Loose studies

Loose studies - student project

Hi All

I enjoyed this class. My linework can be fairly rigid at times, so I wanted to try out gesture drawing for a long time to explore a more loose, flowing and playful approach. Thank you Siobhan for the introduction, good tips and resources. The line-of-action website is really a great tool to keep practicing.

Below I posted some of my drawings following along with the class. I am open to any feedback, of course :) 


PROJECT 1. quick still life study of my trombone with music stand. I feel like I focus on the outlines too much in general. Five minutes felt like a looong time.

Loose studies - image 1 - student project

PROJECT 2. Monstera.

Loose studies - image 2 - student project

PROJECT 3. Our dog. Switched it up with a fineliner. In hindsight a pen might have been better. Shifts in value are not possible with the medium I used, so I focused on layering and redrawing to create thicker lines and more weight on the contours.

Loose studies - image 3 - student project

PROJECT 5. Tried charcoal for the first time. I feel like there is still lot of room to experiment with the width and strokes, to get a feel for the medium. But I am quite happy with the first results. „Exaggerating“ the forms definitely helped in the process.

Loose studies - image 4 - student project

Loose studies - image 5 - student project