1. Introduction to the course: Hi everyone. My name is Sarah. Welcome to my course called CO2, Russian verbs as motion. Part of this course is aimed at students who already know Russian as a basic level, but are not familiar with the topic of Russian versus promotion. Or even for those who are familiar with it, but want to refresh and reorganized what they know. My goal is to make you understand the logic and use of the verbs of motion. What we are discourse cover the conjugation and use of the main goals of motion. It has heat yet and yet it what the differences are between the verbs ET, and yet. What the differences are between uni and multi directional verbs. How to use these verbs in the present tense? And how to use these words in the past.
2. Introduction to the verbs of motion: In this first lesson, we'll look at the basic suffers locomotion. People who learn russian often say that the topic of verbs of motion is one of the hardest to understand and learn. And I will not lie. It is quite hard and can be difficult at the beginning. But you should give yourself some time and learn one step at a time so you don't get confused with all the information. That's why this course is just the first part of the whole topic of verbs of promotion. And in this course, we will only look at the prefix, friends of motion. These are the main things that you need to know about the verbs of motion. The first is that they belong to a special category of verbs used to describe the means of transportation or ways of movement. So basically they describe moving from one place to another. And they also specialized how the movement is done. The second is not all verbs expressing motion fall into this category. For example, the verb will yet also describes some kind of motion because its meaning is to walk, but it is not a verbal motion. Thirdly, they come in pairs. There are two verbs for each type of motion, uni-directional and multi-directional. And last but not least, you should always remember that on prefixed verbs of motion eruption are effective. When they get to prefix. This will change, but for now, you should just remember that on prefixed verbs of motion are effective. And now let's look at the most frequently used verbs of motion without prefixes. To go on foot, to go by the equal, some kind of transportation. For example, car, bus, train, Metro as a Sarah. Big a to run, little leakage, to fly, bleach, lavage, to swim to Sam. Misty, NAS seat, to carry on foot, to carry by vehicle, to lead, to accompany, to drive a car. In this course, we will only learn the use of the first two baths. And in subsequent courses, I plan to look at the other verbs of motion listed here.
3. The verb идти: In this lesson, we will look at the verb eats and its main use. The verb means to go on food. Let's look at the conjugation of this work. Yeah, you do. T. Corn, millet, me, dumb. The ego. Now let's see what do we use the word T4? The verbiage is a unit directional. The use it to express that someone is moving towards a specific defined direction. The question that we answer to leave and come home, which mean there, and to who? To answer to the question. Could that be? Use the preposition plus the accusative case to answer the question. Can we use the preposition, tap? The dative case? I'm not guilty. This means that she is going to score. This action is happening right now. And it is important that it is a movement towards a specific defined direction. In this case, to what? This cool. Another important aspect of the uni directional verbs. So as well is that it has the meaning of going. Now, once at this time. For example, elect, imagine someone asks you on your way to work. And your answer is yea door. You could also add to the question, but actually the verb contains this aspect, this meaning. So it is not necessary that reuse the verb for expressing that the vehicle is on the move. For example, whose job? It is important to remember this because you will see that if somebody travels via vehicle, the use a different verb for that. There are also some expressions in which we use the verb in a figurative sense. For example, the moist, just a joke, sneak doors. It's knowing or raining often in winter. Viremia, vista, time passes quickly. Such as the lesson is running now.
4. The verb ехать: In this lesson, we'll look at the verb and its main use. The verb means to go by some kind of transport. Let's look at the conjugation of this globe. Yeah, a2, t, one, D, and E. And now let's see what we expressed by the verb. Moving towards specific defined direction by a vehicle. This meaning is similar to the verb. The answer, the questions that come to the US, the prepositions or and the accusative case of the noun to answer the question. Could that they use the preposition cap plus the dative case of the noun to answer the question. Examples, getting Ghetto Nath who said. We can also leave out naming the type of recall the use. And we can say getting. This also conveys the meaning going by a o. This is basically the point of these works of motion interaction. Another aspect same as of each of the k heads is the expression of movement that takes place now, once at this time, for example, to friends on the metro and one of them asks the other, could have the ag chip. Oops, magazine. The friend who asked the other used the verb has, because she knows that they are on the Metro going somewhere. And the last important case when we use the verb have is when we are traveling to another city or country. In this case, automatically use the verb. Because nowadays we don't walk to another city or country. Rather we use some kind of transportation. For example, on you get from London.
5. идти vs. ехать: In this lesson, we will look at what the differences are in the years afterwards. And most of the verbs answered the question could that the main difference is that we use that work is gone and we use the RBA had to express that, go somewhere by. Here are two examples. Cuda, sense tiny, but in this case, we know that they are going off to the FARC. Cuda, MY ADM, New York. In this case, we know that they are going to New York via vehicle. It is important to remember that when we go to another city or country, they should automatically use the verb ba height, as it is not likely that somebody goes to another city or country on foot. Both verbs answered the question at cuda from there and at Kosovo. From answering the question at UGA is the preposition plus the genitive case. Answering the question at caval. They use the preposition at plus the genitive case. Examples and coyly. And now we could also use the RBA hat, but in that case, we know that the movement is by vehicle. If we want to emphasize, are specialized type of movement that we do, we can with the verb is, and it's multi-directional, pair height plus the word fish calm. We can answer the question. How means on food? For example, Yea, do magazine, fish gone. I am going to the shop on fruit with the verb VA hatch or its multi-directional pair, plus the preposition and the type of vehicle in propositional case, we can answer to the question, not by what? For example, yea a2 magazine, naff tollbooths. I I'm going to the shop buy boss. Yay Duke magazine. Not pointiest Did. I am going to the shop buy train. Yay Duke magazine. Nonetheless, the page, I am going to the shop, buy bicycle. Last but not least, you should know that when you speak about a cultural event, you should use the verb, no matter if you actually go buy a vehicle. For example, me angst yet medium, Kino, medium next core, sue, me off Musei, me John for Peru. Toby plastic sheet at domestic, past metrix diktat, CME staff Baghdadi. So it is important to emphasize that this is only valid if we go there to visit that place, to tend the cultural events. For example, to watch a movie and Oprah and exhibition and so on.
6. The verb ходить: In this lesson, we'll look at the main use of the verb. The verb has is a multi-directional worm and its meaning is to go on food. Let's look at the conjugation of this verb, Yangzhou on me or him, v. And now let's see what we use the verb Padgett for. Firstly, we use it to indicate moving in two directions, two boys and from a specific place. So multi-directional verbs always convey the meaning of going at least in two directions. Interaction to that. Yeah, Bruckner, nothing, man. Yeah. The translation of this, if I go to school, to the school and back, you could also add every day, but without it, it's like talking in general. Next important use of multi-directional verbs like eat, is that they use them to express regularity. So it worked like a beach NA, stick down, enact chess. For example. I go to work on food every day. Another aspect of the multi directional where Pat is that we can use it from moving in several directions without a specific goal or place. We can answer the question that with the preposition for plus the dative case often M. This means actually going in several directions on the surface of something. For example, park, CT, shop and so on. For example, luigi point yet, but we could translate this to people go about soil about in the park. Or basically people walk in the park. Also expresses the ability to walk. For example, Nabeel knock may attack the child can walk. This is also true for other works of motion like slice, swim around between them, not deal with them in this course, only in subsequent courses. Use multi-directional works, such as after certain verbs, such as and salon. For example. Yellow, blue, police, ooh, I love walking in the woods. Added each Kino. I'd like going to cinema. The Osa USDA were pad with adverbs to indicate generality. Answering the question. How, for example, the step revoke fest.
7. The verb ездить: In this lesson, we will look at the main use of the verb. The verb BACs is a multi-directional verb and its meaning is to go by some kind of transport. Let's look at the conjugation of this web. Yangzhou DES dish on me. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes. We use the verb BSTs. We want to express emotion in two directions, by a vehicle to voice and from a specific place to that, for example. But they didn't have the machine yet. The father goes to work by car. This conveys the meaning, that's one going back home. He also goes by car. The verbiage, just like other verbs of motion, is used to express regularity. That words like up in Shasta County again, it had diarrhea. For example. Chester, yes, yet mosaic. Students often go to museum. The verbiage expresses moving in several directions by vehicle without a specific goal or place on the surface of something. For example, our city, shop and Ceylon give Bush KAIST novelistic. They get the girl rides a bike around the city. The use the verb yesterday with adverbs to indicate generality answering the question. How, for example, meet? Yet in this trap, we drive fast.
8. Present tense use: In this lesson, we will look at the present tense use of the verbs of motion that we have already learned. The firstname differences that the work that t and express moving to what one direction. For example, cut J dot bug. Katie's going to the park. While the work's had expressed moving in several directions, either towards and from a specific place or randomly going around on the surface of someplace. For example, Katya, pappa. Kate walks around in the park. The second difference is in the irregularities on action. The verb, the NDA has expressed going onetime now or later. For example, regions Biblia Chaco CBO idea. We are going to the library today. The work package and DFTs expressed that an action is regular, happens several times. For example, hushed HE Mahajan. Every Thursday we go to the library. The third main difference is that when we talk specifically about connection, we use unidirectional verbs such as yet. For example, yeah, a2, through quite quartets. I am going to the other city by bike. We could also add this trap because in this case, the adverb only specifies this specific action. When we talk in general about an action, then we use the multi-directional verbs, such as, for example, yea issue. Nevertheless, the PDB step, in this case, the adverb specifies the general action. I go by bike fest.
9. Past tense use: In this lesson, we will look at the pesticide use after verbs of motion that we have already. The first, let's look at the past tense form of the words. Hygiene. Hygiene. Ideally. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Delete both types of firms. Union multi-directional can express something happened once. But when we use unit directional birds, the answer is on the process of an action. While, when we use multi-directional works, the emphasis is on the fact that something happens. Let us see the examples. Yes, show us Kino media honeybees. In these sentences, we answer the question, caulk, how takin D1 transport them? By what kind of transportation? Peck daga. How long? So here we talk about the process and the specify how that process went. Yeah. Def Kino me. Yes, you leave these sentences. We say when we talk about the fact that these actions happens, we could replace these sentences with yeah, builds Keno. Here only the effect is important. We don't need to specialize anything. Of course we can if we wanted. So we can say, yeah. I went to the cinema yesterday. Me, yes, you need tf embody the event to Kiev even January. They can't say shut up. But this sentence would make no sense. It would basically mean Yesterday, I was going to the park. We need to add something and additional action that happened along the way to depart. For example, Shira cochlea show off. But yes, UGA yesterday when I was going to the park and that's my friend. This happened on my way to the park. We can say instead of the first sentence that the sentence expresses the fact that yesterday I went to the park. If we say Craig, day ahead, yes. Yes. Uga. This means that the action that I met my friend could take place on my way to the park, the park or on my way from the farm. So this sentence is again more general, while the other specifies the exact time when the two actions were parallel. In other words, when we specify how the action went, hotel another action that happens simultaneously. The US uni directional groups, for example, acoustic guitar. I was going by bus and was reading a book. When we talk in general about an action without specifying anything, we use multi-directional verbs. For example, yeah, yes, sheila, nafta, acoustic, I went by bus. The same rules apply in past as in present tense. So we can differentiate between going to one direction and telling how long it took to get there. Using unidirectional works. For example, Michelin is actually CTF, but cinco, let's add event from the dormitory to the chef Chienco Park in 20 minutes. Or we can tell how long a movement that went in several directions using multi-directional verbs. For example, Park2, Lisa. We walked around in the park for two hours. We could also say that both types of verbs can indicate regularity. However, if we use any directional works, we know that only one direction also an action was regular. For example, no good as Joan Shaw know, them whitefish, calm. And lots of times Joan went from the cinema home on food. In this case, only the way to home on food was regular. We don't know how to lay to the CMA events regularly. If we use multi-directional works, then we know that the action we talked about was e2 directions to and from, for example, not working yet. John Chester had yet Kino at home, don't often went to the cinema. In this case, we talk about both ways of the action. So the way to the cinema and back.