Film can seem like a intimidating medium, but you don’t have to have a full-length film budget to be a great filmmaker. Curious about what it takes to shoot a movie on a shoestring budget? These classes are designed to teach you the ins-and-outs of cinematography and DIY filming so that you can get started on shooting your dream project without fancy equipment or money to throw around.

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Matty Brown is a filmmaker that creates emotional and experimental films with whatever tools he has on hand. He talks you through how to tell stories that both dazzle and resonate with your audience using  only cheap equipment and creative editing. “Experimenting with stuff can really evolve your craft,” he says.

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If you want to shoot beautiful films, you have to understand cinematography and the processes that inform it. Cinematographer Zak Mulligan takes you through a shot list, breaking down a script so that you understand what kind of work goes into filming  projects both large and small. “The cinematographer is responsible for the look and feel of a film” he says. Check out his class if you’re curious about how it’s done.

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Vimeo’s Mark Cerosimo has watched thousands and thousands of video resumes every year and knows the reasons some work -- and some don’t. If you want to craft a one-minute video resume that will land you the job of your dreams, his class on DIY Filming with help you plan, shoot, and edit your work with basic equipment you already have at home.

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Sometimes great filmmaking comes down to knowing how to walk into a brand-new space and figuring out the best ways to shoot it. Ryan Booth is a filmmaker and cinematographer who teaches a class on how you can use  light, position your subject, and create an intentional world to make a video feel more like a movie.

Want more? Skillshare has thousands of creative, tech, and business classes to help you go wherever your curiosity takes you. Start your journey at

Written By

Rachel Gorman

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