City of Industry

City of Industry - student project

I've had my online shop open for almost 2 years now (yay!), slowly adding products every few months as I design and produce them. Here's how my shop looked when I started the class:

City of Industry - image 1 - student project

I like this theme (Picklejuice) because it's straightforward, easy to navigate, and has that cute little hover effect that you can see on the right. I like keeping the site colors really simple and minimal, which is why everything is basically white, black or grey. But as soon as I started looking critically at my site, all I could see was my inconsistent photos -- some more yellow, some darker... I couldn't deal. So I paused on the shop redesign and took all new photos:

City of Industry - image 2 - student project

This is the same theme, same colors and fonts, but with updated photos. They're not perfect, but at least they're more consistent. I still like this shop layout, but was interested in trying something where my "About" page and newsletter signup page were a little more visible:

City of Industry - image 3 - student project

I chose Sidecar because I like that it's still simple and clean, but the navigation is all on the left side. I also like the infinite scroll to view more products. I messed around with the grey background, though it seemed too dark. I matched the product hover color to the photo background (you can see it on the right), which I like. My logo looked pretty tiny, though (I think if I had a square logo, the left-column placement would be cooler), and it was maybe... a little boring?

City of Industry - image 4 - student project

Next I tried Good Vibes, which I'm really digging. There's only 1 font and 3 colors to choose, so it felt pretty fool-proof. Navigation is clearly visible up top, and this time I matched the hover color to the gold plating on many of my products. You can see it on the right. I also made some slideshow images using my new photos. It's my first time using a slideshow, and I think I like it.

No promises that I won't keep tweaking the colors a little bit.

See it for yourself: City of Industry