Geometric Landscapes

While I have painted with watercolour quite a bit, this was something new for me!
I cut strips from painters tape and used a Moleskine watercolour pocketbook. My first attempt had a lot paint bleeds! I tried to save it with ink, but it still looks SUPER messy. I think I should have gone for a less geometric style inking - I have a hard time being precise and naturally go for more messy styles, so I don't think my "straight" lines worked well here. I do love how the orange sky turned out though!
I tried again, doing a more random tape job and using similar colours. The tape wasn't perfect but it did hold better this time! I used a bit less water, which I think helped. I used only white ink and varied the patterns, leaving a few blank.
These were so fun to make! I definitely want to try again, maybe with a more organic ink style - like the leaves Ewa has in some of her pieces!
Great class and would definitely recommend it!