It's all about confidence, baby
Alain Wolf broke down confidence and success into manageable components through prompts that made me evaluate my values, remind myself I deserve love, turn negatives into positives, and practice self-acceptance.
Write down 3 techniques you learnt in this course and explain how you will apply them to your life. Try to be as specific as possible.
- Reminding myself that I have value as a human being, and that I love myself. I wrote down a list of reasons I love and value myself, and seeing all the reasons on paper was more convincing for me than just saying “sure, I have value” out loud or in my head. I learned that taking a moment to really search for answers in my own head and then writing them down really helps slow down the negative thoughts, while providing proof that I have worth and deserve love. It’s easy to forget to love yourself in this hectic world.
- Figuring out my values, what I stand for, and using that to “brand” and guide myself in decisions and thoughts. I tend to forget what things I really love and enjoy doing or eating or watching, my favorite things, etc. I get nervous telling new people I meet about myself, my life, my interests; my mind goes empty, and I give some generic bland answer instead of the millions of interesting things about me and my life. Writing out the things I care about and my values reminded me of who I am and what I believe in built my confidence in being able to talk about myself and how my interests and achievements tie in with my values.
- Figuring out what I want to be more confident in and using negative emotions in a positive way. Sometimes I compare myself to others, which makes me feel less than and worse. Instead of feeling bad about myself and envious of other people, I will use this feeling as information; if I envy something another person has, that means I want it and can also work for it. If someone is a great public speaker and got a promotion for a compelling presentation, I will not just envy them; I can use evidence of a great speech leading to a promotion to practice my public speaking and learn how to make a beautiful presentation deck. Someone else’s success does not take away opportunity from me -- there is enough success for everyone.