Irony is not lost
This was a really fun project. Years ago I dabbled in collage, but practiced a more decoupage technique and used lots of gouache paint. So this was a lovely detour from it. Additionally, making a filing system for material is genius and has taken my creativity to a whole new level, because now I don't have to waste any energy on finding the right image, I just look in the appropriate file! Thanks for that!
These are my portal concepts. Im finding that right now I'm leaning toward editorial and slightly darker concepts. I live in the mountains on a river that is downstream from lots of old superfund mining sites. The yellow river shows the fallout from the Gold King Mine spill. The river flowed toxic yellow for weeks.
This second portal is a mediation on where we are in our world. As global warming threatens our planet, it appears we are growing more accustomed to military states. I lived inside hesco barriers for years while I was in the military. And the juxtaposition of the frozen isolated snow cave against the hot, dusty desert military base made me consider how we choose our environments without really considering them at all.
The foreground and background projects were real fun. With this new method for collage, it's been fun to reuse the same media and get a new and different solution. The long haired girls in the foreground serve as an ironic and innocent statement about what is in the background.