Writing Skills Writing Prompts SHOW, DON'T TELL
1 Monat Skillshare
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Über dieses Produkt
Elizabeth Bezant
Writer and Writing Coach
SHOW, don’t TELL is a form of descriptive writing that when done well can make any writer look good, regardless of what subject, level or style that writing is. This is primarily because it enables your reader to become thoroughly swept up and engrossed in what you have to say. However, it’s also a writing skill that genuinely needs practice and time.
That’s why, as a writing coach, I put together not only a Show don’t Tell online course, but also this instantly downloadable pack of 43 writing prompts. Each of which is created especially to give you and your friends the skill to confidently SHOW descriptively in any story.
Spread across three A4 pages, each of these prompts is printed clearly on a card of identical size, and outlined by a thin pale grey line to make their cutting out easier. There’s also a margin line around the page too, so you don’t have to ensure your printer prints right to the edge - one less thing to worry about. Plus there’s a file including a template for an envelope that you can easily put together and use to hold all your cards neatly together.
Along with these 4 downloadable pdf files, to make this pack of cards you’ll need:
~ 5 x A4 sheets of lightweight card
~ 1 x A4 sheet of paper (for the instructions)
~ Glue or tape (for the envelope)
~ Access to a printer (colour or black & white)
This is an instantly downloadable digital product, and, as such, is non-refundable or returnable.
These printables can be printed out and used (as is) personally or within a group or class, but can not be reproduced in any form for commercial or financial reimbursement.
(c) 2020 ElizabethBezant
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