[Part 2] Shot Video - iPhone Story Video class series
P-Problem, Pain
Video making is too complicated and don't know where to start.
G - General Solution
My iPhone Story Video class that can provide to teach step-by-step to learn about filming and editing entirely.
I – Intro Product
My iPhone Story Video class series teach all you need about iPhone Story Video making.
H- How it Works (General)
You enroll on Part 1 class to craft your story step by step with me.
H- How it Works (Specific)
Finished the Part 1 class, Simply enrolled Part 2 and 3 to leaning about all the story video making nee. You can learn the classes via iPhone anywhere anytime
V- Value Proposition, Exclusive Benefit
After you create your iphone story video, you can share your social media to inspire the world
Call to Action
I can't wait to watch your iPhone Story Video in this class project soon.
See you inside of the class.