Looking for the right colors

Looking for the right colors - student project

Dear Sarah, thank you sincerely for your course, which, like all your other courses, is simply wonderful. What I especially appreciate in your lessons is how you demonstrate the process of searching, deviations, and errors, making it clear that even an expert who has worked in this field for many years does not immediately find the right colors; it is always a path of trials, errors, and eventually - beautiful combinations. Being able to glimpse into your creative process is incredibly helpful. Thank you for that!

Looking for the right colors - image 1 - student project

Looking for the right colors - image 2 - student project


Based on your exercises, I tried to select suitable colors in CMYK for my fairy tale about. Now I'm having trouble choosing one of them :)

And these are my attempts to follow your lead. Thanks for the interesting exercises!

Looking for the right colors - image 3 - student project


Looking for the right colors - image 4 - student project