Urban Sketching + People

My latest outing to a flea market...
10/19 Today's urban sketching session called Encounter Guizhou Road with the local drawing group. The first sketch above of a local beef noodle shop.
10/19 (Got date on sketch wrong) Second sketch from inside a long tang showing a barber giving a customer a haircut and a couple other folks waiting behind him. (Also forgot my "splatters"!)
10/18 Finally did the last part of the class in preparation for tomorrow's urban sketching.
10/18 Another sketch plus watercolour from the other day at the sports stadium.
10/17 Sketching people at the Longhua Temple. Today is a special day hence there's a lot of people praying and making offerings.
10/15 I love this class and have been going out of my way to sketch people instead of afraid of adding them into my urban sketches. I want to do more pen and ink sketches before diving into watercolor as I want to be comfortable first with adding people.
So here are my sketches around Shanghai...