My Awesome morning checklist

Thank you so much for sharing 10 tips to have an awesome morning everyday.
I know some of the stuffs but never been my routine. Someone told me that if you create a plan that is great but if you do only 60% of it or 80% of it even 99% of it, you still not achieved your goal. Do 100% for sure. I think he is like you and So Right!
1. Smile and have a POSITIVE MINDSET
I am reading a book by Dr. Kazuo Inamori 10-20 mins every morning to set my mind is POSITIVE all day. He suggested to reflect upon a motive every night and I do every night before go to bed.
Try watching some story video to give me motivation
So, I think this is ( вњ“ CHECKED )
2. Nurture my Seed of potential
I cook fresh breakfast with salad and yogurt everyday. Watch news but think positively.
So, I think this is ( вњ“ CHECKED ) too
But, I still don't know how I can avoid NOISE ( negative words or suggestions that people make to me) . If you know how? please share with me.
3. Know and Go
I plan ahead with Google calendar. I want to plan for my meal too. I am thinking about taking class on skillshare to learn about it.
4. Design a Day launcher checklist
So, I think this is ( вњ“ CHECKED )
5. Go back to the future
So, I think this is ( вњ“ CHECKED ) too]
6. Oil the Rust
I do walk my dog (Frenchie)
7. Shower down Awesomeness
I do meditate every morning and night, I will add affirmation in 5 mins? every time. I shower before go to bed, so I use the time do my face wash and hair? maybe?
8. Fire Up Gratitude
I forgot about this last 6 months? I used to use my body part to remember the person's name to say thank you 3 times. Now I start over to remember the name again. Thank you for the reminder.
9. Get your Liquid fuel
As you mention in the video, I am not a big fan of plain water, but good idea to add citrus, I will start tomorrow
10. Start with a Win
I am making bed every morning but 1 in every 10 days I may lazy, I will try to do everydays now on.
Thank you again! Great reminder for me to have Awesome day everyday!!