Brands and organizations need potential consumers to remember them. From their name to their logo to a never-ending series of ad campaigns, these groups use marketing elements to stand out from the competition. 

Slogans are a vital piece of that strategy. Using wordplay, purpose-driven language and more, these short phrases are a chance to share your mission in a way that’s memorable. In this article, we’ll talk about the art of writing marketing slogans, and share some slogan examples for fun and inspiration.  

What Is a Slogan?

If your logo is your brand in an image, your slogan is your brand in words, almost like a mini mission statement. Slogans evoke sentiment and convey an idea about your brand, and in a way that people will easily remember. 

A good slogan is:

  • Short, generally less than a sentence 
  • Catchy, sometimes using wordplay or linguistic devices
  • Memorable, perhaps even more so than your name or logo 

In addition to, and packaged with, your other marketing elements, a slogan brings an important bit of spice to your advertising campaigns. Add these tools to your kit to keep your marketing alive and relevant:

Slogan vs. Tagline: What Is the Difference? 

Both a slogan and a tagline help create brand identity. The difference is in how they position that brand in the industry. 

A tagline is meant to associate your brand with an idea. It’s not necessarily about a specific product or trying to get consumers to take a certain action, but to drive a brand image and identity. 

A slogan, on the other hand, the brand or a specific product. Slogans may change with seasons or ad campaigns, giving consumers an easy recall tool for what they might want to buy. 

Whether you’re developing a professional brand or mastering personal branding, slogans and taglines are essential elements of the package. Once you understand the difference, start having fun creating both. 

How to Write a Slogan: Step-By-Step

As with most things in marketing, creating effective content is easier said than done. And the shorter the content, the harder it can be to select and arrange just the right words. Ensure you have a solid idea of what a slogan is, and check out a few examples to get in the headspace. 

1. Identifying Your Audience

Know your target audience and their needs. Use data to research words and offerings that will resonate with them, and familiarize yourself with other brands they use. 

2. Outlining the Mission

Have a good sense of your primary mission so you can effectively evoke it in the slogan. Note the important words and tone of your actual mission statement to see what you might be able to repurpose. 

3. Keeping it Simple

Too many words or too much complexity will distract from the main message. Stick to eight words or less and consider devices like rhyme, alliteration and wordplay to keep the slogan easily memorable. 

4. Invoking Emotion and Call to Action

An emotional connection with your audience makes potential customers more likely to remember you when they actually need you. Aim for the target consumer’s aspirations or pain points, depending on what you’re selling. 

5. Testing it Over Time

Slogan testing can happen in a few different phrases. Gather your main options and narrow it down to the top two. Then use both for either informal polls or A/B testing with your target audience. You may find that one works better than the other, or they’re ideal for different campaigns. 

10 Best Slogans of All Times

Some slogans become so familiar that they’re used for all sorts of things by everyday people, not just the campaign they were originally developed for. If you’re trying to develop one for your brand, use these slogan ideas for inspiration.  

  • “Think Different” by Apple: Honoring those who blaze trails when it comes to technology, this slogan also sets Apple apart from competitors. 
  • “Because you're worth it” by L'Oreal: Makeup’s value is in how it makes users feel, and who doesn’t want to feel worth those good feelings? 
  • “Got milk?” by California Milk Processor Board: This slogan’s purpose was to increase milk drinking among the population, and the simple phrase coupled with images of people with milk mustaches cleverly helped that cause. 
  • “Betcha can't eat just one” by Lay's: Since most snackers are familiar with the difficulty of eating only one chip of any sort, Lay’s was clever to use the slogan before another brand did. 
  • “Let's Go Places” by Toyota: Of course a car helps you go places, and the phrase also evokes making positive changes in one’s life.
  • “The Quicker Picker Upper” by Bounty: Making you think of speed and effectiveness, Bounty’s slogan employs rhyme and consonance to ensure the phrase sticks.  
  • “I'm Lovin' It” by McDonald's: Never famous for being healthy, McDonald’s maximized the way their food tastes with three words you might think while eating your fries. 
  • “Just Do It” by Nike: Implying confidence and action, this slogan promotes a state of mind that suits athletes of all skill levels.  
  • “Learn Language Free” by Duolingo: By telling users both what they get and what it costs them, Duolingo reminds you how efficient the app is. 
  • “There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard” by MasterCard: As a two-sentence slogan, MasterCard’s message highlights the importance of experience and connection. Of course, since most experiences cost some amount of money, the implication is that you can count on your card to make it happen.  

Make Your Brand Stand Out With an Unforgettable Slogan

Ensure your brand or organization stands out from the competition with a slogan that is memorable and sends a message. Have some fun with this aspect of your marketing, using wordplay and other linguistic devices to stick in the heads of potential customers. 

Skillshare is your leading resource for learning brand essentials and mastering marketing, from learning branding basics to developing a personal brand for social media

Written By
Katie Mitchell

Katie Mitchell

Katie lives in Michigan with her husband, kids and pets. She enjoys cooking, travel and live music.

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