Partnership with Canon and event photography

Partnership with Canon and event photography - student project

Hi everyone!

I started photography 3 months ago because I got asked to take pictures at an event for young diplomats even though I never took pictures before! The organizers lent me a Canon 7d with 50mm lens! The event was 5 days long and I took around 3000 photos! They loved the pictures and I'm now their official photographer and got hired for other gigs from there. So I'm looking to build my portfolio to get free gear from Canon for the next event and mainly to be able to practice on my own.

Here are some of the photos I think can show different aspects of the event and my skills as a photographer, what do you think?

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 1 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 2 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 3 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 4 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 5 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 6 - student project


Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 7 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 8 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 9 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 10 - student project



Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 11 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 12 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 13 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 14 - student project

Partnership with Canon and event photography - image 15 - student project

My issue is that I have almost 200 photos that would deserve to be in this portfolio and I can't choose! Do you think I should pick a certain type of picture? I will probably show this portfolio on my computer in a 1 to 1 meeting. I'm looking forward to your advice :)