file size in megabytes. All renders saving the three folder. Alternatively, you can choose the use project path. You can choose to save it manually in a frame buffer by on checking or enabled auto save to save automatically. He can also choose to auto load color corrections. It's often left unchecked because most users prefer to save it regular. If in one less right uses often enable that completed renders on the option dysfunction. Onley Auto Saves Completed renders into his refrain buffer. You can also choose to clear in Click OK, once old is done, unit enabled a viewer frame buffer history button. Otherwise, you're runners will know appear in these re frame buffer, and you have the channels A and B buttons to compare your runners against. This button allows users to copy whatever is being displayed in a frame buffer into the clipboard and later save it anyway. New computer This but allows you just to say whatever channels been displayed in a frame buffer, choosing the location and saving. If you click and hold, you have other options, such as several image channels to separate falls. So, for instance, when you render an image with multiple render elements in a frame, buffer assumption allows you to save them all at once Separately, under given name. An exception is to save all the much channels into a single fall. This button allows eases duplicate whatever has been displayed in a frame buffer by clicking on this button. Two region render allows users to click and draw the region to render in a frame buffer to track miles wild, rendering a large Jesus. Stay strong fever on dearest friend by selecting the Parton and moving the mouse in the frame buffer. This action might take seconds or minutes, depending on how fast your buckets are rendering. This button is for interactive angry. This one is to stop Orender, and this one is to render lost. In Here you have the Red Queen and blue channels. Most of these buttons and parameters will be easy to understand. One surrender is in the frame buffer. So without further ado, let's start with our first friend. Best open the runner Elements Time. Any name, Let's click. Run it. Test the scene to speed up surrenders. One override material was applied to the whole scene, apart from the glass windows, curtains and the picture frame. As you can see, the latest friend was automatically saved into the frame. Buffalo Sri Preview. The falling step is to do another test run there without the are years lights turned on to do so. We again to select one of the instance, are your slice in the same and opened the modifier panel inject enable function all instance, I yes, lighting the scene are now turned off in a V rule image found section. Let's rename it differently to prevent the previously say far from being overridden, and that's doing it a test run. Now that both friends have been saved into the frame for face re, we can load them in the frame buffer by double clicking in their respective thumbnails. This one had the IRS lights turned on, and this one had lost turned off. We can also collect the compare resentful button to compare between both friendlies by sliding the line in the middle. Next, click on a frame by for a to see both friends in a frame buffer, use the middle line to slide from side to side and switch previews if desired. Now we can use some of the correction control discussed earlier to edit offenders in a frame buffer. As mentioned earlier. All these render elements can be saved a separate files. By choosing its option or low the precepts, the image fall. Finally, you can also are the lens of facts settings in a frame buffer. By clicking on this button, I personally prefer to add its final runners in postproduction packages such as Nuke Faith . The shop will, after fax simply because of their vast tool, the nondestructive work flows. 13. Forest pack & vraylight select: Hello there. I'm Jamie, welcomed into the session of this explosives distinct recession. I'll quickly show you how I was able to cry all the cross and shrubs and now also be introducing you to the script. Call Auto 100 elements Viewer light. Select descript, automatically creative. You relax, select render element of all the lights in the scene with a click of a button. The final result of that of that particular scene would look something similar to this, where you seal the older shrubs and so on. For very turns and complex scenes such as this are used an amazing new graphics card called a M D Radiant pro. He can handle almost any scene run this fast and perfect Fulvio projects. You should check it out if you can. So to correct the shrubs. The first thing that was able to do her first created a rectangle around the area that I wanted to quit the grass or the leaves like so the next thing left on just isolated the scene there went into geometry, understand it primitives and inform the list of selected E. I to software. First click on a forest Pro button 100 of Forest Gration library, clicking on a selectable that should take you to the library first. So he's your library. Sometimes he gets hidden by accident. Here in this vast library, he can choose different sets of grass loans and so on. For the purpose of this exercise, not choosy. Oak leaves set, and once you've selected very just click enter and simply going to direct angle in, click on it. It should automatically create the self. Oakley's previously changing from the library by default for us pro display objects into people as point clouds. If you wish to change this, simply open the modified panel and then you scrolled on, hoping to display role lot and choose to display the objects in the view port A smash. But it depends. For instance, if this is all grass, I don't think you'd be able to see anything here because he would be to tends to be displayed a smash. Another amazing feature forest Back is that automatically generates an update. How resolution textures with all objects in the scene. Use the material picker to check the forest raw materials in the scene. As you can see this translucency maps bump normal maps and high resolution textures. In the end, you can convert the forest pro objects into heritable Polly's Oh, mash, if you wish. Simply select the object right click and choose to converse. Great the grass. Simply repeat the previous steps and select one of the grass library sets. As you can see, everything has been created with randomness. To decrease intensity, simply open the modified panel, scroll down and hope in the distribution rollout. He didn't stick crew to smooth the values to more tense. That wants will be the higher values the Lester's Across full bay. When objects are not too tense, there are easier to be displayed as mashing of e port. Otherwise, you probably won't be ableto taking going to mash like, for instance, if you had to go back into density here, you know duties. It obviously now is becoming more and more tense. There still be a point with to mash density so high that we will not be able to be displayed. Er's has mashing the view port for a few types of display options. Did full points cloud the mash type in proxy and he takes second stolen? Also, you can argue own objects off, for instance. Imagine if he had your own self geometry. He wanted to art. So your sphere select your forest project first, you just go into odd multiple custom objects. An arty object. This is obviously just a example, you know, gonna use this fair in, in addition to their if you on specific types of Patton's, there can go to image and then select the map. So for a spike will give you some different partners for the grass thistle based on the grayscale material. So So the arrangement will just be slightly different, mostly because it's not too tense. He can't see a lot of that part in there. The moment you start decreasing the density values that Parton will become a bit more parent. Now, you can choose a different button. See, there you can see the part in there like an arrow going just like that, you can choose. We can create your own partners. Obviously, in there, I really like this one here. Uh, quite easy, really. The forest broken also be used on objects as opposed to splint only. So that's suppose there, this is. He wanted to great some cross around this particular circle surface quite easy to do stlede to use the same approach. You can also use the scale function to reduce the size of the overall object. Then we can increase the density. Now that scale is much smaller. Let's also change the display type to mash that the X Y and rotation values can also be used to place the forest project more accordingly. To use forest back, simply go to their website and download it. So it's correct. The curbs have done something quite similar. Have used the royal clone. Well, Clone is quite easy to use. Simply go to the website and download it, thinking of a trial version for this as well. We can create amazing partners in a click of a button. So for the curbs, these skwy easy as well. So you just selected the edge off the pavement. There. Isolated have been the modified panel and click on edible Polly. We're trying to extract this blind from the age of the surface. There simply enabled the edge selection there and start selecting on the ages and then creates spline from that, you look right shape from the selection linear rename it has carved like So you got you. You curb there, just click H from a keyboard to open the dialog box. Select. Curb us the isolate that. So you have explained. So the next thing that you do, you go to I t y two software again their unique click on the royal clone Pro. First. Correct your Elkann icon by clicking and dragging it created. Then what you do while the icon and still selectivity go to modify it and you click from the library there. So you got curves. Rosie. A sidewalk, all presets, the railways, your street lights, traffic. Same thing. Concrete curbs, building types stayed. Ian's contrite bleaches. The choices are immense. We can cheese from any of these in this great amazing content. So for the Cubs that I have just chosen at one concrete curb Click Import selected so under splaying. Then the properties explains. Click on that any click years point if you just created again. He just opened material loaded, so there just, uh, make them visible in the View port with the show shaded misrule interview pool by default. This is all being display as a box again. Do not use soft taking cheese. Are you want surfaces to be displayed? Its moment is it's as adaptive boxes so you can get to mash that he offset LRT to either go to the left or right if you want. Teoh constraint the selection to just shapes because sometimes you don't want to select objects by mistaking just scared to shapes unless you curve there selected, you can move that curb. Have you told me one, too? Move the slab upwards. We'll use the actual splint itself to move it because it's constrained to it. And then there's that access. Yes, moving up. If you change today, the curve itself change the width and the gap. So on. Once you're happy, read older, setting, seeking always convert into edible polio mash, even if you don't want to. Him just art. That's what Polly on top of it. So you just keep stack. We can only go back and forth. This is I was able to create the grass, shrubs, trees, curbs and so on. Creative. You last like 100 element opened runner set up town. Look first in the run the Elements tab. Click on your struggle into the viewer last like 100 element from the list. He should be prompted for the viewer, like slag run for element parameters there. Then you click Art you cannot. A light sort of lies there. So once that's rendered, she looks something similar to this in the name Post was the light selections work best with this screen mode. See that? And you can easily increase intensity off every single light. Just simply add in the levels adjustment layer. To do so. Simply hold on all key as soon as you see there clipping sign clipping against their life, slapped under element. It's going to the middle point there. Increase intensity is required. Can you can do that? We've ever seen your light, so the end result would go from side. This is the rule render. This is a lot selection tools. The elements there, one by one, hunted. So you forward to diesel like this what you would look like, so he makes a huge difference. You can also art colors, something like Cola Pollen's this scene. Because we have quite few lies. You'd be very practical art over 100 lights manually. To expedite this process, we're going to use a script called auto. Render element very light. Select. Just get a script spot, is there? So what you do with this? You don't have to be stole. Anything we just downloaded here, this is attachment. After downloading it, you unzip it and place it under scripts. Go into Autodesk, the version of your max and under scripts. You put the full day called E C. Is heimer just going inside? You put it there so Max should definitely know it straight away. That's there. So you need to reopen Max after every open mike, just drag and drop that particular fall inside Max to correct button for the script opened the customized user interface. Open the tool bar tab under tool bars going under categories there found in Choose the easies. I'm a command from the tab. The next thing that you do to create a bottom there right, says new you could write anything there for the time being. So you but in this that so what you to you just try can drop it. That and you can simply drag it onto the toolbar. Just says I previously done with that one to automatically quite very lights like rendering elements. Simply click when it's toolbar first by default that goes to all lights on the scene. So you want allies and say, Never use this function has one element this function. Arts. All lights in tow one render element without giving you any flexibility to edit each light individually in Post s previously shown. So never use this particular option here. Once it's here, just leave it as it is to correct the render elements of all the lights in the scene. Simply click on create elements, but you can see all lights are being created here. Those who automatically created, as you can see your light selections have been named according to the light names. It's, uh so you know exactly which lights which. So, for instance, if you wanted to add it, have you realize you're 85? Simply go into post. Select a relevant light selection layer and editing post, so it's very easy, very quick. If you have too many luncheon and seen, it just makes your life a lot easier. Also, never render more than 120 life slight. Render elements your renders will probably crash resolved the check out entire exterior night scene was created. Simply check the links below to my belong in my patron page Entire causes foolish. The N word captions. I hope you've enjoyed the city RL If he did, Please don't forget to like this video and healthy on my next one. 14. Project manager jamie cardoso: Hello, everyone, this is Jamie here. Welcome to another session of its export services into serious or Project manager Plug in will be exploring some of its main features in this session, you will learn, are too quickly, crew and added, are yes, lights efficiently and automatically personal rendering engine dry and edit textures or to Moscow intelligently, basically rendering engine brought in a line proxies intuitively and efficiently basically a rendering engine. Create and reorganize virtual fall systems efficiently and independently from your hard drive through it and edit materials boasting your rendering. Engine searching Really missing falls automatically select move copy, cut paste, multiple folders and much more. So without further ado, let's start by clicking on a product manager button and opening it to begin exploring some of the project managers. Main features. Let's select multiple Fullers and Explorer and drag and drop them into model step. As you can see, this section is divided into four parts. The model stab, material step, texture, step and I Estep. Easy skin drag and drop Fuller's into any of these separately in any specific order is an example. In a material SAfrican simply drag and drop one or multiple Fuller's at once in Detective Sturbin are yesterday. You can do the same, going back to the model step. All these folders structures are virtual and can be organized in any specific order without affecting the way they appear on your heart wife. This feature load is an amazing way to organize your favorite folders, messed up file structures and much more with our ever interfere reader all hard drive. Also, it saves these a lot of time by allowing you to reorganize everything inside max hysterically. Affect your hard drive. Users need to cut, copy and paste bulldozer writings or seem to delete them by confirming in a masses to delete from our drive. To select multiple fullers or items, simply hold on to control key on your keyboard and begin selecting folders one by one. Or select one item in user shift key to select the host of them in a list. Also, while multiple folders are selected, easy skill right click induced a copy cloned by right clicking in June's correcting for our catalogue. In pacing into it here, you can see all the pace it items, as mentioned earlier, pasted up that items are not virtual and become about all of your hard drive. Too hard specific files or folders on the list, simply selected right click and choose to heart from the models. He Diskin also cheese to rename, convert, catalog or fresh cut to leave for my drive removed for models at two batch rendering reeling in auto silent Previous. In this instance, we're going to choose the heart from models. Option in high directory dollar. We can cheese hard on Lee current. Hide away cancelled. That's just too hard on Lee. Current, as you can see, is hidden from the list. Ah, pathum. Cutting and pasting Most of this change is their only affecting what you see in a project manager, not your hard drive. To see the hidden items, simply click on this button here in a hidden Directors doll. Oh, you can see all the hidden items listed. You just can Jesus selecting removed or our new items. For the purpose of this exercise, let's choose to select and removal items. To close this dialogue. Simply click on this button again. All hidden falls are visible again. Another feature will be exploring. Is the ability for project managers social images or J picks to specific three S. Max Falls via auto son Previous option. If you select one of these folders, you can quickly see the Maxwell has a simple wire frame preview. In some cases, there aren't any Maxwell previous at all. In these are the separate Fuller's. By clicking on this button, who will see the images and J pays with the exact same names as a stewardess, Max Falls, which I've already renamed accordingly to different file types. Having similar names will make it easier for project manager to make here to my association when the auto son previous function is applied. To use the order son previous function with multiple folders. Let's start by selecting a world want falters. We want to use the auto some previous function with next right clicking cheesy auto son pre reception from the list. The options downloads. You'll be prompted. He should have all these options and file extensions enabled, followed by Quicken to continue in the or Tucson previous dollar. Under searching Directors group, the same director is enabled by default first. Often it's quick and only searches in one directory because you're using multiple directories that's unable to subdirectories parent directory and nearest directories. This four options will be searching for fall associations in all directories, which will take slightly longer. Also, be sure they include suffix. Option is enable and click start. As you can see, all the fall associations have been made. The same approach can also be applied to the material step. This technique only works could save material libraries in here. We have saved material library, and this folder is where we have images and JFX associate them with select multiple forces previously done followed by right clicking in choosing the auto sign Previous. As you can see all material associations that you made in the texture step, we're going to drag and drop news self textures inside a folder. Let's reduce the size of the product Manager Dollar first, Next opening Material Editor Darlow By clicking on this button, it's great new material. Aegis consumed the drag and drop textures from each stab into the material editor. As you can see, a new V ray material was automatically corrected and named accordingly. With attacks you applied to defuse Tuggle, it's great new material. Select another texture on the texture map options he's asking cheesy option to tell the texture. Using the real world for the constrain proportions function. As an example, begin typing too tall. The texture by 2000 millimeters. The former two options is using the current rendering you just confused from a variety of other rendering engines available from the list, followed by dragging and dropping in the material editor to create new material clicking. It's too few struggle to see its bit Map coordinates. As you can see, it matches with a texture map Options. Previously Set E. I. Esther Aegis Consent Funding settings in color temperatures by tweaking with his parameters here, there's also the option to previous profiling diagram mode. The auto buyer under option uses the loaded rendering engine in your three DS max fall to automatically create an I s light on your scene when you drag and drop it. Scrutinise. Yes, like basically rendering engine. Simply drag and drop in your see the object placing paint. Darlow should automatically appear you can choose any of these options available. The smart online mode automatically aligns objects in the scenes, is decorated with a mask, like to exit the creation simply right click to select the light in the scene. Choose to filter the selection toe lights on the main toolbar and select all the lights followed by moving and placing them accordingly. Eases can also juice. Replace the selected lights to do so. Simply select another I s LA in a project manager, right click in, choose to replace selection. To replace subject. Dalal allows users to replace all instance selection only, or simply cancel the option to keep selection that's near lies in the scene, while retaining the previous one as opposed to completely replace him with a selected one chooses selection on the option. As you can see, the selected allies will replaced. Let's scroll down the list and cheese. Another IRS light will place to set Would B. I. S lights will automatically replaced again. This amazing workflow allows users to build a scene very quickly and efficiently. Back in the material stare. You just get assigned materialistic objects by simply dragging and dropping them against your option in the scene. In a model step, users can also create objects in a similar way. The IEA slice will create it before merging any object in a sane, easy skin. Choose from a variety of these options available here in a place in group eases confused. Full home Great Onley, select objects or seen objects in a clone section. Keep the instance method when placing in creating objects with a mosque, like in a line mod user skin cheese. A smart alignment or normal one. Creating objects. You can choose to display them as boxes into paint on selected objects. In Exclude group, you can choose what exclude from selected seen shapes. Hidden frozen objects and cameras are automatically excluded. You can enchant these two full options, if desired emerge. Actions group. The objects are set to be merged s proxies by default and to use existing proxies in a scene, if any. However easiest can change these default options, if desired. Dragon drop it to paint. Create the object in the scene. The objects that much we created in a scene with the previously set parameters. Every time you click in a scene, a new objects created experience. Lee separate default to exit creation. Simply right click. As you can see here, a viewer match for proxy was automatically created in the same folder is the Maxwell, which is incredibly smart If you open the modify panel. You can see all the proxy parameters here has mentioned earlier. Project managers speeds up productivity and work efficiency dramatically. Dissection allows users to quickly search for falls and labels by simply topping in and searching. Another amazing future is ability to fix any missing father and textures from the scene before emerging it. To do so. Simply select your right click on Maxwell, followed by Choose Injection to manage Asset Falls enable the missing option in a certain relinquishment. You can choose from any of these options available for the purpose of this exercise. We just want to search in real ink in a search directors group that's enabled his list of directories Tree Show. It finds it, if available in the network, also enable the recursive sub folders and click to stop to recur. Since up full deception might take slightly longer to such. But we'll definitely find them on Lee. Use a recursive full is option. If you can't find the missing falls through the searching, reeling calmly as you can see all false acres read OK, which means all missing files will found and automatically linked perfectly. Once happy you conduce, apply changes in close. Also to merge falls an animation simply selecting right click, followed by choosing to merge with default fierce max dollars or is an ex reference. See, Users also have the ability to export to a host of listed options here, correct and visual fall thumbnails, by choosing to its must be, render an associate surrendered image with a Max fall and much more the same can be done with material. Step Dis concludes our tutorial. I really hope you find a useful like in Share it and I hope, see on my next one. 15. TurboSplines with 3ds max: Hello, everyone. Welcome to met a session of this text processes in this session. I'll be taking you through the process of using and creating amazing effects with troubles . Blanks, blanking Thomas Plans can be secret exquisite animation titles and complex re geometry. So without further delay, let's start by bringing up its star log here. These are some of these to fill parameters. It's great, and he's told his toolbar first kind of the word terrorist. Want to visit their website? Fill about downloading the script into this max simply quick on a script into a bar in Chase to run scripts, Picture turtles clan from the lists and open it to install. Once installed, click on a customer's to power inches. The customer user interface option in the customers easily Interface Doll Oh, go to the temper. Pardon in. Click on a catch. Greek months scroll down and changed the spoiling. Their name is going on from the list. Turn. This plane is here deserves a display in cleaner plugging, which was a solar P earlier. It's great the button toolbar. Simply click on a new Tuggle and name it as tests for demonstration purposes only. Next clicking a total transaction and drug inside the new button, followed by snapping it anyway on a tow bar area to place it correctly. Black clicking. Just to delete this, duplicated till this point toolbar just south of the original term, respond to Bell was created tractor button again to bring up his dollars, quickly talking through some of its main parameters. Let's start by going to the Shapes command panel and click on the text button typing to the spine and click on the front. Report. Correct the text. Right click to exactly creation in a question. Parameters on the great Notify. Rule up ranchers, while the Texas selected click on our past button. The turtles aren't journalists. Allows users to clicking. Choose a power for a splint from the dollar. It's the same A selecting attacks in a scene and clicking on the art paths button to struggle is to remove pumps, and this one is to clear pass from the list. In other the mess type Onda Ness type, we have a cylinder as a default type. One plate is a list of other Nash types to choose from, with a capsule Nash box profile and any customize mess. You want art to the list For the purpose of this exercise, we're going to use a profile. Let's start by clicking on the star shaped button and dragon in the View port operator. Next, click on a master and change the profile from the list. Her back clicking on the R check button. What was simply Quickness Tunnel? In choosing a profile in a dialogue, the national sport power function allows users to set the number of geometry for each defined path. You just can also set the variation percentage here under extra features he's asking Changed to tope of the geometry and tickle slice. This last button is to build geometry easy, older parameters set earlier, unhappy with all settings. Simply click to build geometry except the max Great message by clicking. Yes, I had a modified panel. All those modifiers are being added. Emulator parameters Previously set. This one was crazy with promises previously set. As you can see here, 16 objects maybe not too much grated and selected justice to give users to flexibility to edit and manipulate each object individually. Also, a selection set was created in case there they selected in users want to quickly select them again. Here's a list of all the new sponsor grated Everything crochet can be edited by clicking on In addition button here. Since Cyril selected, we can trick the scale value by tinkering with its splendor here. When we look closely, we can clearly say the star shaped perfectly wrapped around the text. Users can also set Second Mr Similarity Ages in a Brother Edge faces to see the segments in a report. As a segment, values are reduced, the surface sledges are less Smith. That's impressive. Now, to smooth the ages, the high percentage can answer. Be tweaked with and be animated. You just can rotate the General Terry to create exquisite animations. The tres function is also available. It has also distressed function. The path for sentences quite useful for animations sweeping across the Russians can also be applied, and the slice options can also be used to animations to create specific types of animations . Center click on animation button under international type. We can choose to move the love of the path by percentage to grow Andre Villas a slice. For the purpose of these exercise, we're going to use the nerve plow 5% dysfunction allows users to set the starting time. It's set to start from zero. By default, however, use can set it to start at a different frame. Here we have the single animation left group on Emissions order offset. This is kind of certain animations with the minimum and maximum values. Here we have the path percent adoption screen to easing types, totally animation. For the purpose of this exercise, we're going to let the current settings, as they are in click to create modify animation the phone imagine was automatically created . As you can see, there's an animation cheon frame. Zero in unframed 100. The key frames can be selected individually or as a group of selections, as they currently are. Jesus can love the cliff rooms to specific timelines if desired. Next, let's nerved animation slighted to see what was created. You just can't relate the current animation by clicking this button in creating the animation, if desired. In a turn selection, you just can't just convert from London. Splints are turtles. Smith. Modifying this tool is quite useful to smooth out surfaces to quickly birth would kill excited parameters. Let's start by quoting this blind, including the Spartan Honest are low. We have the number of turns to set. It's currently set to 10. You have the proportionate to path live to start radios. For the purpose of this exercise, we're going to set it be five millimeters to start with. Divergence is currently locked, eases getting a lock if they wish to disaster. The variation Function and Versaces pair turn to create the INEC space in these parameters simply quick to select source splints. Picked this plan on the dollar and click the correct analysis button. Let's change funeral parameters and create another helix open Notify panel and make displaying venerable invisible In the report. Repeat the same action with a second Neelix in Clicked convert reputable splinters, terrorist blind objects. It's now converted to quickly go through the extra features branches. They're scared to the Christian promises and are this point from the scene. Next. Enable the taper, taper and slice options for long that click to build geometry. When we treat with a slice and position values slash position announced from its original position, the temperament is controlled. The tip of the geometry beans can also invert the tope by enabling its function in a chair . Amazing result of the remaining parameters disparage animation was crazy for quarantines in Tunis. Points you can imagine consists of the chair pairing gradually on the screen by swiping through explains This is the final render a smell to slather to previewed animation. For now, information about toughness, plants and protect the link descriptions are really hoping for this video. Useful liking Chair it and I hope to see in the next one. 16. Mirza Link Manager with 3ds max: Hello, everyone. I'm thistles. Jamie Here. Welcome to notice session of this extra services. In this session, I'll be taking you through the amazing process of working in update insidious Maxwell's while having live links from external. For such a sketch up motorcade who have it Reiner and lanky kid for the purpose of this exercise movie is external sketch up model to directly linked to our for yes, Maxwell as national earlier. The same can be tender. It falls coming from applications such as Auto Kid Rabbit Rhino, Anarchy Cat. This is a sketch up model of building will be linked controls three DS max for to shape, texture and wonder Longer sketch up falls is life and being updated externally. You know that's a great between the two flowers and execute your above mentioned affection . Al it ease. You need to use an amazing script. Could there's a link manager to found him down or the script simply gurgle nears. The late manager encourages website. I love the Lincoln Descriptions and a website. You can simply click here to download a bite after done had in the script, you can drag and drop it into the vehicle to install it and access it from the tool ball. Or simply click on scripting toolbar and choose to run scripts. Lord and open the script. It's done. Log should appear in return on condition options incorrectly. So the script the script is now is told before I open the scripts, it's worth pointing out there. As you can see, the landscape is already built in three DS max, a personal profess create the landscaping through. This makes because a proxy phones, well, clone and first bag, which were imagine too quickly. Trick landscape. Realistically, however, feel free to use any other approach he find more appropriate. Before we open the script, let's create a toolbar button for it to test so taken a customer string bar in chairs. The customers User interface option on this list shows the moves, the tools Kamande So about Questioning Button and a top piece night. Nothing about the scratches drugs, the ruins of action Internet button, followed by simply placing it on a two bar by snapping against it. Frequent scraped bottom to open this dollar. Most of this functions are quite self explanatory, really. The function to update update island trolls. The ad only function arts falls. The duplicate faction duplicates linked falls on the airport. From you have the option to Berlin, Francois Marquis Cat and Etch Option. There's information on how to explore fast from each application. Next, we have the option to bring flowers from sketch up Rhino Rabbit To know. To get this airport button allows you to clicking cheese. The Felton Brute Life after the full options to auto world imported falls, photo edges and also Smith, and to refer screen and imported father updating as mentioned earlier for the person s exercise, we're going to go with the first sketch up, but your skin is so important for us and all these other application Cindy here. Imported rushes can be organized by materials. Know about layers by default, it set to the organized by materials to explode the building from the sketch up model. Simply go to the fall press control plus a in your cable to select entire scene, followed by clicking on the fire button and chosen to export to any model in a savings type . Chose the object falls on the list. If unsure, simply go back to the city's makes felt checked information detail your heart explode from each application before expiry ity taken actions totals first, any style. Oh, enabled export texture, maps and these other options and checked in a skill gloom. It doesn't check the option to stop. One is that coordinates. Otherwise you're important model will be flipped upside on. Finally chose the nature unit system and quick will create. Export the mash back in through Yes, Max taken input Model button in Jersey Object metal from sketcher. As you can see, the friendship became loading up. Depending on the complexity of your model, it may take seconds or longer to import. Once the file sell imported, this dialog box should be prompted. Click OK, it's accepted here. He can see it imported. Fall into the same. It's just really middle. Happens to be slightly off from way should have been complete Mervan places on its correct location. Next click went up there, selected link button and choose the model is before, as you can see, even do. The file is currently linked. The manual was updated with our resetting its location into DS Max and sketch up model still on its original location, which is amazing. Same also applies to textures and changes. However, if you had to delete parts of the model in sketch up, then you would have been updated in three DS max. The next step is to begin creating in a sunny shoulders re textures to this model. It's like one of the war panels incorrect, apart in tow. Isolated Max opened a material that is her. By clicking on this button. It's like this would material slot and assign it to the world panel by clicking on the sign apartment clicking a diffuse total and enable the show shade insulin vehicle in unratified panel apartment, a few diplomatic for you and the mapping mode to folks minimizing, Maciel added. $2 an exit desolation mode. Click on a mutual editor and select a glass panels. In the report in a material editor, select a glass material slots and assigning to dissipated object. Next, let's select a little panels in the view port. Select this materials law and assign it to it. Following that, less like the roof panel in a report and a scientist metallic material to it. Next, let's select our sketch up link and click the update Link button as you can see the material sections and a full model position have all been updated accordingly, which is amazing. Another example will be to go to the sketch up fall to leave part model press control, plus a only people to select entire model. Click on off all button in, choose to export its really model again just to confirm and replace the bombing back in three years. Max, Select the sketch up modeling and Glick Top Day Selected Link Select Object Falling Question and open it. As you can see, the model was updated as expected after applying all materials and textures. The final see And she looks similar to this one, as mentioned earlier. A personal prophetic right landscaping three ds max. Because of proxy, it falls well. Call in forest back, which were amazing too quickly. Great landscapes. Realistically, however, if you prefer to build a list of external links from applications such as Ravi or two can argue cared Reina or sketch up simply unable to create function and click to import model button. As you can see, Easiest can build a big lists of external falls if desired. Next, let's do a quick test Run it to see what the scene is looking like. Clicking around the set up button to open Mestalla. Let's check some of its default parameters first by going through it stamps and click Brendan. No, this is a three DS max, a lot farther of use and zero frame buffer to make. You'll run their look more appealing. Also ensure the option to convert love space before buying that is disabled in order to apply. It's a first slept on the show crushing control partner and open its settings. All these other crushing controls will close apart from the lots, followed by enabling and loading from the low Tuggle. If you're in, check it. This is what the whole runner will look like when enabled with a lot loaded. It looks like this. The world Lut stands for Look up table By clicking on a little tuggle, he can locate and low the specific platform. This specific but fall came from a website called Treaty Collective. Unfortunately, a lot falls are for display purposes only and are not factored in one saved, he noted. To save the country under with a lot fall applied, we need to use clear script script called Lucked Explorer, took my descript simple click on a script in Button and choose to run script selecting Open Life Spolar script from Can School. This struggle allows users to locate and picked a lot form. The second folder allows users to set the location for name and extension by default. The file extension is set to PNG. Let's change. It's a Jay Peak full time and name it accordingly, followed by clicking the same rations button. After the father site, the script automatically de selected a lot file from the frame buffer to do to, say Underwood, Luck replied, simply. Go to the rendering toolbar and choose to view image as you can see descent image. That's exactly like the render with a lot of plant. Also here you can see how it if I was saved the farm name first, followed by the lot full name added in front. To send this fault, surrender in a common stop that set to run. The output size is 3500 pixels by one father, 850 pixels. As you can see the image aspect function, it's bad loft, so the width and height buyers are linked to one another. Under the writer, Expanded Global Switches Rule Out Parameters and the Frame Buffer on the friend Buffett Rule. Our parameters enabled Vera Raw image file function. Click on his struggle to open it, tapping the phone line and enable the X option. Dp Ex Art and the Doctor Limited Friend Number. The very Image Walter is right. Powerful rule for four months that allows you just reload the engine of frame buffer and survey our again in any file form. Undesired one. Enable. It saved the data off each rendered bucket, so it's per chance the run that crushes a properly. The last bucket will be site. Click the safe total. Next. Enables separate rule image file function and click on its struggle to open it known to file accordingly and choose a tick file for Mart. Click on Save Tuggle in a tiff. Image control dialogue enable 16 bit color, no compression and surrender dots. French followed by clicking OK under the image. Simple rule up parameters Amendment changing right is set to 64. High value, such as this improves the runner quality without affecting the rendering. Time went test rendering. Some users prefer the progressive time. Which is fine, however, for final, high resolution renders, he should years bucket rendering time, especially when it comes to using stripped Mondays and other key functionality under image filter. Choose the area. Type A personal professors from a shelter time, however, feel free to choose from a list of other image filters in here on the pocket. In a simple rule, out parameters often set the minimum subdivision toe one in a maximum 200 to be coherent. Universal workflow settings. In a nice, fresh short Let's set it to 0.7 Expanding Global DMC Roll our parameters and so it is no special value to 0.3 or 0.4 dishneau. Special Violent from Pocket Imo Sample rollout should always be higher to describe a TMC no threshold value here. Otherwise, the runners might take a bit longer than usual. These two nice special values are dependent on one another. Thes funders of always work well for May, however, feel free to use other values. You're more comfortable with expanded column mapping all our parameters. I'm currently using experiential color mapping type because it helps to balance over exposures in a render and makes your under more realistic. However, Phil Free teas, other color mapping types also Doubront multiplier was reduced to 0.3 for the specific sink . Otherwise, I would normally keep it 1.0 on the mount and using the color and gamma type Innogy, I time the primary engine said to radiance. Have and a second engine is set to like cash enable the I meant occlusion. Function normally certainly am into crude in value to 0.7 the radius to stranded millimeters on the subdivisions 20 whole. These values only effect in curricular areas. Also, these values were well, however, feel free to use values that you're more comfortable with under the radiance map. For all our parameters, keep the current preset has love. External daylight shots don't usually require high settings on the like. Casual up parameters leave it before prompted as they currently are in a setting. Staff on only keep the dynamic memory limit to zero. Soviet broken uses much memories required in a render elements tab enabled rental elements . Previously ardent, checked the remaining settings and click to render in a completely notorious Maxine. We can open the run A set of town in a V. Reiter. Click on a show. Vera Friend. Buffer button to open Install Um next looking. A loading much file button to load up the viewer image. Far previously saved. This what Vera Image file to look like. They're often large in size because of the data storing them collected opening. Depending on the phone size, he may take a while to open. As you can see, beautiful friend Buffel resize its frame dimensions. It's mosque Lee to fit incoming form for times about this automatic re sizing doesn't occur . This often happens when the original viewer image far is saved in a different version of theory in such cases, usually should simply type in the great operas size over the incoming fall here. Prize to loading the viewer image file for Mart. Here you can see all the render elements previously stored in a viewer image home. Easy skin. Turn off s RGB button, if desired, followed by clicking and holding this button and choosing to save all in my channels to separate forms. Chews the fat from our to save as often. Josie Explode. Take far former number two fallen click to side in a tiff, Image control dialogue enabled a 16 bit color option. With no compression and green dots per inch, The file was saving all the render elements To view the safe, all simply click on a rendering to ball and just view image form. The search image looks slightly process than the one interviewer friend offer to rectify. This less reserved of falls again in a separate Fulham enable young right option and set it to 1.0, followed by serving again. Open the newly side the image in three Esmark's As you can see the gum off the newly saves in which now matches with the one in the frame buffer next less enabled and load the luck fall previously used Here you can prove you surrender and a lot with S RGB button turned on and off. Falling debt is previously done. Let's run the Lot Explorer script and save multiple versions with SRG. Be on and off to matter in this more realistic let's open them info show I'm currently using for the Shop CC 2018. This render is a version with SRG be applied and a gamma set to 2.2 in a Leicester right click it just too difficult layer, while the duplicated layer still selected right click and choose to convert. Smile. Gentle, smart objects are quite useful to retain the parameters of filter, and the original quality of an image went scaling up in down. Next, they're gonna filters, toolbar and choose a camera or filter from the list. Any star log increased the D. Hayes function to add more detailed in contrast, image. Let's also increased that charity functions to bring up more details in shadows of damage and reduce blacks function to add a bit more contracts. That's also just wants function to make several emerging more realistic. Finally, let's adjust the shadows function to make. You were only much pop and click OK to accept a new parameters to mascot parts of this camera or faulty fangs. Let's create a layer mask by clicking on this button. Here, banks enable the brush tool falling death Search the background color to black by clicking on the sweet spot in here, or by simply pressing X on your keyboard to switch between the two background colors, black or dark colors or met pixel when brushing with a layer mask enabled and white or bright colors do the opposite. Also know that you're possibly set to 36% desisting. Ensure the brush, brush Islam. Wander back. One colors blank and a layer mask is enable. Begin brushing the pixel of the specific years. Prices will meet them. Reduce your past the violence and minimize the brush effect on pixels. When brushing, zoom in and out of the document checked several changes. The run is looking a lot more appealing to the latest changes. Smart Object Layers gives users to unique ability to edit parameters by simply double quick on a camera or filter and tweaking it. One. Nasrin. Let's minimize the document behind. Finally, that's correct. The chromatic operating. In fact, this effect is often seen a real photos and makes most computer generated images look more realistic as result until pride, simply right, click on the edge of the document into used to duplicate right. Click on any later in choose to flatten image on the bottom left part of the document typing 100 to zoom 100% into the document. Next go to the Channel SAB Inspector, right channel unable to move to and magic up once by pressing the R on your keyboard, selected Green Channel and Magic down once by pressing the arrow on, keep selectable channel and magic to the right ones by pressing the our own UK boomed following that select RGB channel to do the final chromatic of Britain effect, go to the last time and select the main document behind Select Tickle Monster Cooperation document. Again, you choose to duplicate the layer s previously done in a duplicate layer down low. Choose a destination document to be the main PST form can rename the incoming layer as a mask Operation select. The main document is you can see this the nuke from ice cooperation there is you zooming The chromatic aberration seems a bit too prominent to reduce its permanent slightly less click on a layer of blending mode and choose a dark in time from the list. Because it's a process, it's about 39% to make it even less prominent in moralistic. I don't only a mosque to the chromatic aberration there and brush your world a vignette ing , in fact, slightly use another techniques described earlier friendly Justice said the final images a tip fall for Mart on change option to save layers in click to safe. Also serve. Another version is a jape bank for printing. It is a Photoshopped fall film are to be able to edit Lay as if required, the No International. But there's a link managers simply channeling descriptions. This concludes our tour. Um, I really hope you find it useful like in challenge on the autopsy in the next one theme. 17. Spline Cleaner with 3ds Max: Hi, everyone. This is Jamie here. Well, from tonight, a session of this text crosses in this session. I'll be taking you through the process of using a plugging calls. Fine, clean it. This amazing play gin helps users to quickly identify editing. Rectify complex. Find problems in seconds to find. Displaying. Simply, Google's find cleaner can enter the Spine Dynamics website. I leave the Lincoln descriptions in a website you can find and download the planking once Donald, you can quickly stole it by dragging and dropping in your view. Bolt while running the script, including two Patton. Let's check my previous turn. Responses. Still on heart is total car into parking. Once everything is done simple, click on this button to open the dollar. Dissed are warning is simply check for updates of the script. Most of these functions are quite self explanatory. Really, First button is the information dialogue. Let's collect to open it for Quick Jack. The shapes lighted displays. The number of shape selected into the airport displays amount of spines in the view port. Then you have the number of virtus. Is the span left? The longer opens wise, close flies the number of materials, single sub materials possible eros make diagnosis exposed erotic sticks thought its numbers and its your lighty on this function will be later useful to examine certain problems with our drawings or simple tanks. Detached selection button. Ours used to select multiple separate supplies in the view Court and attached him by clicking this button. Any action by fell to function. We have all dysfunction options by clicking this question. Mark totals here. He's just concretely say what each group does to start. Let's bring in the custom to exploit, provided by clients. Right click and juice rotated Enable the main Tobar by right clicking on the lane panel in chains in the main to buy auction enabled angle snap total. This allows rotations to snap to specific angle upon a modified panel can. It's worth noting that the spine cleaner only worse could shapes that have the vegetable spine collapsing. Notified, I can explain the information dialogue to open it expressly mentioned. We have all this important information about the spine demand station she'll focus on is the open smile information. There are currently Children, five open spines, which is a big problem if you're to extruded tanks hair. They have zero close points and the rest of their information. Let's click on the night diagnosis button. The one sections concentrate on is overlapping Versaces. There are currently 220 of them to close reverses before assuring the spine. Let's scatter this one clean a dollar his scrawled onto world vortices group escape that full special value to 0.1 in quick 12 verses, clubs, Aspinall, information dollar and opening again is you can see in a span information dialogue. The number of open spine is now zero in another of close bonds is 12 which is amazing. It's so been fixed. Next quickly Vertex number button. Now that the verses are closed, we cannot say an individual number of each vertex in the vehicles, which is extremely useful. Users can also see the verdict sticks in the vehicle without the need to open unmodified panel. However, display needs to have edible spine applied to it. First, American Extreme Dishpan made up any problems. This is another example whereby disappoint segments they clearly opened by a lot is what obviously had difficulties extruding open spawn such as this. To rectify this problem before extraordinary men 18 years, this amazing function to connect vortices again. The modified panel doesn't need to be openly noted today. This which is extremely useful. Practical advances for bikes Stolen display, As you can see extreme, was executed accurately. However, the holes in the tanks didn't cannot quickly to rectify this problem. Simply go to direction, group and collective fix experience Access. As you can see exchanging, is not perfect. Here's another example of the typical text provided by client, and we won't admit versus to it. If only begin. Let's other people swan Ratify first in an Ally Smart Man crew that's click to normalize the max Trip dollars should be prompted asking to collapse in time, modify a stake into vegetable splint. Take yes and enabled Vertex spoken. As you can see, the entire Texas nominal Alvertis is evenly spread across one millimeter. They can honestly changes values, if desired to traditional purchases. You just can simply click to reducing reverses here. As you can see, the nun reverses were really sorta muscular insulin, or they were affecting the original shape of the text, especially around the marker, the areas of this line for digestive verses. Even without affecting original shape around the curve years. That's really, really small value in a section to preserve angles over type and a vial of 15 to start with in collectively decent and reverses, click again that we must reduce more. Vergis is without the flu in the original text. Can I express control Plots said on your keyboard toe interactions? You just gonna sit in question under graduations, you know, don't have less reticent display descended example for users in our KFOR's industry whereby you'd normally imported WG followed strata smacks and trace over disappoints. He's just strikes over despise because they're often overlapping and can't be excluded correctly as an example. If you take through these rules and turn the view port shaded, it quickly realized that the inside rules are not shaded to spine. Ages have been extruded but nine side. This often happens when versus an all welded to quickly double check. What's happening with the spines. Simply open this one clean. A dollar is previously done in Quicken Spawns Information Dollar button, as you can see through 137 opens plants. There's also zero close plants and so on. The number opens plant is what we need to concentrate on, because the problem Senator Beatty overlapping burgesses it's corrected. You simply click to well, verses get through gaps, pretend of segments than you would have had to click on a button to connect verses and said , as mentioned earlier, 12 verses simply click on apartment. Well, versus. As you can see, the current threshold value of 0.1 didn't work well. Let's click to undo in, try new value of 0.1 and clicked well versus next. Let's exclude explain. As you can see, the rules are not excluded properly. Just technique allowed us to save a considerable amount of time by avoiding to trace entire drawing to create new service. Here's another drawing spawned with missing segments. If you are take should as it currently is, it would have had similar problems before. In this instance, we have a clear gap between splints to correct the problem, delete extrusion and clicked, connect Versaces and exclude the spine again. The world is not excluded. Problem to sound normally avoid spending time retracing the drawing to create a new surface . In this final example, we have a massive number of separates plan we want to quickly attacked extrude and apply a texture to it to do so this summer, opening the spawn cleaner and it's information dollar. As you can see, all spines are close to quickly touch them is once one press control, plus a in a keyboard to select him on, formed by clicking on a touch selected button. Click Yes to convert to expose supplying has previously done. As you can see all spines and our touches. One following that simply applied X should notify in a texture to it. Here's the final results that's gonna cause That's true for the unfinished about spring cleaning. Simply check the Lincoln descriptions we know payphone initiative useful like in chairs, and I hope to see the next one. 18. Proxy Textures with 3ds Max: thistles. Jamie here from to notice section of this export services in this session, I'll quickly take you through the amazing process of managing efficiently. Heavy three DS Max falls with high resolution textures using a plugging call proxy textures . This radius seen was created for a client a while back. It was a nightmare to manage and navigate through, mainly because of the number of high resolution textures in this massive seen the current cameras focusing in a teapot area. However, through a number of different cameras coughing other areas of the masses really seen less critical go for some of its main cameras. The scene currently has hundreds of textures and 100 and nature of them extremely big in size. Vector, our main T point camera too quickly show amount of called it. Currently Eastern. I get through to see we're going to enable the too deeply in zoom mode and use them. Our school will to know to get through the scene. As you can see with every scroll, he takes a while for TV port updates the window starts manager. Also two picks how much memory the scene is consuming to quickly download a process textures, plugging their skin to Google and dumping proxy textures and dynamics and click on its main page. This is the website depicting its main features. Under more information, we have the script Manual link became Click to check back on the main page you can to Stella the trial version or the full product. Once downloaded back in three years, Max, click on a scripting main toolbar inducing run scripts followed by choosing and opening the script to create a button toolbar like these ones here simply what some of my producer tools to quickly go through some of its main front er's in this group. By default, you have the option to affect textures and selected objects enabled. This option only proxies the selected objects with textures in the scene. For the person to sexist size, we can't enable all seen options. Instead, deception will proxy all textures in the scene to reduce Texas Group allows users to set the minimum, and maximum size detection will will reduced it. It's set to max size by default. Just can set the maximum size of such as fun and 12 pixels 1000 baseballs to father pixels . Forefathers pixels well, simply type in a specific figure here. Alternatively, pictures can be reduced by percentage. Instead, we have set sizes of 10% 25% 50% and 75% or simply type in a specific percentage value. Here, the moon's size is set to 32 pixels. This is a 1,000,000 size detector will be reduced. It depart to one enable it uses specific sets of pixel. Size is mostly used in video games for best performers in convertibility. The part il pixel sizes are too full. 8 16 32 6400 and 28 256 512 of father and 24 to father and 48. So if a specific texture in the scene is 3000 pixels in wit, the newest above two vital of three fathers should be 2048 pixels in width. The next part two values should be 1000 and 24 pixels, and so on. If the high value of the same Texans scene was one father and 500 pixels, the new squad to value to produced it would have been 1000 and 24 vessels, so the new resize value of 3001 fathered 500 pixels would have ended up being to father and 48 pixels by 15 24 when using a part two option to reduce its original size. In a nutshell. When using the power of to option to reduce textures, spoken will automatically use any of the closest preset values mentioned earlier, independent from one another to recycle specific texture. To convert a J peg PNG Hoffer option, automatically Converse, Texas in the scene into a J big file form. Art indexes without for channel are automatically converted to a PNG file. Type J pic quality sets the quality of the texture divine. Over 100 is the maximum quality did four value set to 70. The process textures button initiates a process of reducing Texas sizes in the scene. Was this spot in this? Quipped the seven reload. Seen Lozzi is just a saving reopen. The city s Maxine. Once a spot in this collect in a Process sections group, it sets a scene bond by default. What he means is that once across the sections, button is clicked. The new research sections will be automatically search in a location where this really seen was open. From the purpose of this exercise, we're going to change the global ocean instead and click on this total, say its location. Here's a new folder created to automatically saved an eerie silence textures into. Alternatively, he just consider click Click on his struggle to create new folder. This button is enabled by default to use originals on random. Essentially every time you click to run, their display in automatically switches back to your original. My resolution textures before resize in them. Next, let's open Monsieur Sadullah and go inside. One of the higher resolution Texans here is the full name of the high resolution texture. Here you can see the texture size being 8000 by 3113 pixels, which is massive. Next, let's click to process textures to begin reducing detectors with all the previous option set. Click. Yes, the closest actions. One. The texture processing Stay in place. You'll see full names and text has been switched. Is he conceding a message Dialogue 100 in 18 to extremely high resolution textures? Will Virgie's to decide to set earlier click OK as mentioned daily to location found name and sizes of 180 in high resolution Texans will automatically changed. He's a new location of to rename the resource sections. The specific direction went from 1000 pixels to one father and 24 pixels. As you can see, that's pretty seniors also extremely lighter, and the window starts spies using less memory to handle the scene. It's also easier to never get through the sane. It's smaller textures. Loaded drive images will be a lot quicker to protest some random. If you de select a button to use originals or render you're no longer needs to load in process high resolution textures before rendering before sending the final files are under . We only need to restore high resolution textures of the objects closer to the camera and leave the low resolution pictures and objects far away from the camera. To do this. Let's start by selecting all objects in the scene there, close out camera, hold under control key on your keyboard and begin selecting them one by one. Open into a letter again to say file names being restored next under the tools parameters enable the selected objects option and click the button to resource protections. Click yes to restore textures. As you can see here, the textures and selected objects have been restored to the original file names without the previous suffix names. PT resize. Finally, before sending the final run simply and click the button to use originals and render this really sure the objects in the distance will not automatically use original high resolution Texas one run drink Instead, Onley detectors, currently loaded in the scene, will be useful, rendering in summary. Now we have a mixture of high and low resolution textures in the same high resolution Texas for the close up objects and low resolution Texas for objects in a distance to find arrundell of something similar to this. Would it be a post production I really hope you find? Is it helpful, like and share it and I hope to see on my next one. 19. Automodeller with 3ds max: everyone this Jamie here. Welcome to another session of its Export services. Invest Session will be getting an amazing modeling playing call Autumn Ottawa To find this playing simply, go to Google and type in order. Ahmadullah Black on its link on the main page. We have some of its powerful three D printing features seeing here, which are amazing into eternal space age. We have some of the basic tutorials is also the feature list page, with further examples of what's possible to achieve. DISIP Age allows users to buy the full version. What you simply download the trial version and this other page here, once downloaded simply around installation and make sure he's in stone in the same directories, is is your three DS max. Nothing's told like one a customize toolbar in choose to custom my user interface in the Stalag, go to the Tools Bars panel and extend a category All commands list just autumn or look man from the list. Next click or New Parton and name. It has auto Mullah for by dragon it from the action section onto the new toolbar button, created, move and snapping onto the toolbar and close the main dollar to open auto model of plugging simple quick on this button to ensure the autumn model of plug in is automatically loaded with three years max simply green light max. Start here by clicking on it to quickly go through some of its main parameters. We have the tools button to redirect users to the details page. Just question Mark Button opens. The helpful is one Select. This button opens a properties dialog for model sources and target statics just button turned selected object in the sand into targets. This one makes selected objects into a source and this one toe on Maitham under quick tools , have all these four results to select delete height and on height under all targets. We have two options to select on make height on hide, regenerate old and so on. To hide this entire dialogue, simply click on this button. Here, despite Preston, Bar is a main feature of this. Playing one clicked. He allows users to paint masses into objects or targets. This button allows users to paint once clicked before painting their sexual needs to have a mash assigned to it first, that's open just a lot. Exterior scene, which is available to my patron supporters and doesn't already have this ready. Seen for the purpose of this exercise of hidden most ready assets such as trees, shrubs, calls, etcetera. As you can see in this render, all I had was a simple material with detection applied to the roof surface. With the auto model, plucky will be able to create amazing off Charles with the click of a button to start that selector off, dull and isolated. Next, click on a Max fall and used to say selected. Open a several fall in a brand new three ds Max E. This is a safe roof object, and this is the model Freddie. A roof tall mash, one modeling objects tabulated, painted onto objects. He sure to start pulling them by the top. U Port DeSisto had any potential problems down the line to set this roof tile match as a source, make sure the top view ports enabled. While the roof tile mash is selected. Click on a sources button here before printing. It can choose the view to paint from here. For the purpose of this exercise, we're going to show what to do first for beating on surfaces in a front report, let's begin tracing over the roof Glicken a shapes command panel and choose the line button . Next enabled, agreed and snap settings, but and right click on it under snaps, the Vertex function is enable and endpoint interruptions. All these other functions were enabled as well as the remaining function seen here began clicking and trying in some of these points to trace over the roof. Sarcastic process Flying is, you can say here the original roof. It is extra Gasser outline, which shouldn't be here to start with it. Even if you spot of the roof, it probably would have been better to model the extra pass separately. But Autumn Allah is blowing into world properly. Less of justice area with vegetable splint unable to stop toe, press the S key on your keyboard or simply click on its toolbar Button has previously done . Next. She's extraordinary fire from the less by processing E on your keyboard. In choosing it, 100 stood parameters. Increase its amount value to master death of the original roof following that applied to edit poorly modify on top the auto model of pain to works best If the edit Polly is applied before the VW map. Otherwise it won't work properly. Finally, let's apply the VW modify on top. U V W Telling is absolutely key for the autumn Allah to work. Each starling value will set the side of the roof tiles. When painting on the match souls choose the box mapping type Next open in Israel. Editor. Select an interventional slot and click on its diffuse total. Choose the Checker Procedural amount from the list if Jones into specific procedural matter because it will allow us to clearly cedar tiling on the surface. Collector. Sign it to the selected roof under UV and doubly toil. Let's start with a value of 10 for all three. Next, let's select in a roof. Dollar mash again in black on a select text seen here. Not how it suddenly changed from the tax. Select two groups. 01 To run the smashers of pencils, simply selecting the View port and click on a perhaps his Tobar, followed by clicking on and make button. The mash is now reminders of pencils. Let's move the roof tile mash close to the roof model on the roof. Time. Masters still selected hoping to prop his dialogue again and click on a Mac into so Spartan . Once again, the rooftop mashed has become the pencils, the heavy brush. I sets the sauce covered with each breast stroke or blake. The bigger the brush size, the quicker necessity will be filled with each struggle. Click. No, but sometimes doesn't affect the size of each mesh top to give VW totally invited to do that, enable the paint button and start clicking on the roof to paint it. As you can see on a small persons of the mash are being painted with each stroke. If you increase the brush sourced of five and paint again, you can clearly see a bigger area has been covered with its stroke. It's also worth pointing out that mess Charles remained the same. Size is before because they're being controlled by the U V W Tiling values, if he zoom in closely, were noticed that pass of the roof tiles are sank into the main roof surfaced. I record below two breakfasts. That's first select. A roof tile mask is more previously created by the autumn model plug in. When it was first, Sata's a Machel's next in a front view port, begin moving it down. As you can see, the towns are beginning to sit on top of the roof nicely. There are times when they matched. Our source isn't oriented in a right direction. If you're to paint such sites of match sources is depicted in this example, the match those would be rotated in a wrong directions is seen here. For this reason, all those he sure the match yours is rotated in a correct direction. Also, Auto Model enables users to select multiple masters is to be painted with for specific and more accurate results. Some users Prophet's create two separate parts of the picture of in painted separately in this final example begin to create a donut shape under splints up in a modified panel and set in tribulations. Sub two armed. Because you'll be painting on a curved surface, the more steps or segments it has, the more water at the Met. Sores will look when painting on it extrude the shape is previously done. Next, we'll create a different surface to be uses that pencils under spines enable the rectangle shape button in creating a top view port in a modified panel out of flow generator modifier and say its board size. For more information by this, modify it. Please check my other tutorials, as mentioned earlier, create your Machel's in a top view pool, if possible. Divider here two picks the amount of memory currently being used less. Increase italics region to 15 millimeters for lane that right quick and chest collapsed all and convert to edible play. Next that's assigned the same checking material onto the don't object. Previewed Italian a vehicle to and other edible pulling. Modify on top Full body. VW map. Let's make the mapping type as cylindrical with a cap function enabled in the U V and W, it'll change its 20. Open the properties. Dialog can make the new tile into a source s seriously done. Open the pain first. Arlo. This was the previous match ALS has deleted by simply selecting it and pressing Delete on your keyboard because you'll be painting in a cylindrical surface. Let's change the override border searching center form in able to paint button and begin painting tiles onto the cylinder s. Previously done. Let's adjust the gizmo off The naturals between shoe Tatars are not sang into the cylinder to overlap This gap that select cylinder object can make it step. Fight is adaptive. His mission earlier to smooth the surface. The more walker the painted Mashal deformed to a surface, this Haider cylinder to see the curve tiles to run. Demise. The titles. We're going to create new yourself towels and changed them slightly. Open the prop $2 inches. Tow unmake on hind and select to surrender. Click to Clear Pain Mosque. Select both tall objects in the scene. Make him into a source. Jeans a brush size 25 Able to deform function again. Close the properties. Darla in able to paint button again and begin painting. The new mash sources is previously done. But suggested gizmo, This scare is what we can't they have. Between these separate surfaces, we can move them closer together to bridge the gap. It's also worth mentioning that can still art other modifiers such a slice FFT and much more on top of the services to achieve a specific results. Also, in a practice Darlow, we have all these additional functions, which is specific results. Does the UV tiling section to copy and instance options for the group mashes curved surface stairs, mode, borders and much more for the brush paint. We have all these other options here, one satisfied with everything. Simply select a group of tiles we have just created Every time we penned mashes under surface, they created as one group, as you can see here. Next, click on a group to bar in just on group while he'll still selected right click Angie's to convert them into edible Polly falling. That's like the one of the objects insane and open. The modified panel enable the elements election moat in Click on your touch toggle. Just a select, all in quick to attach. All tiles are now part of one hunting. Because it's the big mash. We're going to convert it into a view, a proxy to reduce the fall size and speed up the running time of ready creativity. Toiling hard to create process Simply right. Quake in juicy option to fury. Amash Export. This fall the sets the location where your proxy file will be saved. Into here, you can rename the viewer mash fall. However, the file extension dot you're a mass should remain intact, unable to function to automatic right process and click. OK, This subject is now a proxy form, which is extremely light in size and facets run Note that its original far was automatically renamed to start with the word Be very proxy under school, followed by the original name. This will make it easier to identify and peck. If we open the modified panel, we'll see all the standard proxy parameters here. We can say its few put display as bounding box Pretty from foam showed the whole mash and so on. It's worth noting that you just cannot apply modifies under proxy objects. Otherwise, the match will render with arrows and artifacts, just to show one more example. You just can't paint. Multiple match shows is under surfaces. This is the MASH will be using a source less detached element separately and select them opened a hierarchy panel. Glicken affect people on Lee Point and descended to optic alignment. Let's repeat the same action with this mash. What a modeler has now a lot more information to work with. Slept this south tiles and clicking a source objects button to Ademas pain sources. As you can see here, the group of objects have been ordered as one source. Click to paint and begin painting on the surface to correct some randomness and apartment. Let's select some of the tiles and move them separately to add multiple sources. Let's like other tiles here and other missiles, as you can see here now we have multiple groups is the source selector, second source and click to paint, followed by painting on a surface. All you can select the previous group source and replace up again. Users can also add modifiers to distort specific mashed halls. Would your 50 modifier he's compression? Pull it will. Also you just can select and add it. Mask is Mr Stop the mash button. Finally, if you are planning to later convert to group into one single machin proxy it simply select a group in Clicked a touch here and collector of Fresh. As you can see, the group has become one single mash in a second. Even as a mash uses conceal. Continue to paint on top once you happy. Whatever Fay, it can simply convert into a proxy experience. Lee Done quickly go back to the rooftop. Previously creatures necessary or run over the roof s a texture, and just in your underwear the roof just created, using the Autumn Ottawa plug in the roof tile, Machel's and the entire roof is available for my Patriots schoolteachers and does already have the 67 day like ALS. I only hope you found this a Children's for like and share it, you know, steal money. 20. Overnight Batch Render with 3ds max: Hello, everyone, This is game here. Welcome to notice session of this text yourselves. And this session will show you how to submit multiple treaty camera than scenes using an amazing plug in call overnight. They're trending, so we're not for two. Let's start by googling Deloitte's overnight batch run there. Great Dishpan dynamics link here. This is the page where we can find quick video. Part it. He had a description examples. In here you have the trial and the full version of the Link to download. Let's start a trial version for the purpose of this exercise. Once downloaded in three DS makes less open to plug in my first game to scripting Angie's into Run script Selected opened. Download a script. This is, um, not pets. Run the plague unloaded creates toolbar button that these ones here please check the previous stools. As you can see, just seniors. Four different camera set ups overnight. Batch run The plug in uses multiple cameras and stay setting to submit the current ready seen and external finds with a click of a button under settings, we have destroyed. Yes, Max better and it'll state said, since seen states these three options need to be enabled at all times to set up a scene state simply go to tools and changed to manage since the inception from the list. This is a doll off To save. Seen states simply click in a safe button to save seen state dialogue, largely just to safe seen states such as like properties, conference forms, can properties and so on. The scene parts could be safer. This game review only if you wish and several different Selves seen. Pass for another camera by 700 different scene. State name. Once you're seeing parts are selected, simply type in the state name here for the purpose of this exercise, let's stop in this camera nine and quick to safe as you can see the safe set with its parts are now. Hear this, but in the largest to restore any previously search states. Some of the previously said parts of seen, such as Object Properties, can be later changed by right clicking and choosing properties from the slighted object and change some of his default functions off some of the runners settings. Many scenes say pause can be edited for this camera only in sight as mentioned earlier. You just can restore selected, seen state rename and delete or click to save again and select different parts of the scene to save over. Used to override the previous scene state. You just can say a host of new scenes states here, but each of these cameras to serve a new scene, states click to Safe and renamed the scene State. Select the scene parts he want to safe and glib to save. Now we have two separate seen states that can be used for two separate cameras. Once you happy with you, seen states click to close. This is our users would normally set up a scene, state State said, so similar to since sites to set them up. Simply go to the rendering. Little Ball in Jesus State sets from the list as an example. Let's assume he wanted this chair isolated as a state set click on isolation pud in a site . Still, ball simply choose to art state the state zero to was created. The steps you're one was The default scene is against the year is the object section, which recorded a current state of the objects in the scene. It is also the composited toolbar, with all these functionalities to be set up. If we quiet and a sequence toolbar reductions to assign a camera, you change the sequence. Mount Paektu, the state's toolbar. We have a host of auctions to hide state template or under outputs under old states. Delete our scripts and much more as its escalation mount to turn state 02 on enough simple quick on this sorrow here, this is our state created. You just can right click to rename or use any of these Lisa functions often when using state sets. There's no need to work with, since states of matter under state sets a quite robust and more complete to work with to set up that really a smacks batch Wonder tool. Simply go to rendering toolbar in. Choose to batch run from the list restaurant owners of water down virginal state sets he can also use since states in presets to send out a renders, sets up a specific camera to render simply quick got button, but a fault name was created while selected. Go to the name section to rename it a scale to this camera view in choose to select a camera, My click and attacks into used to select, all followed by right clicking again inches in to copy in the name section, right click induced the paste and press enter on the keyboard. We need to press enter in order for the name to change. Here they are put path blouses to set the location of the render falls to set up the location. Simply click on its whole and Jesus location and the cameras. We can sink the chiefs of relevant camera on the scene state. We can load a preset seen state fall for a specific camera on the preset. We can love one or save a new one by open your under set up. All these Vero parameters can be saved. This preset quoted a precept function. And just to save it while saving the select preset categories, dialogues will be prompted. We can choose old parts or some of the listed ones and click to site. Would a preset saved? He's considerably load it from the list, but surrender has known issues within that run the function. So for using dysfunction, if you can your right preset a large silver rider under upward side dimensions variously setting a runner set up doll. If you had to close this max fall as it is now, the current battery Masetto would have become part of this really seen. So next time you open the vaccine and get back surrender, this dollar would appear these presets loaded. We can also have the potent batch. Render presets by clicking to export best render button new camera's presets. Anna polls can be added to the better and the list using the previous steps before sending any files. Why overnight? Better run. We can override the original Render upward size villages here to do some local toughs. Renders an ex cetera. You just can also set new Oppel full name for the test renders. If you don't set up the runner up will file name for any of the render scenes in a kid. Thea put far names of scenes will be automatically saved in a default location. Seen here. Dysfunction forces serious Maxed. Ignore any potential under warning when enabled dysfunctions overrides any exists in file names when enabled. Dysfunction forces serious max to shut down once or undertaxed I completed. This spotting is to simply run the falls in the kill before sending External Tereus Max falsity overnight. Best friend Kill. Let's turn off the override. Run the settings first. Insure. We have these three functions the name at all times. If you happen to have all three options loaded in your three DS Maxine, do you wanna bet? Run. They will pick one of three options to execute the runners, as mentioned earlier. One setting obviously scenes here. They used the state sets because it's more robust, reliable and complete. Or the batch render in congestion with the scene states for or Process has shown earlier to load up your three DS max. Seen surrender simply quick to show. Run Rick, You next clip Art Falls and select the host of three s. Maxwell's previously set up Ready to Render. As previously shown 50 Under 30 s. Maxine's are not set up a seriously shown the overnight bets. Runner will simply pick the active Cameron the scene and render the output full. Name and location will be saved and full setting. Seriously, Sean once added, we should end up with a list of serious Max Wallace in here. Another way toe aren't multiple. Three. DS Max falls into the render queue is to click on a full the button and set a location of weather. Today s Max Falls will be added from it's button. Allows users to clear all this that fast from the render queue. Eases can also set the total number of files and click OK. We can also harder current seem to run a Q by clicking on this button here. Once you happy with everything, simply click to run the phones. These are some of the final render falls I really hope you find is still useful like in Sharat and Hopes Theme. 21. QProxies with 3ds max: everyone just Jerry here. Welcome to this session of this text for services. In this session, I'll be taking it to the post of using an amazing plugging call. Keep profits Que proxies the three DS max plugging compatible with any rendering engine that most boxes it reduces the polygon count in a scene and help speed up renders substantially what sets this proxy play in, apart from others, its ability to bring back the original Masri textures and modify its previously applied from any rendering engine, not to mention other great features. Such is reeling proximity, current folder removing use, falls and much more. So without further ado, let's start by Googling the name Kid Proxies scroll down and click on the spine. Dynamics linked. Seen here. Here's a quick introductory video by its capabilities and some examples. Here you can buy the light first or the full version. Alternatively, simply, Darling withdraw version by quickness. Link Here this link here redirect seizes to the manual space age where there's a full description of all dysfunctions. Once the script is downloaded. Simply go to script in toolbar, in juice to run script, but by selecting opening it from its location. This is the main dialog box. That's correct. Toolbox similar to these ones here. Simply What's the previous stools? Body Full is set to create proxy from static objects is seen here. To general approx it. Simply click on this button to correct process. In this scene, we can't have four identical shares is a mash by turning one of them into a proxy can instance ing them. It will make your rules in much lighter and quickly surrender. As mentioned earlier. Here we have the option to convert the process of static objects. Animated PRS. PRS stands for position, rotation and static. Here we have the option for animated informations. Old geometry. This section allows users to automatic with select multiple objects in the scene by the minimum and maximum number of faces off each selected object by nearly in the years size filters. You can also slap objects in the scene by their minimum and maximum dimensions when creating process. Did four option? It's quite from selected objects in the scene. Only he can change it to all geometry to create proxies from all the geometry in the scene . Dysfunction in close, always and subjects. This pension ignores hidden objects. While the process have been courageous, this option automatically convert similar objects into instances. Instance. Copies are lot quicker to render than simple copies. Dysfunction Converts Group Objects is a single proxy file on the polygon reduction to default messages. Settled multi resolution. The fort one of 500 says the average number of verses displayed in a vehicle to be quite smooth optimizers lived in displaying of people that's changing to 300. Instead, either skin cheese optimizer is lucid, explain of import as multi rails or pro up to either on the match type. He just can choose from source or any of the list of types in here again. These are for display purposes in the people on it. If you had to choose a custom master, then you would have had to pick an existing proxy. Imagine is seen to be displayed as a mass type. The Save Objects function allows users to choose harder. Proxies will be generated. It's set to sail objects altogether by default. However, he's a skint used to save by group by layer or individual. In a message stool spot on a reference falls, he can set the location where the proxy far should be saved into. Otherwise, you will be saved in a default fall. By clicking this button, you will open the current folder. This button removes the news proxy phones, and this button collects reference files to Spartan selects boxes in the scene. This button brings original mashes with materials and modifiers back into the scene. This one automatically rulings boxes to current Fullers. Two Spartan drillings proxies to new fall. This one's Lex boxes with missing rough users and this button open The proxy reference falls back in the great processed er, less clicking the generate proxies button while one of the chairs is selected. Click yes to accept the general proxies. This is a process created with diversity displayed in the importer 300 in a managed to all star. Here we have the Reference Notes name, which is the name of the original chair. On the reference file, you have to direct your weather process. Reference follows save into by clicking this, but you can change the proxy for location. The X reference made function is gonna reference in the original materials from its location saved no longer from this open scene, show an example that's put unusual editor and isolate. A proxy chair can click under next exit desolation in a sign of different materials to the chair, followed by clicking to render again, as you can see even do. A new material was assigned to the chair. The original materials were rendered because the X reference met function is still enabled . That's disable the X reference malfunction on rendering again, As you can see with the ex reference mode function, disable the materials are now being roofers from the scene, which is amazing. Let's enable the extra fit function again in a man. Still stab is Mission Aaliyah. This button brings back the original mashup textures and modifies. Click on it to bring back the mash and except to bring the original object is he can see the chair. MASH has been brought back to the original material on its original location is an example . Let's make the floor surface, which is a floor generator Modify applied to it. Next, go to the great proxy sister neglect general process. The average versus value was said to 300 this water surface displaying of you boys of a dropped to bring the regional mash with the material and modify applied. Simply click on this button s previously town. As you can see, the floor match was brought back to the material and modify approve, its replied, which is an amazing feature and currently the passing the market. Next, select a chair is previously done. Go to the create process time increasing reverses. The father living creates proxy. I select the chair de select the use proxies Runda button collector ever again is again see by de selecting the use proxies in there under button. The polygon reduction has been using the view port like the use proxies. Render button again in Quitman before sending the fund Orender. Let's copy instances, proxy it around the table and delete the original mass chairs as a final example to see how the minimum and maximum number faces his work. Let's start by creating four spheres of several copies so that all four spheres and click to generate proxies. It's Max Cryptology is a warning that no objects in the scene will fund. With this minimum number of faces, the series of less than 1000 faces each click OK to close a dollar decrease the minimum number of faces to one instead, so that all spheres and clicked general process again. As you can see, the proxy was not generated. This has happened because the minimum number of faces was set to one, but the average number of verses is still at 500. Local objects often have less than 500 verses, on average for D C average number of verses to 100. These two pointers are totally dependent on one another. It's let all full spheres in clicked General proxies again. As you can see, the process have now being generated this function to convert copies to process. Also Converse a copied Sears. Two instances of one another. Back in John Main scene, let's check to find Orender. This is a fun run, which was rendered a lot quicker because of the instance Foxes. I hope you find this tool useful like and share it and hopes 22. Verge3d with 3ds max L: thats Jimmy here. Welcome to the session of his technical services. This session I'll be taking you through the process of creating eye catching instructive abs using an amazing plaguing called verse treaty. First Reedys compatible with V. S Max 2018 and above. It's also available for Blender and Maya, so without fried Redux, let's start by opening through this maxi named car start dot max, followed by Googling the name first reedy and clicking on this link. Seen here. This is the websites is you scrolled on in this step? We have diversion of those three D for blender In this step, we have division three years, Max, and this stuff for my two pups is sexist lies. We can't use verse really for three DS max to download it. Simply click on this tab here. Also have numerous step by step rituals here and hard to use it. Once the software is downloaded, simply double click and store it. Once I was told, Restart suggests Max most everyday should appear. When you're told what has seen here, it's mentioned earlier. Bush Reading works best with three s next 2018. Currently, it's only compatible. Three. It's Max physical materials in standard lighting. Just start up in the material editor by clicking on this button here to load up the physical material. Shader Simple Take When this struggle in, choose to shade in the material process hollow. Next that sees a material preset by clicking here in choosing the red sports car Pain from the list to name the material slot selected. Preset name right click induced a copy to text in Paris in the name field by default. The material model. Gissin. Time set to stand. It is the best to advance, as he currently is, almost set it up to advance. In order to have access, the Reflections group can other important functions. Copy the base color Swatch and Pacey under the reflections and make it slightly darker by clicking. Been holding his color Swatch and change is fun, you say Scroll down to check the remaining settings. Here you have the description of each deal loaded in perspective. People rightly here in Giusti Edge faces option disruption. We let you see the selected objects in the view port. Select the car body in a scientist material to it. Next, select the glass area. It's currently grouped, Go to the group Sue Bar in just Opened group Victor Glass Object. Select a new material slot and load. A new physical material s previously done. She's a glass solid geometry pre set as opposed to the glass in geometry. Brass in geometry is mostly applied to glass surfaces such as window glass and tables. Experience. We done copied attacks and place it under them still slot name and assign into the car glass for the car. Highlights that Scarpetta class material by dragon into the next lot in naming it. Let's change the material mode to advanced because you want the headlights to be self eliminated. That's increased the mission and value to about 0.19 is again. See the glass materials slightly brighter them. Assign into the headlight object in the seat. Next, let's select a ream objects in the scene, followed by selecting a new material slot and loading a new physical materials Previously done in material preset due to call material. Let's rename this material as chrome changes space color swatch dark gray in changing until motor advance, the next material be against create is a plastic material in the View port. Select his front part of the car and maximize of U boat selected guard rooms again, and it's signed it. Crawl material to select the front. Bar that car again in a new material. Slop Loved. The physical material is previously done and cheese a rubber mature preset from the list crop in pace a preset name in the materials law Because you want a plastic material to be really dark. Best click on it's refreshing color swatch and changing but darker color to reduce reflectivity double quick and was your editor to maximize next decrease of roughness values until you see the sheen coming through the surface. Also, let's make the base color completely dark. Selected car fenders and assigned a rubber must feel to it a sanity. The ties as well. Next. Clicking a customised tool ball into user preferences. Option from the list on the general tab increased the CNN deal levels of 500. This would allow you to undo up to 500 levels in case you making a steak under false step. Let's increase the backup intervals to 30 minutes, depending on the far side. Sometimes it's best to increase the auto backup interval times if the max politics too long to save clicker pray to close a dollar. Next, let's create a camera. By clicking this command, I can select a camera button flow by clicking and dragging it in the top. The airport. Right, great toe exit creation, right. Clicking cheese to move to love and adjusted camera accordingly opened modified panel and change it to a freak out. This will give you the flexibility to move the camera freely. The large target constraint is unlike the report and knew the camera up to eye level or 1.64 meters in a prospective you poor change of you to the selected camera. Next, we're going to load the next year. I'm a to the environment map. Before we do so, click on the plus tax. It just configured vehicles under the display performer. Stand change of you. Poor background to one father 500 pixels. If he's not set to that size, already high five years will be sharper. However, it may slow down your computer under the background tab, changes can function to use environment background in clicked applied active, you next click on running to bar in choosing environment option from the list. Alternatively, simply for us eight and a keyboard pro by clicking environment map double in your browser. Click and a bit wrapped in Jesus SGR image. Unlock this padlock and said his display scale colors to 10. This finding work will K for this exercise, however, feel free to enter different values if you wish. Next, dragon drop is tuggle into an empty until slot into user instance. Method. It's great lights. Let's click on the lights. Come on, button. Those treating works mainly with standard light, such as target sports, Free sport, target direct, free, direct and on the lights. For the purpose of this exercise, let's selected on the light in creating the scene moving. Adjust the light followed by going into the modified panel to enable the shadows. Simply check the shadows. Function here, scroll down to see for the 1st 3 D like parameters. Most of these parameters were world by default. When it's seen is exported to Verse three D. The shadows may look dark with unusual Rectify this simple, increasing emission values of a specific juror slightly as previously done because you want this scent of interactive, we're going to correct buttons to be later used to change the material of the car body. It's correct. The first button investigated the shapes Command in Jews to circle. In a front report, click and drag to correct the circle. Go to modify panel, as mentioned earlier. Most light materials and objects will come with the adversary. Need parameters as seen here, increase its interpellation to make the circle smoother. Moving positions circle so it's in front of the camera, expanded parameters and reduce its radiance to make it smaller. This for position again. Next up in Michelle Edison, select the red carpet material in Copied a Texan eight. Followed by placing it in a circle object name field and a text subject in front of a summation earlier is crucial to name materials and objects accordingly related. Pick them in verse. Three D heart explode. Modifying an increase in mind to five millimeters to copy it while selected. Hold on the shift key and moved a circle down after named blue. Here, an object changes object color to blue by clicking here in changing its color, change this circle color to red. Next, let's create a new material slot by dragging and dropping this red material. Id the name blue here and changes color. Salute Sandis material to the Blue Circle Object. Copy the last circle and name it Yellow Object Genius Scholar is previously done great in yellow material. Using the same approach is before before exporting is seen to 1st 3 D Click anniversary detail bar into disruption to sneak peek thistles. A quick preview off the final result. Next, go to diverse arena toolbar into inception to run APP manager. It's creating new at Click on this icon here and name it accordingly. Accepted four settings is it can see a new apus created every time and I piss created. It goes into the specific folder is senior. It's often under your local C drive. Users uses first reedy and applications Inside Applications folder he can see only UPS created is again See a temporary guilty F All in three DS Max World was automatically created under the name off the They need to be overridden with our own Julius Max Fall and Guilty fo. It's great puzzles coding for this new happy. We need to click on this button here before we start quoting puzzle codes. We need to first export country desk Maxine as a GLT fr former back in three DS max. Go to diverse really toolbar and just export to jail TF in export dollar. Make sure to override the placeholder far off to my script. Traitor under the name card Jamie back in the APP manager thinking a puzzles button to load up the recently exported for this puzzle. Space Age is unique in truly groundbreaking diseases. Don't need any experience in Cody to grow amazing interactive and immersive applications. The puzzles list is broken down into events. Slouches, objects, materials, animations, cameras, scenes time. HTML. They are the R sound video physics, post processing to our bloom and other it. Thanks. You also have logic loops and all these other features listed here. Let's start by quitting on these events. Puzzles double click on this event here to select it. Dis event is to one plea to do something for the purposes exercise. We want one click to go to the selectors puzzles under selectors, where the number of functions that's double click on select an object function trade and fitted to one click puzzle. Click on none to pick the object from the Maxine Victor Brush Metal Road object from the list. This is why it's so important to name objects and materials. According there he NOTTs Maxine So one click. Don't brushed Metal Road object. We want to do something. Click on the treeless puzzles in just a sign to disposal. As you can see, there are also other puzzles to place takes you set color and much more for the prostitutes . Exercise reaches in the assignment. You'll puzzle That's dragon fitted here to connect with this puzzle in assigned material. Best use another selective puzzle on the selector material. Choose this puzzle dragon fitted to assign them to a puzzle. Clicking Jews a road sports car. Pain from the list again. This is why it's utterly important to name objects and materials according to this vaccine . In this section, two objects begin to find the white puzzle. To fit into it. Click the select disposal under the select An object Cheers. It's puzzle and fitted to the objects puzzle. If disposal wasn't Christ, he wouldn't feeling click. Sometimes you need to go through the list of puzzles to see what fits flicking this puzzle inches the car body object from the list in summary. When you click in this brush metal red object, the assigned material to red sports car paint links the object car body this from generalities were applied to the red button. Next, we're going to get these puzzles and applied into the blue and yellow buttons to duplicate the entire self puzzle simply right quick under specs. Item to set into use it duplicate the entire self puzzles in our duplicated. Next, you're simply going to replace the name of objects in the tools accordingly. In here, let's change this brush metal red object to the brush metal blue objects in here toe one plate on this brush metal blue objects. We assigned his blue sports car paint material here to the same Carboni object. Let's say that coding created so far by clicking this safe but one saved the bottom will turn grey. Let's duplicate the last self puzzles again and repeat the same for this yellow button. Here. Let's save the changes again and click the play. But now we can click these buttons to see how the coding is working. We can also never get around the scene as mentioned earlier. We can use the same approach for textures, lighting, animation, e commerce and much more. We don't want to be a program. These African go on a website or sent his links to clients. It's contact me for more information about this happened. This concludes our tutorial, but really hope you found the situation useful like in Sharat Theo. 23. Q Proxies with 3ds Max part 2: Hello everyone, welcome to another session in this textbook surfaces. In the previous two, we'll explore some of the main key proxies promises. How cookies quite proxies while retaining its modifiers and much more as mentioned earlier, this plug-in works with any rendering engine. Second part series. It will be showing you how to quickly create proxies of needing one gigabytes file with a click of a button using amazing precise. So without further ado, let's start by checking the current size of this 3S maxval is, you can see this file as 850 megabytes in size. This massive size is mostly because of the trees and cars. And see, before we begin proxying the trees and cars, that's lectin first column by clicking this button to isolate the selection, let's maximize a top view. Some of these trees are instances, as you can see here, to check how many faces and polygons under scene, let's click on this plus sign here. Induced to configure the vehicles, go to the statistics tab, enabled total plus selection to show statistics in. And if you apply an okay is it can see the scene is almost 15 million polygons, which will slow down. You can feature renders drastically. As previously shown, define Q proxies simply Google the name and go to this website. In a website, we have the video tutorial with information about the plug-in audited Tools link and a script manual. Here we have a link to get the full version to light version or the trial version. Once downloaded and unzipped, simply go to description toolbar, induced a run script followed by openness script, the script dialogue should pop up crow toolbar button of this script. Simply watch my other spine dynamic tutorial. As you can see, the minimum number of phases object is set to 100 and the maximum is up to 50 million faces. And wave formation by these parameters simply watched the previous key processes sooner. Let's start by selecting all the trees first, while one of the trees are selected, hold under control key and draw a rectangle selection by clicking and dragging it to select large gloms onto trees at once. Next, go to the presets pulldown menu. Here we have the precessed proxies, rocks and trees, vehicles, static vehicles, animation, vegetation, vegetation animators, sculptors and statues, and animated characters. Let's choose a vegetation presets. As you can see, most of these firms as having great art and a mesh type was automatically change to convex hull type. Default mesh type was from source to convert a selection to proxy, simply click the January proxies button here, click Yes to generally proxies and yes continue. It may take few minutes. Here has generated tree proxies. Next, let's select cast in a scene. Choose a vehicle static preset in clicked generate process to trees and cars have all been turned into proxies now. And the oscillation button automatically exit it. Let's check out, optimize the MAX file is now, as you can see here, the file went from 850 megabytes to 348 in few minutes, which is amazing Indeed. Here the bruxism when the input is, it can see its quite easy to novae case and much faucets retina result. I really hope you find this tool useful, like comment and share it, and I'll see you in the next one. 24. SubSpline for 3ds Max: Hello everyone. I'm Jamie, welcome to another session of his textbook sepsis and this session of introducing you to an amazing script tools exploit. As the name suggests, the script works mainly with splines and allows you to scroll and array of different types of selection in material ideas with great ease. So without further ado, let's start by downloading it first, topping the spawn dynamics and press enter in a website. Let's get to the products tab and choose a subsequence. This is a quick tutorial on how to use it, is you scroll down, we have mentioned about the scripts. Pays a link to open a script manual page. Let's right-click and choose the open the link in a new tab. Here we have a very detailed description each of the functions do. Back on the main page. Let's click on this button to get the script post download the vacuum max, click on a script into Bob and choose to run script. Let's pick out, download the script here, open it is the subsequent allo. It's toolbar button here. Let's go to the customize toolbar mars interface on a toolbox tab. Choose this point dynamics command from the sketch Coriolis, select a subsequent action and click the New button here, it's crow any button. And I'm the new toolbar and pledges somewhere on a main toolbar. Let's start by creating a rectangle spot in a vehicle. To say, well the snap tool by open the modifier and increase rectangle size in the viewport. Right-click and choose to beef. This button allows us is to see the vertex number in a vehicle. It only works on multiple slides. By clicking on any of these editable spine buttons, it will convert the spot into S plus five. Click Yes to converse it. As you can see, the vertex numbers are now being shown in a vehicle with a spot enabled. If you unclick it to vertex numbers will disappear. This button displays them Zola, the numbers in the vehicles. By default we are wooden material or D number assigned to all spoiled segment. This segment as unseal ID number one on it. Same for this one. This one and this one here, the material ID numbers are being represented in a gradient color. And in segment r, d numbers here, here, here. And here. You can select segments individually by enabling this button and selecting a segment interview poops, or by dragons collections across the board to multiple segments in the viewport. This button allows ease is automatically grow the number of segments liked it in by clicking on it or click this button to shrink or reduce the number of segments selected. This button will set selections in a vehicle, but segment needs to be selected first. You just can't offset selection foods or backwards. This button selects the segments randomly. Increasing this value. The number of random selections. This button sets the number of sections by click by element only. This section is to select material ID numbers. This section is to set from Sheila de numbers, let's say each segment with a different ID number, topic number two, and press enter to set the segment material. Idea number two is again, see the numbers change from number one to number two. A quicker way to sell material ID number is to simply select a segment in click one of these buttons, just a number that connects segments and set it to material are dealing with three. Slept there next segment has said it's Mozilla. As mentioned earlier. For these changes to take place, the segment button needs to be enabled along with them, Sheila de button. Now we have this segment with them. Sheila de Number one is one we'd material ID number t, discounted material or D number three. And this one Mozilla, D number. For. Now we can use a selected range button to Slight 15 material ID numbers. Next, let's select multiple segments. Hold down the Shift key and a keyboard and move to copy them across flight one other segments and click on the Copy ID button to copy. Slit another segment and click the button to pace until ID. You can see in the viewport to Mozilla, D number four was changed to material or d number one, district make every apply to any of the segments. Here's an example of a scene I've created for clients using the subsequent scripts. Subsequent was used in conjunction with a plugin called ROHC law. Older dot work seen here to show how they're created, let's start by selecting an isolating oneself dot well first, this is one example we're going to recreate. Let's hide it in news original spawning a viewport enabled them to IDs and the segments button does y needs to be selected in vehicle at first click OK. Now we can see Oldham Teilhard de numbers previously creativity, quote, adopt. For the purpose of this exercise, Let's let this group of segments first and sets material ID number to three. Let's select this other group of segments here and set them to LA D number 21. Now we have one group of segments, wouldn't steal IT. Number one, tool ID number t and material IT number three. It's quote didn't work. Let's go to the Query Panel and primitives. Cheesy IT software from the list selector world cone button, followed by clicking and dragging in a VIP which create the icon. Open modify panel, and click on this button to open a dollar lets students a cylindrical Doctype, which is in a rock on library under the industrial ductile. Click to impose selected. And okay, the units mismatched allo, underpay Songjiang. Click the splines button and select the spawning report. To that work is created to display set top boxes by default. Let's change it to quick mesh for more accurate previous reports. And click the Edit button to open the dialogue like this item generator and opened the limit tab. Enabled them to an id function to limit the ducks surface to Missoula d number one, only under the padding group, set the end value to about 15 millimeters. As you can see, this duct work is only affecting this material ID number one. Let's change a viewport displayed to shade it to see the material. While the rural Karnataka is still selected in the vehicle, press control v and keyboard to copy it in a clone options dialog, choose to copy. Change it up, work style in the sauna, different material number type. Let's click on this button again and choose a different ducks though. Once criteria, click on that it's a button. Again, select the item generator and certainty and ID limit to three. Enabled them to t function is you can see now the new Duckworth is only affecting the aims with them till id number three is, let's selecting copy another row called object in the vehicle. Choose a cylindrical deck, again, open to style. It is a one small. Set them to Lai De limit to number two and enable them to ID function under patting set to start to 300 millimeters and yen to 200 millimeters. As you can see, now we have 123 on objects affecting different between ID's previously set by the subsequent script. Let's use the select query decal to select all three material IDs in the spline, unlock it first, and set the maximum of the three, followed by clicking in the ID arrange button. And the set button, we can choose how different sets of duct work should line up along the spine. 0s in these materials are D number sets. We use this resource IDs button to reverse back to the original set exits oscillation mode. This is how most of the world was created in the scene. I really hope you find this tool useful, like comment and share it. And I hope to see on an x-ray.