Watercolor Sketching

Watercolor Sketching - student project

There was such an amazing amount of information in this class that it took a while to work my way though all the fun and interesting exercises.  I learned several new things about my watercolor paints and I love the watercolor sketching technique used in the final sketch.

Watercolor Sketching - image 1 - student project



Watercolor Sketching - image 2 - student project


Watercolor Sketching - image 3 - student project

Watercolor Sketching - image 4 - student project


Watercolor Sketching - image 5 - student project

Watercolor Sketching - image 6 - student project


Watercolor Sketching - image 7 - student project


My final project. I can see now I still have a bit of work to do on it but it was fun to paint.

Watercolor Sketching - image 8 - student project