
Aviator - student project

Hi :)

I thought I might have a go at this assignment, and focus on the face of my character (well, and a litte bit more), who is a female aviator. I meant for her to look adventurous and young, and for her to be outdoors ( I figured an imprecise but suggestive background would set the mood, but the focus would still remain on the character). I struggled with painting metal (shine, in general) and fabric, but I tried my best here.

This was my process:

Visual references:

Aviator - image 1 - student project

Aviator - image 2 - student project


Aviator - image 3 - student project


Aviator - image 4 - student project


Aviator - image 5 - student project

Aviator - image 6 - student project

First painting:

Aviator - image 7 - student project

Final version, with corrections: Aviator - image 8 - student project

Aviator - image 9 - student project

That's it :)

Let me know what you guys think!