
Matchday - student project

Hi, thank you for your classes! I really like your work.

I`m a street and documentary photographer living in Hamburg, Germany and traveling the world. With the beginning of 2016 I switched from digital to analog and started developing my films, too. In mid january the first thing I did to start this "journey" was to book some flights to stay in Barcelona for some weeks to practice analog street photography. I love this city for it`s inspiring spirit. I`m back at home and right now I'm in the middle of developing and scanning my films. For this class project I will share my first series of images with you.

I visited FC Barcelona to see their match against Bilbao and as usually when I see the matches of my hometown club FC St. Pauli I had a camera with me to shoot a short documentary of that matchday.

Films (35mm)
Images 1 and 2: Ilford HP5+ pushed to 1600
Images 3 to 14: Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 6400

Developed in Spürsinn HCD-80 (as starter) and HCD-50 both at a 1+24 dilution.
Scanned using Reflecta RPS10M and Silverfast AI Studio 8.


FC Barcelona vs. Athletic Bilbao - Jan 29th, Copa del Rey 2015/2016 - 3:1 (0:1)

Matchday - image 1 - student project

Matchday - image 2 - student project

Matchday - image 3 - student project

Matchday - image 4 - student project

Matchday - image 5 - student project

Matchday - image 6 - student project

Matchday - image 7 - student project

Matchday - image 8 - student project

Matchday - image 9 - student project

Matchday - image 10 - student project

Matchday - image 11 - student project

Matchday - image 12 - student project

Matchday - image 13 - student project

Matchday - image 14 - student project

View it in a bigger resolution at my portfolio or have a look at my website