Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - student project

This class really helped me work through my creative block! I feel like I have gotten back in touch with my flow again... It is so important to feel like you are playing when making art. I think I will keep happily playing all afternoon.



Started simple - no pressure just blobbing away. Had fun creating a colour gradient.

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 1 - student project


More mark making... the blobs are evolving! I accidentally loaded two paint colours on my brush (bottom magenta blobs). I loved that effect so much I kept going! I also blew the wet paint with a straw to make those long branchlike marks.

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 2 - student project

Final mark making experiment. Created marks with multiple pigments in the brush and used a little tool to blow the paint (its a camera sensor cleaner I think? hehe)

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 3 - student project

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 4 - student project



For this part of the project I decided to try chalk pastels and charcoal. I almost never use pastel, I never really took to it well. I had a smudgey messy time of it! It was fun to just scribble with no pressure. I ended up liking the colour contrast that emerged between warm (yellows/orange/red) and cool colours (black, blue).

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 5 - student project



This was a nice exercise in building confidence and gratitude for the skills you already possess. hopefully my writing is readable.


I push along, my weary legs heavy and disheartened.

I make my way up the steps, eager and lighter as I approach.

With a wrestle of the key, the door opens.

Sun streaming and silence welcoming.

My heart is ready to release its burdens.

Cool blues glow and a mist descends.

Textures emerge and branches grow.

A canopy of vivid leaves envelopes and heals me.

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 6 - student project

Creativity Block to Creativity BLAST :P - image 7 - student project


Thank you for reading! Do yourself a favor and try Isa's exercises, I feel peaceful and energized! 

Sending a moment of creativity and peace your way :)

Insta @laurentregenza