1. Welcome to 30 Day Watercolor Challenge: When was the last time you took a little time for yourself? Art can be a
beautiful avenue for self care that you
might not have considered on a daily basis. I find inspiration in the
millions of things and all those inspiring
things motivates me to invest some time in
art practice every day. This routine has
remarkably advanced my skills and brings
me a tranquil sense of peace at the end of the
day. Hello friends. My name is Danina Anabel. I'm an artist, an art
instructor, and an author. My first encounter with watercolor happened when
I was at the age of five, and I vividly remember those circular shaped
watercolor cakes. The joy of that
discovery has been the driving force behind my enduring love
for this Meteum. Watercolor, without any doubt, is a truly remarkable
metium offering pure joy. As you wet the paper and witness the mesmerizing blends
and effects that unfold, join me on a
creative journey for 30 days and discover the joy
of painting with watercolor. In this class,
we'll together try 30 beautiful winter landscapes. Each painting is a
world of its own, giving you plenty
of opportunities to master new color
combinations and techniques from of monochrome to the breathtaking beauty
of northern lights. We'll be exploring a broad range of paintings in this class. This class is more than
just the final outcome. It's about investing
time in yourself, relishing a creative journey, and establishing
a creative habit. Before we start, I will explain about the verticlar
supplies in detail. At the beginning
of every painting, I will talk about the
colors you will need. Then we'll also try some
alternate color options if you don't have the
same color I'm using. Each painting in
this challenge will take you only 20 to 25 minutes, allowing you to easily incorporate them in
your busy routine. If you're ready for a
journey into creativity, join me on this 30 day
verticlar challenge and let's create together.
2. Class Overview: Thanks Emelin for joining me. Welcome to a delightful 30 day journey of
water color painting. Before we get started,
I would like to provide you an idea
about the class and how it is organized so you are well aware of what to
expect in the days ahead. As you all already
know, this class is designed as a
daily challenge. Meaning you will paint a
project with me every day. Each painting will take you
somewhere 20-25 minutes, or maybe a little more, but
not more than 30 minutes. If you can't make it every
day, that's totally fine. You can paint them
on the weekends or whenever you find some time. For me, it is more
about you all enjoying the process and having a
wonderful painting experience. So it's totally fine if
you miss a day or two, pace yourself and
enjoy the process. Now coming to the class, I'll start by explaining
all the materials you will need from the brushes to
the paper to the paint. I'll talk about everything. And straight from there, we
will go with one's painting. I don't want to show
the empty collection, I want to keep that
as a surprise. But I'll show you
some of my favorites. Here's one, I just love
this color palette. It is very bright and pleasant. I love painting
sunny winter days. Now there is another one
with the same color palette. There is one more
which also goes in a similar kind
of color palette. This one here, you can see here, it's the same kind
of color compinion, but then the composition
is entirely different. So one of the major things
you will explore in this class is how to make
your own compositions. Here is one of my
other favorites. I love the sunset and
those beautiful colors. So this one is a bright
and stunning sunset. Now on the other
hand, we'll also try some simple soft sunsets
like this one here. That's not it. We have
more stunning sunsets. Here is another one. This one
is one among my top five. I love those colors.
Just sunsets. We will also try some
stunning northern lights. I love painting northern lights. And we'll try three
or four of them. Here's another one. It's a
different color composition. You can see how unique
and beautiful they are. Now there is another one, which is another
favorite of mine. I love that textured
green background and the stunning snowy ground. We also have some
very simple paintings like this one painting, those mountains are real fun and I'm very excited for that. Now there is another one which is more like a
monochrome painting. We have more beautiful
snowy mountains. Here's another 21 against a
beautiful northern lights. And another one with
a cute red cabin. I will just show you one more. This one is my other favorite. You can do this painting
in less than 20 minutes. I love those gorgeous colors
and the softness of the sky. Now, before we start
with every painting, I will introduce
you to the colors. We will try them out
and I will also tell you alternate options if you don't have the same
color I'm using here. So yeah, that is what
the class is all about. You can expect to
paint this stunning winter landscape every day. As each day unfold, your confidence in your
articular journey will flourish. And I can't really
to join you in the joy of painting
for the next 30 days.
3. Materials you'll need: Before we start with
first days painting, let's have a look at the
materials you will need. I will start with the paper. Here's the one I'm
going to use for this NPR challenge.
It is from Canson. Canson is a very popular brand, and they have a lot of
varieties of paper. This one is from their
heritage series, and it is a co pressed
aticlar paper. You can see the details here. It is 140 LB and it is pressed, and it is also 100% cotton, which is very important
when you're doing aticular projects
because watercolor is mostly about water control and making a background
steve it for a longer time using a good quality artist
grade aticular paper, which is specifically
designed for aticlor is really important. If the paper is not good enough, you might not really enjoy the process and it can
become a little frustrating. Please be sure to go with the
good quality aticlar paper so that you have a
wonderful painting time. Now here's the size
I'm going with. This one is 12 centimeter
by 15 centimeter. I have composed all of my
paintings in this format. You can make it a bit
bigger or a bit smaller. That's totally
fine. Okay, that's all about the aticlar paper. The next thing I'm going to talk about is the water colors. I will be using verticlar tubes. You can use tubes or
pants. It's totally fine. At the beginning
of every painting, I will talk about the colors
you will need in detail. I will show you swatches and I will also talk about
alternate color options. If you don't have the
same color I'm using, I just want to tell
you, don't stress out. If you don't have the
exact same color, just go with any color
that is nearly similar. Okay, now the next thing you will need is a mixing palette. Obviously to mix your colors. This one is a ceramic
mixing palette. You can go with any
palette of your toys. Now, coming to the brushes, I'll be using six
different brushes for this tier challenge. Let's have a look
at each of them. The first one is
a 1 " wash brush. I'll be using this brush to
apply a coat of water onto the background whenever we are trying a wet
on wet technique. The second one is a
size number 12 brush. This one is to
paint bigger areas. It could be a sky
or any background. That's the second brush
you will need now. The next one is a
half inch flat brush. This one is to apply
paint onto the sky, mostly whenever we
need a clean plant. Now we have three more brushes, which are 300 bushes. The first one is
size number eight, then I have size number six
and also size number two. Size number 8.6. Is to add
paint onto the background. Size number two is to add
all those minute details. All right, so those are
the brushes I'll be using. All of these brushes are
from the brand silver brush. Don't worry about the
brand or the size. Go with any brush you have got which is nearly similar in size, it doesn't need to
be exactly the same. The next material you will
need is two chars of water. One has to stay clean and the other one is to resolve
the paint from your brush. Then you will need a
masking tape to fix your paper onto your table
or onto a drawing board. This is the one I'll be using. It's a very normal masking tape. I got it from a
stationary store. You can use a washi
tape or any other tape. Now, for almost
all the paintings, I'll fix my paper onto
my table directly, but only for a few of them. Especially when we're
trying Northern Lights. We our paper on spine board. It can be any board where
you can fix your paper onto. We'll have to lift it and
we'll have to turn it around so that the colors will blend into each other naturally. It can even be a magazine. The idea is you'll have to
lift it and turn it around. Finally, you will
need a pencil eraser. We'll have to add
some light sketches for that. You will
need a pencil. Then you'll also need
a paper towel or a cotton cloth to dab off the excess amount of
water from your brush. Okay, that summarize
all the materials you will need for this
entire challenge. Keep them ready and join
me for the first painting.
4. Day 1 - Snowy Day: Hello dear friends.
Welcome to day one of 30 day
verticlor challenge. Here's the painting that
we're going to try today. It's a very simple,
pretty snowy landscape. First, I will start by
introducing you to the colors. I will start with
the color which I have used to be in the snow, the color I have used for the snow and the sky is different. The color you see
here at the bottom, this one is ultramarine blue and the one I have used for
the sky is cerulean blue. The one I'm going to
use here is from scene, you can go with any
ultramarine blue you have got. That's a first color paints know the best color is
always ultramarine blue. But if you don't have
ultramarine blue, just go with any
other blue hub cart, it could be plu blue, prussian blue, cobalt
blue, or any other blue. Okay, so that's a first color. The second color I have
here is Serulin blue. You can see the use for the
sky that is Serulin blue. It's a beautiful blue. It is absolutely okay to use the same color for
the sky and the snow. You can use ultramarine blue or any other blue which
you're using for the snow. For the sky as well,
that's totally fine. Here's the color
I'm going to use. It's a beautiful blue. I love to use this color for my day skies. Okay, that's a second color. Now coming to the next one, it is a mix of sap,
crine, and vermin. You can see the use for those landscape in
the background. It's a mix of sap,
creen and vermin. That's a color, it's more
like a olive green color. If you have olive
green with you, you can use it directly. You don't need to mix
and create this color. We need a green that
is not too fresh. That's the reason why I'm mixing some vermin with sap green. These are the two
colors I'll be using. Vermin is from Shinhan and sap green is
from white nights. Okay, That's a third color. Now the next color you
will need is paint screen. We'll be using this color to
add the deep pertoones for that cabin as well as to add some deepertones along the
bottom part of the landscape. I'll be using paint screen. Okay. That's our fourth color. Now you will need
which is white. We'll use a mix of vermin and
white to add these trees. Also, you can use white to
fix the shape of the roof. Okay, now I missed a swatch or vermion which is the color
I'll be using for the cabin. It's a mix of vermin and
a bit of paints gray. And that's why it is
looking more like a brown. You can use brown or burn
cena or even crimson. I'll just use a mix of vermin
and a bit of paints gray. Okay, that will give
you a nice brown. We just need some
brownish or reddish tone. It can be brown or burna
crimson or any kind of red. Okay. Color you see here is a mix of vermaline and
a bit of paints gray. All right, so that summarize all the colors you will
need for this painting. Here is a closed look. We have ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, olive green
paints gray and vermin. Now, just in case we have
olive green with you, you can use it directly. This one is from Vancok. This one is very similar to
the color we created here. So if we have a similar
color with you, there is no need to mix
and create that again. Okay, so we had a
look at the colors. Now it's time to
begin this journey. All right, so I have
my paper ready here. Now, I'm going to start
by adding the sketch. The first thing you have
to add is a straight line. I'm adding that a bit below
the center of the paper, so the top part is the sky and the bottom is going to
be the snowy ground. Next, we need to
add a tiny cabin. It's a very simple shape. I'm not going to go
with a lot of details. It's more like a tiny up. All right. So that's it.
That's how we catch. Now as you're painting, we'll add some landscape
in the background. For now, this is all we need. Now before you start,
make sure you have all the colors ready
on your palette. The first color you will
need is ultramarine blue. Keep it ready on your palette. Once it is ready, you can apply coat of water onto the ground. Okay? Just a shiny
coat of water. Don't add a lot
that is evenly wet. Now to apply the paint, I'm using a smaller brush. This one size number six n rush. You can go with any of
your medium sized to brush and I'm adding some water. I want a medium tone. It should not be too
dark or too light. Okay? Now, if you feel like
your paint is too watery, dab it on a paper
towel before you start because our
background is wet. And if you apply the paint, it will start spreading a lot. To control the way
it is spreading, always make sure to dab your
brush on the paper towel now onto the bottomost corner
adding some paint. Then I'm just randomly
adding some lines, some thick lines,
onto the background. You can see here, I'm
leaving some cap in between, which is really, really important when you're
painting snow. When you're painting snow, you have to retain some
of the paper white. The snow, is that paper white? Right now, I'm
adding the shadows. Okay, now I'm going
to clean my brush. And I'm diving that
on a paper towel now with a clean brush, I'm just merging those patterns to give it a softer
and smoother look. Maybe we can add some more
paint onto this corner. And also a little here. Okay, that's a background. If you want to add some more
lines, you could do that. But try to retain some
of the paper white, which is actually what
depicts the snow. Okay. That is it. That's a snowy ground. Now, we can leave it for drying. Whenever I'm painting snow, I always use a blow dryer. I don't leave it for drying because I feel when I
leave it for trying, I end up losing
those paper white. By the time it dries, it will
start spreading a bit more. I will end up having
very little paper wide. I mostly use a blue dryer, especially when
I'm painting snow. Okay. Otherwise I don't use it. Anyway, it has dried and
that's how it has turned out. You can see how soft and
smooth it is looking. Now the next task is
to paint the sky. Before you start,
you'll have to make sure you have all
the colors ready, so you will need cerulean blue, then some sap green and vermin. We're going to mix these
two colors together to create a color that is
more like olive green. You will also need some paints gray to add the deeper tones. Which means you
will have to have four colors ready
on your palette, which is cerulean blue, sap, green, vermin. And paints gray. We're going to paint the sky and add the background
elements together. You have to have
your colors ready. Now, I'm going to
start by applying code of water onto the sky. I'm going to leave
out the cabin. I'm not going to add
any water onto that, but if you accidentally add any water, that's totally fine. Anyway, we can fix the roof by going with some white paint. Okay. My background
is evenly wet. Be sure not to add
a lot of water. We don't need any pools. We just need a shiny coat of
water. That's all we need. Okay. Next I'm going to go
with my medium sized Nh. This one is size number
eight. Make sure it's clean. Okay. Now I'm going with a
medium tone of cerulian plume. You can see the color.
It's not too light. I want a very bright
and beautiful sky. Now when I'm applying the paint, I will use a medium
tone on the top. As I'm coming down,
I will just add some lines leaving
some gap in between. Okay, so that's a color I'm using with any blue
of your choice. And start with a
similar tonal value. Okay, so that's a top part. Now I'm picking some water
with a slightly lighter tone. I'm just adding some lines onto that wet background so you can see the way
how I'm adding it. Just the same way how I
painted the snowy ground. I'm leaving some paper
white in between. Looks like there's a lot
of water on my brush. I'm dabbing that
on a paper towel. The slightly dry brush, I'm just munching it. I don't want them
to spread a lot. I will end up having
no white in between. Okay. So that's how
it has turned out. If you want to add a few more
lines, you could do that. I think maybe I can
pick some more paint and add one or two lines which
are a bit more prominent. The ones I added earlier
are not really prominent. Okay, Anyway, that's a sky. Now let's clean the brush and quickly start hiding
the landscape. Otherwise, it will dry up
and it won't look blurry. Okay, go the mix of sap, green, and a bit of vermalion. The color can be different.
That is totally fine. Now go the paint which
is not too watery. You can see the
weight is spreading. That's the color I'm using now, just add some random shapes. Here go the similar
size or even smaller. Don't make it too big because
they will start spreading and it will end up becoming much more picker
than what you need. Okay, go the mix of sap, cream, and vermin, and just keep on adding some shapes here
towards the cabin. I'm making them shorter
towards the left. I'm making it a bit more higher. Okay. Now let me
finish up that shape. It is nothing complicated. It is a very simple step, but there are two things
you have to keep in mind. The first thing is
you have to add them while your
background is still wet. The next thing is you
should go with the paint, which is not too watery. Also, try to use different
shades of green. You can see at some places
it is looking more brownish. At some places it
is more greenish. This will add a lot of realistic character
to your painting. One more thing. At some places
you can make it higher. All those things will add more realistic character
to your painting. Okay, that's a left side. Now, in a similar
way, I'm going to add paint on the
right side as well, but it looks like it has dry. I'm just going to
pick some water. Obviously on another brush, and I'm just adding a shiny
layer only at the bottom. Okay. That's enough. Now, we can start applying the paint. If your background is still wet, you don't need to do this. Mine has dried up, so I just applied a coat of water
only at that bottom line. Okay. When you're painting
the sky and the landscape, you have to be real quick. Otherwise it will end up drying. If it dries up, you won't
be able to get that blurry look for your landscape,
especially on the top. That is really important. Okay, now I'm just going to randomly add some
more taco tone onto the background
before it completely dries up with that same Calmix. I'm randomly
dropping in a bit of darker tone onto the background. See that? My idea is to create some texture
in the background. Next we can go the
slightly darker tone and add them along the bottom. We can see they're
very random shapes. I'm not putting a lot of effort here so just keep adding them. You can define the shape Asp. I mean that line if it's not per we can add that again
using that taco tone. Now just drop in your taco
tone along the bottom. Similarly on the
other side, Asp. Don't add a lot of darker tones. We need them only
along the bottom. Towards the top, we need
those medium tones. Okay. Only at the bottom. Introduce some tact. Then
you can smartch it into the background if you feel
it is too much. Okay? Or you can just drag your
brush towards a top like this to give it a softer look.
Okay. So that's it. That's a sky and the landscape. Now, we'll have to
leave this for drying. I'm really happy with
this painting except for one thing which is
this bleed here also. I have some in a way
I cannot fix it, so I'm just going to ignore it and I'm going to
leave it for drying. All right. So the background has tried and this is how it
is looking right now. You can take a closer look and see those landscape
we have added. I'm loving those. Check shoes and different sheets of green. Anyway, the next task
is to paint the cabin. For that, I'm squeezing
out some vermalion. We're going to paint
the side first. Instead of vermalion, you
can use brown or burn sina. I didn't want to introduce
a new color to the palette, so I'm just going to go with vermion to turn that
into a brown color. I will add some
paint screen to it. Okay, that's how I'm
going to create brown. You want a brownish color? We're not using vermion acids. Okay, Now I'm going to apply that color
onto this section. Cure. Go with any of
your smaller brush with the pointed tip and add that paint onto that
entire section. Now towards the bottom, go for an irregular line. Don't add a straight line. This will make it look like
there is some snow there. Add an irregular line
and then fill it up. Okay, That's a first section. You can see that irregular
line at the bottom. It's a simple detail, but it will make it look like
there is some snow there. Now, with the same H, I'm
picking some paints, gray. I'm adding some shadow
along this roof line. Okay. That's it. We are done with this section. I'm not going to wait
for this to dry. I'm going to paint the other section with a similar color. It's a mix of paint screen and vermillion. It's a daco tone. I'm going to fill up
the other section. If you want to wait for that
to dry, that's totally fine. You can come back
and add that later, but I don't think it
is really necessary. It is too far and you don't really need
to show those lines. Just go over that right away and add a Daco tune onto
the other section. Okay, that's a cabin. I'm really loving the colors
and the way it is looking. Now we have one more task for which I'm going to take
out some white paint. We need to define the roof and also we need to add
some final details. You just need white to waticlor. It doesn't need to be guage. Squeeze out some white
aticlor onto your palette. Now let's apply
that onto the roof. I'm not adding much water. I need a paint that is opaque. Carefully follow the outline and fill that roof
in white color. There's already some
paper white there, but I feel that outline
is not very clear. I'm just adding some more paint to define the shape better. Okay. That's a roof. If yours is fine, you don't need to add extra white paint. You can just leave the
paper white there. Okay. Now, I'm going to add a roof line
on the other side, just a thin white line. Okay? That's a snowy roof. Now, with the same paint, I'm going to add some trees, but I think for that I
will need a smaller brush. The trees we're going
to add are really far. It's good to go with
the smaller brush. Now I'm mixing some vermalion
and white with that, I'm just adding some
thin lines here, some thin, irregular
lines to make it look like those are
the tree trunks. Okay? Go with any of your
smaller brush or a pointed tip. These lines has to be
really thin and delicate. Okay. Now let's keep
on adding them. You can see how fine
and delicate they are. This brush is size number two. It has got a really
nice pointed tip and it works perfect
for these details. I'm just randomly adding them. I'm not putting a lot of effort. Just add a few onto either side with the tip of your
brush and fill it up. Okay, So the color I'm
using here as a mix of vermin and white. The vermin is looking
more like brown because I have added some
pants crean into it earlier. You can just go
with vermin acetus, or you can add white
with brown or burn sina. Either way we just need
a lighter tone here. The brown or vermin is
not really prominent. The major color is still white. Okay, I will add a few more with that will be
done with this exercise. All right. So I have
added the trees. If you want to add more,
you could do that. Maybe you can add a few more. Okay, now I'm going to clean my brush and I'm going
back with pain scra. We haven't added the door
opening with pain scra. I'm going to introduce
the door on this side. It's a tiny rectangle. Okay, that's a door. Now I'm going to add a white
outline for that. I'm leaving my brush, I can, I'm switching to white now
with the tip of my brush. I'm adding a tiny, delicate line on the top and
also on the left side. Okay, that's a cabin. Now there's one final task
which is completely optional. For that, I'm picking
some ultramarine blue, a really light tone. I'm adding some blue onto the
roof to show the shadows. This one is completely optional. You can either leave it as white or you can add some
shadow onto the roof. All right, so with that, we're done with our
painting for the day. Now it's time to peel
off the masking tape. Always peel off your
masking tape at an ankle. And before you do that, make sure your painting
has tried completely. So here's our first
snowy landscape. I really love the way
it has turned out. It's a very simple, yet
a beautiful painting. If you're able to try it, do you to try and let me
know if you liked it.
5. Day 2 - Walk in the Woods: Hello, dear friends.
Welcome back and welcome to date two. Today's painting is one of my most favorite from
the Tia collection. It's a very refreshing and
a beautiful color palette, and I think the details have
come out really nice way. Let's start by looking
at the colors. It's a very simple and
Abc color palette. I think you can guess it by looking at the painting itself. The very first color
you will need, ultramarine blue, which is the color I'll be
using for the snowy ground. This one is from Sineliar. Go with any ultramarine
blue you have got or Cabal blue or
any similar blue. We'll be using a lighter tone to add the snowy texture
on the ground. Okay. The next color you
will need is sap crane. You can see those trees and
foliage in the background. Sap green is one
of the major color you will need for this painting, that spree, it is from Shinhan. Now, along with sap green, you will also need some Vermlin. We will mix Vermelin
and Sap green together to create a
different shade of green. When you mix these
two colors together, you will end up getting
a beautiful green, more like a earthy green. If we have olive green with you, you can use that directly. Or you can mix some
sap green with vermlin and create
a similar color. We're trying to introduce
different shades of green in the background to
make it look more natural. Okay, so that's a third color. The next burn is pinscreen. We'll be using paint screen
to add some pertoons. I won't be using it assets. I'll mix that with green for the background, for the trees. I will mix that with brown. Okay, if you don't
have paint, scray, coor neutral tent or any similar color,
that's the fourth color. Now the next two colors you
will need vermin and brown. We already use vermin
along with green, but we'll also need that
color as it is for the trees. On one side of the tree, we
are going to use some orange. It can be vermin
or any orange you have caught on this side. Then along with that,
we will also use brown. I'll be using permanent brown. You can use permanent
brown or bernina, any brown you have
caught Along with that, we will also use some paint scray to add the deeper tones. So here's the color
I'm going to use. It's permanent brown
from art philosophy, it's a beautiful reddish brown. But even burn scena will work. Okay? So go with any
of those two colors, brown or burn sena. Alright, so that summarize all the colors you will
need for today's painting. Now let's give it a try. Okay, so my paper is ready. I have fixed it
down onto my table. Now I'm going to start by adding the sketch first I'm going to add a line sloping
towards the right side. Okay, so on the left
it is a bit higher, and towards the right
it is sloping down. You can go with
any kind of slope, It can be much more
higher or lower. Next, I'm going to add a few
trees onto the background. You can add them
wherever you want to. I will add the first
one on the left side. I'm adding that over here. I'm not showing the entire tree. I will only show the half of it. Okay. So that's the first tree. Now, I'm going to add the
second one right next to that. It's going to be a
huge thick tree. That's the thickness
I'm going with. Okay. That's my second tree. Now, I'm going to add one more. You can place it
wherever you like. Maybe you can add
that trek next to this or towards the right side. I'm going to add that over here. It's going to be a thinner tree as thick as the previous one. I'm placing that on the edge. Okay, That's the
thickness I'm going with. Okay, that's a sketch. If you want to go with two
trees, that's totally fine. You can skip the third one. Or if you want to add one
more, when that is fine. Okay, the sketch is ready. Now I'm going to start
applying the paint. The very first color you will
need is ultramarine blue. We'll use a medium tone of ultramarine blue to
paint the snowy ground. Keep that color ready on your
palette before you start. Once it is ready, you can start
applying a coat of water. On to the entire ground. All right. So I've applied
an even layer of water. Now to apply the paint, I'm using my size
number six arm brush. Go with any of your
medium sized arm brush. I'm starting with
a medium tone now. I will apply this. On
the bottomost corner, I'm in the right corner. And from there I will drag
my brush towards a tree. See that on this corner
I want a medium blue. Then on the rest of the area, I'm just going to add
some random lines. Okay, right next to the tree. I'm not going to
add a lot of paint. I want to read in most
of the paper white. You can just add few thoughts
or some small shapes. Okay, so that's the bottom part. Now I'm picking some more paint and I will make the corner
a bit more brighter. Because when the paint dries, it will look even more lighter. So it's a good idea to
go with a brighter tone. Okay, I have applied paint on the corner and I have applied some lines and some shapes
onto the background. Now, I will add a little over here and also a few lines
close to the other tree, they are not too prominent. Okay. Next I'm going
to dap my pressure on a paper towel and
with a dry brush, it leamudging those lines
to get a softer look. Don't put a lot of pressure. Be very gentle when
you're doing this step. Okay, That's it. I'm pretty happy with the way
it has turned out. Now let's leave it for trying. When it dries, it will
look really soft and smooth just in
case if you're not entirely happy with the
result. It's not a problem. When it dries, it will look
a lot more better, Okay? So that's how it has turned out. You can see how soft and beautiful the
colors are looking. Now, before we go
to the next step, I'm going to go back with ultramarine blue, a
really light tone. With that, I'm going to
add a few more lines. You can see the tonal value, it is really light. First I will add a line there. Then I will add a few lines next to the tree
in the background. I had added some lines
but they're not visible. You can see the tonal
value, It's really light. If you're adding them, go
with a similar tonal value. Okay, that part is done. Next we're going to
paint the greenery. And I will start
by Eplencota water onto the in between areas. The first color you
will need is blue. It can be any blue. The one I have here
is cerlan blue. I will apply that onto
the entire background. Then I will go with the grains. Before you start, you should
have all the colors ready. You will need any blue, then sap, cream, vermalin,
and some paints. Great to add the deeper tones. Once you have all the
colors ready, start by, apply cot of water
onto the background. Apply an even coat of
water. Don't add a lot. Okay, The background
is evenly wet. Now let's apply a coat of blue onto the entire background. The one I'm using
here is Lian blue. Go with a lighter tune, you can use any blue
of your choice. It can even be that ulta marine blue that
you used earlier. But go with a lighter,
don't make it too dark using any of
your bigger brush. Apply that onto the
entire background. It doesn't need to an
event simply apply that, don't worry a lot about it. You don't need to put
a lot of effort here. Simply fill that up
onto this wet layer. We will introduce all the greens while we're applying the paint. We will leave some
spaces in between. Those spaces will
look like the sky. Okay, that's a plan. Now I'm going to keep
this pressure side. I'm switching to my
size number eight rush. I will start with
the color that's a mix of green and Vermalin. The color we tried earlier, I'm dropping that onto
the wet background. It's a medium tone. I will just randomly add that
onto the background. Gradually I will introduce
more taker tones. Now let's start with
the medium tone. I'm applying that along
the bottom first. Okay? First you can apply
that along the bottom line. Then you can take
that towards the top. Okay. Now, just in case you
have olive green with you, you can use it directly.
You don't need to mix. Create that again.
Okay. Simply drop that color onto the
wet background. I will first fill this section, then I will add them
towards the top. Okay, Now with the same H, I'm going to pick some
more paint again. Mix of sap, crane, and
vermion that's darker than the color I used earlier and I'm adding that
onto the background. Go with different tonal values
and different shades of green and simply introduce
that onto your wet background. Don't add any paint
onto the tree. Try to leave the acts. See that you're trying to
create a texture here. It doesn't need to be perfect. Go with a lighter tone and
a darker tone hand in hand, and add them all onto the wet
background towards the top. When you're applying the paint, leave some spaces in between. Don't fill in the
entire blue part. Just some smaller
spaces are fine. You can see here I have left some random shapes in between. I'm going to retain them and I will add more green
onto the remaining area. Okay, now I'm going to pick
a little more darker tone. Right now, I have medium
and lighter tones, so I'm going to go
with a darker tone. I'm adding that towards the bottom and also on the
top in a very random way. Honestly, there
is no order here. You can add your paint
however you want. We just need different
tonal values of green in the background
at some places, it can be darker at some places. Retain your lighter tones. You just have to drop that
paint onto the wet background. It will create a natural
texture by its own. I have taken out
some more paint now. I will add that onto
the background. It's a much more darker tone. There is a tiny shape here. I'm going to retain that. I will add the paint around that. Also on the top, I
have some space here as well. See that? Just keep on adding your paint while retaining
those blue spaces. As I mentioned earlier, at
some places it can be darker, at some places it
can be lighter. All these will create a beautiful texture
in the background. Okay, so that's how
it has turned out. Now I'm going to pick
some paint screen. I will mix that with
green with that sheet. Aspli'm going to add some
texture in the background. This color is much more darker than the color
we used earlier. I'm again dropping them on the wet background in
a very random way. See that? Let's add a
few towards the bottom. Aspl, I think it is
going really well. I'm loving the textures
we have got here. Maybe we can add
a few on the top. Okay, that's how
it has turned out. If you want to add more texture, add that in before
your background dries. And if you're happy
with the results, you don't need to
add any more paint, you can just leave
the way it is. Okay. I will add a few
more on this side, then I will call it done. You can see the
greens we have in the background and that is
the beauty of this painting. Try your best to use
different tonal values and also varying
shades of green. That's the reason why I
mix some vermalin with sap green so that I have a different shade of
green in the background. Now I'm going to go with a
little more darker tone. I will add in some more paint, mostly at the bottom.
It is still wet. I'm just making use of the time and I'm adding in
some more taco tone. Take a step back from your seat and have a look
at your painting. Analyze your painting
and understand which color is lacking
in your background. If you feel like you need to introduce some more taco tones, go ahead and add them in. Before your background dries. It is at a good shape. You don't need to
introduce any more paint, just leave it for trying. Just because I'm
adding more taco tone doesn't mean you
need to do the same. If you're happy with your
painting, just color it down. That's how it has turned out. I'm very happy with the result. You can see these spaces in
between. That's the sky. I wish I could have
left some more spaces. Anyway, that's done, so
there's no going back. So yeah, let's leave
it for trying. All right, so that
is right completely. And I love the way
it has turned out. The colors are still looking
very nice and vibrant. Anyway, the next task
is to paint the trees. For that, you will
need three colors. The first color is vermin. We will add that on
the lighter side. Then we will use
permanent brown, also some pinscrey to
add the deepertunes. Keep the colors ready on your
palette before you start. As I mentioned, we
need three colors. It could be brown or burn cena. Both the colors will work. Then for the deeper tones, you will either need
pinscrey on your teltant or even black if you don't have
any of the other two colors. Now I'm starting with Vermlin'm, picking a medium tune. I'm going to add that on the right side of
the first Sree. Okay? Pick some
Vermeline on your brush. And add that tone
to any of the side. It can be left or right. We don't have any sun or any other light source
in the painting. You can choose any
side you prefer. Okay. Add that vermin. Next, I'm going to
pick some brown. It's not a lighter tone, it's a taco tone. I'm adding that next to vermin. Okay, You can see I'm not adding much paint towards
the bottom over there. We need to add a detail. Now, I'm going with a taco tone. I have taken some paints, gray. I'm adding that
towards the bottom. Okay. So it's a
darker tone of brown. I already have some
brown on my brush, and with the same brush,
I pick some paints gray. Now using that color, I'm going to add an irregular
line at the bottom. See that? It's a very
basic irregular line. Now I'm going to
fill the top part. It's a very simple step, but it will have a lot of
impact on your painting. Just add any irregular
line at the bottom, then fill up the top part. Let me quickly fill
this up and you will see thematic at the bottom, I have used a darker tone. And what's a right? I
have used a medium tone. You can see that irregular
line at the bottom. The shape can be different. You don't need to
follow the same shape. Now towards the end, I'm adding a small detail. All right, so that's
how it has turned out. It really looks like some snow has covered the bottom
part of the tree. It's a very simple detail. Give it a try. Just add an irregular line
and fill up the top. Now in a similar manner, we are going to paint
the other tree as well. First, I will start
with a vermllion. I will add that
on the left side. Then I will gradually make
it tackle towards the right. Okay, pick some
vermalion on your brush. Go with a medium tone and add
that along the left side. Maybe the color can be
a bit more brighter. Yes, this looks perfect. Add that along the left side. I'm not adding much paint
towards the bottom. We'll have to add
that snowy detail. Be careful when you're applying
paint towards the bottom. Next I'm picking some brown. It can be brown or burn sina. Apply your paint next to Vermalion and blend
them together. The colors I'm using here is dark, they are not too light. I want them to stand out. Go the similar tonal value, you can see that beautiful
orange we have on the left side and towards the right will
make it more darker. Okay, that is vermaline
and permanent brown. Now towards the right side, I will introduce a Dakotne. It's going to be a mix of
pain, scray and brown. Okay, first I will fill this up. Then I will introduce
the Daco tone. The colors are looking
really beautiful already. With the Akot, it will be
more three dimensional. I'm picking some paint, scray over the same brush and
I'm mixing that with brown. I'm adding that towards the right side as you're
applying the paint, Fix the shape, Asphal. Okay. Now some place, much that into the background. It doesn't need to
be a clean blend. We'll add some lines and
some texture on the tree. Okay, now let's start applying
paint towards the bottom. I'm starting by adding an irregular line
using the taker tone. This time the shape
is a bit different. You can add that
however you want. That's the shape I'm going with. Now. I'm going to
fill up the top. Okay, maybe in between Asphal you can leave
out some shapes, just some irregular shapes. It can be of any
shape and any size. See that these shapes will look like the snow that
has been stuck on the tree. You can leave out one or
two spaces like this, or we can add them later
using some white paint. If you can leave out
some spaces like this, they can be super random. They can be of any
size and any shape. Okay, now I'm going to fill
up the remaining area. I will slightly modify the
shape here at the end. Once we're done
painting the tree, I will come back with
some white articular. I'll be adding some texture on the tree to introduce more snow. So if you could not
leave any spaces like this, that's totally fine. There is nothing to worry about. We can surely add them later. Okay, now I'm quickly
filling up this part. So this one is our