Confección de prendas: introducción al drapeo
Anya Ayoung Chee, Fashion Designer, Project Runway Winner, Mentor
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Lecciones en esta clase
Materials for Draping
Choosing a Fabric
Prepping the Muslin
Draping the Top (1/2)
Draping the Top (2/2)
Draping the Bottom
Draping the Back
Cutting the Pattern
Final Steps
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Acerca de esta clase
Esta clase enseña a aspirantes a diseñadores o modistos caseros la técnica básica del drapeo, una habilidad esencial para la confección de prendas que te permitirá comenzar a confeccionar tus propias prendas de inmediato.
Como ganadora de la temporada 9 de Project Runway, me hice conocida por mis vestidos fluidos y looks de calce fácil, todo eso lo creé con la técnica del drapeo que les enseñaré en esta clase.
Lo que aprenderás
Esta clase te mostrará todo el proceso de drapeo para que puedas comenzar a diseñar y confeccionar tus propias prendas. Vamos a ver lo siguiente:
- Preparación. Comprender las herramientas y los materiales que necesitas para comenzar a drapear una prenda.
- Telas. Cómo elegir las telas adecuadas para una prenda drapeada. Dónde encontrarlas y qué buscar.
- Drapeo. Cómo sujetar con alfileres y marcar un molde de muselina en tu maniquí para crear una forma inicial.
- Corte y ajustes. Cómo cortar un molde de muselina para una prenda.
- Look final. Por último, cómo trasladar el aspecto de la muselina a la tela para cortar y coser.
Lecciones en video
- Materiales para drapear [03:59]: Presentaré las herramientas que uso y su finalidad en el drapeo.
- Cómo elegir una tela [05:00]: Te contaré qué busco cuando elijo telas.
- Preparación de la muselina [07:47]: Antes de colocar la tela en el maniquí, comienzo por usar cinta adhesiva en el contorno.
- Cómo drapear la parte superior (1/2) [06:51]: te mostraré cómo moldear la tela alrededor de la forma natural del cuerpo.
- Cómo drapear la parte superior (2/2) [05:16]: te mostraré cómo moldear la tela alrededor de la forma natural del cuerpo
- Cómo drapear la parte inferior [06:28]: te mostraré cómo crear la parte inferior de un vestido.
- Cómo drapear la espalda [09:09]: aquí se trata cómo darle forma a la espalda de un vestido.
- Cómo cortar el molde [08:42]: por último, el molde se encuentra con el estampado. Los resultados son divertidos.
- Últimos pasos [04:34]: te mostraré cómo juntar todo.
Lo que harás
¡Sigue esta clase y drapea tu propio vestido! Comparte tu progreso con compañeros de clase de todo el mundo para que te dejen comentarios.
Meet Your Teacher
Anya Ayoung Chee is the winner of Project Runway Season 9 and one of the hottest young fashion designers to emerge from the Caribbean in recent years.
Hailing from Trinidad and Tobago, she launched her women's label, PILAR, in May 2009 and it has been making waves ever since. In June 2010, she launched a lingerie line named Anya de Rogue, the first of its kind in the Caribbean.
A graduate of Parsons School of Design and Central St Martins School of Art and Design, Anya worked as a designer in New York City until 2007, when she returned home after her eighteen-year old brother Pilar died tragically in a car accident. Soon after the move, Anya was selected to represent her country at the Miss Universe pageant. This experience propelled her into a life in front on the ca... See full profile
Proyecto de clase práctica
Construct a dress using draping techniques
Materials for Draping
- Gather materials for draping
Here's a list of materials I typically use for draping:
- Measuring tape
- Draping tape (adhesive and nonadhesive)
- Pins
- Muslin (or other light-weight fabric)
- Pin cushion
- Scissors
- Chalk
- Rulers (curved and straight)
- Dress form
Choosing a Fabric
- Choose a fabric
Choose the fabric you'd like to construct your garment with based on weight and flow. It's all about personal preference, the pattern that resonates with your taste.
At this point, you'll need to decide the amount of material you require to make your final project.
- Sketch your garment
Submit a drawing of the garment you want to create. Include details such as color and type of fabric. Bonus points if you include sketches from different viewpoints: front, back, and side.
- Prepare your dress form
Use adhesive tape to trace an outline of your design on to the dress form. This process is similar to drawing in 3D.
- Apply muslin to dress form
Start by pinning fabric to the shoulder seam. Since muslin is a fairly transparent fabric, you should be able to see the adhesive tape from behind it. Treat the tape as a stencil. Apply pins to shape the muslin into a body's natural form.
- Sketch stitch lines into the garment
Use chalk to sketch where you will be stitching the garment. Take your time with this process, the neater your stitch lines the easier it will be to sew.
Adjust the muslin fabric to fit your design, then submit a picture of your style lines to your project page.
Cut excess fabric away from your garment.
- Create a bottom on the dress form
Drape the skirt on the waistline of the dress form (create a waistline with adhesive tape if your dress form lacks one). Be sure to leave enough fabric to cut the side seam of the skirt.
Use chalk to mark the center, waistline, and side of the skirt.
Cut the skirt shape, leaving one inch of seam allowance.
Use chalk to align your top and bottom pieces.
- Add a back to the dress
Draw an outline on the back of the dress form with adhesive tape. Connect the shoulder and side seams to the ones you created in the front. Unlike the front panels, the back does not require darts.
Use chalk to mark the side seam and waist. If you pin them together you will be able to see where to stitch.
Repeat the same process for the bottom piece. Cut the skirt to a desired length by removing fabric from the bottom.
Cutting the Pattern
- Mark all of the lines you need for sewing
It’s helpful to leave identification marks on parts of the fabric. Cut small notches into the ends of the dart lines.
- Pin your pattern to your fabric
Flatten your pattern and fabric with an iron. Secure the pattern to the fabric with pushpins.
- Cut excess fabric from your pattern
Remove as much extra fabric away from the pattern as possible. It's helpful to use weights to keep the pattern in place as you cut. Repeat this process for the bottom.
Share a photo of your fabric cut outs.
Final Steps
- Reconstruct your garment
Attach your prints back to the dress form to see how the finished dress comes together. Take note of any changes you’d like to make in fabric choice, fit, seams, and cuts.
Submit a photo of your final form to your project page.
Bonus points if you sew the garment together into a wearable product.
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