Branches & Sweet Peas

Branches & Sweet Peas - student project

When I first saw this class offering I was immediately attracted to it, and I wasn't disappointed!  My process from start to finish was 10 days in all!!!  I switched gears a few times to suit my personal workflow.  I had some Sweet Pea vector art I'd created a couple weeks back.    Branches & Sweet Peas - image 1 - student project

I enjoyed the process of drawing freely on 2 pieces of paper creating the column repeat. 

I drew with pencil, then with a Medium Pitt brush marker, scanned, cleaned, vectored.... the whole works.   

Branches & Sweet Peas - image 2 - student project                                    

Branches & Sweet Peas - image 3 - student project

At this point, I realized the lines were way too thick, and I was very uncomfortable with the physical shape of the pattern. I love working with a 20" square.   I was also having a difficulty with what I thought was the laborious process of getting my paths to close at the edges of the pages.  I'm sure I did something wrong.... but anyway I took another path. Ha... get it?  

So, I started over, using a fine point pen and 4 letter-size pages and drew very similarly to the first attempt.  But the difference this time was, I knew I was going to scan the pages in and then lift the best shapes as a complete motif.  I chose 1 small, 1 med, and 2 large or complex shapes. Note to self... a couple more would have been better.

Branches & Sweet Peas - image 4 - student projectBranches & Sweet Peas - image 5 - student project
Happy with the larger format, and the ease of placing motifs... rotating, flipping.... etc I laid out my first layer and built from there. I needed more information to add to the sweet peas, and I had to deconstruct them and add "dots" a better way.  I know I could have expanded each of the flowers but that makes the files so huge.  

Branches & Sweet Peas - image 6 - student project 
 When I finally finished this pattern this afternoon, I was very happy with the new knowledge I'd gained from this class.  Thanks, Kristina Hultkrantz so much for all the good ideas you shared with us.  

Within a couple of minutes of the photo being on fb a friend asked about a second colorway.  She later called with an order!  

Branches & Sweet Peas - image 7 - student project

The faint line showing up in the orange is not really there.  I just don't feel like going back in and making the modification I need to do to get rid of it right now. 

I'm working on a collection titled; Flowers of a Northern Garden and this will fit nicely into that. 
