Zentangle® Inspired Art in Procreate | Tracy Anne Wilkinson | Skillshare

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Zentangle® Inspired Art in Procreate

teacher avatar Tracy Anne Wilkinson, Artist/Designer/Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Getting started


    • 3.

      Border and string


    • 4.



    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.

      Final words


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About This Class

This class is for anyone wanting to learn about the Zentangle® Method using Procreate as a medium.

It walks you through this meditative type of art with no prior skills necessary. You will learn 8 easy patterns or ‘tangles’. This class also teaches the basics of using the Procreate App.  No prior knowledge is required.

The pattern drawing skills you learn in this class can also be applied on paper. This method of drawing patterns is easy to learn, relaxing and a great way to practice mindfulness.

For anyone loving digital art, this class will show you some basic skills to get started in creating some beautiful, non representational images. For this class you will need an iPad loaded with the procreate app. An apple pencil is ideal but not necessary

In the lesson you will learn how to set up a  canvas in Procreate and how to draw a border and string.

Detailed instructions of 8 different patterns or ‘tangles’ are given and the student is encouraged to practice and share these as a mini project in preparation to the final project.

I demonstrate how you start a Zentangle project by first creating a border and string as a guide to where the patterns will be drawn. I then show how the patterns can be layered and shaded to create a beautiful piece of art. The steps in this process will simulate the steps used with the traditional materials of paper tile, pen, pencil and blending stump.

The final project is for the students to produce their own Zentangle Inspired piece of art using some or all of the patterns they practiced during the tutorial.

This class is the first of a series of lessons learning about Zentangle Inspired Art on the iPad. Each lesson will introduce more features in Procreate as well as introducing new and increasingly more challenging Zentangle patterns.

Meet Your Teacher

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Tracy Anne Wilkinson




Hi, my name is Tracy Anne Wilkinson


I love all types of art and craft but I’m most passionate about Silk Painting, Glass Engraving, Zentangle®and creating art on my iPad.

My background is in Teaching and I taught for 30+ years in Australian Primary Schools. Since retiring from teaching children I have more time to spend on my passions. Teaching is in my blood so I can’t help but want to share my skills. I became a CTZ (Certified Zentangle Teacher) in 2018 and have a YouTube channel where I regularly post video tutorials, primarily about creating Zentangle Inspired art. my YouTube channel is Tracy Anne Wilkinson.

You can also find and follow me here:

My Website


InstagramSee full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction : Hello, My name's Tracy and Wilkinson. I'm a certified Zen tangle teacher and a digital artist. So for this lesson, I'm putting the two together and showing you how to tangle on the op ed. If you're new to disentangle, you're probably wondering what it's all about. This method was founded by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas on their describe it as being an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured Petain's. Traditionally it's practiced on a White square piece of 3.5 inch paper known as a tile, using a pin, a pencil and a tortilla on to play in the shading. Even though today will be using an iPad and the procreate up, I'm still going to stick to tangling the traditional way. It doesn't matter if you have no experience in drawing on an iPad. I walk you through the process at a beginner level. In this lesson, you'll learn why, in the beginning we create a border and a string all to chew eight Easy's entangled patterns. And then, for the major project, you'll be able to put all or some of thes Petain's into your own Zen tangle inspired piece of art 2. Getting started : If you'd like to participate in this, listen, you'll need an iPad, and if you're using an apple pencil, it needs to be compatible with the iPad that you're using. You'll also need to download the procreate up. You can still use this app on any iPad without the apple pencil just using your finger or any kind of stylists. However, it's much easier with an apple pencil click on the procreate term. Which brings us into Art Gallery to create a canvas. We click on that little plus sign up there and this. See the folder with the little plus on it. We open that now because a Zen tangle tile is 3.5 inches. I'm going to click on inches and put 3.5 with and 3.5 height. Dp I You could leave it like that. But if you ever want to print anything out, use 300. It's telling me I have a maximum of 250 layers. Yours might be different. It just depends. What kind of ipad you using? Click done, and it takes us into our canvas. If I go back and click on that gallery, it takes us back into the gallery. We can name our project. So if I click on that and I'm going to call it Zen Tangle so we'll go back into our canvas without finger and thumb. We can pinch that could make it bigger and smaller. Turn it around just like you would as entangled tile. If I go up and click on that brush tool, I'm gonna choose thinking and technical Pin the coffin and this is what it looks like. If I go to this slider, I can make it bigger or smaller. So if I put it up, you can see that little circle, huh? Gets bigger or smaller, tested out, have little try on the other slider is Thea opacity. So if I make it bigger, you can see that now it's more opaque. You may recognize this little undo button so we can undo anything we've done, or we can use two fingers. Three fingers brings it back Redux. Two fingers takes in a wagon. If we go up to l layers, button on the layer were using weak. If we press on it, we can see clear, and that also takes away what we've written on the page. Something else I do that you might find handy if you go to the range tool up to preferences . The top. I'm going to click on gesture Controls, and here at the top, you can see disable touch actions. Now switch that off just to show you what this means. So if I'm drawing with my pen and I accidentally touch the screen with my finger, I can make some marks which we don't really want, especially one shoot getting into a project. So I go back. Keen Ridge Tool preferences, Gesture controls and switch that little switch on to disable touch actions. If you're using a finger, then leave that button off if we want to undo or redo quickly. If I use three fingers and hold them down, all the marks come back on the page two fingers and hold them down. They all disappear 3. Border and string: The first step in the scent angle method is gratitude and appreciation. It's time to just take a breath and appreciate that we have the opportunity to create a beautiful piece of art. The next three steps are all about overcoming the fear of a blank page, so we'll start with the corn adults in the campus we just created. If we go to the top writing corner, click on the squares that will give us the layers we press on Layer one. It'll give us a menu at the top of the menu. It's his rename, so we're going to rename this layer border. Next we'll click on the brush tool, and within this I'm going to choose Skitch Inc and six B pencil. Just test out the size of the pencil and draw dot in each of the corners off the tile to draw the border. We're just going to connect those dots. The border doesn't have to be straight lines. You can make them weekly. It really is up to you because Thea apple pencil is precious sensitive. You'll notice that if you press heavily, you get a thick line. The lie to you press the light of the line ease within the border. We're going to draw a line lightly with the pencil or a Siris of lines. The purpose of drawing these lines or strings is to divide the page up into sections. Within these sections is where we'll draw our tangles or Petain's on a traditional tile. We use pencil so that it sits in the background and it can't be seen when we finished our drawing off course in procreate, weaken, just hide the layer. As you can see by the examples on the screen. It doesn't matter with your line is straight, curvy. These are just methods of separating sections on the page in order to place our tangles. 4. Tangles: step five of those entangle method is tangle. Tangle can be used as a verb or renown weaken tangle on a page. We can create a tangle. It's what we call the Petain's. We've already set up their border, so we're going to create a new layer and call this one Bonzo Bu in is ido. To draw this patent, all head back up to the brush tool, select inking and technical pin test out you pin saws. I'm starting this pattern rod in the corner. Create a crescent shape, and each time you add another shape echoed the line below it. Each time, I'll get slightly bigger notice. I'm dragging the paint from that corner circle to fill the shape. As long as you have a close shape, it's a lot quicker than actually color and 18. They resemble a little bit of shells on the beach. Now I can change direction and even go smaller. And when I get to the end of one pattern, I can find another little corner and start a new one. Just little crescent shapes. Now see what happened there are dragged the tooling and I didn't have a close shape, so it it completely filled the whole canvas. Keep adding those little shapes changing direction, changing size until I filled up the page of unchecked the box next to one so and created a new layer called mocha m double. Okay, I've chosen the same brush tool, and this is how we draw Muka. If you're drawing this tangle on a traditional tall with a pin, it's stunning one continuous line. But if you do that in procreate, sometimes it thinks you're holding the line steel, and it changes it to a different shape, and it it gets quite awkward. So I stop when I get to the bottom, pick up my pencil and continue on. Then, if I do make a mistake, I've only got to undo one line. Another variation of mocha is by putting a rounded shape on the end. I quite like this one, and you can go back and draws if one sitting behind the others. Close that layer at another layer, and this one will call Shattuck S H a double T U C K. I'm going to start this tangled by drawing three diagonal parallel lines from the corner. Draw some curd lines, each one echoing the other, Turn the tile and go in the opposite direction. Keep turning the tile and doing the same thing all the way along. I'm going to add another line down the center, then sue me in and clean up any places where I've gone over the line to do the petting in the opposite direction. We want to create a mirror image doesn't have to be perfect. You can see have the Patton mirrors Thea other side. Now close that layer and the next layer. We will call flux and poke route for the flux tangle again, keeping the same brush tool. Start from the corner and make a leaf shape. I made three leaf shapes and put a line in a dot within each one to create the poke route draught like a stalk on upside down, smile and then create a circle around it. If I hold my pencil down, you can see that some a menu comes up the top and I get these little blue lines. I can create a perfect circle doing this, but I'm not gonna worry about the next one. I'm keeping it fairly organic, as if I was drawing on paper. So again, the upside down smile and the circle clean up. Any lines close that layer are next. To tangles out fescue and tipple, Fisk use fairly easy to draw. It's just like curly grass. You can have them sloping and crossing each other. I've just got that little curl on the end. Tipple is a Siri's off little orbs or circles, and they're good fulfilling in areas. Close that layer and a new layer. And this is our last tangle, called Holly Bell, named after the person who created it. This tangle has sets of parallel lines, so it looks like a plank going from one side to the other. If we turn our tile and start a new shape a soon as it makes the other one, we draw it us. If it's sitting behind now, we can turn our tile in all kinds of directions and keep doing these sets of parallel lines . Now I hold my pencil down there so you can see I've got that menu at the top saying Edit. I'll get those blue dots and I can move that around, and it creates a completely straight line for the rest of the lines again. I'm going organic and drawing them myself. And I don't have to be perfectly straight. Gives more of a hand drawn effect. Keep going until you have that whole area fairly fielding, consume in and fix up any areas where you need to end a little bit of a line or a raise Overlapping lines. I've made my pen slightly thicker, and now I'm just doing a border. This time I am using that that tool that allows me to make completely straight lines. The reason I've put this border is because I'm gonna go within each of these shapes and droll Iran. So I know that I haven't got any gaps and feel these areas with the paint tool. So it's important to fix up any gaps so that once I'd do drop that paint in there, it won't feel the whole tile. So now we've drawn all the patterns we can go back in and add some shading 5. Shading : Step six of the scent angle method is to shade When doing any shading, it's really important to create a new layer. We don't want to miss up our original drawing for bun, so I'm going to select the color white in the brush tool. I'm going to select sketching and soft pest ill. Make sure that I have the brush size the way I want it. Then just draw a stripe along each of those shapes. Click on the smudge tool, select painting and round brush. Now I can just gently blend those stripes to make them softer. Justus If I was using a tortilla on on a paper tile for mocha, I can use the same brush, tool sketching and soft pest All but I've changed the color to black. You can see I've added a little soft bit of shading on the shapes in the smudge tool. I'm going to use the same tool as before and currently soften the shadows. I've added a new layer above my shattuck layer, and I'm using the same sketching pesto brush to outline the edges of those curves. Now back into the smudge tool on off selected the painting round brush again to gently soften where I've put those shadows. I can use my eraser tool now to just clean up the ages. If I find that I have a harsh line, I can always soften it up again with this much tool, because I have my shading on a separate layer to my drawing. I've noticed I've got some little bit someone to fix up so I can go back to that drawing lion and erase some of the extra marks on mate. I'll use a similar process to do the shading on flux and pro crude. I can clean up any areas that spill over with my razor. I'm only going to add a little bit of shading along the bottom of the tipple for this one. And for the holla baba, I'm adding shadows where the lines cross so it looks like one layer is casting a shadow onto the one below it. Because this is non representational. I don't have to worry too much about having a light source. If I think much shadows are looking a little bit dark, I can always go back to the Lioce section and press on the little in button When that opens up, I can see a slider there for the opacity on Dykan. Turn the opacity down to make that shadow a little bit lighter. Another thing I conduce to make adjustments is go up to that magic wand in the top left hand corner and click on Gore sh in blue. If I slide my pin across the page, our country's how blurry that shadow gets. So now we've shaded at eight patents on we're ready for the project. 6. Project: Now it's time to put what we've learned together on create our project for my project demonstration. I've chosen to do a circle for my string, keep my pencil on the page until the edit button came up so that I can adjust my circle and put it exactly where I wanted to go. I'm going to speed this up now so that you can watch my process of how I put my own project together. - Yeah , yeah, - Now that the project's finished, I'll go over to the renge tool click on share on I'm going to save. This is a J pig. So it's exporting, and now it's asking me where I want to save it. So I'm just gonna press, save image, and that will save into my camera roll. 7. Final words : I'll just recap what we've learned so that you are more clearing what your projects all about. So we learned about this entangle method, how we first create a border and a string. So choose any string you like. For this project, we learned eight new tangles for this project. You can use all of the's tangles or just some of them. We learned some shading methods. Make sure that you use a separate layer every time you add shady that where you don't mess up what's underneath and finally share your project. I'd love to see what you come up with. Thank you for watching.