Thunderstorm Clouds

Thunderstorm Clouds - student project

I was on my way home and suddenly found light flashing behind buildings. I thought that was fireworks at first, then I realize that was a thunderstorm cloud.

I got no experience in lightning photographic, so I decided to make some "AWESOME" lightning photos. As you do not know when the lightning would strike, I tried some shutter speed and aperture combinations and fired the shutter continuously while hoping to get a decent shot.

Then I thought about my newly brought intervalometer, then here it goes, the timelapse clip.

Shutter speed: 5s

Aperture: 7.1

ISO: 400

Interval: 10 s  (1p per 10sec)


Lacking of experience, I checked noise reduction option on my camera during shooting, and caused a flicker in the clip.

Speed down the play speed to 12 FPS because the shoots are not enough for 8 or 10 secs.