Meat eating vegetables
Day one
Hello, Im a graphic designer/illustrator living in Brussels. Always been interested in the Designertoys-universum. Some of my illustrations i made even have a DT-look...
These lessons are a great opportunity to make a real one, have been searching the web for inspiring images,... Meanwhile listening to telex
Altough those images seem rather dull they do give some inspiration for that DesignerToy...
... making some pairs, an interesting exercise to combine things with an oposite character...
second idea... meateating carrot...
Day 2
good idea andrew... next one the chicory...
that was a difficult one...
first made a lot of sketches who were to realistic....
but I finally found a strong posture who has a more stylized charachter... decided to keep the idea of the pot and not choosing rubber boots... The carrot will have no eyes on it but the eyes will be represented on the glasses it's wearing...
already have some ideas for other characters...but first getting those sketches of the carrot into a decent line drawing ...
Thanks all foor the comments/remarks/encouragements !
At least I found some time to make a line-up...
Thanks to Iris Malang for her suggestions on the shape of the carrot
Still have to put all the details (colour/size/etc...) on it...
Hello everybody,
Thanks again for the comments!
I found my vector drawings a bit to straight/clean. They lost some spirit that was in the sketches. So I began to make it in clay. I didn't want to create an exact copy of the final drawing. Tried rather to find a nicer/stronger form. As you see in the first result. Still have to make the teets/arms and other atributes but it feeled good. It's a missing production step for me and really fun thing to do...
11 november...
the clay-model is a verry rough one, the pot is to big the right arm is to long,... but it gives a good idea of the result I want and adjusts my lack of 3d drawing-capabilities... a good base to make decent technical drawings...
made a animated gif...