Your home serves many purposes. It’s your resting place, your most frequented restaurant, your gathering space, your office, and even your kids’ school! All too often, though, people miss out on the opportunity to design areas of their residence that feel truly calm, sacred, and set up for self care. Your house or apartment should be more than just functional—it should be a sanctuary too! After all, the world outside is stressful and demanding. You deserve to feel fully safe and relaxed when you’re at home base.

It might not be possible for you to convert your entire place to a sanctuary, but certain rooms or areas can certainly be designated that way. Read on to learn more about how to create a sanctuary in your home.

What Is a Home Sanctuary Space?

What is a sanctuary? “Sanctuary” is a broad term for any place that offers refuge or safety to those who enter it. You may have heard the word with respect to places of worship, where people can find comfort in their faith. You may also have heard of “wildlife sanctuaries,” where plants and animals are protected from outside threats. 

With that in mind, let’s talk about what a home sanctuary space might look like. A sanctuary space at home is any specific room or area that’s designated for self care and peace. Your peaceful sanctuary at home should be set up to facilitate the activities that allow you to decompress and reconnect with yourself away from the distractions that run rampant elsewhere. Within your sanctuary space, you should feel safe to engage in mindfulness practices and other activities that benefit your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. 

A home sanctuary space will look different for everyone, since everyone needs a slightly different environment to feel totally at peace. Generally speaking, a home sanctuary space should be quiet, private, relaxing, and aesthetically pleasing. But there really aren’t any rules! Your personal sanctuary should reflect your specific needs and desires, regardless of how it looks or exactly where it is in your home. 

Examples of Home Sanctuaries 

Check out these sanctuary examples for inspiration:

Source: UnsplashEven a cozy corner can be a sanctuary space. 

You don’t need a lot of room to create a sanctuary of your very own. This inviting chair in a sunny corner is also ideal for self care and downtime. 

all white room
Source: UnsplashWho wouldn’t want to pull up a chair in this home space? 

If you enjoy mindful journaling or writing, your home sanctuary should have a table or desk and chair where you can feel comfortable doing just that. This particular space is also white and bright to help you clear your mind. 

Source: UnsplashA bathtub like this will help you get centered and make you feel like you’re on vacation. 

Some people feel the calmest and most mindful when they’re taking a bath. If this sounds like you, you might consider setting up your sanctuary space in the bathroom of your home. 

Source: UnsplashYour bedroom should make you feel relaxed and refreshed. 

You can make your bedroom a sanctuary of its own. A peaceful bedroom will inspire you to sleep well and reconnect with yourself before you venture out into the world. 

How to Set up a Home Sanctuary Space 

Here are a few ways to transform any area of your house or apartment into a sanctuary all your own. Once you know how to create your own sanctuary, you’ll be looking for soothing spots in every corner! 

Take Advantage of Natural Light

girl on a chair
Source: UnsplashNatural light is a must for any sanctuary. 

When you’re selecting the location for your at-home sanctuary, pay attention to natural light. Areas of your home that get a lot of sunlight are particularly well-suited for mindfulness and self care, since, according to Healthline, exposure to sunlight releases happiness-triggering chemicals in the brain. Open up the blinds and curtains and let the light in! 

Add Greenery

Source: UnsplashHouseplants will warm up your sanctuary space. 

Like natural sunlight, greenery is connected to improved mental health and well-being. Adding houseplants to your personal sanctuary is bound to raise your spirits while you spend time relaxing and reflecting. Plus, it will add some life and color! 

Minimize Clutter

Source: UnsplashLess clutter in your space means less clutter in your mind. 

It’s much harder to relax and practice mindfulness if your space is cluttered with papers, knick-knacks, and other random items. An effective home sanctuary will be free of any mess. Contain clutter to bins and baskets so your mind can remain clear. 

Work on Your Interior Design Skills

Interior Design Basics: Simple Steps to Your Perfect Space 

How to Create a Meditation Space 

There are a few specific things to keep in mind for a space you’re planning to use primarily for meditation. Add these elements to your meditation space at home. 

Find a Comfortable Seat

Source: UnsplashFind a meditation seat that works for you. 

One of the keys to a meaningful, consistent meditation practice is finding a comfortable position in which to meditate. If you’d like to reserve a space to meditate at home, make sure you have a chair, mat, or pillow that you can use as a seat waiting for you there. 

Add a Smell You Love

What smell makes you feel the most relaxed and ready to unwind? Stock up on candles and diffuser sticks with that scent so that it can waft into your space during home meditations. 

Choose a Quiet Area

Location, location, location—it’s true when shopping for real estate and also when choosing where to put your meditation area. Your meditation space won’t feel like a sanctuary if it’s smack in the middle of a space in your home where there’s lots of noise and traffic. Instead, opt for a corner of your house or apartment that’s not regularly in use for other activities. 

How to Create a Bedroom & Sleep Sanctuary Space 

When you create a relaxing bedroom sanctuary, you make it that much easier to fall asleep and get the rest that you so desperately need to perform at your best. A bedroom sanctuary space will also inspire you to take more time for yourself in the waking hours of the day. 

Kick Out Your Devices 

You’ve probably already heard all of the science that connects our dependence on devices like phones and tablets to lower sleep quality. Take a hint from those studies and leave your devices at the bedroom door! This includes television. As tempted as you might be to watch your favorite shows from the comfort of your bedroom, a TV is not conducive to a bedroom sanctuary. 

Choose Your Bedding Wisely 

flowers at bedside
Source: UnsplashWho wouldn’t want to curl up in this crisp bedding?

If you’re trying to create a sleep sanctuary, it should hardly come as a surprise that picking the right bedding is important. The right bedding is different for everyone! Choose sheets, pillows, a duvet cover, and other blankets that will ensure maximum comfort for you. Doing so will allow you to fall and stay asleep so that you can wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day. 

Keep Your Cool

According to the Sleep Foundation, the best bedroom temperature for sleep is approximately 65℉. Try setting your thermostat accordingly and see if it benefits your sleep and stress levels.

It’s Your Turn!

Whether you’re planning a dedicated home meditation space or simply a peaceful area of your home to unwind, an at-home sanctuary has the potential to seriously improve your quality of life. Best wishes in creating your very own sanctuary! 

Practice Mindfulness in Your Home Sanctuary

Mindfulness Habits: Free Your Mind for Bigger Goals 

Written By

Alli Hoff Kosik

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