My 10+ random doodles!!

My 10+ random doodles!! - student project

I've really enjoyed working on tiny pieces of paper – you can get a concept accross quite quickly, and it doesn't feel hard at all!

Day 10: Concentrate. I chose to generate only 1 word today.

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 1 - student project

Day 9: Ruth Batfish in a rather precarious meeting.

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 2 - student project

Day 8: Feasting Informity. Informally feasting? Burger launching for the win! I also really like taking photos of the doodles like this, for some reason!

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 3 - student project

Day 7: Ipecac – the epic kak. Which I declare means the epic kak that you either step in or experience on a Monday after a great weekend.

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 4 - student project

Day 6: Doubled. Imagine having 2 of you, and 4 of you and then...

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 5 - student project

Day 5: Veisalgia – "uneasiness after debuchery" or hangover.

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 6 - student project

Day 4: Argive. Pirates don't like giving presents too much, Arrrr! 

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 7 - student project

Day 3: Trappist

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 8 - student project

Day 2: Madbrained. Sometimes my brain feels like this – can be good, and it can be bad...

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 9 - student project

Day 1: Schnorrer. Snor is a mustaches in Afrikaans, at least, so this guys ouwld be the Schnorrer.

My 10+ random doodles!! - image 10 - student project

And my best time to doodle: early in the morning!

I'm sharing my doodles on Twitter and Instagram.