Two Layer Pair

WC on Arches CP
I really enjoyed this class and process. I did a lot of work in terms of color choice and developing technique. It's not my favorite or most beautiful painting but I was able to add some most valuable lessons to my toolbox - reinforcement of the idea that I don't have to paint every little detail or object, the usefulness of employing greyscale and being strategic in terms of layering.
I did use a reference photo from a different class and have included the original image and my project in greyscale and several process photos. Im going to make using greyscale to assess value a part of my process going forward. Kind of crazy that I haven't been doing this already lol. I guess that's what happens when you're self taught - you don't always get the right info at the right time.
Thank you, Jill for teaching me some new things with your class!
greyscale of reference photo
greyscale photo of my project
finishing branch, almost ready to start background second pass on the pear, adding texture and getting started with the branch and leaves
Drawing and first pass on the pear