Brewery Craft

Craft Beer! A simple bubbly fermented beverage that connects people to their neighbors, family, and drunk strangers. Celebrating your community and origin is at the heart of Brewing Craft; a line of drink coasters and bottle openers that focus on celebrating the land and community depicted through rich materials like black leather and cherry oak.
My name is Bridget. I'm a design student by trade who fell in love with the craft brewing culture in College. While working as a graphic designer in college I applied to become an event coordinator at our local brewery. I ended up working for a brewery that celebrates community through countless genrous donations, provided yoga classes for employees and even built a rock climbing wall. You can see how I got hooked!
Now 2 years later I'm still working at a local brewery and loving it, but longing to use my design skills and challenge myself. My goal is to sell small batch brewing coasters and bottle openers to a few local breweries to add more craft brand value to their buisness.