Doodle Net with Watercolour

Doodle Net with Watercolour - student project

Watercolour Background

I used a silver gel pen instead of gold since I prefer that with the cool blue paint. I tried a few different types of netting, and in two of these examples I experimented with blue and violet gel pens instead of the black fineliner. The paper is Eraldo di Paolo 100% Cotton Hot Pressed Watercolour Paper 300 gsm. It is not great for blending paint colours, but good for the pen lines.

Doodle Net with Watercolour - image 1 - student project


Stained Glass

Used Fabriano Mediovalis greeting cards, and a random net design. These watercolour paper greeting cards were fine for drawing lines with a Pigma Micron 08 fineliner, and excellent for the watercolour technique.

Doodle Net with Watercolour - image 2 - student project

Using Affinity Designer I digitally added dots at the net intersections to decide if I wanted to add them to the watercolour. (The lines look dark brown in these photos, but they are black.)

Doodle Net with Watercolour - image 3 - student project

I prefer it without the dots. What do you think?

I really liked this greeting card, so I painted a few more in different colour schemes.

Doodle Net with Watercolour - image 4 - student project


Doodle Net with Watercolour - image 5 - student project


Doodle Net with Watercolour - image 6 - student project

I painted this last greeting card after using Daniel Smith English Red Earth, Winsor & Newton Permanent Rose, and W&N Cobalt Blue for intuitive colour mixing in Yasmina Creates' class Intuitive Watercolour Painting. You can see my whole project for that class here: