Flourishing Florals

Flourishing Florals - student project

Very happy to hear that Erin had done another mini course, so armed with Tombow ink pen, I set to drawing along at the same time - pausing my keyboard to catch up. My first go at drawing flowers with ink. I found the process relaxing and I felt no fear! I'd try it again next time with a newer pen or a paintbrush and ink because my poor old Tombow was a bit scratchy at times - though this gave for some interesting extra lines. I used a rose from a bouquet that had snapped off so it looks tighter than the one on Erin's worksheet.

Flourishing Florals - image 1 - student project

Then I had a go at doing a sketch using a floral arrangement found on Pinterest as inspiration plus some of my own random bits to fill in.

Flourishing Florals - image 2 - student project

After that, I cleaned it up in Photoshop and added some paint daubs in Illustrator plus a bit of texture on top.

Flourishing Florals - image 3 - student project

I loved this mini project. I can see how I can use the process in my other work - can't wait to begin to incorporate it! I especially liked creating with speed and was pleased with the outcome. More observational drawing practise necessary to make great work :)