
You might already know a few teachers making over $30K a year on Skillshare. Still, you might be wondering how exactly that revenue breaks down month by month, and what it would look like for you. So, we reached out to a few teachers who just started teaching on Skillshare this year to see how much they really made in their first 3 months on Skillshare.

1. Marie Asselin, Food Writer and Baker

  • Earnings to Date: $2,146
  • First Month's Earnings: $966
  • First Skillshare Class: How To Make French Macaroons
  • Number of Classes on Skillshare: 1
Pro Tip
Marie has an evergreen link for her class on her blog, FoodNoveau. Referrals from her blog account for 30% of her Skillshare revenue.


2. Mariya Popandopulo, Photographer

Pro Tip
When Mariya launches her classes, she shares fun class images on Instagram. Find more easy ways to market your class on social media here.


3.  Ron Mulvey, Artist and Art Teacher

Pro Tip
After his first classes, Ron is planning on making shorter classes every month to maximize his Skillshare earnings. 


4. Carlye Cunniff, UX Design Consultant

Pro Tip
Carlye didn't need a huge social media following to get her initial enrollments on Skillshare, but shared her free enrollment link with friends and family to start trending.

Ready to see how much you can make teaching on Skillshare? Head on to teach and start your draft today!

Get Started

Written By

Nicole Kamra

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