A Happy Home

A Happy Home - student project

I had fun doing this project. I took the quiz, and I'm happy to report that I scored more yes than no. I wasn't surprised by the results, though. Sadly, I grew up in an unsafe, uncomfortable home where I had little control over anything, so as an adult I've worked hard to cultivate a home for myself that is safe and comfortable and one that I can take pride in. I do rent, though, so I am unable to work on my current apartment as much as I would like to. Still, there are a lot of things that I do have control over. The built-in lighting isn't the best, so I still need to work on getting more dimmable lights. My comfort is what contributes most to my happiness at home, so I work hard at making my place the most comfortable that it can be. I attached a picture of my couch in my living room. I've made the area quite cozy and comfortable, perfect for relaxing. I don't have people over much, but that's mainly because I'm highly introverted and need a lot of alone time in a space that's just for me. I wouldn't say that my apartment is quite done yet, but I think that I have done a pretty good job over the years at making it a happy home for myself.