Pattern Ladies
I had so much fun with these, Alison. Once I started painting I could not stop.
I never paint people in my art and don't have any experience doing so. Maybe that's part of what made it so fun.
I used gouache and watercolor as Alison demonstrated, though I also used some craft acrylics and metallic paint marker.
Although I did have a bit of a plan in my head for each painting, sometimes things took their own directions and I ended up using colors I hadn't originally thought of.
Although this one's colors were a bit too close,
I like the way it's almost reminiscent of the "fadeaway girls" of Coles Phillips. Definitely something to play around with some more.
I stuck with very limited color palettes for the most part and created the patterns without much of a plan.
Which meant that most of my patterns were a little wonky. And I'm ok with that.
It was such fun to try something new and now I'm brimming with ideas on how I can take what I've learned with these ladies and keep going in my own way.
Thank you so much, Alison for the inspiration!!