Nicole Roberts Creative

Hi, I am a creative. I have a web design and development business since 2001. I create websites, logos, email templates and other creative marketing and design solutions. See my work here:
I just redesigned my portfolio. In selecting my projects to show I realized some things about myself and where I am heading. I realized I wanted to be more authentic and holistic moving forward. So, instead of just posting logos and websites I started to include my paintings, my photography and even a video of me tango dancing (a true passion of mine). I believe this shows me as a more complete person and feels more authentic. I am also writing my project descriptions from first person instead of "we" the company.
I decided to be minimalistic this time and not spend a lot of time selling myself or my skills. I think if people see something they like then they will see I can do that again for them and they will contact me. The filters at the top are the following.
There are plenty of items in web design but not many in the rest especially art, photography and tango. But as time goes by I am hoping that these categories will stand like vessels waiting for me to pour into them. I will know there is a place for my tango choreographies... for my paintings and for those photos that are really good but don't have a gallery wall...yet. Also, I may even start an interior design category. It will be a real organic process to show new creative ventures as they happen. As the works start to unfold the portfolio will show where the energy is going. And where the energy is going is where the money goes too. People pay for your passion.
When I started my business I specifically called it Nicole Roberts Creative because I didn't want to specifically be one discipline. At the time I had a video I edited and an animation I created. I did enough to find I didn't want to be an animator or edit video for a living. Today I may not be starting out but the principal is still the same. The creativity needs to be unbridled. Next year I may see a strong trend towards one or two disciplines and this may be a sign to focus into a niche market. I'm a web designer so I can always build that site then. For now, this feels good.