Oil Painting Set! 50+ Procreate Brushes & Textured Images!
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Über dieses Produkt
María Fe K.
Artist | @MFK_draws
Finally! After months of development... I've made an Oil Painting brush set and it is now up for grabs!
As a former traditional Oil Painter, I just wasn't happy with the tools that Procreate offered for this medium so I had to create a brush set.
To make this set approachable even for Procreate beginners I'm including 3 instructional videos :) so you can really get the most out of it.
🎨This set includes over 50+ assets!
You will get:
👉40 painting brushes
👉10 texture brushes
👉5 blenders
👉7 Real-life textured images! (Primed canvas, Gessoed MDF, Canvas paper)
👉3 Instructional videos on how to apply textured images, brushes, their blending modes, and even combine them!
Some of my personal faves:
🖌 Charged Brush + Charged Brush Blender: These are the ones I mostly used for painting the cover image! They give a very flowy rake stroke that helps mimic oil painting; decrease the size to make it more precise. The blender is a colorless brush that helps mix colors while maintaining the same texture so you don't have to worry about seamlessly matching colors. I mostly used it in the background.
🖌 Gessoed MDF 02 textured image: Featured as a texture on my marine landscape. Just look at that juicy textured sky.
🖌 Textured Oil Brush: This brush is excellent for painting, mixing, and adding texture. A true multitasker.
🖌 Thick Paint 01: Featured as a texture on top of the roosters. While layered, it really helps give your strokes an impasto effect.
🖌 Oiled Up: Like to work with a wet-on-wet technique? This is the brush for you.
Compatible with Procreate 5 or higher
🎥 See them in action:
Feel free to tag me at @MFK_draws on IG if you post your drawings using this set or if you have any other questions on this set 😊
📩You can also email me with any inquiries at mfk.draws@gmail.com
✨Thank you for your support ✨
Policies + FAQ: This set Includes Commercial use, meaning the license allows for selling Artwork created with the set. NO distribution, selling, or transfer of the actual brush set is allowed. Paper Texture shown in the example images is not included
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