Spring blossom

Spring blossom - student project

Beautiful class! Thank you Irina.

I still struggle a bit with a loose/painterly style (I always end up adding more details and trying to paint within the lines...). So I chose the first and second style for my projects. 

They are not as loose as I wanted, but I'm happy with the results anyway :) Practice makes progress!

For this class I used paper canson Montval 300gsm and canson drawing 224gsm. And mainly watercolors van gogh (cobalt blue, gamboge and madder lake deep). Brushes sinoart round #5 and round #3/0.


Ink & Watercolor - I've decided to paint a bookmark for this one with a little header on top. It's been a while since I don't practice line drawing, and this class made me remember how much I love it.

Spring blossom - image 1 - student project

Painterly style - I really enjoyed creating the pattern for the vase. I also love the contrast between the bright blue and the pinks.

Spring blossom - image 2 - student project

Thank you for checking out my project.

Happy painting everyone!