John Hughes Tribute

John Hughes Tribute - student project



Create a unique set of icons or badges that represent an idea I support and believe in. As advised by Dominic, I started my process with a word ideation map. The words chosen to start off the map were Design, People, Places, Things, and Personal. This way, my ideas can be somewhat catered to what I want to achieve with this class.

John Hughes Tribute - image 1 - student project

Here are the ideas that I want to highlight that may have potential. I'm not entirely in love with any of them yet. Maybe they need to be more refined? 

- John Hughes  and/or 80's movie tribute 

- "Themed" Races, or runs I've completed (Ex. Warrior Dash, Color Run, etc.)

- Annual Minneapolis Art events

- Mpls Micro Brews (popping up everywhere recently)

- Nation Wide Sports Complexs or Stadiums

- Bucket List (This will be hard to narrow down)



After not being able to sleep last night since my mind was running wild, I decided to proceed with the "Bucket List" idea. Since it's more a personal project, I can also add to it in the future or make it into something else. A poster perhaps. For now, it should serve the purpose of this class beautifully. I'm thinking of narrowing it down to 50 items on my bucket list, then picking my favorite 10-12 to illustrate into badges. The bold ones are some of my favorites.

BUCKET LIST (short end edited version) 

2. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon

4. Watch Minnesota Vikings win a superbowl

6. Invent a famous cocktail or shot

9. Travel the globe

10. Build a house

12. Run a marathon

16. Send a message in a bottle

19. Roadtrip across USA

20. Go to Space

27. Appear on a game show (and win)

36. Be an extra in a movie

43. Attend the Olympics



If you would like to full the inspiration board in full, please see

John Hughes Tribute - image 2 - student project

UPDATE 4.17.2013


Started sketching out some ideas this evening. I'm fairly settled on using a vertical oval for the shape of all my badges. I kept going back and forth if the badges should all be contained in the same shape or various. The idea of the oval is nice because you don't see that very often. You see a lot of circles, but no ovals. I think that will help set my icons apart.

Sorry about the quality of the scan. The best my phone could do without getting my shadow in there.

Feedback always welcome! 

John Hughes Tribute - image 3 - student project



I apologize for my absense. Life was getting a little too crazy for awhile, but I'm back on board! 

My idea has been switched. I was really struggling with the Bucket List idea, which I know a lot of people loved, but it wasn't turning out as expected. Plus, as I researched further, it's been done several times (and executed well). Not sure what happened, but just lost the spark and motivation to continue.

After experimenting for a day or so, I reversed back to my favorite ideas and decided on one of the  originals, The John Hughes "Tribute". I know there is a lot of John Hughes fan art, but I've never seen something done with badges. This will be challenging, because I'd like to develop 6 icons per movie. Guess I will have to limit myself to 2-4 movies. Time will definitely be my worse enemy, but I have the drive to finish! Here's a quick shot of some bages ideas for 16 Candles. Obviously very fresh and still undecided on a contained shape, but really digging the palette. It's hard to determine what scenes to show and which ones to leave out. I was thinking each movie could have a limited palette? Currently working with four colors on 16 Candles.

My plan is to post daily, perhaps twice a day until the end! Feedback always welcome! 

John Hughes Tribute - image 4 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 5 - student project

UPDATE 4.25.2013 - PART ONE


Quick update! I've going full badge shape here. Playing with the idea of some graphic element breaking the badge shape? Still a work in progress, but better details here.

John Hughes Tribute - image 6 - student project

UPDATE 4.25.2013 - PART TWO


Made some great progress on 16 Candles badges! They are looking very complete. There are a couple badges that aren't quite up to par yet (heartbreak badge especially). Would still love any feedback! I also started Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Super basic ideas for now. Really digging what I have for colors though. I was thinking of using the same badge shape for all the movies and then also keep the cream color. A little added consistency can't hurt! Looking to post more in the morning. Hopefully more Bueller progress. Thank you to everyone who's provided feedback so far. Appreciate it!

P.S. I know my character illustrations are terrible. Always have had a rough time with people, so they are abstract and super simple. I will still try to make them look more complete.

John Hughes Tribute - image 7 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 8 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 9 - student project

UPDATE 4.26.2013 


Really fun progress on Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It's been really hard deciding on what scenes/events to showcase because there are way too many in this flick! As you can probably tell, these are very work in progress. I've used repeating graphics elements in several of the badges, trying to figure out where I like them best. Bare with me here... 

John Hughes Tribute - image 10 - student project



Hey All! It was mentioned earlier that I was going to design badges for four of my favorite John Hughes flicks. Due to the amount of badges made for the first two movies (16 Candles and Ferris Bueller's Day Off), I'm going to draw the line there. There are seven badges to represent each movie, so that makes a total of 14 badges. Another 14 badges sounds very challenging, but maybe it's something I can tackle in the future! 

I'm very happy with how the badges turned out. Even though it's for two different movies, they still feel apart of the same "theme". Does that make sense? It helps that I kept the same cream color and that the badges are monotone. You'll also notice several similiarities between the two sets. I'd like to point a few out:

- Badge focus around a single person

- Badge focus around an article of clothing

- Badge focus around a vehicle

- Two badges with a graphic element breaking the badge boundary

For the finishing touches, I applied a roughen texture and a grain overlay to all the badges to give them some imperfections. Before and after texturing pictures below! Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you all! 

John Hughes Tribute - image 11 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 12 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 13 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 14 - student project

UPDATE - 9/24/2013

Thought I would add another badge series. Can't have a John Hughes tribute without showcasing The Breakfast Club. Hopefully more badge series to come! Anyone have a suggestion for #4?

Check out the shots on Dribbble!

Pretty in Pink

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

The Breakfast Club

John Hughes Tribute - image 15 - student project

John Hughes Tribute - image 16 - student project