Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches

Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches - student project

Here are some sketches for the practice I did before my pattern. 

Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches - image 1 - student projectTrailing Chrysanthemum Branches - image 2 - student project

This the scan of the branch rough layout which then I traced again in illustrator.

Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches - image 3 - student projectHere is the scan of the acanthus leaves which I draw separately and placed on the branches.

Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches - image 4 - student project

Same way i traced the flower and after placing on the branches layout I drew the background motifs freehand directly in illustrator in the negative spaces.

Here is my final pattern.


Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches - image 5 - student project

The Mockup of the pattern as wallpaper.

Trailing Chrysanthemum Branches - image 6 - student project