Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne

Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - student project

Whew! I thought I could do this class in a few hours.

Several hours later I'm finished!  Love, love, love it!

I understood it all and was repeating everything step by step.

For some reason, many actions/tools/moves didn't work for the first time (for example, "the Smooth tool" was not too smoothing, "the cut shapes" option was stubborn, "the Pen tool" was unruly).

Probably Ai was testing my patience. LOL

At the end of the day, I've won!

I have not downloaded your sketches, Anne, and was just eyeballing my figure outlines. Don't think they turned out too bad. There are still some things I need to fix. 

I loved the option Ctr3 for hiding shapes, so not to select them. Playing with Color Change was the most enjoyable thing to do - it was a cherry on top after a day of work. )))

It was a fun challenge.

I am sure with time I'd get better at Ai. 

Thank you so much, Anne.



Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - image 1 - student project

Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - image 2 - student project

Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - image 3 - student project

Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - image 4 - student project

Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - image 5 - student project

Coffee Set icons in Ai with Anne - image 6 - student project