Well this was enlightening.
I REALLY enjoyed this class. I'm still working through some of the exercises, but here's my first part. I'm finding the hardest part of this to be the final assignment -- who will I be in 10 years?! Ahhhh!
Resilience: AKA "Shit I've survived." This was really cathartic but allowed me to be my good old fashioned snarky self!
This was all that would come out of me when it came to draw a comic of my life. Timely.
This class is by far my favorite class I've ever taken on Skillshare. I neeeeeeded an outlet (clearly) and it has really helped me process my way-too-many thoughts, while making light of serious situations. And this little blue girl keeps showing up! I just love her.
Thank you, Mari, for sharing about your heartache and struggles and joys and humor and encouraging us to do the same!