Abstract Nature

Abstract Nature - student project

Abstract Nature - image 1 - student projectAbstract Nature - image 2 - student projectAbstract Nature - image 3 - student projectThis is from a photo of a stream with leaves in the water. The only way I can get that pale blue is with an ink called Aqua blue, not sure there is any way with watercolour? I can’t help myself outlining with fineliner afterwards to cover up bad edges. Edges are a problem to me as it’s either a white gap or Slightly overlapping paint which doesn’t look good. I do enjoy using white gel pen/posca pen afterwards to add highlights.

This class has given me confidence to paint from hundreds of abstract nature photos I have Been taking for years!
I always thought I couldn’t do it but the class shows that it doesn’t have to be a perfect representation, and is more about the colours and shapes.