Royal Teeth

Royal Teeth - student project

:: Update :: 2-28-16

I finally got to take some photos of the actual screenprints. Thanks again to Jesse for choosing my print and The Head Light Hotel for being so helpful and doing such a great job. 

Here is the finished product! 

Royal Teeth - image 1 - student project

Royal Teeth - image 2 - student project

Royal Teeth - image 3 - student project

There are a few things I would have done differently for the final print, but it's a learning experience and I'll know for next time. Also, I found that it's difficult to take a good photo of a screenprint. If anyone has any tips, let me know. 

Thanks for looking!

::Update:: 4-2-15


I only finished poster #1 a week before SXSW, so unfortunately I didn't have the time to get them printed. I am going to attempt to make another one for the contest to sell at future shows...just for fun.

I'm going to stick with my band, Royal Teeth, for the subjest since we always need posters for future shows. Again, I have never done any screenprinting work and I have had so much fun learning how to do it, so I'm designing another one with the screenprinting technique because I want to get better at it. Also because it just looks cool.

I knew I wanted something summer themed, and not as abstract as the first poster because I'm trying to work on my illustration style. Hopefully I can pull this one off. Here are a few progress shots:

Royal Teeth - image 4 - student project

::Digitizing and Coloring::

Royal Teeth - image 5 - student project

I got the separations done and now I am working on values and colors. I decided I didn't like the girl swimming, so I've changed the layout a bit and I'm going to put text in the water. I tend to think about text last and the image first, which probably isn't the best strategy. I need to work on that. I've narrowed the colors down, or at least close to what I think the final colors will be. Here's a piece of what I'm working with now:

Royal Teeth - image 6 - student project


So I figured out my final layout and colors and got everything separated. I had to put an actual date on there because we are using it for a show, but it won't be there for the final project. 

Royal Teeth - image 7 - student project

color choices and final layout..

Royal Teeth - image 8 - student project


Royal Teeth - image 9 - student project


Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks for looking! 



I'm making a poster for the band i'm in, so it's technically not my favorite band (or is it?). We are playing a few shows at SXSW coming up next week and I want to try designing a screenprint poster to bring to the festival. SXSW is happening before the deadline for the contest so, I may just design another poster for a different band after this one is done.

I didn't want to spend too much time on a concept this time around. I started by doodling shapes and ended up with a face, kind of. 


Royal Teeth - image 10 - student project

I'm not sure about the placement of the words just yet, and I know I'll need space to put the actual show dates and venues, so I'll do a few more sketches before inking.


Royal Teeth - image 11 - student project

I had never used a Nib pen before this class. So, I went out and got some ink and a pen of decent quality. It is quickly becoming my new favorite tool. I am fairly new to illustration and this is my first time creating a poster for screenprinting, so I'm excited to see where this class takes me. 


Royal Teeth - image 12 - student project

Royal Teeth - image 13 - student project

I decided to change the lettering and I think it ended up adding a little more to the overall concept of the poster. I used oil pastel to get the idea of writing with lipstick across, and to add a different texture to the print. I'm still working out the placement. Choosing colors is next.. 


Here is my latest layout and color progression. I am still tweaking a few things, but I think I'm pretty close to finished. I used the mulitpy function to get an idea of what the layered colors will look like. Next, I will separate layers and add finishing touches.

Royal Teeth - image 14 - student project


So, I had a little bit of difficulty with the separations part of this project, but once I fixed all of the bugs and realized what I was doing wrong...I finally got everything separated and ready to print.

Royal Teeth - image 15 - student project

Hopefully I can get that done this week and post a final photo of the real print. For now, here is a digital version of what I imagine it will look like:

Royal Teeth - image 16 - student project

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks for looking!