Happy Candles

Just getting started with this class, having painted two candle scenes so far. One a day. My first try seemed a little dull so I put a skinny Sharpie to it and I like the effect. I wasn't able to save white space around the flame. The more I tried to soften edges the more I used up the halo. I like the texture with dots.
Today's candles look more brilliant. I like the flames blasting away in the space above candles, a happy accident. It's so hard to know when to leave well enough alone. Feels like I started a fire. Near the end I used a small stiff flat brush to remove some pigment, looking for dripping wax effect. I like it. And I like how light I was able to get the tops of the candles. This is fun! I started drawing cupcakes, way more engaging than I thought it would be.